The Pokemon Breeding Trials - Consummation

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokemon Breeding Trials

After experiencing the pleasures of a Lucario's muzzle and the delightful taste of his own masculinity, Amanda and her newly-found lover move to create new life inside of her...

This story was written by myself, GryphonWings and the incredibly talented Macabre Dragon

Thanks to Calkhi for proofreading this story :)

Please read Part 1 and 2, this is the third chapter :)


When Amanda leaned forward and pressed her lips into the Pokemon's own, she couldn't remember a more intimate moment in her life. The smile Lucario gave her before they both closed their eyes sent shivers up her spine. Goosebumps spread across her arms yet she wasn't cold. Lifting her hand, she placed it on the steel-type's warm, furry chest, kneading her fingers between the soft yet firm fluff across his torso. She felt the rise and fall of his breath, along with the steady thump of his heart that told her he was just as excited as she was.

Lucario's mouth once felt alien pressed against her own, but Amanda had long since forgotten any sense of unease she felt about the deed. She ignored the light tickle of his fur on her upper lip and instead turned her mouth, making up for the awkward length of his muzzle by extending her tongue and running it along the front of his fangs. With an amused growl, the Pokemon pursed his lips and cracked open his mouth, allowing her appendage to explore further before slipping his own tongue past hers. The length of Lucario's bestial muscle allowed him further reach than Amanda could've possibly managed. She let out a soft moan of her own and moved forwards, setting herself down in the crook of the Pokemon's legs, feeling the warm, spent mound of his cock and sheath pressing wetly into the lower part of her stomach. She opened her mouth as wide as it would allow, cringing as the Pokemon's sharp canines brushed against the enamel of her own teeth before sighing as that rough, yet soothing tongue began to rub against the corners of her cheeks.

Amanda could still taste the leftover cum melting inside her mouth as Lucario kissed her. Every dip of his tongue brought forth more of the savoury liquid, drawing it from the pockets of her flesh and sliding across the top of her teeth. It seemed the Pokemon had no objection to his own flavour, and wanted to revel in the leftovers of his lover's enjoyment. Doing her best to stimulate her partner, she began to suck on his tongue lightly, pursing her lips and mashing into his black ones as salvia mingled between their dancing tongues.

When she finally opened her eyes, Amanda found herself staring in her Pokemon's own, those loving orbs beaming with delight. Slowly, they broke the kiss, Lucario's tongue curling upwards to drag across her lips before snaking into his maw. Her partner swallowed a few times before smiling and running his wide appendage across his fangs, clearly enjoying her taste and the remnants of his seed.

"So, do you see what I mean?" Amanda asked with a small smile.

Lucario gave her a mild look of confusion before his muzzle brightened with realization. "Oh, well I already know how I taste," he said, gulping and nervously breaking eye contact as he understood what he suggested. "But I do like the way you taste." He added with a more confident grin.

"Mm, I already knew that Lucario," Amanda said, chuckling as she moved forwards, closing her eyes as their lips met in a small kiss once more.

After a few long moments, Amanda broke the kiss, staring long and hard into Lucario's eyes. They both knew what was coming next, yet neither seemed willing to act. The pleasant feeling of comfortableness suddenly seemed to vanish from the room as she looked down awkwardly, dropping her hands to rub gently at Lucario's thighs.

"Do you think you're ready to take me now?" Amanda asked, failing to hide the mixture of fear and excitement in her voice. He looked up at her with a smile, and curled his paws around her midsection gently before chuckling softly.

"I suppose I really should get some of my sperm inside you properly," he said, blushing a little as he used that term. Amanda looked similarly flustered, but his words only turned her on even more. Sliding back a little she let his plump sheath grind between her legs, causing him to gasp at the contact. She humped back and forth with her hips, sliding her soft sex against his cock's protective cover with an intimate smile in his direction. Eventually he looked up and her and placed a hand on her hip.

"Please Amanda..." he moaned with a twitch of his leg, "I'm still too sensitive..." She suddenly realized that he might be like any other male, and that he would be sensitive after an orgasm. Pushing back she slid off his body and onto her feet, walking around to the side of the bed. She climbed on next to him and lay on her side, looking into his eyes with a warm gaze.

"Sorry," she apologised, "I thought you might be ready to go already."

"You took a lot out of me with your mouth," he admitted shyly, "I just need a little time. Can we enjoy one another's company in the meanwhile?"

"Of course," Amanda told him happily. Since they had a little time, she found herself wanting to spend as much time with this handsome, kind Pokemon as she could.

Looking sideways at him with a smile playing on her lips, Amanda asked, "what do you think our pups would look like?" Lucario blushed brightly and averted his gaze, but then looked back a few seconds later with a thoughtful expression.

"I was told it would... just be a regular Riolu egg," he explained, "nothing hybrid or human about it..."

