A Morning Walk

Story by Elanna on SoFurry

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Erika's morning becomes anything but routine. My first online published story, from years ago. As with almost everything I've done, it's primarily about transformation~

A Morning Walk

By Elanna

Erika woke up feeling a bit dizzy. She put a hand to her head and simply let herself lie there for several minutes, trying to get her bearings. Still in her room, still under the blanket, in her bed, like every other morning. The light filtering into the room was dim, so she must be up early. Another Saturday morning alone in bed. She sighed and flung down the covers, baring her underwear-clad human body. An attractive, brown haired woman in her mid-twenties, Erika had the sort of features and shape that tended to spark interest, but never left much of a lingering impression. Cute, but not distinctive. Groggily, she pulled herself out of bed, deciding she might as well start getting ready as long as she was up. She had no real prospects for the day, but wanted to at least not look like she should still be in bed.

As she walked over towards the bathroom, she began to notice a faint buzzing noise in her head. She turned her head about a few times, trying to pinpoint the direction, but it seemed to remain stationary. Erika frowned, and shrugged a bit before beginning her usual routine. She gazed at herself in the mirror, the lack of sleep giving her an unattractive zombified look. She felt a little strange as she brushed her teeth, like something was just sort of off, though she couldn't quite place it. When she started to brush her hair, an itchiness behind her ears finally gave her something more direct to focus on, and she reached back there with a finger. Whatever it was felt oddly soft. She gave a little gasp and quickly brushed her hair aside, turning her head and staring at the mirror. What looked like white fur had grown there, and as she watched it continued to do so, covering her pink ear. She checked the other one, only to find the same thing. Erika gasped, "What the hell? What did I do last night?"

Erika tried to think as she watched her ear change. She could feel the little tingle of magic now as it started to move up her head, taking on a more pointed form. She just sat home watching movies last night, didn't she? What could have triggered this? She knew animal transformation wasn't an overly difficult spell, but she was pretty sure it had to have a trigger, or be cast directly. Unless this was a curse. . . but why would someone curse her? She bit her lip as the ears started to look more clearly animal-like, shifting higher on her head to poke up out of her hair. Mostly white, with a bit of darker color showing through, triangular. Cat perhaps, maybe dog? She shook her head, trying to focus. She hadn't had anything weird to drink, or met any strange people. She hadn't even gone out really, not after work. There was nothing that should have caused what was happening to her.

Leaving her hair as it was, she moved back out into the bedroom. The new ears were distracting, starting to flick and shift about, picking up noises. She was becoming more aware of just how noisy it was outside, morning birds chattering loudly, the neighbors arguing over something. She took a deep breath and hastily pulled on some clothes. She thought about the magic clinic just down the street. She could just walk down to the clinic and get this reversed. She tugged on some jeans and a simple blue blouse, putting them on hastily and not worrying too much about looks right now. As she started to pull socks on, she noticed her toenails beginning to darken. Thinking better of that, she sighed and slipped on some sandals instead, "Okay, just a short drive, I can do this." she said under her breath, forcing herself to walk outside and trying to ignore the tingling in her fingers and toes, as well as the sudden itchiness of her scalp.

Erika walked out of her unremarkable white house, across her slightly unkempt lawn, and made it to her car, but paused as she started to reach for her keys. The backs of her hands were sprouting white fur, and her nails were almost completely black. A troubling realization hit her. With the changes progressing this fast, even the short drive might not be safe. She could just imagine suddenly having nothing but paws on the steering wheel, or being too short to reach the pedals. She stepped away from the vehicle, and turned to find one of her neighbors staring at her. A humanoid kangaroo, he looked at her strangely, pausing whatever he was tinkering with in the lawn. She blushed, ears folding down automatically, though she realized he must have seen them, "Do you need any help?" he asked slowly.

She shook her head quickly, hiding her fuzzy hands behind her. She could feel the claws growing against her palms, but willed herself to ignore that, "Oh, no, I'm fine. Just going out for a walk. Nice to see you!" she said quickly. Ah the kangaroo shrugged and turned away, Erika hurried off, fast walking down the sidewalk past the dull suburban houses. Once she'd gotten some distance from her neighbor, she looked down at her hands. They were mostly white now, and the black nails had become little black claws. She turned them over, and she saw the beginnings of pads too. She thrust them into her pockets, willing herself not to pay attention, though even now she could feel toeclaws poking at her sandals. As she walked, a few strands of hair drifted down past her eyes, looking as though if she was shedding. Her scalp was itching pretty badly now, but she resisted the urge to scratch it. Erika took a deep breath, trying to think of other things. Maybe she would just be a humanoid animal, like her neighbor. Then she wouldn't have to worry, she could even drive over after the change to get it fixed. But why would anyone bother with a curse like that? It was more like an inconvenience than a real curse, and still an expensive one for the curser. She shook her head, sadly dismissing that hopeful line of thought. Abruptly, another thought struck her. Why had she run from her neighbor? He could help, she could tell him what was going on. He could even drive her, what possessed her to. . .

