Black Magic :: Chapter Five :: 300 Years Gone

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#5 of Black Magic

**AN: hey guys the next chapter might take a while because I've been really busy and this one took longer than i intended, but i swear i'm cranking them out as fast as i can. that leads me to say sorry if parts of this one feel a little rushed, maybe i'll have time to edit it later. thanks for reading! love ya!

there must be some kind of way outta here, said the joker to the thief...

Chapter Five :: 300 Years Gone** Coe stood in the doorway still shocked. Allistar and Taruziel had claimed a witch locked them away, but this was... this was a guy. Avery good looking guy at that and not at all what Coe imagined a 'witch' to be. "You're the witch that locked them away?" "Witch is such a harsh term, don't you think? Very demeaning and inaccurate," he laughed as he stroked the light dusting of stubble on his face. His amber eyes studied Coe carefully from beneath a floppy brown hat that looked like it came straight from Hogwarts. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend. Look, my friend is a few miles back and he's really hurt. Can you help us?" Coe asked in the nicest tone he could muster. "Oh, yes. The other boy? We'll get to him soon enough, but come in! You must be freezing." Coe took a weary step past the man. The inside of the shack was much homier than the outside portrayed. A small fire burned next to an old floral cloth couch and a small wooden table surrounded by mix matched wooden chairs sat closer to the door. Coe also noticed the clear crystal ball sitting on the table and the thick volumes of old books on a shelf just behind it. "I don't mean to rush you, but I should go back for him. Taruziel is-" "Not chasing you. He and Allistar have a lot of catching up to do and honestly humans have always been a bit of a burden on them." The man pulled a large blanket off the couch and wrapped it around Coe gently. "Besides, you wouldn't make it all the way back to him in your current condition." Coe watched the man stride into the kitchen and remove a tea pot from the eye of his stove. Who still uses a tea pot? He wondered. "Ok, do you have a name?" "Oh where are my manners?" he laughed, "I'm Robyn." Robyn pulled his patch brown trench coat back and bowed in a classical manner. Coe had to admit for a modern day wizard or witch person he certainly looked bad ass enough. "Well, thanks for bringing me in, Robyn. I'll find a way to pay you back..." Coe let his voice trail off as Robyn poured a small cup of tea. "I doubt that," he said with a smile. "Drink this. It will help take the edge off, but it does have a... less than pleasant taste..." Coe took the small cup in both hands and sniffed the dark liquid. If it had a smell, it was too faint to notice. He took a small sip and almost gagged. The liquid had all the burn of cheap vodka, but a nasty lingering herbal taste that made his stomach turn. "Thanks," Coe said with a shake as the putrid taste bubbled all the way down his spine. Seconds later, he was nearly numb to all his injuries and the smaller scratches had disappeared from his arms. "I know it's terrible. No need for formalities. I tried adding peppermint once, but it blew up and burned the last house to the ground." Coe quickly put the cup on the table and took a step away as Robyn returned the pot to the stove. "I can see why Allistar is so taken with you. You're handsome enough and Allistar always like his mates a bit... short." "I, uh... I... Thanks?" Coe wasn't sure if he was being complimented or insulted. "Yes. Allistar has always been a bit of a fool. Taruziel, however, there's someone that knows how to get his way." Coe decided not to chime in anymore. Robyn was beginning to work his nerves and wasn't sure how long he could thank someone for insulting him. "You see, we met each other in 1715. Allistar and Taruziel were two of the worst serial killers this world has possibly ever seen. Well, except that Ripper fellow, but he got what was coming to him. They killed my family and I was supposed to be next, but Taruziel saw something in me. Something he wanted to keep and I eventually forgot about my family and joined them. I know, I know, how could you? Simple, revenge. Before me, Allistar and Taruziel were inseparable. I made them both fall for me, but Taruziel knew he would grow old and die before Allistar. He begged me to make him immortal and so I did. Of course, jealousy hit Allistar and the thought of losing both me and Taruziel drove him mad. He tried to find a way to undo my magic, but he couldn't. So, he wanted to be turned as well. All that was left was to break their hearts and leave them in a hell dimension. Eternal suffering for the wicked sounds fair, no?" "That sounds, um, very... evil, I guess, but I really just need to get to my friend and you can send them back." "Oh, I will, but I need to see them first. You're going to take me there." "Take you? No! I don't want anything more to do with this. I've done everything I can just to get this far." "You're the only guarantee I have they won't kill me on the spot." Robyn sat down in front of the crystal ball and waved a hand over it. He stared deeply as he spoke, but Coe could see nothing. "No, I'm pretty sure Taruziel wants me