Chapter I

Story by TheFourthWallofInsanity on SoFurry

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#1 of Time Cannot Heal All Wounds

WARNING: This story contains: Child Abuse, Yaoi, Incest, and Swearing, and possibly cub (do thirteen year olds count as cubs?). So please take this into consideration and take note that I am not to be held responsible if you read this and you are under your countries legal age to view pornography. For those still with us...enjoy!

The world seemed to be fading for a certain young canine, a flinch as he feels that sharp pain again, red liquid oozed to the floor, within the pup's vision, his once shining fur now dirty and stained with blood and sweat, and tears. He cried out as something metal smashed into his back then a furious male's voice. "What the fuck is going on here?!" Came the voice, the young pup couldn't remember who it was, but the voice was familliar, none of this truely mattered as the boy's eyes closed and he let his mind slip into a deep slumber. (Five years later...) A thirteen year old boy was jogging home, he smiled as he came to the ever familliar neighbourhood, the houses lined up perfectly in the suburban area. He knocked on a door painted red, the number 5 was on it, engraved into the golden rectangular mail slot, the boy rapped on the door with a grey furred paw, the young wolf smiled, his blue eyes gleaming in the sunlight as the door opened and an older grey furred wolf stood in front of the doorway, he had emerald green eyes and his ears had a black tip, reading glasses that were perched in front of his eyes were removed by his paw. The older wolf smiled. "Welcome back, son! How was school?" He asked as he moved, allowing the boy entrance. Hold on, how silly of me! I'm the narrator and yet I haven't introduced these guys yet. The younger wolf is Aaron, I've already given his age and appearance, but here's a bit more; he's got a somewhat athletic build, he stands at 5 feet 2 inches and is a very bright kid. His father, John, is 31 years old, he stands at 6 feet 9 inches, has a more sturdy build, with a bit of a belly, and formerly worked as a travelling buisnessman, however, after the incident five years ago, he got a job as an online salesperson, so he could stay home, he would never leave his son alone, after what happened...he could never forgive himself if something went wrong like that again. John sighed as he checked his website and saw no new buyers. Luckily, however, he had enought in the bank to live for another few months, so he would have plenty of time to think of something he could sell that would intrest people. Aaron smiled at his dad, who smiled back, and then went to his room. Once the boy was in his room he locked the door and went over to his computer, he turned it on went to his internet bookmarks and went on a site that had alot of pictures on naked guys screwing each other in ways you could only imagine, men jacking off, sucking themselves, it was all very arousing stuff. In fact, Aaron's pants were now tented, and becoming increasingly uncomfortable, so the boy slipped them off, his boxers following shortly after. He went to a picture of a well built fox who was sucking someone off and pumping two other cocks with his hands, Aaron then grabbed his and slowly pumping it, he imagined himself being on of those lucky furs, in particular, the one getting the blowjob, imagning the fox sucking him, swirling his hot tongue around his shaft, then bobbing up and down, faster and faster until...! Aaron grunted as his seed hit the chair by the computer, the moniter, the clear substance even managed to hit his wall! After licking the substance from his hand, he pulled his clothing back on, and got to cleaning up, grabbing the box of tissues from his closet. (Later on...) Aaron sat at the wooden table in the living room of the house, and knife and fork at the side of a tablemat, the aroma of fresh food hit the wolf's nose, causing the boy to drool, which Aaron quickly wiped away. John came in, placed his own food down, and handed Aaron his own plate. The dinner was a freshly cooked chicken breast with many assorted things around it, potatoes, stuffing, parsnips, carrots, brocolli, all perfect drowned in gravy. The two began to eat their meal... (After dinner...) The two sighed in content, then quickly rised from their seats, grabbed their plates and headed for the kitchen. This was ordinary for the two as they both did many things, even cleaning the house, together. The two were as close as a father and son could possibly be without raising any eyebrows. Something about John was different to Aaron today, however, he Aaron shook his head. 'Pull yourself together! You can't like your dad like that, it's wrong!" His mind shouted but his heart said different. 'He's your father, it's not wrong to love him more, some people are just too ignorant to see that.' Aaron couldn't take all this, he placed the plate he was cleaning on the counter and raced upstairs, slamming and locking his door. Aaron bit his lip and paced his room as he tried to decide what to do. It felt taboo to like his father like this and his painful erection that he had recived while looking at his dad certainly wasn't helping. He decided to sleep on it, after dealing with his erection, of course. (That night...) Aaron certainly could not sleep that night, the battle between his mind and his heart still raged on. Then, the most unsettling thought ran through his head, which just intensified the battle inside of him. 'No way! Don't you dare! If you're dad woke up and caught you...just think of what could happen, what happened with your mother could happen again!' His mind said. 'Your dad would never do that! He loves you, and I'm sure he would understand.' Then a lustful side of the boy took over. 'Go know you want to...' It encouraged, and Aaron soon found himself slowly entering John's room. He walked over to the bed, his dad, being the heavy sleeper he was, was fast asleep, snoring ever so quietly. Aaron bit his lip and slowly moved the cover, John not even flinching. The boy slowly and very carefully undid the buttons on his dad's boxers, the only article of clothing that the wolf was wearing and looked in awe as he saw the appendage resting there. His father's cock was at least four inches while limp! Slowly the boy rubbed the penis, causing the older wolf to grumble something in his sleep, which startled Aaron slightly, but he continued to stroke the member until it stood firm and proud. Aaron then began to pump it slowly, causing his father to groan in his sleep. Aaron's boxers were become tighter at this poing. The young wolf dared to go further and lick the tip of the appendage as he had done to his ex-boyfriends. John moaned. Aaron wondered what his dad was dreaming, but continued to pleasure the man regardless as he put the head of the cock into his open maw. John moaned louder and subconsiously grabbed his son's head as it licked around the shaft causing the boy to put a few more inches into his mouth, Aaron started bobbing his head slowly, going faster with time until his dad began to pant and then the older wolf howled in his sleep and emptied his balls, his seed going into his son's mouth. Aaron swallowed it all down, something he had learned to do while with his ex-boyfriends. The boy then pulled the cover over his dad and left. Going in bed to jerk off and then sleep until the morning returned. to be continued...