Reunited Memories
Another day, another dollar. At least that's what I told myself as I walked up the depressing staircase into my apartment. I had just finished working for the day and had little to look forward to except for a nights rest which would start over again first thing in the morning unless I was woken up by noisy beat up cars that hadn't been inspected within the last five years.
I counted the steps as I went. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1... I skipped the next step since the loose rusted nails announced any person coming in with a dying squeak. It wasn't much of one, but it was enough to get the older tenants to complain to the management that I was being too noisy.
The manager of this apartment building has to change the heat at least three times a day. I had always been told to respect my elders, and I try my best to. But it's hard when the generation leaving is turning out worse than the ones coming in. They're all completely terrified of the younger generations. In some aspects I can understand, I guess. Comparatively, my generation to theirs sucks.
Stress from work had left me with little patience for the rest of the world. I used to have tons of patience before I moved out of my parent home. I knew that there was going to be a lot of problems when I did this but nobody told me it was going to be this hard. My financial situation was fine, the problem was time, I never seem to have any.
As I finished mentally accusing the world for how bad it was, I stumbled not realizing that I had reached the top of the steps. I looked back down the narrow path thinking that it was both unusually long and regrettably short at the same time. Knowing that I was back in the same place that had become the beginning of the same tedious routine was equivalent to being trapped in one of the circles of Dante's Inferno. That's how I could describe my life; Routine.
I gave the same sigh I usually give before reaching into my left pocket as always, sifting blindly through change, gum wrappers and lint before finding the small keychain and pulling it out and examining it. The tiny insignificant pieces of metal which unlocked every aspect of my life. Gold, copper, silver, iron. One with a squared bottom, another rounded, another that was supposed to be custom design but could get lost just as easily on the never ending loop which made me search for a specific moment of my life just so I could use another later. Some with lots of teeth, some with not so many. Each with their own mountains and valleys. Some I had no idea what they unlocked or how I came across them but I held onto them for the just in case.
As I looked through them I could see some personalities of the places they signified, almost like little hanging people who had holes punched through their heads and forced to hang with each other.
Finding the key I wanted, I held it above the others and slid it into the keyhole. I listened to the tiny mechanical pieces working, shifting and releasing as I turned it. The door, swollen from the moist air of the building, moaned as I forced it open. The familiar scentless smell of my apartment filled my nose as the air wafted out of the room. It smelled different than the rest of the apartment. There was nothing to it. No surprising smells, no disturbing smells nor pleasant ones. The smell of mildew which stained the rest of the building was not present here. No pets or food being prepared. Just air. Clean, unscented air. Nothing else.
I stepped inside and flipped the light switch on. It flickered momentarily then held a steady glow. I took off my jacket on threw it on the couch even though there was a coat hanger on the other side of the door. The living room was only large enough for two to three people to be in comfortably and the rest of the apartment was immediately connected to this one room. I walked into the cramped kitchen which was barely big enough for a small fridge, two burner stove and sink with two cabinets above and below the sink. There was a window next to the fridge which looked out at the gravel driveway and power lines then to the neighboring brick building. Late at night a bright blue tinted light would come in through it. Walking in the light would make me uncomfortable. It felt like I could see through myself. Like I wasn't really there; a ghost.
The fridge was the only thing that seemed to have any distinct scent to it. I needed to clean it but I wasn't feeling very brave at the moment. I stepped up to the fridge and opened the small door. The light inside had burned out long ago but the light from the fading sun still let me see inside...nothing. An old empty pizza box which needed to be thrown out because the left over cheese inside had started to smell. An old jar of jam which I hadn't used yet, no peanut butter or bread. The fridge had somehow gotten sticky over time, which confused me since there was nothing which could make it sticky in the spots the goo was in. I shut the door and stepped over to my phone, ignoring the freezer knowing that there was less in there than in the fridge.
I had their number memorized by now. Lifting the phone from its hook, I stared at the number pad. The numbers for my pizza place had been worn off. I hadn't noticed that before. Oh well, I don't really use my phone for much more than this anyway. I turned my attention to my small television as I began to dial with one hand listening to the number tones. For half a second I thought that the tone sounded suspiciously close to that 'Funky Town' song. Beep-beep-boop-beep-boop, boop-beep-beep-boop-beep! "Don't you want to take me to, FUNKY TOWN!". At least, that is how I think it goes.
I put the phone to my ear as I searched for the remote which must have fallen from the side-table I had. Some of the polish was still on it, even if it was more worn than it was shine. The phone rang once as I got down on my knees and reached my hand underneath and felt blindly with my face against the flat top. It rang again and I reached far, sliding my face over the table surface making a small squeak sound from the tiny amount of friction. For a split second my mind went to the gutter and I wondered what it would be like to have someone bent over this for fun and not because they were bored and too lazy to switch on the T.V. manually. Hearing the annoying squeak over, and over again. Listening to the other persons pants and whines. Their sweat fogging up the surface....
That simple word pulled me out of the world that was my libido.
"Excuse me? Is someone there?" I asked, pretending that it was only a bad connection and that I wasn't really working up a fantasy so I could squeeze a couple good ones out later.
"Yes, I said this is Pizza Hut. How may I help you?" the voice a pubescent male asked.
I sat silent still for a second longer, reaching, desperately trying to find the remote. Reaching like it was a close friend that was dangerously close to falling from something very tall. After the moment had passed I obediently gave my order and had an extra large and a two liter on their way. I put the phone back on the hook and returned to looking for the remote. I sat on my knees on the couch and looked behind the table then searched behind the couch itself. Pulling it out and found nothing, well not what I was looking for anyway. I found plenty of change, change which I gathered up without a seconds hesitation. I also found an old sock which I had thought I lost to the dryer monster. A Jack of Spades, which was peculiar since I didn't have any playing cards. Old elastic bands, open candy close to their wrappers and a lot of dust.
