The Adventures of Ricky Ratt - 10 - Hail to the King

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#10 of Ricky Ratt

So what's a rockstar rat to do when he's feeling a bit stressed and down? Fuck all night and party all day! And boy does he get quite a few adoring fans to show him a good time.

As Saturday rolled around I decided to give Dennis a call and see if he'd be up for going with me. It was always a little awkward heading to a new place by yourself, so I was intent on convincing him to join me. Not that it took too much convincing as the dragon quickly gave me a yes after I let him know what's up. Seemed like he was as eager to get out of his house as I was.

Around 9 or so I rolled up to his place and parked my car in his driveway. I got out of the bright yellow Lotus and slowly strolled up the path to the front door, dressed up as presentably as the lead singer to a metal band should be dressed up. Black tight jeans, studded belt, black classic metal band shirt... the works for a night out when I wanted to get noticed.

Dennis certainly had a nice place, a little bigger than mine even. But then again he had a family to help him fill it out with a wife and two cubs running around. It was in the same area that my place was though, about an hour north of the city, with the same ocean view. It was only a quick 20 minute ride up to his place, but it was a bit strange just how little I'd been up to visit in our time owning homes near each other. I guess I saw him plenty on the road, so I didn't feel the need to really pop in for a chat. Plus, getting the wife and kid's involved always made things complicated.

Nevertheless I let out a nice deep breath as I walked up to that front door and gave that doorbell a ring. I waited for a few moments before spotting a female figure walking up to the door, her breasts quite apparent in that shadow behind the artistic frosted glass surrounding the door. An idea quickly sparked in my mind as I whipped my tail forwards and grabbed it firmly in my paws. I held onto it almost nervously with a few fidgeting paws as I also folded my ears back, doing my best to look as shy and young as I could.

Dennis' wife was a beast, there was no putting it lightly. Then again she was a dragon, so it wasn't THAT much of a surprise. Bright red scales ran all around her rather tall and muscled frame - her build almost making me doubt she was actually a female to be honest. But, that large rack on her chest was a quick convincer for sure... Dennis certainly scored big with that. I looked up at her tits first, and then up to her muzzle before I just softly and shyly said, "Hello Ma'am, can Dennis come out to play?"

That made her chuckle heavily as I kept up the shy act for another moment or two before relaxing and standing up straight. Although, I always felt rather small and weak in the large dragoness' shadow, still fearing she could crush me at any moment. "Awww, how cute!" she adds in a decently deep voice after her chuckle is finished. She even reached down a strong paw to give a rather firm pinch my cheek to further prove her point. I had made my bed and had to lay in it though as I tried not to squeak too hard at the pinch, playing along before we both dropped our little act. "I dunno, you promise to take good care of him?" she adds with a firm smile, now leaning against the doorway as I could see Dennis slipping on a shirt in the background.

"Not at all.." I responded with a smirk, slowly crossing my arms in front of my chest as I leaned back on one foot a bit more. "He's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

"That's what I was afraid of..." she says back with a sigh and roll of her eyes. "How have you been Rick? Long time no see."

I let out a soft sigh at that myself, deciding to skip the whole fight part for now as I just slowly said back, "Oh, not too bad, just relaxing really. Getting over the tour and everything and getting back to home life. Enjoying it while it lasts..." I say with a forced laugh. "How are the cubs?"

"A handful..." she says before the familiar green dragon slides past his wife with a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Bye hun, I'll see ya later..." he says with a smile as he quickly walks behind me and starts heading towards my car.

"That eager to get out of here, huh?" the dragoness says with a chuckle, slowly pushing off the door frame and giving me a soft wave. "Boys will be boys, huh? Have him back before 3am please?" she adds before giving him a wave and shutting the door.

I just smirk and start walking towards the dragon, giving him a little high-five before slowly saying, "Hey there stranger, long time no see."

He gives me a little pat on the back as he slowly comes back with, "I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other soon enough... after I thought I finally got rid of you for a bit."

"Nah, you've gotta find another singer on Youtube first before you're rid of me," I say quickly with a chuckle, opening the car door and climbing in.

He does the same before I belt up and switch the car on, the dragon adding back, "Best not look at my Youtube search history in that case..." with a firm chuckle to finish his words off.

"Awww, come on, you wouldn't do that to me..." I say with a little whine, slowly backing out of his driveway and onto the road.

"Nah, I guess not," he adds, settling back into the seat. "Most lead singers are douches anyway. And thankfully I'm stuck with only a semi-douche..."

"I love you too..." I grumble back with a final chuckle coming afterward. "So, that eager to get out of your place, huh?"

The dragon laughs back at that before just slowly saying, "Heh, a month of having nothing to do all day is a double edged sword. I love spending time with the wife and the cubs of course, but I'm ready for a night out..." With those words he stretches his arms up over his head and gives a firm stretch at his back... at least as good of a stretch as he could get in the tiny sports car. "So where exactly are we going?"

"I'm not sure..." I said honestly, having to pull up my GPS and put the address in there. "Heard about this party from one of my douchie singer friends, and figured it was time to get out and do something."

"Yeah, I hear ya," he says with a little grumble. "Your bunny friend didn't wanna go?" he adds in suddenly. "What was his name... Andy?"

I hesitated just a bit at that before just slowly sighing and shaking my head. "Nah, me and him kinda had a fight last week... still a little testy..."

He doesn't seem sure whether it's alright to joke about it, or actually take it seriously. So, the dragon just slowly nods back and says, "Just like an old married couple, huh? Give it a bit, I'm sure both of you will kiss and make up..."

I let out another sigh and slowly say, "I dunno, I think I pissed him off good this time." I let that hang, seeing if the dragon had anything to add, before finally saying, "He's off on a date tonight with someone else."

"Well, it's not like he was your boyfriend or anything," Dennis says calmly, staring out the window as I drive. "I know it was a sensitive subject between you two, but..."

"Yeah, I know," I add back before he could really get any farther, "But still..." I let out a firm sigh and slowly say after a little pause, "Nevermind, I'll figure it out. How's the home life treating you?"

