Breeder's Den

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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Oh, deary deary my. Here we are again! CRAZY week this week, so I didn't quite get the story finished by the time I wanted to. But it's still here, it's still done! Huzzah and jubilation!

Final part of The New Tribe here for you. Now, normally I try and outdo myself with every story that I write. My [THREE](%5C) [PART](%5C) [TRAINING](%5C) series is a good example of how I tried to ramp it up every time, with the acts involved. Not so here. This is more about tying this series' events up neatly, though I wonder if I actually even did that. But there's still plenty of good ol' buttstuffins to keep you kinky buggers happy, so read on! Hopefully you'll enjoy!

  • Faora, of the Flowing Tide

The New Tribe â€" Breeder's Den

One month.

It wasn't very long, for most beings. A handful of weeks, a couple dozen days. A fraction of a lifetime. Such incremental measures of time were generally lost on those beings. A month wasn't important. It was the years and decades that mattered; will the tribe have food? Shelter? Defense? It was the days that mattered; how will I hunt for sustenance? How do we stop the barbarians outside from tearing down our gates? What tasks do I need to perform before night robes me of my light?

The Serevokin asked different questions. For a being that lived perhaps a fifth as long as any others encountered across the world, a single month had much, much greater impact. This held especially true when two months were considered. The stretch of time that comprised two full months of life was, to a Serevokin, especially important. After all, that was the length of time it took for a breeder parent to birth a new Serevokin into the world.

Aliastikora smiled as he reclined. The draconic being let his eyes drift up and over the walls of the massive cavern that had been excavated for him. The walls were rough stone, earthen and strong, and the room alone was larger than most of the huts in the Nakeletori village on the surface above him. The size of the room was broken somewhat by the thick pillars of earth that he had ordered left in place. Asti was no engineer, but he had seen such caverns constructed before. His brother had birthed their child into the world in on, after all.

Across most of the floor were scattered blankets and rugs and furs. Oil torches were set into the walls, and the flickers of their firelight cast a warm glow across the cavern. Several bowls of fruit and water were lined up against one wall, but Asti paid them no mind. After all, he wasn't quite hungry. He was there simply to enjoy what had been constructed; to look upon the work of his people and smile. And smile he certainly did.

The Serevokin recalled how the Nakeletori tribe had been fearful of him at first. They had wanted his head, not to sire his race. As he had been promised though, Asti had been granted an audience with the entire tribe. Everyone had been in attendance, and they had met in a great building of mud brick and stone and wood that rivaled the size even of his own den. Rijaan, his first mate and breeder parent, had spoken before him. The wolf had explained what it was that Asti wanted, what he was, and how he sought to give the lupine people a choice. Of course, even as Rijaan spoke he had lied. He didn't know that he had lied, but Asti had not explained everything to him. The draconic cared greatly about the wolf, but his intentions then were greater even than that care. His race was dying out; he would do whatever he had to in order to ensure their survival.

Still, the people had been intrigued at least by Rijaan's words. Some people found knowledge of Serevokin culture interesting. Some wondered at the practical benefits of such an alliance; in the time when the Serevokin were plentiful and war raged between them and all other peoples, most every other race had attempted to align with them. They had been turned away, each and every one. Those few who were aware of such knockbacks were equally aware of what strength they could gain from Asti's proposal. But the great majority of the beings in the Nakeletori hall still believed that for Asti to breed another male, to seed him and create a child from that union, was unnatural. For the Nakeletori at least, it certainly was. To the Serevokin, that was normality. For a specie without a single female, how else were they expected to survive? And so the Nakeletori bias hindered Asti's efforts.

