Good Intentions

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#2 of The Tolk and Aison Stories

Important Warning: This story contains several things often considered 'heavy'. Asid...

Important Warning: This story contains several things often considered 'heavy'. Aside from being a M/m cub/adult story containing harsh parental style discipline and spanking, sexual conduct, oral, and molestation, it also has blood/violence in the form of hard vore (hunting prey) as part of the story/plot. Don't read if you cannot handle a standard predator/prey scene.

This tale is a sequal to my story titled, "Insult to Injury".

Written By: Professor Bob

Characters By: Kay Pappas

That next morning, dawn's fiery orange glow awoke the younger of the two Sergals before the other. It would typically be the other way around, as Tolk was hard working and often had to wake the cub from his lazy, peaceful sleep. This time around, Aison's tummy ached from being hungry, and his maw was dry from needing water, thanks to the punishment he endured. His toes spread and stretched their claws, muffling a yawn, although he wasn't sure at first why it was muffled sounding. When he opened his eyes, it turned out that warmth he nuzzled up to a few hours prior was his older guardian's footpaw, which was now draped over his head. With a tiny ugh', the boy slid himself quietly out from under the paw, leaving a malformed, Sergal shaped deformity in the dirt as he climbed to his feet. Aison did not wince as tired as he was, still waking up, but his right leg still hurt with some degree of intensity if he didn't move the right way. Under his fur, the swats of Tolk's thick wooden walking stick left wide black and blue bruises that sank down into muscle. The boy was resilient, and didn't want to focus on it since he spent so much time tied to that tree telling himself how much he deserved it.

Looking to his side at his parental figure, sleeping soundly, though awkwardly sprawled on the top of the log he was sitting on when Aison himself fell asleep. It didn't look comfortable; one arm on each side of the half-rotten log, lower leg on the log, and his right, upper leg hanging more limply off which before rested on Aison's head. After such a punishment, Tolk still treated him normally, and helped him get warm and feel safe. Didn't have much choice but to respect such an elder, while still consequently seeking a silly, stubborn old coot laying there as well. The boy's eyes only turned once he caught notice of his sheath peering out from between Tolk's legs. Typically not even a thought would be given, but it reminded Aison he had dried male-goop' on the sides of his maw, and on the left side of his torso. Was difficult to be reminded of being put in his place like that.

But, the sun was slowly rising, and he was starving. Thinking of all the hard work Tolk has had to do to raise him, the child figured he would venture out only a short ways and find his own food. He was big enough, he deduced, to try and catch something small. It would be his first, since Tolk was the hunter and provider, while Aison's own chores typically consisted of fetching kindling and fruits. Most Sergals wouldn't bother so much with vegetation, and it was not one of Aison's meat loving palette's favorites, but the two had to do what was needed in order to eat well. Tolk's leg prevented him from being an agile hunter, causing him to rely on his wisdom and patience, and tools. The good older Sergal would make traps to catch smaller prey, and vine nets to fish in rivers. His methods did not bring him shame like most things involving his leg would, but Tolk had more than once gotten upset that he could not feed Aison, when his traps turned up empty. Never once said so, of course, but acted upon it by giving the child what food they had with the encouragement that he ate slowly, and waited calmly for their next meal instead.

Leaving the camp site while being light on his feet, the boy's eyes looked back at his motionless parental figure, making sure to leave without disturbing him. Once at a decent distance, the boy smiled excitedly, starting a mild run; eyeing the tree he was punished against as he passed it. Thinking about it made the ache in his leg worse, changing his expression as the pain leaked in and made him run a bit slower, and back to a walk, with the leaves and vegetation crunching under his paws. Under the cover of trees the wooded area was still dark, but with enough light for his attuned eyes to see clearly. Moment by moment, he ventured further from Tolk, shifting the height of his ears as he slowed more and more, beginning to creep and diminish the noise he made. Aison's nostrils caught the scent of something else nearby, as he bent forward and assumed his own form of a hunting posture, slinking forward. Impatient and novice, the child soon huffed, staying in his position despite realizing he could not seek out prey by his senses alone. Placing his left paw upon the thin tree he stopped against, little Aison took a breath, looking down and placing his free paw against his sheath. Holding it with his thumb and forefinger loosely, the tip of his adolescent shaft emerged into the open air so that he could at least pee if he couldn't quite yet find food.

Urinating calmly, the warm yellow stream landed wetly in a small cluster of weeds at the base of the tree - quite intentionally as the child grinned. Young boys did often enjoy doing their business on plants and objects just for the fun of it, with Aison not being any exception out in the wilderness with so many plants to torment. Tiny white flowers soaking, and their green leaves dripping of golden rain, it was a simple relaxation to finally be able to relieve himself of his bladder. Returning to the camp and falling asleep right off left other problems behind aside from his hunger and thirst, making it something of a longer pee for a Sergal his age; fingers dragging softly down the smooth-like bark of the small tree.

But, a rustle hit his ears, startling him and clenching all his body's muscles as his head shot back up, eyes wide. For a second, his stream of urine intensified, splashing against the tree before weakening to a trickle. The last thing a male wished to do was get caught by something with it's cock out. Staying very still, Aison looked towards the source of the sound, feeling cold and nervous due to the clench of his bladder after finishing his business. That sinking feeling in his belly was explainable, but didn't make him feel any better.

Around the corner of a fallen tree, Aison's eyes caught sight of a small creature - silhouetted in the darkness of tree-masked dawn. Smirking, young Aison bared the sharp teeth towards the back of his muzzle, very slowly removing his right paw from his groin, bit by bit per second, as to not be seen by the creature. Fingers slowly curling, and stiffening, his claws extended to become more useful; curving them to use them as slashing tools. Tolk could never teach him these things, forcing him to learn on his own. Confident he could take such a tiny animal, looking like a fat raccoon with a stubby tail, his form began to lower, crouching for the strike.

The animal paused. Stopped, right where it stood. A heart stopping moment for Aison, and a brief one. It was opportunity.

Taking a sharp breath in through his nostrils, the boy's legs exploded into a sprint - small feet pounding the ground in rapid succession, arms at his sides, claws ready. A child-like hunting growl escaped Aison's throat, rumbling into his chest as he leapt into the air for his first pounce, to capture the creature before it could escape. Though, instead of running, the figure which now had enough color to distinguish as black and white, jumped with it's four legs to spin around. The sound it made was like a growling hiss. In mid-strike, this was not what Aison expected of such a small creature.

Landing with a slide on his footpaws against the smooth dead leaves beneath him, his right arm swung forward to pierce the animal's side, to pin it down with his claws to deliver an immediate killing blow. Heart racing, this felt like it would be simple in the fractions of seconds it was taking to do this, but a ripping pain in his arm changed his tune in the slow-motion thought processing his mind slipped into as a hunter. The butt of his palm barely grazed the animal's head, with it instead making the same first strike, sinking sharp teeth into his forearm and tearing.

Aison was no hunter yet, and too much of a child, even if his will was strong. He screamed, loudly.

Not needing thought, self-preservation kicking in and endorphins filling his mind as the animal ripped at skin and sliced into muscle, Aison swung his left claw, ramming them into the creature's under-belly as it thrashed, ripping apart his right arm. Hitting with enough force, he felt his fingertips meet fur, and wet warmth coat them as his claws sank right in.

The creature... it didn't stop. Even as Aison pulled away, standing back up from his pouncing posture and taking a stumbling step backwards, the noisy, violent creature went straight for his legs; claws and teeth cutting right through flesh. Aison's breath was heavy, fear filling his body. Tolk's punishments didn't hurt like this, or cloud his mind as the endorphins and adrenaline was. In fact, it should have hurt more - Aison swinging his right arm backwards to swat the animal away, but missing, and his eyes catching glimpse of a spatter of blood from his arm the swing made. Escape not seeming feasible, and being a hunter, Aison dived back into trying to make his kill. From defense to offense, he kicked his legs, trying to catch the animal with his paws to throw it and give him some distance, but over the course of two mere seconds, it only meant to be another bad idea. Leaping, the creature bit at Aison's upper thighs on the inside, catching meat and narrowly missing arteries as he grabbed the animal by the neck, which escaped to jump up from the new spot by using it's hind legs to dig into Aison's belly, it's foreclaws against the boy's chest. It's teeth didn't get high enough to get Aison's neck, but enough damage had been done.

