Split Souls: Cracking

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#2 of Split Souls

Here I go again.... I was bored tonight.

Jared found himself being led down the deck on the river side of the house sometime later. "You will Always use a proper honorific to everyone within the house. Do not question or backtalk when you're told to do something, you can keep your opinion and voice to yourself. I won't have you causing problems with any part of the household." He was doing his best to try and ignore the female opossum in her crisp white outfit as she led them along. The decking ran the entire length of the three main buildings that were built in a line. It seemed that buildings had been merged so that one could walk through the house inside or out as one chose and he was feeling rather awed by the fact the deck he was on ran more than two hundred yards. Every so often there was a ramp or stairs that lead down towards the water and they had passed three sections that seemed to be different buildings and it still kept going.

She had looked Jared over several times with a slight nose sneer as she led him along lining out even more rules as they finally came to the end of the building. With a quick pace she walked down a set of short stairs and off on a path demanding he hurry up. "Don't dawdle! You will have to hurry and be punctual each time you're summoned, if you're summoned." She added quietly.

The building ahead looked to be an odd built cabin half pressed into a slightly steeper slope with four narrow doors placed along the front. "Step inside!" the opossum stated opening the second door. She gave him a solid shove making sure he was inside before shutting the door closed behind him. "Stay here. Someone will come back."

He barely gave the room a glance. It was a five by ten room which had a small sink and toilet next to the door and a small cot on the opposite wall against the back. There was no window and the only light came from a small bulb above the door. By the time Jared turned and tried the locked door he had already figured out this was nothing more than a simple jail for him that was likely a place for disobedient servants.

He gave some healthy pounds on the door and shouted as loud as he could but after a few minutes he quickly gave in. 'I told you!' He shouted mentally a Cassie who was trying to stammer something out this being a mistake. Unwilling to argue or even try to acknowledge the voice he threw himself down on the cot banging his elbow against the wall and hissing at the sharp pain.

The rest of the afternoon and evening passed with no word from the outside. After many tries to apologize Cassie had fallen silent leaving Jared to brood in silence. There was nothing to do and no food, at least the sink was working but the water had a distinct rust taste to it when he tried to drink so he took just enough to stop the grumbling of his stomach. He spent some more time assaulting the door with fists, feet and voice and finally a half hour later he got a response when the light overhead clicked off leaving him in darkness.

He dozed fitfully through the night and was brought more awake in the morning by Cassie trying to get his help. 'Jared I want to try something. Come on do you want out or not?' After some more pestering he finally answered.

'Fine. What do you want me to do?' 'Listen can you just help me, you know this was not what I expected. I only came here because I could feel Ness.' Several images flashed into his mind blurs of color and feelings, then settling on a sudden warmth of body and being. Content, well being, and arms that squeezed tight. Covers and fluffy pillows and a light breathing in his ear as he hugged back.

The image and feelings faded leaving him in cold shadowed darkness with a sudden wrench of pain and loss. 'She is my twin, as close to me as you are. I know she doesn't want either of us here.' An image again formed in his mind this time of Nessandra as she appeared yesterday. 'Help me.' Cassie spoke.

Jared wasn't sure exactly how he was supposed to help or even what she was planning on doing but in his mind he stared at the image all the same. There was a shift, almost as if he felt something move when the cry when out. 'Ness, NESS.' he could hear her shouting inside his body only it wasn't directed at him at all. After a few moments he felt her relax and the image disappeared. 'Now we wait.'

Jared neck twinged a little as he shook his head wondering how much faith he should put in her call and getting a simple answer. 'She knows I need her, she will come!'

He had started to dose off again when the door slammed open allowing the first light of true dawn to echo into the room. "Come on get up now!" The voice was gruff coming from what he had come to know as one of the families personal, security a select few from the palace guards. The feline grabbed a shoulder helping him up then forcefully guiding him out the door.

Jared allowed himself to be nearly pushed along to the main house feeling like if he slowed or resisted that strong grip on his shoulder would do a whole lot more than just forcefully be there. Once again he saw the female opossum standing at the top of the short steps waiting for him. "I told you, you have to hurry. Now, straighten your cloths up and at least try not to look like some foolish..."