We go back and forth with a little small talk as we drive, catching up on what each of us has been doing for the past month or so. But soon enough we make it to our destination, having to find some parking on the grass near the road as the place was already packed it seemed.

"Well, here we are..." I say with a smile as I shut the car off and climb out, locking it behind us as we both walk up to the gate. This place was even more impressive than either of our places for sure, sprawling out in every direction with a large yard and a huge fence hiding it away from the rest of the world.

"Damn... that's what you get for being an executive rather than a performer..." Dennis says with a smirk as we finally start to hit a few others on the path up to the house. They catch our eyes quickly, but I don't recognize any of them as we continue walking.

"Yeah, no kidding..." I say, both of us still slightly in shock at the size of the place. Not to mention all the people I could see in just about every room of the house, and all around the outside as well. "I had no idea THIS many people knew about this..." I add back, slowly making my way to the front porch. "Makes me feel like I've been missing out on something this whole time..." I add back, getting a chuckle from the dragon for a response. But, as we step onto the front porch of that large mansion, I finally saw just what I wanted to see. Quite a few kegs, and a few packs of plastic cups sitting right by them.

"This is my stop..." I say with a grin, quickly taking a cup and pumping out my first beer of the night... first of many. Dennis is happy to follow, getting some decent imported beer before making our way deeper into the house with drink in paw.

There was a decent crowd of people in there as the dragon and I slowly pushed past them, just exploring a bit first to see if there was anyone we knew well around. A few people looked familiar for sure, but not quite enough for me to come over and say hi. And I'm sure that I got a few knowing looks as well, but again nothing worth an approach from anyone else. And that was fine for now as I still had the dragon in tow, both of us taking in the sights and rocking out to the heavy music playing all around the sound system inside.

It wasn't long though before Dennis and I had to head out for another beer, filling up our cups outside before taking a walk around the grounds. There was certainly a lot going on - people talking nearly everywhere with a few scantily clad women seeming to... entertain some of the guys in some of the darker and secluded places. All around us the music was ringing out as well, making me smile as one of our own songs came on. That made me give Dennis a nice little punch in the arm as I pointed to a speaker, his head nodding in response. "Told ya this was a good party, they got us on the mix," I added with a chuckle.

But after a few moments I finally had to say goodbye to the dragon. Someone he knew from another band quickly came up to us and introduced himself, and then dragged the green beast away to show him something on guitar. That left me all alone and on the prowl now as I adjusted my pants and went off to find something... or someone to do.

It didn't take me long to find something to do now that I was alone and consciously looking. I finally spotted the guy that initially told me about the party, and had to go over and say hello. I introduced myself to his friends and gave him a nice hug as well. But as I pulled away I could quickly feel all their eyes lock on me as I quickly became the center of attention. And that was fine for me. They knew who I was for sure, and I did rather enjoy the attention as the conversation swung back around soon enough.

Me and my buck friend began to chat a little bit about tours, singing, and music, and before long I learned that a few others in our little group were also vocalists... or at least aspiring to be. The conversation shifted to vocal practice and techniques for a bit before one by one the group slowly started to break apart and head off. I went back to get another beer myself, and on my way back I ran into a rather big fan who knew me quite instantly.

We talked for a bit about mt recent tour and how I was doing afterward. I let him go on a bit about just how awesome I was and how much he loved all our stuff, slowly looking for a way out of the conversation though after about 10 minutes of his rambling. Not that I didn't love hearing some praise of course, but over all the years it had kind of become the same. Not to mention a lot of the time they didn't really have much to say other than how awesome I was, and that got boring and awkward quite quickly. But, soon enough I was able to spot someone else I knew and excused myself, going to say hi to another fellow singer.

That's pretty much how my night went for the first little bit, but it felt nice to down some beers and get back into contact with a few old friends around the area. A few people I didn't even remember all that well even came up to me to reconnect a bit, reminding me that I DID have a few more friends than just Andy around these parts. I made sure to update some old phone numbers as I gave everyone a friendly wave before long, heading out to my normal beer stop for my deep double digit refill.

On my way back through the bustling mansion I was feeling pretty good at this point, decently drunk and happy about reconnecting and making a few new friends. It was then that I took notice of a little group in the corner as I made my way back through the crowded house. One of them quickly pointed at me as I entered the room, and then the other two giggled a little bit as I managed to catch it and send my eyes up toward the pointing wolf. He quickly pulled his paw down and looked a little embarrassed suddenly, trying to hide the fact that he was singling me out. But, being as drunk and happy as I was, I figured it'd be fun to help embarrass him a bit further, especially in front of his friends.

I slowly walked on over and gave the rather cute little wolf boy a little wink as I stood in front of him. I threw on my best New Yorker accent as I tried not to slur too many of my words, motioning towards him with my cup as I narrowed my eyes and said, "You... pointing at me? Are YOU pointing at ME?"

That got his friends to burst out laughing behind him as the cute little boy blushed harder and scrunched up defensively. "N... no, I wasn't..." he says with a soft and slowly stuttering voice.

The single female behind him breaks out of her laugh to quickly add in, "Oh no, he was totally pointing at you."

I took a little look over towards the raccoon chick and gave her a soft grin at that. And she was on a roll now as she continued with, "He was saying just how sexy that rat he'd seen walking by was, and thought you looked kind of familiar..."

That got another chuckle out of the coon and the ferret boy standing next to her as well as they all focused their gaze back on the wolf now. I turned my head back towards him just in time to see him gently pull his shoulders up and slide his head down, almost like a turtle trying to hide back in it's shell.

I gave him a quick smirk as I let the uncomfortable moment hang in the air for a bit, taking another quick sip of my beer in the meantime. "Is that right?" I ask with a firm and confident tone soon after, making the wolf just let out a little whine as he felt my gaze drilling into him at this point. He didn't have to answer vocally to give me a response though. His silence told me everything I needed to know. So, getting a nice deep breath, I suddenly busted out rather loudly with, "I am the world famous Ricky Ratt! Lead singer, and rhythm guitar player, for the band Heretic Nightmare!"

