The Perfect Gift(s) - (Illustrated by Rabid)

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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In a world where winter holidays are a bit more mature, a skunk waits patiently for the mythical gift-giving serpent known as Sandy Claws, on XXXmas Eve.

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual interactions of a somewhat unusual kind (non-anthro dragon with an altered fur), as well as transgender and transformation content, so if you're a kid who shouldn't be reading this, or are more normal than I, and don't like that sort of thing, don't complain afterwards.

The Perfect Gift(s) - by Amethystine

Part I

The 24th, December. Christmas Eve. 11:55pm


Silence like only Christmas Eve can bring. No hustle, no bustle of the world outside. Children everywhere quieted themselves to listen. But it wasn't just children. It seemed the whole world was soundless. Believers or not, some part of all of them _wanted_ to suddenly hear that sound, and be proven right, or proven wrong.

Silence, on that special night. It always seemed to speak of a world of peace, where wishes could and would come true, in the morning. Come the morning, if you were asleep all night, that is. But Christmas starts much earlier than when dawn breaks, doesn't it?

Some sneaky individuals know that Christmas starts at Midnight and like to be up and about at just that time. The stroke of twelve. That sweetest time, that perfect moment between Christmas Eve, with its anticipation.. and the beginning of Christmas itself, with its joy and festivities and gifts and merriment. They would tell you that those are good moments, but that the best moment is the very beginning, when all those things are yet to come and the day is still unformed, nothing but potential, like an untouched yard of newly fallen snow.. ready for forts or snowmen, or tunnels or snow-angels. Or Snow-Snakes. Or Snow-Dragons.

Such was the thought of one individual who was up, waiting to experience the 'Golden Moment' listening for one of _those_ sounds.. of sibilance on the air or a roar of a dragon. Or, THE sound, his rattle. If you heard that, it meant HE was definitely going to visit your house, personally!

The attentive audience of one was, of course, thinking of Sandy Claws, the merry serpent of Christmas. His sleigh, hauled by a grand dragon named Cinder Klaas that lit the way with its red fire, would slither through the air, heavily loaded with a sack filled to the brim with.. not just toys, but anything. They said he had magic to give anyone anything. Adults were not left out, as long as they were good. Adults simply left themselves out by not believing. Perhaps they did that for fear of ridicule.

Teeven didn't have that problem. He believed, he was a good skunk-man, 27 years old. He had made that snow-snake-man and snow-dragon out in the yard, the cold not bothering him in his thick black and white fur. He had tried to make the snow sculptures like Sandy and Cinder, adding a few pine cones as a rattle and a red 'Sandy Claws' scarf.

Snakes couldn't really wear hats. Sandy Claws' scarf was long, red, flowing, and as serpentine as the one who wore it, wrapped around his long neck several times, all the way up to his unblinking, all seeing eyes..

Seeing people while they slept, knowing when they were awake, it just made sense that the traditional, omniscient gift-giver was a stealthy snake, sensing children's desires with his crimson red tongue. Able to find warm houses in the night with his heat-sensing pits, it was told.. also able to dole out punishment in a flash with his two coal-black fangs. Some legends said that his fangs were only black when it was a punishment, and pure snow white otherwise.. but why would anyone see them if it wasn't for a retribution?

Teeven shrugged, halting his idle pondering of the holiday myth. He glanced at the glowing red clock on a table. 11:57pm?! Argh! Time seemed to move so slowly on Christmas Eve, it was nearly unbearable. He twitched his large tail impatiently, wishing he was hearing the chiming of the other, older clock that sat upon the mantel of his large fireplace, signalling midnight's arrival. After another moment, he managed to tear himself away from the cold window where he had been switching between watching the skies for the red and white coated rattlesnake and peering at the dark shapes of the snow-figures through the slowly fogging glass.

He paced for a moment, although it seemed like a few minutes to the jumble of nerves that padded back and forth through the darkened room, lit only by the tree. Looking up to see that only a minute had passed, he growled for a half second and sighed, flopping down on the couch. He landed with his head next to the little table where the (non-alcoholic) egg nog and two snow-white mice were set out for Sandy and Cinder. Sure, they were a big pair, but they got a mouse at every house, so that was plenty! Seeing the yule-tide offering reminded Teeven what he was waiting for and froze in place, round ears flexing to catch any sounds he might have missed while carelessly jumping around. Silence. He sighed and slumped on the couch, seeing that it was 11:58pm.

