Exploring Jamie

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Again, all characters are mine, most are underage, and Eid helped me revise this! :3


Jamie woke up slowly, feeling warm and lavished with affection. He murred softly at the feeling, then gradually opened his eyes. He looked around and found his four younger brothers all cuddling him from different angles, all sound asleep. Slowly remembering what they had done the night before, Jamie slowly worked to wiggle his way out of their embrace.

Jimmy and Joey each whimpered as their big brother started to move away from them, arms squeezing as though Jamie were their security blanket. He looked at them, the youngest of his brothers, and for a moment was tempted to tuck them back into his body, so that they could feel secure in him... or maybe it was because he was beginning to love the feeling of devouring through his shaft, and now he was starting to trust that somehow it was safe, as all his brothers were around him. He gently kissed Jimmy and Joey on the forehead, before slipping away, over Jeff and under Joel, who both squeezed him softly in their sleep. They let him go more easily than their younger siblings though, and soon Jamie found his paws on the hardwood floor. He groaned softly and slid his paw up under his kilt to scratch at his loins, only to find them bigger than he remembered.

Pulling up his kilt up in front, he stepped in front of a mirror. His sac was hanging low, plump, and full, halfway down his thigh at its lowest point, and his sheath was now home to a shaft too heavy to hold against his tummy anymore, the fuzzy tube holding his member resting on his balls for now. He reached to feel over his sac, and his nuts squished softly, like half-full water balloons. He moaned a little at the feeling, then perked as he heard the resonant thuds of his Father's footsteps. He wondered if any of his pants would fit his new size, or if he could get the wrinkles of sleeping in his kilt out somehow. He sighed. Well, his loins were still smaller than the bulge of Joey he'd had to hide the day before.

The footsteps in the hall continued on, towards the kitchen. Jamie relaxed a bit at that, and figured he might as well at least change shirts.


Jack hummed to himself a bit, pulling kippers out of the fridge and getting a cast iron pan down from a hook by the range. The adult otter was thinking about his five sons, and what he had seen last night. If his calculations were correct, they would be waking up soon, and he figured it would be as good a time as any to feed them. His soft belly let out a rumble, telling him it needed to be fed too. He patted his gut and chuckled, "I'm making food, silly thing." He muttered to his tubby tum with a sigh.

He perked at the sound of a door opening, smoothing his kilt a little before looking to see Jamie, looking rather disheveled, but in a t-shirt instead of the button up from the day before. "Hey Dad."

The Father chuckled, "Morning Jamie. Looks like you had a li'l bit of a rough night, if that bedhead is any indication..."

Jamie sat down at the booth of the table. "Oh, I slept pretty well. Just got woken up in the middle of the night by..." He paused. After a moment he resumed, "Joey said he wanted me to lay with him, help him sleep."

Jack flipped a kipper in the pan. "Oh, little Joey. I should be glad that he has you, so I can sleep." The adult otter said playfully, but at the same time he licked his lips, imagining his sons scared by a storm all crawling into him to be safe, even Jamie...

He could hear Jamie drumming his claws on the wooden table before he spoke: "Is breakfast all ready...? I'm kinda hungry..." His tummy-growling could be heard all the way to where his Father was cooking.

The big otter looked over his shoulder, "You sure sound hungry." He started a new kipper on the pan and brought over the fish he had cooked, cooling on a plate. He smirked, "Remember, Jamie. Don't breathe while you down them, no matter how much you just want to inhale the fish." He gently ruffled his son's headfur before padding his way back to the stovetop, flipping the kipper there and idly swaying his long tail, his little otter ears swiveling to catch the sound of his son swallowing the cooked fish whole.

The sudden squeak of the door in the hall told the pair that the other boys had woken up and were headed their way. Soon the four young otters were taking positions at the table.

"Hey Joey, sleep well...?" Jamie asked. When Jack looked, he saw that Jimmy and Joey had taken up positions to allow them to lean against their eldest brother. Then he noticed that all the younger boys were wearing shirts that were from Jamie and Joey's closet.

While the last of the kippers was cooking, Jack brought over the rest of the plates, setting each in front of his sons. He walked back to the range and flipped the last kipper, before returning to the table with fish forks, one of the most important utensils in this family, distributing them about. Finally he put the last fish on the platter and turned off the heat, carrying the platter to the table and serving a kipper onto each empty plate. He looked to Jamie with a chuckle, "Want fourths?"

Jamie stuck his tongue out at his Father, "I don't wanna have a gut like that until after I'm all grown up."

The burly otter laughed aloud and sat down in the chair opposite the corner bench, "So you plan on looking like me when you grow up? I guess I set a high standard." He winked playfully to his eldest son and reached for a couple kippers from the platter, downing them in barely two gulps. He repeated this act with a happy grin, patting his soft gut, before looking at the remaining three, "Anyone want seconds? Better speak up now." He licked his lips.

Joel held out his plate, "I'd like another, Daddy."