That made everyone in the group, even including the wolf, chuckle a little bit at my theatrical delivery. And, I could see his lips slowly parting a little as he struggled out a soft, "I know..."

That made me look back at him as I slowly put my paws on my hips. "Oh, is that so? And did you actually say that I was sexy?" With those words I made sure to give a little arch to my hips, pushing my tight rump out behind me and showing off my rather slender upper body to the little group of people, posing in as sexy of a model pose I could manage in my current state.

He blushed heavily once again, but I didn't let him squirm away from the question. I kept my gaze on him firmly before he finally squeaked out again with a little nod of his head.

With that part of me satisfied I turned to the rest of his friends, slowly looking back and forth between the rather good looking raccoon female with a decent set of tits, and the cute and slender ferret standing quietly at her side. "And how about you two?" I add with a grin, letting my eyes wander all over their bodies as I waited for responses. I'd totally fuck all three of them I told myself quickly, and that was looking more and more possible every second.

"Fuck yeah!" the raccoon said back with quite a bit of enthusiasm, making everyone stare back at her from the small group. It also gave me a moment to look down from her face to her breasts, then down to her shapely stomach and wide hips.... getting a few naughty ideas in my head all the while.

The ferret was a little less enthusiastic, but seemed a bit more forwards than the wolf at least. "Yeah, I'd totally bend over for you," he adds with a small but playful nervous tone, quickly blushing though almost as if he hadn't meant to be so open about it when he heard the words ringing around in his head.

That got a chuckle from the group yet again as now I had my eyes full, scanning all three of them as a wide grin shot across my face. "That so? Well, we might just have to put that to the test...."

With another smirk I finished off my beer with a nice full sip, tossing the spent cup over into the corner. "You'll have to excuse me though, it's my first time here... but where do people go to fuck?" I said it more to match the ferret's own level of forwardness than anything, getting a nice nervous chuckle from the rest of the group from my strong words. But, besides my joking attitude, it was a semi-serious question. And, as I just slowly licked my lips and took in the sight of my prey for the evening, I was certainly in no gigantic rush to get moving. A little more scanning was in order over each one of their bodies to build up a nice reserve of naughty ideas.

"Anywhere you can find..." the coon said with a little wink eventually, starting to scan the room a bit as she rose up onto her tippy toes to look over the crowd. The two other boys were a little more reserved though, looking at each other and saying something quickly that I didn't catch. But, meanwhile, I helped the coon in her search for a spot... finding it rather difficult in the crowded building.

"Hmmm, I think there's a bedroom up a floor... could see if that's free..." I added with a little smirk after a few looks around this room and finding nothing. That got a quick nod from the female and the boys before we all made a push to get to the stairs.

And, sure enough, the door was cracked open. Slowly I pressed my paw to the door and gave it a push in, half expecting to see someone going at it already inside. But, there were no traces of anyone currently using the room. At least no visual signs. The room smelled heavily of weed and sex when we first took our steps in though, and the comforter was already stripped off the bed and probably soaked in who knows what kind of fluids. But, as we all strolled in and locked the door behind us, I could only crack an evil grin as I looked back over my prey for the evening once again.

"So then, who's getting naked and on their knees first?" I ask out with a little sway in my step, both from being drunk and from being a bit eager myself. Not one, not two, but three partners at once? This was quickly turning into an orgy... and it'd been far too long since I'd been at an orgy.

Surprisingly enough it was the wolf, probably given a firm push by the raccoon, who stepped forwards with a little stumble. But, after the blush hit his cheeks and took a moment to wear off, he turned into a good boy and just slowly made himself comfortable on his knees. He gave a little shuffle towards me, his paws reaching out to grab onto my waistband as his digits slowly started to slide towards my belt buckle.

"Mmmm, that's a good boy..." I said with a firm smile, giving him a little pet on the head for his efforts. "And, who's gonna be the one to relieve wolf boy here of his pants?" I add with a firm grin, looking back and forth between the raccoon and the ferret boy. The ferret is quite obviously pushed forwards this time, stumbling with a little squeak before gathering himself up. Slowly he gets the hint, falling to his own knees and sliding forwards to grip at the wolf's hips. At the same time the wolf was getting my belt out of the buckle, the ferret's nimble digits started to dig around the wolf's belly as well.

I can hear the sound of both zippers being pulled down at nearly the same time, an excited shiver shooting through both me and the female coon as we watch the action unfold. And, as both pairs of pants start to wiggle off hips, I can only smirk at her and say, "What, just gonna watch the boys play?"

She giggles a little bit at that before just slowly saying, "Mmmm, maybe... I do love to watch... Then again it's not you and TJ making out or anything, but....."

I let out a hearty chuckle at that as the wolf boy manages to strip me down to my tight underwear, showing off my bulge rather nicely as the fabric left little to the imagination. The wolf's own pants quickly follow, falling down to his knees at this point as well. And, keeping with his rather forwardness, the ferret slowly starts sliding in a paw under the wolf's tight ass-grabbing underwear and starts and peel the pair off his ass. "Mmmm, been there, done that..." I say towards the coon to watch her shiver as a reaction.

A rather surprised look comes over her face before long though, realizing she'd just heard the words come out of my mouth straight from the source. For some reason that seemed to be a big thing for our female fans... wanting to see me and the panther be rather cute couple together. Not necessarily fucking or anything, but kissing, cuddling, all that cute girly stuff. Since it's fairly common knowledge I'm bi, and the panther is one sexy hunk of man meat according to most everyone, I guess it's not TOO much of a stretch. We've even teased a little bit about it on our site once in a while, sending out valentine day's cards with me and the panther brushing each others fur with loving looks in our eyes or something silly. But that only tends to fan the flames... which I'm totally fine with. Any publicity is good publicity in my book.

But, this coon seemed to almost melt at the idea, starting back at me and those wolf's paws slowly rubbed over my bulge, adding a weak and hoping, "Really?"

