A Wonderful New Holiday Tradition (Illustrated by Dharken)

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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A cheetah receives a rather unique Christmas gift from a good friend.

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual interactions of a somewhat unusual kind, as well as various & slight transformation content (cock growth, flavour alteration), and tentacles. So if you're a kid who shouldn't be reading this, or are more normal than I, and don't like that sort of thing, don't complain afterwards.

A Wonderful New Holiday Tradition! - by Amethystine

Nathan was an average cheetah anthro, slender and a bit on the thin side, he had a trim frame, with a nicely toned body. No one would have argued that it could be called a 'runner's build', owing to the feline's fleet feet. He was a fast runner, indeed.. but that's not what this story is about. It's a holiday tale wherein our speedy hero learns the true meaning of Xmas.

* * *

It was late on Christmas Eve, and the friendly feline had invited his good friend, Boelen, to stay for the holiday. Boelen was a python, long and slender (for a big serpentine constrictor anyway), who had arrived earlier, bearing gifts. After a lovely dinner and a nice holiday movie (Die Hard, of course. It takes place on Christmas!), they had retired to relax in Nathan's living room, in front of the cat's crackling fire and near to his impressively decked out, delightfully decorated Christmas tree.

The snake lay coiled up in front of the heath and sighed softly in his sibilant manner before shifting his apparently empty coils. "You did a lovely job with your Xssmasss tree, Nate." he hissed, to what seemed to be an otherwise empty room.

After some further shifting of the blue and rust coloured scales, a tell-tale patch of golden yellow and black-spotted fur appeared within the piled loops and out popped the coil-loving kitty to which the serpent had been speaking.

"Hmm, thanks Boe.." replied Nathan, using the reptile's nickname (pronounced 'Bowie') as he peered up at his handiwork, the large, beautiful tree shining warmly, "..but why are you calling it an 'Xmas' tree, silly snakey?"

Grinning, the python answered jokingly, "Well, I certainly wouldn't jussst call it your 'tree', it'sss your Xssmasss tree! It'sss an important part of the Xssmasss tradition, after all, and I wouldn't give it any lesss ressspect than it dessservesss." He teasingly poked at the cheetah's seasonal sweater-clad belly as he made light of the holiday's name. The little big cat meowled a bit and squirmed, pawing at the tail, pondering how the snake's hissing pronunciation of the shortened word made it sound like there were a few 'X'es instead of just one.

"Ha ha ha, okay, silly snake, call it whatever you want," he purred and hugged at the wriggling tail.

Sliding over to replace his tail with his upper body in the feline's embrace, Boelen hugged Nathan in return, and squeezed at the mammal's lower body with his own serpentine one. Wrapping his displaced tail around his kitty companion's pants-wearing waist, he smiled, saying: "Thank you, I will. And thank you for having me here in your cozy and toasty home, for Xssmasss."

As he speaks, the sneaky snake slithers his tail's tip under the feline's thick sweater and then hooks it into the waist of his pants. "Ssspeaking of which, it'sss very warm in here, and I appreciate you making that nice big fire for little old cold-blooded me.." said the serpent who had shown up in a thick layer of winter gear that covered him from snout to tailtip, and then removed all of it to spend the entire evening in just his scales, as that was his natural state of (un)dress. He went on to say, "..but aren't you a bit _too_ hot, with your fur and essspecially with thessse sssilly clothesss on..?" He tugged lightly on his friend's pants and snaked his scaled hands under the shirt to rub the fuzzy tummy underneath. "Why don't you take them off.. you look _very_ hot to me."

Giggling a little at the amorous Boelen's affectionate advances and his double-entendre, Nathan squirmed and pushed at the serpent's tail and arms a bit before pulling away and grinning back at his guest. "Mmmf, naughty snakey.." he began, putting his hands on his hips, "I oughta toss you back out in the snow to calm you down," he mockingly threatened. Looking around himself to see just how much python-body there was to toss, he chuckled, "Not that I could.. or would! Anyway, you're right, I _am_ hot.. and since I'm going to change into my pajamas in a little bit.. and since it's just us.. here in front of the fire.. in your coils.." He trailed off, succumbing to his friend's wishes, and admitting his own desires to himself, he then began to disrobe.

