Bloody Sunrise: Act 3

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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Bloody Sunrise (A story of horror, passion, and suspense)

Act III: Siege

Fran was panting as Anthony rolled off her panting as well. They looked at each other with affection. Now there seemed to be too much time for all of them. Three weeks had passed and only a few scattered zombies had tried to wade or swim across the lake mostly they were taken out by the guards using sniper rifles, but it was still unsettling. Fran was feeling odd as well, she could not put her finger on it.

"How long do you think we'll be here?" Fran asked looking at the ceiling which seemed to be spinning, of course after an orgasm like the ones she had been having she would usually be left breathless and dizzy anyway.

"Who knows..." Anthony sighed and smiled at her. Fran tried to smiled back but suddenly was overcome by a wave of nausea and she had to hop up and run for the toilet as she vomited clear into it.

"Oh my God! Fran are you ok?" Anthony said leaping to her side as she stood back up coughing the acidic taste from her mouth and turning on the water in the sink to wash out her mouth.

"I'm not feeling to well..." She said woozily.

There must have been a trend because several other women were also in the infirmary claiming the same, headache, nausea, and loss of energy. As Anthony and Fran walked in they encountered Jenna with Brad close at her side. Jenna looked almost green. There was also Mona there trying to look composed, but it was obvious that she was ill as well.

"What the hell is going on here?" Anthony whispered to himself.

Suddenly there was yelling from one of the rooms and a female lapin came storming out of the room. She was fuming and the doctor was following her close behind.

"But it's confirmed!" Said the tiger waving his clip board "It's not a misdiagnosis!"

"It's ridiculous!" Countered the female rabbit. "I haven't been with a male of my kind in the last year!"

"Look I don't know how or why it happened." The doctor said as he pointed to the clipboard.

"Oh yeah I'm just asexual and I make kits out of nowhere!" She fumed.

Everyone in the infirmary froze and looked at the pair making a commotion.

"Hey! Just calm down Lisa." Said a male husky coming up behind her and massaging her shoulders.

"He's not my O.B. Doctor Jake! Its impossible I want to leave now!" The female lapin stormed out the room with Jake hot on her heels trying to soothe her. Suddenly every couple in the room looked at each other with a gaze of mixed horror and wonder.

"Aw fuck..." Anthony muttered.

"It seems that the anti-gen we created does more than vaccinate..." Wrighthouse said dryly thumbing through his stack of research papers.

"That's an understatement." Brad said crossing his arms and Jenna mirrored him as they looked at the Professor for an answer. Wrighthouse walked over to his analysis screen.

"The crossing of species normally can not occur, but the compound reverses adverse changes to genetic material, like pushing a reset button. It does this when the E.E.M.C.2 compound invades the blood; it reformats the cells to neutralize the compound, but when two carriers of the anti-gen... procreate... it seems that the reproductive material reformats as well allowing compatibility." Wrighthouse looked to the crowd of couples nervously.

"All of the female here that have been with a male, any male in the last three weeks... congratulations..." The Professor gave a sheepish grin. The crowd of females and their respective partners broke into a frenzy of emotion, some females cried while their partners tried to comfort them, others collapse and seemed paralyzed while the males tried shake them back to their senses, most of them just started shouting angrily at their lovers.

Jenna began to tear up before turning and running out of the room; Brad was right after her yelling her name, trying to reason with her. Mona stood there, but could not feign innocence as she began to sniffle. Anthony and Fran looked at each other with and expression that said only one thing... oops.

"Fifteen... fifteen females." Anthony said, right at the moment as he and Fran sat there they were indecisive. Since this startling occurrence two females had to be locked up under guard for attempting suicide.

"What are we going to do?" Fran asked worriedly

"Well we really don't know how or what is going to come of this. I mean, the children could turn out fine." Anthony said with a grimace which did not reassure Fran one bit. They embraced for quite a while when the alarms began to go off.

"You stay here." Anthony said protectively and he ran out the room. He was no further than thirty feet down the hallway when there was shots and gunfire. From down the corridor the door burst open and one of the guards was sent flying down the hall backwards. Anthony saw the zombie that they usually had locked up was now free, but its musculature had slightly increased. It was missing its right hand and half a face. It still functioned though as it bound down the hall towards Anthony.

Anthony had to will himself to move as he ran down the hall towards it and the downed guard. The zombie leapt and Anthony dove for the shotgun laying in the dead guards hand. The zombie and Anthony missed each other by mere inches, Anthony felt his fingers close around the barrel of the gun and he yanked the shotgun free as he skidded on his stomach.