Of course I wouldn't exactly call it making out, but who am I to stand in the way of a girl's fantasies? I don't say anything, but I just give her a little wink before the wolf's paw cups my bulging groin yet again with a rather enthusiastic grope, making me moan firmly for a bit and give him another firm scratch behind the ears.

"Mmmm, but I won't let you just stay and watch..." I say back with a little grin, watching the wolf's underwear slide down to his ankles and leaving his bare bottom hiked up in the air, tail already up like a good little boy slut.

I hear a little whimpering moan come from the female at my words, but I quickly slide my gaze down towards the ferret and say, "Alright, dive in... show this slut's butt just what it's got coming..." Without even looking for either one of the male's reactions to that order I send my eyes back to the coon and meet her eyes. "I don't do shows for free ya know. Cash, grass, or ass. I have plenty of cash, and I'm not really into smoking weed, so..." I finish off with a grin just as I hear a little yelp from the wolf as the ferret had pressed in between his cheeks with his tongue, giving the canine's pucker a quick lick.

I certainly wasn't expecting such a quick and naughty reaction from the ferret to my command, although I had left it quite open to interpretation. He seems to have just the right level of a dirty mind though, and that made me grin quite widely at the sight. I took in a few licks from the ferret before sending my eyes back up at the now curiously watching female, changing the subject slightly as I said, "Mmmm, these boys do this all the time for you?" With those words I slowly slid down my paws to the waistband of my underwear, giving them a little pull down as the wolf seemed a little distracted at the moment. In his gasps and sudden moans he had kind of stalled on his own front.

She just chuckles a little bit and gently shakes her head, still somewhat shocked from everything going on around her I suppose. "I thought the ferret was straight for the longest time... firmly straight..."

"Well, we're all learning some things here, aren't we?" I said with a firm moan as the wolf's muzzle finally comes up and gives my now free hanging sack a little nuzzle. His tongue is quick to slide out as well to slowly introduce itself to my slightly sweaty and sensitive flesh soon after, making me add another groan out into the air. His own hot moans were blowing hot and needy air all around the spots he'd just licked as well, making me shiver as it helped to evaporate the spit and send a cool tingle up my balls and into my spine.

I enjoyed the treatment for a little bit, falling silent for a moment just to indulge my senses. But, I didn't wanna let the coon off the hook for too long. Slowly my eyes came back down on her, seeing her still eagerly watching the action for now. "Mmmmph, so why don't you see just what you're missing?" I add and watch her eyes quickly dart back up to mine. "Strip the ferret's pants off and give his rump a little lick if you don't mind..."

She gives me a curious and rather surprised look, but I didn't falter in my firm gaze at her. And, confidence being the key in all sorts of situations like this, I knew I could break her down before long. I could see her hesitate just a bit, but in the end she slowly drops to her knees with a soft thud. A wide grin spread across my face at that, only fueling the little power trip I was on. Slowly she slides forwards and starts to send a paw or two under the ferret's hips as well, reaching around for that button to his jeans. And, almost at the same time, the hungry wolf in front of me reaches up with his lips and finally kisses my swollen sheath.

I let out another moan, slowly sliding my paw through the canine's hair as my cock tip begins to peak out with all the attention. It was hard to hold back from the moment we walked in as the room already smelled like sex from the beginning, but now with three horny males and the one extra horny fag hag ending the train it was getting almost unbearable. My cock continued to peak out of it's sheath slowly with the attention, but the wolf's own member had been throbbing underneath him for quite some time at full mast, adding to a good bit of the scent in the room. And, as the coon made quick work of the ferret's pants, his also seemed to be on the rise... especially when she leaned in like a good girl and gave a tentative lick over that pucker of his.

I could only roll my eyes back in my head a bit as the wolf boy's hungry muzzle slid up even further at that moment as well, taking the peaking tip of my cock between his warm and wet lips. Slowly he pulls his cheeks in with a little vacuum pressure, giving a nice and heavy suck against that sensitive flesh. That makes me tighten my grip on his head fur a little bit as I let out a happy moan, a few more inches of my cock shooting up into his muzzle with a deep breath.

But, that pleasure was only part of everything I was enjoying. Watching the whole train of fur leading back from the wolf, now to the moaning ferret with his cheeks dug into the wolf's other cheeks, and the rather expertly lapping coon giving the ferret a few passes at his crack made me shiver as well. Such an obedient group... all under my control. Everyone falling right in line and doing something they probably wouldn't normally be doing, just because I had told them to. Whether it was my fame, or just my commanding presence I wasn't sure, but damn was it ever getting me hard. The power... the control... it was all very addictive as a heavy grin spread across my muzzle at the sight.

The wolf was certainly helping my level of pleasure though as he started to bob his head up and down my now fully hardening member, certainly no virgin to a bit of oral I found out quickly. He wasn't exactly a seasoned slut or anything, but he'd certainly had his lips around a few cocks in his day. Up and down his head went, his paw firmly holding onto the base of my sheath to give me just a little more sensation all the while. His hungry slurps rang out loudest in the room as he pushed down nearly all the way to my sheath with his lips, giving his throat a little growl to further send some sensations into my cock tip. And then he slid back up, nearly all the way to my tip to tease it with his tongue. And, after a moment or two of that, he gave a quick dive back down nearly to the base. Back and forth he went, keeping up a good pace as a bit of drool started to dribble down his chin.

After a few moments though he slowly pulls off, taking a few deep breaths and gently letting his large tongue lap at my throbbing tip for a little change of pace. He even looks up, as if begging for praise as his large eyes meet mine and he lets out a needy little whimper. Maybe it was from the taste and feel of my cock, or maybe it was that hot and inexperienced tongue around his pucker behind him. Either way it made me send my paw down and give him a few pats on his head as a gentle reward. But, I could only be so nice to him as I gave my hips a quick shake back and forth, slapping my cock tip up against his cheeks a few times afterwards. I took in the sight in front of me one more time, seeing all the hungry others lapping away at their targets, before finally opening up my muzzle and saying, "Alright... good job so far... so who's first in line for the ride?"

