Express Lane: Chapter 2, Part 2 - Buy One, Get One Free

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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I know, I's been a while, hasn't it? And even longer till I finally got around to posting the second part of chapter two. To be honest, I had about half of it writen for a long time, but I just got such a bad writer's block I had all but given up on it till eventually I found the desire to finish it...and, well, here it is. You know all the legal dribble everyone repeats, so I won't bother numbing your ears/eyes/whatever, by repeating it again.

My only suggestion, is that unless you have an amazing memory, you might want to go back and read part one so that this makes more sense as this one follows directly after and make refrecenes to part 1. Just a suggestion.

Sincerely your writing wolf,

Cyan Spirt

The rest of the day seemed to fly by in haze of unimportant events for the fox, his shift got duller once the rabbit was no longer keeping him company; though he couldn't fault him for having to go. Amanda was as understanding as always, she even offered to send a wreath of flowers to the room once Felix got any information back on the woman's condition. She also decided not to clock Blake out at the time he left, but rather at his designated shift, giving him the full day's pay rather then only for the few hours he was actually there. Felix hadn't noticed Dmitri check out, he was sure he'd remember if he had rung up the stallion's purchases, which meant that the zebra must have left while they were getting the bad news from Riley. That fact, while a bit depressing, wasn't too hard to swallow when compared to earlier; not to mention, he wasn't sure he was in the mood for such things anyways.

Though, that's what surprised him so much when, towards the end of his shift, he looked up from his register to see the zebra walking towards the back corner of the store to pick up additional groceries. After a double take, he reached up to rub his eyes incase it was merely an illusion; but no, there the equine stood, in all of his exotic glory. He was even in the same outfit from before as he stood in the vegetable section. Finishing up with his current line of customers, he told the other cashier on duty, an elderly female deer, that he was taking his break and would return in fifteen minutes. After the formalities were done, he closed his register down and headed over to see what the problem was. "Dmitri!" he called once he got closer, seeing the male turn around slowly as he looked over to see who was speaking to him.

He was just as imposing as before, his heavyset face and large eyes scanning the smaller creature before him. "Do...I know you?" the larger furr asked defiantly as he placed his basket down on the floor, eyes straining even harder as though trying to indentify this particular creature.

"We met this morning, don't you recall?" Felix responded, twiddling his thumbs, he didn't think he was that easily forgotten; the zebra couldn't have gotten that many offers from sexy foxes in the span of only a few hours that he'd forget all about him, could he?...He hoped that wasn't the case. Looking over the stallion before him just to make sure that he himself wasn't mistaken, but how many zebras does one see around these parts anyways these days? The clothes appeared to be similar; eyes and nose the same glossy black; his long hair was no longer in a ponytail, but that change was minor. Even his stripes appeared to be similar, though he couldn't be sure since he didn't have time to articulate each one perfectly in his mind's eye. "It's me, Felix...remember?" he asked again, trying to jog the furr's memory.

The zebra snorted softly, blowing puffs of warm air at the smaller male. "Can't say that I do..." he said, shaking his head from side to side, his white and black mane swaying with the subtle movements. He tried to offer a reassuring smile, his large teeth glistening an unsure grin as he gently patted the smaller creature on the shoulder. Tilting his head slightly, "You're sure you haven't gotten me mistake-"

The vulpine checked once more, eying the creature very carefully, but still he could not see him being anyone else but the stallion from earlier. "Nope," he said, interrupting the larger fur as he looked down and shrugged, "Oh well, maybe it's for the best. I was about to go cancel my plans with Dmi- I mean you, anyways."

The zebra nickered in surprise, stomping his hoof against the tile floor as he leaned over in order to be at face level with the shorter fox. "If you've made plans with Dmitri, you had best keep them. It'd be very rude to cancel on such short notice," the stallion reprimanded, looking very serious as he disciplined Felix.

Felix listened to him talk in third person; it appeared that the longer he spoke with him, the weirder he got. Nonetheless, he did have a valid point. It would be rather impolite to cancel so suddenly, especially if he wanted to foster a long-term relationship of promiscuous sex; besides, it'd help take his mind off of this morning in the only way he could imagine. "'ve got yourself a deal. Remember where to go?" he asked, watching the larger furr pick up the basket of groceries he had set down earlier.

"No..." the zebra said softly, getting tired of this conversation, "Dmi-"

"Should have guessed..." the boy muttered, taking out the pad of paper from the back pocket of his uniform. Pulling a pen from his apron and clicking the top in with the end of his muzzle, he set about scribbling down his home address on the paper before ripping off the top sheet and forcing it into the zebra's paw. "Twenty-three Whitaker drive, okay?" he asked, getting a confused nod in return, "You know, you don't have to always talk in the third person. I do know who you are."

Whinnying loudly at the annoying little boy in front of him, he was about to march off...and yet, he felt compelled to see where this was going. The zebra shoved the piece of paper into his pocket before sighing and glancing at the fox. "I'm-" was all he could get out before being interrupted again.

"I know, you're Dmitri...we've established this already," he said, unsure whether this was a game or not, he chalked it up to the horse having a crazy sense of humor. "You at least remember what time to get there, right?" he asked. He couldn't help but pray that his memory would last this time so he wouldn't have to start this all over again once the stallion arrived at his door, assuming he even recalled how to drive.

"Eight fifteen?" the equine guessed, shrugging his shoulders as he felt a bit bullied into accepting this invitation. But then again, if things did turn out badly, he could always overpower the smaller fox if need be.

"Close enough," Felix quipped, "See you there stud." And with that, the curvy creature turned tail, kicking his foot in the air, and headed back towards his station. A final glance over his shoulder, their eyes locking together for a brief second, was all that was needed to seal the deal before the fox vanished among the rows of condensed soup.

He reappeared at the staircase leading up to the manager's office, and after ascending the metal steps, gently knocked on the door. "Enter," Amanda's voice said sternly, not bothering to rise for the occasion to let whoever it was in. And once she saw that it was Felix that entered into her domain, a weary smile crossed over her lips. "Why if it isn't Mr. Daily, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you...especially when it isn't time to hand out your paycheck?" the husky asked.

"Just wanted to say good bye before my shift ends, cause once that clock hits the magic number...I'm taking off," he said between making zooming noises, as his paw modeled an aircraft taking off. Walking over, he took a seat on the only other chair in the room other then the plush leather one his boss was sitting in. The room was an airy colored pastel green, dark mahogany shelves lined the wall behind her filled with books and binders, while the other three walls were lined with floor to ceiling windows; her modern metal and glass desk appearing to open up the tiny space.

"Thanks for telling me what happened with Blake..." she said softly, her face focusing back on the payroll and inventory sheets strewn across the desk before her. The dog knew that she was the rabbit's boss, but they had become closer as they years progressed, becoming more like brother and sister, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss herself. "You get any new news since earlier?" she asked, pen scribbling across the checks to her distributors.

Shaking his head slowly, he started picking at his nails; just doing little things to get ready for tonight, "Haven't heard a peep from either of them." Once he felt that his claws were clean enough, he began running his fingers through his long tail, getting any stray knots or tangles from the soft pelt.

"I see..." Amanda mumbled, her curly tail shifting slightly as she adjusted her sundress across her legs before going back to her work. "Think you could deliver a message for me once they do contact you?" her voice soft and cold, hesitating to show emotion for fear of not being able to control herself.

The fox simple nodded, "Sure thing Amanda. I don't know when they'll get it, but I'll tell them."

"That's alright." For the first time since he arrived, she took her eyes off of her paperwork and looked directly at him; those icy blue eyes delving into his head as she expressed a sad smile. "Just tell him that he has the condolences of everyone here at the Express Lane, and that I'm willing to give him paid vacation for however long he needs it to get himself put together."

Chuckling softly, the vulpine nodded, "I'm sure he and Riley will appreciate it." Casting his deep umber eyes around the room, he could only repress is own worries about how his friend was holding up. "So...where's Craig today?" he asked, trying to steer their conversation towards something more lighthearted.

"He's off with his brother, father, and my father trying on suits for our wedding. Last thing I heard was that they were fighting over whether on sticking with the traditional black bowties, or getting fabric to will match the bridesmaids' dresses." At that, her face seemed to brighten up as she rested her forehead in her paw, laughing while rocking back and forth in her chair, spinning around several times before focusing back on her employee.

Scoffing, as though the argument were so simple a third-grader could answer it. "The groom should have a traditional black one. While his best man, which I'm assuming is his brother, and the two fathers should have a separate color, and the rest of the men of honor should match the bridesmaids," the vulpine answered, reading it straight form his mental handbook.

Looking oddly at the fox before her, she could only offer another chuckle, "Jeez, I should-a sent you with them, maybe this whole thing could have been avoided." They both had a chance to laugh at that one as they each reclined in their respective chairs. "But it really doesn't matter to me, That cat can make anything look good," the husky explained, leaning in over her desk as she motioned Felix to follow suit, "not that he'll be spending much time in it after the wedding mind you."

"Vile temptress!" he hollered, winking at her before he stood to leave and finish his shift before clocking out. "You be sure to show ole' Puss-in-boots how a southern girl does things, you hear me?" he exclaimed, opening the door to see his way out.

"I hear ya Felix," Amanda replied, watching him leave, "Have a good night!" she yelled just as he closed the door. Her canine ears could pick up the sound of his footsteps along the metal stairs that led down the grocery store floor.

He didn't bother responding, the door had already closed by the time he heard her anyways. The final hour of his shift flew by; the next thing he knew he was standing on the porch of his house, keys already in the lock with tumblers set, and he made his way inside the darkened building. Felix knew his parents would be gone for the night, they had told him this morning before he went off to work that they were heading a few towns over to visit a family friend. Reaching over to his left, the fox flipped the light switch and illuminated the decent sized abode that he called his home.

Felix stood in the house's small entranceway, the walls a soft peach color that warmed his face as the central heating warmed his body. Slipping his sandals from his paws, he preferred the feel of the cold hardwood floors against his pads anyways. His mother having opted for wood floors everywhere in house save for a few area rugs; the prospect of snagging a claw on the carpet was not something one looked forwards to. After hanging up his coat in the closest, he turned the corner and was greeted with the familiar site of the living room/kitchen combo.

The open-air design of the room was interrupted only by several pieces of furniture and the protruding kitchen island that stood off to his left. The same color scheme continued into the larger space, the walls covered in several various sized family portraits of his mother, father, older brother, and himself. Walking to his left, he slipped on the separate kitchen lights before he began rummaging through the fridge for something to eat, wanting to get something in his stomach before his guest arrived. Making himself a quick sandwich using the remains of last night's turkey dinner, Felix then set about washing the few dishes in the sink, and either putting them away or stuffing them in the dishwasher. Once he dusted and wiped down the counter tops, he glanced over the oak paneled cabinets with brass fixings for a final check.

It was at the moment that his cell phone started playing the familiar sound of the Weather Girls' hit song, ‘It's Raining Men'. Slipping it from his pocket, he recognized the number that appeared as belonging to his best friend. Hoping it was the good news he had been waiting for, he eagerly flipped it open, "Hey Blake."

"Actually, it's Riley..." the wolf said, his voice sounding tired and worn, as though the act of simply holding the phone to his ear was exhausting him. "Blake's resting here on my lap," he said, the fox could hear him gently ruffle his friend's hair as he slept; "Just wanted to call you so you wouldn't worry too much."

"I appreciate it a lot...thanks," the fox said softly, fearful his usually loud voice might awaken the sleeping bunny on the other line. Walking back and forth between the den and the kitchen, he idly moved things this way and that, rearranging the small accents to keep his paws occupied. "Poor thing," he commented, "he must've worn himself out."

The vulpine could hear the other male sigh softly, "You have no idea, wore me out just trying to keep a hold on him." Then there was a series of muffled conversation, probably to one of the nurses or orderlies, Felix wasn't sure, but soon enough the wolf was back on the line. "Yeah...I had to stop him several times from getting in fistfights with the doctors when they couldn't tell him anything conclusive. He even tried to get up to the surgery room; that was an interesting one. Between those moments, it was a mixture of tense anger and uncontrollable sobbing...he's really a mess."

"Oh my..." Felix mumbled to himself as he took a seat on the plush faux leather armchair, hanging his head over one arm and his legs over the other, stretching out his joints. "So how know...everything go?" he asked, slowly sitting up properly in the chair, his eyes focusing on the smoldering ashes in the vacant fireplace.

"The good news is that she made it through surgery and is back in her room sleeping it off. You should have seen Blake once we got word she made it through, you could almost see the tension leave his body. I had to hold him up just to make sure he didn't fall." There was an eerie length of silence between the two furrs, each afraid to continue on with the conversation, as they knew that that's where the silver lining ended. Till finally, the lupine coughed, signaling that there was indeed more; "The bad news is that the fall caused fluid to pool in her head and put pressure on her brain. The doctors were able to drain it, but they won't know the extent of any damage till she wakes up from her sedation."

"Jeez..." was the only thing the fox thought proper to say as he gently rubbed his forehead with his free paw, "So what do you two have planned for tonight?"

"Well, I think they'll let Blake spend the night here. So in about an hour I'm gonna settle him down on the couch in her room, kiss him goodbye, and head back to the apartment for the night to get some sleep." The wolf said softly, his voice thick with concern and fatigue as he could picture him leaning against the wall, his cream colored pelt having lost its luster hours prior due to being coated the rabbit's tears, his free paw gently holding onto his mate. "I managed to get the morning off from work, so I'll come and pick up Blake from the hospital, and drive him over to the Express Lane to get his car and go to work."

Suddenly remembering Amanda's words form earlier. "Well, I got a bit of good news for you two," he said, hoping to be a shining ray in this dismal storm.

"Hmm? What's that Felix?" Riley asked slowly, "I could use some truly good news right about now."

"Take Blake home tomorrow morning; Amanda gave him off how ever long he needed to get himself in order...paid vacation of course." He could hear the canine's sigh of relief on the other end of the line almost as though he were sitting next to him.

"That's good news indeed..." Ry said softly, relaxing against the wooden bench on which he sat. The rest of the conversation was a quick exchange of phone and room numbers before they each said their good byes and hung up. The fox felt a better now that he knew Blake would be all right, and that his grandmother was okay for the moment.

Glancing at the time, "I've still got about a half hour before Dmitri arrives," he told himself, remembering to subtract the fifteen minutes for the new earlier time. The rest of the time was spent rearranging the large couch so that it faced the armchair, with a small coffee table situated between them. After making sure that there was wood in the fireplace in case they wanted to add a bit of romance to the occasion, he placed a call to a nearby pizza parlor, ordering one large pie and a litter bottle of Pepsi to be delivered at 8:40pm; he hoped zebras liked pizza. He had just finished changing into a new outfit for the night when he heard the doorbell ring from down the hall.

"Coming!" the vulpine screamed from his room, taking his time as he passed by the large mirror to take note of his current clothing. His long hair was pulled back in a loose braid that fell to mid back, small wisps of hair brushing across his face. His favorite black choker collar was around his neck, buckle positioned so that it bobbed up and down each time he spoke. Felix had on a tight, black, mesh rave shirt, his white chest fur peaking through the small holes, over which he wore a sky blue hoodie, zipper left open so that it'd flow behind him as he moved. The pants that tightly griped his hips were a pair of solid black jeans, carefully positioned rips in at the crotch and under his tail allowed anyone to just see the red thong he wore underneath. Opting against shoes, his bare footpaws had been carefully manicured, the tips of his claws clinking against the wood floors as he made his way to the front door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

There, standing on the porch, was the zebra he had met earlier at work, still dressed in the same outfit he had last seen him. His leather jacket was left open this time revealing an orange t-shirt advertising some band he had never heard of. "Felix?" he said, as though making sure he had the right house number in a neighborhood where everyone's homes were near-perfect replicas.

