Nothing to See Here

Story by Ursa Maximus on SoFurry

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#5 of Nine Stories

A mischievous hyena with an unusual talent for mass-hypnosis trawls a bar for casual sex. A burly patron decides to turn the tables.


Nothing to See Here

Black claws clicked against hot concrete in the midday city sun. A mass of people, packed shoulder to shoulder, crowded the sidewalk. Jeff sauntered freely in the throng.

The twenty-something striped hyena was dressed to draw attention, wearing nothing but a gold and leather harness on his upper body. His fur was tan with irregular black stripes. A starchy, black-tipped mohawk started between his eyes and grew into a mane down his neck and upper back. His torso was lean and oversized for his frame.

Two large, pointed ears stood upright atop his head, with tufts of black fur bursting from inside of each. He wore a single gold ring pierced through the tip of his left ear. The weight of the metal pulled at his ear, and caused the tip to fall and sway as he walked.

He had on ripped black jeans, the waistband too loose, revealing an Apollo's belt and a burst of dark pubic hair beneath his belly. Generously sized equipment printed through the crotch of his pants and down his right leg. He wore no shoes. A set of hot pink frogskin knockoffs rested on his short, square muzzle, their dark lenses showing only the slightest hint of his wicked orange eyes.

And yet, nobody seemed to notice him.

Jeff had just woken up a few moments earlier. He was still tired and stiff. He opened his mouth and let out a small puff of air. There was a stale taste on his tongue from the night before. He needed something sweet to get rid of it. A group of tourists suddenly took an interest in a building across the street. They moved quickly out of Jeff's way, allowing him free passage to a nearby news stand.

He stepped up to the counter and pointed his nose down to look over his sunglasses. It took the cashier several seconds to realize that somebody was standing right in front of him. He let out a small, surprised gasp as he noticed the hyena. This was unusual. Jeff's lips pulled into a half grin. He picked out a lollipop, black raspberry with bubblegum inside, and took off his sunglasses.

"I paid for this," he said, earnestly, holding up the candy and looking into the cashier's eyes. The human gave no assent or protest. He opened then closed the register.

"Thanks," said Jeff, winking before putting his sunglasses back on and walking away. The hyena bit at the wrapper and pulled. He spit the plastic sheet out on to the sidewalk. His jaws opened and a long, flexible tongue flowed out between his teeth, wrapping halfway around the candy and pulling it into his mouth.

Jeff sucked on the lollipop and chuckled, looking around for something to do. He walked for several blocks, passing a movie theater, a lunch place with fancy burgers, and small shopping mall. The first thing that really caught his eye was a particularly attractive human in a tight black tee and elastic running shorts. The man walked purposefully in the opposite direction, looking into the distance. He was thick and muscled in all the right ways. Jeff's cock stirred. He knew what he wanted to do today.

The hyena took off his sunglasses, held out a paw, and slapped the human's ass as he passed. The man jumped and turned to the canine. Their eyes met. He opened his mouth to speak but Jeff interrupted.

"We met in college," said Jeff, hastily. Trying to assemble a backstory. "You were my boyfriend. You'd love for me to fuck you again."

The human closed his mouth. His face twisted and flushed. The hyena could almost hear his brain grinding away, trying to force the new information to fit.

The human stammered, "I- I didn't have a boyfriend in college... You're hot but... Wait, I didn't go to college... and I'm not gay. But I do know you! Where do I know you from? Are you one of Beth's friends? She knows a lot of anthros." The human's mouth ran nonstop as his mind strained to integrate the facts.

The suggestion had been rejected. The only detail that really sank in was that they had known each other. It was a bad fit, and this could take all day. Jeff didn't need to ruin this guy's life either. The hyena looked back into the human's eyes and removed his hooks the best he could.

"We don't know each other," Jeff said, disappointed. "I bumped into you on the street accidentally. I apologized, you accepted. You're late."

"Oh shit, I'm late!" said the man, the alternative narrative taking hold instantly. He turned and ran off.

