Kelly's Story: Kristan in the middle

Story by CatspawVP on SoFurry

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#4 of Kelly's story

Author Notes:Well its about damn time I wrote this. I've known the story since Dec. 2006 when Cathy's tale was posted. Leave it to being sick to give me the urge to write it. As usual I own the characters, if you want to do something with them let me know. I usually don't mind :)

Kristan shifted in her sleeping bag slowly as she tried to sit up, though with what she just went through still very much fresh in her mind and body it took her a moment. She finally made it to where she was kneeling down in the sleeping bag and as she started to tell her story giggled as she dropped the bit of the bag that was hiding her sweat matted chest. She shrugged and Started her tale.

"Well for me my little adventure starts about four months ago. School had just let out and thanks to the problem that had just started with the cheer leading coach I was able to go home early. As usual I didn't expect anyone at home with the twins being in sports and Mom and Dad working late on a project at work.

I made it home actually earlier than even I expected and out of habit I went upstairs. We have a white board up there so I wanted to know if anything needed to be done or if I should plan on making my own dinner. I didn't expect to hear anything when I got up there but I heard a odd noise coming from my sisters room.

I went over and thought of knocking but she had often yelled at me to stay out so I decided to slowly turn the knob and pushed open the door just a little ways. I couldn't see much thanks to how her room was arranged and opened it more so I could peek my head in to see the bed.

I still am thankful I had left my books on the couch as I know I would've dropped them right then. The twins were on her bed, both of their shirts being the only clothes left on. My sister as on her belly stretched out, her fingers kneading the blanket. My brother was behind her, his face between her legs which were raised enough so he could jerk himself off."

Kelly and Cathy look on to Kristan as she talks, blushing as she says what she found in the room. Cathy swallows. "Did they catch you?"

Kristan grins. "No they didn't. I stood stone silent and watched it all. I watched as they changed positions, closing the door enough to hide myself. They're both so fit, so toned. They're like sculptures. When I heard their cries getting louder I slowly closed the door and went down stairs. I waited before turning the TV on, nothing having been on the white board, though I was blushing so bad it burned.

A minute later Jasmine looked down telling me her and Jericho were studying in her room if I needed anything. I just put up my hand and waved able to stammer out "OK"."

Kristan stops and chuckles looking over to Cathy. "I wonder if they were doing this when they asked who they wanted to live with them. Imagine that Cathy, your color would blend so well with theirs." Kristan smirks as Cathy, obviously getting a mental imagine of her chocolate colored body between Jasmine & Jericho's own dark skin, moans and shows signs of obvious discomfort as she starts getting turned on again.

Looking over to Kelly Kristan almost chuckles as she seems to be focused on Cathy, her chest showing her breath to be quick and irregular.

Kristan giggles which make the two snap to attention and look at her again, both undoubtedly blushing hard though neither of their skin tones showed it well.

"Well as you can assume that night I was very restless. I tried to get the show I had seen out of my head but nothing would work. This happened a couple more times when the same situation hit, me coming home early.

One day I learned in biology that twins have a tendency, even under different conditions to develop similar tastes, dress styles, that kind of thing. People because of that often wonder if they can feel each others emotions as well, though no clear tests have been run.

I thought of this, could the whole thing I saw have started when one or both started masturbating? They may have felt each other climax and been experimenting since. It was an interesting thought making me wonder how far those feeling could be, do they run just to strong ability to feel what the other is or is it even more specific? could they feel things completely?

A month ago I again had a chance to come home early and upon sneaking up stairs I found them again. I felt turned on from seeing them but now that question was nagging me. But how does one ask that? It's obvious for some things but regarding sex? Unfortunately being distracted cost me this time as I was unable to stop myself from moaning while watching them.

Very aware of what I had done I bolted my room. I panicked and shut the door diving under the covers of my bed. It is something I used to do when caught at something since I hoped my white body would blend in with the white bedsheets. I learned later on it didn't, but they found it so cute they let things go.