He yawned and closed his eyes. Later, he would try to remember if he had heard anything then, just before he fell asleep. He would also later wonder if Sandy had something to do with his system's sudden shut-down, as he swore he had felt absolutely high on nervous energy and adrenaline.

High above, Sandy Claws smiled and shook his snout. "Finally, I wasss beginning to worry." he whispered to himself, then snapped the reins and pointed down to the house he had been circling for some time, too high and hard to spot for the skunk to have seen. The rattler hissed and shook his tail softly, chuckling merrily to himself, "Sssometimesss they jussst don't get it.. I can't show up until they're asssleep!"

Inside, Teeven sprang awake. He had heard something. He also realized he had been asleep! In a panic, he checked the clock for the hundredth time. 11:59pm. He calmed, it must have been a micro-nap. He strained to listen, remembering that something must have woke him. His heart leapt! He could hear something, above. Crunches and creaks coming from the roof! He chirred in glee and shot to the window. In hindsight, it was a foolish idea. He couldn't see anything on the roof from a window and yet he looked up all the same, trying to ascertain if the noise was just shifting snow enhanced by his imagination or the real deal.

At that moment, a red forked tongue flicked silently from within the fireplace. Sandy was in the midst of further proving a snake was the ideal creature for his task.. one of the elements Teeven knew about, but hadn't thought about a few minutes ago. Serpents excel at squeezing their flexible bodies into tight spaces. Like chimneys, or stove-pipes, it was said he could wriggle and slither into anything of the sort to deliver his wondrous gifts to the most deserving of believers. He flowed smoothly out, compressed coils curling up on the carpet, free of dust or dirt.

He straightened up, standing tall behind the black and white furred mammal, his long form almost out of the fireplace. Despite the snake's absolute, supernatural ability for silence, Teeven sensed something and spun around. It was then Sandy's turn to be impressed at the young skunk's powers of perception, obviously he had known the serpent was there, somehow. Yes, he was a good choice. As Teeven froze and focused on the formidable form of the fantastical figure, he was shocked to see that the object of his obsession was even more impressive than he had imagined.

Teeven stared as unblinkingly as a snake at the pristine white blanket of snow the rattlesnake possessed and called his scales. Sandy Claws was an absolute albino, with deepest red inner attributes. The silently flickering tongue and the sparkling ruby-red eyes attested to that. While the skunk had only ever seen Sandy illustrated as an averagely sandy-shaded, desert-dwelling snake and portrayed in malls and shops by average rattler actors of the same dull colours, he instantly knew that what he saw before him was the only thing that made sense, the only way Sandy Claws should ever have appeared. In Teeven's mind, Sandy was, more than ever before, a completely comprehensive embodiment of Christmas, made corporeal.

It only occurred to him later that a snake living at the North Pole would need to be all white to blend in, but that was neither here nor there.

Just by watching the mammal's reaction, the reptile could tell that Teeven accepted what was before him, even though it was different than what he knew. An excellent and faithful individual, not hung up on details that had been gleaned from other, unreliable sources. The serpent smiled, slipping his tail end out of the fireplace to reward his awed audience with a shake of his beaded tail-tip. It sounded the same as any other rattle for a moment until it developed into more than the cacophonous noise one would expect, into a harmonious and musical jingling.

It filled those who heard it with the joyous spirit of the season, but it was also told to change to be terribly frightening for those bad enough to warrant the use of his coal-black fangs. Like a siren's song, it was said to have drawn his followers and helpers to him, when he began his gift-giving mission, even taming the great dragon who would later be named Cinder Klaas, with its sweet sound.

The rattle that resulted roused Teeven from his reverie, reminding him of the recent revelation. "Real! Really! You're real! Oh my god, you're real! And you're here!" he squealed in delight. "I mean, of course you're real, I'm just so happy to see you, to meet you! I'm Teeven, Sandy Claws.. I mean, Sandy. I mean, Mister Claws!" Babbling and shaking with excitement, he watched the snake slither farther in, slipping away from the hearth to coil himself up near to the tree, so the decorated plant was next to them both. Positively star-struck, the skunk continued to spill out all the things about himself and his experiences in trying to see Sandy in the past, as well as how he had always told his friends that the serpent was real.

Politely, Sandy let him go on as he calmly disrobed. He gingerly unwound his red serpentine scarf, tipped with white fuzzy tassels, revealing his long, thick neck. He removed his red leather mittens, which allowed his stark white hands and their claws to be seen as he unfastened his heavy black belt from low on his coat-clad upper body. Presumably, it had been there to seal out gusts of air from below that could blow into the thick, white-trimmed coat.. not to hold up any sort of pants or other lower-body garment. After another moment of patient attention and removing his coat, Sandy hissed softly and let his last piece of clothing fall to the ground with a loud *fwump*, which drew Teeven's attention while quelling his words.

