The Lucky Ones Chapter 5: Hands Off

Story by liltenhead on SoFurry

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#5 of The Lucky Ones

We get a little insight of what Sarah and Lu were doing this entire time.

* Sarah *

My eyes slowly creaked open much like they did every morning, and of course the first thing that came to sight was my absolutely incredible husband. I, like normal, was completely nude lying on top of him with his amazing fur providing comfort and pleasure to my entire body.

But also like normal, by the time my eyes fully opened, Lu took quick notice and quickly acted upon it. He quickly smacked his muzzle off of my head and planted a small sweet kiss right on my cheek. The audible sounds of his tail beating against the comforter brought a rather peaceful tempo to the whole early morning atmosphere.

Lu spoke out with his muzzle planted on my shoulder and his arms still wrapped around me, "good morning honey."

I stretched my body down the length of his, and returned his little kiss to the lips this time. "Morning dear."

Our mornings pretty much always turned out like this. Either we just had sex, or simply cuddled all night long. Either way we were both happy with how our lives played out.

He slowly started to rub his paws back and forth on my bare back, only shielded from his fur and a blanket in the dying Fall season. We just stared into each others eyes, both smiling from nothing but complete satisfaction. I slowly started to lean in for another kiss, but he quickly wrapped his arms and legs around my body and flipped me over on the bed instantly jarring my entire system to full attention. A low growl escaped his throat as he took my kiss into a much more ferocious love assault. I of course just let out a little moan into the kiss knowing just how much we loved each other.

His legs slowly slipped past mine, and that left him pinning me down on the bed with his arms still planted on either side of me. There I was, a thirty six year old woman with my Lucario husband pinning me down on a bed while completely nude, and yet I loved every second of it. Hell I loved doing anything with him.

After a few more seconds passed, our kiss slowly broke from natural cause, and we were left once again in peaceful silence staring deeply into each other's eyes. "I love you Lu."

He buried his head deeply into the pillow next to my head, and let his body fall limp on mine. "Ahh and I love you too Sarah!"

The sheer innocence he still shows after fifteen years of marriage was still astounding. I mean by this point we've had sex like three hundred times, and we loved every single event. And yet he always gives off a little blush every time we do something intimate, like me grabbing his groin or something. But he's figured me out so well to the point he can get me melting just at the touch of his paw.

Like yesterday for example. We were snuggled up together on our couch watching a movie together, and completely out of the blue he snuck a paw down my shorts and just went at it. Needless to say, I have no idea what happened in that movie.

I gently brought my left hand up to his ear, and very lightly bumped my wedding ring against it. "Your wife is telling you that she wants some breakfast."

He however just pressed even more of his weight against my body, but he was laughing regardless. His paw grabbed my hand, and he touched our rings together. "And your husband can't cook!"

I gave him a small kiss on his cheek and a slightly childish giggle escaped with my breath. "Yeah and I absolutely hate cooking. So you and I are going out!"

"Oh do I not even get a say in this?"

His tail started to comically wag back and forth completely diminishing his words. "Your little friend on your back says otherwise."

A small smirk formed across his lips, and he very slyly spoke out, "both of my friends seem to agree with what you do."

Oh great, Lu is making dick jokes now!

I couldn't help but giggle over his little declaration but sex has become such a common thing among us. "Alright mister, let's get me dressed up."

He grabbed the blanket and quickly tossed it off the bed, leaving a clear sight of him lying on top of my naked body. "Can I help?"

We both climbed out of bed together, and of course he gave me some assistance cause Lu just couldn't stand his woman not getting help with everything.

I seductively rubbed my body up against his, eventually leaving my crotch just hovering over his sheath. "Well Lu, you're really good at getting my undressed, so let's see how you do dressing me."

Another smirk spread across his face as he slowly slid his paws down my back and onto my butt. And before he even gave me time to speak, he leaned me forward and kissed me once more before he ran over to my closet full of clothing. The little flirts he did were still absolutely adorable, but of course they actually worked in seducing me. But while I stood there completely nude my Lucario husband was just tearing through my clothes trying to find things he thought I would like. However he already knows I could care less about fashion, considering there was no fashion on my body nearly half the day.

Finally he started to prance back towards me, and sprawled the clothing out on the bed next to me. And before I even had a chance to look over my new wardrobe, he quickly grabbed a pair of black panties and bent down to the ground, placing them on the ground to allow me to place my feet inside. Words weren't even necessary, and he rather seductively once again, gripped the cloth with his teeth, and dragged my underwear up my legs and eventually around my waist.

His teeth fell off, and he stood fully back up looking into my eyes with a certain twinkle that let me knew he absolutely loved what just happened. "So Lu, using your teeth now?"

A slight chuckle escaped his lips and I knew what was following next. "Well I could've used my tongue."

As he reached for my newly picked bra, I decided to chime back into this. "Not like you haven't already."

I had to assist him with the bra due to the fact his paws were just a little too large to be able to maneuver the straps around my arms. "You're quite talented with your tongue as well miss."

My face instantly burned up, but Lu quickly placed his paws on my hip and drew me in for another little kiss before he moved on. He grabbed a pair of leggings and once again held them to the floor to allow me to put my legs through. As he carefully pulled them up I slyly said, "so why exactly did you choose the tightest clothes I own?"

He casually reached over for my shirt, "well it's a little too chilly for shorts... and you have a pretty nice butt."