Rijaan had spoken of the draconic's efforts to protect and please him. Those words had never been lies. That Asti had all but forced himself onto the wolf was all in the past. In protecting the wolf from his own people when they had learned that he carried a Serevokin child, Asti had won himself the lupine's heart as well as his body and mind. In the days after Asti had taken an arrow for Rijaan and before he had spoken in the draconic's defense, the wolf had suggested that he might have been wrong about the Serevokin. Asti had simply smiled, and explained that his thoughts of the Serevokin were accurate. He said that he was the different one. After that point, and with no further coaxing from the Serevokin's mind-altering musk, Rijaan accepted his position. Asti had been more than happy to consummate that submission. Submitting to him, after all, usually resulted in intense pleasure in return.

While Rijaan pursued the diplomatic route for Asti, the draconic himself took matters into his own hands. A few came to him out of curiosity, to try and understand him better. Their minds were swiftly overcome, and the Serevokin took still more males as his breeder parents. Unlike Rijaan, he wiped their minds almost completely clean with his influence. He replaced aspects of themselves with new thoughts and feelings, suggested while they were under the influence of his powerful musk. Even when outside Rijaan's hut, they did his will. In the course of one little month, a great many of the town males had fallen under Asti's sway. To dominate the mind of another was not as simple as releasing those powerful pheromones and watching their mental state decay. If it were that easy, Rijaan would have been left with no will of his own, like everyone else. But to wipe away the will of another with that scent and the pleasure it promised was easy enough. It was all a matter of how one spoke to the beings under that powerful influence. The promise of more pleasure to come was enough for the most part to erode any concern on the part of the new breeder parent. Some beings were strong enough to resist torture. Few possessed the fortitude to turn away from unimaginable pleasure.

As he cast a final glance around the underground cavern, the Serevokin nodded once and smiled. It had been only a month since that fateful night he had run across the Nakeletori hunter in the dark of night. Only a month since he had taken and bred that male and made him his own. The signs of Rijaan's pregnancy were plain to see, as were those of his brothers; Korvin and Vorja. Korvin, like Rijaan, had been allowed to retain most all of his original mental state. Vorja had unfortunately been more problematic than his younger siblings. The draconic shivered and grinned as he remembered how good it had felt to break the older brother's mind and breed him again. Rijaan had been briefly upset, but upon being told that Vorja would have stirred trouble against them, the wolf had accepted Asti's action.

The sound of footpaws against stone caught Asti's attention, and he shifted his keen eyes to the opposite end of the room. From down a marble staircase that led to the surface came Rijaan. The month of Serevokin pregnancy was obvious. His belly had swelled considerably with the new life that grew inside of him, and his hips had become wider thanks to generous helpings to Asti's transformative seed. The lupine wore no loincloth anymore in Asti's presence. It only got in the way, after all.

Asti sat up against the plush cushions beneath him and smiled as Rijaan approached. The wolf moved steadily forward, and his eyes drank in every detail of the room as he wandered through. "They truly finished it long before I expected," the wolf said as he knelt down beside Asti.

The draconic nodded and leaned back again. "Your people are strong and capable workers," he replied as Rijaan started to snuggle up and into his side. "It lacks the elegance and luxury of other Serevokin breeder's dens, but it is more than I ever expected. They will be rewarded."

As Rijaan nodded slowly, one of Asti's hands stroked down tenderly over the wolf's distended belly. "The life within you grows, and I can feel his warmth. What of you, Rijaan? What do you feel?" The draconic's eyes fixed on the wolf's as they dropped to Asti's hand.

It took a long moment before the lupine was able to properly respond. "I do not know," he finally replied as he closed his eyes. "Truly, I do not. In all honesty? You have shown me compassion and care and tenderness over this last month." His eyes opened slowly once again as he looked up and met Asti's gaze. "And yet, on some level, my blood still burns for what you did to me. For what you have done to my people."

The Serevokin smiled. That was indeed honesty, and the passion in the wolf's heart was exactly why Rijaan had been allowed to keep his mind, even when Asti was able to snap it like a twig. "And yet, even the females whom I cannot influence are calling this a golden time for your tribe," he replied as he continued to stroke gently. "They see the knowledge I have imparted, and they are impressed. New weapons, new construction, new medicine... all is possible with the knowledge I give you." He chuckled quietly. "And nothing, not even knowledge, comes with no price."