"Kayla, what is he doing here?" The female marsupial turned looking at a very displeased princess.

"I told you Lady that I would have him brought to you." She gave a slight bow.

"Move!" Nessandra growled out keeping the noise going as she advanced toward the other woman forcing her to slide sideways as she took the spot at the head of the stairs. With a motioning paw she beckoned the ferret forward, "Jared are you alright?"

"Mostly." He answered taking the first few steps leaving barely a foot between the two of them. Inside he could feel Cassie holding herself back as relief and happiness flashed through him.

"Lady Nessandra!" Kayla stepped forward again sounding somewhat shocked. "This is highly inappropriate. You should go back inside and I will..."

The growl sounded again this time with a glowing raised paw caused the opossum to step quickly back mouth slightly slack. "Jared hold up your wrist." The band was displayed not just to Kayla but to the two guards who were present behind him. "My mother gave that to him, not me. You had better hope she doesn't find out that you kept him in the back shack."

Kayla stood for a moment collecting herself and her presence. "Even if that is true princess, I am head of the properties here. I do not need some no blood brat wandering through the house possibly stealing or destroying things."

Nessandra half raised a paw but waited until she seemed finished. "If, IF you wish to keep your position you will find him a suitable room and a chance to clean up. You will also find him something proper to wear," inside Jared's stomach clenched and Cassie shouted out, 'And FOOD!' "and be sure that he is fed. I know my mother was planning to speaking with him after breakfast. But if you're still wondering I know mother stated he was from a dead ruling family and his father was know well among the court. Lastly he has information on where my twin sister might be and what happened to her. Did you forget the High Lord's proclamation about anyone who could help? Correct your mistake Kayla and hope mother doesn't find out. As of right now he is the most important person on the property besides the royal family." She finished giving a serious look at both guards who quickly bowed at her.

Jared watched as she turned to him giving him a nod with just a small smirk. Cassie called out, 'Thank you.' and Nessandra seemed to mouth welcome before she turned away. He was left in a dizzying blur for the rest of the morning trying to pay attention to what was around him while still working to accept what Cassie was telling him and what had happened so far.

All the years they had been together she had kept the memories she had and the feeling and images that she sometimes had secret from him. Cassie did her best to show him the long walkways and enormous halls. The lessons that she had been learning and the people she knew many times they were nothing more than blurs or shadows and voices. Even at five her days had been planned, fun in the morning and long afternoons of talks, lectures, and activities. Much had been buried and forgotten till now staying alive mainly by the secret feeling of knowing someone else was out there she was supposed to be with. Then there was the sudden realization that the attachment was much closer.

It wasn't till later that afternoon, when he had been asked to lay down, did he suddenly realize how much danger he was in at that moment. "Now legally these spells are never to be used, but there are special occasions when such things can be skipped as long as I have your consent."

It was a cold chill that had gone through his body when he finally figured out what it meant. "You're going to pull the souls from my body?" He asked just to be sure his mind knowing where that would lead.

"Please don't worry. As I said before this is something rarely done but well within my abilities." The ferret let out a near whine as he closed his eyes wondering if he could really go through with this.

"Give me a moment." He requested. With the assurance he had plenty of time he addressed Cassie. 'Listen, whatever happens just get a hold of uncle Max.' ~ 'Why? What's wrong?' she asked. ~ 'Why do you think he wants to take our souls out? Your mother has given me strange looks now and then and I don't think it's because I wasn't paying attention.' ~ 'He already told us they are just going to check that there are two of us.' She said it and yet he could still feel the now uncertainty of her thoughts. ~ 'I can think of only one reason why you would pull a soul from a body!'

Jared let out a deep shuddering breath out of his body. "Okay I'm ready." 'Don't feel bad Cassie I know what it's like not to have a family so maybe you can have yours.' He tried blocking her out ignoring what she said and concentrated on the last bit of instructions and advice mage Klaris gave him.

He let his mind wander just slightly picturing the yellow furred mage in his mind. He was one of the odd ones, where you couldn't quite nail down the breed. Likely canine, but his eyes were slanted back looking more like the deep green of a large hunting feline, while the ears were rounded little snubs that seemed constantly tilted back. "This isn't going to work if you fight me. You consented, is there something holding you back?"