Jeff stood in the middle of the sidewalk for a moment, foot traffic flowing around him. He frowned at his failure. He needed to use a lighter touch. For that he needed an easier target. He needed several easier targets. His smile returned. He stepped off the sidewalk, jay-walked confidently through heavy traffic, and headed west.

The hyena pushed open the door to a bar. It was dark inside but he could see a handful of customers. Nobody looked up. Two foxes, arctic and red, sat at the counter, flirting with one another over their beers. A wolf and a human sat at a table, playing cards, sipping whiskey. The smell of cigar smoke hung in the air but the Jeff couldn't see anyone smoking. Classic rock crackled from an ancient juke box in the corner. The bar was unattended. A total dive. It was perfect.

Jeff picked a stool at the end of the bar and sat down. He sighed and tapped his pads on the counter, waiting for the bartender to return. The surface was sticky and smelled of stale beer. He chewed on the lollipop stick in his mouth. The smell of cigar smoke was strong. After five minutes, he grew impatient.

The hyena closed his eyes and formed a simple thought. "I am very thirsty." He held it on the tip of his tongue and waited. Within seconds, the red fox drained his beer. The wolf downed his whiskey. The arctic fox drank his beer too. The human held out for the longest, almost half a minute, before draining his glass as well. Jeff formed a second thought. "I need another drink." His tongue twitched in his mouth. He alternated, pressing each thought in turn. The wolf got up almost immediately. He walked to the far end of the bar and banged on a door.

"Hey, monkey man, get back out here. Your customers are dying of thirst!"

The door opened and a gorilla stepped out. He stood at least a foot taller than the wolf and glared.

"You call me a 'monkey man' one more time, Salmon, and you'll die of something else", growled the massive ape.

"Sorry Boss, just, can we get another round over here?" Salmon stuck a thumb in the direction of his table.

The gorilla's mood calmed from murderous to surly. "Yeah, alright, hold on a minute." He lifted the entrance to the bar and walked behind.

"Over here too" called out the red fox.

"Jeez, you too? When did you guys start putting away a drink every ten minutes?" asked Boss.

Jeff grinned from the far end of the counter, his eyes fixed on Boss. The gorilla was everything he found attractive in a male: huge, hairy, muscled, and gruff, wearing no shirt and a tight pair of grey cotton shorts, a thick bulge filling out the crotch. Jeff's mouth opened involuntarily as he leered. A small rope of saliva formed on the corner of his mouth. He liked what he saw. He liked where this was going. But he needed everyone good and drunk before he could start his work in earnest. And that gorilla was going to need a lot of drinks.

Years of practice made it easy for him to press the patrons of the bar to drink. "I'm very thirsty." "I need another drink." The thoughts alternated automatically in the back of his mind.

Boss, now behind the bar, started to feel the suggestions too. His mouth was so dry. The alcohol in the bar was nearly irresistible. The bartender refilled the two foxes' beers, mesmerized by the golden liquid pouring from the taps. He swallowed hard, resisting the urge, and slid the filled pint glasses across the bar. The foxes began drinking again immediately.

The gorilla turned around and looked through the various bottles of liquor on the shelves behind him. He found the bourbon the wolf had been drinking and picked it up. Jeff caught the ape taking a slug straight from the bottle before filling two glasses.

Boss carried two brimming tumblers over to the table where the wolf was playing cards. The canine looked up at the glasses in surprise and licked his lips.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but, Boss, I believe you may have over-poured my glass!" said Salmon with a smile. The wolf was impeccably dressed in a crisp brown suit, white shirt, and red tie. His collar was undone, tie pulled loose. The cut of his jacket accentuated an already impressive masculine build. Locks of his dark grey fur folded over the cuffs and collar of his shirt.

"What can I say, I'm feeling generous. You two looked thirsty," said the gorilla.

"Cheers" said Salmon's human companion and raised his glass.

"To catching you cheating, you son of a bitch." said the wolf. They both drank half of the whiskey in their first sip.