Rijaan had no real response for that. Two weeks into Asti's stay in the village, dissent had begun to stir amongst the village females. They had confronted Asti directly and with weapons drawn, and accused him of twisting the minds of their husbands, sons, fathers and brothers. It was true of course, and the Serevokin said as much. Perhaps the one thing that those females had not counted on was the draconic's harem and its size. They stepped forward to defend Asti, and once more Rijaan had pled his case. Nothing that the females could be told though was able to calm them. And so Asti had offered his knowledge, with that same line; that nothing comes for free. An accord had been struck, and it was one that Asti was all too happy to accept. After all, it had been his plan all along.

The Serevokin asked for a fraction of the town's males, mostly comprised of those who would be willing to serve as birthing parents to him. He asked for a breeder's den to be constructed beneath the surface of the town; a safe, warm place where he could live and tend to his ‘duties' in comfort. And he asked for food to be brought to him, only when he needed it and could not obtain it himself. In return, the Nakeletori wanted his knowledge and his defense of their town. Healing salves, metalworking, construction and combat knowledge were all imparted. While not a master of any field, Asti was like all other Serevokin; trained to excel in many tasks. With that knowledge, the Nakeletori would learn much from him.

As he looked over Rijaan, Asti smiled a little wider and squeezed the wolf gently against him. He knew that his time would be taken immediately up by the training of his children. The first generation of the new Serevokin would take up all of Asti's knowledge at as young an age as they could, and serve as tutors and masters of their chosen fields when they came of age two years later. The second generation was to be born to defend the town, and of the new Nakeletori/Serevokin alliance. That the Nakeletori had demonstrated advanced arcane weapons mattered little; the Serevokin were still the strongest race upon creation.

It had been his plan, and the Nakeletori had been all too happy to oblige him. The broken minds of the males served to help him from being destroyed on-sight. Rijaan's intact mind and willing service ensured that he would be listened to. His reasonable demands made sense, and he had no designs to run the village. His fate was not to lead; that Asti was certain of. That job would fall to his children, once they had become numerous once more. And in demonstrating both a lack of desire to harm the Nakeletori, a respect for their ways and their freedoms, and in offering them his knowledge the draconic had won major support from even his most staunch opposition. The last of the dissenting voices had been silenced under his particular breed of diplomacy.

His memories were interrupted as Rijaan tilted his head up slowly to look at Asti again. The wolf was silent for a moment before he tilted one ear back slightly. "What will become of me now?" he asked. "The time soon comes when I will birth your child into this world... what will happen after that day?"

"That will be completely up to you, Rijaan of the Sky's Light," Asti replied softly, and it took everything in the draconic to force the words to be truth. "I have my own ideas on your future, but I have given you a gift. I have allowed you to retain your mind, when you would wish me harm. I have allowed you to be yourself, and you still choose your fate." The draconic glanced down and met Rijaan's gaze. "I have told you before that my slight hold on you will vanish on the moment you give birth. And as per our agreement... you will be allowed to leave, if you wish. I will not hold you."

The lupine began to chew lightly on his lower lip as he nodded softly. "Then what do you want of me?" the wolf asked as he dropped his eyes away from the Serevokin's face once again. His ears both perked up with interest as he awaited Asti's answer, and his tail twitched from side to side.

With a chuckle, the draconic shook his head and smiled. "I do not wish to influence any decision you might make, Rijaan," was his response, but as the wolf glanced up at him again he understood the ridiculousness of the answer. "Alright, fair enough. I wish for you to remain here, with me." It was Asti's turn to tear his eyes from the other's features.