dead." "Taruziel wants what Allistar wants. It's been that way for three hundred years. I doubt they've changed. I'm also curious to see how Allistar acts if we are both in the room. I hate being forgotten, you know?" The inflection in Robyn's tone scared Coe. It was almost a question with a threat. "Look, I don't want either of them. They're all yours, trust me." Robyn waved his hand at Coe, Suddenly, a sharp burning pain stabbed Coe's stomach and he doubled over clutching at his abdomen. No matter how hard he scratched or moved the pain only grew and grew until he was sure he would pass out. He cried and clawed at the wooden floor, but nothing seemed to ease the pain. He would've begged for mercy, but his throat was on fire and even tiny gasps of air sent more and more pain through his body. Then, as quickly as it began, it was over. "Sorry, I hate having to do that, but you have to realize that this isn't about you anymore. I don't care if you and your friend die. In fact, if it comes down to you or them, you're going first. We can be best friends and you can help me or we can do this the hard way. Understand?" Coe nodded and stayed on the floor. "Good, now let's find your friend and then you'll take me to them." Coe stood and started walking towards the door. "What are you doing?" Robyn asked. "We have to get Miles," Coe explained. "That doesn't mean we walk," Robyn laughed. He met Coe in the doorway and whispered something to himself. Coe watched as the shack melted away and was almost instantly replaced by the scene of his crash. "Hmm, I don't see him." "Miles!" Coe called out into the rain, but he also couldn't see his friend. He hadn't moved him far from the car and he was certain Miles hadn't walked anywhere. "Taruziel must've taken him." "Well, I didn't see that one coming," Robyn chuckled. "He's gotten smarter. Well, at least now you have a really good reason to go back." "What if Miles is already dead?" Coe's mind raced with possibilities as anxiety pulsed through him. "He's not dead," Robyn sighed, "I mean, I'm pretty sure he's not dead." "Pretty sure?" Robyn put his hand on Coe's shoulder again, but studied his shirt before he whispered. "Who put that shirt on you?" Robyn asked. "It's Miles'. I think Allistar picked it though. Why?" "He's such a sucker for Disney," Robyn snorted, "especially the mouse. Back in 1745, Disney was about to do this ritual to-" "Disney was not around in the 1700's," Coe interrupted with a tone of annoyance. "Oh no, they were. They only recently came into any significant power, though. They used to be a group of cloaked fanatics using that damn mouse symbol for everything. Allistar somehow found it cute." "Interesting. Can we go?" Robyn huffed and repeated the spell. The road melted away beneath their feet and the grass of Mile's yard rushed up to replace it. "This is it?" Robyn asked. How could he not know? He brought them here. Coe chalked it up to magic and led the way to the front door. "Well, are you ready?" "No," Coe snapped. He doubted he would ever be ready, but he took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The living room was just like it had been before. Completely wrecked and all the furniture ruined. Miles' parents were going to have a heart attack. "Oh," Taruziel's voice rang from down the hall, "there's Coe! I knew I smelled..." Taruziel froze in his tracks as he rounded the corner. His expression faded from sly mischief to unadulterated shock. "R... Robyn?" "Taruziel," Robyn greeted cheerfully, "long time, no see!" "What are you... Why are... How?" Taruziel seemed at a loss for words. "I felt one of my spells broken and traced the magic back to here. Where's your better half?" Robyn glanced around looking for, Coe assumed, Allistar. "I'm here." Allistar appeared in the doorway behind them and grabbed Robyn by the throat. "Did you hurt him?" Allistar growled and brought his fangs as close to Robyn's face as he could without touching him. "Look... he's fine..." Robyn choked. Allistar glanced back at Coe and then immediately shot his glare back to Robyn. Taruziel took a few steps closer, but was still nearly frozen. Coe had no idea how to react. "Allistar, wait," Taruziel breathed in a near whisper. "Why!? Look at what he's done to us! We can end it all, right now!" "So do it," Robyn laughed. Coe glanced back and forth between the wolf and the husky. Taruziel was... crying? If it was possible, the wolf's green eyes gleamed with watery tears and his voice was tightened. "No, I... I still love him." "Good," Allistar growled and with the twist of a paw snapped the man's neck. Robyn fell to the floor in a broken lifeless pile. No one moved. Coe felt the tension in the room rise to an extreme boil. With one action, Allistar had destroyed 300 years of Taruziel's complex feelings and thoughts and the wolf's shock said it all. "Alli," Taruziel choked. Taruziel's breathing grew heavier and his eyes started to dart between the body and Coe. Coe could already see the wolf pouncing at him, but for some reason he waited. Coe almost felt bad for the wolf. He could literally see the internal conflict raging inside Taruziel. Suddenly, there was a loud pop and all three watched as Robyn's corpse stirred and climbed back to his feet. "Alli, you've always been so dramatic. It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill me." Robyn turned his neck as if it were sore and turned to Allistar. "Now, where were we?" Robyn slung a hand towards Allistar and the husky flew backwards crashing into Coe on his way. Coe reeled from the hit and shook his head to regain his bearings. "Robyn, we need to talk," Taruziel said in a shaky tone. Robyn tossed his hand at him just as casually and the wolf suffered the same effect. "I only came here for one reason, Taruziel. That reason is simply to put you back in your cage." Robyn strutted towards the wolf with a taunting grin. "Coe, this would be a good time to get your friend and go." Coe staggered to his feet and gave one last look at Taruziel and Allistar. Both of the demons looked deeply torn. This wasn't the time to be caring, however. Coe took off down the hallway and found Miles resting in his bed. "Hey, let's go, dude. We've gotta chance to get out of here." Coe found the keys to his car on Miles' dresser and went to his side. Miles looked much better than when Coe had left him. "What's the point?" Miles asked, "Every time we try anything something goes wrong." "So, you want to lay here and die?" Miles only shrugged. Coe sighed and climbed onto the bed next to him. "Well, then I guess we're staying." "No, you can still go. You should go." Miles sounded much more agitated. "Not without you. Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll all kill each other." Of course, deep down Coe was rooting for Allistar. "God damn you, Coe! You're so fucking stubborn!" Miles threw the blanket off himself and jumped off the bed. "Let's go." Coe gave him a smirk and a wink and followed him out of the bedroom and down to the basement. "Did the witch say he could clean up the house too?" "Let's not push our luck, ok?" Coe handed the keys to Miles as they reached his blue Mustang. "You should drive this time too." "Good call," Miles laughed. Somehow, things seemed a bit brighter as Miles drove the car away from the house. "So, no more summoning spells or game rituals, agreed?" "Definitely," Coe laughed. "Also, we're not finished with that whole you-being-gay conversation. You wanna just get a hotel for the night?" "Yeah, yeah. That's cool. I think I have some molly in here, too." Coe dug around the glove box and found a bag of baby bluish powder. "Let's get a bottle and forget about all this shit." "Hell yeah," Miles laughed. The boys stopped at the local package store to pick up a bottle of whiskey and rented a hotel not far off the main highway. The hotel only had one bed and a television with only three channels, but they had enough supplies to keep them entertained. Miles turned music on his phone and sat on the edge of the bed. "Don't molest me in my sleep, ok?" "Dude, if you're going to be like that about it then we should just skip the conversation." Coe really didn't feel like being made fun of for this. Especially by the only guy he really knew he liked. "I'm just playing," Miles said with a fist to Coe's shoulder. "So, number one question, are you the pitcher or the catcher?" "Miles..." Coe knew Miles was going to grill him with a thousand questions, but for some reason telling his best friend that he'd only taken it up the butt from two very well hung demons was a bit humiliating. Miles poured two shots of the cheap whiskey and slid one to Coe. "Come on, you gotta tell me something." "Ok," Coe sighed and took the shot wincing as he finished the sentence. "I was on the receiving end, happy?" "Oh my god," Miles laughed. "So how was it?" Coe shrugged to try and treat the situation more casual than it was. "It, um, I mean, it kind of hurt at first. Then, it was... awesome? I guess." Miles laughed again and poured another two shots for them. Coe told Miles anything he could remember about the act itself and soon the boys were laughing about everything. The alcohol and drugs definitely played a role in that. "Who was better?" Miles asked after Coe was done describing everything they did. "I mean, Allistar made me cum twice and was a lot nicer about it, but then again Taruziel was great at just forcing it, you know?" Coe found himself wondering if the demons were still in this world or if he would ever see them again. "Allistar definitely loved you. When I summoned him, I didn't break the circle until we made a deal, but all he wanted to do was save you from Taruziel. It's kind of creepy how much he knew about you though. He's probably watched you jack off like every time," Miles teased. "That's weird," Coe laughed. "Why even bring that up?" "I'm just saying. Think about that next time you're in my shower." "How do you know I jacked off in the shower?" "Coe, no guy takes that long in the shower and uses that much conditioner. You're not as sneaky as you think." Coe blushed a bit, but laughed it off. "Do you think Robyn sent them back?" "I don't know..." Coe was actually trying hard not to think about the situation at the house. He wanted the demons gone or so he thought. How could he want anything else? All they had done was cause trouble for him and almost killed him since they arrived. "Is this right? To leave them, I mean?" Miles didn't answer the question. Maybe he felt bad for them too. Miles poured another two shots. The alcohol was beginning to taste like water. "Alright, well, I've gotta