His trademark reptilian grin proudly displayed, Boelen hissed happily and resisted making a comment about the 'cat's pajamas' as he watched the slim kitty doff his clothes. Making a show of it, Nathan stood up and slowly rolled the thick sweater up and off his trim torso before turning around to retain his modesty, despite having been naked with the serpent many times.. and wormed his pants downward, swaying his hips as his long legs were gradually revealed. He arched his back and purred during the final touch of his little striptease, drawing his thin, spotted tail up and out of the hole in the seat of the pants until the slightly thicker black furred tip popped out and gave his audience a quick peek at his backside. He winked over his shoulder at the unblinkingly staring snake and tossed his clothes onto his scaly snout before diving back down into the thick, fire-warmed coils, murring at the feel of the glossy hide on his bared fur and flesh.

Mmm-hissing at the brief show, as well as the sudden presence of a cute kitty wriggling through his bunched up body, the python pulled the pile of clothes off of his face as he squeezed his curled up form together once more to firmly snug the now naked coil-kitty that lurked inside them once more. 'Coil-kitty' being a cute affectionate term he had for the feline, due to his penchant for crawling through the thick scaled lengths of snake. "Ooh, Xssmasss hasss come early.. what a wonderful presssent thisss sssexy cheetah isss!" Boelen exclaimed.

Re-appearing right in front of his friend's raised upper body, Nathan nuzzled the scutes before him before surfacing further to twist around and peer at a clock. "Not that early, though! It's almost midnight.. which means it's almost Christmas," he finished with a contented smile and leaned into the big constrictor's arms for another hug, sighing and purring in holiday bliss, resting his head on the scaly shoulder. The python began to pet over his back, and slide his coils around, gently massaging the cheetah's tail and legs.. only increasing the volume of the already clearly audible purr.

After relaxing and letting Boe caress him for a little while, the cheetah lifted his head and looked straight upwards, causing the snake to stop and look as well. Before he could ask what they were looking for, Nathan answered him: "Mistletoe. But I don't think I put any up this year, unfortunately. Oh well." And with that, the coil-kitty kissed the kitty-coiler deeply and lovingly, making them both moan while each either hissed or purred into the sweet smooch.

Slowly, the soft snuggling slipped towards firm foreplay, fuzzy fingers feeling over a flat scuted front and sinuous scales sliding along supple, svelte flesh. As they cuddled close and became increasingly intimate within the serpent's coils, a clock began to clang, announcing the arrival of midnight and giving them both pause. Boelen dislodged his hand from where it was pressing into the underside of the legged one's thigh, it having been rubbing and wrapping around to stimulate the more sensitive inner and upper leg only moments before. Nathan pouted. Boelen grinned and flicked his tongue at the cute kitty's little frown as the clock finished chiming.

"Now it _isss_ Xssmasss.." started the snake, "and now you can open one of my giftsss to you.. a little sssomething that'll make thisss holiday even hotter," he hissed, hinting at his perverted plan by giving the purring one's privates a persuasive, pleasant petting.

Pout disappearing, Nathan perked up at the mention of a present, not to mention the pleasing pets.. and pulled himself from the python's coils to pad over to the tree and peer underneath it at the pile of presents placed there. Except the gifts were gone! All but one rather tiny box that he had seen Boelen place there earlier. He spun around to face the snake, who had slithered over and was smiling at him with that mischievous look on his snout that said he was up to something.

"Don't worry, I jussst put them in your room while you were busssy, earlier. I didn't want them getting in the way, you sssee," he explained, making the feline feel as though the little present would somehow cause a big ruckus or mess that the snake was trying to save his other gifts from. Already excited by the magical night, the tender touching they had been engaged in and the idea of a special, sexual surprise gift.. the idea that it might be especially chaotic caused the cat to shiver with delight, his full sheath a clear clue to his scarcely contained anticipation.

The python had leaned over to pick up the present, so that he could properly bestow the little package to his friend, there in front of the Christmas tree. "You know what they sssay about giftsss and sssmall packagesss, right?" he commented, grinning as the cheetah took it.