Rijaan's eyes remained locked on Asti's face as the Serevokin looked at everything except for him. Finally the draconic took a long, hissing breath and spoke again. "I wish you to remain here with me. I care for you." He paused briefly once more and brought his gaze once more to Rijaan's. "I admire your strength, your will. Your heart burns with every emotion, and brighter than the fiercest flame. I feel affection for you that is not born of primal desire to breed. I have fought to defend you, and I would take a hundred such arrows for you if the need arose." Slowly Asti bowed his head. "We are not heartless beings, Rijaan. You are my mate. I care for you as such."

Even as Rijaan tried to find the words to respond to that, Asti smiled and looked over at the wolf again. He knew exactly what the lupine thought. "No, the others that carry my progeny are not," he said softly. "They are breeders, and while I care for their wellbeing as any parent must, they are not you. You were the first, and you are above them. You hold a special place to me that goes above and beyond what life you carry within your body." One of Asti's hands slipped down to grasp gently at one of the wolf's warm paws. "I would ask that you stay with me, Rijaan. To be with me... not simply mine."

There was a long moment of silence in the den as Rijaan considered the words that had been spoken to him. Asti simply sat back and watched the wolf closely. The Serevokin could force an answer out of him. Such a thing would be easy, and it would be the one that he wanted. It would be meaningless, though. He had left Rijaan's will initially intact simply because it would present a stronger case for his intentions. And yet as time had gone on, the person that Rijaan was became far more important to him than just a means to an end. Serevokin felt love, and they were eager to express it in wild, passionate, eager displays. Never had it entered Asti's mind that he could love one who was not Serevokin. And considering the truth that he had just spoken, how could the draconic believe his heart to be filled with anything less?

Rijaan's answer came as he slipped one of his arms around Asti's middle and squeezed the Serevokin tightly. "I believe you speak the truth," he replied quietly as he laid his head on Asti's chest and listened to his heartbeat. It was slow, far slower than that of any Nakeletori. "Tell me though, Aliastikora. What would you give to prove this? What would you surrender, to show me that you truly want me present?"

Again the thought entered Asti's head to force Rijaan to submit to him, but he pushed it aside firmly. Such was the old way of things. He had sought to create a new tribe, a new life. New Serevokin. New ways. The old ways would not serve, and so he answered. "Whatever you would ask of me. Anything I could give." He lifted his eyes to look over the den. "All in here, and all that rests above us. All that I am able, and the promise that I would strive for more than that." His eyes dropped slowly back to Rijaan's as he held the wolf close. "Does this mean that you are considering this?"

The wolf simply smiled as he leaned up and nuzzled along the draconic's smooth chin. "We have a custom," he replied softly as he looked over Asti's eyes. "It is simple, and speaks more than words. I believe it would answer much, much more succinctly than anything I could say." And with that, the wolf leaned up and gently touched his lips to Asti's.

The kiss surprised the draconic for a moment, so sure had he been that the wolf's response to his feelings would be negative. He froze up for a second and simply felt Rijaan's lips against his own, before he finally managed some form of motion. As the lupine started to draw back and away from the kiss, Asti leaned forward and into it deeper. The wolf made a brief, muffled gasp of surprise, before he too pressed back up into the embrace of their lips. Asti smiled against his mate and drew him close as their tongues met between them.

Strong arms wrapped around Rijaan's middle and squeezed the wolf tighter. The warmth of the lupine's bloated belly pressed against Asti's side, and a soft murr escaped his muzzle as he stroked slowly over Rijaan's back. That warmth was of new life created by the both of them. Asti felt his own son's body heat through the wolf before him, and as their lips parted the draconic leaned back and closed his eyes. A contented sigh left him and he drew his hand from Rijaan's back to stroke over the side of his enlarged belly.

Even as he rubbed, the lupine moved. He leaned in closer and tighter against Asti as he lifted himself up, and ever so delicately the wolf straddled both of the draconic's legs. As Asti placed both hands to either side of Rijaan's belly, the wolf leaned down and nuzzled softly in against the Serevokin's cheek. He murred as he draped both arms gently over Asti's shoulders and smiled warmly. "Let it out," he whispered up into the draconic's ear, even as he settled his backside gently down against his mate's lap.