After a short silence, the skunk stated the obvious. "Sandy Claws, you're naked." he said, then slipped back into speechlessness, peering all along the surprisingly robust and thick-bodied Sandy.

"Yesss, I am, sssweet, sssmart ssskunk. I am more comfortable like thisss, when I'm in sssuch a nice warm houssse." he explained kindly, giving the young man's home a subtle compliment. He then continued, slipping something into the conversation that he knew the collector of Christmas trivia would cherish, "Did you know that much-needed heat for my cold-blooded self was part of the original reason I stopped at different houses along the way during my travels? We snakes can only go so far in the snow, you know."

Teeven gaped in wonder and whimsy, then grinned with the knowledge, flicking his tail back and forth with poorly controlled glee. He watched the big snake curl up and sit down on his coils like a throne. The skunk was sure he knew what was to come next, so he hopped into Sandy Claw's loop-lap, just like any child would have, with a store-Sandy.

"You wanna know what I want for Christmas.. um, sir?" asked Teeven.

"Pleassse, my friend, call me Sssandy," instructed the jolly one, deftly shifting the snowy hills of his coils to create the ideal position for the skunk to sit. He continued, "But I already know exactly what you want.. and it isssn't quite what you were going to tell me, I believe." Reading the young male's surprised expression, the rattler nodded, knowing he was right. He shook his tail lightly as he pulled over his large bag of presents with his tapering length.

The sound made Teeven shiver, but so did the thought that Sandy could know what he truly desired, and have the ability or something with which to grant him his wishes, somehow stored in the big red sack that was being dragged over near to him. "You might tell me that you want sssomething like thisss.." Sandy said, reaching into the sack and pulling out an expensive and hard to find game console. "Or thisss.." he continued, putting the first item back and almost immediately pulling out something else, without searching or looking. It was a DVD of a movie Teeven had loved. A typical movie with dragons he had seen in the theatre, so was unable to fully enjoy the spectacular.. 'cinematography'.. until he got it to watch at home. The movie wouldn't be out in stores for some time, but it's not like the skunk couldn't wait. Sandy had already put it back into his bag and pulled closed the drawstring.

"But you would only tell me you wanted thossse thingsss becaussse you don't want to asssk me for what you really desssire. But do not worry about the deception, my friend, I am familiar with those like you, too polite and respectful of me, too reverent to risssk offending me with your true wishesss, becaussse you think they're naughty or uncivilized. And heaven forbid you make me think you're naughty, eh?" he suddenly leaned back and laughed heartily with a loud 'Ho ho ho!' and a trailing hiss, lightening the mood at the perfect time, making Teeven smile, where before he had become uncomfortable. Sandy pet the young man's hair and gave him a little squeeze with his coils before he went on to say, "Well, you needn't worry, by being ssso good to contain yourssself in the face of perhapsss the only perssson who could make your dreamsss a reality, you have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that you dessserve them." He paused and lifted his bag of presents into his loopy lap, right in front of Teeven. "Not many can sssay that."

Sitting there in stunned shock, the skunk considered what the sizable snake had said. There was no way he could have his secret desires sealed up in that sack.. was there? Sandy was holding it open and shaking it slightly, encouraging Teeven to look inside. Scooting closer to do so, he dipped his head to peer into the slack opening, slowly sliding farther with a soft press from a scaly hand. As his eyes adjusted to the slight light of the nearby Christmas tree, he began to make out something amid the crimson folds of fabric that made up the full-bodied bag. It had been hard to spot at first, but was increasingly clear. A pink leather collar with a large attached bow and a silver nametag. This sight made the skunk squirm with excitement and immediately slip in farther to attempt to read the name on the tag, hoping it was his. Sandy Claws really did know what he wanted!

Before he could move more than an inch, the bag shifted and he found himself stuck in place, staring at the tag and bowed collar, still unable to read the name on the tag. He wished they weren't partially obscured by the deep red of the bag. As if responding to his unvoiced thoughts, the gifts moved. It looked like they were being worn by someone as they lifted upwards, closer to his face. He gasped and blinked a few times, each time the image before him changed, becoming unclear, like a dream.