Jared was a little startled by the voice but instead of answering Nessandra spoke out. "It's Cassandra. She's been more and more upset. Something is wrong!"

'Let it be!' Jared ordered in his head. ~ 'NEVER!' She snarled back. 'You think I want you hurt or worse?! I won't allow this!'

"Like you can stop it." He muttered out loud not realizing the words came out in more than just his normal whisper.

There were claws gripping his arm and he squeezed his eyes shut as the paw started digging in. "What did you do to her? Cass what's wrong?" He didn't bother trying to fight when Cassie reached out to answer her twin.

'Stupid, stupid, stupid.' He chanted as she found her voice. "You can't do this. I won't let you take him away." The female voice seemed to surprise the mage, but Klaris answered quickly.

"I would never allow that. I already told Queen Lindara that I would not separate you two unless the entire council agrees and we had suitable bodies for both. All that the council has agreed to allow was a short examination to ascertain if there is more than one soul within the body and if possible how this was achieved. If you do not wish to be removed no one will force you to go." He paused for a moment. "The mages counsel will be informed of your wishes if you choose to stop this, believe me no mage goes against the council without paying a terrible price. There is no leeway or mercy when it comes to punishment."

Jared eyes still hadn't opened even when the bed shifted and Klaris sat down. "Understand I will now pay a serious price if I continue with out both of your consent. Removal of a soul goes against all laws and decrees, even attempting to save a live by such actions has a serious price. It took the High Lady's personal request to even get this far so I ask each of you. Do you still want to continue?"

"He says whatever but I'm still not sure." Cassie spoke. Nessandra who had been giving the arm gentle pets instead gave a little squeeze.

"You have nothing to worry about." She informed her twin.

"You have my word on that as well." Queen Lindara added from across the room.

"Okay." Cassie spoke before dropping back to her normal spot while Jared's voice picked up. "Go ahead."

Klaris stood up and took his original position drawing a patter over them again. "Both of you should relax, if there is any more resistance I will stop." Jared relaxed again trying not to think of anything to strong and doing his best to not interrupt or change the magic as it crept through his body. Within moments it seemed things twisted leaving him with a slight pinch of fear which slowly started to grow.

A soul as its called is made up of partial thought/conscious and part body spirit. A body will quickly die without the will to live or a mind to help back it up. The act of removing a soul from a body can quickly become hazardous, especially if its not replaced when the body first dies. Although not an accepted practice the rules dictate waiting no longer than a minute once the heart stops before replacing the soul.

To Jared it felt like death, there was no sound, smell, feeling, or even true thought as his mind was left behind. Still there was... something. Unable to use any sense the soul still felt an echo of a presence, knowing he wasn't sharing this experience alone that no matter what happened he would never be alone made the experience less frightening.

"I was warned to many thing including tricks, traps, and oddities, but nothing even comes close to... This!" Klaris spoke giving the slightest of waves of his paw over the bed. The magic not only drew out a soul but helped to interpret it as well helping to make sense of something that could not be understood with eyes. What should have been one gentle kaleidoscope of color baring any injuries was actually two. An orange to light peach was woven together with a deep forest green pulling on swirls of foamy green. There was no question to the three who stood there on how many souls inhabited the body as they stared at the mist that slowly expanded. With closer inspection there were tears and small rips were the orange had turned reddish or the green was a sort of brown but compared to the whole they seemed insignificant. What kept them staring was the intricate interweaves of color neither capable of invading the other but instead molding and contorting to create on inseparable piece. Like two incompatible fluids swirling together neither content on staying or holding its own side.

Klaris quickly reversed the spell allowing the souls to remerge with the body once he had gotten over his moment of awe. There was nothing he could gain by trying to study them nor any information he would be able to return to the council with except for a few facts. There would be no separation without sacrificing one, second no spell could have been so elegant and lastly there could be no doubt of what the pair said, these souls had grown together over years, constantly pushing and giving space to each other. Whatever spell had brought them together in the first place had allowed them to merge together as tight as any solo soul would be.

