Edsel can has Otters?

Story by CrazyEffinOtter on SoFurry

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This story is a gift for Edsel from Tapestries muck :) details? M/M/M/M/M (I didn't keep track of how many M's are in there!) gang-rape, non-morphic, excessive spooge, otters/coy dog (coyote/shep mix, non anthro)

Dried leaves, grass, and the scent of dozens of little forest creatures. Even a few larger predators were detectable, although their scents were faint in Edsel's nostrils. Still, he made note of them as a precaution. It'd been two days since the ship had left, and the coy dog found himself stranded on the island, separated from his former master, the captain. Still, he sat in his usual perch, returning daily to the top of the cliff overlooking that vast blue sea that spanned the many miles between the remote location and his home, hoping to see the familiar vessel on the distant horizon.

Fortunately the weather in this region of the world was kind, a warm sea breeze wafted over the tropical locale, and the forests were abundant with all manner of small prey to pick off without much trouble. He'd found himself subsisting on a variety of small rodents and even the occasional rabbit when fortune would have it, and even still he longed for the affectionate words of his master, or a stroke of a large paw across his neck and nape once again. Still, it seemed all too far away now, and with a disheartened whimper, he picked himself up and made for the woods once again.

The grassy hilltop had afforded him a good resting place, harboring only one tree that provided relief from the burning sun, but rarely would any food find its way to such a place. No, now he was stuck to risk the dangers of the jungle again, but years hunting with the master had kept his wits sharper than the usual hound, and he didn't expect to have much trouble of it. A normal canine might have had a bit more trouble in his position, but Edsel's heritage was of a decidedly wilder nature.

The coy dog stood a good hand taller than most German shepherds, and had a bit more bulk to him. The coloration however, was decidedly identical to his canine mother's, black along the back and the top of his tail with a creamy underbelly, and a light tan around the eyes and the top of his muzzle. Years of a lean diet and frequent exercise had kept him in great shape, and he could likely live out the rest of his days in this manner, albeit far too lonely for his liking.

He decided to try out another path he'd skipped the day before, padding along the forest following the coastline, that slightly damp, black button nose of his dipping into the grasses to catch the scent for what he hoped would be breakfast this morning. No such luck yet. The treetops rustled in the wind, although it was barely audible over the constant cacophony of the jungle. Edsel had become accustomed to human cities, and the quiet of the evenings. In the wild places of the world, the forests were alive with the sounds of primates, a few dozen varieties of tropical birds, and other wildlife at all times of the day and night.

The coy dog's ears shot up, sounds up ahead, different from the usual jungle rabble. Through the haze of the morning mist and the tall green grasses, and the red-tipped ferns that served to hide his present position, he saw what looked like a town of some sort. It wasn't the kind had grown accustomed to, none of the tall buildings and bustle of the more developed regions of the world; no this was the very sort that drew his master to this place. This was a town of savages, attractive, primitive creatures highly valued by those in the civilized world as companions, and slaves.

Dangerous though it may have been, Edsel decided to sneak closer for a look, skirting the village perimeter quietly, that oversized, bushy tail of his drooping low to keep hidden under the cover of the brush. It was a small village, maybe two dozen of the usual, round-domed huts these people built, organized in a circle around a meeting area, often times with a large fire pit at its center. The residents seemed to have been left out of his master's recent trip, a few dozen of its residents going about their daily business of tending to the gardens around their homes, or playing beside the beach, even surfing or diving for shellfish in the early morning.

They were smaller than his master to be sure, who had easily topped six feet in height, lupine in nature, although unlike himself, the master stood on two legs just as these creatures did. These however, were only about five feet in height, the tallest topping five and a half at most, and their appearance would suggest they were distant descendants from wild otters. Most of them were shapely, slender or with a slightly chubby midsection. Coloration was almost uniformly brown or tan, with white or cream underbellies, and markings of every color decorating their chests, stomachs, shoulders, thighs and faces in tribal designs.

