Best Birthday Ever

Story by SilentReaderDragon on SoFurry

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Please point out any mistakes in the comments section. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated, as this would be my first story. On a side note, you will have to excuse me for rambling or going into extreme detail while writing. It is a habit I have acquired over the years of school. It seems that once I gain some momentum, I just cannot stop until I am finished or stumble into writers block. So this story is likely to be extremely long.

Fixed some mistakes Amethystine pointed out to me. Sorry to those of you who need to find it again, if you have to.

Hi, my name's Brandon. I am a Human, Homo sapiens for those who prefer the scientific terms. Physically, I'm nothing special. I am 19 years old, 6 foot 2, mildly overweight, strong enough to play football and not get instantly creamed (keep your mind out of the gutters!!), brown hair, blue/grey eyes with glasses; I don't stand out in a crowd. Aside from my family and relatives, there are about four people who acknowledge my existence, and they are good friends.

What does set me apart for the uncounted masses is not that special. I am a Furry. Not literally, but in the sense that I would much rather be around "anthro's" than "normal" people. Becoming even more specific, I prefer scalies over furries, and Dragon morphs to be exact. Please do not ask me why, but I have always been fascinated by dragons, my room is a testament to this. Dragon related paraphernalia everywhere, it's a guilty obsession.

Now, I love to read, half of my room is a library, and I have hundreds of stories saved on my computer. I even created a Yiffstar account so I could save even more stories I liked. I combined to of my passions with the sound I liked best to make my screen name (if you haven't figured it out yet, it's SilentReaderDragon). But enough about me, what you the readers are really here for, is the story about what happened the weekend after my 19th birthday. (Which ended up as the best birthday gift ever)

It was Saturday, February 14th, 2009, and I was walking through the forest o our local park. No reason really, I just felt the urge to go walking and it was pleasant outside, 10 degrees Celsius to be precise. As I wandered the back paths and game trails of the 10 acre forest, I realized that I was heading directly into the heart of the forest. Now I had been in the forest heart several times before, but always in the summer and always around noon. Now, it was deep winter, with the last beams of sunlight rapidly fading from view, around 5 in the evening by my estimate.

The strangest thing about my situation though, where I would normally freak out and turn around to go home, I just continued deeper into the forest. It was like something had possessed me and wouldn't let me stop moving forward. I eventually noticed that the land was sloping downwards, and briefly saw through the trees that I was essentially walking towards the bottom of a great natural bowl. My observations were cut short when I stepped on a patch of ice, slipped, and hit my head on the edge of the hole the ice surrounded. As darkness swept up to embrace my mind, I faintly felt my body stop falling, but not with the sickening crunch of hitting the ground hard, but with the feeling of weightlessness you get when someone catches you. Of course I barely comprehended this before blacking out.

Now when I came too, several thoughts immediately came to mind, as soon as I started to think. First among them was; 'Where am I?', then 'What happened?'. Almost immediately after thinking these thoughts, I answered my own questions, and then proceeded to not sit bolt upright, thinking that, if I have severely hurt myself, moving quickly will only increase the damage. So I settled for opening my eyes, then immediately shutting them. The reason for this is quite simple. I thought I was hallucinating. Above and slightly to the left of me, appeared to be an anthropomorphic dragon of indistinguishable gender. After a brief bout of panic and irrational fear, I thought to myself;

"I must have sustained a head injury, because I am seeing things."

Apparently I said this out loud because I then heard the draconic being speak to me.

"No, I did not find any evidence of serious head injury, just a large bump where you hit you head when falling into the entrance of my home."

I panicked, plain and simple, because I went from lying on a soft bed to racing for the exit, with no knowledge of where it was, in seconds. The only sound I made was impossible to describe, the closest I can get is a combination of sheer terror, panic and confusion, mixed in with a healthy dose of pain. (Mix together the respective sound one makes for each and you will be close) Many of you would think that I would have reacted differently to seeing a dragon up close. Let me remind you of something very important. The average human is very irrational, and subject to acting in unusual and confusing ways. This behavior is multiplied ten-fold when said human is scared, confused, and introduced to something that has never before been experienced, or is outside of their perception of ‘normal'. Under the best of circumstances, if a human were to meet an anthropomorphic dragon, the human would be scared, wary, and in general, suspicious. So given the circumstances in which I meet the being who saved me from becoming a messy crater in the floor, my reaction was understandable. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and ran headlong into a wall. I was once again, unconscious.