Jack smiled, "That's my boy." He set the top kipper of the three on the held-out plate, then grasped the last two by the tails and downed them himself, almost faster than the ones before. He stifled a belch with his palm, "So, boys, have anything planned for this day off from school?"

All the boys looked surprised, before Jimmy spoke up, "Oh yeah, Mrs Lee told us that the teachers were having a meeting today, so we don't have to go to school..."

Jamie, Joel and Jeff each thought a moment, before they too remembered. Jeff smiled, "Well, we hadn't thought about it before now..."

Their Father chuckled, "Well, keep out of trouble. I'll be in my study if you need me." The big otter got up and made his way down the hall, listening behind him to the chatter of his sons discussing what to do with their free day, before he stepped into his study and closed the door. He sat down at the desk, looking over his notes, before his eyes wandered over to his bookshelf.

There were many books, detailing the history of the region, the principles of hydrodynamics, spiritual theory, legends and rare creatures, and a myriad of other subjects. But the most common books seemed to have strange runic text embossed into the spine, aged and weathered. He looked to the only shelf with no books, where his precautions lie: Several charms that are designed to protect his family.

His children didn't know what he did for a living, but then again, they had never asked. He worked for the local government as the resident registered magic consultant. When the locals needed something they couldn't acquire by normal means, they called him up. Right now he was in the middle of weaving a spell to help ensure a good harvest after a period of drought.

He stood and walked to the almost bare shelf, looking over the two charms he had crafted. One was enchanted to grant a reformation spell onto any sentient being whose life was compromised within the house boat, and the other to grant the same spell to any member of his family. His children were doubly protected against something that happened before they were born.

Years ago, when he was still young, Jack had concocted a spell to allow him to live out his biggest kink, vorarephilia. The spell had changed his body. His form grew more elastic, and he processed food a lot more easily. He became able to eat with any part of his body he wished, but at the cost of having to eat more than he ever thought he'd ever have to. He had started eating friends, to fulfill both his fetish and his newly formed hunger, but he started before he had even began work on the reformation spell. It took him years to perform it successfully, let alone master it, to bring back the friends he devoured. Those friendships were lost with the years of life that he took from those around him, between when he ate them and when he was finally able to bring them back.

He knew any progeny he had would have the same abilities and hungers, so when Jamie was born he'd started work on the first charm, not wanting his son to have to go through what he had. When Joel was born, he created the second charm, as a secondary safety, in case his boys started to play with each other while away from home. Though, now that his boys knew about it, he wondered how long it would take Jamie to start eating friends at school, beyond the protective range of the houseboat. Jack sat back down at his desk, set aside the crop project, and started work on a third charm.


Jamie sighed softly, "You guys seriously can't want back in already..." Jamie made his way back towards his bedroom, while his brothers all followed closely, nearly mobbing him.

"Please, Jamie?" Joel pleaded sweetly, "We don't have to go to school or anything... we can just chill inside you..."

"Yeah, we won't bug you after that," Jeff tugged at Jamie's sleeve, "You can just do what you want for the rest of the day, just carrying us around..."

Jamie sighed, "I don't know if I'm strong enough to carry all of you..." He padded into his room, hearing the door being shut and locked behind him as paws started to undo his kilt, unwrapping it and pulling it away to leave him wearing just a shirt like all his brothers. Webbed paws worked together to press him onto his bed, before their owners scrambled up atop the blankets too. Jamie got up on his knees, head a couple inches below the bottom of the top bunk. "Guys..."

"You like it too, don't you, Jamie...?" Jimmy looked up at his eldest brother.

"Of course I do, Jimmy. I love it... I'm just a little worried is a-aaaaauuhh...." He trailed off into a helpless groan. Jeff had taken his paws and spread out Jamie's sheath gently, licking at the shaft underneath, which rapidly started to harden. Before it was fully erect, however, the slit seemed to grab Jeff's tongue, and start to tug him in, without Jamie's even trying. The eldest otter in the room groaned and grasped the woodwork of the bed as his shaft flexed and worked over the middle child's head.

Joey was sitting behind Jamie at the moment, and was pondering his older brother's rump. Something about it looked strangely inviting at the moment, and he wondered. If his brother could take people in his bits, maybe...

Jamie rubbed his shaft with a soft groan, watching Jeff's waist starting to slide into him so smoothly. He gasped in surprise as small paws tenderly rubbed under his tail, at his pucker. "J-Joey?" He panted inquisitively.

The littlest otter kissed his brother's tail softly, "I'm trying something... just tell me if it doesn't feel good, okay?"

The eldest otter groaned as he felt those paws sinking into his rump, the warm stretching feeling new and exciting, fighting with the feelings in his shaft for the title of most intense pleasure. As he was pondering this, Joey's head plunged in, between his arms. He gasped and flexed his rump, pushing back over his little brother, "Ooohh... Up you go, little guy..." He grunted out his nickname for Joey as he felt his body now pulling more and more of the smaller otter up into him in a new way, feeling his lower belly start to swell out with the sheer volume. At the same time Jeff settled fully into his left nut.