He thought he could see a beautiful, red and white furred skunk wearing the bow, smiling at him and reaching out to him. Her body was obscured by the similar red of the dark bag's confines, but that didn't matter. Her paws landed like silk against his cheeks and she drew him into a sweet kiss. His eyes widened at this and watched her for a moment, the unreal vision of something he had thought of before. He studied her face as best he could, trying to discern whether she was familiar to him before he succumbed to her wispy kiss and closed his eyes to the beguiling, cloudy apparition.

When he opened them, there was a dragon's snout pressed to his! He tried to pull away in surprise, but something outside the bag was holding him there. He calmed when he saw the snout wasn't moving and the eyes seemed kind and docile. This dragon, too, was covered in red and wore the pink bow and collar. He realized that the bag of presents really did contain what people wanted, in a way. He smiled at the fuzzily unclear dragon and it licked his face, making him close his eyes. As soon as he shut his eyes, the tongue fell away and he heard the collar thud back into the empty bag.

Teeven could feel a strong, claw-tipped hand on his shoulder, hauling his head out. Upon re-entry into the comparatively cool chamber, his head cleared itself of clots as Claws caressed his back. "I told you I knew. I know what everyone wantsss, without any help from thisss magic sssack of presssentsss. It certainly helpsss here and there, though. Like it helped here, tonight," he said. Calmly pulling out the matching pink bow and collar, he continued, "But tonight, dear Teeven, you're not jussst going to get what you want, you're going to help usss all get what we want. You'll be helping Chrissstmasss!" he finished, as he placed the two items under the tree for the time being. "Would you like to do that, Teeven?"

In response, the skunk whispered, "Anything for you.. anything for those gifts."

Sandy smiled. He smiled a smile that continued to spread across his lips into a grin, into a giant, jolly, open-mouthed expression of joy. As the two looked at each other, the skunk churred in curiosity at the odd display while the snake hissed and tensed an unseen muscle, making two long, wicked and wonderfully white fangs whip down from his upper jaw.

Teeven gasped, face going white,

his tail fluffing up in fright.

The snake held him fast and tight,

saying, "It'sss alright, it'sss alright."

Blinking and looking closer, the mephit recalled the mythic facts considering the serpent's needle-like teeth. Black if it was a punishment, white if it was.. something else? He smiled and calmed down. He trusted this man, after all. He sat still and awaited his gift.

Sandy leaned down to say "It doesn't hurt."

and began to remove the young skunk's shirt.

After Teeven took off all of his clothes,

the snake looked over the one he had chose.

Then there came an out of place chime,

Which made Teeven think of the time.

He glanced at the clock for one final check,

just as Sandy's fangs plunged into his neck.

Gasping out loud at what he felt and saw,

it seemed they'd broken universal law.

The clock said a minute to midnight,

And that just could not be at all right.

As something warm was pumped into his vein,

Teeven puzzled about the lack of all pain.

His body tingled and buzzed with some-thing,

even as he strained to hear the next ring.

Teeven couldn't understand, he had been talking to Sandy Claws for at least a few minutes, it should have been after midnight by then. He looked to the serpent, about to ask him about it, when he noticed his own fur. His fuzzy black coating was being washed away in a swift flood of cherry red, a wave of colour spreading over him, from head to toe. Or from neck to toe, he realized, feeling heat coming from the snake's fangs. As the red took over, Teeven thought the white was untouched until he noticed it seemed cleaner and more vibrant than it ever was.

The rattlesnake carefully removed his fangs from the red furred flesh and explained both the clock and the transformation with a few simple words. "Chrissstmasss magic." Evidently, he had seen the mammal's confusion with his unwavering gaze.

Finally the old clock struck once more,

as Teeven's form was twisted to the core.

His tail and his legs wound 'round and around,

making him something that slid on the ground.

The skunk moaned in shock and delight and just plain pleasure as he watched his legs and tail become warped, wrapping around each other and stretching in an impossible way until they looked like a candy cane with a double stripe of white spiralling along it, which no doubt came from his tail. He was also delighted to see his male features swallowed up into the serpent his lower body was quickly becoming, tucked into the twisted flesh and then merged away into nothingness as the three former appendages fused into a single, sleek, sexy, sensational shape! The former straight stripes re-surfaced on the then pure red back as the tail end of the form gained a full, fluffy tail.

Teeven murred and curled up on Sandy's coils,

then arched up high as the change set to boil.

An extreme heat burned through Teeven's body as it blossomed with an internal alteration. Breasts ballooned into a bountiful, busty bosom while the lowest of the lower body bloomed with the business end of the new female pipes that had just been born inside her.

Then turned into a girl, Teeven shivered,

her most wanted gift had been delivered.