It was a red box held shut with a green ribbon that was tied into a bow on top, and not wrapped in modern wrapping paper, Nathan realized. He pulled on one of the forked ends of the ribbon as Boelen flicked his own similar forked tongue, watching patiently. The ribbon came loose without affecting the bow, apparently the two things weren't actually connected. Letting the ribbons drape back over the bottom of the box and around his paw, the curious cat slid the fitted top up and off of the compact container. Seeing a vial of unknown liquid, his interest was further aroused.. along with himself. A mysterious fluid from the python could only mean one of his naughty, metamorphic potions! Then he saw a note tucked in with the small glass tube of green goo.

Pulling it out, Nathan read it to himself..

'Seasons Greetings, Nathan! I hope this special compound I created just for you will greatly improve your holiday. Just pour it into your tree's basin with some water, and this stuff should make it _extremely_ fresh, as well as last much much longer, so that you can enjoy it for as long as you want. It will also no longer require watering. Basically, this will make it into the perfect Xmas tree. I hope you agree!'

..and as his eyes ran along each line, his enthusiasm wavered, then failed completely, his buzz completely killed. 'What an anti-climax.. literally' he thought to himself, feeling his body settling back down after being so stimulated. Looking up at the expectant face of his companion, he forced a little smile for the snake's sake.

"Oh, thanks Boe! This is.. great! I guess I'll just.. water it now.." he said, with some holiday cheer he managed to dredge up from the pit of his stomach. He wasn't mad, he was just really confused, but he figured that the constrictor was really into Christmas trees or something, and decided to play along and be nice for his friend.

Standing there, still with the impish 'I-know-something-you-don't-know' smile on his snout, Boelen nodded encouragingly and held out the watering jug for the feline to take and dump the apparently over-hyped plant food into. "Thisss isss why I cleared away the other giftsss.. they'd jussst get in the way, now!" he again explained.

Nodding to the serpent, Nathan rolled his eyes after turning his back and squatted down to attend to the tree. He admitted to himself that it was much easier to lean in under the thick, needle filled branches and to maneuver the water-filled jug without anything in the way, but was still at a loss as to why Boe had done any of it. He just couldn't wrap his head around any of it. As he carefully poured the concoction into the tree-stand, he stewed on it, and became more and more agitated about the whole thing. He wanted to be warm and snug in bed.. or in the serpent's coils.. right now, not kneeling awkwardly under his Christmas tree, naked no less, and slowly pouring some stupid stuff into it! The slowness is what made the fuming cat finally snap, and when the flow of fluid finally finished, he flung himself out from under the fir tree and flew up to his full height to glare at his foolish friend, dropping the formerly full flask to the floor where a few feeble drops trickled out.

"Okay, Boelen. I don't get it, what're you trying to do here? Mess with me or something? That's not very nice, especially on Christmas, you know.." he spoke strongly, venting at the snake, who just stood there, smiling back at him, which only served to further upset the cheetah, who poked at his guest's chest with an unsheathed claw, his hackles raised and his tail fluffed up, "..and what's there to be grinning about, you big weirdo?"

The python's slitted pupils twitched under their clear scales, switching from peering back at the angry wildcat to gazing past him, over his shoulder. The scaled smile spread wider as he saw something his host hadn't, then backed away, coiled up closer to the cozy fire and crossed his arms, cooing quietly, "Ooh.. you'll sssee in a sssecond."

But he didn't see first. First, he felt. He felt something snap around his right leg, ensnaring his knee and entwining it with a firm grip, but the feline figured it was just the serpent's tail.. until he spotted said tail atop the coiled pile and felt another similar appendage grabbing his other plantigrade leg. Startled into movement, he tried to pull away from the unseen assailant and tugged on his legs, when a loud rustling and shaking was heard behind him. It sounded like whatever was after him was also pushing over his nice big Christmas tree! Deciding to face the mysterious monster, he managed to twist half around and put out his hands to try to catch his poor tree, somehow.