So in the moment, and in such agony, Aison did not cry out as his bloodied legs gave out and succumbed to the creature's own weight as it knocked him down onto his back. Paws reacting quickly, Aison grappled the creature, paws around it's neck as it tried desperately to thrash and bite at his face. Claws flailing, the Sergal child endured constant slashing of claws at his muzzle and cheeks, closing his eyelids to protect his sight out of pre-programmed instinct. It burned and stung as the claws managed to scratch his skin, but with a tight enough grip and help from his thumbs, the young predator swung the creature with his strength, turning the tide for his favor. With a forceful toss to his right, Aison slammed the creature to the ground, ending up on top in the struggle in a split second from his agility. Body aching, and his desperation to end the combat with the snarling creature his claws were sinking into; feeling the movements of the animal's shoulder muscles as it tried to kill him in return.

Shifting his left arm, he shoved it up under the creature's lower jaw, to force it to the ground... he didn't have more than a tenth of a second, withdrawing the only paw left pinning the animal down by it's neck and chest. With a finesse of a Sergal, Aison bolted his head downward, muzzle open wide. Like a deadly trap, young Aison finally made his mark.

The creature cried out, flailing all of it's limbs, further scratch it's assailant; Aison's sharp, meat cleaving teeth cutting into it's neck. Blood spilled over Aison's tongue, but he had not yet finished the job, and was not about to keep tearing till he finally made the creature, so full of aggression and fight, submit to blood loss. Grip tightening, squeezing, almost as soon as he landed the blow...

He lifted his head, with a pull, and twist. It sounded like Tolk popped his back.

Severing the creature's neck, the snap brought instant calm, and silence, Aison left over the animal with his teeth embedded in it's neck with blood trickling from his maw. Heaving, he remained in that position for several moments, eyes half-motionless as he came down from his first hunt. Releasing the crushing squeeze of his maw, teeth sliding from flesh, he looked down to see the animal's head fall limply from his grasp. It was certainly over. It was his first kill.

Excitement leapt into his head, while stinging pain slashed about his mind. Making a sort of laugh from his joy, Aison lifted his head high, back arched, calling out a cheer for himself. Body so tense, he felt stronger in that position, announcing his pride as a predator. He did it all on his own, and a surprise to his guardian and mentor. Breathing more quickly, paws against the ground as they were, he lowered his head back down and lifted his kill into his maw, holding it by it's neck as he climbed back to his feet. Those long toes getting their footing, Aison's prideful, cheery attitude was headed back to his camp, even if only at a slow jog's pace. As if ignoring his wounds was the tough thing to do, he by no means walked away unscathed. All over the ground there was blood where the hunt was fought, from both predator and prey. Even as he went to show Tolk his handy work, drops of blood littered the brown, dead leaves of the forest floor. They dripped from the fingers of his right arm, blood making it's way down his fur, and they trickled down his legs. Even the sides of his muzzle had bloody scratches, though thinner, and only reddening his fur to go with the blood of his kill, which coated his chin and chest. To him, it was all victory, even if it ached to walk, and his mind was a fog from the mess of bodily created chemical compounds.

As he traveled, again passing his tree of prior discipline, he could see more light as he neared the clearing their camp was set. There was no fire to guide him, but he could see it in the distance under the rising morning sun. Able to see better, going cross-eyed with that big smile across his maw he looked at the animal he was carrying in his mouth. Not quite a raccoon, and damn did it have sharp teeth. Thing even had some of his white, blue hinted fur stuck between it's teeth. The jerk.

Sitting up on his log, Tolk had awoke to find Aison missing from his side. It hadn't made him too nervous, as the boy might have just needed to find a place to do his business. Hunched over where he sat, his eyes were still droopy, taking the moment to rest and wake up since he didn't have little Aison to help get moving. Hearing the crunching rustle of two small Sergal feet coming up from behind him, the older man yawned, turning his head over his shoulder to greet the boy.

Their eyes met. It was a moment Aison hoped for, standing there, tall and proud, with his kill in his maw and messy from blood and the hunt. His smile could have been ear to ear, not saying as word as he took his last two steps with his gift of sorts hanging limp from his grasp. But, what he saw when Tolk turned around, was not the look of chipper surprise, as he figured. If he didn't know any better, he could have sworn it was a look of terror.

And it was.

It wasn't the sort of sight Tolk expected to see, when turning his head. Even with his lasting injury, Tolk spun around, getting to his feet without his walking stick, even if he stood half-lopsided. His eyes seemed so frightened, and his maw open in shock. It was a brief thing, as the next thing the child knew, he was flat on the ground from a wallop of a backpaw. With a grunting sort of cry, Aison landed on his paws and one knee - his kill landing from his maw below him, and his eyes half closed.

"What were you thinking Aison?! Are you trying to make it so I never see you again?", Tolk shouted in a rage, swinging his arms downwards in an angry gesture; spit shooting from his maw as the forceful words burned at his throat. Aison was already busy clamoring backwards, holding his catch in his arms till his back was against a tree, to avoid such wrath from Tolk. He was speechless. This wasn't at all what he thought he'd come home too. Now his maw hurt like someone beat him, after such a blow. It brought instant tears to his eyes, coupled with the sharp words cutting into the joy he had. Only seeing Aison sitting there, frightful with his lower jaw shaking, Tolk shifted forwards and knelt down, even if this hurt is bad leg. Quickly he ran his paws down Aison's body, assessing his wounds. Watching in silence, even through his watery eyes, it seemed like Tolk had ones of his own. That wasn't like his guardian, and Tolk himself would never say it, but a part of the older Sergal did wish to cry. So angry at Aison, he wanted to beat the boy senseless for putting his life at such risk. All while sleeping, he might have woken up to never seeing the child again; the wounds on Aison's legs deep enough to make him bleed to death. This time, Aison would live, but it hurt to see him injured like this, and bloody. Fur and skin was missing from the right forearm he saw the boy cradling his kill with. Placing his paws on Aison's knees, Tolk growled, trying to choke back his feelings. Anger, relief, pride, sorrow. None of them he handled well. He trembled slightly from it all, squinting his eyes as if his gaze would stab young Aison.

"This is by far the worst thing you have ever done! Foolish! You're too young to go hunting! You're still prey, child, and I'm not going to bury you! Do you understand me?", the older screamed into the younger's face, with such force and authority it made Aison snivel and sob, nodding his head fearfully.

"It... it was small!", Aison replied almost meekly. His little heart was crushed.

"Small?", Tolk growled aloud, unable to hide how upset he was. He couldn't speak as he normally could, and his calm wisdom was not to be found. Grasping the creature Aison held by it's wounded neck, he lifted it up in a jerk, shaking it in sort of gesture in the young Sergal's face.

"This is called a badger, you ignorant whelp! It's mean, fights back, and could have killed you!", he harshly informed the boy, releasing the badger's neck to leave his own paw coated in blood. With it, he smacked the ground, breathing almost labored-like. He didn't know what to do. Aison's spirit was visibly crumbled, and he had done something foolish enough to merit heavy discipline, while on the other paw he made his first kill. Something to have pride for. He wanted to strip the child of that fool's pride, but didn't know if that would be right or wrong for his development and happiness, even if it was for his safety. As Tolk knelt there, eyes closed in rapid thought, Aison felt he could speak, trying to hold back the tears in his eyes.

"I didn't know. Please, I'm really sorry; I didn't mean to scare you. I thought it'd be easy, cause I was hungry and I wanted to bring something to share with you. To apologize for yesterday, you know? I didn't mean anything, honest sir.", Aison attempted to speak as clearly as he could, to explain himself. He still sounded like a cub, but he also sounded to be telling the truth. Tolk covered his muzzle with his tired paws, gripping it out of frustration. Now it would be harder to decide what to do with Aison, since the boy at least had good intentions. But good intentions could kill him! There was no winning the fight inside the older Sergal's parenting-inexperienced mind, and it actually calmed him. Aison had to suffer the silence several more moments, but Tolk eventually sighed deeply, lowering his paws and opening his eyes loosely.

"Sit on the log, boy", the adult said slowly, and quietly, even if it sounded weighted. Expecting immediate punishment from Tolk when he was this mad at him, Aison was quick to bring his freshly killed badger with him and take his seat on the log Tolk was sleeping on shortly before. Smile now a frown, he watched Tolk move to the kindling in the middle of the camp, kneeling down and picking up two stones from the side. Seeing him strike them together, attempting to re-start the fire, Aison gulped.