That was at least the first step of it all,

In giving the rest, Claws would have a ball.

The clock struck for the third time as Sandy pressed himself against his Christmas coloured creation, flicking his tongue at the red and white skunk-lamia and running his hands through her divine red hair, he wound around her, tightly. Rubbing together, Teeven could feel how perfectly their bodies fit together, seemingly made for each other. She murred as a bulging serpentine vent ground against her seconds-old female sex, realizing that the master gift-maker had created her new body to be used by him.. and she loved it! He had said something about helping 'them 'all' to get what they wanted. She flushed slightly under her fur when she considered maybe Sandy Claws had desired this as well.

Their matching lengths wound up in a tight knot,

the space between them growing very hot.

As the clock struck three, the snake made her see,

he was twice a he, showing his hemi.

While the chime of the old clock faded away, Sandy mouthed hungrily at the sensitive skin of Teeven's chest, scaly lips dragging through the fur of her full domes. Moaning as he dragged his thick double erection around her dampened slit, she fluffed up her extra furry tailtip and wound it tighter around his, moaning for him to use his dual cocks upon her. Just before the next 'clong' from the mantel was to come, he gave her another gift while giving one to himself, burying his double maleness inside of her warm tail.

As the clock struck four, she forgot the lore,

and there on the floor, made love like a whore.

Chirring in ecstasy, the newly remade skunk was extremely sensitive as her serpentine body was expertly embraced by the ages old, eternally young rattlesnake. As he drove into her, he educated her in the ways of legless erotic exercises, entwining their elongated bodies in extreme and esoteric ways.

And while the clock stuck five, six and seven,

Claws made Teeven feel she was in heaven.

She had never imagined how wonderful her wishes would be, part of her had expected some amount of pain, almost wanting it. Either way, she was in paradise with the pure white serpent, helping him have a highly happy holiday. Humping hotly in front of the Christmas tree, they continued to play for as long as they could hold on.

Eight, nine, ten and then eleven rang out,

finally Teeven felt she had to shout.

As the clock rang for the eleventh time after what felt like an intense half hour of carnal Christmas connections, she came, curling upon Claws' coils and crushing his cocks with her cunt, clamping down on him and crying out for his cum.

Sandy was soon to join her in her bliss,

letting out his traditional grand hiss.

Just before the clock struck its twelfth tone, Sandy Claws, the very embodiment of Christmas and everything wonderful about the season for young _and_ for old alike, exploded into her, hissing loudly as he erupted. He unloaded a year's worth of pent up, supernatural, serpentine seed into the gift he had gotten for himself.. imparting part of the spirit of the season into her, making her one of his holiday helpers.. or harem. Part of his mythical existence was the Christmas tradition no one knew about. He needed it, just once a year, to sustain his legendary escapades.

She was now his and would help with Christmas,

Sandy sealed her fate with a final kiss.

As the clock rang for the last time and Teeven felt her snakey tail filling rapidly with Christmas cum, Sandy Claws gently took her head and kissed her deeply. At that moment, he held her perfectly still, kissing with great power. Something about it made her shiver all along her extended body, her tail fluffing up as it reached her end. It felt important, but she didn't quite know why. What she was sure of was she didn't care, and would do anything for him.

As he broke the kiss, she smiled and twitched her cute skunk nose, sniffing. She caught a whiff of the mythic male's musk. She nearly laughed, laying back and arching her new, sinuous spine, she should have known.

He smelled like Egg Nog.

Intermission! Before the next portion begins, enjoy this non-canonical shot of Teeven in his/her new form, with a clutch of eggs she could have theoretically produced after her romp with Sandy. While it IS a shot of the main character, this picture does not actually occur in the story.

Above art is by Rabid, to visit (and praise) his posting of this picture, go here:

Part II

The 25th, December. X-Day, Noel, Navidad, Festas, Weichnacht, Yule, Kurisumasu, Christmas. It had arrived, the clock had struck twelve, and Sandy Claws had just gotten his own gift from the boy who was now a girl, Teeven.

He hissed and moaned, rolling his upper body over to lay on his back under the comforting glow of her Christmas tree, sighing in contented, yule-tide bliss. "And that'sss why I looove Chrissstmasss," he chuckled. Softly stroking down the serpentine skunk-snake's slender sexy structure, he breathed deeply and bucked his tail against hers once more, groaning at the feel of his dual shaft still buried inside of her.

"Okay, time to go to work, sssweetie." he said as he sat up and pulled out of her. Not wasting any time, he grabbed her shoulders and lunged back down on top of her to sink his long, hollow fangs into her supple, furred flesh, injecting her again.