The mostly-human tripped as she heard something snap, a flash of pain knocking her off balance. She let out a startled cry, barely managing to catch herself as a strap broke on her left sandal and she went down. Her newly padded hands caught her, and she only scraped her knee in the fall. Erika winced at the pain and rolled over to see what had happened. She looked down towards her feet, and then sighed. While she was thinking about other things, they'd started to become proper paws, and no longer fit well into human-shaped shoes. She reached down to undo the right sandal, already starting to strain at the buckles, and lifted the paw up for an inspection. The toes seemed to still be closing together, growing stubbier and wider, which was what had caused the breakage. They had the same dark claws as her fingers at the end, and as she put a hand on what she could only call a paw now, she could feel pads forming beneath. The new paws made something else occur to her, and she looked more closely at her hands. She spread the fingers, then wiggled them slowly. Furred, clawed, and padded, but still otherwise human, "So, it is just an anthro animal." she said in relief, smiling for the first time today. The smile faded as she watched more of her hair drift past, and felt an annoying pressure in the back of her pants. She reached back towards it, then realized a young human girl was looking at her from the path in front of a nearby house.

"Mommy, why is that lady growing fur?" the girl asked, wide-eyed. Erika couldn't help rubbing what she knew must be a tail behind her, but blushed red at the thought of revealing it right now. Her scalp was also itching even more now, just to make things more distracting. She slowly got to her feet, feeling a bit unsteady on her new paws, her ears twitching instinctively. It felt weird having the pads; it almost felt like she was still wearing thin shoes, even though she could feel the sidewalk directly through them. She looked up and saw the girl's mother come out to glare at the partial fox. The tail was wriggling around almost painfully now, and Erika was finally forced to pull down the back of her pants, turning bright red. A thick, bushy tail swished out, bringing instant relief and a happy sigh from her lips.

The mother's eyes narrowed further, glowering at the changing, shedding human woman, "Don't look at her, Cindy. Some people don't deserve the attention." she sniffed and dragged the still-staring girl inside, shutting the door firmly. Erika blinked. What exactly did that woman think this was, that she was standing here wanting everyone to watch her turn into an animal? Her tail flicked about as it grew out, thickening up with soft white fur. Shaking her head a bit at people in general, she glanced back at it, trying to figure out what species it belonged to. The triangular ears had made her guess cat before, but the tail was much too fluffy, nearly a foot thick. And come to think of it, her claws didn't really look right either. Canine then, a fox maybe. Did they have white foxes?

As more strands of human hair drifted by, she decided they were beginning to annoy her. She didn't particularly want to lose her hair, but having them constantly shed like this was aggravating. She brushed a hand through her hair, feeling that most of her original hair was loose, and fur had already begun to grow in under it. At least she wouldn't be bald. She shook her head, and scratched his claws along her scalp, brushing out the itchy, loose hair.. It fell out in bunches, littering the sidewalk as she got her head covering down to just soft white fur. She stood there panting, footpaws in the large hair pile, but feeling oddly better now that it was over. She took a deep breath, and then left her hair behind.

Erika continued along, realizing that she was starting to relax. A glance at her hands reconfirmed that they were still basically human shaped, convincing her that she really wasn't becoming a full animal, and thus had nothing to actually worry about. She could even head back down the street to her car if she wanted, though walking was sort of nice, the light breeze through her new fur, the ground beneath her paws. Her tail wagged a bit at the thought, and she smiled, revealing developing fangs.

She was starting to feel better, to try to enjoy the strange experience, when she realized something that stopped her in confusion. She looked around at the houses she was passing, then back the way she came. She was going the wrong way. She knew the way pretty well, in fact it was hard to get out of the neighborhood in this direction so she rarely even came down it. She couldn't imagine how she'd managed such a basic mistake. A bit of panic rising in her was squelched by the fact that she was no longer really in a hurry. She forced herself to smile again and resumed walking. She could just walk through the neighborhood a bit, see some of it she hadn't seen much of. As her face started to push out, she began absently scratching at her chest. The itching was mild at first, so despite expecting it, it took a few moments before she caught on.

