That Which Is Desired :: VIII: penance

Story by notIsaidthecat on SoFurry

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#9 of That Which Is Desired

Where the dragon gets his prize.

Akio was surprised to hear the herald call out Anjel's name. As the messenger dragon walked down the red carpeting, the idle chatter of the court grew silent. Akio's heart ached at the sight of him. Since they were interrupted by Glyph, she hadn't seen him again. She was worried that she'd gotten him in trouble, but even after Glyph came to Falqon with the news that they'd been caught, there was no change in Falqon's demeanor towards her and she assumed it was the same for Anjel.

She'd been having her dreams--true dreams--again. They'd been foreboding. Most recently, her dreams mostly involved her wandering around in the dark, alone, and afraid, and at times she felt as if she would never be able to wake. It was these nights mostly, when she had the darkness dream, that she would wake up and could feel Anjel's presence... but he was never there. Just a phantom scent, or a warmth next to her on the floor.

Anjel knelt down at the base of the platform, lowering his head in respect. "Rise," Falqon told him. The white dragon avoided Akio's gaze completely.

"It has come to my attention," Falqon began, "that you have requested to join the caravan taking the firegryph north."

"Yes, my lord. My home is in the north, with the others of my kind. If they will have me, I seek permission to leave."

Falqon nodded, silent for a moment. He rested his head on a talon, watching Anjel with those unsettling red eyes. "I see no reason why you cannot return home. You have paid your dues to us, I feel. As soon as the firegryph is taken to the City of the Tower, consider yourself a free dragon."

Anjel smiled. "Thank you, my lord," he said, with true gratitude in his voice. Some of the dragons in audience were muttering, but none raised their voice to question Falqon's decision.

The golden dragon rose from the throne and descended from the platform, clapping a talon to Anjel's shoulder. "It has been a pleasure having you with us, Anjel," he said, his voice low, but Akio saw many of the dragons around were staring openly. "One more thing, though, before you go. Consider it my gift to you, for all your years of service."

Anjel's eyes flickered to Akio, and she saw it. Her heart raced.

She barely heard the words that changed ownership. Anjel's talons tightened on Falqon's, his gaze locked with the golden dragon's, and after a moment he grabbed Falqon and pulled him close in a hug. At this point, a few of the other dragons had walked out, or were voicing their disapproval more loudly. It didn't matter. The embracing dragons stepped back from each other, and Falqon waved his hand impatiently at some of the queries called out to him. Anjel stepped up the stair and crouched down to Akio. "Let's get away from here," he said softly before scooping her up in his arms.

Anjel's cavern had a cool, unused feel to it. He lit the torches and let Akio down at the entrance. On the flight here, the sun had set. Akio felt so at ease in his arms that she watched it settle between the mountains, watched the sky grow purple, then darken. She didn't even flinch as Anjel flew through the illusion that guarded the cave.

She walked through the main room, fingers grazing the edge of the fire pit that burned with Anjel's magenta flame. As she came to the arch that led to Anjel's bedroom, she paused, blushing. The pillows she'd slept on her first night here were still arranged exactly as she'd left them, against the wall farthest from the dragon's bed.

"Akio," rumbled her dragon's voice, close behind her. She felt a large hand come around her, holding her against him. His nose nuzzled at her ears, breathing her scent in deep. "You're coming into heat again," he commented softly, but he didn't pull away.

Akio's tail brushed against his legs, her hand coming to lay on top of his over her belly. After a moment, she turned, looking up to him. He stared, getting lost in her blue eyes, his heart beating in his throat.

"I'm yours," she says into the quiet, and it comes out sounding like a question.

Anjel smiles and nods fervently, dulled talons running through the thick fur on her neck. "Yes, you're mine. And after the firegryph is safely in the City of the Tower, we'll both be free." His smile faltered somewhat here, and Akio placed a paw on his arm.