That makes everyone look up from their cheeks to meet my eyes as I give the wolf below me a few more slaps with my cock. Everyone, including the somewhat talkative female, was now silent as they weren't exactly ready to make the first move. But, I was used to this sort of thing as I just gently smirked and said, "Alright, I guess I'm gonna pick then..." I made sure to draw it out a little as I stepped back a bit and crouched down to my discarded pants in the silence. I slowly reached a paw into one of my pockets to slide out a few packets of lube and a condom. In the mean time I took my time looking over all three of the candidates as I ripped open the condom package and slowly started to roll it down over my cock.

"Mmmm, well," I said finally, stalling a bit more in front of them as I slowly slid myself back onto the bed, cock poking up firmly towards the ceiling with it's clear coating applied. "We have someone built and designed for it, we have one eager for it, and we have one unknown..." I let my voice linger a bit to further tease them before quickly snapping my fingers and pointing to each one of my sides. "Boys, up here and under my arms. That leaves the lovely lady for the ride. Show these boys how it's done first."

They were all a little slow to get into motion after my command, but the wolf finally creaked himself up off the floor after a moment and onto his feet once again. The others were quick to follow his lead and started to get into position themselves. The wolf was the first to slide in by my right side, laying a paw over my shirt and quickly starting to tug it off. I wiggled out of it as it flew off my body before the ferret took his place next to my other side. Slowly I reached an arm around both boy's shoulders, pulling them firmly into my sides like the good little harem boys they were. That left me free to watch the female slowly starting to slide down her own pants now, still looking a little hesitant. But, as I felt the wolf boy give my wrapped cock a little stroke with a rather firm paw, that seemed to help move her along a little bit.

Slowly she slid down her pants and her panties to the floor, leaving her shirt on for now as she gave me a nervous smile. I gave back a nice confident one with that wolf's paw still giving my cock a few little strokes all the while. That seemed to give her enough courage to gently slid up onto the bed and straddled my legs. She inched her way up, pressing her groin down against my thighs, then my balls, then my sheath... and finally my cock as she slid her pussy lips up to their proper position. "Mmmm, sorry TJ's not here to help you get off, but you'll have to make due..." I added with a tease, shooting her a nice smile as she let out a little huff in the mean time.

Slowly she began grinding her warm pussy lips against my cock, the wolf now dragging his paw back out of the way and up to my belly as he watched curiously. The ferret on my other side was in much the same boat as the coon gently started to align herself, mesmerized by what was going on. Though as the coon pressed down harder against my cock I could tell she was already turned on from everything going on. She was wet to the touch as her hot lips pushed down over my cock tip. With a slow slurp, and a little gasp from the female, my cock quickly began to sink into her depths. She dove all the way down with a nice little thwack against my groin, letting both of us moan again at the sudden sensation. "Mmmm, good girl..." I say back with a rub to either boy's shoulder on my sides. "Now, be a good teacher and show these boys just how to ride a cock. They'll be doing it themselves soon enough, so it's all up to you..."

That made everyone in the room let out a soft gasp as I could even feel the coon's pussy give a little squeeze around my cock. But, I just kept smiling as I gave my hips a little thrust, kicking the female into gear. Slowly she laid her paws down against my my belly and ribs, leaning forwards just a bit before giving a push with her legs and sliding back up that cock. She lifted up a few inches, paused for a small second, and then quickly pushed back down with a little groan. That made me let out a happy little moan myself as I let the girl take over, her hips starting to bounce up and down on my cock at a decent pace before too long.

"Mmm, good girl..." I say back as my grip only tightened around the two males at my sides, the familiar feeling of something warm and wet sliding up and down over my cock started to put me into a rather happy place. "And as for you two..." I add in after a moment of laying back and enjoying the warm and wet sensations, "Keep your paws rubbing around my sides... Mmmm, and put those lips to good use. I have a nipple for each of you..."

They were quick to get the idea with the wolf leading the pack, sliding his lips down and pressing them firmly to my chest. The ferret took his lead and followed close behind, certainly eager not to let the wolf have all the fun. Soon I let out another hot moan and arch of my back, feeling the two boy's lips and tongues start to suck, pull, and flick at my exposed nipples. It was sensation I didn't normally get to be honest, but with so many individuals eager to please me it was one of the only options to keep everyone busy. Not that I was complaining of course. The sensation added a few nice little shots of pleasure up my spine as my tail eagerly whipped around below me each time one of them hit a nice spot.

That sight only made the female pump harder up and down my shaft it seemed. Either it was spurring her on to try and win the pleasure battle, or it just really turned her on watching two guys suck at my nipples. To be honest I didn't care what it was, just that the speed and intensity of the bouncing quickly started to elevate a bit. My hips even got into the action on occasion as they gave a reflexive thrust up, slapping hard into the girl's wet lips as her pussy showed little sign of letting up. It made both of us moan hard as her grip tightened on my ribs as well, grabbing a few paw-fulls of rodent hair to hold on to all the while. That added tugging sensation to my belly, complete with the sucking over my nipples, made me lean my head back and moan hard into the headboard.

With all the attention, and the boy's free paws filling in any remaining space I had on my chest, I was certainly a well pleased rodent. It was like I had my own harem of adoring fans to worship me with attention, and I was certainly more than okay with that. As a lead singer I'm normally a bit of an attention whore, and this was the best kind of attention I could hope for. So many bodies around me, so much body heat... even though it wasn't the warmest night out I was already sweating up a little storm. And I think everyone else was as well as the temperature in the room seemed to climb quite a few degrees since we started.

The small layer of sweat only added to the heavy scents in the room as I could feel both male's hard cocks rubbing up against me as well now. So, not wanting to TOTALLY monopolize the attention, I gently took each one of my paws and slowly started to slide them down each boy's frame. I crawled them down inch by inch over their sides and hips, only to reach down even further in one sudden motion and grab each boy's cock in one of my paws. That made them gasp softly and even made the wolf pull off my nipple for a quick breath at the shock. The ferret was quick to follow as well, slowly rubbing his free paw over my now soaked and exposed nipple as it stood up in the cool night air.

