Chapter 2: Best Friends Forever Part 1

Story by Taur Caliso on SoFurry

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#2 of A New Region, A New Love

A New Region, A New Love

Chapter 2: Best Friends Forever Part 1

Taur: "Welcome back to Chapter 2 of my Story! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter as much as I did and I cannot thank you enough of your reviews and support for the story, I apoligize about been in the dark but I got the equivalent of a writing kick in the balls from my Parents (You can't make a career from writing, other people who are better do it much better than you, etc, etc), combine that with a vicious school timetable and bam! Buried in procrastination. But I thought, you know what, **** that, I HAVE A AWESOME STORY TO WRITE! And punched Procrastination in the balls."

Lopunny: *Rolls over laughing* H-He got c-convinced b-by FurryAssassin to start up haha!- Writing again! Hahaha! Punch Procastination in the, in the Pfffft-Hahahaha!"

Taur: *Sighs* Eh, it's true, truth be told I've been spending a lot of time with a new Friend making a RP Wiki using the character's from his Stories and I use my ones from my stories, I would put a link but it contains Major spoilers for EVERY story I plan to post here.

Lopunny: "Ahhh Haha... Tease..."

Taur: *Pets Lopunny* Maybe, but the point is, we start to see Bruce and Blazie as Children and see just how strong their bond was. A little something nice before we continue for Adventure. Enjoy!"

I remember when I was 5, Professor Birch brought me into his Lab to show his latest Pokemon he'd hatched from an Egg he found, the Pokemon was small and Orange with a three pronged spike at the top of her head looking like a Flame as she shooks and blinked a few times.

"Torchic?" The strange Pokemon asked as I stretched out my hand to it, the Pokemon stepped back as I pulled back too, we stared at each other before Professor Birch tried to get our attention.

"Bruce, maybe you would like to play with Torchic for a little while?" He asked as I looked to Torchic, It didn't look like Dragon Pokemon and it definitely wasn't as big as a Dragon, but... I guess it was cute...

"Ok, can I give it a Nickname?" I asked as Professor Birch held his furrow

"Bruce, you only give nicknames to Pokemon you own, but I'll let you name her until someone takes her." The Professor agreed as Torchic jumped down from the table 'She... Torchic is a girl and I can sorta feel how warm she is... Maybe she's a Fire Pokemon.' I thought as Torchic approached me with a curious stare, I looked down to her as she stopped been Curious and more careful.

"I'm Bruce, Torchic, Do you want a name?" I asked as Torchic chirped in agreement as a smile formed on her small beak.

"How about Flair?" I asked as she shook her head, I noticed Professor Birch's Assistant watching, but I didn't mind, I just wanted to be friends with Torchic.

"Mmm, what about Heat?" I asked as she shook her head again 'Torchic is pretty picky...' I thought in frustration as she walked around, inspecting me.

"I got it! How about Blazie?! It's got a fire word in it and it's a girly name!" I suggested as she jumped and chirped in confirmation as she gave a small dance in happiness, I couldn't help but laugh and how cute she was acting before she ran outside.

"Hey! Wait!" I called as I ran after her and flung the door open as she stood there waiting for me before chirping and running away as I ran after her, she didn't run so fast this time as we ran around the small town, 'Wait a minute, she's not trying to escape, she wants me to play tag with her!' I realized as I soon grinned at the prospect of the challenge as I started to cut corners as I gained on her before pouncing onto her as we rolled for a seconds before stopping, I soon opened my eyes to see Blazie laughing on my stomach as I laughed with her, Professor Birch clapped as he approached us.

"Well I see you two had a ball." He commented as Blazie jumped out of my hands and stood up as I followed by example.

"Yeah, it was great, We played tag and Blazie is really fast!" I explained as Blazie nodded as well.

_"Torchic Tor Tor!"_Blazie added as Professor Birch held his chin.

"Well I have to take Torchic back to the lab... but if you decide you want to play with her again she'll be here tomorrow." Professor Birch told as me and Blazie looked at him with wide smiles.

"REALLY?!" I asked in excitement.

"TORCHIC?!" Blazie mimicked as the Professor chuckled at our reactions before putting his hands into his lab coat.

"Yeah, As long as you make sure she comes back, we'll hold onto her for as long as we can." He agreed as me and Blazie looked at each other and cheered as she soon went home to the lab, skipping around the Professor as she gave small waves with her small yellow wings.