"That's okay," she reassured him, "I think I much prefer it that way, otherwise it'd get too weird."

"You don't find having a Pokemon egg at all weird?" Lucario asked, with a small chuckle of his own. Amanda looked at him and planted a small kiss on his snout.

"I did an hour ago," she told him truthfully, "but now I can't say the idea doesn't excite me a little. Especially if it means..." Her voice trailed off, and Lucario stared at her curiously.

"Means what?" he asked, wondering what she'd stopped for. She blushed and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"Means I get to feel your cock inside me."

Lucario's eyes went wide at that. The Pokemon struggled to control his breathing as the human's hot breath caresses his ear. His heart hammered like a drum inside his chest, and once again he felt that same, fluid nervousness enter his limbs as he laid across the bed.

Looking over, Lucario watched Amanda's expression change from nervous confidence to abrupt awkwardness under his stare. Her cheeks turned rosy red, and he was sure his own would blossom with the same color if they weren't covered with fur.

Breaking eye contact, his eyes slowly swept down the length of her body. It suddenly became clear to him just how... beautiful Amanda was when she laid beside him. The curves of her waist were more prominent, and her smooth, milky white skin looked soft and almost angelic to the touch. Regardless of how many times the thought entered his head, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of passion and lust at being given the opportunity to mate with such a sexy female, and a human one at that. Although another Pokemon would have it's own qualities, the trust and readiness Amanda offered him was making the scenario all the more appealing to him.

He found it was growing even harder to work himself down from his previous orgasm.

"I'm quite excited to be inside you," Lucario said, doing his best to smile as he raised a paw to caress Amanda's cheek. "I know you're going to feel amazing, and I hope that I can satisfy you..."

Amanda smiled in return and placed a hand on his paw. "If the rest of this goes the way the first half has gone, I'm sure you will," she replied. "I've never had a Pokemon inside me... In all my years I never imagined I would, but this is turning out to be the best evening of my life."

Lucario purred at the female's answer. He didn't know what to say to that at first. He managed only to smile like a fool, proud and happy that he could be giving so much love to his first-time partner before Amanda leaned over once more and offered him another kiss. Their lips met for a long moment, their tongues intertwining in love before his human backed away, that same smile never leaving her face.

"And besides, this could've gone quite a bit worse, don't you think?" Amanda added, her grin taking a playful turn.

Lucario laughed at that, his paw moving down to her shoulder. "Oh yes, I think it could have," he said, finding some of the nervousness leave his tone.

"Just think what this could've been if you were too scared or nervous to move," Amanda chided, putting her hand on the inside of his thigh and rubbing down his leg.

"With you sitting naked in the bed with me, I don't think that would be possible," Lucario breathed, his furry form shaking as if to support his claim. He felt Amanda's smooth palm run downwards before slowly moving back up, hovering just underneath his delicate blue testicles.

As he watched Amanda slowly move closer to his package, Lucario failed to notice as her head grew closer to his own, her mouth hovering just in front of his ear. Gently his partner's hand slipped forwards before descending on his crotch. He moaned as the human's hand rubbed him once more, carefully kneading his sensitive flesh between her fingers. After a moment, he let in a sharp intake of breath as he heard those three, passionate words whispered into his ear: "Are you ready?"

"Yes," he moaned, feeling her fingertips massage down towards his soft scrotum while she slowly rolled over onto her back. Releasing his balls she rested her head on the pillows, gently parting her legs before looking sideway to smile at her partner.

"I think it'd be best if you were on top," she suggested with a smile, "that way you can go at the speed you want... and I can look you in the eye." Lucario blushed at the thought, but his erection only grew firmer as he eased himself up and began to maneuver himself into a better position. Climbing over her spread legs he steadied himself with his paws on her smooth hips, drawing in closer until they were only inches apart. Looking down over her body from this angle was something else entirely, seeing her properly spread out just for him. The tender smile on her face only helped compliment the beautiful curve of her breasts, and the sight of her exposed sex. There was no hiding anything in this position, not that he wanted to.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked one more time, his length twitching in anticipation, yet his care for the human held him back. She reached out and brushed his jaw, running her thumb across his lip.

"This is what I want," she replied in a soft yet confident voice, "even more than the money or the research... I want you to give me your pups." At that moment Lucario lost all restraint; Amanda was simply too good to resist. He knew the doctor needed her pregnant to test his fertility drug, and he knew this was only a paid job for Amanda, but the connection they had formed was too real. How he had fallen for a human in mere hours he had no idea, but he wasn't about to complain. The job had put them together, but now something more was infiltrating their connection. Right now, she was spread out, willing and ready, and he wasn't about to let anything come between them until he was done seeding this woman like he knew she desired. Planting his paws on the bed beside her, Lucario lined himself up with her saliva-slickened opening and pushed his hips forward.