"What are you going to do?", Aison asked out of curious fright. Tolk did not lift his gaze from his task, remaining quiet another moment as the scraping of stones filled in the silence.

"Child... Aison. I'm proud of you. That was a good kill for your age. Eat, and enjoy it, and I'm not going to have you do so without a good fire. I'll clean your wounds and think of what to do with you after you've eaten. It's your's.", returned Tolk's calm wisdom, even if it was quieter than normal still yet, allowing the lad to have his pride and respect, for now. Punishment could come after this occasion, and Aison had a full belly. There was no way he could rob Aison of his first kill - you only get one. Slowly, Aison's ears rose, head dipping to look at his kill. Tolk said he was proud! Even if it must have been hard for that coot to say it, more so being so upset with what he did, it was enough to restore a small part of the boy's smile. As Tolk worked on getting a small fire into a large one, Aison tore a chunk of fur and skin off the badger's side, beginning to tear into moist, delicious rib-meat.

As time passed, Tolk seated himself on the other side of the small, modest camp fire to watch his youngling eat his meal. Aison quenched his thirst from the creature's blood, savoring the crunch of ripping sinew from the badger's bones. It was something that was his alone, as Tolk gave him the whole thing, and didn't accept sharing. They were values the elder had been taught when he was a bit older than Aison was, of the importance of a first solo kill. That young Sergal got to have it all to themselves, as if they called the shots as an adult. Worry seeming to escape the lad's short attention span, Tolk staring on with his concerned expression, he could see all of Aison's beaming pride, digging into his kill as he was. Biting and pulling to snap joints, and eating organs while it was still inside the badger, he seemed like such an enthusiastic hunter. Excellent for the future, Tolk knew, but the happiness the boy had worried him in the now. There was no way he could allow Aison to do this again. Not till he was older and wiser. As he could not hunt as Aison would be able to, he couldn't teach more than fundamentals - but teach them he would. He could envision himself whipping at Aison's paws at the slightest inkling of not paying attention, if the boy wanted to help get the pair larger prey. It hurt him down to the core to see Aison's forearm as it was, weakened and filthy. No way would he allow his charge to have a permanent injury, as he himself did.

True to his word, Tolk let Aison eat to his heart's content, and relax while taking his time. Chewing on the bone of the badger's right foreleg, trying to get at the marrow, it was at least obvious that he was savoring it, and not just biding time. Bits of skin hung from the carcass, now hollow and stripped of it's innards. The once violent badger, whom left wounds upon Aison's body, would now fuel his healing in the circle that is a predator-prey relationship. Metallic taste from blood, and a sweetness from raw meat, there wasn't much left of the creature when all was done. As Aison licked the badger's clotting blood from his claws, Tolk rose carefully to his feet, using his walking cane for support. Standing without a word, still, caused Aison's licking to slow, and his eyes to wander upwards away from his task. It seemed the time had come that Tolk wanted to get down to his own business, and he had over an hour to think about what to do to him. Turning away for only a moment, young Aison and his full belly followed the same silent suit, setting the remains of his kill beside the fire to stand and face what was coming. At least to get his wounds cleaned, as they were getting fairly itchy.

The quiet began to grow heavy however, as Aison walked behind his guardian, and not in front for a change. Walking was becoming more of a chore, with his body's natural painkillers having subsided. Bruising in his leg apparent again, and his slash-like wounds littering his body, he was hurting as it was. The curls of Tolk's fur down his shoulders and back, and calm stroll down towards the river that ran a short distance from the mountain's base, made Aison unaware of what the older Sergal was thinking.

In truth, he was not thinking very much. After letting Aison have what he earned, he was going to deliver the other half of it. Take away his pride and freedom, while also letting him have it. It was the only way Tolk could punish the child and be comfortable with himself, even if he was still angry and very much wanting to do his duty and then some. His sheath had already firmed up and filled out, just devising the sorts of punishments he could perform on Aison's young form; all of which he dismissed as a side effect to his personal afflictions. Though, he figured, indulging on them would work as well today as they did yesterday.

Aison would need to be small, and sorry, if he was going to make sure this incident never happened again.

As the pair neared the river, Aison wrung his blood soaked paws, feeling that inkling in his chest and tickle in his throat that made him know tears were not far off. He really was sorry, and in much pain. It was hard on him to be told his kill made his fatherly figure proud, yet stare at his cold back for so long, hanging his head as he was. As a nervous little boy, he wanted to break the silence, and just... be forgiven.

"Tolk, sir?", Aison spoke softly, lifting his head to speak, with an airy sort of calm to his own voice. Contrasted a good bit with the way he looked, fur slathered in dried blood. It was his dark blue, and red now instead of white over a large portion of his body; caked with varying hues.

Tolk did not respond. Not right off anyway, as his feet navigated the rocks that went along the side of the river, as they stepped down the incline from the hill they traversed. It made Aison's head hang again, in shame.

"Come sit in the water here, next to me where it's shallow. I'll clean you up.", Tolk offered, tone suggesting he wasn't acknowledging the boy's wish for comfort. Not so much afraid of getting all the blood out of his fur, Aison followed the directive to the letter, sitting down in the water there on the riverside. It was rather cold, but not too bad, likely due to springs upriver, and only came up halfway over his legs sitting with them out front. His tail shifted the water, making a soft splash as he settled in; he himself trying to look up with just his eyes, even as his head remained low. That urge to speak only intensified once Tolk's large, strong paws began washing his muzzle and cheeks. Was the first bath he got in three days, and though he would normally do this himself, the sting of having those scratches cleaned out made him fortunate his elder was good at such things.

"I'm tired, and it hurts all over.", Aison confessed, as Tolk rubbed the grit out of the cuts in Aison's cheeks. Still, no response, though the older Sergal's outward appearance grew stiffer as he cleaned the boy's wounds, cleaning fur as he worked his way down to worse injuries. The cold water soothed only body, not mind.

"I couldn't take another day of this, I just couldn't! Please, no more, okay?", he whined sadly, pleading to be given reprieve. Tolk shook his head as he rinsed out the cuts on Aison's chest and belly with long, brisk scrubbing strokes.

"I can not.", Tolk spoke plainly, remaining on the task at hand, holding onto Aison's upper right arm while he washed the young lad. Something like this would invigorate him to a throbbing erection, but his sheath stirred more slowly due to being distracted. Only the tip of his penis touched the air, paw so close to Aison's groin his immature sheath bounced with each scrub. Swallowing roughly, the boy's jaw quivered a second, with it painfully escaping his repressing it.

"I've learned my lesson... come on, I promise... s-sir.", Aison continued to whine sullenly, making sure to tack on a respectful title at the end, though it nearly slipped his mind trying to save his own hide.

"The gashes all over you are punishment in itself. It's what you get for being foolish. But, child..", Tolk said lower, near that growl again as he began to trail off, holding Aison's right arm with both his paws as he dipped it under water to wash out the more serious wounds. It stung enough for Aison to clench his eyes and squeal under his breath, as the older male tried to wash out his wounds as gently as possible.

"I would be foolish too, if I did not correct you for something such as this. The punishment I would receive, could be your passing. You learn your lessons, but your thick head makes it difficult. Even after yesterday, you still want to act tough. You are not the alpha male here, child.", came the impending lecture, as Tolk washed the dried blood away, and found Aison's forearm to still be lightly bleeding. The gashes were deep with some skin hanging, and fur missing - upsetting him enough to half snarl his last sentence while not even looking into Aison's eyes. There was a certain heavy emphasis on child'. More than Aison typically got to hear.

There was nothing Aison could say. The battle was lost, and his fate sealed once again. All he could hope for was sympathy; biting his lip and watching his elder finish his bathing. It took work to get some of the blood out of his lightly colored fur, and the dirt out of the wounds on his thighs and calves. Safer from infection, Tolk still figured some of them may need makeshift bandaging, as heavily as Aison would wince when some of the gashes were touched and moved about. It wasn't even intentional, but a longer slash on his left inner thigh, where the badger's teeth shredded through skin, made poor Aison cry to have it cleaned. The most Tolk could do was hush the boy, ruffling the fur atop the smaller Sergal's head, to let the boy have enough support and bravery for him to complete the more medical matters. Getting to touch young Aison's sheath while doing so solidified a punishment idea he had been contemplating. For once his affinity would come in use.