Many of them wore very limited attire, loincloths or thongs, light shirts or none at all. Jewelry seemed to hold a particular fondness among the otters, although not the same sort as his master's people. Often times jewels were rounded, and simple rather than cut into multi-facetted sparkling gems, although necklaces and bracelets were abundant, as were piercings ranging from the common to the esoteric, with thick rings around some tails, sometimes studded and other times not.

Curiosity got the better of the coy dog, or perhaps just the smell of roasting meat and the prospect of thieving an easy meal. They didn't seem to notice when he drew closer, doing his best to keep hidden while he watched. The sight of a roasting boar being hoisted from its place atop the fire caught his attention for the moment, that long, broad tongue licking over his chops, a longing for a chunk of the thing turning into a desire one might say bordered on perversion.

The sight of easier prey caught his attention first though, quite easy at that. In fact, it seemed freshly killed. A rodent of some kind, larger than the usual, lie dangling from a rope strangely enough, not ten yards away just above the ground. Conspicuous perhaps, but then again, Edsel had never been known for possessing keen skills of deduction. He strutted eagerly toward it, nose lifting up out of the brush and, upon closing the distance, he snapped at it happily, closing those pearly white teeth around the bulk of its torso and pulling.

The mistake was only evident when the coy dog felt the ground fly away from his paws, replaced instead by the rough grip of a rope net that hoisted him a good ten feet in the air and tangled his limbs into a mess of disorganized doggy disarray. Naturally, he didn't let go of his prize, instead opting to kick and squirm those tangled legs with a whimper of dismay, tail pinned roughly against his back by his newfound entrapments. The struggling and squirming lasted for a good five minutes before he resigned himself to his fate, whatever that may be, and instead, proceeded to enjoy his snack...

It was only about fifteen minutes later that he felt the net lift up in the air briefly, and start to lower toward the ground. His vantage point afforded him a view only of the streaming light permeating the leafy green canopy above, head stuck in its skyward-pointing position by one of the net-loops wrapped neatly around his neck. He did hear the sound of voices beneath him, but had no guess as to what they were saying, even his master had scant few commands he understood, and often-repeated words of praise he knew to be kind by their tone, even if their meaning was lost upon him.

When Edsel felt the ground upon his back again his struggle renewed, the coy dog's legs kicking and squirming to find the dirt once again, though he would find it fruitless even when they did. Attempts to run simply further constricted the net or tangled him more hopelessly, causing the hound to trip. When finally, moving became almost impossible, he took a moment to look at his surroundings. Several of the otters were around him now, a pair of them with amused smiles on their short-muzzled faces, one chuckling at his pligh


Frustrated with the situation, Edsel let out a growl, the lips of his muzzle turning up to bare his teeth in a mean-spirited little scowl, the coy dog's tail squirming in the net and trying to thrash aggressively. Bit of a mistake perhaps, the reaction by those otter boys was to change their expressions to rather un-amused smirks, one of the larger males throwing the rope that bound the net together over one shoulder and hoisting the coy dog up once again, this time over his shoulder.

He felt the strong boy's back against his side as he was carried toward that cluster of huts, the base of otter's thick, rudder-like tail supporting his back a little. Edsel tried to turn his muzzle enough to nip at the hunter, but he found he could move it only an inch or two at this point, and worsening the situation, one of those ropes he pressed his eyelid closed, so the coy dog was left watching the passing jungle with only one open eye.

He was set down again in the center of the village, a gathering of at least ten of the young hunters surrounding him now. The coy dog found himself growing nervous for the first time, obviously outnumbered by these strange, nubile creatures now, and completely unsure of their intent, would he share the fate of that succulent, roasting boar he had so desired earlier?

The ropes on the net began to loosen as one of the hunters worked upon the net; Edsel's struggling resuming with new vigor once more, legs struggling to find purchase on the dirt beside the fire pit. He was rewarded with a firm swat on the muzzle and responded in kind, growling at the male who batted at him with such impunity, the indignity of it!