Anthony rolled over just as the zombie dove at him again. Anthony unloaded with adrenaline enhanced reactions, battering four shotgun shells into the zombie the first taking off the remaining portion of its head and the other three splattering its blood and body parts all over the place. Anthony crawled over the guard, but it was far too late to save him. Anthony sighed and rested the shotgun against his shoulder.

"I need a beer..."

The footage from the security camera showed that the zombie underwent a spontaneous transformation. It literally ripped the cage bars open before going through the bullet proof glass. It lost its hand to the laser grid but it grabbed part of the broken steel cage and smashed it around destroying some of the equipment and the laser fence blinked off as the guard entered the room shooting it once before it got a hold of him.

"This is bad I take it?" Victor said as he turned off the monitor.

"Not even the half of it. It seems that the zombies are growing bolder... if that is possible" Wrighthouse said, the hyena shook his head and sighed.

"So are we all fucked?" Anthony said as he idly sloshed a cold brewski around before taking a swig of it.

"No... if they do come at us I have our contingency plan, even a plan C if things get out of hand." Wrighthouse said his eye twitching.

"Better have that plan at the ready... we might just need it." Victor said as the alarms went off again. "Perimeter reports incoming..."

Everyone was dashing for safety as Brad led Jenna through the throng of frightened survivors. They had mutually agreed to make the best of the situation with the child that was now growing in Jenna belly, but the time for family planning was over for now. Brad had to get to his equipment, although he was confident that a bite would not turn him he was still not going to take chances.

Jenna helped Brad put on his armor and he grabbed the bow and his katana. He looked into Jenna's eyes as his thumb tenderly stroking her cheek. He put his gloves on and then gave her one last kiss before he put on his motorcycle helmet and then waited till Jenna locked the door behind him.

He met up with the others and about a dozen defense force agents, along with them were about half a dozen other survivors that had taken up arms and were prepared to defend their new home. Armed with a variety of ranged weapons they looked at Brad as though he was crazy, with his bow, six arrows, and a sword.

"Your nuts-o boy!" Declared one of the survivors, he was an old hound that that looked as if he'd been a farmer of some sorts.

"Quite old man! He knows what he's doing." Victor said and took a long drag from his cigarette. Then the Professor came down the hall with a case. The Professor stopped before handing Brad a briefcase.

"Try these I think you'll find them effective enough." Wrighthouse said, Brad opened the case and found six odd shaped arrowheads.

"Explosive delay charges, ten-time more powerful than any explosive for its size, press the button on the top and you have ten seconds till it goes off." Wrighthouse indicated a small button on the tip of the dome shaped arrowhead.

All of them got out onto the deck and was greeted with the sounds of gunfire. Everyone began climbing up the observation ladders to get a better vantage point. On the shore to the north and east there was a mass of already running and swimming undead making their way to the floating facility.

Brad squinted in determination and began replacing his regular arrowhead with the ones that the Professor gave him. He nocked one of his newly modified arrows and he depressed the button by tapping the tip of the arrowhead to the ground. He drew back and aimed in an arc releasing the arrow watching it sail towards a mass of undead that had starting to immerse into the lake. The Professor was correct in his calculations as the explosion sent nearly a dozen undead flying through the air and instantly splattering a half dozen more.

Brad grinned and nocked another arrow; again he struck the tip to the deck and released the projectile at the same arc in a different longitude. His arrow glided down towards a group of zombies that were starting to wade into the water. Then they scattered at the last moment, the explosion catching only five bodies in its lethal radius. Brad frowned; they seemed to be getting smart alright.

Brad furrowed his brow and readied another arrow to shoot again. All around him the guards and the survivors were picking off zombies where they could. This time he counted to three before he released his arrow. The zombies tried the same trick, they tried to move out of the way at the last moment, but the arrow exploded above their heads, this time instantly decapitating more than half a dozen and sending a few more sprawling to the ground.

Victor was using his ammo wisely, acquiring his target and putting them down with a single shot. Anthony was using a sniper rifle, but he was a tad bit off aim. Another explosion sent more zombies up in flames as Brad looked at his two remaining arrows. This time Brad aimed at an odd angle, he let loose and the arrow went low and skipped off the water into a group of swimming zombies and detonated.

The water was crimson with carnage as Brad nocked his last arrow and let it fly at a particularly large group of advancing undead. The zombies didn't even bother to move as over two dozen of them were blow to smithereens. Brad discarded the bow and a guard handed him an M-16. Brad was lining up on one of the horrid creatures when Victor's voice rang out.