"Monitor your wounds, and I will as well. We need to ensure they heal properly", Tolk added as his closing words, placing his paws on his knees to try and get up. Aison had to cease his squirming from the sting in his gashes, quickly offering his support in Tolk getting up now that it was second nature to do so. Though, as he began to stand as well, Tolk placed his paw on his shoulder and pressed.

"Get back down on your knees Aison. I'm going to do something to make sure you can't run off by yourself for a while, before I even worry myself with putting you in your place.", Aison was commanded, more harshly than his ears were expecting. Staring up forlornly, Aison shifted his right leg and knelt back down slowly, water returning to lapping at his legs. A bloody red stream had flowed down the water to dissipate during the washing, and only a little of the discolored water remained. After Tolk turned, Aison smacked the water in frustration with his still fully-functional left paw - making a splash at he punched the loose sediment beneath. Teeth bared and eyes mostly closed, he made it obvious he was upset too. Tolk huffed through his nostrils, wanting to turn around and belt the child across his ears for being anything less than acceptant. With time, he figured. Aison would be slinking behind him for days after this.

Taking only a few steps to some plants growing out of the river water against a rock, Tolk grabbed and uprooted one with a bit less grace than usual. Snapping off the end with the roots, and the tip, he was left with a tall, very whippy rod with an added benefit. It had thorns.

"Put your feet together. Leave them relaxed.", Tolk added to his directions, as his own feet stomped back to Aison's side; shifting moist pebbles with each footfall. As he passed Aison, the boy caught sight of the thorns, and it made him hiccup out a sob, turning away from them. Coupled with how he felt, angry at himself and what he was being subjected to, the sight of the punishment tool forced another pair of tears from his eyes. Not even aware Tolk was ready to begin and he wouldn't even get an explanation or deeper lecture, a swish and a smack filled his ears as the same moment a unique, burning pain shot up his legs. Straight across his footpaws, which were wet from the water, enhancing the lash over his tender young pads. Baring his teeth, he seethed through them, squirming his arms and clenching his paws to cope with such a sting. A few thorns scraped his pad on the swat across it, leaving a thin white line.

Thick!', called out the thorned switch right after, bringing about a sharp teary whimper. Aison fell to his paws, gripping at the muddy sand. He couldn't take any more than he already had! His legs, now his feet paws too? The lashes burned red hot, and the thorns met better mark, cutting deep enough to draw some blood. Tolk, please, forgive.. -

Being lashed again forced Aison to jerk his head, swinging it to the side and downward, cringing inward as if he wanted to curl up. His toes locked up, half curled. Sputtering out a series of grunting sobs, the boy couldn't even finish a thought before he'd be lashed again. And, once the switch came again, it lashed him just behind his pad, into soft skin. It hurt badly enough to make his abdomen clench, and make him burp up the taste of badger. Tears flowing freely from his eyes, it was something of a cruel reminder of why he was kneeling to have his paws spanked in this manner. There would be no wandering off for the fun of it, and Tolk was making sure he wouldn't even want to.

Changing thing up to add a random sense to his spanking, Tolk leaned in with his good arm, raising the thorned switch and swinging sharply not once, but twice, in the same way. Each crossed Aison's pads, both at once, and at a diagonal angle to spank across what he had already instilled. Screaming aloud, Aison leapt forward with his paws, crawling and flopping into the water on his chest to kick his legs. There was no holding back being vocal, crying with sorrow behind it; face half in the water with mud between his fingers. Once in the water, his feet began to add to that light red color once more as his paws began bleeding from the scratches. Spanking on top of another welt opened it up just a bit wider, and deeper, to wound him enough to make walking tough on him.

Despite losing his position, nothing happened. No being grabbed, no extra lashes.

"Does my tough hunter need more time to cry?", Tolk prodded after some time of Aison's strong blubbering and tantrum-like kicking of his legs into the thin spot of water. Words like that tightened the boy's chest. Tolk was already trying to prove him to be weak.

"I'm not tough!", Aison cried out shakily after raising his head from the water with the help of his paws; cold water dripping from his dark blue mane. If there was anything he could do, it was give the older male what he wanted to hear.

Sweet submission. Having such a young boy under his control like that worked Tolk's penis into a frenzy, seeing such a lack of fight, even if Aison was not being the most acceptant. Those were strongly arousing words for the older male to hear. It seemed those punishments he would add would be effective indeed.

"Tough or not, put your paws down. I am not done.", Tolk ordered, stepping to get closer behind Aison - cock standing tall in the air. In a way, this was the last thing the older, dignified Sergal wanted to be aroused by. He wasn't even trying to pay attention to Aison's small, curvy body yet, but... such words, cried out in that small, boy-ish voice, only served to keep him stiff. Tolk had no way to hide it, but fortunately felt he would not have to when knocking Aison's pride down a peg.

Half way to a child's tantrum, Aison laid where he was, belly in the sand and arms writhing to deal with the sting he couldn't even reach to cover up unless he used his tail. He didn't want his tail in the line of fire. From his new position, Tolk raised his bad leg carefully and set it down on Aison's ankles. He did not have to press down much to hold the boy down; long toes draping over those warm little legs. Looking down and comparing, Tolk could see why he liked young boys so much, even if the thought brought him a touch more shame than he knew how to handle yet. It made him wish his erection would soothe itself and go away. Aison's paws were so small and delicate looking. They did not see the wear of travel as Tolk's own did. They looked hot, and clean, with smooth ebony pads and claws. The pads were still so fleshy, he wondered what it would be like to thrust against them... and this time he imagined Aison's own, and not just a random Sergal boy. Imagination being vivid, as wise as he was, it became too clear how easy it was to take advantage of Aison, though he refused to let that happen, and said in his mind he would slaughter anyone who tried to do that to the boy he took care of. What he would do shortly... it was just punishment, yeah. Anything else was side effect. Right? Little did he know his thoughts were similar to Aison's own when he tried to justify being bad, but that's why parenting was hard for Tolk. It was difficult to spank and make the lad miserable through various means, without being afraid of doing the wrong thing.

Snapped out of his daze by a louder sniffle by the child below, Tolk stared downward, finding his thumb atop his shaft. Stroking down it slowly, it slid off the tip; switch returning to his side and raising into the air. He had a job to do, and he wanted to do it. Aison would pay for this!

Just as he did the previous swat, Tolk swung the whippy implement of agony and tears briskly. Down sharply, raising it right back up to repeat. One, two, three, four. Whap, thick, pop. Each lash brought an intense jerk beneath his foot he held the boy's legs down with, a shrill cry, and a sight to behold. Those paws tickling his sexual fantasies those moments prior... seeing them welt and bleed, justfully, was a sight for him to behold. When the switch made contact, the fleshy soft pad would give way, making a split second indentation of the swat's blow, rippling outward as the spank fired straight into the meat of the child's paw. The pad would change color as the switch slid by and left his feet, leaving behind red scratches, and an angry welt. Skin and pad, even nailing the boy across his toes individually on each paw, Tolk had to figure this was one of the more intense and heart racing spankings he had even given Aison. The child screamed endlessly, beating on the water with closed fists; tears and water streaming down his muzzle as he tried to thrash. Paws taking a whipping of a lifetime, hurting down to the bone from such lashes to sensitive flesh and nerves. It was like punching a bruise, over and over, making the boy panic and wail.

Eleven, twelve, thirteen...

Each scratching in with it's thorns, and removing a thin piece of skin. It was like lashing at the meat of the bottoms of his paws, leaving all these swollen welts and seeping red cuts. Eyes crying clear, feet crying red.

After swat fifteen, and halfway down to swinging again, Aison struggled enough from his pain to get out from under Tolk's paw. His limbs scrambled through the shallow bit of water, knocking it around as he desperately tried to get away. Even just a few feet, he nearly scraped up his knees against the wet sediment, rolling over and placing his feet in the cold water. Sitting up and rubbing them with such a tight clench, the look Tolk saw was so pained and sad. Aison's muzzle was soaking wet with cold water, and his body shivering from so much of his insulating fur getting wet. His tears came with such ferocity, Aison could not close his muzzle entirely, even as it frowned hard enough that it appeared to hurt. Bawling sounded nest-born; a baby's sputtering, shrill wail.