I awoke half an hour later in a similar state of mind, but was bound to the bed so I could not injure myself further. The dragon was staring into my eyes in an unnerving way, so I looked away quickly. Then shi, introduced hirself, saying that until shi though I was trustworthy enough to address her by her real name, I could address hir as Dusk. It was at this point that shi revealed hir telepathic abilities, telling me that I wasn't dreaming or hallucinating, that shi wasn't going to eat me, and that shi was a hermaphroditic shape shifter, with her current for as her "base". Following these announcements, shi told me that according to the time frame I was used to, it was almost midnight, and shi was going to bed. I expected hir to turn around and leave the room, but instead shi climbed onto the bed with me still tied to it, and said

"Night, and I'm sorry in advance if I grope, fondle, or do anything of a sexual nature during the night. I haven't had anyone in bed with me in a long time."

With that shi wrapped hir arms around me, and fell asleep. I was nearly petrified with fright, but I managed to remind myself of several things, like shi had not harmed me in any way yet, and had apologized in advance for any unwanted sexual advance shi subconsciously made. After calming down, I promptly fell asleep.

Upon waking, I was confronted by the bizarre sensation of not being able to move at all, being completely engulfed by the sensation of what I presumed to be my entire body being stuffed up a woman's twat, and being penetrated by multiple objects. I opened my eyes to find that my senses were not lying. Dusk had basically turned into a puddle of goo, engulfed my entire body (excluding my head, which I am thankful for), turned the space I was occupying into a gigantic pussy, and grown protrusions that proceeded to penetrate my ass, and cock, much to my disturbance. Stranger still was the fact that I did not feel any form of pain, even though I could see myself bulging in ways that should not be possible.

I was left contemplating my situation for a short time before I realized that the movements of the tentacles and the convulsing of the "vagina" were increasing in speed and force. I immediately started calling out Dusks name, hoping to wake hir. Now at this point, many of you will be wondering how I was able to see myself bulging in impossible ways, if I was completely engulfed in the amorphous blob that was Dusk. The answer is simple; shi was translucent, possible from stretching around me, or because that is how shi looks as a pile of goo. I don't know, all I know was that as I called out hir name in an increasingly loud and incessant voice, I felt it. Shi was orgasming. A quick look down confirmed that the tentacles were in the process of pumping what looked like gallons of cum towards me. Well, most of them anyway, one in my ass and another in my dick were each pushing large round bulges towards me. Eggs. Perfect. Shi was making me into an incubator for her young, while shi was asleep!

At this point I lost it, I started to scream my fool head off, attempting to wake hir, and thrashing as best I could, trying to dislodge the tentacles. I did wake hir, but shi couldn't do a thing, being caught up in hir first orgasm. So I watched helplessly as I was pumped full of her sperm and eggs, both up the ass and in my sack. It took ten minutes for her orgasm to stop, all the sperm and eggs being deposited during the first 2 minutes, but when shi came back to hir senses, shi could tell I was pissed. I asked in that tone of voice that is calm, but at the same time implying that you are going to rip them apart piece by piece,

"Can you get all of this out of me and let me go, or am I going to have to rant at you for several days straight to vent my anger?"

End Journal Entry 1

"So Hun, how's the journal going?"

Brandon looked over at Dusk, my mate of 3 years and said

"Well enough love, I just finished the first entry, ending where I asked you what you were going to do given that you had just fucked my brains out in your sleep, and knocked me up too."

Dusk blushed at this, remembering the night well. Looking over at the nest with all of hir eggs in it shi sighed, wondering when hir younglings would hatch. Shi was roused from hir musings when a pair of lightly scaled, partly gooey, human arms wrapped around hir shoulders, and hir mate spoke in hir ear

"Come to bed dear, we need to keep up with our schedule, or our kids wont believe that the freaky half human half dragon half goo creature is their father."

Dusk smiled, turned her head, and kissed hir mate on the cheek, and said

"Your right. But this time I'm taking you in me a different way."

With this statement, Dusk headed to bed, looking over hir shoulder in a seductive glance, and closed the door to the bedroom, or resting and mating nest, as Dusk liked to call it. Brandon sighed, shook his head and walked towards the door, pausing as he heard stretching and groaning noises, similar to what rubber makes as it is stretched to its limit.

Opening the door he found his mate on the bed, with hir prick growing to match his body in size, and her tits swelling large enough that 3 of him could fit inside of each, curled up. Licking her lips in a hungry manner, Dusk beckoned Brandon closer to hirself and said

"Your choice love, in my nuts or my tits."

as shi dimmed the lights. However before hir mate could respond, a single noise resounded throughout their lair.