"Cease fire!" Victor ordered and everyone stopped shooting as the remaining masses of walking cadavers started to swim closer to ‘the fence' the survivors and guards cheered as the lasers activated and instantly filleted the horde of swimming terrors. Anthony at first thought it was his imagination, but soon all of them realized that the zombies were turning around and swimming back to shore.

Once the zombies got to the shore they seemed to stand there dumb dripping and gazing at the survivors standing up on the observation platform. Victor sighted in on one and instantly its head was a mess of useless mangled flesh. The other zombies reacted slowly as they turned and seemed to shamble off in defeat. The guards and survivors looked at each other and then watched as the last of the remaining undead vanished off into the distance.

The next day was different, the alarms rang out again as the perimeter alerted the survivors, once more they guards and survivors ran out to the main deck. One of the guards that climbed up to the observation platform paused startled.

"You've got to be kidding me!" the guard said and dove flat on the floor. The sound of gunfire erupted and Victor carefully peered around the edge with his scope looking towards the shore. He quickly ducked back behind cover and swore.

"Shit if they were not dangerous enough before..." Victor said looking to the rest of the group. "They have firearms."

"They can't be that smart." Anthony said. Anthony would have to eat his own words as bullets spanged off the deck of the platform. The shots were not close, but that did not mean it was not a threat. They each had to carefully climb up to the observation platform one by one and lay prone; crawling into position to take out the armed undead. There was only a handful of gun brandishing zombies on the shore, the rest of them were swimming again towards the platform.

"Lucky for us they can't aim worth shit." One of the guards said as he snipped the head off of a pistol wielding zombie. Suddenly, the guard knocked back as a seven-point-six-two round struck him in the shoulder; the wolf guard yelped instantly shimmying back to gain cover.

"Can't aim huh?" Victor said as he looked for that particular zombie marksman to get revenge. Another shot ran out from nowhere and this time struck another guard in the head knocking his helmet clean off and rending him unconscious or worse. Victor grew more frantic as the swimming zombies reached the laser fence.

A third high powered shot rang out and something sparked in the water and then the whole lake around them seemed to boil and spit. From the radio came the panicked voice of Professor Wrighthouse.

"We just lost the fence!" The hyena nearly screamed over their communications channel. Victor had been watching carefully though and this time sighted in on a distant muzzle flash had occurred. Adjusting his scope he zoomed in and saw the remains of what had once been a black wolf. It was looking through a rifle scope with its still functioning eye, but what was more disturbing was the fact it was wearing a tattered Marine uniform.

Victor squeezed the trigger and zombie sniper fell; decaying gray matter dripping from its forehead. But the damage had already been done as now ten dozen of the undead passed the now defunct fence and neared the platform.

"Gunny we are almost out of ammo!" Called one of the guards

"Fuck! Fall back! Prepare to conserve ammo and go C.Q.B. gentlemen!" Victor called out. The guards as well as Victor and the others got up and did a hasty slide down the ladder to the main deck. A few survivors had to carefully climb down due to them unable, or unwilling to attempt or emulate the guards. Anthony broke out his trusty shotgun and took in a deep breath.

"Here we go again my friend, fighting to the bitter end; descending down to hell's nine levels, dancing toe-to-toe with demons and devils." Anthony said as he clicked the safety off his weapon and took up a position. Brad drew his katana and passed his M-16 to one of the other survivors. The guards and survivors looked at each other in a grim agreement of the situation. That is when the first bunch of undead boarded the platform, instantly they were cut down as the handful guards and survivors fought furiously to protect the platform.

Brad was sure to defend the backs of his companions with elegant decapitations and head splitting. Anthony and two other survivors were alternating with shotgun blasts giving time for the others to reload. One guard screamed as three zombies tackled him and Brad ran over kicking one of the zombies off and with a swift swipe severed brain stems before burying his blade into the skull of the recovering zombie.

It was too late though; they had gotten under his helmet and bitten out the guard's throat. Brad stood cautiously for a moment; however, the guard did not come back to life as a zombie and Brad returned to the task at hand.

"Gunny we're out!" One of the other guards yelled and gave a rifle butt-stroke to the temple of one of the lunging undead. Other guards were fighting similar hand to hand techniques but all were getting quickly overwhelmed.

"Get back inside!" Yelled Victor as they had the shotgunners use their remaining shells to cover them as they opened the reinforced door and they scrambled in. Then Victor used one of his glue grenades to slow down the horde before he shut the door behind the rest of the group.