I smiled and waved back as Mom called me back in, the days and nights passed as me and Blazie kept playing, becoming friends as she soon snuck to my house to sleep, one night, we heard a noise downstairs but Mom had gone to bed, me and Blazie sat up as the rummaging noise continued.

"Hear that?" I asked as Blazie nodded as the rummaging continued followed by a small growl, we soon got up and out of bed quietly as the cold air struck me like a Truck, it was icy cold that night, but Blazie's irradiating body heat made me feel warm she looked me as I nodded, she nodded in response as we both jumped to the bottom to the stairs to find a Zigzagzoon who had been rummaging through our fridge, his mouth was filled with our food as he growled, he definitely wasn't going to be leaving unless we made him.

"Hey! You get out of here right now!" I told him but he only swallowed a piece of food as he soon lowered himself as his tail stood high, Blazie puffed up with a cross look on her face as she stood in front of me, it looked like she was ready to charge into Zigzagzoon... Wait... 'Blazie... She's going to battle Zigzagzoon... That means... I have to direct her!' I realized as Zigzagzoon ran towards Blazie with it's claws out. 'Tackle! He's going to use Tackle attack!' I calculated as he got closer.

"Blazie! Use Growl!" I told her as she breathed in before letting out a loud growl as the Zigzagzoon stopped and held it's ears, it's claws now not poised at Blazie, 'It's attack power is lowering, now's my Chance!' I studied as Blazie seemed to nod at my realization.

"Use Scratch!" I said as I hoped Blazie would know that attack, but with her talons already slicing the Zigzagzoon, I knew she knew the attack, it seemed that Zigzagzoon wasn't expecting to have a Pokemon fight back as Blazie jumped back to protect me. Zigzagzoon got up and growled, I could see his teeth bared as he ran a lot this time, it's paws were a blur as it sped towards us. 'Quick attack?! No way! Blazie doesn't know that move!' I remembered as Blazie took a step back as I hugged her and shut my eyes tight, hoping it wouldn't hurt but instead of a Zigzagzoon, I heard rushing water and the cries of Zigzagzoon. I opened my eyes to see Zigzagzoon shivering in a Puddle as he dripped water, I looked to my right to see Squirtle as he looked at me and nodded.

_"Squirtle Squirtle!"_He encouragedd as I noticed Mom glaring at the Zigzagzoon who'd barely gotten up.

"Stealling my food is one thing, but hurting my son is unacceptable!" She yelled with flames in her eyes as Blazie and I flinched from how scary she was, Zigzagzoon whimpered as he slowly tried to approach the door.

"Squirtle! Hydro Pump!" Mom shouted as a blue orb grew in Squirtle's mouth as Zigzagzoon ran out the door only to be swept away by the torrential blast of Hydro Pump as he tumbled into the forest until I couldn't see him anymore, 'Maybe he's fainted? There's no way a Zigzagzoon could get past something that strong...' I thought as I noticed Blazie shivering in my arms, I noticed she was looking at Squirtle, 'He is a high level after all... Is she scared of the Water type?' I theorized as Mom sighed and looked to us two.

"Are you two ok? I heard you telling Blazie to attack Zigzagzoon." Mom said as she stared at me with a half-angry stare.

"Y-Yeah, but Blazie..." I looked to Blazie, still scared and shivering as I turned her around to face me.

"Blazie? Are you ok? The Zigzagzoon is gone now, thanks to you and Squirtle." I reassured her as I hugged her, she felt a little looser when I hugged her, Blazie's small wings hugged me back as she cooed as well.

"Awww... But Bruce..." Mom said as she woke me out of my dreamscape.

"Yeah?" I asked as she crossed her arms. 'Not good.' I noticed as she frowned.

"You can't battle with someone as young as Blazie, it's not good for her, what if she'd gotten a scar?" She warned me as I looked at the floor so I wouldn't have to look at Mom, 'She's right... I could have hurt Blazie...' I realized as Blazie puffed up and started talking to Mom, she looked like she was protesting something as Mom tapped her arms and Squirtle talked with Blazie.

"Look, I'm sorry you two but you're too young and inexperienced, you'll just have to wait until the pair of you mature, then you battle as much as your Will can let you." She argued as me and Blazie went back upstairs, halfway however I was stopped as Mom called to me.

"Bruce, you did an awesome job though." She sighed with a small smile as me and Blazie stared at each, Sparkles in our eyes, 'We could the bestest Trainers in the World!' I remember thinking as me and Blazie cheered as we hurried to my room and spent as much time as we could, talking to each other about what we were going to do when we became the very best before we fell asleep.