Tolk sighed in his own relief, getting a breath of air after swinging his arm the way he was. Switch resting at his side, he figured that had to be enough. The older Sergal was no fool; he knew Aison could not at all handle so many lashes, and he wasn't going to try gauging how much he could. Once Aison could struggle away and disobey because of the sheer amount of hurt, that would have been enough to satisfy him. If it hurt that much, it would last at least a few days. Harsh for a spanking, but in a way, it was also merciful. Tolk could have lashed under Aison's already swatted rear, or against his leg wounds, if he was going to do some traditional discipline. He was comfortable enough that the ends justified the means, seeing Aison cry so heavily was okay, even if it hurt a bit to watch. To his own discomfort and shame, even though it was a vicious cycle of his own emotions, he used his arousal throbbing between his legs to make himself feel better. He could not escape being uncomfortable or ashamed of something. It almost made him hate himself, but if this boy was going to run around like he's in charge, Tolk would get to show him who was in charge the best way he could think of.

With a light toss, the switch landed on dry soil. Tolk placed his walking stick back in his right paw, leaning on it to watch Aison nurse his paws. He must have been so tired and achy. Fortunately for him, the remaining discipline was for his pride and mind, and not so much his body. It was fairly standard for Tolk to let the child cry it out' before moving on to the next piece of business, so Aison would be more aware and attentive. As the minutes passed, the loud cries turned into dull, sputtering sobs and sniffs, just holding onto his feet as they began to grow cold in the water from the lack of their own insulation in general. Taking quick glances off to his left side as he faced the water, he kept his eye on Tolk. Those strokes he could see Tolk giving his penis to stay firm, and that throb, reminded him of yesterday. That foul taste of male filled his maw. As he calmed his tears, he slowly became aware of the sort of punishment Tolk may have been looking to use.

"Please.. Don't?", came out as sounding so weak and pathetic, from the battered and aching young boy. Tolk's paw was wrapped around his shaft to keep it warm, and it was hard not to give himself a brisk wank hearing such a tearful plea, while at the same time, he wanted to curl up somewhere from having a boy ask him not to do anything with the organ the child was eyeballing. Tolk had to swallow down his discomfort, and remind himself that this won't bring any harm to his little Aison. He was in charge, and Aison had to accept his role.

"It's a lesson in humility, Aison. You're subservient at the moment as a young boy, and it's not your place to try and risk your life to find food. It takes no burden off of me; gathering food for us is my privilege. It allows me to keep you out of harm's way until you are older, and something I may do for you with my own earned pride. You cannot be so brash that you'd go and do things that will get you killed! Ill force you to service a male, if it teaches you your place as that subservient boy.", Tolk snapped in lecture, as eager to lay down the law as he was that erection of his; nearly panting from the arousal his own orders were giving him, making him so tender and sensitive before his male-hood met moist warmth. He said in his head, over and over, he deserves it'. Seeing Aison look away again, Tolk took a step forward, not leaning on his cane after his last step - to stand as tall as he could.

"Look at me child!", he ordered, giving his walking cane a tap against the ground. Aison's back flinched, and his head lifted up to meet Tolk's eyes again. Aison's were still watery, and his quiet tension was not making it easier for Tolk himself to quell his own shame for standing there with a hot reddish rod standing in the cool air. Getting into the moment, he could work past it with his judgment so clouded from the need for sexual relief.

"You don't get to be the master of all your decisions yet. You have to do as told, even if you don't want to. Now Im telling you to open your maw, like a boy-lover, and learn some shame to go with your new-found pride. Stand up, wrap your lips around it, and accept it.", he went on to say, curling the skin of his muzzle, above his maw, as he made his point and sentenced the child to a different version of tough love. One more fun for Tolk to receive, even if it would later rob him of sleep that night with his back and forth guilt; now holding his cock by the base of his sheath to steady and offer it. Still couldn't believe he said what he did to a straight young Sergal, to intentionally discomfort the boy and reaffirm his dominance. A submissive adolescent wouldn't rush to take charge, taking off hunting without permission to certain death.

Sitting below his fatherly figure and demeaned in such way cut right into Aison, whom sobbed softly, almost silently a few times as he was scolded and lectured. It hurt not to look away, but with the binding clasp of authority placed over him, he couldn't disobey and save himself the shame.

"Yes sir.", the blue maned young Sergal whispered, barely audible in embarrassment, discomfort, and defeat, after a tense pause. Sniffing to clear his nose, the water rippled as he arduously climbed to his shredded and whipped feet. He had to fight his wounds and the pain from Tolk's punishment both at the same time, muzzle-skin curled upwards to bare all his teeth in a look of exhaustion and ache. Tolk would not allow relief until lessons had been learned, and nature's way of male posturing in the wilderness through sexual dominance reshaped young Aison's will to a more malleable form. Injured right arm hanging more stiffly from it's counterpart, he limped with a light twitch and tremble in his limbs and tail; eyes locked on the symbol of masculinity his guardian steadied between his fingers. Tolk did not show it off to him, and it was not often he got to see such length. The child paled in comparison to an adult Sergal's average of nearly seven inches. He himself was what, three inches tops? Tip of his snout touching the tip of Tolk's penis gave the adult a ticklish prod, and a fur-raising feeling down Aison's spine. If only Tolk was young as well... perhaps Aison would be the one in charge.

Not today.

Aison choked out a teary sputter; opening his mouth and leaning his neck in to encompass his elder's cockhead in his maw. Not skilled in sliding his maw right on down, he simply closed his mouth around the appendage to press his tongue against the underside of Tolk's shaft. Only taking in three inches of the older Sergal's own pride and joy, the boy found himself unsure of what he was actually supposed to do. His eyes turned upwards, woefully seeking instruction as he stood there, penis in his maw. It was a sight for Tolk to see, adoring the sensation of adolescent oral, even if Aison's head or tongue made sure not to move even in the slightest. Warm and moist... sponge-like, and smooth. Already breathing quicker than normal, it was tough to speak in the heat of such a rare moment, especially to provide instructions to a boy with such a pathetic and clueless look on his face with a rod of male appendage silencing his whines.

"Look boy, there's nothing to it.", Tolk spoke as he craned his head down slightly, tilting it to one side to deliver the instruction firmly. He wasn't about to tolerate stalling, as sweet as that face of Aison's was.

"Move your head up and down, use your tongue, suckle like you're nursing... I expect an honest attempt, so get down to your work like you enjoy it, or I'll never finish and you'll be sucking on me all night.", he went on somewhat harshly in how quick he was expecting the straight child to pick this up. It wasn't Aison's place to be a literal cock-tease. With his sexually charged punishment of male dominance picking up into swing, a smirk crept up the ends of Tolk's muzzle, finding it easier to say things like that the deeper he got in and allowed his testicles to take control. This time in his head, he told himself the boy was lucky he didn't skin him alive; taking that thorned switch and whipping him from shoulders to ankles. Yeah, Aison was the fortunate one. Pleasure away, o' fortunate one.

Aison wanted to withdraw himself from the tense inner pressure caused by doing something that disgusted him on such a level; to scoff at the old coot and turn his head in solid defiance. The child hadn't the courage, and wanted his guardian to forgive him even if it took giving his first, though quick suckle. Cheeks sinking inward, he tried the nursing idea, only to have the flavor of musky male slathered over his taste-buds. Opening his maw slightly, his tongue slapped against the underside of the older Sergal; sounding of a wet slurp as Aison cringed and readied his maw to try again. Above his head, Tolk's own bared a few teeth in his personal enjoyment - not much thinking clearly enough to fully hide those side effects' of disciplining his boy in such a manner. Muscles in his groin squeezing, the red, shiny shaft that was still outside Aison's maw pulsed and jumped with each pump of his penis. The sight of it all, and the feeling of the boy trying to provide stimulation got the man gripping the blunted, gnarled end of his walking stick.

Following the mind's natural instinct to take hold of something, the fur of Tolk's thumb stroked past the base of his shaft at his sheath as it left it, to place his paw behind Aison's head. Fingers getting into the child's blue, curly mane, he got a grip that he could use if necessary. Trying to move his muzzle about, rubbing his tongue at the tip his elder's shaft as some means to try and figure out how to do this grotesque task, the feeling of being restrained by the paw atop his head made his jaw quiver against the throbbing organ.

