The Dragoness' Gift

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A dragoness offers her human companion a chance to have his life extended far beyond what his human years might give, but the means in which he obtains it is in a way he had never imagined or planned for.

"You are growing old, Marshall." Batalia rumbled lazily as she stretched out along the length of her familiar ledge, peering down her long amethyst scaled muzzle at the wizard who remained perched beside her paws. "Your hair is growing silver and white, very little of the darkness I remember."

"Everyone ages, madam, it's a fact." Marshall responded smoothly, trying not to let it prick his pride and kept his hands resting down against either side instead of touching his neatly brushed hair.

He was only in his early fifties, he wasn't so terribly old when a mage might live over a hundred years, he was still in his prime as far as wizards went. The dragoness dropped her massive head down towards him, tilting one bright purple eye at him and seemed to be looking him over as he fought the urge to flinch away from the large fang filled muzzle. It was hard to keep in place, but he had known the dragon for fifteen years, he knew that there was little risk that she would bite or strike him in any way. It was simply imposing to have a predator that could easily cup him in one hand to regard him with any sort of interest and intrigue. He could see his own reflecting in the darkness of her eye, the silvering hair that was brushed back from his eyes in a broad streak that was only growing larger every time he looked at it. And now, the dragoness was studying him critically, the blast of her copper scented breath hitting him as the nostrils flared open wide.

"You age too quickly, you have just started to grow interesting." She lifted her head up and gave a shake of her head. "Do all of your kind age so swiftly?"

"We age swiftly compared to you, but we have longer lives than most humans." He replied smoothly and shifted back from the edge of the cliff. "I have many years ahead of me."

"The blink of an eye to my kind." Batalia gave her head a shake, snorting down her long muzzle at him. "You will be dying before I even realize time has passed, and then you will be nothing more than a dim memory. Perhaps not even that, there is little to remember about humans."

"You're too kind." He couldn't stop the sarcasm from trickling into his voice as he gave the dragoness an annoyed look.

He had been visiting the dragoness for years now, but still he didn't understand half of the way she thought and what she might fixate on or say. He had met her when she had first arrived in the valley, staking out her territory with little fuss, despite the fact that she had driven out two families and forced them to relocate. She hadn't cared about them, even when he had approached her to make their complaints she had done little more than snort at him and announce that she would make far better use of the land than any human could. It had been magnificent at that time, meeting a dragon up close, seeing the way that she moved and the human language that spilled easily from the tip of her tongue. She had been gloriously magnificent, her scales the color of a sunset before a storm, larger than a house, larger than any living creature besides those found in the ocean. He had been beguiled by the magic that was a dragon, finding himself in her presence had been a treat, but that had been years ago and time had worn away some of the magic.

The dragoness tolerated him visiting her, though she often made comments that she might just snap him up as a snack if he annoyed her. She was a canny beast, her tricks and talks often leading him through twisting roads, never knowing what was truth and what was lie, she enjoyed toying with him as he tried to talk with her. He tried to impress her with his magic, but she seemed more amused by it, as if it were some sort of childish trick that he were attempting to garner her attention with. As the years went on, they settled into a mutual friendship, oftentimes he would come up the long road to her lair and sit with her in the sun for hours at a time. If she were feeling in a particularly good mood she would sometimes impart stories and tales from her people, other times she would mock his attempts to get her secrets from her, today she seemed to be almost contemplative as he stretched his legs out in front of him.

"It is a shame, you will never really understand what it means to really work magic, your kind tend to be trapped by your own lifespans." Batalia curled her tail lazily as she spoke. "This is why my kind dismiss your people, you hardly live long enough to make an impact on the world before you're dead and buried."

"Well, perhaps, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to make great strides already in my field, just not where dragons are concerned." He shifted, dragging his legs up so he could crouch easily, his knees ached dully from the pose, no he was no longer as young as he once was.

"You don't have to die so young, Marshall." The dragoness commented almost slyly, watching him from the corner of her eyes. "It would be a waste, yes, a waste if you were gone so young."

"Unless you know how to stop time, I hardly see how you can stop what will happen in the future." He commented, standing up slowly to relieve the ache of his knees.