Boss walked back around the bar, feeling parched, the single gulp of whiskey only making it harder to refrain. He poured himself a pint from the tap. He didn't usually partake on the job, in the middle of the day no less, but he was so thirsty for some reason. He drank greedily.

"Another for us too" said the red fox. Boss raised his brow and finished his pint. Their glasses were empty already.

"I don't think I've ever seen you two little fellas tackle two pints in a sitting," said the gorilla.

"We're feeling bigger today, Boss," said the arctic fox, leaning sloppily on his friend.

Boss filled their glasses again, then another for himself. He drained his own almost immediately and went for another. It was delicious. He couldn't get enough.

Salmon's glass was empty and so was his human friend's. They sat at their table, holding their cards, basking in the blissful warmth of growing inebriation.

"You know," said Salmon hazily, turning to the bar, "this could- I could really go for another". Boss held up a finger as he polished off his sixth pint.

"One second you two." he said. He filled a seventh pint and took out a new bottle of whiskey. He fumbled clumsily with the seal, a tingle of pleasant numbness tickling his hands and face. The gorilla wrested the cap from the bottle and, without thinking, tipped it back. He drank about half of the contents before remembering he was supposed to be serving his customers. Boss poured out two full glasses like before and carried them over to the table.

The foxes had finished their third pint. They were too far-gone to ask for more. They licked absentmindedly at the each other's muzzles. Boss returned to the bar, finished his seventh pint and tried to remember what he was doing before the wolf had interrupted him. His thoughts drifted away from him as he slid into a stupor. The wolf and human sipped from their glasses more slowly, eyes glazed, their game all but forgotten.

The hyena looked around the room gleefully, his member slowly swelling in anticipation. They were all good and drunk, even the bartender. He stopped pressing them.

Jeff's mind raced with possibilities. He could suggest almost anything now and have it take hold. He decided to start simply. He formed the thought: "I am hornier than I've ever been before", and pressed it to the tip of his tongue. His influence carried the thought into the air. The honesty behind it amplified its potency. In their drunken state, the animals in the bar had no defenses and few inhibitions.

Salmon stared at his friend, jaw slack. His cock tented in his pants. He wasn't sure why but sex was suddenly all he could think about. He sniffed the air in the bar, and smelled nothing but booze, smoke, and a pack virile men, horny, ready for anything. His human friend was very attractive, he thought. He wondered why he hadn't noticed before.

"Hey Mike," said the wolf to his friend. "Why haven't- I think you're a pretty good looking- why haven't we ever dated before?"

"I don't know, Sal, I think you look good too." said Mike, his speech slurred, erection stirring in his pants. "I didn't think you liked humans that way, which is sad cause I like you a lot. And, you already got Russ."

"Oh yeah, Russ..." the wolf smiled, thinking of his boyfriend. Flashes of sex with his partner popped into his mind.

The hyena listened to their drunken confessions and gave another push. "My partner will not mind if I am unfaithful," thought Jeff, concentrating on the words.

The wolf's visions of sex shifted and became more permissive. He still imagined Russ, but Mike was there too, and Boss.

"Russ doesn't care who I fuck, he's really cool," said Salmon, standing up. He held on to the table and stumbled around to the back of Mike's chair. He leaned over and hugged the sitting human tight. "You're a good friend Mike, I like you. We should get out of here."

Mike leaned back, into the wolf and groaned. His head swam, his cock leaked. "You're so warm and fuzzy, Sal. I want, I just am gonna to hold you forever." The human reached up, pulled down the wolf's head, and kissed his nose lightly.

An red-orange light glowed in the back of the bar, then faded. Distracted by his handiwork, Jeff didn't notice. Sweet smoke hung in the air.

Boss stared vacantly at the two foxes slumped over the bar. Thoughts of sex raced through his head. He felt an unbearable pressure to breed. He watched the foxes lick one another. He couldn't think of anything but those tongues all over his body. His chest rumbled involuntarily with each breath. He needed them both in his arms. He needed them closer. His massive cock was fully erect in his shorts, plastered against his thigh, every detail showing through the fabric.