Using his paw as a guide, Tolk pressed lightly, urging the child to take more into his maw, and bob his head with more enthusiasm'. Taking rhythm with the motions of his parental figure's paw, his gag reflex choked at his throat, taking in more cock than he thought his maw would ever face. Slipping into the back of his muzzle, the tip poked at his throat, almost as if Tolk was trying to tease him; while in reality the adult was just getting lost in his pleasure. Eyes half closed and glassy, the older Sergal opened his muzzle slightly to breathe, deep, long breaths with a strongly erotic thought on his mind and a wet little boy maw to fuel the fire. Through his nearly achingly firm shaft, he could feel each of Aison's moments. The sickened lash of his long tongue, the shaking of his lower lip up against the fleshy underside of his penis, the slide of shiny smooth cheek-flesh stroking the his sides... gulping and taking a sharp breath, Tolk's toes curled against the moist ground. There was this soothingly wet feeling from all of the pre saturated saliva in Aison's maw, and the occasional sharper surprise from feeling the unskilled child's sharp teeth. All of the tightness and oral stroking - each movement and suckle as he looked at the top-side of that small muzzle was a mystery; no way to know which way Aison's tongue would move next. There was no way an older, larger muzzle could give such delight, the adult pondered loosely as he growled under his breath and closed his eyes entirely. Using the back-and-forth motion he made with his paw as rhythm, as Aison himself did, even his hips rocked lightly to hump into the boy's closed mouth. Drooling pre-cum copiously from the tip of his masculinity, giving the boy a bitter, salty bite, the punishment aspect fled Tolk's mind.

Though for Aison, it was a polar opposite all around. He couldn't have felt more uncomfortable, and found this to be quite the punishment. Without Tolk providing words, or even scolding, he felt small. Against the badger he could fight even if he'd lose, but with the tears being jerked from his eyes by the steady motions of his head, the freedom of stopping this melted away. He lost it when he used his free choice to make a life threatening decision. The slashing he received from the hunt, and the paw lashing from it's aftermath, served to increase his whimpers and whines as the seconds, and minutes ticked by. His teary sounds were muffled around soft flesh with a solid, bony-like core; inevitably creating a gentle vibration in the meat of Tolk's erection. Like for Tolk, but the other way around, the child's virgin maw could feel the motions of his elder through the shame-bringing appendage. The throb of his heart, pump of his cock, and shift of his hips, all tapped or dragged against the inside of his muzzle. Bits of sticky pre coating his teeth, he could smell the strong scent of male in his nostrils - forced to breath in the musk from being so close to Tolk's sheath and surrounding fur. Those juices' he felt flowing around in his saliva wafted up and added a fume-like sort of burn, as much as he detested what he was doing.

But, suddenly his paws trembled, and his fingers began to curl. The cry he made so quietly rolled out like a long, labored sob with a mouth full of food; eyes closing and seeping another pair of tears. Aison felt something in his groin that hurt him to feel, and ripped enough pride from him to make him cry a bit harder, and scuff a footpaw against the ground even if it would hurt. The child, from his blue furred sheath, was growing erect at an aroused boy's pace. Not even simply an accident, like a loose brush against him that would have stiffened him, the small, lighter colored and smoother sample of male throbbed and jumped tiny bits as it became erect to it's completion. Forced to suck and not stop, a couple of fussy motions the boy made with his head were met with a stronger press from Tolk's paw, and a grip of his darker colored mane to give it an authoritative pull. Performing such an act made it only nature's way that his body would become aroused, even if his mind cried out for the heat radiating little rod to recede back from whence it came. It paled in comparison with the mature adult, lacking some of the meatier features even as it stood tall and held it's position without a single stroke.

Humping into Aison's maw, feeling the bits of struggle and upset motions in the child's throat, Tolk opened his eyes just wide enough to see through slits. Down below, he figured Aison had gone and done something to make this all easier on himself. The sight of a boy so young providing such service to him was wonderful enough to make him tremble, but the sight of that same boy, stiff as a board without his consent, was delicious icing on the cake. Muscles in his groin constricting so tightly, it was like pumping his rod thrice at once, feeling as if it swelled while his prostate and testicles beneath his belly created the finale to the child's woes. A familiar tightening of muscles down below, and a rush through his tubes above; orgasm was about to strike.

Tolk's face scrunched up to a look of strain, showing his teeth and grunting more sharply than the older Sergal typically would, even in pleasure. That, my young Aison, was ecstasy - eat up and like it.

Only loosely suckling and trying to please with his inexperienced tongue, the rush of body heated sperm hit Aison like a slap as it shot out of Tolk's cocktip against the back of his throat. His body clenched anything it could, squirming as he stood and making his own little erection bounce shyly in the cool air. Pump after pump, with the meaty rod pressing to his tongue, the child was held steady by an unsteady paw; Tolk holding on tight as he climaxed and delivered Aison's dreaded payload. Pump after pump, penis trying to leap upwards as it was confined by the boy's maw from such muscle spasms, filled the young muzzle with thick, white cum from throat to the boy's chin; small blobs dribbling from where maw met cock. Feeling the cum spill from the front of Aison's mouth, Tolk gave the cub's mane-fur a squeeze to again yank on it, and elicit another sputtering, muffled cry from below.

"Swallow!", Tolk ordered promptly, using his grip on the back of Aison's head to tilt it back, and encourage the cum to flow into his gullet. Tongue thrashing against his cock, the look on Aison's face said it all. Gulp.. Gulp.. Slurp, slap. It was loud and vulgar sounding as the young boy swallowed the thick semen and worked to remove the taste from his mouth. The scent of musk from Tolk's sheath did not compare well with the raw flavor of male ejaculate, filling his maw and nostrils with sensations and flavors a small, straight boy could not appreciate. Sticky and so slimey, Aison gagged and gurgled trying to force himself to swallow such thick quantities all at once. Here and there, it got trapped or pooled in his muzzle, not making it a quick and easy ordeal. Aison had trouble getting the more watery cum that was flowing from his superior's cock, as it ended up below his tongue where he could not kick it up so easily with the penis still in his maw to ensure each drop ended up in his tummy.

Slow, and painstaking, but after a minute of labored lapping, it began to slow. Tolk's slickened penis, coated in a thick film of cum and saliva, began to cool from the open air as blood rushed out of his interior pockets and pools, and heat dissipated from his spent organ. It softened in Aison's maw, laying with slack against the child's tongue; cradled against it. Sobbing and unable to look up, the boy kept his eyes and ears down submissively, not taking a step back to free himself from the musky torment... as if he had a choice. Standing and panting, footpaws aching fiercely from tensing so many muscles orgasming while standing, Tolk held on to Aison's mane as he rested and came down. Only after Aison groaned out a whine of protest, sickened by the feeling of half-flaccid, almost meaty feeling of dick in his mouth, did the adult, alpha male of a Sergal open his eyes enough to return to reality.

Taking his paw from the back of his boy's head, he instead wrapped it around Aison's maw, and with a quick motion, squeezed as he withdrew himself. The boy's little lips and mouth stripped the remaining cum from his cock like a sleeve, causing him to jerk his head back and wipe his lips with a sad sort of desperate growl. Seeing those cheeks wet from embarrassed tears, and his awkward rubbing at his muzzle to get the sticky bits of cum off his mouth and onto the blue backs of his paws, spoke of how the boy felt. Punishment effective, Aison's head hung and his posture appeared lower. The only thing standing up to Tolk was Aison's seemingly raging stiffy. It looked as if the child could not move an inch without it swaying so... cutely, and innocently. Standing there against Aison's will, it was as without consent as the male juices trailing down his throat.

It hit him like an electric shock. Damn near made Tolk's back curl. Yes, that would be an interesting punishment indeed. Even after his orgasm, and bits of guilt for his actions began to sink in heavily as his arousal faded away into sober thought, it seemed most appropriate.

With a single step backwards and the assistance of his cane, Tolk again eased himself down carefully to sit on the ground. Free of his leg's issues, even if it never fully removed the pain, Tolk settled his walking stick down and relaxed, getting off his feet. Penis now limp, shiny from fluids and use, it would be only a couple moments before it was sheathed; if Tolk could resist another erection. Once again able to settle his voice into being calm, and to the point, he took a breath and returned to his work, as Aison stared at him through a single eye; tear stricken and closed to a slit. His head was to one side, and with Tolk sitting, he was on the same level as the younger Sergal. So coated in scratches, down to gashes and lesions, such a pitiful, teary look seemed out of place. Deserved, but out of place. It made the older not feel bad for the discipline, but felt bad that Aison apparently didn't know better to begin with. Now his boy had to suffer those wounds for many days to come, working with him to assist their healing. Cleaning, herbal rubs, bandaging; Aison would likely cry more than once from sting or sheer pain of it all. If only he hadn't done something to foolish to himself. Now, he hoped, the balance between pride and shame had been balanced; cum mixing with raw badger meat in Aison's belly to form a yin and yang of sorts.