"I can't stop time, but there are magics that might give you the ability to live longer than your short human years." Batalia parted her muzzle in a sort of smile. "You could live as a dragon, our life spans are long enough to assure that you would be able to find out more about magic than you might ever even dare dream in your current form."

"A dragon.." Marshall's words came out choked, his back stiffening as the dragon continued to regard him with sly eyes, the nostrils flaring slightly before she nodded her head. "That's... that's preposterous!"

"You are so young compared to my kind, do you really think that the only magic available is that which your people have developed?" Batalia made a dismissive sound in her throat. "Every one of our magic workers has had centuries to develop and learn magic, refine it and perfect it. Granting you life as a dragon is not easy, but it is certainly possible."

"A-at what cost?" He stammered, feeling the ground beneath him moving as the dragoness stood up with an easy grace, her form towering above him.

"Cost? No cost, you have been an entertaining friend, you are one of the few humans that seems to be interested in learning, giving you years to live out as a dragon would certainly benefit me as well as it would benefit you." She rumbled and tilted her head down towards him, the broad nose was as large as his chest as it came in close. "I would only need your true name to bind you to me and to speak with you to help guide you on your way to becoming."

"M-my true name." He immediately became suspicious. True-names had originally come from dragons, at least that's what the dragoness had told him. They hid the names given to a wizard at birth, Marshall was what he had given himself as a name, a simple call name that others could have.

His true name would bind him, make him helpless to defend himself, his magic would fall away from the one that new his true-name without touching them. It was a way to enslave a fallen enemy, know their name and they would be at your mercy, it was a way to show trust among friends and family, to give ones name to a wife or husband as a symbol of love and devotion. The dragon had never really shown him love or a real reason to trust her entirely, she was too sly and her ability to lie and trick were well known.

"Of course, I cannot use magic with you without your true name." The dragoness moved slowly, her muscles rippling over the brilliant colors of her scales, eyes flashing. "Give me your true-name, take up your life with scales and wings, you can practice magic for centuries to come. I pledge to you, on my honor, I will not harm you or seek to enslave you."

"This isn't a trick?" He asked nervously, a dragon. To be a creature so large and powerful, with wings able to take him aloft into the sky, a graceful predator that had no equal on the earth.

"No." The dragon rumbled low in her throat, vibrating from the length of her chest. "Give me your true name and I will see you reborn a dragon, all your memories intact, everything that makes you up still there."

"On your honor..." He drew in a breath. No aching knees, no knowledge that he would only become weaker by the day, that the magic would only hold him together for so long before he fell apart.

"Your name.." Batalia almost whispered the words as her head came in closer, her vibrant eyes alight and focused on him.

_Would I have magic enough to fight against her even if she didn't have my true name? _ He thought as he stood before the amethyst regard.

"Fachalon." He breathed his name out, letting his true name run free of his lips, the moment it left him he felt a strange weight on his chest, a shiver that ran through him.

"Fachalon.." The dragon purred the word, her forepaw lifting up to curl around him, lifting him up as he writhed and pushed backwards. "You will be the strongest of my clutch."

"Clutch?!" His words nearly broke as the dragon curled herself on her ledge, drawing him in close as one of her talons hooked along his clothes, dragging over the edge.

"Of course, I cannot change your human body into a full grown dragon, you haven't the size needed, you are roughly the size of an egg before fertilized, so that is where you must start, to bond with the start of a dragon and grow naturally." Batalia explained as Marshall writhed in her grip, feeling the talons tearing at his shirt, ripping the fabric open with a slow tear that made him gasp out.

"I.. I don't think that's how magic works!" He stammered as the shirt fell away from his chest, baring the soft pale skin to the light as he was handled.

"Humans, do you think that after four hundred years that I have no idea how magic works?" The dragon let out a short hiss of anger. "A moments discomfort for you, you will not retain your mind while growing within me."