Unfortunately this wasn't quite on the same level. I heard them both come in and one on either side lay down next to me. Jasmine started petting my back through the sheets, something she knew pissed me off. It felt good but also made me feel less like a person. I poked my head out and got my first surprise. Either they hadn't gotten far or were finishing off because neither was dressed.

I poked my head out not sure what to expect and looked at Jasmine who was just grinning. "You lasted a lot longer than either of us thought you would."

I felt mad. They knew I was watching and did nothing? I felt rather defeated then and just let me head rest on my pillow. "How long have you known?"

Jasmine laughed "Not to long actually, just a couple weeks or so. If you've been at this longer than it's news to us."

I wasn't sure how to answer. Of course I had been at it longer. And it figured once the twin dilemma entered my head is when they found out. I found myself moving and resting my head on her leg. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist." I chuckled "It's not often you come in on a scene like that."

Jasmine laughed too. She started petting my hair. I didn't think anything of it really. She did that sometimes if she found me lying on the couch. "So what happened that we caught you this time?"

"I was distracted, I've been wondering something for a while and not been sure how to ask it."

Jasmine nodded "Well ask away"

I thought I felt something but was very distracted by this rather surreal predicament. "We learned about twins and I was wondering, if you feel what the other does?"

Jasmine laughed, at which time I thought again I felt something but was focused on her. "No, though that speech is what got us thinking. We wondered if we did it if we would feel what the other does."

I looked up curious. "So...why did you continue?"

Jasmine just smiled. "I take it you have not had sex then? We enjoy it. It's quite a high and we don't need anything to do it except a condom which we can get at the truck stop. Sometimes we think we are feeling the same, maybe we are but we've never been able to find out."

I must've looked at her funny as she grinned. "You haven't? Why not?"

I watched her hand moving to my cheek and felt the familiar burning as she caressed it. "Because we would need a third person. Someone who can help us prove we're not being caught up in the act." She sighs moving the hand to her leg making me quickly aware of where my face was resting, her arm over me to keep me there. "Still can you believe no one wants to try it?" She parted her legs just a bit. "No one wants to see what I taste like or what feeling Jericho inside them is like."

Her free hand moved between her legs and started rubbing making her moan and my face almost painfully hot as I started to feel my body react. Her show having distracted me from Jericho ot only pulling back the blankets but pulling down the jeans skirt I wore. I was quickly aware of him though when his finger ran over my panties.

I groaned and whimpered as they had quite easily snared me. having focused solely on Jasmine my mind forgot about Jericho, who's finger was teasing me. I felt the finger move and start teasing a certain spot. I shifted, my hands moving to hug the leg of Jasmine's that I was resting my head on, the fingers Jasmine were using on herself moved to my face and brushed over my lips. I took one and sucked on it, my body charged by the foreign taste on it."

Kristan stopped talking and shivered as she imagined the feelings again and then chuckled almost drunkenly. "Sorry, it is still very much in my mind, and hasn't been spoken since." She then gets a feral grin looking to Cathy who's breath was getting quite loud. She had shifted to be sitting and her hands almost stubbornly holing her up from the back. Looking to Kelly almost got a chuckle as Kristine knew her friend was listening but had apparently become entranced by Cathy. Kristan wasn't sure who was in the middle to them, but knew they enjoyed it.

"I felt like I had been tricked but the feeling from Jericho's finger blocked out any complaints. I stared at Jasmine and then looked down between her legs, a small sliver of pink between her dark legs that hit me like a deer in the head lights. I looked up and she smiles. "I know you've watched Jericho. Try it yourself." She slid her body down so I wouldn't have to move.

I caught a scent unfamiliar to me before. the closer my nose got between her legs the stronger it got. It was almost like I had forgotten Jericho's finger, though the occasional shudder quickly reminded me of it. While I had seen his face against her I didn't know what he had done, so I pressed my mouth again the pink and let my tongue take a long lick.