"Dmitri!" the fox shouted, jumping up at the stallion, who appeared to be in shock at the sudden gesture. As the vulpine wrapped his small arms around the zebra's thick neck, his legs loosely hugging the male's wide hips, he could feel him stiffen abruptly, whinnying at his touch. Confused as to why the sudden coldness, he slowly slipped from the larger form, his body pooling at the stud's feet, his face both red with embarrassment and pale with fear that he fucked up. "You're certainly here early," Felix mumbled, afraid to look up into those large black eyes, unable to face him after such a rejection of affection.

Seeming to temporarily shake off the surprise of the unannounced greeting, the zebra pushed up his sleeve to take a glance at his watch. "Actually, by my seems I'm about five minutes late. It's already 8:20," he stated, the fox checking his cell phone to see that indeed, the horse was correct.

"So you are..." the fox said, looking up from his phone, "guess time really does fly. Want to come in?" he offered, pushing the door against the wall as he moved out of the zebra's way. The stallion appeared hesitant, glancing around nervously before slowly stepping into the home, having to duck just to get under the low doorframe.

Once he entered, his ears swiveled to catch the creaking of the door closing behind him, the sound of the deadbolt sliding in to place. "Look...Felix, was it?" he asked as the pair walked down the short hallway before arriving into the plush living room, "I'm not-"

"Ready to move forward?" the vulpine interrupted, smiling curtly as he offered the equine a seat on the couch, "It's alright Dmitri...we can take things slow, I promise." Not waiting to hear his response, he turned tail and headed into the open-air kitchen, looking into the freezer as he tried to find that bottle of chilled champagne he had put away for such an occasion. "Want some bubbly?" he offered, setting the cold bottle on the counter before going back for two glasses.

Having taken a seat on the sofa, his eyes glancing over the walls as he tried to come to grips with what he was doing, though those thoughts were interrupted by the fox's words. "Are you even old enough to drink?" the zebra asked, looking over from where he was admiring the large family portrait that hung above the fireplace mantle.

"Worried that I'm jailbait now, are we?" Felix teased as he stuck the corkscrew into the top of the bottle, slowly twisting the metal through the soft material with a bit of difficulty. He knew he was moving a bit fast, but the zebra seemed to have become very skittish ever since he surprised him a second time at the Express Lane, and he didn't want to let him go that easily.

"What?!?...No!" he neighed in response; tail flicking at invisible flies as he watched the smaller male intently. His large black and white form dwarfed the couch, his body seeming to take up an entire half of a sofa that was meant to seat four in relative comfort. "Look, do you have a bathroom around this place?" he asked curtly, standing up suddenly and glancing towards the interior hallway.

Not wanting to pop the cork without Dmitri here, the fox placed the bottle with corkscrew still inside into the fridge to keep cool. "It's down there, second door on your right," he mumbled, unenthusiastically motioning with his paw to where the stallion was looking. The larger fur simply nodded and made his way out of the room, having to duck under the low beam before vanishing into the noted doorway, checking it first before entering and locking the door. A minute turned into two, and then into several as the fox waited for his guest to reemerge so they could continue talking; though his train of thought was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

Checking his watch, Felix saw that it was only 8:28 at night. "The pizza guy is here really early today," he said as he made his way over to the door, taking his time in unlatching the locks before pulling the door wide open. There, standing before him, was certainly no pizza, but it was, however, something he had ordered earlier that day. "Dmitri?" the vulpine asked in surprise, muzzle falling agape as he stared up into the recently familiar face of the zebra. Granted, he had changed clothes since the last time he saw him not five minutes ago going into the bathroom; a pair of sunglasses sat atop his head as he ruffled the collar of his crimson button down shirt, the bright color standing out in stark contrast to his black and white striped pelt. Though the black sport jacket, left open to reveal his rippling abs seen through the thin shirt material, did little to camouflage the massive trunks he called arms. A pair of olive green creased slacks clung to his legs, a big brass belt buckle in the shape of a feral stallion held his pants to his waist. Suddenly confused as to how the stallion managed to get outside so quickly, as well as change his clothes, the fox simply stood in silence as his mind tried to work things through.

"Felix!" the zebra shouted, scooping up the now terrified fox in his arms and pulling him against his chest in a tight hug. He nuzzled his neck with his broad muzzle, nickering affectionately as he held him close. "You remembered my name, I'm touched." It was only after several moments that he realized the smaller furr was trying to struggle out of his grasp, and with a soft whine, he gently set the vulpine back down on the floor, making sure he feet touched before letting him go.

Suddenly getting very angry and fed up with this stallion, Felix could feel the fur bristling on his luxurious tail as he walked forewords and tried his best to stare down the larger male. "Why the fuck are you doing this to me Dmitri?" he demanded, eyes searching the equine's face for a hint of what he was thinking.

"Doing what to you?" the zebra asked defensively, unsure what caused the sudden change in the fox from this morning.

"Don't you play dumb with me you overgrown pony!" the fox shouted, loosing his temper as anger seethed from his flaring nostrils.

"Honestly Felix..." Dmitri said softly, trying his best to pacify the enraged fox, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"I'm talking about you doing these personality switches, where one moment you remember me, and the next, you don't. I'm talking about how you crawled out of my bathroom window, changed clothes, and then came back here to continue this evil game of yours." His paw was jabbing at the zebra's washboard abs under his shirt, his umber eyes blazing with frustration as he bared his teeth at the larger male. Seeming fed up with the stallion on his doorstep, he roughly grabbed Dmitri by the cuff of his shirt and did his best to drag him inside his house before slamming the door shut.

Not wanting to see the vulpine stress himself anymore, the equine followed along with the tugs on his shirt, having to crouch under the door as he entered. "Where are we going?" he asked softly, trying to keep the fox's temper as calm as possible, he didn't look forewords to having to restrain him if things got out of hand.

Pulling his guest along behind him as he marched forwards, "We're going to prove me right that you're a phony!" he announced. As Felix rounded the corner, he turned around and walked backwards, keeping his eyes fixated on the zebra's face; "We are going to march right into that bathroom, and I'll show you where you crawled out of the window, ran to your car, changed, and then came back just to prank me!" he shouted, turning around as he stood in his living room where, on his couch, was a zebra.

For the second time this evening, his eyes went wide as there on the couch was Dmitri....or at least who he had assumed was Dmitri. Checking behind him, he was, indeed, still holding on to Dmitri's sleeve, which meant that either he was having a nightmare, hallucinating, or was a victim of an even weirder prank. The two males seemed to sense his surprise as the one on the couch rose and approached the pair in the entrance with paws waving in front, trying to seem non-threatening. Backing up against the wall, ears falling hastily to the side of his head, Felix started breathing heavier as his eyes fearfully shifted from one face to the other; his tail protectively curled around his waist, limbs stiff, pelt standing on end. Like a set of mirror images with only their clothes to tell them apart, he couldn't tell whether this was real or a dream. "Felix?..." both equines asked at the same time, each reaching for him with an outstretched paw to try and coax him down from his hyperventilation. The vulpine let loose a terrified scream as he clawed at the wall behind him, his face going pale before he managed to pass out from his high blood pressure; the world shifting into blackness as he fainted into unconsciousness.

* * *

Slowly rousing to the smell of oily cheese and fresh baked bread, Felix began stirring, a soft moan leaving his lips as he rocked back and forth. "Is he finally getting up?" a familiar voice said, the fox instantly recognizing it as Dmitri's. The male's voice sounded distant to the furr who gently turned around on what he took to be a warm cushion supporting his head.

"It seems that the scent of hot pizza was just the thing," the same voice said again, though this time it sounded much closer, as though it came from right overhead.

Opening his eyes, the fox had to close them quickly as the brightness of the fluorescent bulbs had him seeing spots. When he finally got them open, he was staring up into the worried face of a zebra, a soft smile creeping over his rust-colored muzzle as he realized that seeing double had been a simple trick of the light. "Hey there Dmitri..." he cooed softly, murring as he felt the creature's crotch under his head as he rested in his lap.

"Glad to see you are still with us," a zebra said, though the vulpine noticed that it wasn't the stallion above him that spoke to him. Slowly he sat up, turning his head towards the kitchen where he saw a second zebra currently rooting through the cabinet before pulling out three glasses and setting them on the counter. What he saw before hadn't been a dream at all! The vulpine let loose another scream as he scampered over the back of the couch, hiding himself behind the arm of the sofa.

"There really are two of you!" the vulpine shouted, the top of his head peaking up from over armrest, his auburn eyes shifting from one equine to the other as he watched neither make an attempt to come after him.

"That's usually how these things go..." the zebra on the sofa mumbled before taking a large bite out of his piece of pizza, not seeming at all interested at even glancing his host's way.

Coming around the island in the kitchen, the other equine softly set down a plate with a slice of pizza on the small coffee table, backing away to lean on the wall. "I think there was a miscommunication somewhere along the line," he thought to himself out loud.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." the boy muttered, carefully coming around the side of the couch to snatch up the plate of pizza before hurrying back to his pseudo-fort, "I still don't see why I should trust either of you."

"Because if we had wanted to, you'd be dead right now!" the furr sitting on the couch said grumpily, obviously getting frustrated with the situation as he eyed the smaller fox with his large ominous black eyes.

"What he means is this, Felix..." the male in the kitchen said, eying the other stallion with a stern glare, "Is that while you were passed out, we could have done any number of things. Like beating you, kidnapping you, maybe even murder; we could have trussed you up and ransacked the house, held you for ransom...but all we did was simply pay for the pizza once it got here and waited for you to get up."

The fox had to admit, the zebra was right, and after taking a quick glance around the room and seeing everything in order, he did have reason to believe they were telling the truth. "Still...I want to know what's going on around here," he commanded, and after downing his slice, he made his way to the front of the room. "Alright...I want you who's leaning against the wall, sitting on the other edge of the couch and...umm...whatever your name is...just stay there," he directed, realizing he still did not know the name of the stranger he had assumed was Dmitri. Once the pair took their spots, he hesitantly slipped into the small armchair across from the couch, eying them each in turn, "I want names..."

Nodding slowly, the equine who had just glided across the room smiled and crossed his legs to lean back against the couch, "Well, as you know, my name is Dmitri Ravlon and-"

"And I'm Vincent Ravlon..." the other zebra announced, putting his greasy plate back on the coffee table.

"You're brothers?" Felix asked with a shock, his paws tightly gripping the arms of his chair as he leaned forwards. All the pieces started falling in place, having never seen zebras; he just figured they all kind of looked the same.

"Well duh," Vincent said, rolling his eyes, "twins do tend to be related."

"I think that was a rhetorical question..." Dmitri said to his brother, taking a large bite of his own slice before glancing back to the fox. "So, everything make sense now?"

"More than before, yes," he admitted. Getting a bit more comfortable being around them, he shifted back in his seat as he looked them both over, "So...what actually happened? I'm still lost on that. I mean, why didn't you tell me you were a twin Dmitri?"

"I did," the zebra reminded him, "When you asked me where I lived, I'm pretty sure that I told you that I lived with my twin brother. You told me congratulations. Though I admit, you did look a little spaced out when I talked."

Blinking, the vulpine remembered that he had indeed blanked during parts of the conversation. "Well...then why were you, Vincent, at the Express Lane only a few hours after your brother stopped by for, what I can only assume, was your grocery shopping?"

"Because," Vincent said abruptly, cutting off his brother before he could speak, "That idiot picked up the wrong kind of soup! It was some ‘low sodium' crap...thinks I need to go on a diet or something." A gruff laugh left his muzzle, mane sweeping out in front of him as he turned to face his mirror image, "This, from the guy who sits muzzle deep in a quart of ice cream every time one of his dramas are on."

Dmitri neighed in anger, "I get very emotional!...And I only use the fat free stuff anyways."

"Okay, that explains one thing." Slowly, Felix was getting more comfortable around these two as his fears left him, "But do you usually dress alike? I mean, Vincent, is currently wearing the exact outfit that you had on when you were shopping, so I thought he was you, Dmitri."

"I can explain this one," Dmitri said, setting his empty paper plate down as he crossed his arms and glared at his twin. "Seems that while I was busy taking a shower to get ready for our date, he decided that rather than do the laundry and get clean clothes, he'd just steal mine in order to go shopping."

"It's better than going out naked isn't it?" the other zebra retorted, flaring his impressive sized teeth to his brother, "Besides, you always hate it when I do laundry, so I stopped doing it." The fox listening attentively, though he admittedly had a hard time not imagining these two studs prancing around their house in the buff, the thoughts causing a small stir in his jeans.

"That's because you always mix the whites and the colors together!" he shouted back, "I mean, I can't tell you Felix, how many times I've ended up with pink socks because he forgets to take out his new red sweater."

"You know you love pink, ya pussy!" Vincent countered, the two equines looking like they were about to go to blows in the vulpine's living room.

"I'm sure this is all very interesting," The fox interjected, trying to play peacekeeper between the two miffed stallions, "But Vincent, why did you turn around when I called out Dmitri's name?"

Shifting his attention from his brother to their mutual host, he sighed softly, "You aren't a twin, are you?" he asked, getting a headshake in return. "Then you wouldn't understand," the stallion continued, "eventually, you just get so used to being confused for your brother, that you start responding to his name as if it was yours. That's why I looked your way when you called out his name."

"And you didn't think of telling him that you weren't me?" Dmitri asked sternly. "You moving on to men now?" he said laughing, " is there something you're not telling me?"

"Wait! You mean that only one of you is gay?" Felix pointed out before motioning to Vincent with an outstretched paw, "you're straight?!"

"So the fox got brains after all, who knew," he taunted, rolling his eyes as his long black tail flicked at the fly that was bothering his behind. "Yes Felix, I like the ladies, exclusively. Dmitri and I are opposites in more ways then one," he said, the divisions between them personality-wise were indeed becoming more apparent the longer Felix talked to them. "And to correct you, I did in fact try to tell you that I wasn't my brother, you just didn't listen," he informed the furr.

"I'm pretty sure I would have remembered you saying that you had an identical twin brother," the fox stated flatly, finishing off his piece of pizza as well.

"Remember when you asked me if I knew where I was going tonight?" Vincent asked, getting a small nod in return, "Do you remember what I said?"

"You said, 'No, Dimtri does not'" Felix recalled accurately, "I just figured you were still talking in third person."

"Actually," the zebra corrected him, "You interrupted me before I could finish. What I really said was, 'No, Dmitri does, not me' but you didn't let me get it all out."

Lowering his head, the fox's ears splayed back against his head as he viewed the two twin zebra's before him. "I'm really sorry guys...guess I fucked up huh?" he asked rhetorically as he gave himself a small pity laugh.

"Seems all we really had was a breakdown in communication," Dmitri accurately addressed, softly smiling as he reclined on the sofa, arms crossed behind his head. Rolling his thick neck from side to side, the other two furrs could easily pick up the sound of his joints cracking and loosening up.