Although it was basically redundant since the spell had lasted such a short time he rechecked the ferret's vitals and informed the queen. "High Lady there is no doubt about there being two souls and there is no way to separate the two. As to identification or a process to how it was done or whom they are I'm afraid that may never be known."

"I told you I already know who it is and I have the magic to prove it." Nessandra stated.

"I will not argue your point princess but there is no such spell." he replied.

"Maybe for you but I've been studying for three years crafting this spell. I can read the soul. You forget she is my twin, born from the same essence and from the same original soul!"

Intrigued Klaris stepped closer. "Show me."

"It starts the same as a divination spell but instead of scanning body, blood, or bones you set it even simpler to check essence." Nessandra began the spell touching Jared's forehead and middle.

"I see but taking a reading proves nothing." The mage interjected, "Unless... You have a base to go from."

He could see her eyes gleam as her lips pulled back for a grin. "Her reading matches mine exactly. I've tested it with dozens of twins as long as they are the same gender it works. Otherwise its close, you can check her against mother or any of the family." Klaris took time to perform the spell on each of them but was unwilling to state anything more than it was an interesting idea that would have to be examined.

Jared had come back to his senses before the testing was finished but had chose to keep his eyes closed and stay silent. After several minutes Cassie prodded him to ask the question. "So how did it go?" He asked quietly when the conversation died down.

Nessandra gave a little laugh, "Exactly as it should have gone. You should know that."

Klaris cleared his throat and gave them the official verdict. "It appears there are two souls residing in your body and I will state now, I do not believe separation is possible without killing one or both."

"Like I said we already know that." the princess interrupted receiving a small noise of disapproval from her mother.

"I will leave now and inform the council. There are a few spells that deal with soul suppression, Don't look at me like that, they are sealed spells. But I believe that we maybe able to modify one to allow them to switch control." The mage told them.

"You want Cassie to be in control." Jared quickly picked up.

"Not quite. Lady Lindara also requested a way to do that but I am more of the mind that both of you should have time as the dominate soul. Mind you I'm not even sure something like that could be done but I should have some answers in a few days." As Jared closed his eyes again the mage continued. "We should allow them to rest. Such magics can be very draining."

Both he and the Queen left but Nessandra stayed sitting down at the small table in the corner watching the bed as the pair fell asleep. After a while a meal was served and Jared was woken up to have his share spending the rest of the day and part of the night talking with Nessandra. She picked out every bit of his life she could, trying to understand him and what he had done while also working on finding out what happened to her twin in the time they had spent apart.

It was later the next afternoon when he was finally lead into a large study to meet with Lord Marverath, the king, who had arrived just a few hours earlier. Drake was there as well as several guards watching from one side of the large desk which Jared stood in front of. Jared stood silently waiting, looking across the hard wood surface and the stern looking tod seated in the chair scowling back. "What is it that you want?" Lord Marverath finally spoke.

Jared for a moment wondered what the question was supposed to entail. "Umm, me or her sir."

"My son is trying to figure out who you are and why you're here. As important as that is I just want to hear it from your mouth. What is it that you want." The words came out as a demand.

"Well Cassie wants to be with her sister, and family. I'm, I'm just trying to keep myself alive." Jared answered while Drake gave a near silent growl which seemed to echo through his father's look.

"Why did you come here? Are you hoping for money, a nice house to live in, you want a plush little life claiming you have my daughters soul inside?" Jared had taken a few steps back when Lord Marverath stood up glaring out at him but inside his own anger and Cassie's grew making him lash back.

"You think I want Money! My life has been hard enough forced to listen to _ your daughter _ talking in my head. Every time I have to go to a meeting or doctors appointment it always starts out with 'Are you hearing voices again?' And now because of her my life is OVER! You won't let me go back home and I know Nessandra is going to keep trying to help Cassie out. Even if they did find some magic to share my body, it's MY GOD DAMN BODY! What do I want? I want my life BACK! I want everything that I was suppose to have in the beginning." He stopped with the wave of hurt that passed through him. "It's not her fault, we're both victims. I don't know who did this but if your so worried over what we want then maybe you should be helping us instead of accusing us. I didn't come here for anything, I only came because Cassie made me. She only came because she could feel her sister was close. I guess there have been a few times that she could feel her twin but it was the first time she was close enough and could get me to drive here. We came because Cassie followed her feelings here." Jared stated feeling drained.