I strolled over next to him, and very gently grabbed his tail. "You have quite a nice tail sir."

That wasn't going to do the job though, and he quickly snapped back by grabbing my butt with my shirt still bunched up in his paw. "You're looking great honey."

My head went through the shirt, and as he fitted me into it I replied, "well Lu you dressed me."

He stepped back and just checked me out, like he just finished painting an expensive canvas. "Alright Sarah, I think we're done here!"

His little excitement put a giddish smile on my face, it was really awesome we could still act like teenagers and get away with it. I grabbed his paw, and quickly started to head towards the door, but he quickly tugged my hand away.

"What Lu?" There was no reply, he instead just ran over to the closet once more and came out with my old fedora. He planted it on top of my head and quickly re-gripped my hand.

"Sorry, but I love that hat."

We were already halfway down the stairs, and within a matter of seconds I already grabbed my keys and we were out in the fairly chilly ending Fall season. The bright sun shone beautifully through the open air, making Lu's fur even more vibrant with color. He honestly hasn't aged a day in terms of physical health, he looked identical to when we first met. I just wish I had his everlasting youth.

He opened the driver side door for me, before he skipped over to his side of the car leaving a satisfying thud as our doors shut close leaving us to the comfort the car. I instantly reached for the heater, and turned it to hot to prepare the car down the road. "You could've worn a coat if you were cold."

I shoved the keys into the ignition and the car sputtered to life after a quick turn. "Well I'm sorry I don't have a natural coat like you!"

His reply came out in a satisfied laugh, "no but you really like sharing it."

A wide grin crept upon my face, and within a few seconds we were out onto the road ready to go. Lu planted his paw on my leg, and we simply conversed for the rest of the ride in a nicely heated vehicle.

After only ten minutes of driving, we finally reached our destination. "You know Ri absolutely loved this place."

Lu snapped his seat belt off and quickly helped me unbuckle. "Yeah all of us do."

I opened my car door, but somehow Lu already managed to make it over to my side of the car to assist me out. We walked into the restaurant hand in paw acting like we owned the place. My nostrils instantly flooded with the scent of freshly cooked sausage and bacon all sizzling in the kitchen area. It was quite intoxicating to say the least.

We were guided to an open booth, and ordered our food and drinks finally leaving us alone once more. Yeah, we got a few dirty looks from some other people, but we weren't doing anything wrong. Not my fault that they don't like Lucarios.

"So Sarah, you want a sausage eh?"

My face burned up a little bit, "Lu... don't even go there."

He stretched out in the bench and a little smirk curved on his face. "You can always get one for free."


My sudden outburst caused a few people around us to give me even more unneeded attention. Lu however only laughed the entire thing off looking quite satisfied with his little joke. But things like this made me love him even more. "I'm sorry but that was just perfect."

A sigh escaped my lips and I slouched down deep into the booth. I looked over to the kitchen area, and noticed there was no real progress. "Hold up Lu, I'll be right back!"

His eyes widened slightly, "what's wrong?"

We were quite good at attracting attention, I slid out of the booth and leaned over on him, "I'm just using the restroom calm down."

I hurried away, and I know for a fact he was staring at me the entire time.

I placed my hand on the door that lead into the bathroom, but my hand oddly slipped off. And before I really knew what was happening, there was an arm wrapped around my neck completely crushing my voice from making any audible sounds.

"Listen bitch if you even make one sound or try to run, I'll pull out my bulbasaur and you won't enjoy those vine whips."

The sudden rush of adrenaline instantly kicked in, but it literally had no effect. I tried to scream, I tried to squirm, I tried everything but my body just like slumped over.

God dammit this doesn't happen! This can't be happening!

But as quickly as the sensation started, I back down to Earth and colors returned to my field of view. My next breath came out in a grasp and my entire body trembled, I honestly had no idea what was happening.

As my senses returned I looked up and the vision surprised me. Lu was standing right where I just was, but in front of him was a man suspended nearly a foot up the wall. He looked absolutely deranged, but I could tell he was still fully aware.

"I swear if you even try to open that fucking pokeball I will break your neck!"

I gasped for air as my body just couldn't catch onto a normal state of awareness. There was no control. But Lu was literally choking this guy up against the wall, and the fact he got here that quickly was amazing. And equally surprising Lu has never even sworn once, like once. But I guess if you touch his most prized achievement you'll pay the price.

A few waitresses rushed over to the scene as this was picking up quite the commotion and the man finally dropped the pokeball to the floor without any more trouble. Lu dropped him to the floor and looked over at me. His expression instantly changed to horror as he just saw me completely broken down on the floor.

The man's head slowly rotated up to mine, and Lu quickly stomped on his chest leaving a rather hollow sound. "Don't you fucking look at my wife!"

I could hear the sound of a phone in the background tapping only three numbers, and I instantly knew the police were being notified. Lu stepped off of the guy, and quickly rushed over to my sight ignoring everyone in the entire restaurant. He lifted me up in the air and buried his muzzle into my chest. "Sarah I'm so... so sorry!"

But everything felt oddly better, his touch alone was enough to put me at ease. "Lu... you saved me."

He planted a kiss on my neck, and quickly ran us out of the restaurant. We didn't even care about the food anymore, but we didn't want to be riddled with questions from the investigation.

"Sarah I nearly killed that guy."

"Heh, hands off the merchandise."

That little comment left us both smiling while we just stood in the parking lot enjoying each others warmth.