I was at a loss for words. I had no clue as to where I could have put it. Maybe I was trying too hard. I decided to take a break and headed to the bathroom. My bathroom was a cramped closet located just through my bedroom. When you entered you nearly trip over the toilet and hit your head on the sink which is just barely out of arms reach when you first enter. Next to that is the bathtub/shower combination. Barely big enough you can sit with your back erect, knees bent and the shower head was just short enough that you had to bend down to get your hair wet, which made me think the previous tenants of this apartment were midgets.
I stepped up to the sink and ran the cold water. I looked into the mirror and listened to the water run against the porcelain sink, the hollow sound of the drains suction. After a brief staring contest with my reflection I cupped my hands under the water and splashed my face. The chill perked me up slightly. One which was more of a shock, which I hated. I did it again, this time catching some in my mouth and swirled it a bit like I was rinsing out my mouth. I spat and did it once more then raised my head back up and wiped my eyes before I looked back at the mirror, my vision blurred.
Off to the side of my reflection, I saw a shadow move towards the living room. I blinked hard and spun around, wiping my eyes with my sleeves. It could've just been my mind playing tricks from the water in my eyes, but it could have still been something more. But who could've gotten in? It's not like you can sneak in this place, I would've heard the door. Still, that shadow seemed too real, even if there was water in my eyes.
I hastily stepped through my room and looked into the living room. Nothing more than the same ol' couch I've had since I moved in and the same television. Paranoia. Tricks of the mind. Besides, who'd want to steal anything out of here. It's not like I have anything of interest, or even worth. Just clothes and a bed in my room. What, were they going to steal my old alarm clock, or my outdated computer? It still had Windows '95 on it. That thing was more of a paper weight than it was a computer. I could barely get any porn on that thing anyway. It just took too long. Oh well.
I took a couple steps back and flipped the light off in the bathroom before heading back to the living room. I grudgingly walked to my television and turned it on. It gave its electrical whistle before the flash came in and gave me a picture. I gazed at the tube and flipped it to a station I generally liked so I wouldn't have to get up any time too soon, hopefully anytime before the pizza showed.
Satisfied with my choice I stood erect and turned my attention to where I was going to sit. I began my lazy stumbling back to the couch....
....The remote was laying where I was going to sit....
Was I so out of it that I didn't even notice something right in front of my face? Yeah, that sounds like me. Must have been tucked a little in between the cushions and popped out when I was searching earlier. I flopped onto the couch, this time with remote in hand, and stared at the television, zombified. My attention drifted out and away from the TV, not to anywhere special. Besides, there was never anything on TV. Boring sitcoms and commercials; Rogaine, Viagra, "Smoother shaves to please her"! A man crying on a soap opera. "Have you been injured lately? Call our law firm!". Millions of 'get-rich-quick' schemes. I could almost recite these by heart. I do remember vaguely yawning at a commercial or two from habit before a knock at my door brought me back to my senses.
Muting the TV, I reluctantly got up and stumbled to the door. The short period of laying on the couch had put my legs to sleep and I shook them one by one trying to get the circulation flowing normally again. I peered through the peephole on my door and saw exactly who I expected to see. The pizza delivery boy had finally shown, and he didn't look anything like in the commercials. They never do. I glanced at my clock and was a little disappointed to see that he made it here on time. I had hoped I had won a free pizza. I opened the door and stood there as he gave me the price and asked him to wait for a minute while I got his money.
I shut the door and turned to the couch once again to grab my jacket....It wasn't on the couch. Now things were getting weird. First the remote, which I could understand me loosing, then the shadow which seemed too real to be my imagination, and now my jacket. Where could I have possibly put my jacket? I looked on the floor all around the couch, even on the far end and still didn't find it. That jacket had my life in it. My wallet was in it, my gum! My mind was racing, what could I have possibly done with it? I scratched the back of my head and looked around furiously....
....It was on the back of the door on the hanger.....
Since when did I put it there? Since when did I EVER put it there? Was my absent mindedness to blame for not noticing it not being on the couch as well? I cautiously began pacing towards it. One shallow shuffle at a time. I reached out my hand to grab it.
The door shook from the impatient delivery boy. I jumped and was able to stifle a shout that had been stalled by a sharp breath I took. My heart felt like it was running one-hundred miles an hour. My paranoia seemed justified now, and that heavy knocking scared me even more.
"Hey, are you still there?" I heard the boy ask. I rolled my eyes at my embarrassment and yanked the jacket from the hook. I opened the door as I dug through my jacket pocket and pulled out my wallet and pulled out a twenty. A thought hit me as I put my wallet in my back pant pocket.
"There isn't anyone suspicious lookin' hanging around out there is there?" I asked with the bills in my hand, my hand held half way out hinting that I wasn't quite ready to give over the bills, "Anyone...kinda shady looking?"
I glanced around the boy as if I expected him to lie, like he was hiding who ever from me.
"Um, no?" the pizza boy obviously didn't care about my question since he answered with one of his own, one of uncertainty and apathy. His attention was focused on getting rid of the pizza and getting his tip. His gaze hadn't left the money in my hand since I pulled out my wallet. I handed him his money and he gave me my pizza and soda. Just to be nice, I gave him a five dollar tip when he gave me my change, even though his impatience really didn't deserve that much.
I set the soda down next to the door and put the pizza on the couch, then turned back to the door and quickly locked both the bolt and chain locks. I looked out of the peephole again. I didn't see anything. Just the door across the hall and the stairs.
My god, I was paranoid. I had a couple of spacey moments and all of a sudden I have a stalker. Feeling embarrassed for myself, I grabbed the pizza and soda and walked into my kitchen and grabbed a slice and a cup then went back to watch the rest of whatever show was on.
For the rest of the evening, that is what I did. My pizza greased fingers sliding over the remote as I channel surfed through an endless circle of nothing. It was then that I realized that I was just like any other couch potato. I complained that there was never anything on, but still I continued this vicious cycle of switching between channels. Almost like I expected what was on two minutes ago to be over and something interesting to be on. Disappointment, every time.