The gorilla held on to the bar and lifted the hinged section of the counter. He stumbled out and stood behind the foxes. Two giant, muscled arms came down around them and gripped the bar. The gorilla's forearms were each thicker than the foxes' lithe, vulpine torsos. They felt the heat pouring from the gorilla's chest as he stooped down. Boss leaned in close and rested his head on their shoulders. They smelled whiskey on his breath and the wild, pungent scent of the jungle in his fur.

Still clutching at a shred of restraint, Boss clumsily propositioned them.

"I think we should- if its ok you little guys would-" the gorilla stammered.

The arctic fox's tongue pushed its way into his mouth mid-sentence. He stopped talking and closed his eyes. His flexible lips gently massaged the white muzzle against his face, their difference in size making the kiss awkward.

The red fox turned and jealously explored the gorilla's body. He found a nipple and began to tease it with his mouth. He licked and grazed it with his teeth until it was rock hard. Boss shuddered at the exquisite mixture of pleasure and pain.

The hyena stroked himself through his jeans as he watched the human and wolf drunkenly confess their love for one another. The gorilla and the foxes embrace and explore. This couldn't have worked out better, he thought. He formed his third and final suggestion.

"I am allowed to have sex in public," thought Jeff, pressing the words as hard as he could. As his arousal grew, his own inhibitions faded. He believed more and more in the suggestions he was sending out. Their power surged. The smoky air in the bar felt hotter and thicker.

Mike felt his every inhibition crumble. He pushed his chair back from the table. Sal held on to his friend for support, swung his body around the chair, and sat on the human's knees, straddling him. They embraced, face to face. The human's lips pushed open the wolf's muzzle. They eagerly probed each other's mouths with their tongues, feeling electric desire course between their locked lips. Any thoughts of impropriety were completely wiped from their minds.

Over at the bar, a mouth bit down hard on Boss's nipple. His legs gave out and he fell backwards, taking both foxes with him. He cradled their delicate frames in his arms as his rear struck the ground. He rolled to his back. He felt no shame in falling over. He thought this would be a fine place to fuck.

The wolf and human rocked back and forth, their moments growing more wild by the second. The chair under Mike toppled over and they spilled on to the floor, barely taking notice, still clinging to each other.

With all his participants on the ground, the hyena stood up and took a few steps away from the bar for a better view. His cock tugged at the crotch of his jeans, fully erect and stuffed down one leg as he walked. He relished the feeling of confinement and slid a paw across the fabric.

The red fox raked his sharp claws down the gorilla's shorts, craving the prize tucked away inside. The weakened fabric ripped and fell away. Boss moaned as his erection sprang free and swayed above his belly. The eager mouth of the arctic fox found it almost immediately and began to suck. He lay face down in the gorilla's crotch, legs splayed. His tongue squeezed at the underside Boss's cock, milking it for drop after drop of delicious, salty pre. He licked around the gorilla's cockhead, the tip of his tongue slipping into the urethra. The red fox crouched down between Boss's legs, wet a paw, and slipped three digits inside his ass. Boss clenched in surprise, pushing the fingers directly into his swollen prostate. His cock began to drool more steadily. The white fox drank it all.

The wolf twisted on the floor to remove his suit jacket and pants. It was hard. He could scarcely take his hands off of Mike long enough to free one arm. Mike unbuttoned his own pants and slid them off. His blue underwear was tented by his erection, wet and stained dark. Sal finished disrobing, taking off all but his white button-down and tie. His nine inch wolf cock parted the shirt below the buttons, crimson and glistening against the white cotton. He dove at the human and pulled at his sopping underwear.

Boss's breathing became labored. The white fox sucking the gorilla's cock slid his muzzle off. A thread of drool and precum connected the two. He stood up, feet to either side with his back to Boss. He lifted his tail and sat down.