"Well now that it's all over," Vincent said, zipping up his jacket as he stood up, brushing off his pants, "I think it's about time I make my exit." And with that, he started walking briskly towards the hallways that would take him to the front door and out to his car, and as expected, he got no resistance from the fox.

"That's it?" Dmitri sputtered, sitting up abruptly as he saw his brother start to walk away. Rising to his own feet, the zebra took a few quick steps in pursuit of his twin, "You're just gonna leave like this after everything that's happened?" Felix merely turned around in his chair, face poking up form over the back of the recliner as he watched the second stallion close in on the first's position, putting a large paw on the other's shoulder.

"Look," the fleeing equine said flatly, turning around to face his brother with a frank expression on his face, "I've already told you, I'm not one of you Queer-o's...I like girls." His eyes scanned the pair before him, drifting from zebra to fox and back again before sighing, "That...and I don't want to interrupt whatever date you had planned for this evening. I appreciate the pizza and brother can pay you back for that if you want."

"It's no problem..." Felix said softly under his breath, not looking forwards to seeing one stallion leaving even though he had an exact copy already with him. What could he say, he was a greedy little fox, and they were both really cute.

Though it seemed that his brother had a much harder time with letting Vincent simply walk out the door. "That's not right, especially after what we put poor Felix through today," he snorted, the pair of equines flaring their large nostrils at each other.

"We didn't put him through nothing he hasn't dreamt about. But just how do you suggest we resolve this?" he responded; their eyes locking together as each contoured body, reproduced in perfection by a master hand, stood off against his reflection.

"What I suggest is..." Dmitri started as he reached out and formed his brother's paw into a fist before putting his own fist up against it, "that we play Rock-Paper-Scissors, best two out of three wins."

Vincent's eyes narrowed as he took in his twin's proposition, "Agreed..." he said after a few tense seconds. "If I win, I walk out of here with no strings attached, and you have to do laundry for the next month."

"And if I win, you have to go back to your seat and make it up to poor Felix," he countered as they locked their arms in place, getting ready for the battle of the century. "Do we have a deal?"

"Deal!" the equine shouted as the games began. The pair circled each other, eyes scanning their opponent for any hint at what they were thinking about throwing down. Suddenly, and without warning, the pair threw back their arms in perfect synchronization before letting loose their chosen symbols. "YES!" Vincent shouted, seeing that he had won the first round, "Rock crushes scissors."

"Lucky choice..." Dmitri said bitterly. Scowling, they pulled their paws back and readied for another round of their game. They squared off again, paw shaking vigorously at their respective sides as they moved around one another till they stopped, and within a flash, their choices were revealed again. "Take that, scissors cuts paper!" he shouted even louder then his brother had at his victory, "Guess the next one has it."

Felix, still huddled on the plush chair with his head peaking over the top, he watched with interest as the pair of twins squared off in his living room. If Vincent won, he'd still have Dmitri, but if Dmitri won, then he'd have both stallions here under his roof; it was a good-better scenario for him. "Go Dmitri..." he whispered under his breath, his pants already seeming a tad tighter since he had put them on about an hour ago. The fox waited with baited breath as the third and final round was thrown, watching the zebras' faces for a clue as to who won, but it appeared that both seemed to be disappointed in the result.

"Damn, a tie..." Vincent mumbled, his other paw already in his jacket pocket, getting ready to leave, "You're just prolonging your eventual defeat ya know."

"You wanna give up then?" his brother asked with a sneer, giving his twin a small shove to his side as they readied the tie breaker, and with any luck, the deciding round.

"Just throw already!" the other equine demanded of his mirror image, and with that, both males through their hopes in the ring along with their paws. Felix watched from the sidelines as Vincent's face turned from eager anticipation to a bleak realization as his arm fell stiffly to his side and he glared over at the fox, a blank stare on his face. "I lost..." he said, sounding like a question more then a statement as he came to grips with it.

Chuckling triumphantly, Dmitri backed away, talking as he walked back to his former seat on the couch, "last time I checked the rules, paper beat rock," he teased. That seemed to get a rise out of his twin as he turned to leave, stopping only once he heard the soft 'nuh uh' sound. Looking back, his face beat red, he stood there awkwardly, both paws now in their respective pockets as he waited for directions. "Come back to your spot, oh little brother of mine," the other zebra mocked, motioning to his part of the sofa.

"Two minute difference..." the disgruntled equine mumbled as he strode back to where his brother was, quietly taking his former seat. His huge black eyes stared unrelenting at the vulpine before him, the tiny male still curled up on his lounge chair, having watched the preceding events with great interest. His eyes, for the first time, took their time lingering on his lithe form; the coloring of his pelt was like many of the vixens he had slept with, the rust orange fading into black on his paws and ears, while that silky white chest fur peaked from between the cloth of his shirt. He had to admit, his brother had good taste in partners, and the creature wasn't half bad.....for a guy.

"That's still a difference," his brother reminded him as he reclined on his portion of the sofa. Looking out over the living room, he noticed that Felix was still curled up in his recliner, face bemused by everything that had happened thus far. The fox soon relaxed, smiling as he stretched out on his chair, his large, bushy tail wrapping around his waist, innocently giggling as both stallions glanced his way. "Come over here by us," Dmitri said, coaxing the smaller furr from his seat with ears perked up as he made his way around the coffee table, accidentally bumping into Vincent's legs as he did so. Motioning to the sliver of space next to him, "Here, sit beside me," he instructed, the vulpine eagerly obliged as he wedged himself between the two males.

Looking up into the large equine's face, the smaller male could only blush and stutter as he spoke, "N-Now wha-" he asked. His words were interrupted as the black and white stallion leaned over and pressed his muzzle against the rust-orange one in a passionate kiss. In an instant, the hunkiest furr he had ever laid eyes on was locking lips with him, those broad lips pressing against his tender ones as he struggled to continue breathing. Murring into the embrace, he felt his eyes get heavy as he reached up to take a gentle hold of Dmitri's neck, his fingers brushing through that silky mane as the vulpine pressed his body into the larger, imposing force. Feeling the equine reciprocate the attention as a large arm wrapped around his waist, the tiny submissive flattened his ears as the domineering stallion slipped his wide tongue into his eager mouth.

The equine sensed that the fox was enjoying the treatment, his large paw gently rubbing the boy's back through his clothes, tracing small lines along his spine. He could feel the resulting shivers that traveled up and down his back, causing his large tail to quiver against his hip. After a moment, he slowly disengaged from the fox's muzzle, watching as those brilliant umber eyes flutter open to meet his obsidian orbs. As their lips parted, he glanced quickly over the vulpine's shoulder at his brother who sat with a stunned look on his face before turning to stare off at the wall, as though he hadn't been watching. "Him next..." the zebra whispered into his host's nearest ear, gently nudging Felix towards his brother.

His mind still frazzled from the kiss, the fox merely nodded as he turned to stare at the other zebra. He didn't have to scoot over far before he bumped into Vincent's knee, eeping slightly as he looked up and their eyes clicked. The equine stared intently as though trying to read the male's intentions simply from how his eyes glanced nervously over the zebra's large face. As they faced off in their staring contest, the Felix started leaning in towards his target, getting ready to mirror the embrace he had not one minute before. Reading the vulpine's actions clearly, the horse backed off with a loud whiney, "I told you, I ain't into that shit! So don't even try it." And with that, he crossed his large arms across his broad chest, closed his eyes in disgust, and turned his head to face away from his brother and host.

Turning back towards Dmitri, Felix had a look of disappointment on his face as he shrugged. "He doesn't want to..." he said softly, as though having failed an exam.

"And you're just gonna leave it like that?" the zebra responded, his ears perked tall as he glared at the back of his brother's head before back down at the fox. "If I know anything about Vincent...and I do, it's that..." the rest of his sentence was finished inside the vulpine's lack ear, the words unheard by the other zebra. He ended his directions with a sensual lick along the rim of Felix's ear, the boy visibly shivering before giving a look of uncertainty at the furr. But it seemed that Dmitri would have none of it, and simply nudged him back into position with the blunt tip of his muzzle.

Sitting back where he was moments before, the fox sat staring up at the impressive profile of the zebra. The noble way he held his head aloft, eyes firmly closed as the gentle gusts from the AC caused his mane to ripple like white and black waves across a muscularly contoured shoreline. Nonetheless, he was determined, so with a deep breath in his lungs he reached out and hastily wrapped his arms around the equine's neck and pulled himself up along his body. Before either Vincent or he was even aware of his doings, he pressed his lips to the soft pelt and began to suckle on his neck.

Felix felt the gasp catch in the stallion's throat as he managed to choke it down with a heavy cough, his muzzle too busy with the zebra's neck to pay him much mind. From soft suckles, he moved on to tender licks along the sculpted and exposed neck, his fingers occupying themselves by tenderly massaging the opposing shoulder. The large furr stifled some sort of sigh or moan, Felix wasn't sure, though out of the side of his eyes, he could see the equine slowly turn his head back towards him; and it was at that moment that he decided to press his luck a bit farther. Leaning farther over, he began slowly inching his way upwards along the underside of the zebra's neck, licking and nibbling as he went.

As he crossed over from neck to muzzle, he felt the beast's impressively sized paws take a firm hold of his shoulders, yet appeared hesitant to push him away or deter his current trend of motion. Not bothered by the minor hindrance, the fox continued till his was licking right below Vincent's lips, his tongue tasting the pizza's oil on the stallion's chin, before setting its sights on those previously desired lips. But as he neared his goal, it was then that those large paws that had gripped him took action and gently, if not forcibly, pushed him back into the couch. "I told you...I'm not into that..." the stallion reaffirmed, if a bit shakily, his face and neck moistened with the vulpine's saliva.

"His loss is my gain," Felix heard Dmitri say before a sudden tug on his tail brought him back into the other zebra's embrace, a gust of hot breath enveloped the back of his neck and shoulders. As the moist air draped over his shoulders like a silk cape, he was spun around to face the equine and before he could object his muzzle was pulled back into a mind-blowing kiss. No longer confused about what was happening, he closed his eyes and eagerly pushed his tongue into the larger mouth, slipping the slender muscle past those broad teeth, his contoured body lying perfectly against the larger furr's form.

A rumbling moan rocketed up the vulpine's throat as the zebra's massive paws began to stroll over his lithe body, unlike the previous kiss where their bodies had remained static. Those large fingers started just about his tail, and slipped effortlessly underneath his jacket to massage his pelt through the mesh shirt. "Jeez that feels good," the fox groaned, their lips have slipped apart as he rested his head in the crook of Dmitri's neck. The smaller male arched as the stallion began to firmly knead the boy's back as a baker would his dough.

"Seems I've awoken a fire in this one," the zebra pondered once their lips slid apart, his arms pulling the smaller male up onto his lap as he began to softly suckle on the side of his neck. Tilting his head in the opposite direction, Felix moaned again, his toes curling with pleasure as the warm pads worked along his spine. He had completely forgotten that Vincent was still seated behind them until he heard the stud's loud snort of disapproval.

"Looks like you two awoke more then just a fire," he said sourly, offhandedly motioning to the obvious bulges in their pants. He watched the pair glance down at themselves, and then the other's tended slacks before returning their gazes to lock eyes and burst into giggles. Scowling, Vincent turned away once again, his mind reeling with what just happened between the fox's mouth and his neck; he wasn't queer, that much he was sure of, but he hated the fact that his arms trembled at first before finally pushing the creature off of him. Heck, he could still smell the boy's musk all over his face; in fact, the soft yet pungent odor of male arousal dampened the entire room.

Having dropped any inhibitions about playing with the twins, Felix slipped from Dmitri's lap and covertly slid across the couch towards the disgruntled zebra. "Seems like he has some wood ready for kindling too," the fox stated, having slipped his paw under the waistband of the equine's jeans and easily felt along the stiff outline of his sheath against his boxers. A loud series of laughs from the Dmitri echoed as Vincent nickered loudly and pushed the vulpine off of his lap with a heavy shove.

"Oh, don't be like that dear brother," the other twin said, easily catching the smaller furr before he fell off the couch. "Felix was only trying to get you in the mood," he reassured his brother, "besides; we had a deal, remember. You can't back out of it now...unless you'd like me to think up something even worse for your punishment."

The zebra's ears flickered at the sound of the new threat, though if he decided to agree with his brother's demands, he didn't show it. But that didn't bother the fox, who had spent the better part of these last few seconds marveling at the sheer size of the python he had felt in the equine's slacks, a quick glimpse into the future made him wonder just how big these boys were when at full mast. "I'm sure he'll come around eventually," the fox said to the more willing of the two, gently patting the large black paw that rested on his lap.

"Oh...He'll come around," the stallion said with a sneer, "one way or another, I can promise you that." his words getting another rise out of his twin. Having gotten his fill of making his younger brother squirm for the moment, he turned his attention back to his gracious host, reaching out to gently massage the boy's shoulders. "You must be hot in that jacket," he said, slipping his fingers across his neck, brushing over his choker, to gently push the blue fabric off of the vulpine's shoulders.

Felix offered no objections as the hoodie was slid from his back, eagerly slipping his arms out of the sleeves before it was tossed to the armchair. He didn't even have time to shiver as those warm pads were instantly running up and down his arms, running playfully over the mesh fabric across his chest, and all around making him feel positively randy. "I'm sure you're pretty warm yourself," he commented as he felt a light touch run down the center of his tail.

Dmitri wasted no time shucking his own outer layer off, throwing it on top of the other jacket, before he resumed his teasing touches. Leaning over, he started kissing his way down the fox's right arm, gently licking the tip of each finger, his eyes never straying from the russet colored face. Pressing his cold blunt nose to the center of Felix's palm, the boy eeped in surprise before the tender laps of the equine's tongue lulled him into a sense of pleasure. "I don't know if that helped, you're still getting me plenty hot," he cooed, inching over as though going in for a kiss, but instead dipping his head down to suckle on the canine's throat.

"You got me feeling like a furnace in here!" the smaller furr moaned aloud, tipping his head back as he felt those lips start to sensual kiss their way down his mesh covered chest. Reaching out, he took a soft hold of the equine's black ears and began rubbing them between his slicked fingers, much to the enjoyment of the stud. Nipping right through the thin fabric, the boy felt those large teeth every so often bite him playfully on his nipples and belly. But as he writhed in pleasure on the couch, the resulting noises began getting louder the longer the pair continued their foreplay, which meant the more the other zebra grunted objections to what was going on.

But it was when Felix reached out while in a state of ecstasy, and firmly yanked Vincent's tail as though he were a child's toy, he finally snapped. "I get it! You're both positively flaming!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as he stood up, glaring daggers at both males before huffing loudly and sitting back down with a thump. Crossing his arms over his chest, legs crossed as well, he turned away from the fraternizing pair and nickered softly to himself.

Scrunching up his face in disgust of his brother's actions, Dmitri calmly and covertly whispered into the fox's ear to simply stay put until he gave the signal. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom," he told his twin, who merely waved him off with a shrug and wished him the best of luck. Getting the reaction that he was hoping for, the zebra slowly rose from his feet and made his way behind the couch, stopping only long enough to catch the fox's eyes with a sly wink. Before his identical double could react, he reached down and grabbed at his wrists, pulling them taught over his head and out of the way; "NOW!" he shouted, and Felix sprung into action as planned, literally, jumping quickly onto the other zebra's lap as the planned specified.