A few days later though, something bad happened... I remember I was counting in a game of Hide and Seek with Blazie, but while I still counted down, I heard her shrieks, I'd heard her happy shrieking before but this was different, she sounded scared. I ran towards the shriek, it came from Route 101 where Mom told us never to go.

"Blazie?!" I called out as I saw her, taking a few steps back from the trio of Poochyena that surrounded her, I whimpered, 'Mom told me about these types of Pokemon, these ones bite at anything that moves!' I remembered as Blazie whimpered from the Approaching Poochyena, I didn't know how to stop them except... I clenched my fist as I ran towards the Poochyena as one turned to me.

"Leave her alone Mutt!" I yelled as I kicked the center Poochyena to the side and ran infront of Blazie she was shivering as the Poochyena returned to his spot in his pack before the three growled simultaneously, their stares were intimidating while their red eyes stared me down, there was way too many to battle at once before the middle one ran at me barking, I put my right foot backward before clenching my fists even harder before launching my foot at Poochyena, colliding with his jaw before the impact sent the small Hound into the air as the other two rushed at me, I stomped one on the right before the second one dashed towards my ankle and I tried to kick it but it leapt over my foot and bit my leg, I let out a cry of pain as it's teeth sunk into my leg, I cried a little before grabbing it and pulling it off me as I saw Blazie from the corner of my eye, crying, this made Angier as I threw the Poochyena off me as the middle and right Poochyena leapt at me, with my leg still stinging, I punched the right Poochyena in the nose before I tried to punch the middle one simultaneously but it was too fast as it curved out of the way and scratched my stomach, I batted it away whilst seeing a bright red scar across my chest, I looked up to the see the Poochyena back to the triplets that fought Blazie, I growled at them as they growled back, they stopped upon hearing a howl from behind them, I turn to Blazie.

"It's going to be ok, I'm gonna make sure they don't hurt you." I reassured as Blazie nods with large teary eyes as a Larger Poochyena walked through the triplets to approach me as I took a step back, this Poochyena was much larger than the other three, it's head reached my waist height wise, It almost looked like it was grinning before it disappeared, I looked around as I noticed something in the Shadows behind me, 'It was that Poochyena! He used a dark type move!' I realized as I ran towards it as it darted towards Blazie, I leapt as I felt nothing before crashing infront of Blazie, my stomach now hurting like nothing I've felt before as the Large Poochyena growled as he stood in front of his pack, chortling, I looked down to see what he laughing at only to see my blood spattered all over my pants and shoes, My shirt in shreds as I turned pale, through the shreds I saw a purple tube sticking out of my stomach, I poked it and yelled out in pain as the Poochyena laughed.

'It's my Stomach, The Poochyena had used Pursuit and he cut me... deeply' I guessed as the Poochyena leader used Tackle and I fell down to the ground, now my stomach hurt and I could see it lying on the grass as it stung and hurt as Blazie was crying from disbelief, I reached out a hand to her, just to feel her soft feathers, only to see there was more blood.

"Bla...Blazie..." I coughed as I saw the Poochyena circle me and Blazie. "I'm sorry... I-I-I couldn't protect you..." I wheezed as the world started to get blurry and I could barely hear the growling of the Poochyena.

"I tried... so... hard..." I whispered as felt myself crying now, I could barely feel my head wavering around.

"I...I...lo...Lov...l..." I couldn't finish my sentence as the World turned black, I'd be having dreams, the first one was Blazie had turned into a literal Fireball and she'd jump, Scratch and tackle the Poochyena as one bit and scratched at my sides. The second one was that the Route was on fire and now Blazie wasn't as I felt a miniscule push from her head but I barely moved, she started to panic as she chirped a furry of her name out to the burning forest, The third one was of me and Blazie on these White beds, I felt I could move my hands and maybe my arms as I tried to wake her up but before I could reach her we turned and split up as my arm crashed along the wall as I fell asleep again.

That's when I realized they weren't dreams.

"Br...Bruce...Bruce?" I faintly heard as I opened my eyes to see a roof of somekind, 'I've seen it before... The Pokemon Center?' I guessed as I soon saw something rush at me and hug me, I think it was Mom, I'm not sure, it was hard to see still.