He struggled, his cheeks burning in hot humiliation as the agile claws hooked right beneath the edge of his pants and began to peel them away despite his loud protests of being handled his way. The scaled paw that wrapped around his chest was warm feeling, the edges scraped along his sides as he tried to squirm away, kicking out with his legs, but they were only trapped by the paws that caught him. His cheeks were flared hot red as he felt the pants being dropped away from him, the cool air brushing along his nethers, making him aware of the fact that his cock was bouncing softly along his inner thighs, his bare ass was pressed against the palm of the paw that held him. He had never been treated this way in his life, it was demeaning and humiliating, made worse as he was tumbled backwards and lifted up with his back cradled against the palm of the paw, the talons loomed over him like a cage as he tried to cover himself with his hands.

"This is outrageous!" He sputtered, feeling his heart pounding against his cheeks as her breathing came out in short bursts. "Give me back my clothes! You can't be serious, turning me into an egg!"

Batalia let out a low laugh and shifted, her great body sprawling out in front of her cave while there was a hot breath hitting against the line of his form as she snuffed at him and reached out with her other paw to cover over him. The tips of the claws glowed faintly in the late afternoon sun, the dark purple flaring to life as the dragon began to rumble in a language he barely understood. She had teased him often about the language of dragons, that it was the heart and soul of magic, human wizards only knew small pieces of a vast language that existed outside of their realm. As she spoke, he could feel the spread of magic flowing over his skin. It didn't feel like fire or lightning, it felt like thick warm liquid pouring over his body. He couldn't see any of it, the strands were running over him as he struggled against the hold.

He automatically tried to fling out shields, a spell to strike the dragon back, but it fell short and fizzled away. He was bound by his name, he could no more shield himself than he could make her forget what he had said. The clinging strands of magic wove around him, so tight to his skin that it felt as if he had been given another set of clothes despite the fact he could see how nude he was. Her fingers caressed him as the glowing talons dipped down and traced right along the edge of his navel, running lightly along the opening of his belly button. Despite the fact that the claws could have impaled him with little more than a thought, they were gentle as one talon probed into the dimpled opening and he felt a stab of fire running through his lower body. It was an intimate caress, it lapped through him and had him struggling, reaching down to grab the toe that kept the talon pressed against his belly button.

-There now, I need to guide you once you are inside of me or else risk you faltering and failing- Batalia's mind voice slipped through his own intimately. -And I am quite fond of you, wizard, I would prefer you be my companion for years to come.-

_ _

"I.. this wasn't what I agreed to, Batalia!" He pushed up, but her paw was lowering him down as she stretched out along the ground.

_-You agreed to become a dragon, and so you will. Relax, Fachalon.- _ His true name was whispered through his mind intimately, his muscles starting to relax while he was moved downwards.

He was well aware that Batalia was a female, she flaunted her sexuality once every few years when she came into season and sought out a mate. The last time, she had gone so far as inviting him to call upon her and deliberately been engaged with a bold black male when he had come up the path. She gloried in her ability to call life to her womb and was amused at his own discomfort. Through all of that, he had always done his best to remain a gentleman, even if she was always technically nude. He could no longer avert his eyes or behave as a gentleman should, he was gaping at the spot her paw was drawing him down to with dawning horror. The dragoness had a vent, a neat slit lined with the most delicate looking pebbled scales on her body, the lips were glistening wetly and almost looked swollen, puffing out to show the sleek inner lining as he was taken down closer and closer to it. His protests almost died on his lips as she rolled over onto her back and thrummed a sound that he could only think of as anticipatory.

"You cannot put me there! Please! I will not be able to breathe, I will die!!" He gasped out as the dragoness dropped him down right along her folds.

They were enormous compared to him, her entire body was larger than he was and he could feel the thick soft lips brushing along his nude form. There was a sweet scent on the air, almost cloying, and not all together unpleasant as her thick toes brushed lightly right along his legs and the pads pressed against his toes. He tried to scramble away, writhing and squirming in place only to hear her rumbling out in pleasure as his limbs brushed along the softness of her swollen inner lips. The toes gently pushed forward, curling firmly and pushing his legs inwards so that the thick soft lips began to spread open and he felt his bare feet pressing into slippery inner heat that wrapped around them. They were sinking her cunt, being pushed forward by the paw that was rubbing against him.