"What the hell is this?" Vincent shouted, "you two going to gang-rape me or something?" Granted, he could easily kick the fox off of his chest with no problem, and then channel the momentum his legs gave him to throw his brother over his shoulders and onto the coffee table before him. But some part of him wanted to see where this was going, knowing that he could get out of it if need be, the other part not wanting to get arrested for assault.

"Something like that..." the fox teased as he set about his task of seducing the larger male. Apparently, his brother had taken notice of the way Vincent had hesitated during the vulpine's second attempt to make out with him, and sensed that there was some untapped potential. So, as he was instructed, with paws loosely draped over the stallion's neck, he set about lapping at the underside of his massive chin. Felix felt him swallow a gasped moan as he began to gently nibble along his muscular neck till it reached the collar of his t-shirt. Pulling himself higher along the furr's prone body, his soft pelt brushing seductively over the equine's sculpted body, he returned his muzzle to the male's cheeks and bridge of his muzzle.

"I think he likes it..." Dmitri commented offhandedly as he saw the vulpine begin to tease his twin by brushing against his whiskers with his own. It had originally been a strain to keep his brother's arms pinned, but the longer the fox was working on his sculpted body, the easer it became to keep the zebra steady. Leaning down, his mouth only inches from his sibling's ears, "You do like that, don't you?" he whispered softly, watching the male shut his eyes tightly as the smaller male, started suckling on his lower lip.

"Damn it..." the equine muttered under his breath as a soft moan parted his lips. He knew that what was happening was indeed getting him hard; not that the gentle rocking of the plush rear against his tented slacks did little to calm his arousal. His brother seemed to know it too. Bucking his hips to dislodge the fox would only serve to increase his sexual. "Alright, fine," Vincent said briskly as he felt Felix's lips begin to near his own.

The fox stopped advancing to sit back in the zebra's lap and tilt his head in curiosity. "You say something?" he asked with a smirk on his muzzle that didn't go unnoticed. "You hear anything Dmitri?"

Chuckling to himself, the elder twin shook his head. "Nope, not a thing," he said, pressing his brother's trapped arms tightly against the back of the couch till he heard a soft whine.

"Alright!" he shouted, the thunderous yell almost knocking the fox right off of his chest. "I'll go along with your dirty deeds" he continued, "but on only one condition."

"And what would that be, stud?" the smaller boy asked. Softly brushing the tip of his tail along the underside of the black and white muzzle, he watched Vincent struggle to keep a straight face.

"Yes," his brother said from above, "do tell, what would your condition be?"

"That no one outside of this room...and I mean no one," he said sternly, first eyeing the fox directly before having to tip his head back to stare into his brother's eyes, "is to hear of what goes on here. Understood?"

Felix had a hard time swallowing that agreement since he desperately wanted to tell Blake everything that happened tonight once he got out of the hospital; he was sure that the story would cheer him up. But he knew that the rabbit could keep a secret, and if worst came to worst, Riley was pretty good at keeping his muzzle shut when trusted with sensitive information. "Agreed," he said, glancing upwards at the mastermind of their little endeavor.

"Who the hell would I tell anyways?" he asked his brother, gently swatting him on the ears affectionately, "But you've got yourself a deal nonetheless." Slowly releasing his twin's arms, he managed to duck the zebra's backwards right hook aimed at his head, having expected him to try something like that. They all had a good laugh at the fumble, and with no argument from Vincent, Dmitri reached down and slipped his leather jacket from those broad shoulders and tossed it atop the others before walking back around the couch and taking his former seat.

Felix was positively glowing on the inside, his dream about having two identical stallions to play with having come true at long last, the journey these past six hours having definitely been worth it. Still sitting on the horse's lap, he began rocking back and forth as he continued to drag his small and dexterous tongue along the curves of the stud's complexion. No longer having to refrain the zebra from moving, who was softly nickering at the treatment, his paws glided from his neck to behind his shoulders and down those thick arms, each rippling with muscles that would put any lesser creature to shame. His pert ears picked up the muffled sound of Vincent's moaning, a definite sign that he was enjoying this, and he decided to press things a bit farther; lifting his muzzle from where it was buried in the crook of his neck, he sat up, face to face with his newest partner, "You ready?" lips licking in anticipation.

As though asking for permission, Vincent glanced quickly to his brother who sat complacent on the other side of the couch; getting a friendly go-ahead. Then turning his attention back to the fox, he nodded slowly, "Yeah...I'm ready." The next thing he knew, furry lips were pressed against his. Smaller by comparison though they were, the vulpine was a fierce kisser; his smaller tongue soon fishing for his. The zebra fought his initial instincts to push the male off, and instead tried to pretend that it was a vixen with whom he was locking lips with. Ultimately, he resided on reminding himself that this was a dare, and only a dare; that this wasn't anything different from the team bonding sessions back in high school, save that there wasn't anything 'gay' about it like making out.

After about a minute of on-again off-again tongue wrestling, the vulpine finally slid back into his seat on the couch, instantly being rewarded with an intense kiss from Dmitri. "I was getting a little jealous over here," he teased once their lips broke contact. Absentmindedly, while watching his brother get it on with a guy, he had been rubbing his sheath through his pants. It only now became apparent as to how tight they had become once he stopped. After readjusting himself, he then pushed Felix against the back of the sofa, lips latching onto his sleek neck, causing to smaller boy to moan out; his large paws working the tight black shirt up his lithe form.

"I'll let you two get reacquainted," the other stallion muttered, still trying to rationalize the feisty make-out session he just had with another guy. Though watching his brother lick and suckle on the fox's orange pelt, that paw scritching the revealed white chest, made him almost jealous. He continued to stare as Felix bucked against the couch, yipping loudly once his mesh top was quickly yanked above his head and a set of large teeth began to graze his right nipple. Feeling something brush over the back of his paw, he looked down to see a plump, bushy tail curling and writhing around much like its owner. As though he couldn't stop himself, Vincent began to gently pet it, running the soft fur through his fingers.

"Oh no you don't!" Dmitri said with a smirk. Pulling away from the adorable body next to him, he gave his brother a slight jab to the thigh. "You are not just gonna sit there like a lump on a log while I do everything."

"And just what should I be doing?" Vincent replied back arrogantly, even though a part of him did want to be involved on some level.

"Be creative!" was the response, though his instructions fell on deaf ears as his twin sat there dumbfounded. Sighing loudly, it appeared as though he was going have to hold his brother's paw through this, or at least till he could form his own decisions. Using his paw to gently push a few strands of mane that had fallen across his face, Dmitri mumbled something to himself before motioning to his brother to approach him down at his level. Once the other stallion's head was staring him in the face as his blunt nose was pressed into the fox's belly, he started to talk; "Look," he said frankly, "just pretend that he's some chick. You've fooled around with those, haven't you?" he asked rhetorically. Getting a stern huff in return, "so just pretend she's really flat or something, I don't know. But I think he deserves a little two-on-one action, don't you?"

Left to his thoughts, he watched his brother return to gently suckling on the fox's nipple like a cub to their mother. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, he shifted closer still and hesitantly pressed his face into the fox's neck, their eyes meeting for a brief moment, the vulpine appearing surprised to see him there. "Hey..." Vincent said softly, a bit unsure of himself as he raised his head to gently lick along the rim of the closest ear.

A stifled groan echoed out of the smaller male's muzzle as the second set of lips descended over his body. "Hey yourself..." he responded between murrs of pleasure as the stallions moved in sync with each other. Reaching up with his left paw, Felix began to rub Vincent between the ears while the zebra kissed his way down the side of his orange face; his right went to Dmitri's head, massaging the steed just as he did his brother.

No words were said between the three as they slowly fell into comfort interacting with each other. The vulpine's senses were overwhelmed with lust's fire as he arched his back and yipped each time one stallion would hit a nerve on his trim body. Dmitri, the more outgoing of the two, had dominion over his chest; taking special time to roll the nubs of his nipples between the flat blades of his teeth while his paws roamed along the boy's thighs and tented package. Vincent, on the other hand, was the cautious type, staying safely within the bounds of his ears, face, neck, and left shoulder; but a sensual lover nonetheless. His paws remained playfully clutching his poofy tail, every so often brushing against his pert rear.

"This has got me so turned on!" Dmitri said as he licked his way down Felix's treasure trail to where it vanished into the hem of his pants. Not waiting to be helped, he began unbuttoning his shirt till the flaps of fabric opened to reveal his sculpted chest and six-pack abs. The zebra closed his eyes and moaned as he ran his fingertips up and down his own body, his hard breathing resembling a canine's panting.

The middle furr's eyes went wide as he betook the Adonis before him, "Damn, you must work out to be cut like that." Deciding switch things up a bit, he excused himself from the other stallion with no objections, pushed Dmitri's crimson colored shirt off, and threw it backwards at Vincent; who caught it on his muzzle. The smaller male then dove in and took the stud's large left nipple in his mouth. Trying to reenact the motions that were done on him, he trapped the larger nub between his sharp canines and bathed it in wet saliva.

After tossing his brother's shirt aside, Vincent took it upon to himself to rejoin the action. Leaning over, he took the fox's ear into his muzzle, teasing the inner pink flesh with the tip of his broad tongue. He then began to slowly inch his way down the back of his head, tossing the long braid over one shoulder to allow for clear and direct access to the back of his neck. Arching his back to cry out as pleasure swept through him like an electrical current, the fox made it that much easier for the zebra to nibble halfway down his spine till deciding to go back up and repeat the procedure. The two males that had someone working on their body let out varying sighs and moans as their foreplay continued, while the third male did his best to concentrate on being a pro his first time at the gay scene. That didn't mean he wasn't hard; heck, he had to pop the button on his slacks and pull the zipper down just to get some relief for his engorged member.

"Oh yeah foxie..." Dmitri cooed, his large paws lightly clasping Felix's shoulders as the boy shifted across his chest to the other nipple. Gently, he pressed the vulpine's soft muzzle to his torso, murring as his whiskers tickled those sculpted muscles hidden beneath his pelt. With his paws busy, the zebra was left to hump the air, his loose green slacks beginning to feel like a latex singlet against his hardened sheath. Reaching down to adjust himself periodically, he needed to make room for his impressively sized shaft and balls to move; however, there's a limit to how much would fit before he split a seam.

Chuckling, the smaller furr reached down to brush his warm pads over the severely tented pants, causing Dmitri to vibrate a deep moan from the back of his throat. "Feeling a little stuffed in there?" he teased, getting a huff of agreement in return. Stretching his other arm behind him, he felt along the other stallion's thigh till his fingertips came in contact with Vincent's silk boxers, a soft gasp leaving his muzzle as his fingers began circling the girth of what would grow to be his studhood; the thin material doing little to hide the veins that ran along the pulsating flesh. Unable to contain his desire, he released the nipple between his teeth with a playful lick before turned about-face and, pressing his muzzle against the other zerba's lips, continued to toy with the object of his fantasies. "You beat me too it..." he pouted playfully as he nibbled on the equine's lower lip.

Vincent's eyes went wide as the fox surprised him with a kiss, his black ears falling against the side of his head as he relaxed himself into the embrace. "Sorry..." he mumbled as Felix slid closer to him, "it was like a can of sardines in there." But his explanation didn't seem to matter to the fox, his warm paws beginning to press slightly firmer against his cock; the thin layer of blue cloth the only thing between them.

"I bet that isn't oil they're leaking all over his fingers," his brother said offhandedly, not really minding his joke net him only a few laughs. He was relieved that Felix's attention was elsewhere, he was getting too aroused far quicker than he had anticipated; he wanted this night to last a long time.

Noticing that he was the only one without a bare chest, Vincent slipped his paws under his clothing. "Should I take off my shirt too?" he asked. His progress was stopped, however, by ten dainty black fingers that pushed his arms down to his sides, while they ran up and down his chest; easily feeling his chiseled abs through the thin material.

"Don't," the vulpine said quickly, dragging his claws lightly over the fabric, making sure not to damage the logo in the process, "I think you look sexier with it on." Seeing the zebra listen to him, it cemented the idea that he was the ringleader of this circus with his main attractions being the twin stallions sitting on either side of him; and he planned on giving the audience their money's worth. So as one hand continued to run along the muscular contours of the male's six-pack, the other dipped back down to resume softly stroking his malehood.

A long awaited moan shook the stallion's form as he leaned back against the couch, his thick neck and wild mane vibrating with the sound. His body instinctively bucked against the soft pads that gently massaged his sensitive flesh through the thin material; a large wet spot already becoming apparent where the dripping head was attempting to free itself. "It feels like the rainforest in there," Vincent murred as the cloth, hot and damp with pre and perspiration, clung to his hardening member, making the outline of his impressive girth that much more obvious.

"Then allow me to release you." He glanced upwards to the equine with a lusty grin, the larger furr giving him a hesitant nod. And with that, a pair of fingers slid beneath the moist waistband of the stallion's boxers, brushing over the sensitive tip before tugging the material down to let the python of a cock slither free. "Dear lord!" Felix shouted before he could get a hold of himself, the semi-hard black serpent already bigger then himself at full mast in both girth and length, and it looked as though the stallion still had room to grow. Using the width of his paws as a rough estimate as his warm pads took hold of the sheath's silky pelt, Vincent was already about nine inches. Softly fondling the larger furr, he got a clear look at the massively sized orbs that hung between his toned legs. The two orange-sized spheres lay nestled in a fuzzy white-and-black stripped sac that would've swung freely between his legs had he been standing; but instead, served merely to plump up the proportions of the equine's genitals.

"I take it that means he approves?" Vincent asked his brother as he lifted his hips to allow the vulpine to pull his pants and boxers down his legs. As the boy eagerly slid the garments down those muscular thighs, more of the zebra's creamy white fur came into view, the pale albino pelt interlaced with solid black stripes that curved over his form like a leotard. The obsidian lines vanished under his orange t-shirt, the wavy shapes drawing one's eyes down to thick tube of flesh that pulsated with each breath the zebra inhaled.

"I think you broke him...I mean, look at the way he's drooling," Dmitri teased, watching the fox quickly brush over his lips with the back of his paw and wipe the excess spittle on the sofa cushions below. But in truth, he too was starting admiringly at his twin's thick cock, its firming shaft arching up from his groin only to curve downwards due to its weight, the dripping head lying slumped against his right thigh. A small dribble of pre could be seen leaking from the engorged tip to form a puddle on the stallion's leg.

"Oh I hope it isn't permanent," he snickered, flexing his large member with all three watching it flop back and forth in his lap. Reaching down, he gently squeezed his thick shaft, drawing his sheath up and down the black flesh as another small droplet formed on the crown and tantalizingly slid down. Felix continued to drool as though the stud's monochrome colored crotch had him hypnotized. "Well, if he's broken..." Vincent said with a smirk, "I guess there's nothing left for me to do here. So, I'll see you back at home," he teased, pretending he was getting up to leave.

A high pitched, almost feminine, squeal escaped the vulpine's lips as he lunged forwards to grab the stallion by base of his cock, tugging him back into his seat. "Oh no you don't!" he cried out, pressing his left elbow into Vincent's thigh as though that would actually keep from moving if he really wanted to go.

Both equines chuckled at Felix's actions, the fox's face flushing in quick response. "Looks like the kid has a death grip on your python," Dmitri teased, leaning over the orange shoulder to take a closer look at his actions before settling back onto his side of the couch to give them room. The words seemed to bring the vulpine out of his trance, the realization of what he held snapping back. His grip instantly softened, the boy's warm fingers began gently gliding up and down the thick base instead, his other paw supporting his weight on the zebra's right thigh.