Instead, he saw another handful of the long wiggling things flowing out from the elaborate decoration to catch _him_, as opposed to the other way around. They latched onto both his wrists and his left ankle as they grew out from the thick evergreen, and he realized they all had a deep, rich green colour, just like the tree did. Even as the other new ones extended towards his body, he peered closer, past the spherical baubles, the tinsel and the bright lights, and was able to see the new growths emerging from the thin trunk with regular spacing. Looking lower, he spotted several of the serpentine vines pressing out near the base of the tree to act as supports, steadying its shaky stance after the shocked mammal had nearly pulled it down. With its newfound stability, the sinister spruce suddenly lifted the surprised catch with unsuspected strength.. and began to turn him back around to face away from the tree again as more plant arms reached out to quell his starting struggles, the cat having been too shocked to fight back right away.

(Art by Dharken. To give him kudos on this picture (and see it full-size), visit his post here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2066805/ )

Boelen chuckled, his soft laughter filled with an undercurrent of quiet hissing. As the tendrils gradually secured themselves in place, more materialized behind their still wriggling but mostly steadied 'prey', holding him abundantly clear of the tree's remaining normal, needle-lined limbs. The unnatural, binding boughs began to glide over Nate's nude form in an extremely gentle massage. The new limbs sensuously stroked and slowly slid over his furry skin, making him realize just how silky and smooth they were and had always been, how supple and soft and sweet they felt as they slithered sinuously and seductively over him.. ceasing his squirming and soothing his sour spirit. Even his sudden suspension had begun to feel more natural once the many boneless, blissful branches were able to support him properly, making him feel weightless. Sucking in a breath and sighing it back out in silent acceptance, the cheetah smiled and submitted himself to the special tree, relaxing into its cradling, caressing care, letting it roam his body freely, fondling his toned feline form.

"Hmm, that'sss better, isssn't it? I may be nice to sssnuggle with, but even I am not asss good asss your tree isss getting.. but that doesssn't mean I can't help too," said the constrictor, who was suddenly in front of his suspended host. Nathan had barely noticed his friend's approach, thanks to the tapered tentacles' flawless affections. Scaly hands pet over his chest and belly, and he was surprised to find that they seemed somewhat rough after the perfectly sleek plant parts. He still purred at the python's presence while he spoke up once more, "Yesss, sssoon your'sss will be the ultimate Xssmasss tree, very 'fresh', don't you agree..?" he said, slyly explaining the meaning of the note as he looked at the _very_ fresh, forward and presumptuous pine.

"Oh, I should explain. When I sssay 'Xssmasss', I really mean X-X-Xmasss, a hedonistic holiday of perverted presssentsss and dirty delightsss.. Naughty Noel! Kinky Kurisumasu! The Yiffy Yuletide! Did you think I only meant one X?" he asked, revealing that he could drop the sibilant extension from the single X if he wanted. He grinned and leaned up to kiss the cute, contentedly smiling muzzle deeply, and savoured it as though he wouldn't get another chance to do so.

Once the kiss had ended, Nathan gasped, "Ooh, BooOOoeee.. this is woonnnderful.. thank you. But when is it goooing too-ohh.." he trailed off into a moan and instead glanced downwards towards his groin, where his previous arousal had returned in full force, his thick, human shaped member completely engorged and solid as a rock, throbbing and pulsing a steady beat against his fuzzy front. The entire mass of massaging tendrils was pleasuring his every inch, from his head, where a thin vine wound its way around his neck and up over his head to tease his rounded ear, to his tail, where at least two separate emerald loops of the plant constantly tended to his tail, lightly petting along its length. They were everywhere except for his privates! A bare patch of furry flesh remained exposed and unmolested by the torturously tantalizing tree, the exact place he was wishing it would molest the most! He groaned and strained slightly, trying to arch himself and press his member against something, anything.. but any tentacle that strayed too close to the feline's painfully erect phallus was pulled away before it could make contact. He whimpered in exquisite erotic agony, "..when-nngh.. is it going to-oooh.. you knooow..?"

"Don't worry, it will.. it'sss jussst waiting for sssomething," Boelen told his enraptured companion, idly guiding a slick, slim limb closer to the legged animal's ass, releasing it and slipping back to watch it tease around the tailhole, making the cheetah tense and tighten, tailtip twitching and toes twisting. He flexed his neck and tossed his head around, unable to stand the tendrils' treatment, but forced to take it anyway.

