Cutie Academy - Chapter 1 "Over the Wall"

Story by Kinz on SoFurry

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#1 of Cutie Academy

BEFORE YOU READ: This story is a silly/serious story. What I mean by that is it has a somewhat silly concept, but in general the story is absolutely serious. So keep that in mind when reading. If you liked it or hated it let me know! All feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your interest in this story and I hope you enjoy reading it!

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to real people or things, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

"Hey! It's time to get up!"

The sound of my pull down curtain buzzing back up around its coil rang through the air, forcing my heart into an immediate state of panic.

"MOM! Don't do that... that curtain is too damn loud." I groaned

"I know sweetie, that's why I like this curtain so much. Now come on, breakfast is downstairs on the table, I made your favourite!" she said, as she made her way out of my room.

Peanut butter buttermilk pancakes with buttermilk syrup! Oh how I loved the aromatic smell of peanut butter and buttermilk teasing at my nostrils.

I jumped out of bed, put on a shirt, and made my way down to the kitchen. In the kitchen was my mother standing over a frying pan, frying up more peanut butter buttermilk pancakes. My dad was sitting at the table with a newspaper blocking his face, like he does every morning. I walked into the kitchen and sat down directly across from my dad.

"It's nice of you to finally join the land of the living." My dad muttered

"I'm not living yet! I'm still a walker... I need the revitalizing taste of those delicious pancakes to bring me back to life." I joked

My mom dropped a few pancakes on my plate and added, "speaking of which, the walking dead is on tonight! Hurry home so you don't miss it."

"I'll have to sit this one out dear, I have a meeting tonight." My dad announced

"That's fine; we'll tape it for you so you can watch it when you get home." My mom said cheerfully

My dad got up and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before leaving out the door to work. My dad works for CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). It's not as big and scary as everyone makes it out to be. I should know being the son of the Director of the CIA. Then again, all the dirty work is left for the agents so I can't really talk much.

5 pancakes later and I'm stuffed to the brink of explosion. I can't take another bite.

"Thanks for the pancakes mom!"

"Of course dear, now hurry up or you're going to be late for Cutie Academy."

"I know... I'm going."

The Cutie Academy is 1 of 2 schools within our city, along with the Sexy Academy. 5 years ago, in 2024, the Supreme Court ruled it a state law that schools be divided into 2 distinctive characteristically predominant schools. This was to help kids identify better with their peers and to prevent any sexual conduct until the legal age of 20. Not only was the characteristics of kids challenged by this new law, but as well we were split once again into our corresponding genders.

Not everyone agreed with this change, but it soon became the norm as it had proven to successfully increase the GPA of almost every student tested. Now the only 2 schools in our city are Cutie Academy and Sexy Academy, both of which hold roughly 100,000 students. The schools have 9 floors and 2,000 classrooms and laboratories, along with 10,000 teachers. The schools are both beside each other and are separated by a 15 foot wall made of steel.

Now you may be wondering, what's stopping the kids from each school hanging out with kids from the opposite school or gender? Well, a year after the law was implemented, and the studies proved successful, the kids that did not improve admitted to hanging out with a kid from the opposite school or gender. This induced the law that kids under the age of 20 shall not be allowed to embark in any sexual conduct and will remain grounded to their own sex and characteristic. If any child is caught hanging out with a different gender or school the minimum punishment is 10 whips on the back. The maximum punishment is 20 whips and solitary confinement for 3 months.

A few rational beings would say this punishment is way too extreme for kids, but with the age limit set to 20, there were very few people within the court that would have to experience such punishments. So the law was written. They also thought that if they made the punishment brutally cruel it would stop kids from breaking the law... but like they say... young and dumb.

As for me, I'm a senior of the male Cutie Academy. My birthday is January 1st and I'm 18 years old. My hobbies include reading, writing, sleeping, and eating. Other than that, I'm just constantly reminded of how cute I am. One of the only good things that I can think of that comes from being categorized as sexy or cute is the constant state of self-esteem boost, but besides that this whole system is fucked.