Fairly accepting of the whole thing now, Erika just began to stroke slowly as she felt a ticklish warmth spread across her torso. She wished she'd worn something a little lighter or softer than the blouse, but she wasn't about to just take it off, particularly now as she saw a figure approaching. Erika quickly withdrew her padded hand from the growing fur. A male jackal was walking by, going the other way, and she waved at him in passing, "Good morning," she said. Her tone was cheerful, and her gaze lingered on him as she felt an unexpected interest blossom. The canine gave her a strange look, but just nodded and smiled back before passing beyond her view. She stared after him, then quickly dismissed the brief encounter. She swished her thick, fluffy tail and used her tongue to feel how her mouth was beginning to lengthen and her teeth grow out. She sort of wished she could have a look, but there weren't any cars parked on the street here. She didn't want to walk up someone's driveway just to stare in their car's side mirror. Her pleasant idle thoughts were broken again as her handpaw started to feel something stranger than the fur happening beneath her blouse. As she reached up to feel, she discovered that her round, soft breasts were beginning to grow smaller.

She looked around quickly, then stepped off the path into a nicely tended yard. Glancing at the windows and seeing the curtains closed, she quickly padded around to the side of the house, ducking into the shadows for a closer inspection. Reaching up under her blouse, Erika could feel the soft fur that had spread down to her belly. It felt nice against her padded fingers, but her attention was on other things at the moment. She pushed up further, and her pads brushed over her bra. Once tight, almost straining, it now felt like it was sagging limply. She shivered as she pushed her hands against the newly fuzzy mounds themselves. She breathed a shivering yelp. They were getting smaller, they felt like when she'd been in junior high. She could feel the usual warm pleasure as she held them, but it was subsiding with a soft tingling sensation. Even as she stood there, holding her breasts, she could feel them sinking, flattening out slowly, slowly, until nothing remained but the nipples and a loose bra. She unclipped the bra, pulling it out and staring at it in disbelief. Her gaze shifted to her blouse, looking at the way it hung flat along her chest. She began to breathe harder, mouth feeling awkward as she did. She knew all the humanoid mammals had breasts, just as large as any human. Animals did not. She looked at her hands again. Still fingers, but could she trust that? The bra fell from her fingers as her mind raced. There was no way she could get to the clinic now, she'd have to backtrack all that way, and then it was nearly a mile further. The itching along her legs wasn't helping matters, especially as she felt an awkward tightness just above her ankles.

A few staggering steps convinced her that she wasn't going to be going anywhere while that was happening, her balance shifting with each stumbling movement. She sat down with her back against the house and tried to collect her thoughts. She was at someone's house, she could just ask them for help. She could see her leg shifting, starting to bend differently as the paw lifted up towards the back. She knew this wasn't good, she was looking more like an animal by the moment. Erika started to hastily undo her jeans, as they were starting to feel like they were going to break off painfully like the sandals did. As she pulled them down, she faintly wished she'd had some looser ones, thought it seemed pretty pointless now. She tugged the pants off fully, revealing white furred, fully digitigrade legs to match her fluffy paws. As she looked over the soft fur covering her legs, another thought occurred to her. Could she still talk? She reached a hand up to her face. She could feel a muzzle there, still growing. As she opened her mouth, she let out a little yip, but then slowly, "H-Hello? Oh, thank the gods. . ." she said in relief. Her voice sounded strange, a bit husky, but she supposed that was hardly surprising. Looking back down, she could see nothing but fur beneath her blouse, a white canine body with thick tail curled below. She gazed over a white muzzle with black nose, a fully canine face now from what she could see and feel. Wearing nothing now but her top and a pair of white panties, she took a deep breath and stood up.

Erika's new legs felt awkward, but she managed to walk with some effort. She blushed under her fur at how she looked without her pants, but it was no time to let embarrassment stop her now. A soft tingling moved along her inner thighs, fur growing in beneath the tight, female underwear, but she ignored it. She couldn't be sure her hands would remain hands long, she had to at least ring the doorbell. She stepped up onto the porch on soft paws and quickly pushed a claw to the doorbell button, sighing in relief as it rang. Someone would come soon and she could explain what was happening. They'd take care of it, of her, and everything would be fine. Reaching down to adjust her itchy panties, she felt one more surprise. A little bulge had grown there, small, but swelling, and sending a rush of pleasure through her as the fabric of the underwear brushed across it. She shivered, a mixture of pleasure and shock, "What. . . oh gods. . ." she whispered as she peeled down the lip of the panties.