Jasmine moaned and I figured I must be doing something right so I continued to do it. Her hand came down holding my head and crying out more as I simply licked her. I thought I heard something behind me, like a snap, but payed it no mind. Jasmine's pussy had started leaking and the taste on her finger returned to my tonuge again.

It was then that I felt something pressing behind me. Both of my hands quickly moved to try and free my head as I screamed into Jasmine's flesh, but her other hand came to rest on my head and gripped it so tight it felt like my head would come off. I stopped licking horrified as to what might happen and then I screamed.

Jericho was no small person in any respects and I'm just about the opposite. I felt him press into me and continue his thrust. I moved my hands to Jasmine's thighs digging my nails into them which made her growl and Jericho push harder. I quickly stopped and started licking again hoping that would stop Jericho's intrusion. It did but then he started thrusting in and out."

Kristan stopped knowing the two would probably be in their own fantasy right now as she had been with theirs. What she saw though made her eyes go wide. Cathy and Kelly kissing?! Both of them panting hard as they were trying to get themselves off. Kristan moved forward and gently took the hands moving them so they would be rubbing each other. The pitch quickly increased as did the breathing as they broke the kiss and cried out. Kristan grinned and then knelt down taking her tongue and making a slow lick on each. She grinned as she moved back looking at the two shocked faces. "You'll have to try sometime."

"Now then, Jericho and Jasmine had me right where they wanted them, right between them. Jericho had probably been jacking off while teasing me as Jasmine and I talked. When she convinced me to go down on her he was ready. After a moment or so the pain started to fade and a feeling stronger than any I'd had masturbating swelled inside me. I started panting as he thrust unable to lick as Jasmine who was back to rubbing herself, then grabbed my hand. She took a finger into her mouth and licked it, then moved it back to her pussy sliding it in. "Do what he does."

I did. I started thrusting inside her in a best of time I could keep with him. As my cries got more desperate he picked up speed and it wasn't long before I felt the muscles inside me grip like a vice. I howled as I came and felt exhausted.

Jericho wasn't done though. Since he hadn't cum yet he pulled out of me and leaned down "Did you ever get a good view to see what the last part was?" I shook my head no and got a chuckle from both. The next words I heard were from Jasmine. "Get ready to move that finger hon."

I looked up at her in a daze, no clue as to what she meant. Then I felt him again and I froze horrified. It hurt enough the first time. Before I could stammer out anything I felt a pain sharper than any before. He pushed into my ass determined to get himself off. To weak to fight back I simply screamed as he started, Jasmine taking my finger and using it as a dildo to use on herself.

As he continued thrusting I felt the high again from before and was soon not only enjoying it but back to trying to pleasure. Jasmine took my face and pressed it against the hood of her clit. "Get me off before he does." Continuing using my finger I licked at the new area shown to me and got immediate results. Jasmine and Jericho both were moaning in what I knew was climax.

I was making sounds of pleasure as best I could not being able to speek, but I'm sure they got the point. I felt Jasmine's hands on my back and the nails return the favor digging in surprising me. I bit on the flesh and Jasmine orgasmed hard, some of the cum hitting my hand.

Then everything got crazy. Jericho pulled out and quickly took off the condom. They turned me around and I was quickly found with his penis in my mouth. Unsure what to do I licked at it and felt his hands grab my face making his cock fuck my mouth. I tried to figure out what was going on when I discovered quickly where Jasmine had gone. She was going after my clit and and hold of my legs so I couldn't move.

I squealed as I felt myself cum hard, Jasmine's laugh behind me. She kept on my clit and the pleasure just seemed to get bigger and bigger. I was almost blinded from it when Jericho came in my mouth and I was forced to swallow or drown. He pulled out and my voice tried to scream though it had gone hoarse.

I could feel my orgasm continue to climb, even though just the idea should be absurd. I couldn't imagine anything feeling better, then Jasmine's finger finished me off.

I woke up a little later tucked into bed and saw a piece of paper under my pillow. I tried to pull it out to read it but the bead had been so wet it was mush."

Kristan stopped looking at her two friends and giggled as the night had finally taken their toll on them both.