Gone Is The Past

Story by Niniju on SoFurry

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(Friz's Point of View)

   I woke with a

start, accidently squeezing Ghast when my body had a spasm. Ghast woke at this,

and I relaxed when I realized where I was. I breathing was heavy, but not

labored. For once in my life, I felt safe. My breathing slowed and Ghast just

lay there, eyes closed, pretending to be asleep or actually trying to go back

to sleep.

   "Thank God, it's

over." I sighed. I hugged Ghastillo tighter. "Thank you."

   "For what?"

Ghastillo asked, not moving or opening his eyes. "All I did was open a door."

   "You did oh so much

more than that, Ghast. You liberated me from my doubts and regrets." I

explained. "I was trapped emotionally by those feelings for the past couple


   "Friz?" Ghast

asked. I had closed my eyes to relax. I acknowledge him. "Was I really inside

your head?"

   "I'm not so sure

myself." I answered. "I'm just glad you were there." I felt closer to Ghast now

than I ever have before. He's been in my mind and has walked around in there.

He saw me at my worst. He helped me out of the darkness. I could trust him, I

was certain.

(Timler's Point of


   I looked around and

eventually was able to slow my heartrate when I remembered where I'd fallen

asleep. I saw Regir next to me and decided to snuggle next to him. He was still

asleep, and I was thankful that we were both okay. I then noticed how tense his

muscles were and thought better of it.

   "Regir?" I said.

"Regir. Regir, wake up. Wake up, dude!" I shook him violently. His face was

scrunched in agony. "Regir! Regir!!"

(Regir's Point of


   I heard echoes, but

couldn't make out words. It was like listening through several feet of water,

and to top it all off I couldn't see or breathe. The words that had leapt off

that page still traveled through my body. It apparently found something very interesting, but I didn't see what

it did find so interesting. Maybe it was the quantity rather than quality it

searched for. I felt memories forced before my eyes and knowledge thrust into

my head. I couldn't think clearly. It was horrible. I could do nothing as the

runes violated me. The echoes were getting louder, and the voice clearer. It

was Timler's voice. I wasn't abandoned, at least.

   Amazing knowledge

flashed before me. The ability to age others to dust. The ability to shrink

them to newborn with a wave of my paw. It was horrifying, what this book was

showing. Soon, I was able to connect the tome with a voice. It was mixed into

all the knowledge. I found the demon holding me, and I resisted him with all my

might, shoving him from my head. The letters receded and I had no time to react

before everything went black.

   I jolted awake and

accidentally head-butted Timler. We both winced in pain, rubbing our heads, for

a good few seconds. When Timler realized I had awoken, he tackled me in a hug.

The nuzzling that followed shocked me, but I didn't oppose it. Timler kept

repeating how glad he was I was okay. This had awoken Nick, Gary, and the rest.

When asked what all the commotion was about, Timler explained.

   "Regir and I had

the same nightmare. We were in my personal hell, but we beat it! Or so I

thought." He glanced at me. I mentioned how the demon in there was violating my

body and mind, showing me things and making me feel things I didn't want. I

shivered at recollecting the memory.

   "How strange."

Julio commented. Fluhr and he looked so tired, that I suspected what had

happened before it did. "We both had a nightmare as well. One of separation

from each other."

(Fluhr's Point of


   "Wh-what the hell?"

I wondered aloud. I was in a large expanse of white, but color was quickly

replacing the lack of visual stimulation. I was in a jail of some sort. Bars

surrounded me on three walls with the back wall being part of the one that kept

the building standing. In the cell opposite mine across the hallway stood

Julio, gazing at the window in the back of his cell. I call his name and he

turned towards me, calling mine. "What the hell is going on?" I asked.

   "I was gonna ask

the same." Julio said with a sigh. There was a sadness in his voice. I sighed

as well. Suddenly, the floor behind Julio began to open, revealing a pit that

had no bottom. My eyes widened, and so did Julio's. We both yelled each other's

name and pointed behind our companion. We then both turned to see the same fate

that awaited our friend awaited us, as well.

   "No, no, no." I

said, repeating the phrase rapidly. I decided to focus on Julio in a panic, and

reached through the bar as far as I could stretch. "Julio!"

   "Fluhr!" Julio

replied, reaching as well. The floor kept receding, and fear consumed my heart

as the floor drew closer and closer to Julio's paws. At the last second, by

some miracle, my vision blue-shifted as a sudden burst in speed and change in

form phased me through the bars. Julio did the same, and I saw it. He had

turned into the wind he commanded and slipped right through. I might've done

the same, judging by Julio's reaction to it all.