Jeff watched in awe as the white fox took inch after inch of the gorilla's girthy cock without any trouble. The fox whined and ground his rear into the gorilla's hips.

Mike flipped himself over and presented his ass to the wolf. He felt Sal's wet nose press into his crack, soft tongue darting at his hole, readying it. Sal gave the pucker a final lick, propped him self up on one knee, and thrust his slick, pointed member inside. Mike shut his eyes and inhaled sharply at the glorious sensation of being filled. Sal whined in ecstasy at the tight hole gripping his cock. He began to thrust rhythmically.

The arctic fox, speared on the gorilla's cock, moaned. His own six inch vulpine member stood rock hard, in desperate need of attention. His partner looked up and, without removing his fingers from the gorilla's ass, slid his mouth on to his fellow fox's erection. He bobbed his head, pleasuring the arctic fox's cock as he massaged the gorilla's prostate. Boss bent his knee and slid a foot under the red fox. He grasped the fox's neglected member with his toes and began to stroke. The fox purred and leaned into the gorilla's firm grip.

Sal's relentless pounding slid Mike across the floor of the bar. The two inched forward until the human's hands braced against the gorilla's shoulders. Boss looked up at the human, his eyes foggy and distant.

Mike's entire body rocked. He panted and moaned as each thrust raked across his prostate. His arms gave out and he collapsed, falling face-first into the gorilla's neck. Boss felt the human's hot, passionate breath against his skin. He craned his head down, nuzzling, holding Mike in place.

Sal bent over his friend and pressed his chest to the human's back. He wrapped one arm around his stomach and used his free paw to stoke Mike's pink, drooling cock as he thrusted.

The arctic fox clenched tightly on the gorilla's massive member and rode it up and down as hard as he could bear. He could feel the huge tool filling his rump and it dove him wild. The red fox's mouth teased him and edged him closer and closer to release.

Mike shouted incoherently with pleasure, pinned between the wolf and gorilla. His every breath was drawn raggedly through the fur on Boss's neck. The wolf heard his friend's cries and drilled his rear faster and faster. He gripped the human's cock harder and stroked in time with his thrusts. Mike squeezed his eyes shut as his climax washed over him. He blew out his lips, his mouth filling with gorilla hair, drooling all over Boss's neck. Thick ropes of ejaculate coursed from his member.

Boss's chest began to shake violently as he too neared orgasm. His moans became deeper and more guttural. He stroked his foot faster at the red fox's cock. The fox humped at the foot. He slid his pinkie, then his thumb up the gorilla's ass. He massaged inside Boss's rear with his entire paw. The fox felt his balls retract and his cock tighten. He was about to cum. He wrapped his paw inside of the gorilla into a tight fist, and pulled.

The fist jammed into Boss's prostate. The sensation was so intense it left the gorilla gasping and breathless. The arctic fox dropped into his hips one final time as he crashed helplessly though the most intense climax he had ever experienced. He roared loudly enough to shake the bottles behind the bar as cum gushed from his oversized cock, filling the white fox's ass and pouring out on to his belly and down his legs.

The arctic fox felt the intense, slippery warmth of the gorilla's seed inside of his rear and lost control, spurting directly into his friend's mouth. He twisted in ecstasy. The red fox swallowed his partner's cum as his own seed sprayed all over Boss's foot, thigh, and the floor of the bar.

The urge to finish consumed Sal. He couldn't wait any longer. His movements became jerky as he pressed harder and harder, his knot pushing against the human's small entrance. He rammed a final time and with a wet slap, he popped inside. Mike, already mid-orgasm, felt a massive jolt of pleasure as the knot squeezed his prostate harder than he'd ever felt before.

Sal howled as the human's asshole grabbed at his knot, pulled it inside, and held it tight. He was stuck fast. He pulled back his hips and felt Mike's rear come with him. The sensation was transcendent, his every movement more thrilling than the last. He pressed his face to the human's back, mouth open, as he came, unable to support his own weight with the overload of sexual gratification. Wave after wave of pleasure left him helpless as seed gushed from his member and into the human.