"Bruce! You're ok!" Mom cried as she started crying out of joy, I hugged back but moving my stomach hurt as I grunted from the pain, upon hearing that, Mom let go and stepped back quickly, like she'd broken a rule as her Black braided hair bounced behind her.

"Oh Brucie I'm sorry! Are you ok? Can you breathe?" She asked quickly as I held my head, hoping to remember.

"Yeah Mom I'm ok, and I think I can breathe." I said as I lost focus, the room becoming a blur as I shake my head as my focus retains, she has a nervous smile on her face as Nurse Joy entered the room, her face looked surprised as I repositioned myself as I immediately realized what felt missing.

"Blazie! Where's Blazie?!" I started to panic as Mom looked away out of uncertainty and Nurse Joy frowned a little.

"Tor- I mean Blazie is fine now, she's resting up in a separate room." I bared my teeth as I shot up.

"I want to see- OW!" I yelped as Nurse Joy laid me back, I could see one of my Stitches had popped as the thread dangled out of my Stomach, it was tempting to pull it, even if I knew my Stomach would start Hurting.

"She's fine Bruce... Uh, Blazie is currently resting up and once you recover your stitches you can see her!" She said in excitement as I sighed in relief, Mom walked over to me as i looked at her, she searched through her bag before finding a Holopad and passing it to me, I took it and held it as It beeped before text and a few pictures showed onscreen, she sat on my bed but thankfully not on my legs.

"I was going to give it to you for your birthday-" She confessed before looking at the Holopad "-But after what happened... Between you and those Pokemon... I think you need something to get your mind off of things." She nodded as I flicked my Finger across the Holo-Tablet, seeing a picture of a Bulbasaur fight an Otter Pokemon of some kind on the Cover page, I look to Mom before hugging her.

"Thanks Mom, this is great." I smiled as she hugged back, I could see her smiling face, sighing in relief.

"You're welcome Brucie." She giggled as I felt myself blush, slightly annoyed.

"Mooom! You know I hate that name..."I complained quietly as I heard Nurse Joy's giggle. I broke off the hug as Mom took a step back. Nurse Joy took the Clipboard from the end of my Bed and read through it.

"Bruce... Do you know how you survived?" Joy asked as I held my head, trying to remember, Flashes of what happened passed in my mind before a vivid image of the Mightyena's Jagged Yellow claw tearing through my Stomach like Paper been shredded... I felt myself to shudder as i held a hand over my mouth, trying to hold back the Vomit I tasted in the back of my throat as I swallowed it back down, I recollected my thoughts before turning to Nurse Joy and my Curious Mom.

"Um, We were playing Hide and seek and then I heard Blazie screaming so I went to see what was wrong... I, um... went out to Route 101-" I noticed Mom immediately holding her forehead and shaking her head in disappointment but Nurse Joy was still waiting for an explanation.

"-And I saw that she was cornered by 3?... Yeah, 3 Poochyena, I panicked and kicked one away before I got to Blazie then they started to scratch me, I punched and kicked a few but... It just wasn't enough before this other Poochyena came in." Nurse Joy raised a brow.

"Another Poochyena?" She asked as Mom looked at her then me.

"Y-Yeah, he was bigger than the other three Poochyena, and he had a scar on his Eye too!" I remembered as Nurse Joy frowned.

"What... happened next Bruce?" She asked as I started to frown too.

"He disappeared before I noticed his Shadow reappearing near Blazie, I stood infront of it and then he appeared from the Shadows and scratched my Stomach before he went back to the group, I remember seeing my Stomach having holes and-"

"I think that's enough information Bruce." Nurse Joy interrupted before I readjusted my seating.

"-Wait! Blazie! She made a massive fire! And then she pulled me!" I added, Nurse Joy and Mom looked at me with a lot more concern suddenly as Nurse Joy flicked through the Clipboard before showing Mom.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked before Nurse Joy perked up.

"Well-" She started before Mom soon cut in.

"Blazie isn't normally capable of making a Flame when she's that small Bruce, seeing you fight the Poochyena must've made her angry to a point where she blew Fire... Bruce, she really cared about you..." Mom said as she put on a small smile as her eyes watered, I smiled too, 'Blazie, she saved me...' I thought in gratitude as Nurse Joy turned to Mom.

"Jennifer, I think it's time we let Bruce rest, he's had a lot to think about." Nurse Joy hinted as Mom's eyes widened as she picked up her Purse.

"Can Squirtle say goodbye?" I asked as Mom searched in her Purse.

"Sure." Nurse Joy nodded as Mon sent out Squirtle at the edge of my bed.

