Difficult Love: Part 2

Story by FurryForlife on SoFurry

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#2 of Difficult Love

Difficult Love: Part 2

I woke up in a slight haze; I tried to open my eyes but realized that I couldn't. A brief moment of panic passed through my head and I brought my hand to my face. I felt along my muzzle up to my eyes and felt the crust of dry tears around my eyes; I brushed it away and opened my eyes.

I was in my room lying in my bed, I sat up and looked around and tried to think about how the hell I had gotten here.

The past 2 weeks had been a blur but they had also been the best of my life, the morning after that fateful day after detention I had woke up to find Alex staring at me with a passionate look in his eyes.

He had woke up awhile before I had and had been sitting lying there pondering what he was going to do with me, or so he said.

We just sat there for awhile looking at each other, he finally sat up, pushing me with him, and kissed me lightly on the forehead, then said "I don't care what other think about me; I don't care what others will say. If they wanna fight, I'll fight them. I love you, for now, and forever and then some."

I had been dreaming of that moment, and that had brought tears to my eyes. I jumped a little as I felt something else shift in my bed, and I looked over only to slap my forehead because I had forgotten that Alex had spent the night. I slowly got out the bed, so as to not disturb my love, and crept to my bathroom to take a shower.

I closed the door softly and looked in the mirror; my red-orange head fur was sticking every which way, so much so that I couldn't help but giggle at how silly it looked. My tail was wagging slightly in an absent kind of way, it was long by most standards, but it was also beautiful; the fur on it matched the rest of the fur on my body, but unlike the fuzzy, teddy bear feeling the rest of my fur had, it had a soft silky feeling that most strive for.

I was naked so I just admired myself in the mirror, don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a god or anything. It's just, who doesn't like to look at their own toned body in the mirror?

I stepped over the piles of cloths that I have yet to get washed by my mother, into the spacious stand up stall and turned on the water to hot.

I sighed as the water hit my upper back and relaxed as I let my mind wander. Somehow it stopped on the thoughts of what my mother had said when I brought Alex home a week before to let her meet him.

She had given him an appraising look that said books, but she simply said "I approve." This made Alex blush deeply; she laughed a good long laugh at that then said "Ah, so you're the kind of guy that blushes easily..."

Alex just nodded and followed my beckoning up stairs into my room.

I had told my mother that I was gay some years before and she accepted my fully only asking me to be happy, which I had.

My father had left my mother shortly after I was born, saying that he hadn't really loved her.

My mother, being a woman made out of the tough stuff that she called "Life's Tough Love" had simply said "Trust me, the only thing I will ever call on you for is child-support." Though knowing she would never need, for he parents had left her a substantial amount of money.

My thoughts drifted to Alex, with his gorgeous face, perfect body. His godly scent, his gentle touch; I murred slightly as my hand brushed across my sheath. I was so lost in my thoughts that I nearly jumped out of my fur when I felt someone grab my waist from behind and bury their muzzle into the crook on my neck.

I sighed as I realized that it was just Alex, he mumbled something that I couldn't understand, then reached around and put his hand on my sheath, causing me to murr. I turned my head slightly and kissed his lips lightly, earning me another grope.

I turned around and pulled him closer into a deep kiss, in which I lost all the thoughts I had and all the thoughts that I should be thinking. I let myself melt into his arms, my knees giving out, and we just stood there for what seemed to be hours.

When one of us finally broke the kiss, I'm not sure who it was, I couldn't ignore the throbbing erection pressing between my legs nor the fact that mine was returning the favor. I looked up at him with a pair of big round green eyes that suggested that I was completely innocent, and then said in a voice I knew he couldn't refuse "Can I lead this time?"

He gave me a slight look of fear which quickly turned into a mischievous smile, and then said "Only if I get to be Dom."

I gave a long drawn out over dramatic sigh, like I was letting him win a battle that I was reluctant to lose, "I suppose so..." Then I licked his nose saying "Shall we continue here or in the bed?"

"Definitely here." Alex said with a laugh.

I slowly pulled away, letting our erections rub against each others for as long I could possibly muster, and then bent over pulling my hands on the side of the shower, wiggling my ass slightly, and giving him a naughty look over my shoulder as I lifted up my tail.

Not to be one to waste any time, he grabbed my hips and put the tip of his throbbing erection on my pucker.

I gasped as I felt my well endowed lover enter me slowly, letting me adjust so as to not cause my too much pain. But I was still loose from last night, so it didn't take all too long for the pain to subside and on my ok he started to pump in and out of me, sending wave after wave of pure bliss up my spine.

He reached around and took hold on my fox-hood and started to paw me off. My ears perked as I heard foot-steps coming up the stairs, I barely had enough will power to tap Alex's leg to get him to hurry up.