_-You can no more die there than an egg might, the magic will protect you.- _ Her mind voice thrilled through him as his legs began to sink inwards deeper, spreading the inner walls as they swallowed around his calves.

"Batalia!" He cried out louder, his body shuddering as she forced him inwards, the toes sliding intimately along his upper thighs, her only reply a purring growl and her walls contracting around him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The dragoness closed her eyes, delighting in the feel of the small human slipping between her most intimate parts, making her walls contract and squeeze greedily around him. Batalia had never felt anything quite like it, not when a male mated her nor when her tongue and toes tried to attend her desires. It was delightful to feel the limbs shifting against her, the wriggling body arching and pressing in places that had her thrumming out and licking her bright red tongue out and along her muzzle as she pressed her toes forward. In all her long life she had never considered a human as a playmate, or even a toy, for her desires, but in her need to preserve the life of her companion she found herself intrigued and aroused at the body slipping inside of her. Her silken walls started to spread open around him tightly, caressing and stroking as she grew slicker by the moment, the magic drawn between them flaring to life as the chest and small loins slipped into her body.

Not that the small human cock could do anything to her, but it was oddly arousing to feel him sliding through her passage and knowing that he was likely the first human in existence to be inside of a dragon in this way. How he struggled! His legs kicked and shifted, his arms pushed upwards while he was pushed in deeper, her own muscular inner walls began to draw him inwards the same way she would pull around a draconic shaft plunged inside of her. Her nostrils flared open wide, sucking down a breath and groaning it out again as the human sank all the way inside of her birthing canal. She felt the odd angles and shape of him, her walls clutching tightly about him and squeezing, pulling and caressing as her toes curled into her own heat soaked cunny and rubbed herself until her toes began to curl in absolute delight and pleasure.

I really shouldn't be allowing myself to become so base.. She thought lazily, lifting her head up on her long elegant head to look down the length of her body. This isn't meant for pleasure.

_ _

It was meant to preserve him. Batalia would never admit quite how fond she had become of the small human wizard that came to speak with her day in and day out. He was interesting and interested, often times spending hours at a time talking with her about everything under the sun. The first day he had arrived incensed about her moving into the valley she had been amused by the ways he had tried to lure her to another bit of territory. Most wizards would have cheerfully tried force, idiots that they were, and lost their lives to her fire or jaws, but Marshall had been delightfully elegant in his arguments and promises to find her a better lair. She had been amused enough to tell him to return to her the next day, and the next, the days falling into each other as he had never been able to coax her to leave, but she had enjoyed his company.

He had grown older before her very eyes, something that had begun to distress her in the last year and a half when the winter had seen him with a cane as his knees had begun to ache and the pain was etched in the corners of his eyes. She knew that humans lived mayfly lives, but she had never quite realized it might mean losing her companion on long evenings talking about mythology and magic, the treats and delights of his company. It was desperation to keep him that had brought her to this, the need to make sure that his life was extended that had made her work out her plan and begin to find a way to give him extended life. She had found a way, of course, and at the time had thought it all quite clinical and easy to handle, but now she was thinking something quite different all together.

The dragoness shifted her toes away, her breathing coming in short pants as she felt the beating of her heart throbbing against her chest and loins. She only came into season once every five years, it took that long for a clutch to mature and be ready to care for themselves, and as such it was always strangely surprisingly intense as her nerves were swollen with need, her body thrumming and demanding to be slaked. And now she felt the writhing human arching and shifting inside of her, stroking and struggling against her folds, his panic mounting as he was swallowed and suckled on, his feet being pushed in deeper by the moment, but he wouldn't go all the way in, not on his own. She had planned this, she needed him to not only join with one of her eggs, she needed that egg to be fertilized. Not that finding a drake was hard when she was in season, it was harder to keep them away.

"Valtan... Now.." She panted out shallowly from her writhing spot, her head sliding towards her cave opening where darkness hid the would-be mate that had arrived the moment she had begun to come into season.

"If I did not know better, I would suspect that you are quite happy enough with that human." The male's voice dripped with amusement and scorn as the black drake padded from the darkness, his onyx eyes fixated on her.