Slowly, white fur was revealed, covering a little dark slit. That was to be expected, but rising up from it was a fleshy, pink tip. It was instantly recognizable, a shape she'd seen often enough before, or at least very close to it. A penis, one she could only assume was a canine one from the pinker coloration, and the more tapered head. Her padded fingers brushed across the tip, then the shaft as it extended up from her fur-lined slit. The feeling was exciting, but terrifying, decidedly wrong in her mind. She was becoming male? Why? Why would someone do all of this? She watched in dull shock as a thick ruff of fur pushed out beneath, then fell down to dangle as a sac. She could feel the weight as part of her, strange new sensations emanating from the shifting anatomy. Her hand moved away as a sheath of fur slowly stretched up over the alien, fleshy length, engulfing it. Her claws scrabbled at the slit she had just moments ago, but found the skin fusing there, sealing it up. She let out a little yelp, just as she heard the door unlock. Erika quickly tugged up her panties, hiding the bulge very poorly and trying to calm herself as the wooden door swung open.

Standing in the door was a gray wolf. A male lupine, he posed casually in an open green robe, his fuzzy body unabashedly naked otherwise. Erika found her eyes roving over the athletic, masculine form against her will. She stared at his friendly, handsome muzzle, teasingly swollen sheath, and even his broad, light-furred paws. He had a dark gray coat along his back, tail, and head, leading to a soft off-white down his front and paws. All of it suddenly hit her with a wave of arousal that made her cock strain against her panties. She opened her mouth, but he spoke first. The wolf's voice was warm and gentle, "Come in, please. I've been waiting for you."

The handsome wolf reached out his paw to take hers. In a daze, Erika accepted, her small white fingers twining with his larger ones as she stepped inside. He gently kicked the door closed behind her, leaving them inside a dimly lit living room. She had little time to take in her surroundings as he pulled her close against him and kissed her dark nose, "You must have questions, I will answer them soon. First, we should get you out of those clothes, they don't suit you." the wolf said. His voice was almost hypnotic, something about him just making her feel like jelly. When did she ever like wolves this much? He slowly stepped behind her, his thick tail brushing against hers as he unbuttoned the blouse, undoing it each button.

Erika shivered, her tail curling and her ears flattening out, "What are you doing? I need help, what do you mean you were expecting me?" she asked, finally finding her voice. He undid the front of her blouse, revealing her fuzzy, masculine chest. He rubbed along it in slow strokes, the pads feeling nice against her fur as he tugged off the shirt, shushing her.

"Soon, dear," he crooned as his handpaws ran down her naked torso, sliding down to curl into the top of her underwear. She could feel heat against the back of her thigh, and knew it must be his shaft pressed up into her fur. A shudder of pleasure ran through her, and she looked down to see the top of her own cock poking just out of the panties. More was revealed as he pulled them down, sliding the last bit of female clothing off over her thighs, letting it fall the rest of the way off her legs into a sad little pile. She stared at the throbbing pink shaft that had grown up between her legs, the furry white sheath and sac, all hers. His heavy paw reached around to stroke delicately along the outside length, drawing a moaning whimper from the new male, "You should see yourself, you're such a handsome fox." he whispered into one of her large ears.

Handsome fox. Erika couldn't think of herself that way yet. It was so hard to clear her mind right now, that gentle claw along her penis so new, so exciting, but still so unwanted. The other male guided her as her thoughts whirled, her paws stepping out of the dropped panties, walking away from the feminine clothes on the floor. He cupped her sac as he walked her up in front of a mirror, "Look love." he said as he stroked the fingers of his other hand back along her folded ear. Her mind focused as she realized where she was and looked, raising her gaze to stare forward at the image that awaited her.

A male arctic fox looked back at himself in shock. He had known how he must look, he had seen the paws, the fur, even the sheath, but seeing it reflected here made it all hit home. A young, clearly male muzzle dominated his face, while slightly catlike eyes peered over it. He hadn't even felt those shift, though he realized now that his vision seemed to have changed a little as well. White, triangular ears were folded back in a submissive posture as he looked himself over. A thick, fluffy, flat chest, boyish arms with padded and clawed hands, everything a mix of animal and man, all completely foreign. His thick, fluffy tail had curled down as well, pressed against the leg of the smiling wolf holding him from behind. His eyes settled briefly, unwanted, on the erect pink cock between his legs, then down along his legs to the soft paws that were his feet now. Every bit as much a canine as the other one shown behind him, and just as male, "I'm not a fox. . ." Erika whimpered softly, "I'm not, this isn't me, I'm. . ."