He recovered his smile somewhat, stroking her ears back. "We'll talk about that later. It's late... and we have an early morning coming." Akio was still silent as they walked into the bedroom. Anjel's musk was heavy here, and it played on her awakening hormones. She bit her lower lip, glancing over to the smaller grouping of pillows. Anjel saw her.

"You... want to sleep alone tonight?" he asked her, his voice flavored with doubt.

She looked up at him, chuckling. "No--I'm sorry, Anjel. This all happened so suddenly. I'm half expecting to wake up on the floor in Lord Falqon's bedchamber." Akio looked over at her pile of pillows. "I'm just remembering how it was... the last time I was here."

Anjel walked her over to his pile of pillows, crawling up after her. She laid down on her back, peering at the ceiling, and the dragon stretched out beside her, head propped up on a talon, looking down at her. "I love it when you say my name," he confessed quietly. "It sends lightning down to my heart. It makes me feel alive."

Akio smiled over to him, her ears lowered as she blushed, but she kept her silence.

Anjel began to unlace his cotton shirt, pulling the leather string completely out so that it opened in the front, falling to one side. He twisted the lace in his talons.

"You are acting strange, too," Akio observed.

Anjel looked down to her. "I have something for you," he said suddenly. He pushed up from the pillows and walked off, the tip of his tail twitching nervously. Akio sat up and looked after him, ears pivoted forward. When he came back, he was holding a small tan pouch. He knelt in front of her and held it out.

"What is it?" she asked, her heart pounding.

Anjel looked shy, pleased, but a little sad. "I had it made for you..."

She loosened the string and poured the contents out into her paw. It was her moonstone pendant.

Only, it was different. It was the same stone--it resonated with her, like home. But the setting was different, and the leather thong was thicker, less likely to break even if pulled in a fight. And the stone was carved now, into the shape of a sleeping dragon. A moonstone--white--dragon.

"Anjel, I..."

"I know, you were told that your mate had to replace it. But..." Anjel gathered his courage. "I didn't want to send you home without it. And... I wanted to give you a way to remember me. If you wished."

She stared at him, holding the pendant so tightly that the carved horns pressed into the pads of her fingers. "Anjel, I don't want to go back."

He blinked. "What are you talking about? Of course you want to go back." But in his voice was a hint of hope that he couldn't hide.

"I... I thought I could stay with you." The thought of going home did fill her with joy, she forced herself to admit. She'd had dreams about it, but never really expected to have the chance. Now, faced with the choice of Anjel or her tribe, she was choosing the dragon? The dragon who kidnapped her from her home and changed her life forever?

Yes, the very same dragon who made her heart do flip-flops every time he looked at her.

Anjel pressed his lips together, warring within himself. "You can't. You... have to go back to your tribe, back to your father, to carry on his lineage and lead your tribe."

"I don't care about that," she lied, badly. Anjel tilted his head towards her.

"You deserve to be back with your family. Back with those who love you."

"Why don't I deserve to be with you?" Tears breached her defenses, and she turned away, still clutching the moonstone.

Anjel watched her, worried, wanting to reach out and hold her, take her in his arms and tell her that they could stay together forever. Bitterly he reminded himself of the sacrifice she would be making--he could never make her a mother, and she would never be able to take her place in her tribe. "We're too different," he whispered, more to himself, but Akio took it as a response to her question.

"It's plain to me that the differences between us don't matter, Anjel... it's plain that I love you."

He couldn't lift his head to meet those baby blues, and damn him, he couldn't find the words to reciprocate. His heart pounded as if trying to break free, and his tongue felt dead in his mouth. They sat in impossible, irrevocable silence for a long time, before Anjel straightened up and crawled back onto the pile of pillows. "It's late," he said, "we should get to sleep."

Akio woke before dawn, her sleep had been fitful and littered with leftover dreams. She turned to look at Anjel, but he wasn't awake yet. He slept on his back, one hand resting on his belly. He'd never undressed. The tan shirt laid open, his pale scales glittering in the dim firelight like pearls. His mouth was open only slightly, and he snored a little, but not very loudly. Akio studied his shape and, at the same time, studied the raw edges of her heart. She had thought that Anjel would be pleased that she wanted to stay with him. His insistence that she return to her pack was hurtful. Why was he pushing her away like this?