Not realizing that the sun had gone down, I decided that I was now tired enough to fall asleep. I pulled my lazy self up and walked into my kitchen. I washed my cup and greased up hands. After turning off the kitchen light I went back into the living room. I grabbed the remote and stared at the TV for a moment longer before shutting it off. I walked to the side table and set it down, making a mental note of setting there. I stood there staring at it, as if I was expecting it to do a trick. Maybe get up and sneak in between the cushions again....nothing.
I kept my eye on it as I went to my front door and made sure that both the chain and bolt were locked securely. After jiggling both I stepped back and examined my jacket. It hadn't moved since I found it hanging there, pretending to be innocent. I mentally giggled at that. I knew that jackets couldn't move on their own, but I was almost positive that I had left it on the couch. Just like with the remote I carefully watched it, just in case, and just like with the remote it did nothing.
I rolled my eyes and stepped forward, pulling it off its hook and threw it back onto the couch. I was never going to be able to find it if it was left there. My paranoia got the better of me at this point and just for good measure I rounded my apartment. I looked behind the TV for no good reason and in a small crack on the side of my couch that someone MIGHT have been able to fit in if they were a contortionist. With my living room clean I headed to my kitchen. I looked in my cabinets and also under the table. I left the fridge alone. My reasoning being that if they were able to not only fit in there but also bear the stench, then they could have what they wanted.
With those being the only two rooms worth searching, since I was in my room and bathroom when I saw the shadow creep into the living room I figured that they were safe. Giving a yawn, I headed back to my room. I turned off all of the lights in my apartment and began feeling my way back to my room. I almost had it memorized. A few steps forward then two to the side so I wouldn't stub my toe on the cheap TV stand and then another couple forward to my room. I turned on the light and crawled over my single person bed, reached under my pillow and grabbed my pajama bottoms and plain white T-shirt. Even though I lived alone, old habits led me into the bathroom to change, closing the door behind me.
After I had changed, leaving the clothes I had worn during the day on the floor in the bathroom, I turned the light off and opened the door back into my room......
The light was off now. I KNOW I left that on. It was all the way on the other side of the room and I distinctly remember not heading back there after grabbing my PJ's. My breaths came in shallow swallows and I felt a small bead of cold sweat form on my brow. Despite my instincts I hugged the wall and entered the room and began to shimmy towards my computer desk so I could turn on the desk light to see my stalker. My bare feet rubbed against the faded carpet since I was too nervous to lift them up. More sweat had formed and began their decent down my cheeks. My fingers found their target, making me stumble at the sudden touch. My feet hitting the floor which would have made any other in the room more than aware of my presence. I silently cursed myself and continued my task, bringing my other hand to hold the lamp still as I felt for the switch. My shaky hand ran over the cold metal as it searched for the small switch on the top. My fingers firmly pinched and flicked the switch. I held my breath.
The light blinded me for only a moment, but after that moment my eyes adjusted. No one was in front of me. A firm hand grasped my mouth, leaving my nose uncovered and a strong arm wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my side to make sure I wouldn't flail around. This person was very strong indeed. The arm that was held around my waist lifted my feet from the floor and started to drag me towards my bed. Adrenaline was pouring through my body and my eyes were wide. I strained against this strangers arms and did my best to get my mouth uncovered from the hand, my yelling was strangled down to only quiet, incoherent mumbles.
This person still kept pulling me, so I did the only thing that I could. I began to kick at everything and anything. My first kick hit my desk and made the lamp wobble and knocked a few pencils and other items from its surface. If it weren't for the fear, I would be yelling from the pain in my foot now. The next few kicks hit the wall and I tried to kick hard enough to make us fall over but it was useless. Even after a couple of good kicks I was pulled away from the wall and my feet could no longer reach. After that I went after the stranger. My kicks landing at their shins as well as anywhere else I could get them. I heard them grunt and the stumbled slightly but it was only for a moment. If it was any other time I would be admiring them for their equilibrium but for now all I could do was mutter muffled curses.
Finally we fell backwards and I was left sitting on my assailants lap, the two of us on the bed. Their grip tightened around my arms and pressed my harder against their lap while the hand on my face held my head to their chest, my body slightly slouched but held firmly against them. I had no mirror in my room and was left wondering who I was being held by, not that it made much of a difference. I kept up my struggling which was limited to me bouncing in their lap. A thousand things ran through my head, not a single one pleasant. What was this person going to do to me? Rob me? Kill me? Rape me? Rape me, kill me then rob me? Kill me, rape me, then rob? Each answer that I came up with was became more perverse and morbid as the infinitely seeming seconds ticked by.
My breathing was getting faster and my chest tightened, claustrophobia had begun to set in me and slowly turned into a panic attack. The light on the table got brighter and my fear turned into terror. The cold sweat seemed to be coming more and more. I could hear my heart beating, feel it pumping through my chest and a whistling noise came to my ears, drowning out almost all the other noises.
Then came a pressure on the top of my head. This person had set their chin on me! I couldn't believe it! I felt a bit of rage peek from the fear and that added some logic to my now instinctual mind. I felt insulted. That feeling quickly dissipated and I tried to push away from them. Our bodies swayed from the struggling. My hair now sticking to my brow from the sweat and my pajamas riding uncomfortably low. I continued my fighting, I kept up my breathing. Nothing seemed to be working. My body began to feel heavy, exhausted. My eyes closed shut and I accepted my fate, whatever it may be. I was too tired to fight. My arms were tied and the only free parts of my body, my legs, had been turned into jelly. I couldn't move my head and my voice had been worn ragged. I was helpless.
"It's ok," whispered the stranger. His voice obviously male, "Shhhhhh."
I gave a few more effortless struggles, his arms hadn't given in the slightest.
"I'm not here to hurt you," his voice trying to comfort me but my mind was still disoriented. All of his words came in tongues and various languages. None of which I could make out. I had forgotten what languages were. Even my native tongue was now foreign to me. My breathing hadn't slowed and the tightness in my chest had lightened only slightly. He held me close to him, keeping his chin on my head as he slid my body so it was somewhat more erect than before. I don't know if it was for a better hold on me or what, but his grip didn't weaken in the slightest. I could feel his breathing through his chest and the calm beating of his heart. Even during the struggle he was calm. He knew he could control me, that I was nothing to this man.