The wolf shushed him gently, smiling and stroking along Erika's ear, "You don't need to talk about what you were. You're a fox now, my fox, and I want to always think of you that way. Think of this as a new beginning for your life, a beginning for both of us. We don't have to be weighed down by what's come before." he said, a soft haziness spreading across the arctic fox's mind. Erika opened his muzzle, growing angry that he'd been dismissed that way. Not talk about what he'd been? Why should he listen to that? And yet for some reason, he found he couldn't go on. He couldn't say anything about who he really was; it felt like his muzzle was being held shut when he tried. The lupine grinned softly, and nuzzled in against the new fox's neck, "Mmm, my name is Terry, by the way. You can tell me yours once you think of it." he added. Erika tried to make himself say that his name was already decided, but he couldn't even manage that bit of personal information. He whimpered softly, slowly beginning to realize that he was far more trapped then he'd believed. Terry turned him around and tenderly kissed his muzzle, sending an shudder of pleasure through Erika, "Now, you had some questions. I think you'll feel better once I explain." he said, leading the slightly dazed white fox over towards a comfortable looking chair.

Erika was still trying to get over the sudden turn things had taken. His mind was being played with somehow by this annoyingly sexy wolf. It wasn't as if his mouth had stopped working, he was just incapable of speaking certain things. Even if he could get to the clinic now, he couldn't tell them anything. And every soft, furred touch felt so nice, far better than it had any right to. Even now, the paw gripping his as they walked over to the chair felt so soft, warm, and intimate, even comforting. Erika made a disappointed noise as Terry let his hand go, releasing it to gracefully turn and take off his robe before sliding down into the chair. The gray wolf split his muzzle in a smile, and Erika's heart gave a lurch at how handsome he was. It took a moment to find words, "What's going on? I know you've been doing something to me since I came here. Why am I a fox now, why are you doing all of this?"

Terry's head cocked slightly, as if he was considering the words. He lifted a large footpaw, the toes curling slightly as he teased the blunt claws along Erika's thigh, drawing a happy moan from the fox, "You were chosen, in a way. As you can probably imagine, this is all due to a powerful, expensive spell. It changed you and lead you to me, without your realizing it. Some would call it a curse, but I have no particularly malicious intent here. Please, sit." he added in a soft, but commanding voice, just as his pawpads moved to cup Erika's needful cock. The white fox's eyes closed, and with a little groan, he felt his knees buckle and his body slide down to the floor at Terry's feet. It took a moment for Erika to even register that he'd obeyed so easily, and by then all he could do was flush in embarrassment beneath his fur. Terry continued, lowering his paw down over Erika's muzzle, the toes spread slightly around his face, "I've wanted a pet for a while now, someone completely devoted to me, someone I can care for and love without having to worry about them leaving me." he said, a hint of pain in his voice.

Erika's eyes were mostly on the thick-furred footpaw, his ears folded back. It looked so. . . sexy. It was a foot, he'd never liked those before, especially not ones that looked like they should be on an animal. The heavy pads, pressed against his face felt so nice though. There was something pleasant about being in such a degrading position, something that told him he could just let himself belong. Erika shivered and shut his eyes, trying to fight these urges. Up above, he could hear Terry chuckle as the pads rubbed tenderly, "You're becoming that, hon, I'm sure you can feel it now. I know nothing about who you were, aside from the remains of your clothing, but I do know you were chosen for a reason. You were the most suitable person nearby, someone who was also alone, loveless." he paused in his speech, then grinned, speaking in a different tone, "Rub my paws, pet."

Erika's defiance quickly melted at the command, and his hands came up to rub and knead at the furry foot. It felt nice to do, nice and surprisingly sensual. His eyes opened to look up at Terry's face, the approving look he received made him feel warm and happy inside. He nuzzled along the top of the thick digits, but wasn't quite willing to just give in yet, even as a whispered "Good boy" from Terry made his body shudder and his dick ache. His dick, it was even seeming natural now to think of it that way. He licked his tongue across one of the soft, fuzzy toes, then spoke in a trembling voice, "You're. . . you're right about all that." Erika said, not starting off as strongly as he'd intended. He had to fight to get the right words, "But this still isn't what I wanted. You're twisting my mind, changing who I am." he whined, ears folded tight as if expecting a beating.