Asti knew exactly what it was that Rijaan wanted, and why the wolf wanted it. It was his musk; those powerful Serevokin pheromones that the draconic often suppressed. Its mind-clouding effect was strong enough to override the wills of most beings; more than strong enough to convince a male that they wanted the Serevokin to breed them. It heightened the pleasure of those under its influence, and the rush of instinctual lust it brought on was unmatched in the entirety of the world. As Asti humped up gently to grind against the wolf's backside, he smiled.

He had been busy with the others, with spreading his seed around the town's males. Rijaan too had been busy, with establishing Asti's place in the village. The lupine wanted his place known to Asti. He wanted to be controlled again by his mate. It was a wish Asti was all too happy to grant. In moments, the air began to grow thicker and hotter as the draconic released his repressed scent. He leaned forward as Rijaan did the same, and their foreheads touched gently together as their eyes met. Asti smiled warmly at Rijaan as the wolf closed his eyes, and as the scent finally reached his nostrils he took a long, deep breath.

The effect was almost instant. The lupine released a soft groan as his body instantly relaxed. His legs spread a little wider around Asti's body and his sheath began to swell noticeably. In moments, the tip of that canine length began to poke out and into the warm air of the den, and with a soft murr and a grind of his hips Rijaan's own scent of arousal began to mingle with the pheromones in the air. His eyes squeezed shut tighter as he took in breath after breath of the scent-laden air, and it took only a few more deep inhalations before the wolf's need overwhelmed him completely.

Once more their lips met, though that time Asti wrapped his arms tightly back around the lupine. He held Rijaan close as the lips of his slit began to part slowly, and his own malehood started to slide slowly free. Immediately that tapered tip rubbed up against Rijaan's bare fur, and a quick grind of the draconic's hips sent his emerging length up the cleft of the lupine's rump. The brief kiss broke as Rijaan gasped, and he ground his rump down against Asti. Almost immediately he murred as he felt the tip of the draconic's length rub up against the underside of his tail, and as he touched his forehead to Asti's, the lupine smiled.

Asti wasted no time as the wolf in his lap began to eagerly wriggle down against his shaft. His hands shifted to Rijaan's side and he lifted the lupine up gently, just enough to let the tapered head of his malehood slip back down and along his rump. The Serevokin paused as Rijaan squirmed above him when he felt the wolf's entrance rub across his tip. Yet he didn't simply pull Rijaan down onto himself as he might have a month earlier. He didn't simply force his length up into the wolf's body. Instead he drew his mate close, and ever so gently eased him down.

As Rijaan wrapped his arms around Asti's shoulders, the draconic could feel the wolf panted breath against his neck. Little whimpers and groans escaped him as his tailhole was spread out slowly around the Serevokin's girth, and Asti could clearly feel the throb of the lupine's heartbeat through his malehood as it rubbed up and against the draconic's scaled belly. He moaned softly as he felt the warmth of his wolf's body sink slowly down around his sensitive malehood, and again Asti had to force himself not to simply hilt himself in Rijaan's body and rut him. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and took his time as his body shuddered with pleasure, and he savored the feeling of each inch of his shaft as it slipped up into the wolf's snug, warm confines.

When finally Rijaan's rump rested against Asti's lap, the draconic felt the wolf's tail slump down against his legs. A deep sigh rolled from Rijaan's lips as the Serevokin drew him close as he could. The wolf's swollen belly made that difficult, but some part of Asti wouldn't have their embrace any other way. It might have been awkward, but between the heat of the body that engulfed his malehood and the warmth of the life brewing in his mate Asti was more than willing to deal. As he ground his hips up slowly, he felt the wolf in his arms shiver with pleasure. A similar thrill ran through the Serevokin's body, and he hissed out his breath in a long, contented sigh.