They did a head count and two of the survivors had died, three guards had been killed. Brad whipped the blood of his blade and accounted for Anthony being there as well. They now heard the pounding of fists on the steel door and it actually began to distend from the masses of zombies pounding on it trying to get in.

"Shit that door won't last long." Victor said "Everyone get back and I'll see what this foam grenade can do." Everyone backed up and Victor shot out his second grenade at first the foam poured out in a soupy mix but quickly expanded and hardened.

"Go find more ammo I'll see if I can hold them here I still have one full mag." Victor instructed. The guards and the survivors nodded and headed for the armory. Brad headed for Jenna's room instead. He was determined to make sure she was alright.

The foam only brought time, but Victor had to reload with different grenades; this time he alternated two anti-gen splatter grenades and a buckshot round. So he had lied, he didn't even have half a mag left, but nobody had to know that. The first of the zombies broke through the foam and caught a bullet in the brain, immediately after that Victor launched a grenade into the carved and torn passage of the foam.

The grenade hit the zombie in the head, a spray of anti-gen erupted and immediately five zombies dropped to the ground writhing and thrashing as the liquid sprayed around in the passage. More zombies died in what seemed like mock agony as the foam started to absorb the liquid Victor let loose with the buckshot round instantly shredding two more zombies.

"You want some?! Come get some!" He yelled launching his third grenade. Zombies died left and right but they began to still crawl through the passage. Victor used his last three bullets to render a trio of zombies headless and then he dropped his weapon before pulling out his K-bar knife.

"Semper Fi!" Victor yelled as he charged.

Anthony and the others arrived back from the armory to see more zombies already running down the hallway. The guards and survivors readied themselves like a firing squad and then let loose full-metal death as the zombies gnashed teeth, howled, and flailed as they died in a hail of gunfire. Only a few zombies made their way down opposite passages. They group advanced eliminating targets with extreme prejudice as Anthony headed towards the main door, and handfuls of guards went down the opposite hallways to try and contain the zombies.

The herd seemed to be thinning and as Anthony reloaded his shogun, then with a sudden start the seeming endless wall of undead cleared and Anthony and the survivors got a view of Victor. He had four zombies on him, his right arm flailing around futilely with the knife still gripped in it. His torn off left arm lay to one side clenching and unclenching in reflex action.

"Shit!" Anthony ran up and slammed his shotgun butt into the head of the zombies that was gnawing rabidly into Victor's tattered arm socket; it let go reeling back snarling and pawing its face. Carefully avoiding Victor's wild knife swings, Anthony plugged one zombie in the face at point blank range and then dropped his shotgun pulling out his revolver and dispatching the other two as the other survivors turned the last zombie into a puddle of gore with gunfire.

Anthony held up Victor who dropped his knife and the wolf slumped against the Doberman for support as his weapon clattered to the ground.

"Oh my God... Victor..." Anthony looked over Victor, who was bleeding from everywhere with multiple bite wounds, and the torn socket where his left arm would have once been was spilling his life from him. "Get a first aid kit!" Anthony yelled and one of the survivors swiftly ran off to find one.

"D-don't bother..." Victor coughed as Anthony set him down against the corner of the wall and floor. "I-I'm... t-t-too f-fucked... up." Victor coughed up flecks of blood indicating that he had bitten his own tongue; the hand of death seemed to hover gleefully over the wolf's head. Anthony grabbed Victor's remaining hand and gripped it tightly.

"Shut up! Don't say shit like that! Your going to make it Marine!" Anthony tried to sound reassuring, but his voice was faltering. "Come on! Suck it up Gunnery Sergeant!"

"N-nice t-try th-there... b-but I-I'm b... ound f-for my... fi... nal d-du... ty s-sta...tion..." Victor's last word trailed off, his eyes became glassed over and his body went limp. Anthony did not bother trying to shout his name; he knew that now Victor could not hear him, he carefully and solemnly set Victor's hand down. The brave light in Victor was extinguished.

"If the Army... and the Navy... ever look on Heaven's scene; you... you will find the streets are g-guarded... by... " Anthony said choking back tears, for a moment the Doberman sat there before he ran his fingers down Victor's eyelids closing them forever.

The other survivors stepped back in terror as Anthony picked up his shotgun and with a roar of grief began shooting already deceased zombie corpses reducing them to puddles of slick gore.

