Serevokin Nature
serevokin left the city and the alliance in droves. they were allowed to leave by the serevokin alliance and the guardians of astikorranna, even when the cult promised that the old ways of the serevokin would rise again.
First Contact
Long ago, males of the serevokin had been able to interbreed, to produce their own offspring. the seed of the serevokin changed the body of the receptor, and birth of one or two children was common in those days from unions between serevokin.
Creating Bonds
The old order had fallen though, and asti insisted very publically that the serevokin not rule as the tyrants that the other serevokin had become.
Waking Past
"but serevokin can't touch magic," karyn protested as he stared at the runes. "why would a book of serevokin history include a magical ritual that the serevokin could not actually complete?"
Establishing Control
If the serevokin they'd heard were indeed keeping _hashrah_, then it would be much safer to keep them near the serevokin sector of the city, in the north.
Ancient's Secrets
The cult's focus on breeding serevokin to serevokin only narrowed diversity of bloodlines and broke down family bonds.
Ensuring Progeny
That was the problem the lesser races had with serevokin. by the time they were offered a choice, the serevokin had already won. well!
Serevokin Legacy
These lifeforms were altered to be affected in a similar fashion to serevokin when mated, but only when mated by serevokin. serevokin were altered to no long be able to breed amongst themselves. "numbers stabilized.
Citadel's Secrets
It was the new citadel of the serevokin people; the old one had stood at the center of the old serevokin city. like the old ways and the old serevokin, that building had been left to crumble and decay.
Breeder's Den
Some people found knowledge of serevokin culture interesting.
Expanded Family
The lissak were a scavenger tribe of vulpine beings who patrolled the edges of serevokin lands. when the serevokin hunted, the lissak were not far away. often they tried to steal the prize of a hunt from a serevokin.
Road's Trials
Whoever it was, it wasn't serevokin. a trio of extra figures rose over the hill, and their guttural shouts in the old serevokin tongue gave their identity away clearly.