Batalia hissed at the drake that padded out, his midnight scales glittering in the daylight as his eyes slid along her body with interest that hadn't carried over in his voice. He had come in the night, arriving outside of her lair with all the confidence of a drake who had bred her twice before, only this time she had forced him to wait, battled him back. She wouldn't risk her clutch being seeded before her wizard was within her, but the time had only made the drake impatient for her, his nostrils flaring open to show embers burning there as he approached her. The glistening onyx shaft was already jutting out of his vent, the blunt tip drooling precum towards the ground as he stalked forward with his head lowering down towards her, his claws rasping against the stone. A shudder rocked down along the line of her spine as her wizard writhed within her body, making her tense around him and suck in a breath, she hadn't felt so eager to be with a male since the first time she had mated.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Marshall cried out and heard the sound of his voice muffled as he struggled, the heat of the dragon's passage wrapped around him so tightly that he shouldn't have been able to breathe, he should have been choking, but still he felt air sliding into his lungs. The wetness slipped around him intimately, the taste of it was on his lips, his tongue, sweet and salty both, not at all like a human, it tasted more primal and feral. He tried to writhe backwards, fighting the powerful gripping muscles, but he was only drawn in deeper as he felt the pulsing walls teasing around his form. Of all the ways he thought he might end, it wasn't this way, it wasn't pressed within slippery slick walls caressing him, his cock unwillingly hardening against the line of his belly, pinned there by the clutching cunny walls. He couldn't stop himself from hardening, he was being touched in ways he had never imagined, his body slickened over from head to toe as his feet kept slipping deeper into the seemingly endless passage.

-Do not panic, wizard... You will need help getting deep enough to find my eggs.- Batalia's voice slid through his own, he could feel the heat in her tone.

-Help!?- He struggled forward again, his arms pushing forward, trying to reach for a light that he could no longer see. He had been swallowed whole, every vestige of light taken away.

He felt her body quivering, the little spasms of her muscles quivering along his back and sides, rubbing against his arms as he tried to find a way to push forward. The passage suddenly clamped down tightly, the walls closing down so tight that he could feel the breath being squeezed out of him. He twisted and pushed against the hold, being pulled in deeper as Marshall cried out with a ragged cry, his lips opening to taste slippery hot feminine arousal slipping over his tongue hotly and making him swallow. He couldn't keep himself from tasting it all, some part of his body reacting in a humiliating way as his hardened cock slid right along the line of the walls, stroking along the passage with precum welling up and drooling out into her body. He balled up his fists, shuddering as his hips gave an involuntary buck forward while the walls began to work and suckle around him strangely, he had a sense of movement, briefly before there was a glimpse of light.

He saw it opening up just in front of his arms, a glorious hint of escape before it darkened again and wetness spilled out right over his arms and face, thick and heavy feeling liquid poured over him before something hard shoved against his arms and he was forced backwards. The human had no idea what it was, he just felt the pressure building as it slammed forward, pushing over his hands, wedging them against the walls as he was gripping against it before it pushed right up against his head and slipped under his chin. It was thick and slimy feeling, dribbling out wetness that ran down along his chest as the passage was being stretched open wider and he was being stuffed in deeper and deeper. He realized what it was as there was a rough thrust and he felt the vibrating cry of the dragoness around him as he was driven in deeper. A cock, a drake was plunging himself into his friend, using the swollen tip to wedge him in deeper and deeper no matter how he felt about it.

The precum was spilling out, mingling with the thick strands of honey clinging to him, the cock tip carefully pushing forward, sliding along his chest, his arms wrapped round the tip as the jerking thrusts pushed deeper and deeper. His legs were used to pry the female open, her swollen passage wrapping around his loins and body as he arched his hips and gave a helpless thrust forward, nearly choking out another cry as he twisted and turned his body about, arching his back as his elbows pushed down against the passage, stretching and arching. The passage strained and caressed along the rise of his ass cheeks, his cock quivering as he was stroked over the intimate line of his glans as he was driven deeper. The heat was pounding along the line of his cheeks, horrified, aroused, embarrassed as he was fucked into the dragoness' body deeper and deeper. His feet soon slipping backwards as the cock suddenly dragged backwards, and he was pulled back as well while he clung around the tip.