Vincent curled his lips back and hissed though his large teeth as those soft pads felt like a gentle breeze against his sensitive flesh. "You didn't have to tell me that," he retorted, stretching out along the sofa while the fox slowly worked his shaft. He had to admit, the russet colored furr certainly did know his way around the cock, better then most of the ladies he had slept with. "I was afraid he'd cut off the blood supply and have me turning blue," he commented, hesitantly rubbing Felix between his perked black ears. Smiling nervously, he watched the fox's eyes light up from the display of affection.

"That's not the only thing that'd be turning blue," Felix said slyly, his pads brushing across the velveteen skin of the stallion's seed laden sac. He heard the familiar sound of stiffened moans; the horse above him closed his eyes and gently pushed his member back and forth between the male's delicate fingers. Vincent's substantial equipment must have been around eleven thick inches by now and still expanding. It wasn't until the sound of playful nickering from behind reached his ears that the fox took his eyes off of his glorious prize to turn and see Dmitri laughing at his brother's predicament. "I think someone's a bit jealous," he said flatly before spinning around. In the same moment that he released one cock, he had his paws down the other zebra's slacks to take a firm took hold of the other large pulsating shaft.

This time it was Vincent who laughed he caught sight of his brother's surprised face at being so suddenly fondled, his ample sized member bouncing freely against his shirt. Dmitri's body arched and bellowed a loud groan as his malehood finally got some much needed attention. With his paws gripping large portions of the couch, he felt the fox reach down deeper, grasping at his balls. "I'm not sure I'd have lasted much longer before busting my fly," he sighed once Felix had released his thick cock from the tight confines of his slacks, which were easily pushed down to his ankles like his brother's.

What popped out of the stud's slacks solidified to Felix that this was actually happening, his fingers hesitating before reaching out to gently wrap around the thick base. Requiring both paws to hold the slippery piece of meat aloft, Dmitri was much more aroused than his twin, and the fox had a look into tonight's future at nearly thirteen inches of horse meat sprouting from the monochrome crotch. It appeared that it could still grow another inch or so, but it was impressive nonetheless. The head seemed ready to flare at any moment as beads of pre, like a continuous fountain, dripped down the ebony colored column to give additional shine to an already perfect masterpiece. Using his fingertips, he traced the shaft back to the black and white stripped sheath, before cupping the similarly colored sac, rolling his huge orbs around in his palm. "Seems he got you pretty excited too," Vincent said offhandedly, glancing over at the pair momentarily before looking away, not wanting to appear as though he was staring at his sibling's cock.

"That's calling the kettle black...or rather, black and white," joked Dmitri, insinuating to the now foot long tube of flesh that jutted from his twin's crotch at a ninety degree angle. Though, those were the last understandable words that left the zebra's mouth. Because Felix had followed up that statement by dragging the tip of his tongue from just under the lip of the black sheath, up along the outer curve of the equine's cock, to swivel around the leaking head. A plethora of rambling moans, whimpers, and whinnies escaped from Dmitri's throat as he slouched down into the couch; his half-lidded eyes straining to focus on the sight before him of the fox pleasantly licking on his member like a lollypop. That silky red muscle dipping in and out of his cock's slit to contently lap up the pool of pre while the boy's paws tugged ever-so-gently at the pair of low-hanging orbs trapped between his massive thighs.

Looking up into the face of the pleased stallion, Felix offered a big pair of puppy-dog eyes as he continued to lick the thick shaft like it was his favorite bone. The zebra's musk was subtle and earthy; the taste of nature overwhelmed his senses as he bathed the ebony spire with his tongue. "I wonder if I can take it all?" the fox contemplated while he slathered the shaft in a coat of saliva. He could feel the pulses of the zebra's heart through the large cock in his muzzle; his tongue pressed against the underside of the black shaft as he slowly began to lower his head down towards the larger male's crotch.

"There's no way he can do it," Vincent muttered under his breath, looking on from the other side of the couch; gently stroking his thick length, his eyes ever so often straying to watch Felix attempt to deep throat his sibling's impressive piece of meat. Keeping his paws to himself, he sat on his side of the couch and wasn't about to touch the fox without his brother going first. He wasn't gay after all. But, it seemed that the more he told himself the vulpine couldn't do it, the more inches the zebra watched him manage to sink down his gullet.

Dmitri too, was impressed with Felix's oral abilities, though his admiration came in the form of long, moaning, whines and knickers rather then actual words. His eyes, half closed with pleasure, watched the fox bob his head on a little more then half of his thick shaft while his black fingers vigorously pawed off what he couldn't reach with his tongue. "Geez..." the horse said in a drawn out mumble, feeling Felix's muzzle suckle more of him with each passing moment. His pre coated the boy's mouth, but nonetheless the fox pushed on, and soon he felt the blunt head press against the back of the male's mouth. " don't have t-OoOooh," the zebra said, his words interrupted by a large moan. Once it subsided, he reached out to gently pet the pert black ears, "you don't have to prove anything."

Slipping the thick cock from between his lips, Felix sat back to get a better look at Dmitri's face. His fingers gently played with the trembling shift, smearing a thin coat of the zebra's own pre across the surface. "But..." he said softly, lust overloading his system, "I want to." Before either of the twins could voice an objection, he drew the flaring tip back into his mouth, swiveling his tongue across the slit much to the enjoyment of its owner. The fingers on his ears squeezed hard as he heard Dmitri bellow a large neigh, which soon turned into several, the fox taking more and more of the member into his maw. Once again the tip was at the back of his muzzle, but he didn't stop there, nearly gagging as the first inch forced its way into his throat. He was forced to pull off for a second to cough ait, but lunged right back on; managing to suppress gag reflex as he took the black and white python down his throat. The male above him tensed at first, seemingly unable to express what it was like to have the rhythmic compression of muscles milking the pre right out of the tap.

"Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shi-ahhhh..." his words interrupted as a second inch followed the first into the boy's gullet. The eldest of the twins resisted the urge to buck his hips into Felix's muzzle, but as the ridged throat began to take more of his shaft inside, it became increasingly difficult. Dmitri's hooves were planted firmly on the floor, his two massive paws resting on the youngest male's head gently rubbing the amber colored pelt. Before he knew it, he felt the sensation of someone's tongue lapping at the underside of his sheath along with tickling his sac. Looking down, he was in shock to not see his cock, but rather a very full fox nursing on his lap. "Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck...Oh fuck, he did it!" the equine exclaimed in gasping breathes, his body convulsing with pleasures he had never felt before.

Vincent's eyes were as wide as dinner plates taking in the sight before him. His mouth hanging agape, coupled with the blank stare, had him looking like a very pathetic gargoyle. "God...DAMN!" the zebra gawked, his paws absentmindedly stroking his own impressively sized cock. "He did it. The little fucker actually managed to take it all in!"

His twin felt like his member had sunk into a tunnel full of pulsating, rhythmic, waves of muscle desiring nothing short of but to milk him dry of seed. Despite Dmitri's mind floating amongst sheer euphoria, he retained enough sense about him not to push his hips; the last thing he needed was to have to explain to the police how he managed to kill someone with his cock. "Impressed, are we little brother?" he asked through gritted teeth and baited breath, his eyes open just enough to see the blurry outline of his kin.

The equine not being attended rolled his eyes and gave a hearty ‘humpf', tossing his mane back behind him. "I don't think I'd go that far...shocked, mostly." Despite his feigned uninterested and rolling eyes, he continued to watch the vulpine suckle on his brother's massive shaft. Despite the dense white fur that covered the underside of the boy's neck, he could see his throat straining to accommodate the girth. His black paws were gently caressing the other horse's sac, while at the same time giving him leverage to raise and lower his muzzle so that he could cover the 14 inches with his saliva.

"Let me guess..." Dmitri managed to groan, taking notice of the way his brother was watching Felix's movements; "no girl has ever managed to take your thick tool down her dainty little throat."

"Not one," Vincent replied matter-of-factly.

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. "No surprise there," he sighed, softly chuckling. A loud moan came to his lips once the laughter left; feeling the fox readjust himself so that he could slither his tongue between his teeth and the base of his cock to delve into the equine's sheath. With muscles continuing to compress his meat, Felix's throat drew him closer to the edge. He didn't want this to end too soon. Regretfully, he tapped the vulpine on the head, right between the ears with the back of a finger. "Felix?"

Slowly, the smallest of the three males opened his eyes to glance up at the zebra with those large brown orbs. Putting his paws on the male's thighs, he began to push himself away till he felt the flaring head leave the tight confines of his throat, both males groaning simultaneously. His soft fingers held onto each inch as it came out of his muzzle, stroking the slick meat with a gentle grip. "Yeah, stud?" Felix asked, licking the penis much like one would a giant lollipop once the entirety had slipped free of his lips; paying special attention to the sensitive tip.

Dmitri whinnied, his body shivering with pleasure enough so that his cock twitched in the boy's grasp. "Be a dear would you..." the zebra began, shifting in his seat so as to slide his aching shaft out of the vulpine's easy reach, "and give my twin a demonstration of your...err...talents."

Sitting up between the two naked stallions, the fox brushed back his hair, licked his lips, and focused on the other slice of beefcake being served his way. "It would be my pleasure." Chuckling, he dragged his claws over the t-shirt covered torso of the male to his left; auburn eyes focusing on the large piece of meat jutting out before him, the way the equine's labored breathing caused it to bob up and down.

"Wh-what? Wait!" Vincent stuttered, now being placed in the spotlight. "Th-That's not really necessary ya' know." Eyeing the vulpine carefully, his look spoke of apprehensive concern rather then the lustful desire in Felix's eyes. The fox's white muzzle was damp with saliva and pre, his naked upper half coated with a light layer of perspiration that amplified his faint, yet distinct, musk compared to that of the horses.

"Think of it as a gift then," Felix said, dragging his fingers along the rippling muscles of the zebra's abs to reach the velveteen, monochrome colored thighs. Leaning over the equine's lap, his free paw taking a gentle hold of the male's cock, he gave one painfully smooth lick from base to tip; a devilish smirk imprinted on his muzzle.

"Well, can Dmitri return it for store credit then? I mean, I don-OOoooohh..." his words interrupted, as the vulpine's tongue lashed over his sensitive glands, sending shivers down the stallion's body. His large brown eyes slowly rolled closed, a deep rumbling sigh left his mouth as he slouched against the couch's arm. As much as the zebra hated to admit it, it was obvious that Felix knew what he was doing; probably due to a vast amount of experience on the subject.

The fox felt his pride swell watching the equine appear as if to melt into the couch beneath him, but bending in half to get at Vincent's cock was giving his back a serious kink. To alleviate his aches and pains, he swung his right leg up and over to hook his knee around the back of the couch, which left him rather spread-eagle facing the rest of te room. Still, it left him with plenty of space to stretch over the zebra's waist and continue suckling. "Just relax big boy. Let little ole' me take care of this for you," he cooed, getting whimpering knicker in return.

Dmitri found it a rather cruel source of entertainment, watching his twin struggle to comprehend the guy milking his balls for him instead of a chick. His paws absentmindedly began stroking his own torrid length, and he became increasingly anxious to get in on the action as the fox's head began bobbing up and down on his brother's cock. He wasn't the wallflower that his sibling was, and decided on becoming an active participant. Reaching over, he made quick work of the snap atop the vulpine's jeans, groping the fox's crotch through the ripped pants as he did so. With a gentle tug, the pants came down to the fox's ankles, revealing a fire engine red thong nearly bursting with his erection. Pooling the black denim on the floor, he leaned over to nip at Felix's plump sheath through the thin, crimson, material.

The smaller male's muzzle was too busy taming the other stallion's massive rod to say anything about the treatment he was getting; least of all, an objection. Every time he felt Dmitri's moist breath against his crotch, he'd lift his hips towards the source, silently begging for attention while he serviced his brother. For with each attempt to drag the leaking tip between his lips, the zebra would pull it back just enough to bonk the boy on his nose with his dribbling head. Getting tired of his meal teasing him, the fox latched both paws around the base of his shaft and held it still while he suckled on the head, caressing the torrid flesh with his long tongue. He heard Vincent moan loudly above him at first, then again once the flaring black tip descended into his already stretched throat.

Taking his eyes off of the fox in his lap, Vincent couldn't bear to watch himself be pleasured by a male; stupid bet. Glancing off to the side for a better view, he ended up locking eyes with his brother, whose muzzle was buried in the smaller male's crotch. Words weren't needed to tell what the other was saying; stubbornly, he turned away so as to not give Dmitri the satisfaction of seeing his enjoyment. Then again, someone had only to glance at his stiff cock to tell that Felix's mouth was working its magic on him.

Dmitri snickered under his breath, coating the fox's speedo-styled underwear in a thin layer of warm, moist air. Hungering for a taste, he grabbed the rim of the thong between his large front teeth and slowly began to pull down, eliciting a small muffled squeal from Felix as he dragged the tight cloth over his stiff erection. Once he had freed the ivory furred sheath, sac, and crimson shaft, the equine used his paws to finish lowering it past his toes; letting it fall to the floor. "Looks good enough to eat..." the zebra commented before leaning and giving one long lick from base to tapered head. He felt the boy shiver under him as his tongue began polishing his prized family jewels. Soon enough he had Felix's entire length in his muzzle being serviced by the constricting muscles of his throat; a horse of his size had no problem taking his cock to the hilt.

They continued that way for several more minutes with Dmitri blowing Felix; Felix blowing Vincent; and Vincent staring up at the ceiling trying his best not to enjoy it, though his body betrayed him. As much as the whole scenario with his brother and this fox disgusted him, he was still horny as hell. "Oh fuck," the stallion groaned, "I'm gonna blow my load." His breathing hastened, getting deeper and stronger as his seed-laden balls began to draw upwards, the familiar sensations enveloping him as he was pushed closer and closer towards his orgasm. But just as he was about to stopped.

Under the eyes of the zebra above him, glazed-over and unfocused with pleasure, Felix had slipped the impressively sized slab of meat from his gullet, returning it to the colder ambient air around them that sent shivers up the stallion's spine. "Can't have that, now can we?" he said gasping for breath, getting reacquainted with breathing. With his muzzle free, he murred and moaned as his own cock was serviced by the other equine's throat. His eyes shutting tightly as his body bucked helplessly against Dmitri's large lips, his large black paw pressed firmly on his cream colored chest to keep him still.

"What?" Vincent exasperated, his body so close to release, instead having to settle for a few futile jerks in the vulpine's black paws, "Why the hell not?" It wasn't just because he was really horny, which he was; if the fox had let him shoot his seed, he would have fulfilled his side of the bargain and been free from their agreement.

"Because," Felix replied matter-of-factly, "I want you to fuck me."

"You want me to what?" the stallion exclaimed loudly, attempting to shift away, but the boy's grip on his cock had him trapped like a dog on a leash.

"I believe what he said was, and correct me if I'm wrong Felix, that he wants you to mount him like a filly," his twin said. Having slipped the fox's cock, now glistening with saliva, from his muzzle during the exchange, he greedily licked his lips of the vulpine's sweet pre and looked up at his reflection.

Shaking his head, the zebra neighed loudly, his black and white mane tossing wildly behind him. "I know what he said!" he declared, staring at his sibling in defiance. He wasn't a colt anymore and he didn't need to be babied by his ‘older' brother.

" did ask," the fox replied slowly.