Stifling a fresh batch of tears, Akio leaned over and rested her head on his chest. He was so warm. She decided that instead of getting up and wandering around, she'd just lay here a little longer. Akio curled up against him, resting on him, against him. She hadn't meant to wake him, but she felt a heavy hand rubbing her ears. She looked up to Anjel, and he was watching her, a sleepy smile across his muzzle.

"Good morning," he rumbled. He inhaled deeply through his nose, eyes closing as he scented her, releasing the breath in a low moan. "I don't know why I torture myself so. You are certainly in season now, my rose."

Akio's ears laid back as she blushed. "I'm sorry," she said.

The dragon chuckled, and he held her closer with an arm. "Don't apologize, Akio, it's not your fault. It just... makes me... hmmm." He smiled down to her, a hint of pink tingeing his cheeks. "Any rate, we should probably give you a bath. There will be a lot of other slaves with us as we travel."

"Okay," Akio said, sitting up and pushing away from the pillows. She couldn't help but notice Anjel adjusting his trousers as they walked towards the deep pool in the main hall. Anjel nuzzled her headfur as they stood at the edge, the pit empty of water.

"Not here, my rose. I have another place..." Anjel scooped her up, holding her close and breathing her in. He carried her through pitch black corridors, mostly from memory. Eventually, Akio heard the sound of falling water. The air grew brighter, a natural light now, pink from the sunrise. "Close your eyes," the dragon prompted, and she did, unconsciously wagging her tail with anticipation.

Anjel set her down on a glass-tiled floor and told her to open her eyes. She could smell the water, and hear it falling, but when she opened her eyes, she couldn't help but gasp. A beautiful room, circular, with a huge pond in its center. A natural opening in the stone ceiling let the sunlight in, and the waterfall. The floor was a mosaic of glass--blues, greens, purples to echo the water. One wall was carved into shelves, holding several bottles of herbs and oils, towels, and other luxuries. She turned and looked up at Anjel.

"It's so beautiful," she said.

His hands spun her around again, a gentle push on her lower back sending her towards the water's edge. "It's warm, too."

The water didn't drop down into a pit. Instead, it lapped at the tiles like a small beach. She looked back to Anjel and he smiled at her, nodding, while he pulled his shirt off. She stepped in, and it was warm. Akio continued in until the water was lapping at her waist, cupping some and bringing it to her lips, sipping it. The water was sweet, clean.

She turned to see Anjel stepping into the water. She couldn't help but notice the hint of pink nudging at his sheath, couldn't help but feel a thrill run through her that was only facilitated by her body's natural urge to procreate. He joined her, even pulled her further into the water, until she couldn't feel the ground with her feet. Akio swam closer, coming against Anjel's body. He pulled back awkwardly, but Akio's paws circled his neck. As the rest of her body caught up, she felt the unmistakable shape of his organ press against her. Anjel was still backing up, but he wasn't getting any farther away, the look in his eyes a conflict of desire and fear.

"Anjel," she murmured against his throat. She felt his hands on her lower back, pushing her against him. His length pulsed between them.

"What do you do to me?" he rasped. He was taking her towards the waterfall. Akio closed her eyes, lifting her head as the warm water gushed over her, soaking them both. When she opened her eyes, they were beyond the waterfall. A small room where the water steamed, and she could feel the floor with her toes as she let go of Anjel's neck and slid down. The water came up to her breasts here, occasionally slapping up against her and splashing her chin. Anjel leaned back against the wall, looking at her. His expression was tired, undecided.

"You're free to do what you please," Akio said. "I belong to you."

Anjel looked down to her, pained. "I can't," he said, but he didn't give any further explanation.

Frustrated, Akio came over to him. She placed her paws around his organ, still hard and hungry. "It feels like you can," she said. "And I want you to."