The next thrust forward treated him to the feel of his feet pressing against something soft and spongy with the pads of his feet. The thick shaft pushed harder, the pressure growing, his legs tried to curl up as the dragoness' walls continued to close and squeeze around him, rippling and making him jerk his hips forward. The precum was spilling down his chest, running along the base of his cock as he bucked and ground against the passage, helplessly trying to fuck a creature immeasurably larger than himself. He couldn't stop himself, but the next thrust forward drove his feet harder against the spongy barrier, pushing forward, wedging and spreading a dilated passage open to swallow around his feet, slipping along his ankles before he could stop it. He was being stuffed into Batalia's cervical passage, the tight grip pushing up higher and higher as the next thrust pushed him all the way up the knees, edging higher up while his hips gave a thrust forward, feeling the drag. Precum was flowing over him, heavy and sticky, the taste of it mingled with the dragoness' arousal.

~ ~ * ~ ~

_-Stop fighting it.. just relax...- _ Batalia tried to send her thoughts towards the wizard through the pressure and pleasure building inside of her.

The drake snarled and gripped the base of her neck tightly as she writhed, the powerful foot paw lifted up to press against the curve of her haunch with the claws raking against her scales. He was being careful, or rather, as careful as the drake could be when he was breeding a female. His thick black shaft was pushing deeper, spreading her open wider and wider, straining her walls tight around him as she felt the ridges popping into her one at a time. They were meant to stimulate her, stroking and dragging in places that had her jaws opening up in a ragged cry of pure pleasure. It was more than just being bred in the heart of her heat, it was the fact that she felt the powerful ridges working through her and the length of the wizard being stuffed in deeper and deeper into her body. The dilated cervical passage began to stretch open wider, the passage clutching around Marshall's legs as the drake gave another powerful thrust.

_-What will happen if I go deeper?!- _ He was panicked, she could taste that panic growing, but a rush of desire was there as well.

-You will go into my egg chamber, my eggs are there waiting to be seeded..- She answered before the drake snapped his jaws down harder and jerked her head up. -You will find an egg and take hold of it, draw it to your stomach where it will join to you, bind to you..-

She had more to say, but Valtan had had enough of being careful his frustration was growing, a fact she could feel in the way he was pressing down against the line of her back to pin her in place. The pressure grew as his ridges began to push in deeper, stretching her body open obscenely wide as the thickness of the base began to pry her vent apart. Her walls suckled and pulled along him, every twitch and quiver made her feel the ridges stroking through her as her cervix was stretched open wider. She had never experienced anything plunging into her cervix, only the eggs as she pushed them out, but now she felt the rubbery ring opening wider and wider, slipping up higher to wrap along the hips as suddenly she felt the wizard bucking against her, he was struggling inside of her despite what she had said, making her hiss out as she felt the spill of thick strands of drool running along the nape of her neck while claws raked against her hip. She felt the scales tearing open, the near violent buck that made her screech out her pleasure as the thickness of the base began to pry her open wider.

She was being coated in a thick roll of precum that was being pushed out around the edge, squelching around the base as Marshall was being forced in further. He was saying something, she dimly heard it, but she couldn't make it out as her hips gave a writhing twist and buck, pushing herself onto the drake who worked his tongue out to slide roughly right along the line of her neck. He was shuddering, his breathing harsh and swift, more out of control than he normally was. She could only imagine what he was feeling with the human at the tip of his cock, the added tightness and pressure, the way that her body was reacting to ever shift of the limbs reaching inside of her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

_-BATALIA!!!- _ Marshall flung the words towards his friend desperately as he felt the need starting to build inside of him, his breathing was coming our rapidly as he was being squeezed through the cervix.