"I see you're erect, from what you had to do.", Tolk announced quietly, and with a lower sort of almost merciful voice than he would take under normal circumstances. He quoted the obvious, but it would make the lad's skin crawl to be told such a thing was so out in the open. Sniffling and making a couple of sounds, Aison shook his head briskly, as if to deny that obvious fact. If anything, the boy could not admit he took pleasure in it, when he did not. The strength of Tolk's bitter seminal fluid still burned at his maw and throat, made worse by all the protein they obtained through eating prey. Aison in his virgin ignorance did not know why his body betrayed him, standing to stiff and tall, even as they stood there in the heavy air they made. When he was alone and toying with his sheath, and experimenting with his own adolescent masculinity, it was hard when he wanted it to be.

"It's alright child; that's something that can happen, even if you don't like it. You cannot control your inner workings, just as I cannot sprint after prey. But, if your body is going to get randy during such a punishment, you had best be prepared to soothe it in the same lack of privacy that you gained it in.", the wiser Sergal began in a more informative tone, shifting it mid-way into that familiar tone of impending orders and discipline. Aison's paws gripped at his chest, as the lump sinking down his throat, as his shyness over the matter dropped his self-pride into his whipped feet.

"Sit down in my lap, and stroke yourself off. If you won't do this on your own, I'll be forced to help you. You will not be done until your body says that you are done.", came the orders he sensed coming, right away without delay. Aison took one step backwards with his right footpaw, getting a sting from a switch welt across the base of his long Sergal toes. Muzzle closed, and his sobs quiet... it took a moment, between deep breaths and sniffs, but Aison placed his paw back where it was, and stepped forward. He didn't know what to say, placed in such a shameful position and stripped of his own masculinity in such a way. Aison could spend the rest of the day killing large prey, if it was possible, and he would not get all of his man-hood back in one fell swoop like that. Tolk would indeed have to be his beloved parent, and each of his rules would have to be obeyed as such. No hunting, meant no hunting.

As he started to lean down, he was stopped by Tolk placing a paw under his chin. Eye to eye suddenly, the look he saw was a bit more stern.

"Speak, child. You are not that meek. Discipline comes to pass, but your accomplishments do not. I could box your ears right now, if you feel you'd prefer me to lose my temper about what you did. If you're going to accept your punishment, say so, with respect.", the older Sergal lectured with a softer voice, though keeping the context of his words in the realm of threat, and teaching. It took a moment of Aison clearing his head, and a sniff, but the young boy nodded his head against his fatherly figure's strong, older paw. The paw-pad beneath his chin was calloused from hard work; the kind Tolk did in lovingly protecting him. Aison wasn't foolish enough to not know what Tolk was feeling on the inside, at times, even if he acted like the old coot he always was. The boy figured he could have done worse things to his tender, already battered body, besides put him in his place. Part of him wanted to be as bitter as Tolk's ejaculate, but with so much time to think while eating, and following his elder to this riverbank to accept punishment, he felt bad to have worried that silly old man so much. Even trying to apologize and be a good child, he still made a horrible error in judgment. Just needed to do as told, for once, and save himself this guilt and hurt.

"Yes s-sir. I'm sorry.", Aison choked out as clearly as he could. His voice was not so teary, as suckling a male was horrible, but not like a long painful spanking. It sounded like his embarrassment and hesitation broke up his voice instead, trying to force the words past that lump in his throat. Receiving a gentle nod from Tolk, the paw was removed, and the boy allowed to sit in his elder's lap. Aison didn't get to sit in Tolk's lap often, but honestly enjoyed when he did. The older Sergal in his dignified way, seemed to shy away from such close interaction, but sometimes the boy needed it. When Aison was scared, or freezing from the cold when a fire would simply not start, he often found himself huddled up with arms around him. Getting his rear snug in Tolk's lap, Aison shifting his tail to get himself situated, he leaned on that as being his courage and good feelings. He needed to know he was cared for, and doing as his elder said would not hurt or ridicule him. Aison needed to trust, and let those feelings go; with the realization of just why Tolk was using such methods, aside from those side effects' the coot received. There was no need to run off on his own, and no need to defy Tolk's word, as long as he trusted his leadership and teaching. That if he did something shameful to himself, and stripped his own privacy entirely, willingly, he was leaning on his trust and love for his guardian for everything to be okay in the end. Looking down at his short, pre-pubescent erection sticking from his gelatinously soft sheath and the blue fur of his groin, he wrapped his right paw around himself, leaning back into Tolk's belly and chest.

This would be deeply uncomfortable and awkward, but if it saved his hide and let his elder feel trusted...

Cold, damp fur warmed by Tolk's body heat, Aison tightened his hold and began. The strokes of his paw were somewhat slow and uneasy, bringing forth sexual feelings he wasn't excited about sharing. As he was not putting his all into it, the boy's breathing remained quiet with a sniffle every so often, caused by his wracked body. Masturbating his adolescent erection took only two of his fingers and his thumb, jacking it enough to roll a bit of the looser, sensitive flesh on the outside of his penis up and down slightly against the base of his head. Lacking finesse, and so stiff from embarrassment, his arm and wrist motions had no fluidity. Even so, the child could feel each tight, squeezing sensation inside of his cock as muscles contracted and the short length of male attempted to pump out fluids that weren't completely there yet.

His own chest not quite heaving as it was, Tolk was able to relax for a portion of Aison's punishment without more than simply observing. Watching the boy ate at his guilt, but another part of it felt okay. Justifying his affinity and actions without the inner cheer of his erection was not something he could do simply, and this time around, Tolk did not try. He'd just have to live with himself and his belief that Aison's interests were the ultimate goal of anything he did, no matter what it did to himself. The older Sergal and all his wisdom would likely never settle on which was true; forever disliking the part inside of himself he repressed so much and indulged in such delicate moderation.

Sighing aloud to catch his tired breath, Tolk wrapped his arms around Aison's chest - getting in beneath his arms so the boy could continue his pawing. Feeling the embrace made doing as he was told more difficult, even if it made him feel less alone. The fact he was less alone, and toying with himself, was where the punishment came from anyway. Seeing the lad swallow hesitantly, staring down at his own immature masculinity, Tolk gave something of a reassuring squeeze between Aison's chest and belly.

"Do you need a finger under your tail to help you along?", Tolk added in a soft, teasing sort of tone as a threat for the boy to get moving. It did not match the more loving squeeze he gave, but it was Tolk's way to mask affection, as he did day in, and day out. Not bothering to look up, Aison sheepishly resumed tending to his unwanted erection; working the shaft a bit faster and tickling the base of his cock-head with his fur more often as a result.

"N-no.", he answered promptly and plainly, with his voice a higher pitch than the norm. Pawing himself was bringing on real arousal with hormones filling his head. It was pleasure, even if he didn't want it to be. So young, the sharp sensations the nerves of his penis made when being stroked made his pelvis twitch from the sudden, unexpected impulses. On, and on, for those few moments, with those sensations growing stronger and more real' from his unwanted session, his body reacted. Stroke after stroke made his toes curl slightly, and his left paw ball up as his body tightened to become consumed in his sexual task. At such a front row seat, sheath tucked up against the base of Aison's little tail, each breath and stroke Tolk could feel was tactile and memorable. Aison's back rubbing against him, and the wiggle of his rear from the jerking at his front. He could feel the moment Aison's breathing grew quicker, and shallow, with that paw picking up speed. That, Tolk knew, was honest arousal. Heat coming off his boy; he really did have a masturbating young'un in his lap.