His arms circled her shoulders, holding her closely. "It would only make it more difficult. I can't... it's the right thing to do."

Akio's ears flattened. "Then well and good, Anjel. I don't want to go. I'm spoiled for my tribe. No self-respecting wolf will take me as his mate, knowing that I have already been mated."

"Sex is not the same as taking a mate," Anjel pressed.

"My heart is mated to you," Akio said, feeling on the verge of tears again. She pressed her face against his chest. "Why won't you have me?"

"My little rose," he whispered. He spun around so that she was backed against the wall, his wings opening to shade them from the light coming through the water. It created a secret place within this secret place, more intimate. Anjel cupped Akio's head in one talon, lowering his muzzle to kiss her. "I want you," he admitted. "I want you like I've wanted nothing else in my entire life. More than freedom. More than acceptance." He paused, rubbing a fallen tear from her face with a dull claw. "I don't want to take your future away."

"My future is with you," Akio declared. "I don't want anything else. And if I do... later... we can think about that when we come to it."

Anjel held her, just looking at her. She could see him working out his choice in his mind, fighting against what he wants to do, and what he feels is right.

"I don't know," he said. He sounded heartbroken.

Akio took a deep breath, settling her nerves. Deep beneath the pain of her tumultuous emotions, the need she felt for him was thrumming. She took one of his hands in hers, drew it down below the water, between her legs. His eyes widened slightly. "I want you, Anjel," she murmured. She saw it play on his expression, saw him push aside his uncertainty for now. He clutched her to him as he turned and pushed through the waterfall again, taking her to the edge of the water. He laid her down against the surf, kissing her deeply. His kiss was unsteady, untrained, and his hands trembled.

Akio had little time to formulate a question before she felt his fingers probing between her legs again, this time of his own volition. She spread them for him, sighing as he lowered his mouth on one of her breasts, sucking and licking at her hardening nipple. He pulled back with a hot breath. "You taste as amazing as you smell," he said softly. Anjel planted kisses down her body, nuzzling at her groin. She moaned softly, spreading her legs wider. She felt his horns press against her thighs as he breathed on her exposed sex. Timidly, his tongue came out and slid between her secret folds. She was already slick, aching with her primal need. She could smell the heady scent herself.

Anjel's tongue was cool as it slipped inside her, the tip curling as his nose pressed against her clitoris. Her claws scratched at the glass tiles, every muscle in her body working to give him the best angle. The long dragon tongue seemed to be made for this kind of act, strong and long, thick but not flat. She felt her orgasm rising, the pressure in her loins growing, and at that particular moment, Anjel pulled his head away. Akio whimpered plaintively, looking down to him.

Kneeling between her legs, the gentle water lapping at his calves, Anjel placed his hands on Akio's bent knees. The warm surf teased her sex, just as much as the sight of her dragon's hard organ jutting from his hips. She wrenched her eyes from it to meet Anjel's, and saw that he was panting, all of his previous resolve drained.

The dragon leaned forward, placing his hands on the ground on either side of her. His gaze was guarded, but Akio could scent the fear in the air again. Her heart raced, as she was sure his raced also, and she wiggled below him a bit, her legs widening to make room for his wider frame.

As the tip of his organ slid across her slick folds, Anjel gasped and closed his eyes. He was tense. Akio placed a paw on the side of his muzzle. "Why are you afraid?" she asked.

Anjel looked down to her, licking his lips. "I've never done this before," he whispered after a pause.

Akio stared at him, waiting for him to tell her that he was just joking, but there was nothing in his demeanor to say he wasn't telling the truth. Her ears pressed forward, her mouth open slightly in disbelief. How could anyone live alongside this carnal lifestyle, and not take part in it? She searched his eyes. "You're telling the truth," she marveled. He looked annoyed. "No, Anjel, I don't mean it like that. I just mean that... why haven't you?"

His expression softened as he thought about his response. He lowered to his elbows. "No one wanted a ghost," he said simply.


Anjel shook his head.