Minutes passed with him holding me and nothing happening. My breathing calmed and my thoughts became organized once again. I left my body limp, my eye open to flaccid slits and looked straight ahead to the bathroom. My dirty clothes were still on the floor in the dark, only faint images on the floor. I thought that if I hadn't gotten into my pajamas I might have been able to stop all of this.
"Are you calm now?" he asked.
I didn't move. I didn't make any indication that I was going to answer him. I lay there in his grip, not even so much as a blink from me. His grip loosened on my arms slightly. I thought about trying to move now, to run but my body was sore and besides, there was nothing I could do with him this close to me. And chances were he wasn't going to be letting me go anytime soon. So I sat on his lap and waited for whatever was to come.
"That's good," he said then gave a small sigh, "I'm not going to hurt you. Do you understand?"
His grip loosened on my mouth and I was able to move my head a little bit. His hand still covered my mouth but I gave him an apathetic nod. He gave a relieved sigh.
"I'm glad," his voice was oddly calming. There was a certain smoothness to it. After a brief pause he spoke again, "...I'm going to let you go now and show you who I am."
His jaw moved up and down on my head, making my vision bounce slightly. I still hadn't blinked and could only obediently listen to his words. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know who was holding me captive. But he still continued.
"You are going to be surprised by my appearance. It may even scare you but I promise you, I won't hurt you. But you have to promise not to yell. Can you do that?"
I heard his words but had no answer for him. I held my head limp in his grasp. There was a moment of silence then he shook me. He was waiting for an answer. I blinked for the first time and decided to go with it. Whatever would get me out of this situation fastest. I nodded. Another relieved sigh from him.
"I'm glad. Please, don't yell."
It sounded like he was begging me no to yell. I couldn't though, and how I wanted to but my voice was hurting and hoarse. His hand on my face cautiously lowered to my chin and freed my mouth. I didn't even bother opening it. My eyes had returned to their rightful size as his arm freed my arms and jumped down under my knees and turned me to face him. As he did this, I looked down at his arm. It was long, lean without a lot of muscle I looked at his hand as it looped under my knee. He only had three fingers!? It looked natural and at the tips of them were short and sharp claws in place of nails. As he turned me I saw that his entire body was blue with the exception of the front of his torso which was moon white. I was almost completely sideways on his lap now. Falling over the side of my bed was another surprise. A tail! It jumped up and gave a small flick then rested again.
I was now placed how he wanted me on his lap, his hand still on my chin ready to snap back up over my mouth in case I did yell. My eyes still hadn't seen his face, I was too fixated on that tail. Did he have something behind him? I traced the tail from the edge of my bed up to his chest which hid the rest of it. His chest led me up to his neck and his neck to his face. If his hand wasn't holding my chin it would've dropped. Crimson eyes placed on a blue face stared at me and an elongated white mouth, a muzzle. And he was smiling at me. A golden V was placed above and in between his eyes, stretching from the outside of one side of his head to the other. Small golden check marks sat on the bottom, outer edges of both eyes.
My eyes couldn't stop examining him. They traveled farther up and saw two horns placed atop his head and what looked like small fins on the sides of his face. Everywhere I looked I couldn't help but be amazed. I know I've seen him somewhere before but I just couldn't put my finger on it. It was on the tip of my tongue but I wouldn't come. The fear had started to come again and I shifted uncomfortably in his lap. His grip on me tightened once again, pulling me closer to him. His hand on my chin slipped up and stopped on my bottom lip. He was very cautious.
"Are you ok?" his gentle voice asked, "Are you frightened?"
His eyes showed a tenderness in them and his voice confirmed it. It did nothing to get rid of this fear welling up in me however. I nodded and tried to push away from him and stand. He shut his eyes in thought and loosened his grip a bit.
"Would you be more comfortable if I let you stand?"
He opened his eyes again and looked at me. I gave a hurried nod and waited for him to let me go. He gave me a warm smile and released me from his lap and let me stand. I stumbled for a moment then fell over landing near the bathroom door. He giggled softly as I lay there stunned. Rushing myself up, I stumbled towards the living room but stopped. This creature was standing between me and freedom. He obviously had no intention of moving. His arms were crossed and his legs set firmly apart, giving him a strong stance. His tail lay behind him, unmoving and firmly placed to give him better balance. There was no way I was going to move him, especially as tired as I was. My strength still hadn't fully recovered from our little struggle. I stood and looked at the window next to my bed.
"It doesn't open," I looked over at him and he uncrossed his arms, "You should know that."
He was right. The landlord never came to fix that. But how did he know that?
"Would you be comfortable with me coming over there?" he asked. He was unusually polite. He stood still and waited for me to answer. He still wore a smile if nothing else. I examined him from head to toe. Not a shred of clothing adorned his body, not so much as a toe ring. Just his pleasant smile and nothing more. My eyes looked him over what I couldn't see when I was sitting on him. His feet were large paws that led up to double knees. Where had I seen him before? Everything about him was so familiar. My eyes left him and began to search my room for an answer.
I was so preoccupied with my own question that I didn't notice him come up to me. He scared me out of my daze by placing his hands on either sides of my hips. I gave a sharp breath, only now noticed how warm it was getting in my room. The air was getting thicker and it was getting harder to breathe. I pulled away from him. His hands fell from my hips and I backed away until my back was against the wall. He stepped closer to me. I looked to either side of me, there was nothing to protect myself from the approaching creature.
"I already told you. I'm not here to hurt you."
