Trent's Punishment

Story by Ickyburd on SoFurry

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Hi everyone! This is my official introduction to the world of SoFurry, and your official introduction to an Ickybird. (Well, if I didn't tell you to come here already.) This is one of my first pieces of actual smut written, and ...well, why not go for the weirdest stuff right off the bat, eh?

Comments and critique appreciated~

Trent winced, rubbing his sore neck as he leaned against the cool bathroom walls. The young sparrow's master, David, stood across from him, giving him a disappointed glare. He'd only known David for a few months, but after a few drunken conversations about desires and turn-ons later, he's in the back of some obnoxious strip club, collared and owned by the otter standing before him. Try as he might to look properly ashamed, the sparrow couldn't help sneaking a peek at David's deceptively cute ass as he turned to the sinks.

"I just...I can't believe you actually went up to him, Trent. That collar on your neck mean nothing to you?" The heavy-set otter turned the tap on the sink, rinsing his hands and splashing water over his face.

"Oh, come on, David," the sparrow sputtered, looking for an excuse. " He was cute! And he winked at me!"

"So you think you can just give money to strippers now without my permission?"

"I didn't know I wasn't allowed to!"

David whirled around, water dripping off his whiskers. "Okay, look. You said you wanted to try being a pet, and I told you I'm a rough owner. You don't even get to look at other men," jabbing his finger into Trent's chest to hammer the point home, "let alone tip dancers.

The wiry sparrow shrugged and raised his arms, rolling his eyes at David's fierce demeanor. "Yeah, yeah, you own me, I get it. Sorry. Can we go now?"

Fisted tightly clenched, David quietly stared into Trent's eyes. The otter reached up and grabbed his pet's collar again, dragging him over to one of the bathroom stalls and kicking open the door.

The first thing that Trent noticed was the distinct lack of a porcelain throne in the stall. Instead, the extra-wide stall has a rigged set of metal bars near the wall, with padded cuffs welded to some of the bars. Slowly connecting the dots, the young sparrow's heart dropped as he realized he was meant to fit into the straps.

_Ohhh, shit, this is kinky. Still, it's just a bondage setup, and David couldn't really be that upset about me tipping that cutie outside. What's the harm in climbing in and sucking him off? _Trent's considerations were soon answered by a firm push towards the rig.

"Get on already, bitch," David snarled.

Heart starting to beat faster, the sparrow stepped behind the steel bars and leaned down, resting his chest on a padded bar and lifting his wrists and legs into the cuffs. All things considered, it wasn't a bad fit for the bird. His ass was hiked up in the air, and his eyes came level with his otter's package, but there wasn't any large discomfort as David strapped him down. As he shifted side to side to check how secure his bonds were, Trent couldn't help but get nervous at the sight of a blindfold in David's hands from a cabinet attached to the wall.

"Hey, do you really need-"

"Did I say you could ask a question? Shut it, slut."

The sparrow blushed violently and obeyed, closing his eyes as the cloth blindfold was pulled against his eyes and tied in the back. Trent could hear David rummaging around the cabinet, growing more and more concerned that he wasn't just here for a quickie blowjob. He groaned in surprise as his beak was forced open, a special gag put in the corners and wrapping around the back of his head forcing the beak to stay wide open. It was almost a relief when he felt the familiar, musky taste of David's cock on his tongue, and even though it was flaccid, he started working over the tip with his broad tongue.

Smirking, David rested a hand on the back of his bird's head as he tasted his eager shaft. He closed his eyes and tried to relax himself, giving a sigh of relief as his bladder gives way, spraying a hot, strong stream of piss on his pet's tongue. Trent instantly recoiled, pulling back his tongue and tugging at the cuffs holding him down as the bitter piss hit his tongue. David's hand held him tight, though, and the urine started pooling in his open beak, threatening to spill out the sides in a matter of seconds.

David's grip on Trent tightened. "Let's go, slut. You think this is bad, wait and see what happens if you spill any." Groaning and whining, the sparrow finally relented, swallowing a beakful of his master's urine. The strong, salty stream kept coming, and Trent could do nothing but swallow it down, feeling the warmth trickle down his throat. Seconds dragged on into hours as he kept drinking, the otter showing no signs of letting up.

Finally, the spray slowed into a trickle, which turned into a slow drip of piss on the bird's tongue. He swallowed it all, relieved when David slipped his cock back out from his beak. "Mmmmh, been holding that in for a while," he said, wiping his wet tip on Trent's t-shirt. "Not bad for your first time, either. Coulda sworn you've been a toilet slut all your life!"

Trent could hear him opening the cabinet again, eagerly wanting to get out of his bonds and give David a piece of his mind. The cabinet door shut again, though, and Trent was no closer to being freed. The sparrow felt a thin cord draped around his neck, with some sort of weight pulling it down. His blindfold was soon pulled up, letting him see David kneeling in front of him, his muzzle an inch away from Trent's beak.

"Don't get comfy, slut. Thought you might wanna have a look." David backed up and held up his phone to the sparrow, the front-facing camera letting him see himself. His beak was pried open and wet, the feathers on the back of his head were sticking up, and a small white sign hung from his neck, clearly labeling him: "PUBLIC TOILET". David clicked a button on his phone, taking a picture of his bound pet before putting his phone away.

"See? You're not even a pet now, you're just a urinal. For me and anyone else who wants to use you. If I'm gonna own you, you need to be broken in first. Hopefully a day or two of living as nothing more than a toilet will get you to appreciate how I treat you, hmm?" David laughed and stroked the bird's cheek as he renewed his fight to escape, knowing he'd be held tight until he was released. He left his pet to struggle, shutting the cabinet door as he walked away.

"Oh, and you better not spill any piss from the other patrons," David called over his shoulder as he exited the bathroom. "I find one drop on the floor, you're in there for a week."