Joel rubbed over the shaft as the bulge of his younger brother sliding in slimmed down to nothing. "Let me balance you out, Jamie?" He asked softly. His answer was given in the form of the shaft flexing and gaping its slit eagerly in front of his face, as if it were trying to tug the otter into grabbing range through sheer suction. Joel leaned in and kissed the opening tenderly, murring as almost immediately his head was sliding out of sight.

Jamie panted softly and flexed again and again, feeling Joey's legs and tail sliding up and into him. Finally his rumpcheeks met each other, and Joey was fully inside him, in a new way. He rubbed over his distended belly as he felt Joey being eased deeper and deeper into him, before he realized that the youngest otter was headed for his stomach. He slowly grinned, "Jimmy, wanna cuddle with Joey?"

The younger otter perked, then felt over his big brother's belly, "You sure?"

The eldest sibling chuckled, "I'm still hungry, believe it or not." He gently pulled the second-youngest otter up as he sat back, letting him straddle the stretched-out shaft as it continued to slurp in the second-eldest.

Jimmy blushed, feeling the wiggling under his rump and against his front from Joel and Joey respectively, and looked up at Jamie, before reaching his paws up to his big brother's mouth.

Jamie took a deep breath and closed his nostrils, gaping his mouth open and easing his little brother's paws inside. He suckled over them softly, closing his eyes and making sure not to forget to continue holding his breath. He had never realized how good his brother might taste. Underneath the taste of kippers lingering from breakfast was the taste of otter, and for some reason, his body was very hungry for otters, specifically his brothers. He started to swallow, but not too roughly. He didn't want to hurt his little brother. Soon his muzzle was easing over Jimmy's head, and he reached his paws to gently lift the smaller otter off his member, even as the shaft below him smoothed out and the right nut below stretched and swelled.

Hungrily, he pressed Jimmy past his lips and jaws to where his throat's rippling muscles would pull him deeper. The mix of the taste in his mouth and the motion all about inside him drove him to start gulping more and more desperately, to be full of his brothers. His paws met his lips, and he lay down on his side, rubbing his belly as the wiggling, protruding legs of his brother tried to find something to kick off of to work themselves the rest of the way in. He pushed on the footpaws with his other paw, gulping harder, even as he started to feel a burning in his lungs, the kind from holding his breath too long. Luckily, he was already slipping his brother's webbed toes and tailtip out of sight.

Jamie licked and suckled over Jimmy's webbed toes and the tip of his tail, before taking a final gulp. He exhaled a long, low sigh as he felt his belly swell out further, while at the same time he felt Joey entering his stomach from the other direction. He breathed heavily as he rubbed his belly, curling his tail around his squirming sac. At a pressure in his throat, then let out a long, wet belch. Amongst the sound of escaping gases, he heard a couple wet slaps on the floor. He looked down when the belch was over, and blushed; spotting the t-shirts that Joey and Jimmy had been wearing, soaked with his inner fluids.

"Oh wow..." He murmured as his tummy wiggled, the belch tightening his belly over the two boys inside, before they settled down in a cuddle together. Jamie traced over their bulges, panting softly still, before the door opened. Jamie squeaked and tried to cover himself, sure that he remembered his brothers' locking the door.

His Dad walked in, conspicuously naked, smiling softly as he knelt down next to the bed, "It's fun, isn't it...?"

Jamie perked in surprise at this opening, blushing as his Dad's strong paws started to rub over his full belly, before the larger otter's head dipped down to kiss the two bulges made by Joey and Jimmy's faces. "Y-You're not mad..?"

"Why would I?" The big otter smiled, and leaned up to kiss his eldest son's forehead. "After all, your eating habits run in the family."

The young otter blushed, "You can do this too?"

His Father nodded, now rubbing over the swollen sac and the boys inside, "Mmmmhmmm... And here I thought I was going to have to teach you how... that's why I was giving you pointers on swallowing yesterday. So you wouldn't choke when you tried to use your mouth."

Jamie nodded softly, things starting to make more sense, but he was still blushing deeply.

The big otter crawled up onto the bed, making the construction creak with his weight, not to mention the weight of his five sons. Gently slipping around behind Jamie, Jack cuddled him to his soft belly with his strong arms. He gently placed his own arousal between Jamie's legs and rolled onto his back, causing the little otter to be pulled up and onto his father's body. "Now rest, Jamie... I'll teach you the rest you need to know tonight. But for now, sleep."

Jamie nodded softly, "Yes Daddy.... I love you..." He felt so comfortable, closing his eyes as the soft front cushioned him, and the strong arms and erect maleness, dwarfing his own, held him in place, safe. He was soon drifting off, not noticing the soft gurgles and churns from his tummy and sac.

Jack kissed the top of his son's head, "Love you too, Jamie... I love you all." He whispered, and closed his eyes. He was exhausted, after crafting a new charm, but now all three dangers to his sons were taken care of, and a third charm sat on his bookshelf.


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