I didn't exactly get to stroking them off right away, but I just enjoyed the firm throbbing of an excited male in my paw for a bit as I gave them a few soft squeezes. Eventually though I did start to slip one of my paws up a slick cock, alternating pumps back and forth and feeling just a little pre leak out of both of those cocks onto my fingertips. I made sure to only keep it at a teasing pace though, letting them squirm but certainly not cum and end the fun quite yet. And eventually, after giving a few hot moans, their lips both sealed around my nipples again to continue their task.

I enjoyed this treatment for what felt like a good few moments - the moving and shifting of the coon on top of me leading the way in the pleasure department for sure as she started to turn on the heat. But, before too long I could feel myself building up a bit, and seeing as I still had two other holes to fill I finally lifted my paws off the boy's cocks and slowly said, "Mmmm, good job boys and girls... but, I think it's time for the wolf to get his turn, don't you?" I looked up to the coon with a little wink, seeing a little disappointment in her face at not having got me off all the way. But, I could tell she was starting to run out of steam as her pumps were a little less focused and organized. She didn't argue with me TOO much more as she slowly lifted off my cock, leaving it wet and slapping up against my belly as it slipped out.

Slowly I peeled my arms back, letting both boys escape from my clutches as I gently took a moment to relax myself, getting a bit of air to cool my body down. The coon on the other hand slowly slid down onto the bed, her gently panting chest laying on it's side as she looks up at me with a hopeful wink. But my focus was now on the wolf, quickly sliding out of my grasp and up onto my groin as he seemed more than eager to get started. I take a little packet of lube from the bed where I placed them down and chucked it over to him, being pretty sure that he knew just what to do with it.

And that he does, quickly ripping it open and dribbling some onto the cock in front of him... not that the coon left it all that dry to be fair. But, a little extra lube never hurt. And the wolf certainly seemed to enjoy the slick sensation as he slowly lifted himself up and pressed his rump back down over my cock. It took a few tries to get the angle right as this wolf certainly wasn't a well trained slut or anything, but eventually I could feel my cock slide in with a wet pop. That got a heavy gasp from both me and the wolf as he sunk down nearly to my base with that first pump, shivering a little and giving a few heavy breaths as he adjusted to the size and sensation.

I enjoyed the squeezing sensation for a bit before sending my eyes over to the ferret and then the coon. And, after the wolf gets into gear and gives off a few decent pumps, I look back over to the ferret with a nice little smirk. "Alright cutie, you've got a choice... either you can slide up there and take care of your buddy's bouncing cock, or you can go on ball duty and make sure mine are shining..."

He hesitates just a little bit as he thinks his options through, but slowly he slides up off the bed and onto all fours. Almost as if he's trying to tease me, he crawls on over to the wolf and leans his muzzle down towards that cock. His tight, sexy ass is basically swinging in my face as I can hear the wolf moan a little bit more, knowing the ferret's tongue had quickly arrived at it's target. That made me smirk widely as I looked over to the female now, her legs still spread and pussy still drooling just a little bit.

"And, as for you..." I add with a firm moan as I try not to look at that ferret's ass again, feeling it's sway over me growing stronger all the while. "It's been forever since I ate out a chick... get up on my chest and get seated," I added with a little smirk.

She looked a little surprised at that as I could almost see a little blush across her cheeks. Whether it was from my comment, or just watching the ferret sucking a cock while the wolf was riding one I'm not sure. But nevertheless I pulled her attention away from it long enough get my message. And, with a final look, she slowly started to slide towards me.

With a little groan she lifted a leg over me and straddled my body, eyes facing the action in front of us all the while. The weight on my chest made it it a little hard to breathe, especially as the wolf made me gasp from his tight squeezes. So, I needed to give myself a few wiggles to get myself into a more comfortable position. But, as soon as I was semi comfortable I sent a paw to lift her tail up. That game me a clear shot at her dripping lips as she soon pushed her ass back towards me.

I wasted little time in shooting a moan into her wet lips, my hot breath making her squirm at the sudden sensation. My tongue followed quickly after, taking my first hit of female flavor in quite a while for sure. It tasted welcomingly familiar as I let out a little moan at the tingling on my tongue, and then quickly dove in for a few more moaning passes soon after.

That made everyone in the group give a few heavy moans as my paws slipped down to the female's cheeks and spread them out wide. My tongue kept battering those lips as I pushed in firmly, giving a few firm passes and a good bit of pressure into her sensitive folds. She moaned hard at the attention down in her groin, and also at watching her two friends go at each other no doubt. The wolf moaned because he had a cock up his ass and a cute, eager boy lapping at his cock. And the ferret moaned hard because he made the wolf moan, and was seeming to enjoy this whole gay thing more than he thought he would.

Back and forth the whole mass of bodies squirmed as I got in more tasty licks of the female's pussy lips. My tongue even pressed and wiggled inside them soon enough to feel that rhythmically clenching hole squeeze back at my pokes. Over and over the female's body shivered, sending a few dribbles from the still soaked groin leaking down all over my chin. My tongue did it's best to hit all the spots inside and around those lips that it could as I continued to work over the female. I even slid a few fingers down to her hot flesh and pushed them into her sloppy hole while my tongue made a few teasing journeys to her clit just to make her moan a bit more. And it certainly got the girl moaning hard as I swore I felt her orgasm once or twice while I kept on driving my muzzle deep into her.

But, as I gave those rump cheeks a small slap and felt her jump a little bit at the sensation, I couldn't help but pull back for a breath before slowly saying, "How's the ferret's rump looking to you?"

It took me repeating myself to get the female to finally hear me, but slowly she let out a shiver as my fingers were still pumping away inside of her. She gathered herself for a moment before gently saying back, "Mmmm, it looks as tasty as it did before...."

I smirked softly at that, giving her a few more firm shoves as deep as my three digits could go for her response. I watched her moan again before gently giving them a soft twist and saying, "Mmmm, well, you know he's next... you should be a good girl and get him ready. There's lube on the bed, but I think you have more than enough back here..."