"Squirtle Squirt!" Squirtle cheered as he jumped up and hugged me, I put Arm between my Stomach and him to avoid him touching my Stitches, I hugged him with my spare Arm.

"Hey Squirtle, how's it going?" I asked as Squirtle sat between my Legs as he smiled, pretended to eat something before he rubbed his Shell and burped.

"Squir-tle~" He sighed in Ectasy as I laughed, 'His Breakfast this morning must've been good, Well, I think it was dinner, What is the time anyway?' I wondered as I patted Squirtle's head.

"Hey Mom, What's the time?" I asked as she checked her Pokenav.

"It's... 4 in the Afternoon." She answered as Nurse Joy watched me and Squirtle with a smile before I yawned, 'I don't remember been tired this early but I guess the Stitches were tiring...' I thought as Squirtle patted my hand before jumping to Mom's Shoulder.

"Well Brucie you seem tired, so we'll let you sleep but we'll come back tomorrow, would you like that?" She asked, I nodded.

"Yes please." I grinned a little as she and Squirtle waved before leaving, Nurse Joy smiled as she checked the stitches.

"Your Mom and her Squirtle seem to care a lot for you." She mentioned as I smiled, 'They are pretty caring, even if we went onto Route 101...' I considered.

"Yeah, they're great." I replied as she turned to me and smiled.

"Good!... Bruce, make sure if you're going to be a Trainer to always talk to them, They care about you and I think they'd like it if you called them occasionally." Nurse Joy nodded.

"Ok..." I said as I felt my Eyelids getting heavy.

"It's ok Bruce, Sleep." Nurse Joy said in a Calming voice, I soon drifted into Sleep.


I walked with Squirtle as I jumped over the Ledge and kept going, Squirtle scared the Zigzagzoon and Wurmple away as my Pokenav rung, I flicked it out and answered it.

"Hello?" I sighed, 'I just want to go home, I hope Bruce is doing want Nurse Joy says...' I thought.

"Honey! Sweetie! What happened to Bruce?!"The man panicked as I sighed.

"Hello Darling, Bruce is fine, he just had an Incident with the Wild Pokemon, he's hopefully sleeping at the Pokemon Center in Oldale Town for the Moment." I explained as I walked inside my House, Squirtle dashing in."

"Well, At least he made it to the Center..." He said as voice turned Low with fear.

"Darling, it's ok, he's fine and so is Blazie." I reassured as I heard him pacing on the other end.

"Blazie? Oh! That's that Torchic Bruce is making friends with! So what happened? Did a Trainer mug him? Arceus help him if he mugged my Son-"

"NO! I mean- No, he was attacked by a Small Pack of Poochyena, the Alpha attacked with a Faint Attack and it was critical, the Slash reached his intestines... I'm scared for him, I wish you were here." I felt my voice crack as he sighed away from his Pokenav.

"Me too Hun, but you know how my Job is..." He said regretfully.

"I know I know..." I sighed as there was a Silence for 10 seconds or longer.

"I'll see if I can ask for a break." He piped up.

"That'll be great." I muttered as he cleared his throat.

"Love you." He said with a bit of enthusiasm.

"Love you too." I replied before I hung up and Rested my arms on the table and my Head on my arms, I felt Squirtle poke my Head as I hugged him with one Arm.

"Oh Squirtle... I should've been a better Mother..." I sighed as Squirtle shook his head quickly.

"Squirtle Squirt!" He protested as I sat up.

"You're right... He's a Wilson and she's fought Pokemon before, I'm sure they'll be fine."


Taur: "Aaaand that's Chapter 2 finally, I thought I'd redeem myself for the long delay by having this chapter slightly bigger than the Previous chapter."

Lopunny: "Wow... Jenifer is upset..."

Taur: "Yeah, seeing as I put the Character Development tag down on this Story I decided to expand who else would have developed Characters. And yeah, this flashback will be expanded a bit."

Lopunny: "Unfortunately, Luvbunny has Exams soon so he won't be able to write and play me!"

Taur: "Hey! I'll try damnit!"

Lopunny: "Yay! Love you!~" *Kisses*

Taur: "Love you too. And I'll see if I can quickly get another chapter up, anyway, Thanks for reading and if you review it's highly appreciated."

Lopunny: "Hehe."

Taur: "What?"

Lopunny: "I think I'll review you and your Stamina soon~"

Taur: "Mmm, I'd like that~"