A loud gasp escaped Amanda's mouth as she felt his hot, foreign-shaped cock begin its journey into her body. She could feel every bit of him as he slid deeper inside her, aware of the tapered tip, thickening shaft and steadily increasing temperature of his canine member. Nothing about this felt similar to her previous boyfriend, and she knew it would take time before she could properly adjust to the idea of being taken by a Pokemon. Nonetheless, she wanted it, and she wanted him. The way he was looking at her while he took her, with both concern for her wellbeing and unrestrained lust, sent a shiver through her spine. She wanted to lean up and kiss him, but instead she lay there and let him sink inch after inch of steaming Lucario cock into her needy cunt.

He stopped halfway inside of her, his own breath coming in short huffs as he adjusted to the feeling of sinking his shaft into another being for the very first time. It was like nothing he could have imagined, not even during the times he had taken things into his own paws. Amanda was divine, and it took all his self control not to hunch down over her and wedge his entire length as far as it would go into her rippling tunnel. Their eyes met, and he smiled down at her while she returned the look in kind.

"It feels... incredible," he breathed quietly, his cock twitching as a thin spurt of slick pre-cum splattered from his urethra into her body. She could feel his drooling tip lubricating her walls and blushed a little at the sensation.

"You're so wet," she replied nervously, "I can only imagine what it'll feel like when you... when you fill me up."

Lucario felt his face flush at his partner's words. He could feel the heat of her body against his fur. The smooth skin of her thighs pressed gently against each side of his waist as he slowly began to descend once more. His face twisted into an expression of extreme pleasure as his cock began to sink inside her sex in a slow, almost teasing pace. He didn't know how much faster he would be able to go, so he kept his pace deliberately gentle as his length spread her apart, sucking in deep breaths to keep himself from losing control or slipping against the bedding.

He paused every time Amanda gasped, checking to make sure he wasn't causing any pain. There was nothing but pleasure in her lustful gaze, and he let out a gasp himself when he felt her pussy clench down delicately on his shaft.

"You're almost there," Amanda breathed, looking down at her waist with a smile before looking back up at Lucario and placing her arm gently around his neck. "Keep going, it doesn't hurt. I want all of you." She moved against the Pokemon when she finished speaking, lowering her legs and planting them on the bedding so she could shift her middle teasingly from side to side. Slowly, she lowered her hand down and placed it just above the steel-type's tail, pushing as hard as she dared to urge the creature forwards. "Just a bit more Lucario..."

With a silent nod, Lucario allowed himself to relax. He closed his eyes and let Amanda guide him the rest of the way. Her hand pressed into his backside as he began to sink inside her once more, his throbbing length pressing downwards inch by inch to be embraced by his partner's rippling flesh and sexual fluids. His cock leaked another rope of precum along her walls, which was quickly swallowed up by the undulating interior to lubricate Amanda's most intimate depths. His passage became slowly easier as the last moments of their first insertion passed. After a short second, both parties let out a unified gasp as Lucario felt his balls lay softly against the underside of the human's taint.

His shaft now buried completely inside her, Lucario looked up into his partner's eyes with pure emotion. His fangs gritted almost involuntarily as he felt her sex clench once more around his invading shaft. Amanda's stomach felt smooth and soft against his, and both of them breathed with a heavy sense of passion and excitement.

"You're inside me," Amanda managed between gasps, a statement that seemed only half directed towards the Pokemon on top of her. She chanced one more look down, staring at the area where their hips met. Although she couldn't see his length anymore, she could feel it pulsing gently inside her, it's alien, fleshy texture seeming to continuously move inside her with the wriggling motions of something alive. There was a liquid warmth inside her, one that tickled her sensitive walls and made her loins flush with a tingling need for more.

"Go ahead, Lucario, I've never wanted something more in my life. " Amanda gasped, finding herself barely able to contain the raw, sexual energy she felt in that moment. She pulled his furry muzzle in close, giving him a gentle kiss on the lips before leaning back and pushing her hips against him. "Fuck me."

The Lucario couldn't have been happier to oblige. Looking down at the woman under him, the Pokemon wondered briefly why he hadn't mated with a human before. The thought was brief however; as he pulled back she let out a moan as his veined shaft left her tunnel. The sudden emptiness was not agreeable with her, and she grasped the sheets and trembled as his cocktip came to a rest against her lips.

"I'm not going to fuck you," he said with a lusty growl, gripping her sides and thrusting back in to the hilt. Amanda groaned out loud as she was taken, speared on his delightfully large breeding organ. It felt so incredibly perfect inside of her, the right size and shape to fill every crevice she offered him with the appropriate amount of lubrication leaking from his glans. He smiled at her, making eye contact and he gripped tighter and pulled back out, his heavy balls swinging between his thighs.