"Mother fuckers!" he shouted as he pumped shell after shell into cadavers and once he was out of ammunition Anthony dropped his shotgun and silently wept into his hand.

Brad found it hard to swing his katana in the narrow hallway so he had to sheath it and use hand-to-hand fighting instead. He swept a zombie to the ground and drove an elbow into its throat which didn't do much except slow it down some. It got up gnashing its teeth. Brad this time dodged when it lunged, letting it pass him he spun behind it and dug his right hand fingers into its eye-sockets from behind.

Placing his left hand palm at the base of the zombie's skull he yanked backwards with his right hand and pushed forward with his left and a sickening crunch sounded as the zombies head came loose and the headless body thrashed before collapsing. Just then the two other advancing zombies were gunned down by the guards that came running up from behind.

"We are initiating plan Angel Dust!" one of the guards said as Professor Wrighthouse and Mona were escorted up the hallway.

"The situation has been temporarily contained but we are going to have to coordinate. This is not the only facility, we have over a hundred of survivor platforms all over the world and now that we have synthesized the anti-gen into its airborne form we can initiate a scatter missile strike over a good portion of the world."

Brad and the rest of the survivors followed Wrighthouse as he made his way to the command center of the platform. Shortly Anthony and the rest of the group joined them.

"Seal all hatches and prepare for launch." The Professor said.

"Launch?!" Anthony asked.

"We have an I.C.B.M. here, an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile which will be able to scatter the compound over a few hundred miles if detonated in the lower atmosphere. It is linked to about fifty other sister sites that have technicians that are preparing to also launch as we speak." Wrighthouse explained as he flipped up the safety cover and inserted a key.

"Wait! Why didn't you do this in the first place?" Brad asked.

"We didn't have the proper testing for the compound, but now that we know the anti-gen works, and thanks to you all for being test subjects, it can save the rest of the survivors out there." Wrighthouse keyed in a code and instantly four other screens lit up with the faces of different scientist coming up. They each checked in as Zephyr, Helios, Tenchi, and Osiris divisions reported all ready to launch.

"This is not a drill prepare to administer operation Angel Dust." Wrighthouse said and then he turned the key and a computer voice announced that all hatches were sealing up and that launch was immanent.

"Pray..." Wrighthouse said and pressed the ‘Execute' button as the sound of rockets roared to life, the sound was deafening as everyone did indeed pray.

The sun shone down through the windows as Jenna stirred and rolled over in the bed. She blinked slowly awake as she felt Brad's arm around her waist. She smiled and turned to him and saw he was smiling back at her.

"Morning love." Brad said sleepily. Jenna kissed him as she propped herself up on an arm to move over him.

"How are you feeling today?" Brad asked his arms embracing her as she straddled him and grinned.

"Horny..." Jenna said and wiggled her hips around on him.

"Insatiable little vixen." Brad said teasingly.

Brad moved his hands up to her breasts and squeezed them lightly, his penis hardening to its full erect state as Jenna reached down to stroke him in eagerness. Brad grinned and they rolled over as Brad pressed his cock tip to her mound and smoothly slid into her savoring the sound of her gasping in pleasure as he sank in to the hilt.

She wrapped her legs around his waist to hold him in place somewhat as he prepared to do his dirty deed. He thrusted slowly as they stared into each others eyes before they shared a passionate kiss. Brad supported his body up with his hand as his hips rolled to hers and with each thrust she gave a heated gasp moaning as Brad pumped into her at a steady pace.

Soon their bodies were writhing together as Brad picked up the pace feeling Jenna eagerly arching to each of his thrusts. It was like a dream, only it was very much real and Brad was ever so glad that it was. Shutting the prospect of remembering a nightmarish time long ago he continued on his quest to pleasure his mate.

Jenna gently grasped the fur on Brad's back holding onto him as they continued their rhythmic undulating rutting. They intended to make it last as Brad slowed down a bit to let off some of the sensation and his tongue wrestled with hers in a caged match of high affection. Jenna seemed to be enjoying this little fling of theirs all too much though, her body squirming against Brad's trying to keep the ecstasy flowing.

"Careful there wild-child, you don't want it to be over that soon do you?" Brad said grinning to her and licked into Jenna's ear.

"We have to build your stamina up somehow. Besides we have time before we have to perform our parental duties." Jenna seemed to purr to him as she kissed him again and with that Brad continued with his thrusting. Brad tried to hold off his climax he kept his focus on keeping her pleased while maintaining himself at the peek of near climax.