The cock was smearing all over his face, splattering against him, marking him as his cock rubbed through the tightness of the cervix as he was pushed deeper. It was pressure that was making him stroking and buck forward, grinding and writhing about with his eyes shut. He'd never felt this way, his body was throbbing strangely as his fingers balled up in place, dragging away from the thrusting cock that was stuffing him in deeper and deeper. The thick ridge pinned his cock tightly against his belly, the wetness so slippery that he couldn't help but grind and twist forward, his legs slipping into warm wetness that was pushing in deeper by the moment. It was more than he had ever imagined, he couldn't keep himself from reacting, his eyes squeezed shut in the darkness, it didn't matter that a cock was stuffing him into the womb of a dragoness, it didn't matter that this was his friend, or he wasn't going to make it out of here as a human. It was making his hips jerk higher in the air, thrusting wildly with his body shuddering, his balls caressing right along the length of the cervical opening as it began to push up higher in the air.

Marshall whimpered out, the slipping feel of being squeezed through the cervix, the demanding squeeze of the body holding him was making it impossible to hold himself back. The overly large cock was a mockery to his own as his balls began to tighten up, feeling the plush velvety inner sanctum gliding along him as he was pushed through all the way towards his shoulders, slipping inwards, falling through the darkness. The first quivering eruption came out of his cock as there was a sudden drive forward, his mouth suddenly kissing right against the oozing cock tip as precum was flung out to coat his chin and cheeks. His cum poured out of his tips in short heavy bursts, splattering out to coat the inner passage uselessly, never in his life had he orgasmed in such a humiliating manner, it didn't matter either. His body was arching higher and bucking while the taut ring slipped over his shoulders and the cock stuffed him ruthlessly inwards, spilling him into the very heart of the dragoness' egg chamber, his body trembling and shaking.

_-BATALIA!!!- _ Marshall tried to get the dragoness' attention again, but the only answer was a wave of pure pleasure as the egg chamber was being rocked back and forth with movement above them. The hammering of the cock was plunging through her body, he could almost feel it.

_She said find an egg, latch onto it. _ He thought to himself, his hands moving and slipping through the egg chamber nervously.

He couldn't see, but he could feel the orbs within the barrier as the egg chamber continued to move around him, he could feel the impact of the cock hitting against the cervix, the pounding of the two beasts mating together. Marshall could feel the eggs around him, the round orbs that slipped and moved within the heart of the egg chamber. He hadn't known what he was going to feel or touch, but somehow he was shocked to feel the leathery shells of the eggs against his fingers, the weight of them nearly as large as his torso. His fingers slipped them over one of the round orbs, he could feel the softness of the shell dimpling inwards against his fingers before he jerked them away. He tried to move through the heat of the egg chamber, aware of the movements running around him, his body trembling slightly while he felt egg after egg. He had no idea how he was supposed to choose or what he was looking for.

Marshall had no idea what to look for, but a sense of urgency was growing as he reached out and felt a heavy egg with his finger tips, curling along the soft feeling shell. It was slippery and warm as he drew it closer to him, his arms wrapping around it awkwardly so that it was being drawn against his stomach and chest. The shell was soft feeling as it pressed against him, his entire body was rocking with the rapid movements that continued and grew faster, making him push up against the front of the egg. The shell pressed against his belly and the moment it kissed against where the claw tip pressed against his navel he felt a shock of electricity hitting him. It was like lightning, flashing through his navel and making him buck backwards in shock as the magic tightened and joined to the egg. His hands felt as if they were sticking against the shell, drawing against it, hugging tightly against the orb that warmed beneath the touch.

_-I've got an egg!- _ He sent out, trying to stifle the panic he felt as the shell clung to him, sticking and drawing his upper legs against the smooth curves.

_-Already? You've chosen one?- _ The rush of heat and passion were humiliating, but he detected surprise in her mind voice.

He tried to pull away from the egg, but it was like he was glued, the shell wouldn't pull away from him as he felt his stomach joining so tightly that it was nearly panic inducing. His breathing came out faster, but not truly, his lungs weren't working the way they had before. He could feel air filling his need, but not through his lips and nose, he was being curled over the egg, his body drawing tighter as he felt the motions of the rutting dragons reaching a fever pitch around him.

_-Yes? Was I wrong?- _He couldn't stop the fear from tinging his mind voice as he tried jerking backwards, but he was stuck in place.

_-No.. no that is fine..- _ She answered, but her voice was sliding away to pleasure that was growing rapidly out of control.