"I'm going to breed you," he purred, pushing back in and leaned himself over her more so he could start the process. Amanda clutched his hips and moaned as he began to rut her spread form, picking up a slow, deliberate rhythm as he worked his no longer virgin cock into her eagerly awaiting body. She gasped as he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside of her, and her fingers only tightened against the soft sheets.

"I'm going to fill you up with my pups," he breathed into her ear, hips grinding back and forth as his pre-dripping length slid messily in and out of her cunt. The thought of what he was doing, having sex with a human, briefly entered his mind, but any moral boundaries accompanying it were very quickly discarded. He wanted her now, and he wouldn't stop until her womb was brimming with his fertile, egg-seeking sperm. He was going to make this beautiful woman gravid for both science and his own personal lust.

"I'm going to watch your belly swell," he added, the dirty talk only making the pair more eager to enjoy their coupling. He found himself gaining speed as he gained confidence, penetrating her depths with his canine cock in an effort to show her that he was able to satisfy her needs. Amanda certainly had no idea what she was supposed to be feeling as she was taken by a Pokemon, but judging from how it felt to have the blue-furred male inside of her, she doubted any human could do what he was doing to her.

Although Lucario thought of saying more he remained silent. Biting back his words, he found an overwhelming sense of lust and pleasure coursing through his body. His loins tingled with warmth as his thick cock plunged in and out in the folds of Amanda's wet, moist sex. Her hot flesh gripped at his own, squeezing it gently with each forwards thrust, yet hard enough to make him moan and shudder as his length throbbed in accompaniment and squirted even more liquid heat to slowly drool deep into her most intimate depths. He could feel his orgasm rapidly approaching. If he desired, he could cum inside her in moments, with only a few moments of rapid thrusting needed to finally push him over the brink. Instead, he slowed his pace, humping into her at a measured pace to ensure that he drew their passion on as long as possible.

As he thrust into Amanda with more control, Lucario closed his eyes. Instead of watching her this time he focused on other sensations: the touch of her skin against his fur, the sounds of her heavy breathing and gasping every time he hilted inside her, and the smell of sweat and sex as they both began to grow hot from their exertions.

He ran his paws down her form, touching the skin of her belly softly before moving up to her breasts. There, he paused for a moment before beginning to rub them in slow, massaging circles. It was in that moment that he increased the speed of his humps once more. He drove his length back inside her with a particularly hard thrust, his tail flagging behind him as he flexed his powerful muscles to take her once more. He purred with delight as Amanada let out a passionate gasp underneath him. Her body shuddered underneath his own, and he felt her hands reach up to the top of his back and grip his fur with eagerness.

"Oh Lucario... please... harder..." Amanda breathed, managing only a few words before pleasure silenced her. She couldn't remember a time in which she'd felt so much heat between her legs. His throbbing length was like a hot spire in her flesh, sliding along her sensitive walls while continuously dripping with steaming, viscous pre-cum. Every sensation was heightened to her in that moment. The otherworldly sensations that came with fucking a Pokemon wracked her body with a power that she never could've expected.

She moaned one more time before pulling at the fur of Lucario's back. She let out a passionate gasp as her pussy rippled and clenched down on his intruding length as it hit a sensitive part deep inside her. It was in that moment that the Pokemon let out a desperate growl and hunched low overtop of her, pausing with his cock buried completely to enjoy every moment of her involuntary response. She could feel his hot breath on her shoulder, quickly followed by a rough tongue as he licked across her neck.

With one more shudder, Amanda turned her head and got close to the Pokemon's pointed ear. She got extremely close, not stopping until her lips were touching the tuft of his fur. "I'm going to cum soon," she whispered. Lucario growled in lusty acknowledgment of her words, gripping the sheets next to her as he worked his length into her accepting depths once more. The slapping sound of his churning balls colliding against her ass were audible as he picked up the pace, thrusting into her body with eagerness and force.

"Cum for me Amanda," he huffed down into her ear as his hips ground that steamy shaft deeper into her body, "I want to feel you squeezing down around me." His words only encouraged her to grip his body tighter, clutching his fur passionately as he approached the final stage of their coupling. She hadn't ever felt such a perfect fit before in her life; the Lucario's slick penis feeling more at home inside of her than any she'd taken from her ex. The way it nestled into her folds, splurting a gush of sticky lubricants before pulling back out left her breathless and needy for more.

"Gods Lucario..." she moaned loudly, arching her back a little as his cock brushed her clit, "Please... pump my belly full of little Lucarios... I want it so much!" The blue-furred male could barely contain his orgasm as she begged for his litter, but he continued to pound her cunt hard with feral, lust-filled strokes of his canine breeding organ. When he came, he wanted to be sure she got every single drop of his load securely locked behind the walls of her cervix. He growled and thrust harder than ever, feeling his cockhead press firmly up against that tight, dimpled barrier, the pointed tip aiming directly inside.