"Oh!" squealed Teeven again, squirming, just like the last time. But this time it wasn't in shock or struggle. "You were right, it doesn't hurt.. at allll...mmm.." She writhed on the floor, the sensation of being doubly impaled on two long, thin serpentine tools again so soon was positively magical. It tingled the same way, too.

She snapped her eyes open. Oh, right, it WAS magical. She sat up, finding that Sandy had slithered back to her fireplace, the rattler leaning down to call up the chimney, his beaded tailtip twitching every few seconds, making that enchanting, fantastical sound of so many children's dreams. She was glad she could hear it. If seeing was believing, fucking was truly something else, she giggled to herself.

A sudden impact nearby shook her out of her post-coital giddiness. A huge dragon had just landed smack in the middle of her living room. Well, in her fireplace. She could only imagine how the bricks must have flexed outwards to allow it passage. Or maybe it had de- and re- materialized? Oh, who cared?! It looked magnificent. Its body wasn't the stereotypical kind with a full belly and short, stubby back legs, instead, it was lean, strong and proud, standing tall on toned legs that looked like they could run for days. Realizing that it was the beast of burden that pulled Sandy's sleigh, it more than likely could have run forever. Neatly folded on its back, too, was a pair of wings, which Teeven could only imagine were as majestic and powerful as the rest of the scaly body.

Soot and ash caked its four taloned paws, as well as its lower legs and parts of its belly and tail. She wasn't sure if it was just dirtiness or a permanent feature. Either way, the filthy appearance made a strong first impression: this was an animal, pure and simple. The rest of its scales were bright, festive red, while its claws and, looking up, she noted, horns.. were a supernatural white. A pair of jolly green (giant) eyes and an emerald scaled tail-spade completed the holiday colour coordination.

"Teeven, meet Cinder Klaasss. You're going to be his gift too." explained Sandy calmly, leading the great beast out of the hearth by a thick leash attached to a sturdy, rough leather harness.

"H-his, t-too?" she stammered, looking over the dragon. The fiery beast was intimidating, every part of him was taught, flexing with barely hidden strength.

"Yesss, my lovely dear. You're going to be his.. what was that thought you had on that wednesday in summer.. the 9th of July?" he thought back while her eyes widened. He really did know when she was bad or good! "Oh yesss, 'I can't believe how much I want to be a great big dragon'sss filthy little egg-ssslut, to be hisss pet, hisss bitch, pinned under a wild beassst while his massster, my new massster and owner.. watchesss and judgesss me asss he fillsss me with hisss ssseed and eggsss...' it sssort of jussst goesss on like that." he smiled, seeming perfectly at peace with her desires, not disgusted like she thought some immutable spirit of a good holiday would be.

Sensing her thoughts again, he smiled and stepped closer with Cinder, who snorted a fierce gust of hot air from his hooked snout's nostrils. "I am bound to give good beingsss what they desssire. You may want sssomething othersss might think 'naughty', but you never went out and did it, keeping thossse thoughtsss mossstly to yourssself. Which wasss a good thing for you to do, making you a good boy.. excussse me, a good girl. Jussst with naughty wishesss. Asss I sssaid, I'm here to make usss all happier. Me, you, and Cinder, too." As the rattler spoke, Teeven realized that she felt chilly, as well as feeling something drifting around her. The puff of breath from the dragon had blown her fur off!

She quickly realized that that was not true, the fur was falling out anyway.. probably because of the venomous bite, changing her again. She found herself scaled as her luscious red and white fur fell off of her. Sitting up and shifting her body was all it took to make all of the warm fuzz completely slide off of her supremely smooth scales. Sandy smiled and slithered off to one side. Shaking his rattle once, the felled fur flew after him into a dark corner of the room, where he began to make it dance in the air before him with graceful waves of his hands.

Teeven didn't notice any of that. She was staring at Cinder, who rumbled and peered back. She found herself slowly gliding up to his snout to caress his bestial face, feeling his dragonfire-heated breath on her chest, making her shiver, despite the warmth. She was caught in an enchantment, under Sandy's spell. Or Cinder's, it didn't matter. Standing up on her sleek coils to press herself to his snout, all but rubbing against it, she failed to notice how her serpentine body had been reduced.. until she fell backwards, onto her butt, thanks to her coils having wilted all but completely away, leaving her with no support.