Turning his frustrations on the vulpine, Vincent's large black eyes narrowed to thin slits of solid obsidian. "Oh shut up, will you!"

"Hey!" the other stallion said, rallying to the fox's defenses, "don't talk to our host like that."

"Oh, screw you Dmitri! This was more your idea then his, not that he seems to be complaining about how things turned out. Nonetheless, I've gotten sick of this. I'm leaving..." And with that, Vincent slid Felix off of his lap, and stood up from the couch with his cock jutting out at a 45-degree angle like a steel beam.

"You aren't going anywhere brother dearest!" The other equine remained seated while talking to his sibling, his paw gently caressing the fox's taught little rear. "You made this deal, and while I'm not going to get up and physically restrain you again, which would be tantamount to rape, just know that if you work out of that door, I'll be more then happy to change our bet. If you thought this was bad, just wait till I make you dress up in a little pink maid's outfit and have you prancing all over the house dusting and cleaning. Felix will be there, and I'll remind him to bring along a it?"

That stopped the fleeing stallion in his tracks. Everything his brother said rang true; even if he left tonight, he'd have to come home eventually, and Dmitri would be waiting with an even worse punishment. Vincent was forced to ask himself if this thing...if fucking some guy's ass...was worse then his sibling's threats. And in the end, against his wishes it seemed, he was forced to choose the former over the latter of the two. "What do you want me to do?" he asked coldly, arms crossed over his broad chest still covered in the t-shirt, face towards the door.

"Now that's a good boy!" Dmitri said, chiding his brother while raising his paw, and before his sibling could react, gave him a hardy slap on the ass; causing those mounds of black and white flesh to jiggle like firm custard. The smack echoed through the room, the other two males not daring to say anything; Felix because for fear of getting pummeled by the large equine for laughing, and Vincent for not wanting to give his twin the satisfaction of hearing him acknowledge the shock.

After a minute or so of stunned silence, the fox reached up to gently rub the standing zebra's left cheek where his brother had hit him. Gently massaging the area, he noticed the faint red outline of a palm against the monochromatic colored fur. "Shhh, don't be startled big boy," he cooed, playing with the equine's tail as he spoke, "no one's going to hurt you." And just to further tease the high-strung sibling, he began to encircle the base of his tail with his paw, purposefully slipping a claw closer to his rosebud.

Feeling a finger glide towards his sacred entrance, Vincent quickly spun around to look Felix square in the eye, swiping his paw away from him in the process. "Alright, alright," he growled under his breath, "let's get this over with."

"That's the spirit! Now, just follow my lead," and with that, the fox reached out to take the zebra by the base of his thick cock; gently guiding him like a dog by his leash, he moved towards the edge of the couch. Despite being turned-off by the whole experience, the vulpine admired the size of the semi-flaccid tube of flesh between his fingers.

Offering no resistance, Vincent submitted and followed a step behind the ringmaster in what was slowly becoming a three-ring circus. Looking around, he noticed that his twin hadn't moved from his seat on the couch. "You aren't coming?"

"Nah..." Dmitri replied with a shrug. Sitting up, he gently stroked his torrid length, watching the events unfold around him. "I wanna give you your time to shine."

"Gee, thanks big bro."

Shrugging nonchalantly, a knowing smirk plastered on his muzzle. "It's no problem at all. But it seems like my brother's keeper would like to get your attention back." A soft flick of his fingers motioned towards the fox.

"What you do me-...Oh." His sentence stopped mid-word as he turned around to see Felix already bent over the arm of the sofa. Vincent's eyes watched the vulpine lean back, and with his paws, take the black tip of his otherwise rust orange tail, hiking it back to reveal the creamy white underside and plum colored rosebud; appearing to wink with every breath. "Do I have to?" he asked reluctantly, hands going up to shield his eyes from the sight as though he were looking directly at the sun.

"Yes," Felix replied briskly, shaking his plump rump against the zebra's upturned palm, which was all that was keeping his tailhole from impaling itself on his cock.

Whining softly, he made one more last-ditch effort for clemency from his brother, "Really?"

"Little pink maid's outfit," Dmitri replied, just enough to get his point across.

With all of his options gone, Vincent was forced to face one rather unpleasant fact...he was going to fuck a guy. Looking down at his target, laid bare between two bushy white cheeks, he took a deep breath as he stepped between the fox's legs and placed the leaking tip of his stallion-hood up against Felix's tailhole. Closing his eyes, he busied telling himself not to stress, that it was just going to be like having sex with a girl; that as long as Felix stayed face down against the arm of the couch, he wasn't Felix anymore...he was Felicia. With that he took a deep breath, muttered, " goes nothing" under his breath and began to apply pressure.

Despite having just gobbled down Vincent's cock not five minutes prior, Felix was still impressed by its sheer girth as it tried to worm its way under his tail. The boy groaned as he relaxed his entire body, feeling the blunt head press harder against his puckered rosebud. For a brief, tranquil moment there was no discomfort, no pain; suddenly, with a slight give, and without anymore warning, the flared tip broke through his sphincter and buried two inches into his ass. "Holy fucking shit!" the fox cried, eyes bulging out of his skull, his head jutting forwards.

"You could say that again," Vincent groaned, one paw guiding his cock in, the other holding the vulpine steady under him. He didn't need a crystal ball to tell him this boy wasn't a virgin; that didn't mean he wasn't tight. Steadying himself after being overcome by the initial pleasure of sinking his horse-hood into new territory, he waited for a sign that he should continue pushing. He quickly realized that he was being too nice about it. For if he truly wanted to be done as quickly as possible, he'd throw caution to the wind and rut the fox like the mare he so wanted to be...Fuck his noble character.

Observing from where he sat on the opposite side of the couch, Dmitri could only grin while he stroked his stiff cock with his right paw, the left thrown over the back of the couch to steady himself. "You look so priceless right now," the zebra teased, watching his brother's furrowed brow narrow in his direction. Truth be told, seeing his sibling mounting another guy was nothing short of the biggest turn-on he could imagine; especially when the bottom was such a tender little fox.

"Oh shut up..." the vulpine groaned between clenched teeth as the sausage in his backside slithered another inch under his tense tail. Felix felt his breath grow raspy as he was pushed into the side of the couch, pressing his dripping foxhood against the crushed velvet of the arm's upholstery. Reaching behind, he pulled back on his tail to urge the stallion to thrust in harder, before sliding his digits across the nearly foot of thick horsemeat still left hanging outside of his rosebud. Feeling the next section of cock slide into him, his entire body shivered and convulsed amid his squeaking cries of wonton lust.

"You're one to talk," Vincent replied, his eyes looking up towards the ceiling to avoid seeing his dick disappearing into the boy's ass. Each time Felix spoke, it broke his concentration in pretending that the little creature below him was of the female gender. Taking another small step foreword, he felt more of his cock sink into the hot confines under him, and couldn't help but hiss between his large, flat, front teeth.

The foxboy groaned as the next inch sunk in, forcing his body once again up against the side of the couch, his paws on either side of his chest to help brace for impact. This left his shaft leaky and unattended; making for a very uncomfortably aroused vulpine. Requiring a distraction from the throbbing in his backside, Felix looked up to see Dmitri pawing off on the opposite side of the couch, eyes falling once again on the substantial piece of meat between his legs. "Get over here stud," he beckoned, tongue clicking against the back of his front fangs.

Not being one to refuse an offer, the zebra merely smiled and scooted closer to the pinned furr. "You called?" he teased, flexing his cock just out of the fox's reach. He got away with it twice before Felix took a firm hold at the base and pulled the blunt head between his drooling lips, instantly dousing the thick black rod in a fresh coat of saliva. Dmitri moaned, throwing his head back and shaking his mane wildly as he restrained from bucking into the poor boy's muzzle; his shaft quickly sinking into the recently stretched muscles of his throat.

Vincent, who was busy occupying the opposite end of the fox, had just passed the halfway point, still having another six and a half inches of thick cock to stuff under the boy's tail. Frankly, his patience was wearing thin; this was taking far longer then he thought it would take to be in, out, and done with. "Fuck this..." the groaned, slipping all the way out of Felix's backside till only the flat head remained hidden.

The vulpine was certainly no amateur, and he knew very well what was about to happen. Looking up at the stallion, his mouth currently full of zebra flesh, his eyes spoke to what he was feeling; who gave his silent words a voice. "Vincent wait! Don't-"

Unfortunately, it came too late; he watched his sibling's hips slam forwards into the cream colored, upturned rump, drilling his entire thick shaft deep into forbidden territory. The stallion moaned in pleasure while the fox gagged in pain, struggling to breathe around the cock in his gullet. His large paws gripping either side of the lithe body under him, taking a firm hold of his hips to prepare for mating. "What?" he asked his brother, as if finding it rude to interrupt him.

Having pulled out of the fox's throat once he heard him coughing, Dmitri watched sympathetically as the smaller male hacked up spit and pre after recovering from the sudden gag reflex. "Jesus bro..." he grumbled, rubbing Felix reassuringly between his ears as he spoke, "you nearly killed him. What gave you the stupid idea of sheathing that lethal weapon of yours between his legs like that?"

"Well, he wanted me to fuck him. So..." and with that, he swiveled his hips in small circles, making the fox yip loudly and squirm helplessly against the couch, "I'm fucking him."

"But..." Dmitri began to say.

"But what?" his twin countered, "You don't hear him complaining about it, do you?"

At that, the zebra sitting on the couch looked towards the fox's face which rested just above his crotch, his expression caught between euphoria and agony. ""

"So the little fag's probably enjoying this whole thing, aren't ya?" he asked with a gentle swat to Felix's bottom, making the fox yip softly. A minute of silence followed while Vincent waited for his answer. "Now now, there's no need to be shy after all this time," he cooed, deriving some satisfaction from this game. Grinding his hips against the fox, who yelped in surprise, his large sac smacking into the smaller orange one as he pushed the thick base even farther into him; "Go on, tell him that you want this."

For the first time in a long while, Felix felt embarrassed to admit his lustful desires. Despite having wanted this all along, granted, originally from Dmitri, but the particulars didn't matter at this point, it was still hard to look up into the zebra's face and confess it out loud. Then again, to deny it after this long would be useless; his crimson ears giving it all away anyways. "I want this..." he groaned between clenched teeth as the massive intrusion in his rear brushed against his prostate.

"Aww...come on," the stallion behind him chuckled, "I know you can do better then that." Letting go of the smaller male for a second with his right paw, he used a finger to gently trace around the rim of his cock where it stretched the horny fox's rosebud. "Tell me how you really feel."

"Alright, alright!" the fox cried out as the blunt head pressed firmly against the wound up little ball of fire buried in his backside as his own leaking shaft released a jet of pre to soak the couch's fabric. "I want that glorious thick cock between your legs buried deep into my tight little tailhole! I want you to mate me like a stallion takes his mare! I want you to!"

"Your wish is my command!" Vincent replied valiantly. Pulling his hips back till only the semi-flared head remained trapped inside, he quickly slammed forwards with increased vigor; causing the small boy below him to howl as his body was pushed towards the stallion sitting across from him. Quickly settling into a rhythm, the large zebra found it no trouble at all to pound away at the male's backside once his mind was clouded over in a mist of dominance and lust. He even began enjoying watching his sleek black member slip in and out from between the fox's white-furred ass cheeks

Dmitri winced and turned away as Felix cried out and moaned while he bucked against the side of the couch, his amber eyes squinting closed. "God damn it bro..." he said dismissively, "you're gonna kill the poor boy."

"Hey, he asked for it," his sibling countered.

"Well, yeah..." the other equine admitted slowly. Having focused solely on his brother, Dmitri was momentarily surprised to feel the sensation of something wet and warm bathing the tip of his cock. Glancing down, he watched as the small crimson tongue left the rust orange muzzle to gently lap at a stream of pre the was drizzling down the side of his shaft. "F-Felix..." he stuttered, his voice weak with pleasure as two soft, black paws took hold of the base of his shaft, pulling it towards his mouth; "You...You don't have t-to-oooo...Oh," the stallion moaned as he felt the head of his cock quickly descend past his tongue and into the boy's throat. The feeling of those muscles working in series to milk his hard flesh caused him to slowly push against the fox's puckered lips.

The twins continued to play with the smaller vulpine, sinking their cocks in at either end of him as though they were roasting him on a spit over an open flame. As one brother would pull out, the other would push in, creating an alternating piston-ing pattern. Vincent was forceful, slamming his cock deep within Felix's body, making him yelp each time it was brought to a hilt under his tail; yet despite the initial pain, every time it brushed against his prostate, he would leak just a bit more onto the couch supporting his weight. Dmitri had a softer touch, when it came to the fox's mouth he'd barely move, letting the vulpine do what he wished and for how long; the last thing he wanted to do was choke the poor kit.

Beads of sweat rolled down each furrowed brow as the two zebras huffed and grunted as the male between them brought them each closer to orgasm. Breaking the rhythm they had set up, Vincent grunted and halted his movements. "Oh fuck...I'm close." Panting, he used one paw to wipe his forehead, and the other to steady the vulpine's ass as he started to slowly withdraw his thick cock form the tight entrance.

Feeling the pressure under his tail diminishing, Felix slipped his lips off from around the shaft in his mouth to glance over his shoulder at the stallion behind him. "Why are you pulling out, stud?"

"What do you mean, ‘why'?" he responded, narrowing his eyes at the question, "I'm not gonna cum in some dude's ass!" And with that, the flared head popped out of the boy's ass causing a small dribble of pre to run down the back of the fox's thigh.

"B-B-B-Bu-Bu-But..." the fox stuttered, trying to catch his breath as his pucker, once stretched to its limit by the girth of the equine's cock, now tensed around only thin air. His tail, however, remained stiff and inviting as if held back by an invisible paw. The small male shivered once cool air brushed over his naked body, no longer protected by the large stallion. "Please..." he pleaded.

"Come on bro," Dmitri said, scratching Felix under the chin, "can't you see that he's begging for your seed? It's not like you're going to get him pregnant or something."

Rolling his eyes, Vincent placed his paw sternly on the fox's rump, keeping him from pushing back onto his cock. "That isn't the point," he replied bluntly. With no further interruptions from the other two, he began to slide the thick, black tower of flesh up and down the boy's ass crack. Rocking back and forth, his low hanging balls slapping against Felix's smaller pair with a loud ‘smack', he let out a low reverberating moan.

Closing his eyes, the fox quickly refocused on the cock resting in front of his nose, quickly suckling it back between his lips. The musky scent of the equine's crotch was overwhelming. For a moment, he forgot about the other penis rubbing between his cheeks, for there was no pressure in his ass to remind him. It wasn't until there came a loud nickering from behind him that his mind, fogged over in lust, recalled the stallion thrusting against his backside.

Amid his soft moans, the zebra looked away from the small rust colored male who was nursing his cock to glance up at his twin. A small smile parted his puckered lips as he watched the other stallion arch his back, his large flat teeth grinding together, knuckles firmly gripping Felix's rear as his orgasm overtook him; in the back of Dmitri's mind, he wondered if that's what he looked like when he was about to cum. Because seconds later, he watched each glistening stream of cum as it left his kin's manhood.