"Easy now," he purred with a smile, reaching down to kiss her on the lips as his knot swelled to an impressive size, locking the pair of them together in passionate bliss, "you'll be pregnant by the time I'm done with you." He wrapped his arms around her midsection, thrust into her body with all his strength, and released the first gush of dangerously virile sperm straight through the barrier to her womb, feeling it splash against the back of her egg chamber with a satisfyingly erotic spurt.

Lucario began to shake above Amanda as he came inside her. Although he tried to remain firm and in-control, after the first blast of his hot ejaculate he let out a loud, bestial whine. His fangs ground together in need as he whimpered above his partner. A heavy wave of bliss spread through his furry form, welling up from the base of his knot before spreading down his legs and up his back to the tips of his ears.

His length throbbed inside the wet, warm folds of Amanda's sex. Each pulse of his dick sent more and more semen blasting inside to coat the human's walls in his spunk before slowly drooling down to join the rest of the sexual fluids building in her womb. His tail flagged behind him, moving up and down with the rhythm of his twitching dick. In the midst of his passion, Lucario began to find it more and more difficult to hold on to any sense of composure he once had. The waves of ecstasy travelling through him were unbearable, and he soon lost himself in the instinctive passion that came with ensuring his kind was passed on.

After a few more ropes of cum, Lucario shuddered one last time before tensing and huddling down over his partner. His needy whine soon turned into a vicious snarl as he humped into Amanda's wet pussy, grinding his sensitive, throbbing cock along her velvety walls to draw out as much pleasure as possible. He had no intention of allowing his orgasm to lose its momentum any time soon. His claws dug into Amanda's skin lightly, his breath coming in quick, raspy growls as he gently licked her neck. It was in this moment, as he thrust forward once more, that he felt Amanda squeeze powerfully around his shaft and lock her arms around his midsection. His partner pulled him in close, and he had no choice but to fall down and lightly continued to hump as Amanda joined him in orgasmic bliss.

With a startled cry, Amanda arched her back and humped up into Lucario's steady thrusting. She locked her arms around his waist and ground her hips into his, feeling the swelling flesh of his knot rub against the lips of her pussy while the throbbing shaft teased her sensitive walls. She came suddenly, almost without warning despite a low, tingling sensation that welled up in the very base of her loins. She involuntarily clamped down on Lucario's cock, her muscles spasming around the intruding spire in an involuntary rippling of moist flesh. Holding her lover close, the two shared their intimate moment of conjoined bliss, moving against each other as the energetic sounds of their twin ejaculations filled the room.

As Lucario continued to cum inside her, Amanda found that she had never felt such an overwhelming, liquid heat enter her body. The Pokemon's length was much hotter than anything she was used to: an alive, twitching thing that continued to spit more and more of the steaming, life-giving liquid inside her. She could feel his cum sinking lower along her vaginal passage, gushing through her loins with a nearly unbearable sensation of warmth. She cried out once more, her hands closing on the fur of his back and holding tightly as their orgasms continued. She could feel the frothing mixture of liquids inside her, pushing forth with each clench of her pussy as her muscles twitched and clamped down on the Pokemon's length. Although each spasm threatened to push some of it out, Lucario's knot kept everything locked in tight, allowing the semen and her vaginal juices nowhere else to go back down in the hot depths of her belly.

Human and Pokemon lay together on the bed, huffing in the afterglow of such wonderful sex. Inside of her womb, his seed would either be swimming around harmlessly or ravaging her eggs, depending on how effective the drug she had taken would prove to be. His load had been impressive, and that thick knot kept it tucked up inside of her securely, ensuring it had ample time to explore her body. Now that the lust was draining from her body, she became distinctly aware of the fact that a Pokemon had just nutted inside of her, and that his rigid penis was locked inside her sex. It was a humbling feeling, and she felt a flush of red come to her cheeks as she thought about walking back out to face the three Pokemon and a human who knew she had just been fucking Lucario.

No matter how it felt emotionally there was no denying the fact that the blue-furred Pokemon had given her the best sex of her life, and that his thick shaft lodged inside her was very welcome indeed. He leaned down and planted another kiss on her lips, which she eagerly received, kissing him back softly. He gazed down into her eyes, feeling his own sperm sloshing around the tip of his member, satisfied that he had properly bred his female companion.

"How do you feel?" he asked with genuine concern, placing a paw on her cheek softly. She smiled up at him and rubbed his digits gently.

"I feel good," she told him honestly, "I haven't ever felt anything quite like that before. You were really incredible." He blushed and looked down at her chest, admiring the breasts that his own species lacked in the females.

"I'm glad I didn't dissapoint you," Lucario admitted, "I was very nervous." She giggled slightly and kissed his paw.

"You were wonderful," she reassured him, "thank you." She looked up at the male above, seeing the pleased expression on his face. It was difficult not to feel attached to him, and she lowered her hand and pondered it for a moment.