The tumble made Cinder rumble in dumb amusement, tossing his head a bit. She was delighted to have made him happy. She was also surprised to find she had landed on a posterior of some kind. Looking over herself, she saw a new hip structure and hind legs filling out. Hind legs which were on the sides of her thick tail of a body, not under it. She was becoming like Cinder.. a gift to him, a toy, a pet, a plaything for him. She thrummed with excitement and anticipation, barely containing herself.

As her arms lengthened and her hands became paws, useless for anything but standing on or maybe pawing at a male's chest during mating, Cinder gazed over her. He was interested, of course, especially as a slit of pink appeared between her strong new legs, set in the wide, matronly hips. But still he hesitated, even as his sheath bulged and began to drip, fat cock-head stretching open the scaly pouch of flesh.

"Oh, how sssilly of me. I wasss ssso occupied with my own sssecond gift that I forgot.." Sandy said, peering out from behind the fur, which had taken on a much more solid shape. The rattler's tail snaked back into view, the noisy tailtip all but silent as it wound around Teeven sensuously.. further arousing her and putting on a show for the animal. The tail tightened around Teeven for a half second, then withdrew quickly, revealing a large green ribbon tied vertically around her red scaled torso, anchored around her neck and tailbase.. two big bows obscuring her chest and groin. "Enjoy your new fucktoy, Cinder.. Merry Chrissstmasss!"

As soon as those words were spoken, the seemingly perfected taming and training of the regal creature came undone, transforming him from obedient assistant to lust-crazed monster, just as Teeven's metamorphosis culminated in her head's alteration. The pristine timing of that change was extremely fortuitous, because the resulting roar from Teeven as Cinder ripped into his present with the ferocity of a thousand six year-olds on Christmas morning and impaled her on his obsidian rod with the sort of speed that she, in hindsight, should have expected from a mythical beast, was a roar that contained all her passion and desire and lust for this exact thing finally happening to her. If she hadn't been able to express herself in that animalistic fashion, she felt like she might have exploded.

As it was, with Cinder pumping the way he was, recklessly, dangerously, desperately, she felt she might explode at some point soon, anyway. She began to suspect that Cinder hadn't been laid all year, just like Sandy. But unlike his master.. she realized with a gasp and a smile that Sandy was now her master too.. unlike him, Cinder had no control or desire for restraint or tenderness. Just release, immediate release. Release, yesterday! A month ago! He hurdled into her again and again and she .. she loved every second of it. Her body burned for it, and burned with it as the hot draconic fluids seeped into her and began to light her own dragon's fire.

Before she could put a claw on it, the last piece fell into place. "Oh, enjoying yourssself, are you, you little ssslut?" came Sandy Claws' remark. She could only moan raggedly, the hard bucking making her sound like she was being tossed up and down. "Of courssse you are, you're sssuch a dirty little whore, who'll do anything for eggsss from any old beassst with ssscalesss and ballsss. Well, now you have what you want. You'll be a breeder dragon for the ressst of your unnaturally long life."

She orgasmed, right then and there. But just like she had fantasized, the male kept going! She clenched her teeth, unable to bite her lip with her modified mouth. She would probably have bitten it off, such was her ecstasy! She came hard around his steel pole of a cock as it speared her over and over, sloshing through her juices.. but he didn't slow down, still driving towards his own peak, panting and growling and snarling. His paws had been holding the dragonette down, but now quickly leaned down to snap his huge jaws over her shoulder and roughly tossed his head to flip her over, arching his flexible reptilian frame down to be thrusting up into her, lifting her onto her feet, wanting to be a bit more natural about things, it seemed.

Teeven shuddered, soon cumming again. Gods, doggy style! She had wanted this soooo bad. Sandy's voice wafted in once more, taunting her on all sides, infiltrating her head and playing in her mind, impossible to mishear, even with the feral fucking.. "Yesss, you really really did, it wasss amazing how much you wanted to be a disssgusssting, lowly animal, lower than low, the lowessst, taking any male, of any ssspeciesss, all at once, becoming ssslave to them all and massster to none. Well, jussst you wait until we get back to my home, egg-wench.. you'll be taken by allll sssortsss of ssscaly malesss. Beassstsss and men alike, all usssing you..."

She came once again, clenching Cinder's shaft harder than ever. The dragon groaned and almost staggered at the sensation, being shoved at his peak, the massive beast began to topple into his climax. It took some time, though, and he kept pumping laboriously as his legs wobbled around Teeven's quadruped form. As he tensed and stabbed the deepest yet, he skewered her womb and she knew it. She just knew it. Then he came with a torrent of fiery magma, luscious lava lapping at her insides, leaking from her labia.. lighting her dragon-fire, she went from a draconic-lizard to a full dragon, wings growing, bursting from her back and spreading out to either side triumphantly as she orgasmed one last time with the sweet knowledge of all that seed flooding her womb.. even surging up into her ovaries, she imagined, with the feel of it.