The ropes were only loosened to such an extent that a pair of those thick, webbed paws could reach inside however, passing by his securely bound paws to reach past his black and tan throat. The coy dog felt something click, and a new weight found itself around his throat, a feeling that was all too familiar to Edsel. The collar was heavy, wide and durable, with a thick metal ring at the underside. A rope lead from the fastening and he watched as the same otter fastened it to a thick wooden pole buried into the ground nearby.

The ropes then continued to loosen as the other hunters backed away from him, and Edsel found himself nearly freed in moments, though he remained still for the moment, having learned his lesson from previously entangling himself in his efforts to escape. Finally, the young male pulled the wretched thing off of him, and the coy dog was free again.

Edsel was quick to his feet, the canine uttering a loud whimper and tugging in a frustrated manner on collar binding him to that thick wooden post. Each time however, he found it gave not an inch under his tugging, firmly planted in its place. He resigned himself instead to angrily chewing at the rope, ignoring for the moment the gathering of otters that stood around him, watching his struggles with the occasional giggle or comment in that strange, but rather upbeat sounding language.

The rope was firm, and would take some good amount of gnawing to get through it seemed, those sharp, white canines slowly working at the braided strands. Edsel's efforts however, were distracted when the otter who had untied him earlier approached, the coy dog immediately dropping the rope from his muzzle and backing away, reacting with a loud, angrily growl at the hunter, whose amusement seemed to taunt him further.

Edsel would show him alright, the coy dog's resolve finally finding the courage to lunge and snap at the bigger male. The otter was apparently practiced at dealing with feral canines however, and while the coy dog's bite did catch the male's paw, he found he couldn't close it! Those fat, webbed fingers had wrapped around the lower part of his muzzle, and held fast to it, keeping his jaw held open wide. Edsel's eyes went wide, and the coy dog gagged with a mouthful of the otter's hand, tongue pinned against the lower part of his mouth by that thick, furry grip. He backed up, trying to get away, head shaking a little before he felt a second pair of paws holding his backside firmly in place.

The otter holding his mouth promptly replaced the paw with another device to keep his muzzle firmly open, a ring of some kind with a clasp that was firmly fastened behind his head. Edsel at least, stopped gagging as his tongue was somewhat freed up, but he bit at the ring and growled, cutely pawing at the straps with one hand, his legs squirming to get his hips away from that strong grip that held them fast.

The rest of the boys began to close in now, and the coy dog let out a loud whimper, his ears flattening with worry as he was quickly surrounded, the view of the vast, green jungle, and even the sparkling blue sea disappeared into the almost claustrophobic sight of brown and tan fur, ten or so of the hunters crouching or kneeling in a circle around him.

The male who had subdued him was still at his forefront, perhaps five feet tall, and one of the younger among the group. Of all the otters, he certainly had one of the most unique traits to catch Edsel's attention, black hair. His fur was tan of course, with a light, cream colored belly typical for the rest of them, but the fur atop his head was far longer than the others, short black spikes in the front, and a long, black French braid down to the center of his back. His markings were black as well, those tribal designs decorating one eye, and both shoulders and thighs.

Lowering his head to the ground, eyes closing, Edsel prepared for the pain he was sure would come in only moments, that fluffy tail lowering between his legs as another whimper came from that cute tanned muzzle of his. It came as a surprise however, when the lead otter's paws cupped his face beneath his ears and stroked carefully over his ears, gently rubbing and caressing his face. The coy dog's ears perked up in surprise at the sudden kindness, remembrances of evenings sitting beside his master before the fire coming to mind.

His eyes opened again, and coy dog looked up with a confused expression at the bigger male, whom looked down upon him with an affectionate smile at first. This expression however, was quickly replaced by a bit of a disconcerting grin, which unsettled Edsel. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw several of the males reaching down to unfasten those few garments they did wear, loincloths and thongs slipping away from their midsections, replaced by a view of those dangling, and surprisingly fat endowments. They varied in some ways, several of these boys with no sheaths at all, simply thick, dangling lengths detached from their bodies, and several with sheaths similar to his own.