Nathan grimaced and tried to ignore the vine-tip that stroked over his cheek, fidgeting near the corner of his mouth, having slipped down from the top of his head. "Foooor whhaaaa--?" he whined, but was cut-off by the little length lunging between his open lips, leaking a lot of liquid. He tried to repel and expel the petite plant from his muzzle when suddenly, the gentle nuzzle from the one down below became a brutish burrowing, burying itself into his backside and brimming with the same thick goo. Mewling and moaning, arching up once again in the warped tree's grip, his cock feeling like it was about to explode, he bit down and began suckling upon the tendril in his mouth.

"For that," answered Boelen, grinning and flicking his tongue as he continued to observe, covertly rubbing his own vent with his tailtip, enjoying himself as well, just a little. This was his friend's gift, so it didn't matter that he wasn't in the middle of the action as well. He would get his turn later, anyway. Murmuring and purring quietly, the kitty drank the devious decoration's sap. He had assumed that it would be typical sticky, sickly sweet sap.. but was pleasantly surprised to find a delicious treat being pumped into his mouth. It tasted like.. like Christmas! Beyond that, he wasn't sure. Definitely something tasty and sweet, reminding him of seasonal treats past and present, from candy canes to festive chocolates to Christmas cookies.. one moment, it tasted like pure liquid fudge (perhaps changing to become a special mint fudge or a multicoloured Christmas variety!), and the next minute it tasted like melted down Cordial Cherries, the small orbs of the fruit slithering down his throat.. he couldn't get enough, gulping it all down as fast as it flowed into his maw.

Perhaps if he had been thinking straight, Nathan might have realized that the XXXmas tree was altering its sap to taste appealing to the being in its clutches, to subtly slip in its small seeds. Even if it was subterfuge, the cat didn't catch on.. and it certainly didn't make it any less luxurious to the lithe lightweight.

The amazing Christmasy conglomeration filled the feline from both ends, stuffing him full, infusing him with the intoxicating aphrodisiac. He didn't exactly need the aphrodisiac, and the light haze that settled onto everything seemed to him to come from the pseudo Cordial syrup that he thought he perceived in the flavour-full fluid. In reality, it was not an alcohol based intoxication, but rather a chemical and hormone based one, pushing his senses towards the sexual side of things, making his body buzz with bliss rather than be 'buzzed' or actually dim his nerves in any way. It made him not only even more at ease with the tendrils that supported him, it also made him forget he was even held up by them. Once the haze had settled in, the two pumping plant-limbs sealed themselves and with-drew, leaving him to refocus on his neglected nethers.

So it was that he could acutely feel his maleness begin to swell as the ooze enacted its second effect. He panted, his tongue lolling from his mouth, his jaw slack as he wiggled weakly. He thought his erection was already hard as a rock, so he was confused for a moment before he moaned out loud with the revelation that his super-sensitive shaft was expanding into something greater, clearly visible veins bulging along its length as a veritable vineyard all around it vexed him with their vile.. yet heavenly fondling.. the fact that they wouldn't venture to touch his cheetah-hood was what he found vile. So starved for intimate contact was his growing phallus that he could accurately track its growth by the stray bits of fur it brushed past on its way up along his chest.

Yowling in lust, he bucked helplessly and stared down at the advancing column of meat, thinking he could soon lick it off himself! As he watched, he blinked, unsure of what he was seeing. His pink cock was dimming in spots and splotches, the flesh fading through several shades to become blotched, mottled with dark patches. It had stopped growing as it reached the midst of his chest, but the darkness spread like an infection until his whole shaft had been shifted to deepest, darkest black. It tingled and he tossed in torrid, tantalizing torture.

As the pleasure-giving plant continued to endlessly and tirelessly lavish him over every inch of his body, Boelen slithered in close once again, immediately flitting his tongue at the dark, horse-sized dick, catching the mewling kitty off-guard and almost setting him off with the forks' feathery flickers. His climax was held back, but he had finally gotten the touch he had desired all night and his pole pumped out a plump helping of his pre, which splattered over his bulbous head and down the long rod as the serpent watched. The trickling pre could be plainly seen as well as felt as it ran down his flesh, over slight ridges and along veins, teasing the burning hot skin of his maleness. He was surprised it didn't evaporate, but more-over, he noticed that it was oddly.. yellow.