The older tod sat back down considering things before speaking a word to Drake, "Well?"

"I don't really know. There were two serious vehicle accidents and several people died but besides Jared there are no other names of survivors even though several people ended up at the hospital. I still haven't been able to speak with anyone directly and finding out who worked at the hospital or at the crash sites has been a problem. As for any other records, they all seem to be gone. It was six months before a custody hearing even started. The court records are all there including the closed files and it seems Jared was already talking with his Cassie then."

'Leave it.' Jared thought trying to quiet her grumbling. 'But,_His_Cassie? Like I'm just some random.. thing.' He tried to concentrate more on Drake.

"... the records were removed and destroyed. Supposedly it was one director who hid a great deal but mother said lots of very unpleasant things happened there. I'm still working up to current date but it appears he has a job, is enrolled in school, and has a place to live. There is also a municipal hearing in a dozen weeks or so and at his request he has asked all the proceedings records be closed and moved to privileged status. I still think he's doing this for some personal reason, whether it's for money, attention, or some kind of prank I'm still not sure but he could cause serious damage for the family."

Since Jared was trying to pay attention he didn't at first realize the rumbling growl was coming from him until several hard stares hit him. 'Cassie!' He cried out inside holding one paw on his muzzle and the other on his throat.'Let me speak.' She commanded. "No." the strangled sound came out. 'Don't you see, they still don't see you.' He told her.

The paw against his throat squeezed beyond what was comfortable. It was several seconds before he was able to force it to let go. What came next was an all out fight, Jared stumbled back from the desk before he collapsed to his knees fighting to keep control and becoming more worried and scared as the seconds ticked past and she continued her assault.

Cassie was fighting with anger and rage, at her father, brother, and even Jared, driving her will forward to take control. When two paws grabbed his shoulders and lifted his chest up it was all Jared could do to turn his paw backwards to keep his claws from tearing at the arm of the High Lord. Cassie's raged even more jerking their body out of his hands and gaining more control. Jared had to finally give way allowing her to start growling but he hadn't yet given in. When she tried to shout he clamped his muzzle shut muting her first words and when she tried again he sucked in air causing them to choke and cough.

The battle was apparent to both foxes and the guards as Jared's body stammered, shrieked, growled, and shook. The tale on the inside was worse as both souls fought and tore at each other exhausting themselves with commands and counter commands. In a few more minutes the body had fully collapsed first to its hands, then to its side.

The young ferret considered it enough of a victory and quit fighting allowing her full control exhausted and panting on the floor. Both her growl and swipe were feeble when Lord Marverath knelt down and tried to help. "Get back!" She gasped out panting. Even attempting to half sit up was to much of an effort and she didn't bother trying a second time.

"You don't deserve to call yourself a father." She told him when she had a bit more breath. "You weren't there then and now you don't even want me around. How dare you let your own daughter get taken!" She turned and snapped at whom ever it was that had moved up behind her looking into the hurt eyes of her twin. Jared pulled himself away and fled into his mind from the storm of emotions that tore through his body finding shelter by climbing into his most hidden places.

It was hours later before he felt safe enough to venture forth sending out small feelers to asses what was going on. His body was being held and it still seemed to be crying, the position was mostly prone but when the eyes blinked open he was shown watery patches of color that meant nothing. Jared tentatively reached out only to be stopped with a fierce will and determination, it was like getting hit with an over sized bat knocking him away.

There was more confusion as he felt a mirrored presence filled with admonishment that seemed to try and help him back up. Slowly control was relinquished back allowing him to control his own body but the few times he tried to pull away from the hands that held him he failed. He could now hear a voice telling him to relax and that things would be alright.

In truth though he knew it wasn't alright, it would never be alright again. Cassie had taken full control an shut him out. Inside that knowledge left him believing she could do it again and again. There was no question things were going to get worse and Jared felt that no matter what the mages council decided he was it would only be a matter of time before he was shoved to the back for good, a lost voice in the back of Cassie's mind.