He took my meaning and shifted angles; deep inside me he struck my prostate over and over again, causing me to moan out with more volume than I intended.

We heard a knock on the door; thankfully it was locked, but my mother was either being thick headed or curious and she just kept trying to open the door. Neither of us was willing to stop what we were doing until we were done.

We both started to pant heavily; we had a pleasant habit of climaxing at the same time. I was the first to go this time, but not by much of a lead for Alex filled me up with his warm seed as I sprayed mine across the shower wall.

After our orgasms subsided we realized that the door had been forced open and Alex's dad was standing there, with a look of suppressed rage.

Luckily we hadn't tied so Alex dismounted me and wrapped a towel around his waist to stand up to his dad, or at least try; His dad looked down on him with a look of rage and disbelief. Alex had planned of telling his dad that he was gay when he knew that his dad couldn't harm him, but in the past 2 weeks that time had never come up.

"What... the... FUCK... is going... on?" His dad said though clenched teeth, veins bulging from his neck. He was an incredibly imposing figure in my spacious bathroom, his entire 6'5 muscle bound frame was shaking with anger; I was not one to fear anyone, but he brought that feeling out from deep inside me.

If Alex was afraid he didn't show it, and that alone was enough for me to gain a little courage to wrap a towel around my waist and stand next to Alex, who was staring his dad dead center in the eye. "Well, you tell me dad, you're a pretty perceptive person." Uh-oh, my smart-ass attitude was wearing off on him.

He let out a long growl that nearly made my knees give out, but Alex squeezed my hand to give me strength. "It seems to me that you where just fucking this little fag boy here," With that I growled and stopped my shaking, No one called me fag boy. He noticed this and laughed saying "Oh little foxy fag doesn't like being called names, gives you a back bone now does it?" He laughed a hearty laugh.

I was the one shaking with anger this time, with my fist clenched shut and ears flat against my head. He grinned and bent down to put his muzzle in my face "I'll tell you what, I'll give you one free shot at me if that will make you feel better." Bad Idea; Like most people he underestimated my strength and thought I was weak.

I gave a quick grin before I swung my right fist and made contact with his eye socket; I felt the bone crack under the force of my punch. He stumbled back and fell to his rear.

Alex looked at me with a look of disbelief, he too didn't know the extent of my strength; He dad got up and winched in pain as he shook his head, then got enraged, he made a move to use his massive hands to strangle me, but he never got that far.

Alex had punched him flat of the chest, right on his chest bone; the blow was known to be fatal in the right hands, and severely incapacitating in others. His dad wasn't dead, but he wasn't getting back up for a while either.

I just looked at him with awe, there was a tear in his eye as I turned and lifted my muzzle to kiss him lightly and hug him tightly. We stepped over the unconscious behemoth, and got dressed in my room.

Down stairs called an ambulance, and the cops. My mother was at work, so we called her and told her what had happened and that we were ok. She took it in a clam manner that suggested that there were other people around her. "I'll be home soon, just stay put."

"No. You stay at work; Alex and I are going to the park to calm down." I replied in a mono-tone.

She agreed and we left for the park on the other side Grayton, the town we lived in. When we arrived the park was nearly empty, which was weird cause it was a Saturday. We strolled down the park way as I tried to calm my nerves; the full impact of what had happened to me was taking its toll. It really didn't faze me until I sat down and thought it though.

I looked at Alex's face only to be surprised to see that he was crying; I quickly forgot about myself and asked him what was wrong.

"As much as it pains me to say it... I loved my dad, the way any son loved his dad." He wiped a tear from his eye "It hurts so much that he was so mad, that I know I cannot go home again. It's just.... I don't know." He finished with a long sigh.

I reached up and took his muzzle into my paws and made him look me in the eye "I know I can't ever understand the feeling a losing your dad, knowing that he doesn't love you anymore, I never had one to begin with really. But I can say that I'll always be here for you, I will always be here to hold you, to kiss you, to listen to you. You will never need to fear that I would leave you, you'll always have a place to stay." Saying all this was bringing tears to my eyes, another first because my own words had never swayed me, "I love you, and I know you love me just as much. That alone is enough for us to live off of." There was a lump in my throat that prevented me from saying any more so I just kissed him softly.

He just stared at me for a few moments, then he pulled my head against his chest and just held onto me, like if he let go I would fly away, and then he said "You know what? Everything you just said is true but one thing." I looked up at him with a puzzled look. "I don't love you as much as you do me." He said with a grin, "I love you a whole lot more." I just grinned and we sat there, up against a huge oak, until I fell asleep against his chest.