"How long will you... you know..." she asked, blushing, and he gave her a slight smile.

"Twenty minutes is usually the average, or so I've heard" he said with a grin, "you'll just have to put up with me for a little while longer." Amanda didn't want him to pull out, and so this news was not unwelcome.

"All the more time for you to knock me up," she chuckled, although part of her was still considering the more serious side of her potential pregnancy. Lucario smiled and kissed her once more.

"Don't make me aroused again or I'll never get free," he said with a smirk, licking her nose, "although that doesn't sound so bad." They both fell silent, Lucario laying on top of her while his knot took its time to deflate. He liked being with her, and although he didn't want to admit it, he had made more of a connection with this human woman than he thought he would when he signed up.

Similarly, Amanda's thoughts turned to their partnership, and she found herself saddened by the idea that it was only temporary. Despite how she'd felt hours ago, now she found herself wanting to take things further with this Pokemon. He was so sweet and kind... perfect boyfriend material. Perhaps Robert would let her keep him...

She sighed, and kissed his ear a little while they hugged in romantic silence. Minutes passed, and eventually the male had softened up enough to withdraw from her well-bred body.

Even after Lucario withdrew, the pair simply laid still for several moments, enjoying each other's company. He laid his head on the smooth skin of Amanda's middle, listening to her calm breaths as they lifted his head up and down. He felt wetness against his arm, and was surprised to find a hefty amount of semen drooling forth from Amanda's abused sex. The warm liquids stained the bedsheets and ran down Amanda's legs. As he looked up at his partner, they shared a small laugh.

"It seems we didn't avoid making a mess after all," Amanda mused as she looked down at the Pokemon between her legs.

Lucario offered her a knowing smile before gingerly bringing his muzzle forward and extending his tongue to lap at the trails of cum across her skin. A brief shiver spread across his lover's form before he pressed onwards, sliding his rough appendage up towards her sex. He licked her there a few times, a low purr escaping his muzzle as the familiar taste of her juices mixed with the salty tang of his seed danced across his tongue. After a few laps however, more cum continued to drool out from his partner's pussylips. He was surprised at the sheer amount that continued to leak from her. He filled her up with as much as he could offer, yet he didn't think he could've produced an amount that would make it impossible for Amanda to hold it all in. After a few moments however, it became clear that more efforts and time would be needed before she stopped dripping his fertile emissions from her well-used entrance.

He wondered if what he'd done had taken any hold on her. If the doctor and Blaziken had been right, then the two of them had begun what nobody else in the world had been able to do so far. The thought of having pups with Amanda was extremely pleasing, yet Lucario couldn't be sure yet. All he could do was close his eyes and listen to the sounds of her breathing, hoping that the beginnings of life were occurring just underneath his resting cheek.

No words were spoken even as the two slowly stood up and made their way to the bathroom. Amanda offered the Pokemon a smile before taking his paw and leading the way. Although she didn't look back at her partner on the short trip to the shower, she thought she could detect Lucario's happy, bouncing gait, along with a small twitching of his tail.

They stepped into the shower together when the water was warm, joining each other once again in a warm embrace as the cleansing water poured down their respective skin and fur. Immediately the water began washing the semen dripping down her leg. The hot water gave the sexual fluids a pasty feeling against her skin, a lingering sensation that remained fixed to her skin for several moments before the water finally washed it all away.

Amanda held Lucario tightly as his muzzle pressed into her breasts. She began to stroke his head as the water continued to pour down each of them. She couldn't help but smile at how the Pokemon looked in this moment: with most of his fur matted down with moisture. It made him look smaller, and his features more pronounced. As she ran her fingers along his fur, she found it to be a quite deal more stringy, and much heavier than before.

As he looked up at her with those round, caring eyes however, Amanda found that if anything, he looked quite a bit more adorable.

"Oh Amanda..." Lucario whispered, right before pressing forward for another kiss. Their lips interlocked for the countless time in the past hour. He slid his tongue into her mouth, licking passionately along the sides of her mouth before bringing his hips up to meet hers. He wasn't sure when it happened, but already his cock was throbbing against her, ready for another go.

Amanda felt the hot texture of her lover's cock against her thigh as she kissed him. Despite the water sliding down the joined forms she could feel it, along with the same shiver of excitement coursing through her furry lover in the moments before he entered her for the first time.

Without breaking the kiss, Amanda reached down and gripped the Pokemon's cock, guiding the length to her sex and spreading her legs wide. Her partner let out a low growl and pushed her up against the shower wall, thrusting inside her with a renewed need. She let out a gasp and held the Pokemon tightly, doing her best to remain upright as the two of them once again shared the most intimate of acts.

It seemed that they weren't going to get very clean after all.