All five animals rode their orgasms to completion and collapsed into each other, grasping at fur, kissing desperately, embracing tightly. The human and wolf were stuck together and fell on to their sides, Sal biting gently at Mike's shoulder. They were all temporarily spent, but no less horny and eager. The cadence of the commands droning in their heads ensured that.

Jeff unbuttoned his pants and reached inside to touch himself. His new friends in the bar would cum over and over until he was personally satisfied. The hyena was just getting started. He dug a claw into his pubic hair and raked it up his abdomen to his chest. He found a nipple and rubbed it.

"Very impressive, hyena", said a voice from a dark corner in the back of the bar. The tip of a cigar glowed in the darkness. Its owner took a puff of rich tobacco smoke. The face of bear appeared briefly in the dim, red light. Jeff's breath caught in his throat. He froze with one paw rubbing his nipple. How had he missed someone in the bar? And he was being addressed directly. It had many years since someone spoke to him unbidden.

"You're a talented hypnotist. Pressing three suggestions like that," said the bear with admiration. "Five subjects simultaneously, no eye contact. Remarkable. But I think you've had your fun." His voice grew cold. "It's time to stop."

Jeff felt exposed and uncomfortable. His insides writhed like snakes. He could see the glint of amber eyes glowing in the darkness and the silhouette of a large head with two rounded ears. It took all of his courage to respond. He played innocent.

"Who's there? Why didn't I notice you? And I don't know what you're talking about," said the hyena, voice less than steady.

"You didn't notice me because I didn't want you to. The same reason nobody notices you. Nothing to see here," said the bear.

With those words, Jeff found his eyes sliding off the bear's dim silhouette. He looked back and forth, trying to focus, to find the bear again in the back of the bar. His gaze skipped right over the place where he had been sitting. The hyena began to panic.

"I came in for a drink but everyone started having sex. I didn't do anything," said Jeff.

"Of course you didn't do anything, you just made a few suggestions," said the bear, reappearing. "Would you like me to repeat them?" He stood up.

"Repeat what? I-" started Jeff.

"Your suggestions. I'll repeat them aloud. You're still sending them. It's like you're chanting in my ear nonstop. It's very irritating," said the bear.

Jeff stared and said nothing. The bear started to walk around the room, avoiding the pile of humping bodies in the center.

"I am hornier than I have ever been before," said the bear aloud. He took a step and paused for the silent chanting to come back around.

"My partner will not mind if I am unfaithful," he said, cocking his head to the side. "That one's little cruel, don't you think?"

"I am allowed to have sex in public," he concluded, now only a few feet from the hyena.

Jeff faced the bear. He was a foot taller than the hyena, with brown fur, wearing a plain black leather vest and pants. A lit cigar hung from his lips. His eyes were large, wicked, and glowed a piercing orange.

Jeff's mouth went dry. His tongue stuck to his palate. Those were his suggestions, he thought. How could this bear know?

The bear smiled and took a puff from his cigar, looking the hyena up and down. Jeff swallowed hard. He felt cornered and scared. He had no other choice. He braced himself and looked directly into his accuser's orange eyes.

The bear recoiled in shock and took a step back. He clenched his jaw, tensed every muscle in his body, and readied his defenses.

Jeff spoke with the greatest conviction he could muster.

"You love me with all your heart." commanded the hyena with steel in his voice.

"We've never met before," thought the bear, contesting with the full strength of his will. The hyena's words broke and scattered harmlessly.

"The sight of me fills you with overwhelming lust," continued Jeff.

"I find your appearance disgusting," thought the bear. It was a lie. Lying was a mistake when on the defense. The hyena's brutish charm was not lost on him. But there was no time to revise. He bore down on the thought. The hyena's order shattered but fragments grazed his mind. He felt a warm trickle of arousal. His member twitched. He pushed the feeling away.

"You hold nothing but deference to my every word," shouted Jeff.

"I am slave to no master," thought the bear with impeccable conviction. Jeff's command disintegrated.