My attention snapped back to him. He was now standing directly in front of me, standing slightly taller than myself. He reached forward and grabbed my hand, gently and slowly he pulled me closer to him. My shaky arms went along with his. Not once taking his gentleness from his eyes, the smile from his face or his attention from me, he pulled me close against him. The warmth I was feeling came from him. It was he who was warming the air in here. His hands wrapped around me and rested on the small of my back gently as he held me to his chest. I looked at his face and his crimson eyes stared right back at me. I was paralyzed in his embrace. At a loss for words. What was he planning to do?
"You need to relax. I won't hurt you."
He kept saying that, kept reassuring me. My mind kept wanting to get away from this situation, get as far away from here as possible. I felt myself losing my coherence once again. The world became fuzzy as he raised his hands up to my upper back. His hands holding me between my shoulder blades and gently rubbed my back. I closed my eyes and gave a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Everything seemed to be surreal. As he continued his backrub he rest his chin on my shoulder. I listened to him breathe, simply standing there, unsure of what to do. My body was tense. Soon, he raised his chin and smiled at me.
"Come over here," he said and pulled me along with him over to my bed. He sat down and pulled me down next to him. I was dreaming now, this wasn't me. My mind had left and all that was left was a shell. Maybe I was still laying on the couch in the front room, caught up in a really interesting movie. Or a really boring one. Whatever it was, this certainly wasn't me sitting here. My body was unconsciously shaking. He let go of my hand and pushed me back. His comforting smile still hadn't left his face. My back touched down against the mattress. He sat there rubbing my chest and stomach before he reached under me and flipped me onto my stomach. My mind snapped back into my head.
'Oh, God,' I thought, expecting the worst, 'Here it comes!'
I felt him climb on top of me, his knees on the sides of my hips and two strong hands grasp my shoulders as he leaned over me. There was a stiff pressure on my shoulders as he adjusted himself over me. I closed my eyes and waited for him to start. Instead of what I expected, his hands began to make circles on my shoulders, working from the outside and head in towards the base of my neck. He continued this for a few minutes then worked his way lower. Moving down my back and working my spine. Surprisingly, I was beginning to relax. I had never had a massage like this. His hands were firm but gentle and oh so soft as they worked over my back, relieving me of the tension and stress I had built up.
I began to enjoy the treatment he was giving me. My eyes became pleasantly heavy this time and shut once again. My mind began to calm itself, the fear receding back to where it came from. The claws on his hands didn't prick or scratch at me, I forgot that they were even there. His fingers were magic. They played up and down my spine and over the tense muscles over and over again, conducting a physical lullaby. I was beginning to fall asleep, almost completely forgetting about how this all started out.
He worked his way up and down my back and up to my neck multiple times, knowing where to rub harder and where to rub softer. He had finished another trip up my back when he lifted his hands from me. I lay on my stomach still, teetering on the brink of sleep when I was woken up by his hand wrapping under my chest and lifting my into a sitting position. My eyes were fuzzy as I looked around dazed. Finally my eyes settled and focused on him before they fell to the floor. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him, hugging me from the side. He rested his head against mine, resting it there for a minute, only leaving silence between us. He gave a gentle sigh and lifted his head from me.
"Feeling better?" he asked
I didn't understand what was going on. If this creature was going to rape me it was the weirdest rape in history. Who makes their victim this comfortable. A drop of that fear returned. Being half asleep itself, it only warned me to be careful. I didn't know who this was, where he came from or what he was capable of. This could all be a trick and I shouldn't do anything that could get me in trouble with him.
I slowly nodded and tried to look at him but my sight never got higher than his pale chest before it returned to looking at the floor. He ran his clawed hand up and down my side, still attempting to make me more comfortable apparently, this time he added his claws to his scratching. I could feel the light prickling sensation through my shirt sending an odd chill up my back, making me arch and give a short gasp. His smooth voice chuckle but he still continued his light scratching. Every time he ran his claws back up my side I'd get that same chill up my spine. I controlled myself after that first arch, though I did give small jumps almost every time. The silence continued between us, only the sound of my shirt being played with. Once again I closed my eyes and tried to relax.
I began to open my mouth, attempting to ask him what he was planning on doing. My throat still hurt incredibly bad but I felt that I had to try. I wanted some clarity as to why he was acting the way he was acting towards me. It was so very odd. I felt his breath against my cheek and I shut my mouth, I was nervous, so very nervous. I gave a shaky sigh, the warmth from his breath made my somewhat uncomfortable but helped me relax in a strange way. His claws stopped their dancing on my side and firmly pressed against me, cupping my side and holding me in place. His other hand crossed his body and rest on my inner thigh, low enough that I didn't jump from the touch. His breath was getting hotter. I squeezed my eyes shut.
Something soft pressed against my cheek. It was warm and wet. My eyes opened themselves but I still didn't move, not entirely sure of what was going on I thought it would be best if I didn't do anything. I could still feel his breath against my cheek, much stronger now than it was before but just as warm. The soft sensation on my cheek held for a moment longer. It was oh so gentle. My mind slowed during this moment and my body relaxed in his grip willingly. Soon the softness left my face and I raised a hand up to my cheek and placed it there. It was still warm. I looked at him, confused as to what just happened. He sat next to me content. The same smile on his face as he looked at me and his eyes only made things better.
"I told you I wasn't going to hurt you," his smooth voice stated almost mockingly.
I opened my mouth to ask what I was going to before but he placed a single finger on my lips and tenderly shushed me. I complied with him and shut my mouth again and lowered my hand back to my lap. I became fixated with him. His hand on my thigh gave a gentle squeeze as he pulled me closer to him. Being this close made me turn my head from him feeling unnerved. Then came that same soft feeling against my neck now. This sensation was far more intense than the one on my cheek. A chill shot up my back and I arched once again. My body went stiff. I lifted my arm from in between us in an attempt to push away from him. I was now fully aware of what was happening. My hand stopped on his chest and I pushed at him in a futile attempt to get him off of me, but his hand left my thigh and held my wrist. He pulled it away from his chest and gave my neck another gentle kiss, his fingers rubbing my wrist making my hand go limp. He lowered our hands back down to my lap and continued giving kisses at the nape of my neck.