   "What was that?" I

asked, staring at nothing in particular. I couldn't believe what I just did.

Suddenly my vision changed and I was awake, still staring out the window. Timler

was absolutely livid about Regir waking up and my reflex thought was that I

hoped this wouldn't become a regular thing.

   As I explained the

dream to them, I stopped at the phasing thing. I hesitated and said, "We then

did something...amazing."

   "And what was that?" asked Feir. The

Fallenoak twins leaned forward in anticipation.

   I searched my mind

for the most accurate words to describe it. "We...became ethereal, for lack of a

better word. My vision was tinted blue and I felt weightless, and then I just

slipped right through the bars."

   "I felt and saw the

same the things. And we have a better time describing it 'as we became the

wind.' After all, we witness the other doing it." Julio said with a tired

expression on his face. My expression was more bewildered and wondrous. The

others were enthralled as I described what it felt like, but Julio was finished

explaining things and fell asleep against the window sill.

(Friz's Point of View)

   "Hey, Ghast." I

said. He made a noise to acknowledge me. "What's your full opinion of me?"

   "That's...hard to

explain." Ghast admitted. "Although..." he held the word out for a length of time

as he sat up. I follow his motions. "...I will say it's much different than my

first impression of you, which was big and scary." He was speaking as much like

a child as he looked. His posture was more or less childish, if that's

measurable, and his tail swayed as he spoke, showing that he felt no discomfort

in the fact the he was wearing a rather wet diaper. I found that I didn't

either, and only now noticed that I had wet again in my slumber. "I'd say that

my opinion of you is like this. I trust you more than I've ever trusted another

human being. No matter what you've done, the worst of which I've seen, and no

matter what you say, I will always feel like I can trust you with all of my

troubles. I can't say that for very many other people. Including my late

brother." He spoke with such certainty that I had trouble doubting him. I'm not

sure of the reason, but I found myself a little uncomfortable at the fact that

I felt the same about him. I've never been able to disclose my deepest regrets

to my mother or brother, and they never did the same back. I said this to him. "I'm

glad to hear that, actually." Ghastillo replied, "I'm not sure what I'd have

felt if you didn't trust me as much as I trusted you."

   "Well, all I can

say is I'm glad we met." I replied, smiling. We then hugged a brotherly hug

spontaneously. Neither of us gave any hints. It wasn't planned. We just hugged.

I thought about how I could get used to feeling this way. Love. A love that

makes me sure that I don't have to fully protect him. That he can take care of

himself, and I can focus on enjoying his company rather than spending my time

making sure his company will be there to enjoy. I suggested we go change to

prevent a rash, and Ghast had no objections. We walked into the bedroom amidst

a vibrant story being told by the Fallenoaks about when they were still in the

arena. I was able to keep an ear out as I changed both Ghast and myself in the

bathroom. It was after this that it occurred to me how much you have to trust

someone to let them change your diaper when you're an age past the expected age

of wetting oneself. I mentioned this to Ghast, and he just said that it felt

normal. A raised eyebrow from me evoked the explanation that he wet himself

well into his ninth year and stopped near the beginning of the tenth year of

his life. I nodded in understanding and helped him to his feet. I washed my

paws before exiting the bathroom to a peculiar sentence.

   "And we were all

three there at once inside my own head!" Gary was saying. He was explaining a

nightmare that he, Feir, and Nick all shared. Apparently every other pair in

our group had a nightmare with their companion, so this was a normal sentence

apart from Gary's involvement. The story consisted of Nick's former master, the

GhoulCaller, coming back with friends. Gary's persuasion had kept the

lesser-minded ones at bay while Feir's fire and Nick's righteous light smote

various corruptors. Gary then added suspense as he described their almost

getting run over.

(Gary's Point of View)

   There were so many.

A demon carrying a whip here. One holding a flail of skulls there. And so many

undead that I had trouble seeing the space between them. My confidence was

beginning to falter as my voice became insufficient in keeping the ghouls back.

Panic reached my chest, and my heart began to race. It reached my throat as a

ghoul touched me and I screamed at it in shock. A force came from my vocal

chords and blasted its brains out. I then had the idea to scream as loud as I

could in a single direction, slowly turning. I found that my breath capacity

was amazing, my voice could raze through many a demon, and my vocal chords didn't

seem to tire from this. When I felt I had gone in a complete circle, a shield

of light was protecting Nick and Feir had stayed away from the line of fire. My

voice was powerful, that's for sure. I awoke soon after that...