Fifty minutes later, the pair emerged from their private room with smiles on their faces, and a little embarrassment. They would have to head back out into the common room, where the other two Pokemon would no doubt be waiting with a fair idea of what they'd gotten up to. They walked back down the corridor, briefly holding hands reassuringly before stepping out into the main area. It had taken a while to clean up after their second round, but Amanda was feeling refreshed and more alive than ever, potentially with new life growing in her womb. It was an alien feeling to her, thinking about such things. She gave the Pokemon one last smile before they emerged, the lights somewhat bright compared to the rooms.

Standing there waiting for them were Typhlosion and Charizard. They weren't exactly making it obvious; Typhlosion innocently chopping vegetables into a pan while Charizard mused over a television show on competitive battling strategies, but they were both quite clearly waiting to see what had happened. Lucario smiled at them and walked over casually, trying to keep the blush from his cheeks as Amanda walked behind him somewhat nervously. Typhlosion pressed a button on the oven behind him before removing his apron and walking out to greet the Lucario approaching him.

"How did it go?" he asked somewhat bluntly to the blue-furred Pokemon, and Lucario smiled sheepishly.

"Well," the steel-type replied simply, "I... I mean... well... Amanda really was... you know." Typhlosion chuckled deeply, and even Charizard threw a smirk across the room at the flustered male.

"Lucario was very kind and intimate," Amanda said from behind them, picking up where the Pokemon's words had failed, "he was incredible, in fact." That made Lucario blush even more, but his heart swelled with the praise. Typhlosion patted his shoulder and he gave a small smile to his long-time friend. Giving the three a nod, Amanda stepped away to the other side of the room, giving the males some time to talk properly alone.

"It was perfect," Lucario said quietly now that Amanda was out of earshot, "I want to keep her all to myself." Typhlosion nodded slowly and sat down with him on the sofa, Charizard walking over to join them.

"I won't press you for the details," Typhlosion added, "just tell us what you can." Lucario nodded and leaned forward.

"It was a little awkward at first," he admitted, "but she is so unbelievable cool to be with. Gentle, really relaxing to be around. We didn't really have any issues getting into things, not even the second time." Charizard gave a snort and shook his head.

"Twice..." the largest male growled deeply, his tail flickering brightly in interest. Typhlosion smirked and rubbed Lucario's shoulder.

"Then you did more than just... regular sex?" Typhlosion asked, earning another flustered blush from the Lucario.

"Yeah..." he replied, unsure of how much he should share, "we... uh... used our mouths on each other... and did it again in the shower." Both listened males seemed impressed, and sat back in their chairs. They fell silent again as Amanda walked over, a smile on her face.

"Now that you're done talking about how I was in bed, I'm going to go find the Professor," she said with a wink, making all three males look down in embarrassment.

As she walked towards the door, Amanda felt a renewed surge of pride at being given the chance to be with such Pokemon. Their behaviour was similar to what she would expect from any man: excited, curious, and eager to share their sexual acts with each other. Despite the annoyances she had with the way some of these men acted, the three Pokemon managed their behaviour with an innocent sense of pride that made her love them all the more.

Amanda stepped out into the hall and began walking towards the doctor's office with a smile on her face. Lucario had been special, there was no doubt about that. Though she knew that she would need to be with one of the other Pokemon next, she couldn't help but feel a longing to be with the steel-type once more. As if two times hadn't been enough.

When she reached Dr. Jamesson's office she paused and placed a hand to her lower belly, rubbing it gently. It was much too early to tell, but if this is how other people like herself felt in a relationship with a Pokemon, she had a powerful hope that the experiment would work.

Lifting her hand, Amanda knocked on the door.

"Come in," the doctor's voice answered from inside.

Detecting the hint of excitement and nervousness from the tone, Amanda let herself in immediately, offering Dr. Jamesson a smile of reassurance before sitting down at the chair in front of the desk and making herself comfortable. Blaziken was sitting to the side on a chair of her own, watching her with a knowing smile.

"So... " Dr. Jamesson began. "I take it that your time with Lucario went well? You were gone for quite some time."

Amanda smiled. "Oh yes, it was wonderful," she replied. "Everything went much better than I expected." She held her smile for a moment, before looking over at a sudden, mirthful chuckle from the Pokemon.

"Oh? And what exactly were you expecting, Amanda?" Blaziken asked. "Did you doubt that you would enjoy yourself?"

"Oh no, of course not," Amanda replied, pausing for a moment to think about her next words. "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't like him, but Lucario, he was... different. I'm not sure that's the right word to use, but I can assure you that we both enjoyed ourselves, and were definitely about to... well, enjoy ourselves to the fullest." She offered a weak smile in return, finding herself still a little embarrassed for mentioning such a thing.

"I think the word you're looking for is exotic," Blaziken said, her tone taking on a lustful quality. "I'm sure you'll find that most Pokemon have a way of making you feel things that you've never experienced before..."