Very soon his hand left mine and began to play along my chest, pushing firmly when he rubbed up then tenderly massaged it down onto my stomach and repeated the process. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't help but give into this. His lips playing along my neck and his rubbing on my torso relaxed me so immensely that I closed my eyes. I heard his lips give a quiet smack every time he pulled away from a kiss and found a new place to begin again. The shocks still continued from his treatment. My head rest against my opposite shoulder and I let him do what he wished. His hand ran below my shirt on his decent down my abdomen and continued up along my smooth skin back to my chest. He tenderly scratched at my skin, light pricks which began to feel like shots electricity shot across my chest. I inhaled deeply through my nose, the warm air making my lungs expand far larger than I thought they could.
He stopped his kissing and let his muzzle to nuzzle underneath my chin. He leaned into me and added pressure to my chest. I complied with him and turned to lay on my back. I knew what was coming, it's what I had been dreading since I first saw him. This is where I knew it would all lead up to.
My head landed onto my pillow and I lidded my eyes...
My hands rested, unsure, on my stomach as he crawled on top of me. I watched as he turned from the foot of the bed and paced his way up over my body. His eyes glancing over my frame, undressing me with his eyes. I gave a deep sigh and as I released it I felt my teeth chatter slightly. A small amount of nervousness had come back, but it was far too late. I had resigned myself to him, this creature that was crawling over me. I looked down at him and watched as he hovered over my lower body, his tail gently swaying from side to side.
He grabbed my wrists one at a time and brought them up with him. His eyes finally found their way up to my face as I looked down at him. His head had made it to my chest now and my wrists pined to the bed by my neck. I gave another deep breath to try and calm myself. It worked. That last breath was able to get rid of the alarm that was beginning to build once again. With his face now at level with mine, he lay himself upon me. The warmth from his body increased with him directly atop of me. His weight comforted me. We lay there for minutes, his fingers rubbing gingerly against my wrists before they worked upwards and massaged my palms. He looked at me still with that same expression. A tenderness in his eyes and compassion glowing on his face. His fingers finished their way up my hands and linked with my fingers. His smile broadened as he clasped my hands. I however didn't imitate his actions. I was still nervous, even if I had given up.
I looked into his eyes and waited for something to happen. The bed gently rocked with his tail and there were no other noises except for our breathing. Mine own breathing was shallow while his were warm and deep. His eyes began to shut and his muzzle drew closer to my own mouth. I tried to withdraw my head but the bed stopped me. There was nothing I could do to get out of this. I lidded my own eyes and watched as his face drew closer to my own until our lips met and I closed my eyes completely.
Those warm, moist lips that had played across my neck and sat upon my cheek were now pressed against my own. Our breath came through our noses, his gentle breaths swept across my face and touched my lashes. Our lips parted only briefly before he returned them to mine. Light, moist noises came from our mouths. He unlocked our fingers and pressed our palms together, rubbing them against one another with our fingers straightening and stretching before he returned them to how they were before to a firm finger lock.
He kissed me again and again, and I was unsure of what to do. I hadn't been kissing back, I didn't know if I should. I didn't know if I knew how. But his treatment was beginning to affect me none the less. Despite the situation, it was very sensual. This creature was very compassionate, and was trying to prove it to me it seemed. He shifted his weight, and pressed his lower body against mine, rubbing our crotches together. I couldn't help but give a small moan which I regretted, my voice being as raw as it was. I held off from any other noises that might have come out from his actions and let him do what he was doing.
Eventually I decided to give him what he wanted and felt somewhat disappointed in myself for it, but I did it anyway. I kissed him back. I had no idea what possessed me to do this act, but I did. This seemed to excite him. His grip on my fingers tightened for a moment and he gave a pleased sigh. Our lips played with each other, both our eyes closed and lost in our own little worlds, though I'm sure his was much more pleasant than mine. Shortly after I had decided to move along with his desires and give into the kiss, I noticed the physical affect it was having on my body. My penis began to shift in my pajamas, straightening and stiffening. This however, seemed to excite my assailant. My hardening member began to tent the fabric of my pants and rub against his own crotch. He pulled away from our lip lock and looked me in the eyes. He held the same look he'd had all night on his face with something added now. Was it pride? No, it was simpler than that...happiness...? He rubbed his groin against mine playfully a few more times before placing his nose against my own and closed his eyes. He lay there panting, enjoying himself at his actions and what they were doing to me. He seemed very proud of himself as I blushed under him.
I lay under his weight in silence still as the blood rushed into my nether regions, my penis being squeezed between our combined weight with the heat increasing from both our bodies. My pajama bottoms insulated the heat of our pressed forms and made my dick slowly become harder. At this point, my penis was now semi-hard and stopped at about half of its potential and I gave a grateful inward smile. I didn't want him to think I was going to enjoy this. Think he was going to get a second round. The creature rubbed his nose against mine and rocked our hips together, still keeping his eyes shut. I felt a bulge just opposite of my own and instantly knew what it was. It was oddly soft though and I felt no distinguishing features to it, it only felt like a swollen ball but as he kept up his movements a tip formed and began to grow up towards our heads. I remembered what he looked like before, when he cornered me. The soft ball must have been where he kept the tools of his trade. A sheathe for his weapon.
My teeth chattered lightly but I knew that there was nothing I could do. It grew along my own and continued. The bottom of it got harder and wider yet it continued to grow. It passed my limit and continued up, his breathing increased and rocked his body against mine. His own manhood rubbed against my pajamas, leaving a trail in its wake.
My body shook under his and my jaw clenched. His penis continued to grow with his heat radiating from it. It ran underneath my shirt and grazed over my skin. The warmth and wetness from it made me pull back as far as I could but he pushed against me, wanting to keep the pressure on our most sensitive areas. His breathing was practically panting now, the moisture from it was making my neck moist. Finally his seemingly endless growing member stopped and rest pressed between us, about an inch above my belly button and dripping his pre which rolled down and pooled in my navel. The sticky substance warmed my skin and his prick throbbed between our bodies, continuing its act as a fountain.