With those teasing words I leaned in and gave another lick to the female's folds, hearing her give back a hot and heated moan once again. But, before I could say much more, I felt one of her paws come back and almost bat my muzzle out of the way. I pulled back a bit to watch her own digits slipping inside of her pussy and forcing me to just lay back and watch. And that's what I did for a moment as the female pleasured herself, taking the chance to enjoy the wolf's slow and rather spontaneous bounces on my cock as I got a few well deserved breaths in. The ferret must have been doing quite the good.. or maybe quite the bad job on that cock. Either way it had the wolf struggling to focus on his bounces as I hadn't really felt them all that much to be honest. But, I didn't really care. Just having that hot rump stretched around my cock was all I really needed to feel right now. I could already tell it was going to be hard to hold back much longer, and I still had the tightest ass to go after all.

With a few final pumps the female's paw slurped back out of her pussy, snapping me back to the scene at hand. I couldn't help but watch it as it slowly slid up along side my muzzle for a second, leaving a slimy streak over my cheek. But, with her paw gone that left me plenty of space to dive right back in and give the spread lips a nice lick once again. Before I could get a second one in though I heard a heavy gasp, first muffled a little bit but then much louder as the female's body shifted a bit above me. Her pussy was still near my muzzle, but her back was a lot flatter, leaning over and laying a paw on the ferret's rump while her other slick one wiggled a pair of digits into his rump.

I just barely got a little view of the action, moaning at the sight above the female's hip as my paw gave her a few happy pats on the rump. "Good girl," I said softly, getting another shiver from having someone follow my orders again. The power rush went straight to my head, making me moan out nicely as a happy warm sensation filled my chest at the same time. But, that was far from the only pleasure I was feeling. When the ferret moaned the first time, he sent that moan into the wolf's cock, making him moan in response and squeeze hard around my own as well.

I continued to watch when I could, more hearing those digits slurp up and inside the ferret than really seeing them though. Quickly I dove back into those pussy lips, spreading that ass wide in front of me with my paws to reward the female for being such a naughty girl. The motions of our bodies fell into a nice little rhythm once again as my licks, the female's thrusts, and the wolf's bounces on my cock almost seemed in sync. But, after a bit I'd finally had my fill of vagina for the night. I slowly pulled my head back from the female's nether regions as I said, "Mmmm, alright... I think he's ready for me..."

The female just smiled a bit as she turned her head back, having graduated to three digits sometime with a few more additional grabs of her own personal lubricant while I was busy slurping. She gave a soft nod, finally slipping her digits out and giving them a little rub on the bed to clean them off. She slid down and off my chest, letting me get a few nice and heavy breaths in as I got a good look at that ready ferret rump for the first time. That pucker was calling my name as it looked virgin tight, even after the fingering, but glistening softly with fluids and ready to be spread open.

I lick my lips softly, getting the female's taste off them before saying, "Mmmm, wolfie, time for your dismount I'm afraid..." I gave him a few final thrusts as I hadn't been all that active with my hips during his ride, but soon enough my paws slid down and started to lift him up off my cock. I watched him slowly and tiredly slide off to his side as I gave my body a stretch, feeling a few things pop back into place. I was starting to feel sore from being in such a position for so long, so a little break was more than welcomed. But I knew I was close and wasn't going to last long for the ferret either way as I gave my groin a few pats.

"You've watched, you know what to do..." I said with a grin, trying to be as supportive as I could with my facial expression. The nervous ferret was slow to slide up and straddle my groin, looking down at me a little awkwardly as his rump grinded against my still slick cock. I reached over and tossed another packet of lube to the wolf, slowly saying, "Get him ready and lined up..." as I laid back and just relaxed a bit, trying to get my climax a little further away all the while.

The wolf took the lube and started to work quickly, ripping open the packet and pouring it onto his paw. Instead of rubbing it on my cock, he sent his paw up and to the ferret's rump. Quickly he pushed that paw between the ferret's cheeks, slopping the lube on and inside of that nice and tight pucker to further make the ferret moan. The moans made his body look rather cute I must admit - slender ferret frame with a heavily arching back... the kind that only someone as flexible as the ferret could pull off. Not to mention his hot and nervous gasps, still unsure if he actually wanted to be doing this... it was all too cute. And, more than cute, I could feel my cock throb hard at possibly taking another guy's virginity. That made it especially hard to try and push my climax back for sure. But, thankfully I didn't have to think for long. Soon the wolf was satisfied with his work and helped lean the ferret back, telling him how to hold his back and hips before grabbing my cock and sliding the ferret down onto it.

Gods that boy was tight, certainly virgin feeling as his hot ring and walls wrapped around my cock. I let out a hard moan, and the ferret lets out a heavy gasp as well as he sunk down a few inches... then a few more as he found himself getting settled. "Mmmph, good boy..." I say as I slowly slide my paws up and wrap them around his hips to hold him tight. It was just me and the ferret now. What the wolf and coon were doing I wasn't sure, and didn't really care. I think they were just busy watching, but even if they were fucking off to the side I wouldn't have batted them an eye. It was me and the ferret, with his cute and squirmy body giving off a few heavy huffs and groans as it got used to the feeling of a full cock in his rump.

"Go ahead," I said after a small moment, "Give me a few bounces..." That made the ferret give off another slightly nervous look, but having already gone so far he had little holding him back. He nodded slowly and gave his legs a small push, sliding back up on that cock a few inches. And back down he came quickly with a firm grunt from him and a heavy gasp coming out of me. Damn was that boy ever tight. I knew I couldn't last all too long as his hips slowly got up into motion after the first few exploring pumps.

Up and down the ferret boy slid, certainly a quick learner as his decent sized cock slapped down against my belly with each bounce. I reached out a paw to slowly grasp it and hold it for him between my moans, not really pumping it but letting him do all the work over it. Each time he slid his hips up and down, my paw would give a pump to his cock. All I needed to do was hold it firmly in place and he'd get some pleasure from both of his ends. That left me with all the time in the world to just lay back and enjoy it.