His thoughts were banished as the snake took hold of his hot pole and casually dragged his claw-tipped finger along it. He yowled again, leaking copious amounts of his strangely thick pre-seed for the reptile to gather up as he purred in previously unknown levels of pleasure, still not pushed over the edge. He needed those tendrils or something just as soft, wrapped all around his cock!

The python had been tasting the pre-juices and murmured in delight as he pulled his claw free of his lips. "Mmmm, egg noogg.. but it'sss a bit light. I bet the real creamy ssstuff isss ssstill in there sssomewhere.." he mockingly surmised and groped Nathan's sac. The cat caught himself before he cried out, stifling a groan and realizing his balls had expanded along with the other half of his equipment. They sloshed, chock full of XXXmasy seed. "Oh, I wasss right! Now, I jussst need to get it out, I'm thirsssty for egg nog," hissed the serpent.

Boelen leaned down and started to lick up along the kitty's cockbase, agile tongue winding around the ever-thick shaft as his hands steadied it above, feeling more and more pre-nog spilling out in thick streams, almost as plentiful as his average orgasms, if not more! It was blissful, bringing Nathan to a euphoric plateau, where thoughts of 'best present ever' were interrupted as he was shoved onto an even higher plateau as the constrictor's carnal caresses crept upward and came closer to creating a Christmas climax for the cat that he'd recall for decades to come. (He also thought he might cum for decades!)

In between long luscious licks and sensuous sexual sucking, the python moaned in delight, mumbling something about the taste. Nathan's sex-crazed mind thought he meant the egg nog flavour of his fluids until he clearly heard the snake groan something about chocolate. As Boe arose along the astonishing arousal, he raved about the astounding, rich chocolate taste of the throbbing meat. It seemed that it wasn't black, but darkest brown, deep and delicious chocolate brown-black, like fudge!

He then made it clear that the phallus was flesh and blood, just covered in skin that tasted superb, only altered to taste differently. The serpent sang its praises and moaned more, sucking on the fudgey flesh and drinking the nog-pre that coated it, mumbling something about the perfect combination of the two titillating tastes whenever his sizable snout wasn't occupied with sampling said sensational stuff.. which wasn't often.

Throughout it all, Nathan's blood surged so strongly that it felt like it went from his heart to his crotch and no where else, his mind swimming with visions of sugary-spooge and choco-cocks, beginning to forget everything that wasn't pure pleasure and XXXmas cheer.. not knowing how long he had been there or whose house he was in, or even what it felt like to be anywhere but in the terrific tree's tentacles. If Boe made the proper push, the python could have had a rather lively Cheetah-ornament to play with for the holiday season and beyond. The reptile knew that, but he didn't act on it, instead continuing to care for his friend and give him his gift.

Said gift was approaching rapidly as the supple snake-maw finally surrounded the quivering cock, shaking like a volcano about to erupt. It was an XXXmas miracle that Nathan hadn't orgasmed yet, and that miraculous magic lasted just a bit longer, allowing him to watch his two foot member disappear into the serpentine snout and feel it slide into the silky, flexing gullet beyond, the scaled palms each cupping a huge ball and rubbing their girth gently. He experienced the utmost of his erotic escapades for a full few seconds before it happened. Perceiving them all at once to finally finish.. the tree, the entrapment, the tendrils, the intoxicating sap, the transformation, the tantric tonguing, and now, the tender blowjob.. taking them all in during a moment of flawless clarity before he exploded.

Closing his eyes in his orgasmic release, two other parts of him opened and let forth everything that had been pent up. His massive member, and his mouth.. one of them gushing forth with pure, sweet, wordless joy and the other with what Boe considered to be happiness in liquid form, egg nog. The vines held firm, no longer slithering about over the furry body in their embrace, they tensed with their 'victim's' climax, arching him back and thrusting his hips up and forward, just as he would have done, had he been in full command of his body.