One of his hands left my own and traced down my side, trying to get a previous reaction from me but my body refused to give it to him this time and yet his hand still traveled down my side. It pinched here and there before his finger slid under the waist on my bottoms and pull at it. This was the only time that his hips left mine and he lifted only slightly to pull my bottoms down awkwardly at a side. He pressed his chest harder against mine to compensate for the lack of pressure lower down. This added weight reminded me not to lower my hand in an attempt to stop his. His hand slid across to the other side of my hips and he pulled my bottoms equally far down my legs. The hand he used to slide my pajama bottoms down crept up the side of me and rested on the bed next to my chest, it was now that he lowered himself back down onto me. Through his panting he gave a deep sigh as his penis touched against my own. His pulsated atop of my own half flaccid one. His size was intimidating, it did indeed reach above my belly button and was now freely leaking his pre, smearing it across my waist and between our stomachs. The texture of his own was odd compared to mine. Other than length, his was wider than my own and though it was firm the underside was surprisingly soft and seemed to have soft ridges which cushioned it against my own. The tip was the warmest part of it, holding a crowning head which came to a vague point, much more defined than my own. I could make out all of this simply by the way it felt, the sight of it must have been intimidating to observe but I had no such desire to do so.
He looked back up at me with a lustful glaze over his eyes, his jaw now slightly agape with his breathing. His wispy breaths flowed across my face as his drew closer to mine again. My own breathing increased. The arousal that he had inspired in me was unbelievable. Our eyes didn't close this time when his touched mine, they only lidded. His lips quickly left this time as he began to trace down my form, stopping first stopped at my neck where they had been earlier and continued their work with extra vigor as his hands trailed down along next to my body before curving up and grazed over my hips, tickling me and making me squirm slightly as they continued underneath my shirt and avoiding his erection. His dexterous hands pressed into my flesh and nimble fingers worked over my abdomen, rubbing for a moment before they lifted and pushed my shirt up to my chest.
Raising himself briefly, he pushed himself downwards slowly. I could feel his skin slide over mine and his member fall down my stomach and lower down to my scrotum. His eyes lidded a little as he got his first look at my exposed body, his expression shouting approval. A wily smirk crossed his face and he lowered back down to my body. His face fell down to my chest, breathing deeply, taking in my scent before he exhaled warm breath over my skin and continued. At first he only gave a peck to my chest followed by a quick lick. I gave a gasp initially out of surprise. The warm wet muscle definitely had an effect on me. He did it again, only this time it was longer. I couldn't help myself and gave a small moan, small enough that it didn't hurt but it was loud enough that he heard it. I felt him shift his weight and his muzzle was breathing over my nipple. His treatment now was continuing what his actions had started earlier. My own penis was shifting again. My mind begged it to stop but it wouldn't listen, especially when that wonderful muscle ran over my most sensitive part on my chest, giving it a firm lick. That pulled more blood from my head and sent it south, making my erection grow to full mast but he still continued.
One lick after another assaulted my nipple before it moved to the other. Only this time he gently bit it. Not painfully, but hard enough that it made it firm. I could feel my skin tighten as he nibbled on it. Sweat began to form on my brow once again and I panted heavily. I bit my lower lip when his teeth left my nipple and he replaced them with his lips. He gave gentle suckles to my chest, occasionally flicking his tongue over it. My breathing was becoming shaky and my hands found their way to my sides and gripped the sheets tight. Tighter than I've ever held anything before. I loosened them when his lips finally left but they tightened immediately when the slid over and surrounded my other one, giving it the same treatment as its twin.
My body lit up. Sweat poured from every pore in my body as my senses were assaulted. My skin was aflame from the heat of our bodies, the room, as well as his erotic actions that wouldn't cease. What was left of my logical mind was quickly fading and my libido began to take charge, almost as if it had hoped this...desired it even. It was more familiar than a desire though, it was almost as if it expected this to take place. This seemed like a distant dream that was becoming a reality, manifesting as it was molesting.
His mouth eventually left my chest and descended farther, his nose tracing down the imaginary meridian that separated my right from left until he stopped at my belly button. The bed shifted as he stepped off the bed and positioned himself comfortably over me. I lowered my head and looked through hazy eyes at his vague form. The heat and sweat blurred my vision but I was able to make out his fuzzy form. His head lowered to my abdomen and made laps around my belly button. I had to drop my head back onto the pillow, I just didn't have the strength to keep it up because of his ministrations. The strong muscle quit its odd rounds and flattened out as it licked excitedly up my belly button, skimming over the pool of pre he had made before and continued trailing up my stomach for a moment longer. I heard him "Mmmm" at the taste of himself lingering on his tongue.
A deep breath was released from me, the heat of my own body seemed to be matching the heat of the room now. Another swipe from that tender tongue came, this time dipping into the pool and stirring it. My stomach tightened and I arched slightly, but he raised his strong hands back onto me and held me down. He was obviously enjoying himself and didn't want me to spoil anything. I had to admit that now, I was even wanting this to go on. His lips met at my stomach and kissed my belly button before sucking the rest of the pool into his mouth. I heard his shallow swallow as his throat rolled, sending his own pre into his belly. His tongue tenderly lapped over my abdomen one last time before his head raised once again and fell farther down to one last stop, the last place he could penis.
I sighed, to my surprise, a pleased sigh. A felt as if old emotions in me had been rekindled. I breathed deeply and held it when his tongue first touched my testicles. My eyes shot open and my heart pounded for a brief moment, and when that moment passed I let my breath out. My body stiffened and I accidentally pushed my crotch against him, he didn't seem to mind though and gave another strong lick to them both. His moist breath and tongue covered my balls with saliva. He didn't stay there long and began to lick up the underside of my shaft. My hands clenched the sheets again and pulled them up towards my body. I was afraid that I would rip them but I had never felt anything like this before. The closest that I had felt to this was a warm wash cloth during a hot shower that I did myself. I thought that was a good feeling then but this....this was in a league above the league above that experience.