I quickly got myself ready, swung my backpack over my shoulder, and made my way out the front door. I waved bye to my mother and walked to the bus stop at the end of my street. Already waiting at the bus stop was my buddy Rex. He's a Canis Sapien, with short black fur and a white chest. His ears were pointed and his tail was beautifully plump; so fluffy you'd mistake it for cotton candy. He always wore the same light brown shorts and grey V-neck, along with his black studded belt and think-rimmed glasses.

"REN!" Rex shouted in my direction

"Hey, Rex. How's it going?"

"Great, fantastic, amazing as always, and yourself?"

"You know..." I said waiting for him to catch on, before saying what I always say. Then in synchronization we both said, "Fine." in the exact same tone.

"You know, you ought to lighten up a bit, people don't like cutes that are mopey all the time." Said Rex

"It's my personality Rex, I can't help it."

"So why not try for the cute-shy-guy or the cute-mysterious-guy? The mopey-lonely-cute isn't very attractive. In 2 years we'll be able to live normally without consequence and if you're hoping to find a chick with that attitude, think again..."

Rex had a point, no girl would ever go out with me if I sat around and moped about, but it's not something that can easily be changed...

"Yeah yeah Rex... I know, maybe you should teach me your aggressively-cute-cute ways."

"Can't, the agenda's full, I'm already teaching 100 other students."

"Hah, I highly doubt that..."

"Maybe not, but I can't teach you how to be better, you have to better yourself."

Just then the bus pulled up and we filed in, taking our usual seats at the back of the bus. Before we could make it to our seats Rex blurted out.

"I wonder what it would be like to have sex."

I just about choked when Rex brought up having sex. People under the age of 19 aren't supposed to mention anything to do with sex. When you turn 19 you're placed into a 1 year sexual education course that is supposed to help you find a suitable mate for reproduction. That's about all I know because I myself have not taken the course.


"Calm down Ren, we're the only 2 on the bus besides the bus driver... and I'm pretty sure he didn't hear me."

He was right, there was no one on the bus, but it's still a scary subject to talk about considering the consequences.

We continued to talk about other things as more people got on the bus; like how his older brother is now married to a really cute girl and briefly about how we're both turning 19 soon and how we'll be placed into the sexual education course. Before we knew it we were at the school.

The schools had 1 main entrance that split off into the 2 schools, and then from there they split again into the genders. Each bus has a code that marks which students to pick up and where to drop them off. For example my bus is C-M-012, which basically means cute males bus number 12.

The buses usually arrive 30 minutes before any classes actually begin so I tend to use this time to read a few pages from a book. At each school there is a huge field with a bunch of soccer fields and baseball diamonds. My favourite place to go is in the very corner of the field where all of the different genders and schools meet.

When they built the schools they built them from the outside in. So the direct center of the corners is off and the males have about an acre more of space and overlap by about 50 feet. If you looked at the schools from above you would notice it's shaped like a rectangle, with the schools on the outside and 4 giant square fields on the inside. The genders from each school were arranged so that they were diagonal to each other.

The first bell rang indicating that it was time to start school. My first class of the day was Advance Algebra followed by History and then Biochemistry. After Biochemistry I get an hour break and then I have Geometric Analysis followed by a lab period, then I get to go home.

The first 3 classes drag on like an anchor in the mud. I was so relieved to be out of that school I ran for my reading spot in the corner of the field. I sat down and opened my book, eagerly reading and wondering where it would take me next.

The moon and the sun had crossed paths leaving the world in total darkness. To the modern day sapiens this would be known as a solar eclipse. Unfortunately to our ancestors this was not yet known. So when such an event took place they believe the sun was angry, hiding itself because of the sins of the people. The only way they believed the sun would return was by sacrifice. Thus, the massive sacrifice was born. 1000 lives were taken b-

Just then a rock fell from the sky and knocked the book right from my hands.

"What the fuck?" I growled, picking up the rock.