Being the big greedy snake he was, Boe tried to swallow all of the tasty jizz, but the flow was too much, forcing him off of the thick fountain of warm cream after the first few firm geysers. Dazed, he leaned on the spasming spire, pressing it against its owner, who received the next supply of spooge directly into his slack-jawed maw.. giving him his first real taste of the fabulous fluid. Licking his extremely messy lips after swallowing the mouthful, he didn't have time to say anything before dipping his head to intentionally catch the next burst from his bulbous head. Obviously, he approved.

Trying to stretch and relax after the intense experience, Nathan was reminded that he was still strung up.. but they plant seemed to know what he wanted, so it slowly stretched his limbs for him as he followed along, giggling in the glow that washed over him. "God..."

"Yesss?" answered Boe.. although he hadn't meant to do it, he realized that he had implied that he was a god, thanks to the cat chuckling at him. The python laughed softly too. "I mean, I'm glad you enjoyed your gift."

Nathan nodded groggily and soggily, but happily. "Mmmm, yess.. Merry XXXmas, Boe." he murmured as the deep blissful sensation that inevitably accompanied great sex swept over him.. his cock deflated slowly, still black, huge and covered in creamy cum, it rested heavily on his pleasantly full belly.

"Merry XXXmasss, Nathan," the constrictor replied.. and he would have ended our story, as well.. if he hadn't then added: "You know, now you can keep thisss tree for next year. It'sss a gift that keepsss on giving, you know. And besssidesss, you ssstill have a good week thisss year to try out all itsss ssspecial featuresss."

"Special features, like what? Different flavours.. bigger tendrils?" asked the still dangling mammal.

"Yesss, and yesss, and alssso..." he trailed off, getting up to gently guide his friend into turning around, the tentacles twisting in tandem to follow their lead and rotated him 180 degrees to face the XXXmas tree, fully.

There, instead of a mostly normal Christmas tree with a large number of thick green limbs coming out of its festive foliage.. was a writhing mass of mutated mayhem. All the branches had been born again as silky smooth and sinful serpentine vines, although it still retained the rough shape and size of a Christmas tree. The ornaments had fused with them, as well, morphing into twisted, sexualized versions of themselves. There were dildos and vibrators and beaded balls.. in fact, the entire string of lights had become one long strand of beads, bright and warm to the touch. There were also goodies, actual treats one could pluck from a branch and eat. They were the cheetah's and the snake's favourite seasonal snacks, as they would be for anyone who came into contact with the tree. They would probably also cause an alteration that the person would enjoy. Ideas for sharing one's favourite treats and therefore, their preferred metamorphosis were just part of the fun intended by the creator!

"Ooohh, _that's_ an XXXmas tree.. that's much better." concluded Nathan, nodding and grinning, eyeing a few of the toys.

"Mmhmm.." concurred Boelen as he tried to find something to eat after all that 'spegg nog'.. "Ssso, do you want me to find sssomething to make _me_ a bit more tasssty for _you_?" he asked, slipping closer to the waving mass of flexible limbs.

"Sure.. you can be part of my present for a portion of XXXmas day, in fact!" he exclaimed, suddenly pushing the python's upper body into the thick fray. He had gotten down from his caressing cradle of coiled tentacles easily once the fun was over.

Boelen was swallowed up swiftly, scaly tail and all, partially disappearing into the 'branches', a coil poking out here and there every now and again. His voice drifted out of the dizzying disorder: "I thought you'd never asssk!"

Nathan chuckled and smiled at where his silly, sexy, weird friend had been a moment before, considering him for a second.. then he shook his head and grinned, turning to go tend to the fire, his enlarged shaft having slipped down into a pleasantly snug sheath, also enlarged to give him a proud XXXmas package in between his legs. Only resting and recharging in the almost pendulous pouch of flesh for a short time, Nathan was sure.

Purring as he threw another log on, he sat down in the re-invigorated warmth with a contented smile on his muzzle to watch what happened to the snake.. then pretend that he had just gotten up on XXXmas morning to find his gifts.

(If you enjoyed this story, feel free to visit it on FurAffinity, as well! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2066849/ )