give it a shot just to see how I stack up against two demons." "What do you mean?" Coe asked, but Miles was already sliding his gym shorts down to reveal his semi-hard cock. "Don't make it weird, just suck it, ok?" Coe gave one last awkward glance at Miles before he placed his hand on the warm flesh and began to stroke it gently. Soon, Miles was fully erect and Coe jerked him a bit faster. "Tick tock, dude." "Shut the fuck up," Coe laughed. He licked his lips a bit before slipping the head of the large cock into his mouth. Miles grunted a bit as Coe's lips tightened and slid further down the length. Coe was finally getting his wish and it tasted perfect. He slid all the way off the flesh to pull back and lick every inch the way Allistar had done his. Miles shivered when Coe reached his balls. Coe stayed there for a while licking in between the orbs and circling them with his tongue. He never expected for Miles' sweat to taste and smell so good. The smell alone was making Coe's own member throb intensely. He wondered if Miles would return the favor for him. Coe let his tongue slide a bit further down gaining another moan from his best friend. Coe was almost to Miles' butt when something pulled his hair roughly. "Hey, don't get weird," Miles warned. Coe felt a bit embarrassed and licked his way back to Miles' swollen cock. Coe noticed a drop of pre beginning to form and lapped at it like a thirsty dog. He bobbed his head over the thick flesh a few times earning him a bit more pre. Miles' hand rested on the back of Coe's head and became a bit more forceful every time Coe dipped lower. Coe could feel precum slosh against the back of his throat and took as much as he could, but warm drool started to drizzle down against Miles' balls. Coe used his free hand to roll the balls as softly as he could. Miles' moans started to get more intense. "Fuck, Coe. I'm not gonna cum like this. Let me fuck you," Miles said in a near growl. Coe rushed to get his pants off and straddled Miles at the waist. "Wait, wait, I'm not sure if I can look at you. Turn around." "Um, ok..." Coe felt kind of hurt, but did as Miles asked. Coe lifted his butt enough for Miles to position himself at Coe's hole and slowly sat back onto the lengthy member. Coe struggled to steady his breath and relax as he forced himself lower and lower onto the cock. He stopped frequently to adjust to the pain and tried to keep an eye on how far he was. He used Miles' knees as a grip to control how fast he went down. Miles groaned the entire time. "Fuck," Coe grunted. He was excited to finally have his best friend inside him, but he needed to get past this part. "This is so tight," Miles said with his hands on either side of Coe's hips. "Come on, come on, come on," Miles breathed. Coe tried to speed up his pace, but the thick flesh took a while to adjust to. He thought about just forcing himself down, but in actual practice that thought flew out the window. Suddenly, Miles' hands tightened on his hips and he pulled Coe down roughly. Coe nearly hit the roof, but sat there determined to please his best friend. Coe took a deep breath and let his tight ass adjust before rising up a bit and falling back down. Every thrust down had his balls meet Miles' and forced the air out of him. Coe continued to ride Miles as hard and fast as he could. Even when his legs felt like they were going to cramp and shook with exhaustion, he continued. Miles slapped his ass a few times causing a few laughs to escape both of them. Coe's own cock started to leak pre against the bed sheets as every drop of his hips caused Miles' member to brush back and forth over his prostate. Coe sped up his thrusts as fast as he could and could feel himself reaching a climax. Miles suddenly grabbed his shoulder and pulled him onto the bed right beside him. Miles pumped deep inside him hard over and over again. Coe groaned as his cock bucked and shot white cum against the wall and bedspread. Miles' own thrust grew a bit slower as he unloaded his seed inside Coe. "Fuck," Miles cursed breathlessly as he sat with his cock still throbbing inside Coe. Even as he pulled away from his best friend, cum dribbled from the tip of his member on to Coe's red butt. Coe took a moment to muster his strength before turning around to face Miles. Miles was just as sweaty and tired as Coe and looked a bit sleepy. Coe leaned in a bit closer to kiss Miles, but a hand stopped him and shoved him away. "Dude, what the fuck?" Miles said with a tone of accusation. "I'm sorry, I just... I thought..." "No, Coe. This was just a one-time... thing! Ok? I'm not gonna make out and cuddle with you. I had fun and maybe if I'm ever really desperate we can do it again, but it doesn't mean anything. Got it?" Coe tried not to show how much Miles' words had hurt him. "Yeah, I get it. I'm sorry. I'm just a little drunk," Coe laughed. He covered up in the blankets while Miles turned off the lights. Allistar was right. Miles was only going to hurt him. Coe hid his face as a few tears formed in his eyes. He finally got his wish, but it wasn't at all like he hoped it'd be. He'd left the only guy that ever treated him nice with a man that wanted to lock him away. He waited until Miles started to snore before he slid back into his pants and grabbed his keys. Maybe it wasn't too late.