With thick, overpowering Serevokin musk in the air, it was only a matter of time before Rijaan surrendered completely to its influence. The burning need to mate grew stronger and stronger inside him, or rather the need to be mated grew stronger. He needed to feel Asti move within him, to rock that thick shaft back and forth inside his body. He needed to feel the hot rush of the Serevokin's seed deep in him once more. He squeezed down tightly around Asti's length as he ground himself down into his mate's lap, and struck by a sudden impulse he leaned forward and into Asti's neck.

The Serevokin gasped softly as he felt Rijaan's muzzle as it pressed against his neck. Rather than roar or cry out or object though when he felt the wolf's jaws part and bite down against his neck, the draconic moaned softly. His whole body shook as the wolf took his throat into a mating bite, and faced with that sensation alone his malehood pulsed hard within Rijaan's body. A jet of pre spurted from his tip and soaked into the lupine's inner walls as Asti spread his legs wider beneath his mate, and he tilted his head back further to offer still more of his neck to Rijaan.

It wasn't about his submission to the smaller wolf in his lap, as he began to work his hips back and forth slowly and firmly. He had submitted to Rijaan's wants the day after they had mated, when he had enticed the lupine to mount him up. As he felt those teeth dig into his scales firmly while the wolf worked himself up and down against Asti's thrusts, the Serevokin knew it was far more than that. His musk clouded the wolf's mind. It drove him mad with want until the only thing that he wanted in the world was to feel a draconic malehood stuffed under his tail. The tight squeeze of Rijaan's muscles every time Asti thrust slowly up and into the wolf's snug, warm passage was simple evidence of that.

Asti brought one hand up from Rijaan's side and pressed it instead against the back of the wolf's head as he moaned softly. He pulled the lupine's muzzle in tighter against his bared neck as he drove his shaft smoothly up into his mate's rump, and shuddered anew at the feel of those teeth as they dug into his scales. It wasn't submission so much as surrender. The wolf that rode his shaft so eagerly had given in to the draconic's scent, and let it guide his mind and body towards what it wanted. And as Rijaan worked himself down into the bucks of Asti's hips, the draconic too let the wolf know that he too had surrendered. That mating bite was a symbol to the Serevokin. No longer was he the one to force surrender or submission, but to share in it. To revel in it.

Rijaan's hot breath washed over Asti's neck in hot pants as the draconic pulled the wolf's head tighter in against his neck. His free hand guided the lupine's hips up and down as he helped his mate move along his shaft. Every beat of Rijaan's heart sent an excited twitch through his inner muscles, and the Serevokin moaned softly into the thick air as he felt those muscles squeeze down tighter around his length. The pulses of pleasure that ran through his shaft sent another spurt of his pre up and through it, and he felt more than heard Rijaan's murr of approval as the slick warmth spread out along his passage.

As Asti arched his back in an attempt to gain more depth from his thrusts, he squeezed Rijaan tighter against himself. Again and again he worked his hips upwards and into the wolf's body, and each drive sent fresh sparks of pleasure and need through his nerves. The musk he exuded might not have had any effect on his own needs, but there was no denying the desire in Asti's mind. Every buck of his hips, every squeeze of the wolf's muscles, and every muffled moan and growl of pleasure from his mate's muzzle only fanned the fire that burned deep inside him. His eyes squeezed shut tighter as he moaned out deep and loud, unashamedly.

The occasional pulses of his pre began to settle into a slow and steady trickle, and Asti began to feel Rijaan shake and shudder with pleasure. Every thrust he made ground firmly against the wolf's inner walls and sought out that one little spot inside, and as he found it again, Asti drove himself up harder against and along it. His efforts were rewarded with a harder bite to his throat and a twitch of his mate's length. As Rijaan's pre soaked his belly scales, Asti too moaned again and began to move faster. It wasn't simply born of a desire to seed Rijaan anew, though that was certainly there. It was a greater need that spurred him on, flames fanned by the pleasure of the lupine that rode him.