Jenna wiggled her hips in a circular motion letting Brad feel himself stirring around inside her which made pleasure blossom in his loins once more. He gritted his teeth and tapped into his willpower reserves to keep control.

"Mmmm... you like that darling?" Jenna hissed in a husky voice to him. Brad could only respond with a grunt of pleasure. "I'll take that as a yes..." Jenna continued this time grinding harder as brad now started with quicker thrusts. The mountain top was approaching quickly for Brad and he didn't know if he'd want to stop if it happened.

"C-Cumming...!" Brad said and Jenna stilled herself as Brad felt himself reach that peek and he quickly pulled out letting his milky white semen splash upon her well trimmed mound of lust. Jenna moaned feeling his fluids coat her loins, hot splatters of slick sticky liquid splashing between her thighs as Brad looked into her eyes. Jenna returned the gaze lovingly and they shared another warm and affectionate kiss.

There was a sudden pounding on the door and both of them scrambled to pull the sheets up on themselves as the young four year-old vixen opened the door and walked into the room in her pajamas on.

"Mama... you go make food?" asked the fox-child

"Yeah honey, just give mommy and daddy time to get up." Jenna said and made a playful shooing motion with her hand. "Go and get dressed."

"Kay mama." Responded her daughter and walked out closing the door.

"Guess its time to start the day?" Brad said with a smirk to which Jenna nodded.

They hastily cleaned up and got dressed and when they got downstairs the TV was on and the child was watching it. Jenna went to the kitchen to start some scrambled eggs as Brad sat down next to his daughter rubbing her head.

"Hey there munchkin." He said affectionately and nuzzled his nose to hers.

"Darling stop calling her that she'll think it's her name." Jenna said from the kitchen. Brad made a face but looked to his little girl.

"Ok Tamira, what are you watching?" Brad looked to the TV and saw a female opossum reporter standing outside of a ruined building.

"Today there was a confirmed sighting of some of the E.E.M.C.2 carriers inside this building. Even five years after the catastrophe small pockets of E.C.s still roam the land, luckily the local enforcers are able to round them up. Oh! Here comes one of them now." The reporter turned to the riot gear clad figure and when he turned Brad was pleasantly surprised.

"What's your name Sergeant?" The reporter asked.

"Anthony" replied the Doberman hefting his shotgun. Brad smirked as Anthony started to explain his teams objectives.

"He live across the stweet. He your frend dada?" Tamira asked in her semi-baby talk manner.

"Yes he is." Brad said with a smirk and turned off the TV

"Come on mommy probably has breakfast ready now." Brad said and picked up his daughter carrying her into the kitchen. Jenna smiled as they entered and gave Brad a kiss as he set down Tamira. Through all the hardships they had faced everything was turning back to normal. Aside from the new crossbreeding that was occurring it seemed that the world was healing from the calamity.

The new children being born would take on the species appearance of the parent of corresponding gender, while they took on some traits and attitude of the opposite parents species. Tamira for instance looked like her mother, Jenna, but her facial features were a little less delicate, she was also prone to be independent and fickled sometimes.

The infected had mostly been wiped out from the initial missile strikes, the anti-gen chemical had not crossed over to plants or lizards, nor had the strain mutated into something horrible as the E.E.M.C.2. Everything seemed to be looking up in the world.

Tamira ate her breakfast with the fervor of a starving lion and just as she took the last bite the doorbell rang.

"I got!" Tamira said and ran to the door. She looked through the small glass window and smiled.

"Mona and Vic!" Tamira piped up and opened the door. Brad of course was right behind his daughter, out of safety concerns. The female mouse ushered in the male wolf-child who playfully tried to tackle Tamira. The vulpine-child just side stepped away and giggled before the two young ones began chasing each other around.

"No running in the house... go out back to the safety area." Jenna called and the two children ran to the enclosed back-yard to play tag.

"Hey you two!" Mona said with a friendly smile, of course the small semi-automatic pistol in her hip holster was anything but friendly. But it paid to be cautious especially when one had a rambunctious four year-old to look after "how are you guys doing?"

"We're good, Anthony is still out on his quest for vengeance." Brad said

"Poor Anthony... by the way, we are getting low on eggs, I wonder if I should take the car and go to the store today?..." Jenna said idly smiling to Mona.

"Maybe I should go instead" Brad responded, and in a much darker demeanor he made an additional comment. "I'll take the truck and my sword just in case..."

"You can never be too careful..." Jenna said in agreement feeling the cool metal of her pistol against her fur, tucked away in the back of her pants. "Never too careful at all..."