As minutes passed ever so slowly to the lament of the smaller, and the luxury of the larger, it was a simple scene of throbbing boy in the midst of working towards his eventual orgasm. Aison wished it could happen at a whim, but just like the body's own mind to give random erections, it also decided when it orgasmed. In fear of Tolk furthering his punishment, Aison made tiny whines and whimpers, from both sexual pressure, and not wanting a finger worming up his tailhole. The claw he received between his pucker yesterday was enough for him to not want that much violation. Still not entirely fluid, his arm ached lightly, though it was dulled by pleasure and endorphins coursing through his body. Even his wounds throbbed less as his penis throbbed more; heartbeat felt through his paw, and his groin pumping his cock in rhythm with his heart. A beat meant the tiny appendage would try to jump with the tight clench of his penile muscles, again and again. Panting between those desperate little whimpers, squirming his thighs, Aison was just trying to pretend he wasn't right in his elder's lap, being held like a baby. So demeaning in feeling, it hindered his stimulation from doing it's full job, and that aura of nerve firings from his groin would fade. Out in the open beside the running water on this overcast, cold day, was an elder holding his ward; filling the air with the sound of running water, and whimperish sounds from the fapping adolescent.

"Keep going, child. Don't stop.", Tolk spoke out of the blue after many moments admiring the boy's little stiffy being pawed at so briskly. Aison did not know that was an instruction, and not just words of encouragement. Removing his right arm from around the lad's heaving chest, he tried to slip a finger or two between his sheath and the boy's tail, to get into the crevice to access Aison's tailhole. Not finger it as he threatened, but again, Aison did not know that, intentionally. Once the boy felt the touch of fingers at his tail and rear, he squeeled, moving his legs about a bit more quickly; raising his hips and groin up into his still masturbating paw.

"I'm going, I'm going!", Aison cried out, pressing back into the larger Sergal's chest and curling his tail more to the side, even though it did absolutely nothing to help. Breathing harder and deeper, his arm desperately worked; paw pounding his pelvis with each hard, fast stroke of his shaft. Panting from the strain and intensity of what he was feeling, he couldn't do much more than grunt and groan like a whiny child at the touch of fur against his virgin pink opening. Using a stroking motion of his own, Tolk rubbed his fingertip at the sensitive ring of flesh and muscle; wrinkled even in Aison's sweet young age. The nubs of skin the wrinkles made shifted and pulled with each warm pass, tickling fur against the boy and sending waves of pressure and new feelings up into the lad's groin.

Aison bit his lip, squirming less as he stiffened up tighter in Tolk's lap. The massage against his tailhole, and the prickly, tickle-like sensations his elder's fur made were stimulating indeed. It made him want to cry in shame, that... it was arousing. Tolk's finger made him hornier, and his pleasure to increase, despite his gentle thrash and exhausted panting.

Digging his paws against the ground and taking leverage with his left paw by gripping Tolk's leg, Aison panted out strained whimpers. Pelvis and lower tummy quivering so close to orgasm, even the boy's lip shook - reminded of his fatherly figure's presence by the tingle in his bottom, and the paw at his chest. Hips pressing forward, and his head back, the boy's groin hovered into the air as he fapped vigorously at himself; eyes shining from his uneasy tears.

Suddenly inhaling with an awkward cry, sounding like a sniffle, Aison's body seemed to lock up, and his penis reach another bit into the air with the thrust of his hips; right footpaw pressing into the ground to elevate his groin so much. His arm stopped, resuming after a second more slowly, and limply. Coughing to get his air, his bottom fell back into his elder's lap, and his eyes opened weakly. In his paw, his cock jerked and jumped, displaying the fiery lust and attempt to ejaculate. At his age, with his slow strokes as he came down, a bit of watery cum began to flow from the tip of his penis, down over his thumb. It shined dully, mostly clear instead of thick and white. His balls beneath his blue fur small and pre-pubescent, the fluid of a young man as all the tough little wanna-be hunter could muster.

He was not a grown-up, and Tolk proved it.

Heaving and panting in Tolk's lap, Aison lifted his paw to look at the fluid he made - penis aching from his first orgasm. Virgin and full of young stamina, even after he finished', his penis stood tall, throbbing up and down without being held. Removing his finger from beneath Aison's tail-base, Tolk used that paw to pat Aison's side as the child remained leaned back in rest. This, Tolk knew, would be a memory to last a lifetime. The day a boy, like those he dreamt to enjoy, sat in his lap and brought on a virgin's orgasm. It would bring many orgasms, and after those orgasms, many hours of self-torment and hanging his head.

"You're done Aison. Without spilling the same ejaculate as I, you must now realize your age. You are not ready for the tasks larger than you are. You'll learn hunting when I permit. Understand?", Tolk in a way scolded, though it was open ended to give Aison the opportunity to reply.

"Ye..- yes sir.", Aison began, but was interrupted by a pant. After such an ordeal, he didn't want to talk much. He'd prefer slinking behind Tolk for a while. There'd be no trying to run ahead. Muzzle lowered to be beside his child's, Tolk nodded his head in acceptance.

"You may consider yourself forgiven. However, the pain of your wounds will continue; a lasting punishment given to you by your breakfast. All your actions have consequences.", the older Sergal taught his charge, explaining the world as it was. Not all consequences were given to Aison by Tolk himself. A parent had to give consequence to matters that would not typically have one. Hunting without permission and getting hurt, is a consequence that teaches that a boy is not ready. Surviving that hunt to return home and enjoy the kill, has no negative consequence... Tolk had to make that one himself.

"I'll be good.", the young Sergal responded quietly, giving a single, slight nod to acknowledge that he understood. It was all a cub could do. Assure, and trudge on. It's not like he had insightful replies like his guardian did.

By the beckon of Tolk's paws, Aison got to his sore, cut feet and helped the older Sergal up by offering a shoulder as he was so perfectly taught from a young age. Aison this time, winced at the pain his footpaw shot up his leg as it rubbed against the wet sediment below to steady his elder. There was no time to stop and rub them again, as once he wiped at his eyes to make sure they were clear of any remaining tears, his guardian was walking already up the hill. Turning, he tried to sprint to get back behind Tolk, but quickly slowed down with a teary sounding growl. His feet stung - the cuts spreading and shifting with each step, and pressing welts into tiny rocks. Aison would have to stay a few paces behind Tolk, walking more carefully for the sake of his feet.

Soon the sound of rocks faded, being replaced by the familiar crunch of leaves. It hurt less, but did not soothe the boy's paws. Walking up the hillside made his eyes water, and made a few of his cuts bleed again, on the pads of both feet. He was forlorn, but knew it could have been worse. Stupid toothy raccoon-thing could have ripped his legs to shreds before he killed it. Punishment deserved or not, after such demeaning, it would be tough for Aison to look Tolk in the face for a few days. His tune would change though, even if he did not know it yet. Tolk's love and care would shine when caring for his wounds, even if Tolk would hide his initial intentions with his standard, to-the-point personality...

"We continue on. Making you walk on those feet shall be sufficient reminder for you to stay close to me. Fall back and I'll stop only to spank you.", Tolk spoke plainly enough, one paw on his walking stick, and the other behind his back; a cold wind blowing against his mane and the tuft of fur under his chin. The cold made Aison hug himself and shiver from his still damp fur. As his elder was not looking, he bared his teeth as if to snarl silently at the old coot. The boy couldn't find that fair.

"But sir, you had promised that we could rest, and I could play!", the tired boy called out, taking a few pained steps to walk faster through the foliage to get closer to his guardian. Tolk closed his eyes slightly, resisting to lower his head and show a hint of guilt. Yes, he did promise the boy at least two days ago he'd have time to play. It didn't seem right, as the young one needed time to himself, especially after the sort of creative sexual discipline he employed. Tolk however, wanted to move Aison to a better location. Closer to water to keep his wounds clean and provide a location less prone to infection, as well as to find herbs and plants to make ointments and medicines from. Even if he wanted to, it wasn't like the older Sergal to claim any sort of worry. He'd let Aison figure out his pure intentions through his actions, not his words, when he spent a week or two doctoring the boy's injuries faithfully. Even if walking hurt badly, Tolk knew that once the endorphins and adrenaline leaves Aison's body completely, he'd feel the full extent of the pain. Wounds of his legs deep, the muscle foolishly pushing forward without knowing it's damage... Aison might not walk well soon. Best to make the lad fear a swatting, then his legs give out in a bad place.

In the dark, Aison went quiet, not receiving a response from Tolk. Wiping at his eyes again, he sniffled; feet soon back on mountain path, limping and wincing to follow his mentor and protector. The silence was typical to the nomadic pair, despite the tension.

I'm too old for this.', Tolk and Aison both said in their heads, wandering towards the spot Tolk sought; both walking steadily and labored, the same as each other. Like father and son.