And ride him Rijaan did. His legs braced him at either side as they spread wide, and his hips rolled up and down as he worked at the same speed as Asti did. He made no move to increase the pace of their tryst. He made no move to reach down and wrap a paw around his own needy malehood and squeeze his seed out all over Asti's body. Instead he simply enjoyed the ride, the feel of that thick shaft as it was buried again and again inside his body. He savored every inch as it slipped up past his tailring and into him, and his breath panted out quickly through his nose every time he felt the ridges of Asti's draconic malehood rub up and against his prostate. Each thrust brought a fresh shudder from him, a skip of a heartbeat. Were it not for the tight grip he had on the Serevokin beneath him and the lock of his jaws around Asti's neck, Rijaan might have simply leaned back and reveled in the feeling of being so thoroughly filled.

A quick grasp of Asti's fingers at the back of Rijaan's neck heralded a loss of control on the draconic's part. The wolf's strong teeth scraped over the scales of his neck as the lupine's head was pulled back abruptly, and the feel of them as they ground against his throat was enough to send another spurt of thick pre deep into Rijaan's body. No sooner had the wolf's muzzle snapped close with confusion though than Asti had leaned forward and pressed his lips to Rijaan's. The hand that had been on the back of the lupine's head slipped down to wrap around his waist, and he both lifted the wolf up from his malehood and pushed him back down onto it hard as he pressed deep into their kiss.

Rijaan was only too happy to meet that kiss, and their bodies pressed as tightly together as they could. Their lips parted and their tongues met as two heated bodies pressed together again and again and again. Nostrils flared with desperate need for air but neither one let up. Moans were stifled by the sounds and muzzle of the other as their bodies moved back and forth against one another, as flesh sank into flesh. For every spark of pleasure Rijaan felt, Asti was driven to greater heights. And the more need he felt to seed the wolf before him, the more powerful pleasure Rijaan felt. They fed off one another as they leaned passionately into the embrace of their lips and of their bodies.

A trembling hand slipped over from Rijaan's hips and stroked across the bulging belly that pressed between them. The fingers drifted lower as Asti's thrusts grew firmer and jerkier, and they wrapped quickly around the lupine malehood that rubbed against his smooth-scaled body. Even as he worked his malehood quickly up into the squeezing confines of Rijaan's passage, the draconic began to rapidly move his hand over the wolf's flesh. His fingers were smeared with pre as he felt Rijaan's breathing quicken, and the draconic groaned into their kiss as he felt his mate's body tense up unlike anything he had ever felt before.

A moment later their kiss was broken as Rijaan tilted his head back. He cried out in pleasure, a pure scream unrestrained that matched the flood of his seed. It raced out of his malehood to splatter against Asti's chest and belly, and it splashed back to soak into his own fur. The draconic's fingers twitched and shook as they felt every pulse and throb of Rijaan's climax, but such sensations were only present in the back of the Serevokin's mind. As Rijaan's body tensed, so too did his inner muscles. They squeezed down tight around Asti's malehood, straining and begging for it to remain deep inside him. It fought against the draconic's eager humping as it tried to milk the Serevokin of his seed.

It was beyond Asti to resist at that point. His roar of pleasure matched Rijaan's as he gave into the sensations that coursed through his entire body. His hips pressed upwards one last time and drove the full length of his ridged shaft up into Rijaan's body. The wolf shook as he was speared deep, and a fresh pulse of lupine seed soaked into Asti's belly even as the tip of his own malehood erupted. Into Rijaan's deepest reaches he shot his seed, and with every pulse that shot into the wolf's body the Serevokin ground his hips firmly into his mate's backside. He felt the warmth of his fluids mingle with the heat of the wolf's body above him as he moaned and cried out in pleasure, and his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he surrendered to the sensations.