His tongue finished its teasingly slow voyage up my dick and he pulled away and my hands unclenched when his hand pressed my hips back down to the mattress. I heard him giggle. I began to raise my head to see why he stopped but it fell back before my hair left the pillow. I moaned when that same muscle that had trailed down my body wrapped around my cock head. I had no idea how he did it but it wrapped fully around my cock head. I could feel the tip of it resting tightly under a fatter part of his tongue, closer to his mouth. He gave a warm pant and pulled it back like a mower's rip cord. I was amazed that that quick pull from that slimy tongue didn't send me over the edge right then and there. I moaned loud enough that it hurt again. My fingers were back digging in the sheets. I breathed sharply through my nose, hoping to feel that again. He didn't disappoint, instead he went beyond my expectations and I felt his lips wrap around my shaft.
Half of my cock was instantly engulfed my that warm cave he called a maw. I could feel his tongue doing tricks in his mouth and it danced gracefully around my dick. I clenched my eyes shut and grit my teeth. Desperately, I tried not to cum. I tried so hard. I was grateful that I didn't. I heard him "Mmmmm" around my shaft, the vibrations tickling my cock and vibrating his tongue which added to the whole experience. His head raised, taking his lips along my flesh and sending waves of the most extreme pleasure throughout my body. I almost rocked my hips back up into his maw but was saved the trouble when he lowered his head back down. That wonderful maw of his continued its magnificent work and brought all of my length into his mouth. I could feel the hot muscles of his throat on the tip of my dick. He gave a rolling swallow, pressing my cock against the roof of his mouth and the tip into his throat momentarily.
I felt my balls boiling, but I didn't want to cum, not yet. My first experience had to be a good one! I wouldn't let myself be done in so easily. I held back, I held back so hard that it was the most pleasurable hurt ever. I could almost feel my balls swell from being denied.
His head raised again, making his tongue run along the bottom of my length. One of his clawed hands slid up my side and ran up onto my belly. His claw did circles around my belly button. He teased me and my stomach tightened. I fought to stop my orgasm again but a small glob still shot out. Again he "Mmmm"ed, loving the taste apparently. I regretted that small accident. Not only did I deny myself the most amazing orgasm of my life so far, but he was now beginning to try to make me cum. He put more effort into his actions, wrapping his tongue around my penis every time his muzzle hit my groin and letting it slide off each time he went back up.
Sweat poured off me as another accident occurred, releasing another glob into his jaws. His remaining hand was sent under to play with my balls. He pulled his head off and went down to give his hand some assistance on my testicles. I arched as he brought one of my testes into his mouth while his hand played with the other one. I whimpered and bit my lip, hoping to distract myself from the attention he was giving to my nether regions. I didn't work however and yet another glob of cum came out, landing on his nose. I was amazed! I still hadn't cum fully yet. I had denied myself every time it got too intense, but I knew I couldn't last much longer. I heard another gulp and knew that he licked the mess off.
I heard him chuckle. He must have known that I wouldn't last another one of my accidents. I attempted to open my eyes but my vision was too blurry to make anything out. Even the ceiling was hard to identify. I felt warm air pass over my cock again and prepared to fight. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. His lips started at the base this time, his whole maw and taken in my cock first. No more foreplay for him. He knew what he wanted and obviously knew how to get it.
He quit circling my navel now and pressed his palm firmly against my stomach. His other hand continuing to juggle my balls. Then, something I didn't expect him to do happened. His pinky claw left my testicles and began to play with my ass hole. I circled and pressed into it a bit. He did a gay version of The Shocker!.
That was the last bit it took. I couldn't stand it anymore.
My ass clenched without his claw entering me and I spilled my seed into his greedy mouth. His mouth vibrated with a squeal and pushed me harder. I groaned, and panted and moaned because I couldn't yell. He pulled his head up to the tip of my cock and sucked on it. Spurt after spurt of my cum shot out of my cock hole and his tongue lapped it up. I could hear the audible, wet, rolling sounds of his throat as he took my load. Unable to help myself, I thrust up and sent my cock deeper into his mouth. I felt his lips form a smile and he wrapped his tongue just under my cock head, massaging it gently.
I couldn't feel anything other than the sensations my prick was sending me. The rest of the world was blocked out. There was a whistling in my ears and my body had gone numb with orgasmic pleasure. My sight was rolling when my eyelids accidentally parted. All I could smell was the musk that was emanated by us both. I was practically drowning in a world that he had made for me.
More cum still came from me. I didn't even know I could hold that much, but he didn't care. I could feel him swallow and beyond the whistling I could hear the content murring he was giving. He quit massaging my dick and went back to lapping at the slit. He enjoyed the taste, I could tell. So I gave him as much as I could.
Soon though, my orgasm did die out. I was left breathless and limp in his maw, but still he suckled on my member. Trying to get out the remnants of my orgasm out of my tired length. Soon, very soon, he would take what he wants from me. I didn't care though, he could have me multiple times tonight if he wanted and I wouldn't care. I was too blissful right now. I never thought that I could cum like that or that intensely. My muscles were tired. Muscles I didn't even know I had were tired, so I lay there. Him between my legs and sucking on my flaccid penis and me naked, covered in sweat.
He let my member slip from his mouth, and at that moment, I remembered. I remembered everything that I didn't even know I forgot. Memories of drawings and stories and hours at a computer chatting with others who did the same thing. I remembered who I used to be...who I still am. But most importantly I remembered why I didn't fully fear my new friend here. I remembered his name.
"Flamedramon," I whispered, to tired and still in afterglow to say it louder.
"Sleep well," his voice was soft and caring.
I heard a click of the light and my lamp was shut off. Using up the rest of my strength, I turned my head and forced my eyes to open and adjust. I saw him turn the light in the bathroom on and step inside. He gave me a warm smile before shutting the door and my eyes fell closed. The last thing I heard before sleep claimed me that night was an orgasmic grunt from the other side of that door.
And I smiled.