Sensual Sacrifice (POEM)

Story by SolusLupus on SoFurry

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#1 of Poetry

Just a little poem I whipped up on my twitter After Dark account.

For those into snuff, especially vore or micro/macro. Poem is rather tame, though set for "adult" because it is related to fetish.

Ah, a dangerous woman to love

for her to be on your mind,

To hold her so high above,

Even though she is so unkind...

Whether to wish to be eaten,

or to be crushed underfoot,

perhaps ruthlessly beaten,

with her cigar turned to soot,

In the end, you will be dead.

She will go on, lovely as ever,

perhaps you live on in her head,

but see you again, she will never.

Strange, to love such a fate,

to wonder why gives me cause,

yet for your desires to sate,

She would have no pause.