Marshall had never felt so invaded, his body trapped and feeling intimately the way that the drake worked his way ever deeper into the passage, the movements so fast that he nearly expected the powerful cock to plunge into the egg chamber itself and push against him again. The egg was tightening against him, the outer shell pulling at his body intimately so that he could feel it dimpling in closer as he struggled and arched. His eyes squeezing tightly shut while there was a sudden muted vibration erupting around him, he felt it thrumming and trailing along the length of his spine, the rocking thrusts came to a peak in a way that made him feel the cervical passage bulging forward behind him as the beast bottomed out inside Batalia.

He wasn't given time to think about how the situation would finally peak and end, he only felt a wave of shock and horror as something thick and hot poured out of the narrow opening and poured into her passage. It hit him hard, plunging out and smearing over the back of his neck in a hot creamy wave that made him struggle and twist. The cum painted him, curling down his shoulders, spilling around him as rush after thick heavy rush, rushing towards the rest of the eggs to coat them. The egg heated up against him as it too was painted with the sperm rich assault, nearly burning against him as he shuddered and writhed, struggling to pull free. He was being dragged closer to the egg, being pulled against it, the edges enveloping him and wrapping along his hips, his hands began to sink towards the burning heat.

_-Be still, every egg starts out bathed in the seed of its sire.- _Batalia's mind voice was rich in pleasure and heat, not reassuring at all as he was dragged deeper into the egg.

He couldn't stop it, he was being pulled towards the heart of the egg as one of the writhing eager sperm penetrated the shell, pushing towards the heart and flaring the magic to life. The human wizard tried to cry out as he was drawn deeper, his body melting away to the heart of the growing egg, melding together, mingling and growing as more and more of heavy creamy cum poured over the waiting clutch.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Batalia let out a groan, shuddering as she felt the knot stretching her inner body open as wide as it could go as she squeezed and pulled the length of the girth. The hot stream of cum was pouring into her, she felt it splashing right up against her cervix, pushing in deeper towards her womb as she pushed back against him. The edge of her vent was pushed up tight against the drake who thrummed and nipped against the back of her neck possessively, his hips giving slowly rocks and rolls forward, tugging against his swollen knot, pulling firmly while there was a grip of the paws against her shoulders. He moved, pushing them down firmly against the ground while she began to relax, her walls continuing to quiver and tug, every spasm working along the length to pull more of the sperm laden cream into her body. Her tail pushed and rubbed along the line of the lower belly, curling around the black drake in pleasure as she let out a shuddering breath.

She lost her sense of Marshall, his mind slipping away from her own as his egg was fertilized and the first spark of life began to form within her body. He wouldn't be present in her mind again until after he had hatched from his egg, and that would take well over a year. She flexed her paws against the ground as every rippling squeeze seemed to earn another flex and pulse of cum pouring into her. Her breathing came out in a short sigh as she lowered her head down to her paws. She was surprised Marshall had picked an egg so swiftly, blaming herself for her own distraction in the heart of feeling the ridged cock plunging through her passage and the need that had driven her. She was supposed to tell him to cast a spell on her clutch, to pick out the egg that would most likely yield a male gender to assure that his rebirth and hatching would be as what he wanted.

"Rrrr.. perhaps we should use a human each time you come into season, my dear." Valtan thrummed against her neck as his hips gave another rock. "It was quite an interesting sensation."

"Perhaps.." She arched herself and let out a breath as the drake pushed forward harder, growling low in her throat as his hind paw gripped harder against her haunch.

As they relaxed in the end glow of mating, her mind slipped towards her filling womb and her future clutch. She had hopes that Marshall would come out as a drake, bold and brave, one she could mold as he grew into his body and matured. The thought made her lick the bridge of her muzzle and her walls clenched harder around Valtan's shaft. If she raised the male right, the next time she came into heat he would rise up to battle for her clutch, then again... If he had chosen poorly, chances were that Valtan would have another dragoness to extend his territory over and breed. She was positive he wouldn't let such a unique female out of his grasp. Her eyes closed as she writhed against the ground when the drake's hips gave another rock forward, teasing through her body lightly. Only time would tell, and she, and Marshall, would soon have all the time in the world.