The coy dog's ears flattened again, confusion setting in as the otters stripped, the lead boy finally releasing his own loincloth the pool between those thick thighs. This one had a sheath it seemed, and for some reason, he already seemed a bit excited despite the apparent lack of females in the area, again, further perplexing Edsel as he got an eyeful of the Otter's swelling, pink shaft.

The realization didn't so much dawn on Edsel, rather, it was roughly stuffed into his muzzle as that lead otter angled his shaft down, a rough grip on the nape of the coy dogs nape keeping his head still as his tongue felt the slick shaft stuff through the ring holding his muzzle open. The canine's muzzle jerked back a bit, the dog letting out a loud whine when the fat, mushroom tip of the otter boy's shaft pressed against the back of his throat, wetly splattering a spurt of that slippery pre against the roof of his mouth.

More worryingly, the coy dog that grip on his hips tightening, another of those lanky boy's lifting up that fluffy fail of his, the warm caress of his own fur against the sensitive, pink pucker beneath it replaced promptly by the hot feel of something wet and stiff. The frightened hound tried to back his muzzle up and wriggle his hips away from the gripping paws of the hunters... they didn't... no they couldn't be...

Did they intend to use him like a female?!

That thick cock tip pressing up beneath his tail, became more insistent, finally starting to spread his pucker open with a loud yelp from Edsel, the slippery tip of the otter boy's shaft popping wetly into his backside. The canine's eyes clenched shut, ears flattened against his head as that burning pain beneath his tail grew worse, his pucker clenching down hard, although that resistance afforded him no gain, as inch after inch of that swollen otter dick continued to sink into the cleft of his rear. Edsel whined in pain, albeit each sound was muffled as his muzzle was forced full by the fatly swollen cock burying itself in his lips.

He felt paws sliding through his fur, dozens of them running their webbed fingers through his thick coat, stroking over his belly, back and hips, fingers kneading at those muscles tense from days of hunting and running through the dense jungles. His body relaxed somewhat at all the attentions, those the loosening of his tailhole gave the otter behind him just the opportunity to hilt that fat cock right up his rear, the coy dog letting out a pained whimper, eyes opening wide as a pair of fat, dangling balls pressed into his own, a tail of slick, gushing pre oozing down over his sac and matting the fur on the baseball sized pair hanging heavily against his butt-cheeks.

If the humiliation of being treated like a female wasn't enough, and that horrible stretching under his tail, his muzzle was soon pressed down into the smooth fur on the lead otter's groin, the tip of the otter's dick wedging firmly into his throat and choking Edsel once again, his neck bulging a little when the thick tip forced into him, eliciting an excited moan from his tormentor. The black-haired otter reached down with one paw to fondle over the heavy, dangling orbs grinding into Edsel's chin, hefting them up and pressing them to the underside of the coy dog's muzzle teasingly even as the corners of his mouth drooled sloppily with the bigger male's pre.

The other boys were not idle of course, hardly content to sit and watch the display before them. Paws stroked over excited lengths beside him, and one of the larger boys even snuck up behind the leader while he seemed lost in his enjoyment of Edsel's warm, wet confines, that long, wet, canine tongue squirming across the underside of the otter boy's dick even as it was thrust painfully deep. The male behind the lead otter lifted a paw beneath his tail, caressing the underside of the black-haired otter's thick appendage, another paw sliding across the boy's chest to tease across one of the little pink nipples there, teeth gently gnawing at his neck.

The boy behind Edsel was only content to stay buried within him for a moment or two however, before starting to roughly thrust that bulge back and forth in the slickened confines of the coy dog's rear, working the tightly clenched passage open with each buck of his wet, shapely hips against Edsel's, the tip of the otter's prick burying itself deep up into him with each rough slap into his backside, huge nuts jiggling hard whenever they pressed the smaller doggy-balls beneath them.