"Here I go!" Vincent announced, throwing his head back while his body jutted forwards and his ivory seed arced over the fox's upturned tail to splatter across his back. Line after line of white cream fired from the zebra's pulsating flesh cannon to mark the vulpine under him, till there was a large puddle in the small of his back. Pushing his sensitive cock against the furry ass before him, he wiped the last few dribbles of cum that ran down the side of his shaft onto the back of the orange thigh. An exhausted sigh left his large muzzle as he took a minute to calm down, his adrenaline was high and his endorphins were off the charts.

Felix winced as he felt the warm fluid on his back drip down his sides, to seep into the couch and carpet below; that's going to be a bitch to get out of his pelt, he thought. He would've actually voiced his disappointment had his muzzle not been full of cock, a huge tasty one at that. Luckily, however, Dmitri once again took up the torch in his defense. "Did you really have to do that?" he asked, petting the fox between the ears again as the boy bobbed up and down on his impressive length. The zebra felt the vulpine's tongue swivel over the last few inches, licking at the lip of his sheath while the fat head was being squeezed by the fox's throat that drank his pre right from the tap.

Pushing against the black and white striped thighs before him, Felix watched the black cock slowly reappear from his muzzle; grunting, he eventually felt it wedge free of his throat. Once the last inch had passed his lips, he gave it a soft lick from base to tip, catching any small droplets of pre that were to drip onto the couch below. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at Dmitri, his face flushing, "Thanks." Then, he realized, he no longer felt two large paws on either side of his hips. Turning around, his ears caught the sound of fabric rustling seconds before his eyes saw Vincent drawing his boxers up his legs; a wet spot on the front rather apparent. "Where are you going?" he asked, still bent over in the same position the stallion left him.

"Out," he replied curtly. Walking over, he snapped his jeans off of the chair where they were tossed and started to work his left leg through.

"Why?" Felix asked, his tail swishing back and forth, "we haven't finished yet."

"You two haven't...I have," the stallion corrected him. Pulling his jacket over the t-shirt, he quickly zipped up and headed towards the door, throwing a few bucks on the kitchen counter as he passed for the pizza. "I told you, I ain't into this queer shit."

Standing up for the first time in nearly ten minutes, the fox's legs felt weak, not to mention bowlegged form the pounding he just took. "Wait, can't we talk about this firs-"

"Just let him go," Dmitri instructed, placing a paw gently on the vulpine's bare shoulder, signaling him to drop the subject.

"Yo-You're just gonna let him walk out like this?" the fox asked, unsure why it bothered him so much that Vincent was leaving just after plowing his tailhole; not like it hasn't happened before.

The zebra looked from the vulpine's face to focus on his brother, who was already vanishing behind the door. Their eyes met for the briefest of seconds, a silent, intense showdown between two prized stallions. This time it seemed that Dmitri was the one to blink as he turned back to Felix, "...Yes." With that, the door slammed closed and the two males were left alone in the Daily household.

The fox's shoulders hunched forwards as a draft of cool outside air washed over him in the few seconds the front door was open. Not to mention, the wet trickling of the stallion's seed down his ass and over the back of his calves; which sent shivers up his spine. Unwilling to soil the family's semi-new carpet, Felix retreated to the kitchen where he grabbed a few paper towels and began to dry off his thighs. "Aren't you going too?" he asked while bent over to clean off his rump, a tang of bitterness in his words.

"Now, why would you say that?" Dmitri replied, feigning some pain as if the boy's words stung like a slap across the cheek. The equine watched the vulpine in front of him as he cleaned up, his large black lenses taking in the sight of those sleek, sinewy curves and well groomed pelt; not to mention the hard crimson cock jutting from his crotch and ever-inviting ass.

The fox shrugged and slowly stood up, he twisted his head around to see how much seed still clung to his back. "You're twins, right? Don't you guys do everything together?"

"Most things," the stallion admitted from his seat. Getting up quietly, and while Felix's head was turned, walked directly towards him, his hard shaft standing straight as a steel beam. "But, unlike Vincent, I am into this queer shit." With that, he grasped the boy by his shoulders, spun him around, pulled him onto his tippy-toes, and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss.

The fox had no time to question the zebra's words before he was silenced by two large lips covering his. Looking up into the large face pressed against his, he couldn't help but drop the towels and warp his arms around the thick neck above him, fingers taking a firm hold of the black and white mane. His eyes closed as his ears splayed against the side of his skull. Opening his muzzle, Dmitri's flat tongue quickly found its way inside, making both males murr with pleasure. Suddenly, he felt two arms encircle his waist, and a second later, his feet left the carpet; held aloft by the tight embrace.

The smaller male felt himself being carried; where to, he didn't know since the face of the zebra all but obstructed his view. When the kiss finally broke, both boys were all smiles as the fox reached up with a black paw to brush the side of the stripped stallion's face. "Glad to hear it," he squeaked softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of Dmitri's neck, feeling completely safe in the equine's arms.

With a quick slip of the paws, the zebra had him by the armpits rather than around the waist. Lifting him a bit higher, Dmitri backed up till he felt the chair pressing against the back of his calves before sitting down. Once the soft cushion conformed to his behind, he slowly lowered the fox facing his chest to straddle his lap; with knees on either side of the horse's hips, his impressive cock became nestled between the two soft globes of the vulpine's ass. Smiling broadly as the smaller male lifted his head to look at him; he leaned in and brushed his cheek over the orange face. "Ride me, cowboy," he whispered seductively into the closest ear.

Felix leaned back so that he could look the zebra straight in the eye, as though making sure he heard right. " really mean that?" he replied, paws gently resting atop the stallion's collar bone; his pads gently rubbing the firm muscles underneath the glossy striped coat.

"Yep," he said, his nod causing his mane to shake wildly, "that is...if you think you're up to it after the way Vincent gave your cute little tail a good fuck."

"If I'm up to it?" the fox repeated as if he'd been issued a challenge. Leaning in, he pressed his cold nose underneath the zebra's chin to nuzzle at his silky smooth skin; while at the same time, pushing his rump out to smother the large black tower of flesh between the furry cheeks of his ass. "Oh, I know I'm up to it. Did you see how I handled your brother?" he asked coyly, licking at the stallion's strong neck.

"Oh, I saw alright," the horse said, groaning as the boy's wet tongue began to lap at his jaw line, making the larger male shift under him. Letting his large paws slip down the fox's back, he pulled him in closer, feeling the boy's cock poking him in the stomach. "And now..." he said slowly, his breath coating the fox's face and blowing wisps of hair from behind his ears, "I want a turn."

Felix turned a light shade of red, desiring the same thing as the large equine. Reaching back, he lifted up his tail to reveal the tense rosebud before sliding back till he felt the blunt head press under him; nudging against his most intimate place. Stopping, he waited for the zebra to grab his hips and thrust his entire thick cock deep within his tight channel, causing both males to cry out in pleasure...but the move never materialized. "Well...aren't you going to breed me?" he asked, stroking the stallion's striped face with his warm pads.

"That was kinda the point of this, wasn't it?" Dmitri joked, fingers gliding along the fox's long braided ponytail. With his body completely relaxed, his other paw traced small circles on the vulpine's ivory chest.

Tilting his head, the fox took hold of the cock positioned just under his upturned tail and began to stroke it, using the copious amounts of pre and saliva as lubrication; much to the zebra's pleasure. "Then, what are you waiting for?"

"Nothing really," he replied with a shrug, "I just figured that after what Vincent did, you'd want to take it slow. You your own pace."

"You mean it?" Felix said in disbelief, once again not sure if he heard right. Usually, when it came to foxes like him, there wasn't much room for debate. The chosen male of that night, who was often much bigger, was the type who liked his sex quick, hard, and rough; much in accordance to Vincent's method. It was rare to find a more patient guy, like Dmitri, who took into consideration his partner's feelings. "You...really mean it?" he repeated.

"Yeah. Just take your time Felix. There's no rush...that is, unless you're expecting someone to be home soon." Feeling inclined, he turned to glance behind him at the front door, half-expecting the cliché sight of headlights through the glass.

Shaking his head the fox edged backwards, feeling something slick and hard against the back of his thigh. "I'm not. My parents went out for the day and won't be back till tomorrow, around lunch. And my older brother is off touring with his band, ‘The Iron Hearts'. So, there shouldn't be any unexpected visitors." Hearing himself confirm it offered some relief, especially now, when he needed it the most.

"Well, in that case, I'm ready when you are," Dmitri said, curling a finger in the vulpine's brown bangs. "That's unless you're having doubts and are just procrastinating."

Scrunching up his face, "Felix Daily does not procrastinate!" he declared; with that, he shifted his weight and pressed back against the blunt tip. Within seconds, he felt his rosebud give way and the smooth black cock pushed deep inside his silky red tunnel. A high-pitched squeal left his lips, sending tremors through his body as he slowly got readjusted to having such a large piece of flesh in his backside. What made it all worth it was hearing Dmitri's low groan as the sensitive head became entrapped in tight, warm velvet. "Believe me now?" he asked amid deep breaths as he got used to the familiar sensations.

"I'm starting to," the zebra moaned. Reaching up, he gently placed his paws on either side of the vulpine's hips; lust tempting him to shove the rest of his cock into the sexy fox. Luckily, unbeknownst to Felix, reason got the better of the stallion, not to mention having his flaring head massaged by the boy's ass was enough to keep him subdued; instead, he just rubbed the furry thighs, waiting till his partner felt comfortable to continue.

He didn't have to wait much longer, because with a soft grunt, the fox began trying to sit down again. Both males cried out as the mating ritual continued, plunging the slick spire of flesh into the fox's tailhole. Closing his auburn eyes, Felix, yipped as he felt another fat inch sink into him, a feat made bearable only by the copious amounts of pre that the equine had leaked out prior to entry. Squeezing his ass together as another bit slipped inside, he heard the larger male under him stifle a knicker.

With each passing labored breath, another inch of flesh vanished behind the vupline's tail, all to the delight of the horse under him. It had been one thing to watch it; it was a completely different thing to have it happening to you. The immense heat and warmth that traveled from the sensitive tip, down the shaft, to be spread across his body was indescribable. Admittedly, he'd been with his fair share of guys, but none of them could do half the things Felix could. Opening one eye, he could see the fox's face scrunched up in a mixture of pleasure and pain, his lower lip trembling as each new inch entered waters only chartered by his brother a few minutes earlier. Leaning over, he placed a gentle kiss on the round nose before him. "You're doing great..." he whispered.

A faint blush overtook the white cheeks, while a silent ‘thanks' carved itself amid the lustful whimpers. Before he realized it, he was sitting in the zebra's lap; his rump came in contact with the strong thighs, melding to fit them perfectly. Wiggling in his seat, he felt the tower of flesh shift within him, causing him to moan out as a wave of pleasure washed over him. Blindly, his reached out to place his paws gently on the stallion's shoulders to steady himself as he sat, not daring to move until he was ready for another wave of ecstasy to overtake him. "I...I did it," he gasped, finally opening his eyes to see Dmitri slumped back against the seat, large tongue lolling out of his muzzle with his eyes partially glazed over; a sight he'll remember for years to come.

"You certainly did," was the lazy reply. Flexing his cock inside of the warm cavern sitting atop him, he watched with glee as the boy made a couple of short, gasping cries from the shaft rubbing against his prostate. Using the fox like a large furry mixing bowl, he began to rock his hips in the four cardinal directions, twisting and turning ‘the spoon' inside of the much appreciative bowl.

Felix was unable to mutter anything other than the occasional "Oh...fuck," as his insides were swirled around, his face contoured in carnal desire as he sat atop of the world's best blender; while Dmitri, using his paws to keep the smaller boy steady, had stopped focusing on how to move, and was simply enjoying the ride, letting his body go where it wanted. "Wait...stop..." the vulpine panted, his toes curled around the zebra's tight and his fingers, white-knuckled, grasping the chair's arm.

"Yeah?" he replied with baited breath, flexing his cock one last time to force another delicate moan out of the orange and white muzzle.

"It's just...I think it's time I took this bucking bronco for a real test-drive, wouldn't you agree?" Felix didn't give the stallion any time to respond as he began slowly pulling off of the large spike drilled deep into his ass. Grunting weakly, it took a second or two before he began feeling the results, but once the tip of the horse's cock of him slid out of him, the pressure lessened. Both males groaned as the fox slowly began to pull off of the large cock due to the way his entrance constricted and relaxed each time something brushed against his sensitive prostate. Taking it slow the first time, he only rose a quarter of the way up before letting gravity take him back down into Dmitri's lap.

Once they managed to compose themselves, Felix repeated the process; this time going up to half way before sliding back to base; then three-quarters; and finally, all the way. The blunt head made a small pop as it exited his tight pucker, slipping back inside seconds later, though this time, a bit easier. Each progression was accompanied by a few well timed stirs of the stallion's large ‘spoon'. "So, how do you like the ride so far?" he teased, fingers stroking the boy's thighs. His large paws having remained there to steady Felix in case he lost his balance.

"Pretty good," Felix moaned. Rising again, he threw his long braid over one shoulder as he tipped his head back and yipped as the blunt tip pressed firmly against his prostate. "I just wish this bronco had a bit more buck to him...ya know?"

"All you had to do was ask." Dmitri chuckled under his breath as he watched the fox slide up his shaft till just his blunt head remained inside. With hands still on his legs, he pulled him back down, while at the same time pushing up with his hips, impaling the boy on his cock. A sly grin crossed his lips as he watched the silent surprise in the fox' eyes materialize into a deafening howl. "I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?" he asked, slightly concerned as the vulpine doubled over with deep breaths, resting his forehead on the stallion's sternum.

Once his heavy breathing had subsided, Felix picked his head from slumping against the zebra's bare chest to look at the stallion's face. "No...I've had much worse," he admitted, reaching around to rub is tender tail. Once the heat of friction had passed, he had to admit having the horse to the hilt inside of him felt...nice. Granted, it had the identical dimensions of his brother's that had inhabited the same space minutes before; but, that was just a cock...any cock. This felt different...better, as though it belonged there. Reaching out, he began to innocently trace the stripped lines across the sculpted black and white chest. "Ready to continue?"

"If you're still up to bet!" Dmitri countered as he ruffled the fox's bangs, enjoying the feeling of his silky locks flowing between his fingers. As Felix slid into position, the stallion reached out again, this time taking a hold of the boy's crimson cock. Having been neglected for the majority of the night, he began to use the male's own pre as lube, stroking the torrid foxhood between his larger pads. Softly chuckling, he watched Felix moan and shift as used his thumb and forefinger to rub and press down on the tapered tip of the shaft before him. "You like that?" he teased, cupping the forming knot with his free paw and squeezing.

Closing his eyes, he slid up the stallion's huge cock and murred softly while pushing his hips against those warm pads. "Hell yeah," he muttered as he sank back down onto the shaft, causing the horse to hiss and growl.

They continued like this, with Felix moving in tandem to the rhythm created by the zebra's hands and hips, keeping him in a constant state of pleasure; if it wasn't the cock pressing against his prostrate, it was those soft paws squeezing and stroking his sensitive glands. The fox's body coursed with sensations he hadn't felt in a while, and the way those fingers would massage his sac, he swore he was going into sensory overload. Throwing his head back, his long braid swing off to the side before lying against his spine, he yipped, yelped, and barked each time the stallion's malehood sheathed itself under his tail. In the back of his mind, as the cock poked at what was possibly his colon, he wondered if his mother would notice the marks he was leaving in the recliner's arm.