The two dragons roared, mated and linked forever, the larger one dominating the smaller with the crushing weight on her back. He forced her to submit once more as she laid down to escape his strength. He then laid and curled around her protectively, the responsibility of caring for her coming with the claim of ownership. They rumbled loudly and snuggled together in afterglow bliss.

A hiss was heard, and things quieted. A soft rattle sounded, and there was silence once more. It was 12:01am, Christmas Day. Sandy Claws needed to get moving. :}===<

* * *

As Sandy Claws prepared to ride off into the night, he coiled up tightly in his sleigh, bundled up in a thick red and white striped snake-body stocking of magically woven skunky fur. Making the skunk into a plumper, fuzzier version of himself was quite clever, he thought. Happy with his little gift to himself, nice and snug, constantly reminded of the sweet moments he had experienced while wrapped up in that fur, the first time.

He came out of his reverie and snapped the reins, waking his long-time companion and the new addition to the team. They had been asleep in the snow, placed there by their magical master. They could care less about the cold, crunchy crystalline covering, finding it cushiony! Their internal draconic fires kept the bodies within their thick scales warm without fail. The younger, newer dragon was adorned with a big pink bow, which was attached to a small pink leather collar.. from which hung the silver nametag. It had the name 'Princess' in a fancy pink script, embedded in the flawless silver.

Cinder Klaas nosed at Princess' thick tailbase, causing her to meep and get to her feet, finding herself in front of the lusty dragon, the smaller and younger animal leading the larger beast. It hardly seemed appropriate to have the less experienced one in front of the other. But as Cinder got up onto his thick paws and snorted, firmly nosing his pointed snout at her backside, trying to hook it under her tail, she noticed just how loose the harnesses were, almost as if.. She suddenly caught a glimpse of that massive member, ready to go again! She may have been changed into something built for it, but she was still sore from the last session, just minutes before. How did Klaas have the energy again so quick? It must have been more of that 'Christmas Magic' Sandy mentioned.

Cinder roared and attempted a pounce to mount his new toy, straight away!

She was off like a shot, not wanting _anything_ like another lay. (Not now, anyway.)

She raced straight to the end of the roof and didn't even think to stop as the edge came near,

she flew off the end, something in the magic of the night must have had abolished her fear.

Her wings unfurled and then caught the wind,

they sent her soaring, luring up Cind'.

Sandy laughed and called out their names. Sort of. "Come on Cinder, get on Princesss, On Princesss! Come on Cinder, Cum on Princesss! 'Ho, 'Ho, 'Ho!" he laughed, or was he calling her a 'ho'..?

"Merry Chrissstmasss to all and to all a good night!" He hadn't said that in years. It was corny, but the new dragonette was improving their time by quite a lot! She didn't actually have to pull anything, just stay ahead of Cinder, while the big guy hauled the giftbag-laden sleigh.

Her loins ached as she ran through the skies, on to the next home deserving a prize..

As the house neared- the pains left her thighs, slowing to stop- Cinder showed her new highs!

Sandy smirked and slipped off to continue his test,

leaving the dragons to their erotic fuckfest.

And so it went on, starting and stopping all through the night,

Sandy delivered the presents and Klaas filled his bitch tight.

They never tired or ran out of time,

and finished as the sun began to shine!

Back to the distant North Pole they raced..

where Cinder would not have to be paced. :>

And then that was the End.

But give an ear to lend..

Here is a little epilogue:

Cinder wasn't a total hog.

The python-elf named Ameth'stine

thought that Princess was mighty fine.

He helped fill her with eggs

'Til she needed no legs! (Because-her-belly-was-so-full-it-rested-against-the-ground-instead-of-her-paws, of course! Merry Xmas/Eggs-mas! ^>^ )

(Author's Note: I just had a thought about the congregation of scaly anthros and beasts at the north pole. I would imagine that they all gathered there during the winter to survive, and became united in an effort to be productive in some way while they gathered in a cave for months at a time. United under Sandy Claws to be his helpers and toy-makers, they became their own society that lived there year-round. Just another part of the Sandy Claws/Christmas mythos! Also, I know that doesn't actually make sense, shut up, it's a legend _within_ a piece of fiction. :} )