Akio's paws drew him closer, her muzzle meeting his in a kiss. "I want you, Anjel," she said again. She felt him sigh. She arched up against him and he slid his hands beneath her, cupping her shoulder blades.

"I want you, too."

"Come to me."

She felt him angling his hips, lifting his rear. The tip of his shaft slid between her lips again, making her shiver. He pressed against her entrance, timidly, though also taking care not to hurt her. His organ was both thicker and longer than her previous experiences. As the tapered head slid inside, the rest followed, and Anjel clutched Akio to him, trembling. "Oh," was all he could manage to say.

He pulled out almost completely, then pushed back in, so slowly. Akio sighed contentedly beneath him. She felt every inch, every throb of his length as she held it inside her. It seemed to her that it was the perfect size, filling her to capacity. Anjel didn't speed up, keeping his slow, tender movement, just holding her close, kissing her occasionally. She felt her climax returning, her muscles tightening around his shaft. His breath caught, his neck arched a bit as his muscles started to tense.

"Anjel," she whispered before slipping over the edge, her moans and sighs long and drawn out with his steady motions, but even as her orgasm was reaching its peak, she heard him panting against her throat. With a groan, he jerked out of her, his seed spilling between them in powerful, hot spurts.

The cleaning up was done in quiet, but a good quiet. Akio felt bonded even closer with Anjel now. And from the way he looked at her, she could guess that he felt the same way.

The caravan consisted of three great canvas-covered litters carried by slaves, their riders and attendants, Glyph and his assistant, and Anjel. One litter carried Fool and the jester Trick. Fireshade, the firegryph, rode in the middle palanquin, guarded by two small armored dragons on either side. These guards were on large horses, though no horse compared to the one that Glyph sat astride. That beast was black as sin, with white eyes and a flaming blue mane. A nightmare, but big even for that species. He called it 'Warlock'.

A brown warhorse was Anjel's steed, tamer and older, but strong enough to bear the dragon's weight. Akio was waiting by the riverside as the caravan collected, last-minute repairs made on the litters and supply lists checked off. She watched the two dragons, Anjel and Glyph, making quite a scene near the head of the group. Glyph was not yelling, but his words cut into Anjel's normally timid character. The white dragon had wisps of pink flame snaking out of his nostrils as he snapped at Glyph. He pulled up the reins of his brown horse and trotted back towards Akio.

"When I am free," he told her, "I swear I will hire an assassin to murder that snake."

She stood up, brushing the dirt from her fur. "What's the matter?"

He climbed down, looking around before smiling down to her. He brushed her face with the back of his hand. "Glyph knows how to press my buttons," he murmured, looking back to the serpentine dragon. "He's making me put you out on the trip. I mean... he's making you sleep with the other slaves."

Akio shrugged. "Doesn't sound that bad," she said.

A little plume of flame escaped Anjel's muzzle as he sighed. "It's dangerous as long as you're in season," he pointed out. "I'm not sure how safe it will be." He looked back over his shoulder again, making sure Glyph was still out of hearing range. When he looked back at her, he gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll try and sneak you into my tent after dark. At least he's allowed me to carry you on my horse."

Akio glanced to the beast doubtfully. "Is he strong enough?"

Anjel nodded, tugging on the reins to bring him closer. The dragon procured a carrot from a pouch and offered it to the horse, who ate it gratefully. "We should get going," he said shortly, climbing back up onto the horse's back. He offered Akio a hand up and she took it.

They rode hard all day, going north, following the river Ori. As the sun neared its resting place, they stopped to make camp. Akio helped Anjel set up his tent, but Glyph rode by on his terrible steed, keeping his eye on them as he passed--a silent warning. His equally creepy attendant, a slim black dragoness, trailed behind him, her arms crossed. "Good night," she hissed at them, taunting.

Torches went up as the evening darkened. Anjel shared his supper of salt beef and hard cheese with her before walking her silently to the slaves' tent. "I'll come for you," he promised her, nuzzling her ears.