Amanda paused at that, looking at her employer with unsureness before Dr. Jamesson cleared his throat, bringing the attention in the room back to him.

"I'm glad you've taken to the program, Amanda," Dr. Jamesson said with a brief smile, "it makes things a lot easier for us. We won't begin any testing until the end of the week, since it is simply too early for any conclusive results to be found." Amanda nodded, and Blaziken leaned in to give her a small wink.

"The tests are very simple," the female Pokemon explained, "no different really than any other pregnancy test that would be performed by human couples. A couple of minor scans perhaps, but nothing to cause you any harm or stress." Amanda nodded again, and gave the pair a smile.

"Despite how I felt when I first arrived, I'm much more open to the idea of this program now," she told the pair honestly, "Lucario was special, and I almost feel like sleeping with the others would be cheating now..." Blaziken and Robert exchanged a glance, before Robert placed a hand on her shoulder gently.

"Lucario knew what he was getting into," the Doctor reassured her, "I'm sure you two developed quite the bond, but we need multiple samples to ensure the success of the tests. Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be back for more if you make the time for him."

Tapping her fingertips together in thought, Amanda swallowed and nodded her head. She had to focus on the work, as well as the pleasure. She was being paid a great deal to handle this important task, and she couldn't let herself get too emotional and have it interfere with her job.

"Very well," Amanda replied, "I won't deny I have feelings for Lucario, but I won't let that stop me from... being with Typhlosion and Charizard." Truth be told, Amanda was nervous about those two. Each of the other two males were much larger than Lucario in size and stature, and would likely present a particular... challenge.

Dr. Jamesson gave her a reassuring smile. "That's good to hear Amanda. Besides, I'm sure you'll come to like the other two as well, once you spend some time together. They both have the same curiosities and manners as Lucario, as well as an interest in getting to know you better. Give them a chance."

"I will," Amanda said. "As much as I adore Lucario now, I must admit that I'm excited to get to know the others as well."

"And I'm sure they feel the same way about you Amanda," Dr. Jamesson replied before gesturing towards the door. "We'll ask you to come back for your checkup tomorrow, but for now you should get some rest. It's getting late, and you have another big day ahead of you tomorrow."

Amanda nodded in agreement before standing and moving towards the door. "Of course," she said. "I do feel rather tired after... well, after that." She surprised herself with a small laugh, and Blaziken flashed her an amused grin. "Where should I stay?"

Blaziken gave her a nod. "In the same room where you and Lucario had your fun I imagine," she said. "You'll find that everything's been cleaned since you've been here, and I'm sure it will be a welcome spot to rest your head." Once more, a knowing smile crossed her avian features as Amanda blushed and open the office door.

"Yes... yes, thank you," Amanda managed. "I'll see you both tomorrow."

Slowly backing out and shutting the door behind her, Amanda walked back towards the lounge. The hallways were much emptier than when she arrived, suggesting that most of the people had gone home for the night. It felt odd to be in an institution past hours. For a moment, she felt out of place: like a student that had snuck onto campus grounds when the school was closed.

Once she got back and opened the door however, Amanda felt a surge of relief as she found all the Pokemon sitting on the couches arranged in the middle. They all turned as one to look at her, a happy smile stretched across all of their faces.

"How did it go?" Lucario piped up. "Did the doctor test to see if we, um... if the experiment worked?"

Amanda gave the Pokemon a smile. "It would be much too early to tell, but no, not yet," she said. "The Doctor said we'll continue tomorrow, and that I should get some rest."

"Oh, I see," Lucario said, looking sad for a moment before perking his ears up. "Will we see you tomorrow?" He looked over as the Charizard rumbled with laughter.

"Of course we will Lucario," the dragon-like Pokemon growled. "She's staying with us. We'll all be seeing a lot more of her in the days to come."

Typhlosion chuckled. "Oh yes, a lot more, if I understand your meaning."

Charizard looked over at the other fire-type with a look of confusion. "What do I mean?" He asked.

"Well... you said..." Typhlosion began, staring at Charizard with disbelief before shrugging and settling back onto the couch. "Ah, well, you should probably get some sleep Amanda. We'll be out here a little while longer, so just let us know if you need anything."

"Yes, let me know if you need anything Amanda," Lucario added with a smile.

With a small nod and a wave, Amanda walked out to the bedrooms and picked the same one she and Lucario had enjoyed one another in. She sat down on the end of the bed and removed her clothes with a small yawn, before dropping them down on the floor. Laying down on the sheets she pulled the covers up over herself and smiled as she rubbed her belly, thinking about what may be sparking inside of it.

Tomorrow, she thought to herself, she would see what that Typhlosion had to offer. With a satisfied expression she turned her head against the pillow and dozed off into a quiet sleep.