The leader must had been expecting it テ「竄ャ" but it didn't stop a surprised gasp from escaping his muzzle when the bigger otter behind him wedged up under his tail with the tip of his own shaft, stuffing that lengthy cock firmly between the cute, perfectly rounded rump cheeks of the black-haired male. That one was rougher than the two that were enjoying the coy dog at present, and the firm thrusts from his hips jostled the leader, causing the drooling cock buried balls-deep in Edsel's muzzle to buck back and forth across his tongue, the leader's paws dropping to rest on either side of the canine.

The scent of sex filled the air, lurid and wet, making its way to Edsel's nostrils and filling them with the musky scent of the horny boys, sounds of groaning, excited otters grinding and slapping into each other's hips filling those big, black-tipped sheppy ears. It was almost too much to bear, his tailhole oozing clear, slippery fluid that spurted wetly up into his butt with each excited flex from the boy stiffly thrusting into his backside. Those paws, stroking, caressing, and almost raunchily grabbing at him, the feel of at least two or three excited, drooling shafts matting down the fur on his back as they started to grind their lengths through his coat to excite themselves further.

It came as a rather sudden shock however, when finally the leader let out a loud yell, and his hips jerked, burying that cocktip in Edsel's throat once again, the coy dog feeling a distinct swell to the shaft that moved up the base and quickly all the way to the tip, a warm, wet gush of thick cum spraying into his throat, followed by another, and another. The sticky fluid quickly filled his throat, and Edsel swallowed to avoid choking, before it was promptly filled once again, the coy dog struggling to keep up with the flood of seed pouring out of that hugely swollen otter dick even as it became too great, and started to gush from the sides of his muzzle and down his chin.

The boy beneath his tail was the next to give way to the excitement of the moment, paws groping hard at Edsel's hips, roughly and almost perversely stroking through his fur as those soft hips ground down into his hard, and a warm, wet swell erupted inside him. He felt the otter's cock pulsing and spraying inside him, the coy dog's little hole straining against the pressure even as the larger male emptied those huge balls inside of him, gush after sticky, wet gush of the stuff forcing deeper inside him, the thick seed nearly the consistency of honey, and only a bit of it making its way back out to drool down over his own quivering sac.

Edsel felt his belly fill quickly, the warm, gooey seed pouring into his muzzle force down faster when the leader pulled back, gushing into his cheeks and then stuffing the tip back in deep, forcing a big glob of seed down his throat all at once. It became evident that the otter stiffly buried in his tail end would give him no sympathy, that warm, filling sensation soon growing into a painful bloating as the pressure grew, Edsel's eyes crossing somewhat as his belly rounded just a bit from all the seed being forced into his abused body.

It would come as a relief to the poor canine however, that soon both of the boys came to a halt, their lengths simply oozing a tiny bit more before they pulled free from either end of him, the leader letting out a quiet giggle down at Edsel and teasingly poking his cold, black nose with the tip of that satisfied length, leaving a trail of seed several inches in length between the two before it finally broke, and dripped down the coy dog's muzzle.

Edsel panting heavily, relieved to finally have an end to the torment, the two otters that had finished entertaining themselves at his expense stepping aside to laze about on the beach for the moment, the canine's stretched pucker oozing the larger male's seed in copious amounts down over the fur of his groin.

The yote-dog's head shot up in surprise however, when a familiar feeling returned, the head of another of those thick, drooling shaft wedged itself into that strained, abused rear of his, the boy quickly burying the length of his eager, dripping length into the now broken-in canine. Edsel yelped loudly, his muzzle shaking a little as if, in a horrified protest, the coy dog was thinking to himself テ「竄ャヒ忤ait, no, it's over!' Much to his dismay, it was far from finished for the pup, the otter behind him now taking up a different position from the one who came before him, mounting the canine on all four, that flat, smoothly furred belly pressed against his back as the boy's muzzle teased of his ears, cooing gently into one of them and nibble at the tip.