Dmitri was in much the same situation as his partner. His muscles rippled as he bounced the fox up and down on his lap, both boys crying out in unison. The feeling of such a tight ass gripping his shaft was something he hadn't felt in a long time, and he was going to attempt to enjoy it as long as he could. The zebra felt beads of sweat drip down his bangs, landing on his large muzzle; while his mane, matted with perspiration, clung to the back of his neck like a wet blanket. Dampness was all around him as something dribbled onto his stomach. Lowering his eyes, he watched his fingers slowly curl around the fox's fully formed knot, about the size of a large Clementine. Moving his fingers upwards, he stoked the bright crimson shaft several more times in order to coax another line of clear liquid to run down the back of his paw. "How are you holding up?" he asked.

"I'm alright," Felix replied as he rocked back and forth in the zebra's lap, feeling his large cock shift inside of him. Moaning softly, he rode the large stallion as hard as he could, gritting his teeth as he clenched his rump around the large intruder. Lifting his ass up slowly, he leaned forewords to playfully lick small circles around each one of the large black nipples against the white chest. "I think you're gonna cum soon..." he teased. Curling his tongue around one of the hard nubs, he brought it between his lips to nibble.

Pressing air between his large teeth, the stallion whined as he felt those front fangs playfully gnaw on his sensitive nipples. Not to be outdone however, the equine released the aching shaft to take hold of the boy's furry white sac. "You're pretty close to blowing your load too," he retorted. Playfully pulling it away from the fox's body, he watched the male squirm as he rode the length of his cock. Dmitri couldn't help but smile, admiring the kit's struggle to relax and not shoot his seed too soon.

Truth be told, they were both closer to their orgasms then they realized; neither male aware of how much they were exciting their partner. The more they gyrated, the more was friction created, and the warmer they became; luckily, that heat was offset by all of the pre which helped to keep things running smoothly. With tongues hanging out of their muzzles, they yipped, groaned, and grunted as they fucked like rabbits in heat.

With their bodies moving in perfect sync, it wasn't until Felix reached out to take a firm grip of the zebra's bicep after being impaled by his massive member that it broke. Breathing heavily, his voice was ragged and constantly interrupted by loud gasping yelps as the cock pushed against his prostate. "Wait, slow down" he huffed, "I'm almost there."

"But, why would I slow down?" he taunted, hilting himself once again inside of the fox to cause both parties to cry out in ecstasy. With his paws stroking the torrid length in front of him, he watched the slick red spire vanish and reappear between his large black and white fingers. "Especially when I wanna see you bust your nut, foxie."

"You brute!" the vulpine hooted, his hips jerking towards those wonderful paws on his aching member. Not to be outdone however, he curled his plush tail, which had just been just tagging along for the ride, back under him to tickle the stallion's large balls. But when the horse took his pulsating knot again between his fingers and squeezed, the boy nearly lost it as he yipped out in pleasure. As he sat atop the larger male's lap, looking down at the horse's crotch where it vanished under his, his tone changed, becoming softer, more reserved, as though unsure of his words; "Dmitri?"

Tilting his head to the side, he stopped lifting and lowering his body. "Yes, Felix?" he responded, craning his neck to try to get in the fox's line of sight.

Looking up, his face awash with lust and bashfulness, he could only whimper. "Would you...kiss me?" he asked suddenly, quickly closing his muzzle afterwards.

"You needn't even ask..." Dmitri said calmly. Leaning in closer, he took note of the faint blush on the orange cheeks before pressing their cold black noses together, his obviously much bigger. Breathing in the same air, he gave a soft smile, "I think you're sexy." Not allowing the other male time to respond, he sealed his words by pressing their lips together. With their heads and bodies still, the zebra took this time to continue pawing off the smaller male; and now without the distraction of him moving, he was able to get a good grip on his smaller cock. As one paw took the tapered tip, using his palm to massage the sensitive head, the other shifted between squeezing his nuts or his bright red knot. Every time he'd change positions, not only could he feel the fox murr into their kiss, but a small dribble would run down the back of his fingers.

Felix couldn't hold back anymore. Every time the horse nibbled on his lower lip, he shuddered, despite the warmth of the stallion's cock under his tail. Each touch of those pads against his foxhood had him aching for release, trembling against the larger male's soft caresses. But it wasn't until the equine released his sac and stealthily slipped a finger a finger to run across the sensitive bit of skin between his balls and tailhole, now stretched by the horse's shaft, which caused him to finally go off. Arching like a cat, he howled into the kiss with eyes squeezed shut as quakes of pleasure, like ripples across a pond, washed over him; and his most precious of fluids were released from his body.

Jerking his hips against the zebra's paws, he felt the familiar sensation of shooting his seed overtake him at long last. The fox felt several long ropes of cum discharge in a small arc that just missed hitting their chins, to splatter harmlessly on Dmitri's washboard stomach and abs. He lost count after five. His sore cock throbbed in the other male's fingers, dribbling extra seed down the side of his crimson shaft, over his fingers, to pool in the rim of his sheath, before continuing joining the rest on the horse's crotch. Finally breaking the kiss, he rested the bridge of his muzzle against the zebra's shoulder just so he could remain sitting upright. "I'm so sorry Dmitri," he whimpered, barely able to catch his breath, "I...I didn't mean to cum all over you. I'm so, so sorry."

Looking down at himself to see the fox's load dribbling down his pecs, Dmitri tilted his head to nuzzle the boy's ear with his broad nose. Closing his eyes, the sexual musk of the smaller male's seed was quick to overwhelm his senses, and he began to feel a quick rush of euphoria. "Don't be..." he said, shivering as the ambient air embraced the dampened spots on his pelt. Dipping a finger in the fluid, he brought it to his lips before taking a quick lick and deciding it was like jam, warm from the stovetop. "Just think of it as payback for what Vincent did to you."

Felix turned a light shade of red as he pressed his body against the larger male, while trying not to think about the cum he was going to have to wash out of his fur tomorrow. "Thanks." Still feeling the cock inside of him, when the zebra playfully squeezed his spent shaft, he couldn't help but moan and constrict his anal walls around the welcomed intruder.

This, in turn, caused the stallion to groan aloud. Releasing the vulpine's aching rod, he hastily gripped the boy's hips to keep him grounded against his crotch for fear of bucking him off. The heat and warmth of that male's ass was something words couldn't explain, and the way his body accepted and contoured to his cock had him gushing pre like a fire hose. "If you do that again, I might just burst," he warned with a knowing smile, resisting the urge to pull out and plunge back in seconds later.

"Oh..." the fox said, and stopped flexing his tail muscles. "Did you want me to get off so you can finish like Vincent did?" he asked weakly.

Tilting his imposing head to the side in an inquisitive manner, "No, why?" Dmitri responded, softly scratching under the vulpine's chin. "Is that what you want me to do?"

"Of course not!" Felix was quick to reply. Nuzzling the stallion's long neck, he resumed tensing and relaxing his body, watching with delight as the horse squirmed under him. "It's just that the way you talked, it sounded like you didn't want know..." leaving his words hanging.

"Cum inside of you," the zebra said, giving the boy's unfinished thoughts a voice.

"Yeah..." he the smaller male replied. "I mean, I totally understand if you don't. I wouldn't hold it against you...I swear!" he said defensively. "It's just that...well...I err kinda..." he mumbled, struggling to find the correct words.

"You want me to," Dmitri stated matter-of-factly.

Nodding hesitantly, "...Uh huh..." the male's cheeks flushing bright crimson as he buried it between the equine's neck and shoulder.

A chuckle escaped those broad flat lips. "'s like I told Vincent, ‘it's not as though you're gonna get pregnant or something'. So I don't mind really. In fact..." his words drifting off; leaning in close, he hissed lustfully into the vulpine's black ear closest to him, "I've been wanting to ever since I set eyes on you."

Felix didn't need any further confirmation; the way those large obsidian eyes shimmered; he knew the equine's words to be true. "Allow me to grant your wish then." With that, despite only subdued pleasure on his end, he began to rock back and forth on the stallion's shaft, feeling the large piece of meat slide around inside of him.

Quickly getting back into the groove of things, Dmitri arched his hips into the cushion before shifting forwards, mating the squealing fox sitting atop him. Building up his previous momentum; in no time at all he had the vulpine bouncing in his lap, his paws clasped around the boy's waist to keep him steady. The stallion made sure to watch his jet black shaft slip in and out of the male's tight tail, slick with his pre. But as the head started to flare again, it began to get harder and harder to move him till he was all but locked inside of the smaller male. "I'm gonna blow!" he snorted out of habit.

"Do it, you sexy beast!" the fox commanded with his eyes squinted shut, reaching behind him to knead the stallion's large balls. "Fill me to the brim with your seed!"

As those soft paws brushed across the sensitive velveteen skin of his sac, Dmitri tensed up before letting out a bellowing whinny, signaling that he had claimed his mare. Pulling down the smaller male's body till it was flush with his own, he felt a torrent of cum rush from his stones, up the large black spire, to come bursting forth from the head and fill the vulpine's ass. Bucking softly against the offered tail, the stallion grunted as his bubbling brew was pumped from his cock into the body of the squirming male. "Oh....Oh dear god..." he moaned, reclining into the plush seat with sweat pouring down his brow as he closed his eyes once warm after-glow settled in.

Felix couldn't believe how much fluid was being pumped into him from one orgasm; he couldn't have cleaned up that much from his twin staining his back...could he? Uncurling his fingers and toes, he slumped over to rest his body against the stallion's sculpted chest, not caring if he got his own seed all over himself. His lower half felt weak and heavy; as if wagging his tail was even too much for him to do as he was. Constricting his tailhole, he felt the horse shift under him as another small dribble of cum entered is ass. "How was that?" he asked breathlessly, closing his eyes while he listened to the rhythmic sounds of the other male's heart beating.

"Like...a dream come true," Dmitri replied slowly, his head tipped back to stare blankly at the ceiling above him. His arms felt like dead weight; nonetheless, he lifted them to gently drape across the fox's torso, hugging him. "Thank you," he whispered, rubbing the boy between the ears briskly before sliding down the long braid to rejoin his other paw in the small of his back.

"For what?" the vulpine responded, his arms loosely suspended over the stallion's strong neck to playfully toy with his damp mane.

A whispered chuckle left the zebra's lips, as though it strained him to laugh. "For being so....understanding about Vincent and me. I honestly didn't mean to put you in this sort of positi...err...situation." A few seconds of silence followed before both males began to giggle.

The fox's diaphragm ached as he laughed, a gentle reminder of how much ‘punishment' he'd taken today; not to mention that he was SO going to feel this in the morning. "It's nothing...really," Felix finally replied once he had stopped snickering, "if anything, I should be thanking you for such a wonderful evening."

Running his fingers over the boy's back, he could still feel places that were damp and sticky with his sibling's seed. "Still, I feel like I should make an effort to apologize on my brother's behalf for the way he treated you."

"Well, if it'll make you feel better, you're forgiven." He would've kissed the zebra on the lips, but didn't for fear of dislodging the shaft under his tail and causing some...leakage; he settled for a small peck on the left nipple. "If my older brother was here," he began, motioning to the family portrait on the wall, "your cock wouldn't have had a moment's rest, with his girlfriend getting it all on film."

"His girlfriend?" shock evident on Dmitri's face. That thought temporarily overshadowing the other one about fucking two, very randy, foxes

"Yeah..." Felix replied, scratching behind his own ear as though still confused by that fact. "They're a bit kinky, those two."

"No kidding," the zebra acknowledged. Taking a hard look at the painting, he couldn't help but see the family resemblance between the two siblings, well, minus the older one's pierced ears; the small gold and silver hoops going from tip to base interspaced by small green studs. "So, have you two know...fooled around?" he asked with a smirk.

Caught off guard by the question, the fox picked up his head to stare first at the equine, then his family's portrait, then back at the equine as if to ask ‘THAT brother?'. "Dmitri..." he wined, avoiding the question whose answer the stallion already knew. "You can't be serious."

"Come on Felix, we're simply guys making conversation here." Shrugging, he reclined back on the seat, smiling as the fox's soft pelt rubbed along the length of his naked body. Swishing his large black tail between his legs, he gently massaged the boy's pert black ears. "If it'll make you feel any less awkward, believe it or not, Vincent and I used to fool around when we were still foals," the equine admitted.

"Really?" Felix replied. Tracing patterns with his fingers around the stallion's buff chest, the boy slowly wagged his own tail to and fro, grunting as the cock stuffed inside him shifted.

Rolling his eyes under his eyelids, the horse blindly slid his paws across the boy's form till he was able to weakly tickle his sides, stopping only to snugly wrap his arms around his middle and hug him. "Is it really that hard to picture?" he teased, "but no, it's true. Being twins and all, I'm sure you can understand our curiosity if everything about us was the same."

Felix understood exactly where he was coming from. Heck, if he had a twin, he'd probably do the same thing. A veil of silence draped over the pair as they sat, slumped together on the chair in the Daily's living room. "A few times...when we were kits," he admitted suddenly. "It wasn't until I reached puberty that it started. I was confused about why I kept getting hard, and I didn't know what to do. None of my friends seemed to be having any problems at all keeping their bodies under control. One night, when I couldn't sleep, I went into his room and very quietly asked why he didn't have this problem, and that if he could help me. He was angry, at first, for waking him up, but he decided to teach me anyways. Getting on his bed, he told me to take off my pajama bottoms and proceeded to...umm...paw me off. From then on we fooled around here and there, usually when our parents were out of town." The fox's inner ears turned a soft shade of pink as he confessed his sexuality to the stallion. He'd never told anyone, well, other then Blake of course, but it felt almost...refreshing to be able to confide in the zebra like this.

The pair slipped into another bout of silence as they looked blankly towards their opposing walls; no longer sure where to take the conversation, they remained huddled together, naked and alone, in the family den. "You're sure no one's coming home, right?" Dmitri repeated.

"Yes, I'm sure," the fox reaffirmed, not needing to glance at the door. Snuggling into the crook of the stallion's bicep, he murred softly as his large arms over took him and pressed him against the warm body below. His eyes felt heavy, and soon began to droop. "I'm getting so...tired, Dmitri. I can barely stay awake any longer."

Hearing this, the zebra too began to feel the effects of sleep starting to overtake him. "Want to move to a more comfortable position?" he inquired of his host.

"I'm fine if you are, big boy. There's a large blanket behind the chair if you think you're up to reaching for it. That way we can...'yawn'...sleep here if you want."

Stretching back, the large zebra groaned as he felt his slowly diminishing cock shift inside of the fox, till his fingertips brushed against some sort of fabric. Figuring that this must be what the vulpine was referring to; he grasped a tassel and heaved it over into his arms. The two males wasted no time in unfolding and stretching it across their naked bodies till they were comfortably secured under its warmth. "Sweet dreams Felix."

"Sleep well Dmitri," the fox responded, pulling the covers up to his chin and nestling his head between the equine's shoulder and neck. Drifting off for the night, he was suddenly reminded of his best friend, Blake, and hoped that his grandmother was doing well, and how tomorrow, he could cheer up the bunny with a story about how he bought one stud, and got a second one for free.


Long, I know. I didn't really plan it to get SO big, but it just kept growing and growing and....I'm gonna stop now.

I hope you liked it, and you'll be surprised/pleased/angry to know that this was my first time ever writing about sex involving more then two, I'd love to know if it was good, bad, or ugly, and how I can improve. As always, comments, critiques, and ratings are always welcome.

I don't know what's coming, It's be a surprise for everyone...till then!