The rock was smooth and on the one side there was sharpie that said: "Hi, I'm bored". Judging from where it hit my book it had to have come from the sexy male's side. I was confused... was someone from over the wall looking to talk? To me it seemed like a very bad idea and whoever is throwing rocks is asking for a death sentence, but knowing this came from someone not like me, someone I can't talk to, made it that much more interesting.

I had come to the conclusion that it was a bad idea to respond. Maybe if I throw it back over with nothing written on it he'll get the clue and not throw rocks over the wall. So I toss the rock back over the wall and open my book again.

Before I could read another line a rock came flying back, landing 3 feet in front of me. This time the rock had even more writing on it which said: "Why did you throw it back?" with an unhappy face.

Maybe I'll tell him to stop because if he continues throwing stones he's bound to get whipped. Especially if they found out he's trying to communicate with someone over the wall.

So I pick up the lightest and flattest rock I could find, took a sharpie out of my bag and wrote: "Stop with the rocks, you'll get whipped" with an unhappy face, then tossed it over the wall.

I sat back down and opened up my book. Not to my surprise a rock fell from the sky and landed 1 foot away from me. I picked up the rock and it read: "I've been whipped before, the pain goes away"

Is this guy serious right now? Well even if he was whipped before I don't plan on being whipped myself. So I picked up another and wrote: "Please stop, I don't want US to get whipped"

This time, expecting a reply, I sat waiting for the rock to hit the dirt in front of me. As a minute passed I assumed he was listening this time, so I went back to reading my book. Unfortunately a rock did come back over the wall, this time it was a big rock with a lot of writing. He had to have been really strong to throw such as massive rock that high over the wall. And thankfully it didn't hit me; otherwise I'd be out cold.

The rock read: "Don't be such a downer, none of the staff ever come this far out anyways. Now tell me, what do you look like and what is your name?"

You've got to be joking... Is this guy stupid? He could see me all he wants outside of school... we just can't talk... Maybe I'll tell him that. So I took up another rock and wrote very finely: "You don't need a description, you can see what I look like outside of school. We just can't talk and my name is Ren"

Frustrated with this guy I threw the rock hard over the wall clearing it by at least double its height. I crossed my arms and sighed, waiting for the returning rock to fall at my feet. A minute later it fell, I picked it up and read what had been written: "It's a date, 8pm at Tom Hooters bakery, don't be late!"

WHAT!? Is this guy serious? Who does he think he is? I picked up a rock and wrote: "NO! It's not a date, and I'm busy". Then I tossed the rock furiously over the wall.

Once again a rock returned. This one read: "Don't you miss having friends that aren't like you?"

I wrote back: "I have friends that aren't like me. What are you getting at?"

The returning rock read: "Idk, please just come to Tom Hooters, please, Ren"

I didn't know what to say... A complete stranger is asking me to go with him to a bakery? We can't talk, we aren't allowed to talk, so what would be the point?

I picked up a rock and played around with it for a bit before writing: "How are we going to talk? And how will I know it's you?"

A rock rolled at my feet. I picked it up and read: "Don't worry, I got that covered, and I'm the one with blue fur and 2 blue markings under my left eye"

Was I really going to do this? Go out with a complete stranger that only knows me from a rock over a wall? I took a few minutes to think it over. It was a public place so if he did try anything there will be people around to see. Not to mention he is from the Sexy Academy... That's a plus. What am I saying, this is completely mental...

I picked up a rock and looked at it as if it had the words written on it already. A bell rang indicating that my hour break was up. So I wrote: "Fine. I'll be there" and tossed it over.

As I ran back to the school I heard a thud on the ground. I turned around and picked up the stone reading: "Then it's a date, cutie" with a winky face.

Why does he keep saying it's a date... this is not a date, this is a get together to see if we're compatible as friends; Illegal friends. My mind was racing and I had no idea what to think... All I know is that I'm going to miss out on the walking dead tonight...




Let me know what you think :)!