He felt those fat, webbed fingers rubbing his paws, the otter boy's hips humping wetly into his overly stuffed backside and further stretching his wet pucker open, the angle of those excited, eager jabs up into his backside lifting Edsel's hips off the sand and into the air even as his muzzle was pressed against the ground. The coy dog let out a pained whimper, weakly trying to paw at the ground as he was taken for the second time, belly already fat with cum from his prior abuse.

The paws found their way to his newly visible sheath now, Edsel's ears perking up once again with a whine as slippery, webbed fingers reached out, one or two of those paws already soaked with the seed of the boys they belonged to, having not waited for their turn it would seem to get a little satisfaction. The cum-covered fingers stroked along his groin, tugging those dangling balls and teasingly along the swelling tip of the quickly growing doggy-dick between his legs.

A particularly rough thrust arched his back further, making Edsel's hind paws dance slightly, his breath coming in ragged pants through his nostrils as the boy atop him leaned down and teasingly gripped his nape in those blunted teeth, tugging it playfully and pumping his hips faster against the little coy dog's, wet squelching sounds filling the air each time their hips met in a rough slap.

The pair of paws caressing his shaft quickly brought it to its full thickness, smearing it with the otter's seed and working their sticky, wet fingers all over its girth, one of the boys gripping behind the base of Edsel's knot, the other sliding his paw in swirling motions from the base of the length to the tip. Edsel himself couldn't hold out very long at all under such tormenting, the fat puppy-dick erupting in a swell of seed as his knot stiffened up entirely, gush after gush of thick doggy-cum spraying out over his chest and belly as the coy dog was embarrassingly teased, the otter mounting him letting out a feminine sounding whine in his ear and that familiar warmth returned to his backside as the boy hilted his hips firmly.

The spreading heat under his tail turned to pain more quickly this time, the last otter's seed still deep inside the coy dog, and this one was only forcing it deeper! Edsel whimpered, his eyes opening wide in a horrified expression.

No more, no more! He thought

The coy dog's belly rounded a bit further, his tail finally released and allowed to sway frantically against the otter boy's chest and stomach, which only seemed to excite the bigger male further. The otter leaned down and nibbled on his ear after releasing his nape, grinding those gushing hips into his and whispering quiet things in that strange language to him, those hips teasingly lifting his own up, even as Edsel's own length finally ceased it's drooling and was left to dangle by those attentive hands.

The canine felt painfully full by the time the otter ceased his endless gushing, his belly neatly rounded off from all that sticky seed filling his abused little hole. He whimpered a little, eyes turning up to look at the big male, hoping for a little sympathy, hoping he would pull out, and give Edsel a much needed opportunity to drain some of that sticky seed out of him. He was rewarded only with a smile, the big otter leaning down to cuddle against him, that impossibly thick shaft hilted up inside him, grinding teasingly under his tail.

Some minutes later the second otter withdrew from Edsel's tail end, and with a relieved whimper, a pool of seed oozed from his rump to collect around the coy dog's legs, wetly collecting around his lower half and matting down the canine's fur. Finally now, he thought, the end of this was at hand. Sadly, he would be quite mistaken. The night would drag on for hours, and many boys would have their turn in enjoying the new pup, some taking turns in one end, some in the other, and still some opting to satisfy his own rather sizeable shaft at times. One had even favored him with a warm muzzle to use at one point in the evening.

Though in the days that followed, they brought him good food and clean water, and treated him with affection, both in the manner of the first night on occasion and genuine tenderness. The leash was lengthened day by day and his evenings were never without a kind paw over his head or a playful youngster to entertain him, and he gradually grew fonder of the village, and attached to its inhabitants. When finally they determined it appropriate, some weeks later, the collar was removed. They knew Edsel wasn't going anywhere.