Their blissful sounds echoed throughout the caverns of the breeder's den as they held each other tightly. Asti felt Rijaan's arms tighten around his shoulders in an attempt to steady himself against the shakes of his body through his climax. The draconic's own hands tightly held onto the lupine's hips as he reveled in every squeeze of Rijaan's muscles, and at the way they tried to pull his malehood up and deeper into his mate's body. Between that and the grinding of Rijaan's backside down into Asti's lap, the Serevokin could do little else but offer up every last drop of his potent seed and pump it eagerly into his mate.

It was Rijaan who came down from the pleasure high first, though the warmth of his afterglow was delayed by the continued flow of Asti's seed. He whimpered softly as he felt himself filled even more; his rump became damp and slick as he ground it harder into Asti's hips. So filled was he that some of the draconic's fluids had leaked back out again. The wolf laid his head down gently on Asti's shoulder as he moaned and whimpered quietly, and he nuzzled up into the draconic's neck as he felt his mate fill him with everything he had.

A few more moments passed before the thick pulses of Serevokin seed slowed down, and a few moments more before they halted entirely. Asti leaned back heavier against the wall as he gave Rijaan's hips a warm, tight squeeze, and he purred quietly to himself as he slipped one hand up and along the wolf's back. He smiled softly as he felt Rijaan murr softly and slump down against him, and Asti slowly lifted his hand from the lupine's back to stroke instead across the back of that softly-furred head.

The draconic closed his eyes as the warmth of afterglow rushed through his body, and mingled with another warmth in his chest. Until he thought of the fact that their act there in the den meant that Rijaan was not going to leave, Asti would have been hesitant to name it. But with the knowledge that the wolf had chosen to stay, at least until the birth of their child, Asti felt his heart soar.

His plan had succeeded. He had many breeder males with which to occupy himself, at least until the next generation of Serevokin were birthed. He had a whole town to assist in the rebuilding and advancement of. A city to establish. A new tribe to advance and grow. He was in a position of power of the lesser beings, and in time his people would be reborn. The Serevokin would be numerous again, and they would once more establish a hold on the world. Not through warfare and blood and death, but through diplomacy, trade... and a healthy amount of musk. Asti was not so deluded to think that his progeny would resist such a technique. At least with that, lives could be spared.

And yet, as he turned his eyes down to the softly panting wolf at his side, he felt the real reason behind the skip of his heartbeat. There was that ordinary wolf who had done extraordinary things for him. From the night Asti had forced himself upon Rijaan, the wolf had kept an open mind to him. Those powerful Serevokin pheromones had forced the realization upon him that such things were possible and indeed pleasurable, but it was the wolf himself who had accepted that. And he had accepted it willfully. That strong warrior, that ordinary Nakeletori wolf with will and drive and spirit was the reason for the quickened pace of his heart. Not the vigor with which he had just bred the lupine anew. Love? Perhaps. Probably.

And what better foundation for a new tribe?

Ahh... I love finishing a story. It usually means I get to close the file, slump back in my chair, turn off the music that's been driving the writing process, and relax. And then probably jump on my Monk in Guild Wars. But enough about that; I'm done! Huzzah! The New Tribe is established!

Two quick things. Firstly, and as ever, I thrive on comments, scores and favs (as well as the generic, "I came!" comment. Heh heh). You guys have helped make this series pretty damn popular, especially First Contact. I'm immensely thankful for that, and I encourage you always to offer up any combination of those three. Your support is always greatly appreciated!

And secondly, a heartfelt thanks to everyone who's shown support for this series and its stories. This has really been a series of stories that's outside my normal writing comfort zone, which is good... but the knowledge that I've done something good with my time that's been enjoyed by so many has really been an encouragement to write more. So, to everyone who's read this, and any of the other stories in this series, thank you.

Well, I suppose that's it for me. Unless I'm forgetting something... OH! Right! [New writing guide is up](%5C), for those who think I have something to teach them. As of writing this, the newest one is that WRITING BLOCK DOESN'T EXIST. Hard claim to make, but if you doubt me, [go check it out!](%5C) I'd love to help destroy writer's block as a whole, but it only helps if you read it!

Take care, furballs! Catcha laters!