Orgies were fun for sure, as was being in command of a little harem of fans. But when it came right down to it the simple one on one fucking was what got me off. And, as my vision tunneled and saw only the white and gray fur of the ferret bouncing up over me, I began to feel my orgasm really starting to build. I pushed it off, gritting my teeth firmly as the little guy certainly seemed to be getting a few tips from the wolf and coon now. His thrusts were getting more focused and his bounces a little more rhythmic and steady as he found his balance, giving me exactly what I needed to send maximum pleasure down my cock. So, it wasn't long before I had to take back control myself so I didn't explode right on the spot.

The ferret didn't see it coming I'm sure, and neither did the wolf nor the coon. But quickly I shot my paws up to the ferret's rib cage and gave him a twist down onto his side. He landed with a squeak on the unoccupied side of the bed, my body turning with him as he fell. And, soon afterward I continued to turn him more until he was flat on his stomach. That left me laying over his back with my chest pressing down onto his spine, a firm grin shooting across my face as I slowly got my footing and pulled the ferret up onto his knees with me.

I had done this enough times to be good at it obviously, not letting my cock slip out even once in the rather quick and intense switch of position. But soon enough I had him right where I wanted him - that ferret's rump nice and high up in the air and his chest pressed down to the bed, with my hips quickly kicking into gear behind him. It wasn't long before a few heavy slaps filled the room, my thick balls slapping right up against his taint as I drove myself forwards and into his ass over and over again. My thrusts were quick, primal, and needy... certainly not having the patience to hold back at this point. There had been two others on my cock before this little guy, so I was more than ready to release my load and finally let go of all that pent up need.

But, I wouldn't dream of doing that before I gave a virgin something to remember. And, as I grit my teeth and thrusted harder I could hear the poor boy squirming and gasping underneath me all the while. His cheek was pressed firmly down into the bed, and he was panting and gasping heavily out to the side as his paws tried to keep him from getting pushed too hard and far at his sides. He took the abuse decently enough for someone going through his first time. And, even though there were a few signs of pain in his gasps and his breaths, I didn't dare stop as my own need was growing quickly and steadily.

I'm not sure just how long it was before I was finally starting to go over the edge, not able to hold back any more. A few moments of some vigorous ass fucking perhaps? Three minutes straight with just a small break here or there to make sure I didn't erupt on the spot? That sounded about right.. although it wasn't like I was keeping track at this point to be honest. I knew one thing though, when I blew it was big from all my pent-up arousal throughout the session. And, before I knew what was really coming over me, I gave my few final hard thrusts into that tight rump and let myself go.

Heavy gasps from both me and the ferret filled the room, his young and higher-pitched voice ringing out above mine a good bit as I lowered my head and grinded my hips right against that tight rump to milk myself of everything I had. Shot after shot of warm rat spunk shot into that condom, surely giving it a little stretch as I could feel my balls contracting. Slowly I leaned against the ferret, catching my breath as a few drops of sweat started to fall down to his own moaning and gasping back. I could feel my afterglow quickly start to sweep through me, making me just a little bit dizzy as I reached my paw back and gave that rump a few soft pats as well.

"Mmmph, good boy..." I said with a few tired words, holding in that warmth for a few more good moments. It was only then that my head turned to look at the other two in the room. The wolf was busy stroking himself off quite firmly as I gave him a wink, slowly motioning with my muzzle for him to come on over. He looked a little confused at first, but slid up onto his knees with his cock still in his paw before too long. And his cock was sure to leave a few drooling strands of pre stringing along as he shifted.

"Cum on his cheek..." is all I had to say, motioning down to the ferret's head and then turning towards the female. "And you ya little fag hag," I added with a smile to make sure she knew I meant it well, not like I could be mean in an afterglow like this anyway. She perked up her ears at that as she slowly started to pull her digits back from around her clit where she'd been rubbing herself all the while. "You just get yourself off... if you haven't already..."

She smiled back at me and was about to say something, but just figured to keep her muzzle shut as her paw went right back to doing whatever it was doing. At that point I looked back at the wolf - his cock tip poking almost right up against the ferret's cheek as he started pumping away hard over it. His other paw had slid down towards his knot, grasping around the growing bulb and holding it firmly as he let out a few hot moans. The ferret looked both scared and unsure all the while, just staring right up at that cock as if it was dangerous. But, that was only until the wolf let out a hot moan and began to unload, mixing in his white cream into the ferret's white fur with a few heavy stringy shots up and over his face.

It was at that sight that I let out a soft moan and slowly pulled myself free of that well fucked ferret ass. My cock and the condom slurped back out, letting the recently creamed boy let out a firm gasp and a shiver as his tail hole was now nice and empty. I just grinned and slowly started to peel off the condom, scraping any of my fluids from the inside into the tip that I could. And, with a strong latex slap, it slid off my slick cock. My paws quickly went to work tying the end in a knot, sealing my cum inside of it, before flopping the used condom down beside the ferret's cummy face. It wasn't the fullest condom I've seen, but I had certainly left quite the impressive load for the young, tight boy.

"Mmmm, there you go, my present to you..." I said to him with a few more pats to his rear as he slides onto his side, slowly rubbing the cum off his cheeks and onto the bed. Oh the poor cleaning lady in the morning who had to deal with this place... but, then again, she was probably used to it by now...

The ferret gave a slow look up at that clear and cum filled condom, even reaching out a paw to slowly touch it to see if it was real. In the mean time I flopped down onto my back myself and just let my sweat soak into the mattress, gathering my breath as my afterglow still rung my bell just a little bit.

I was quickly joined by the wolf at my side once again, and the ferret slowly took my other one after he'd recovered himself a bit. The cumming coon joined in a bit later as I gave all three of them a small cuddle and squeeze, and then found my eyes shooting up to a glowing clock on the wall. Fuck, it was 3:30 already. Dennis was going to be pissed as he'd probably been looking for me for hours by now. But, then again, what was another few minutes to rest and recover going to do, right? So, with a heavy sigh I just gave everyone another small squeeze, happy that I had such adoring fans...