"You would never do anything to hurt me," concluded the hyena, his voice hoarse.

The bear blocked silently, "I will defend myself by any means necessary."

Jeff was exhausted from the effort he put into his assault. He looked at the bear towering over him. The bear's eyes were still alert, jaw still clenched. His influence had failed for the second time that day, and that had been the hardest he could push. He broke eye contact. The hyena was crestfallen. He had nothing left to fight with.

The bear relaxed and let out a breath. "Holy shit, kid." He said, incredulous.

Jeff was confused. It wasn't the reaction he expected.

The bear moved quickly and lifted the hyena off the ground by the neck, roughly forcing their eyes to meet again. He needed time to call for backup. He paused for an instant to prepare a mixture of truthful statements and commands. That blend would be the most difficult to defend against.

"You came into this bar and pressed everyone to get very drunk," said the bear with inescapable authority. "You encouraged them to have sex with one another, openly. You found it so arousing, you decided to join in. You won't stop until I tell you otherwise." The bear finished and broke contact. He dropped the hyena and Jeff fell to his knees.

The carefully constructed statements had been unnecessary. Jeff had no defenses. He had never been the object of direct command before. He didn't even know there were others like him.

Jeff closed his eyes. His brain relaxed. Chemical rewards surged as he accepted his new reality. He leaned forward on to his hand paws, and crawled across the floor towards Boss and the others. His pants slid down to his ankles and trailed behind before falling off. His cock bobbed up and down as he moved, growing harder the closer he came to the writing mass of sex in front of him. He smelled the earthy musk of animals in rut, the sharp scent of spunk. He wanted to immerse himself in it. Jeff looked down at the gorilla's face. Boss looked back at him, grabbed his head, and pulled him in for a sloppy, drunken kiss.

The bear observed the hyena for a moment, puffing on his cigar, making sure his commands had taken hold. His cock grew harder the longer he looked. The hyena's command echoed in his mind. "The sight of me fills you with overwhelming lust."

"Shit!" he cursed loudly, an instant before a fog rolled across his brain. He fell back on his training and retreated with his consciousness. He found a safe corner of his mind and allowed desire to consume the rest.

The bear unbuttoned his pants and let his cock free. He walked to the center of the room and stood over the hyena, watching, his eyes fixed on Jeff's gyrating ass. He wrapped a hand paw around his member and began to pump. He knew he just needed to finish, needed to resist joining the bodies on the floor. Only then could he could think again.

The bear moaned and whined as he masturbated. Pre dribbled down his knuckles. His tongue lapped at the air as Jeff's hot pucker waved in front of him. The rational corner of his mind screamed. It took all of his willpower not to dive face-first into the hyena's ass. He pumped until he felt his orgasm starting to build. His legs tensed and hips bucked. A wicked thought crossed his lust-addled brain. He wanted to drench the hyena in his seed. His conscious mind saw no reason to fight the whim.

He took a huge pull from his cigar, the sweet smoke tingling in his mouth. He pointed his cock down, directly at Jeff, and squeezed. A spurt of hot bear seed sprayed at Jeff's backside. The bear began to pump his sensitive member again while he came, riding pulse after pulse of pleasure to new heights. The bear's orgasm went on for nearly a minute, soaking the rump in more cum than he thought possible.

With his load thoroughly blown, the power of the hyena's control waned. His head cleared. He couldn't help but smile. It was the most enjoyable climax he'd ever had. There was something special about that suggestion in his head. Maybe he'd wait on getting it undone. The bear slid his half-erect member back into his leather pants and zipped up.

"I'll be back in about an hour," he said, walking to the door. Jeff looked up with glazed eyes, consumed in the orgy, unable to respond.

"I'm coming back with some friends to clean up this mess you made." He said. "You've got a lot of talent. Maybe we can forgive some of this if you'd like to join us."

Jeff's face was deep in gorilla crotch before the bear finished talking. He smirked, bit down on his cigar, and walked out the door.