Terry simply grinned and pulled his footpaw away, then lowered it to the ground. He leaned forward, hands reaching out to grab the ruff of Erika's neck, pulling him closer to him, towards his crotch. The arctic fox couldn't help his eyes straying towards the firm erection staring at him amongst that soft off-white fur. Terry smirked and tugged the struggling fox's head up to look eye to eye, "Yes, the magic has been altering you, in mind as much as body. Much of it is already done, you're not really the same person you were even when you stepped through my door. It built on already present needs and desires to make you into my perfect pet." he said, then lowered his muzzle closer, breath warm across Erika's face. The white fox could barely breath, feeling as though he should wait for something, some sort of signal. Terry reached over beside the chair and pulled something up, moving it over and dangling it in the air above the fox's muzzle. A black leather collar, shiny and new, with a little blue plastic tag dangling from the ring. There was a slip of white paper inside it, empty, waiting to be written on. Erika couldn't draw his eyes away as Terry spoke, "Tell me, my pet. Do you really wish to go back now?"

Erika couldn't answer immediately, watching as the collar turned in the air above him. He nearly said yes, but just as quickly realized that wasn't so true anymore. There was still a certain anger at Terry for doing this against his will, and a horror at becoming someone new, but both were fading. Stronger in him was a feeling of eagerness, eagerness to leap into this new life, to be loved and cared for, just like his master said. He couldn't just give that up, he didn't even want to. He licked his lips, muzzle feeling dry, "I. . . no. No, Master." he said finally. Terry smiled broadly upon hearing that, and slipped the collar on over his pet's neck, clasping it shut. It felt so good, so right, Erika murred and finally relaxed.

Terry responded with a slow petting of Erika's ears, and a happily growling, "Good boy," that made his pet's tail wag slowly. The wolf sighed happily, and leaned back comfortably into the heavy chair, his hand gripping the black collar and using it to tug Erika's head forward. There was a surprised little yip from the new pet as his muzzle bumped up against his owner's warm cock. Terry watched through partly lidded eyes as new instincts began to take over and Erika started to lick the shaft slowly.

Erika could feel himself slipping more and more into acceptance and a new life. As his tongue lapped along his master's large pink cock, he realized that his name felt wrong. Savoring the scent and flavor, he lifted himself up onto his knees, muzzle parting as he tenderly engulfed half the length, down close to the knot. He murred, beginning to bob his head as his tongue played across the tip. His mind fell to the name Eric immediately, but no, that didn't feel right. He heard a gasp from up above as his tongue stroked straight from base to tip, and his tail wagged faster. Master was correct, he didn't really want to think about his old life. The pet fox brought his handpaws up, the padded fingers closing over Terry's fuzzy sac. The lupine whimpered happily, beginning to pant as his fingers dug into his lover's fur.

Thoughts of a name drifted away as the unnamed pet began to truly focus. His ears flicked with every happy, whimpering sound his owner made, his tongue savored each new release of salty pre that spread across through his mouth. He could feel his own cock stiff and hard with need, but wanted to show his new owner what he could do first, see to his needs before his own. He knew he'd be cared for and loved, and it was with love that his fingers wrapped around Terry's knot and he deep-throated the shaft with a happy moan.

Terry gasped, and let out a deep, wonderful groan of pleasure as his pet put him over the edge. He clutched the white fox's head down firmly, holding it tightly onto his cock as it howled and released. His pet could only shiver happily as he milked his wonderful owner with paws and lips, feeling and tasting every jet of cum as they flowed down his throat. The lupine howl echoed through the house, sounding the joy his owner felt. It was wonderful to be able to serve, to know he was doing exactly what he should be doing in life. A quieting of the howl and soft whimper from the chair coincided with a gentle subsiding of the spurting seed, cutting down to just a trickle across his tongue. Terry watched his pet take a deep, satisfied breath before beginning to lick the sticky shaft clean. The master looked at his new pet fondly, catching his breath himself as his fingers stroked those cute, furred ears, "Mmm, you're wonderful, such a good boy. I just realized it's silly to make you pick your own name though, that's something your owner should do, don't you think?" he asked warmly His pet gave a quick, eager nod, before returning to his cleaning. Terry stroked his fingers around the leather collar, gently fingering the plastic tag, "I'll just call you Lucky then, for a dog I once had. My last loyal pet." He grinned, scritching up behind Lucky's ears, "It's nice to have a puppy again." The happy new arctic fox just closed his eyes, yipped, and wagged as hard as he could.