Welcome to the Dumpster

Story by Nova Aeliyous on SoFurry

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~The President's All Important Duty(s)~


Morning had that sweet, fresh dew smell. Rain had fallen over night since the third addition of the Dumpsterâ€"the top floor lobby and club with the exclusive kink-rooms as Nova liked to call them. Every new walk-in ‘patient' with the ailment throbbing between their paws brought that fresh scent in. Not only were the nurses busy but that fresh scent came flooding into the first floor. The smell was refreshing in a place that more than not had the heavy leftover odor of masculine musk and feminine pheromones. Thankfully they kept Ferbreeze and Air Wick fresheners any and everywhere one could be placed.


That description was especially applicable to the front desk. Shion was up, yes. What he was not, was prowling about yelling at the patron-wankers and idle nurses. No, he was behind the desk working hard. More so, Nova was also behind the desk and instead of catching up on her Sandman comics authored by Neil Gaiman or writing another post to one of her two online stories, she was considerably tied up. The alieness splayed her black body against the top of the desk. Her eyes rolled about in their respective socketsâ€"though no one would even be able to tell that they were rolling to begin with; she had no iris' or pupils. Her central tail was pushed aside, the other two lazily supporting her weight. Shion gripped her hips tight; nine inches of thick sunk dick being thrust into her so hard that any other woman would have naturally forgotten that they even existed by now.


His thickness kept grinding against her g-spot and that was why he penetrated her deeply with each thrust; pulling out to just an inchâ€"just the glans of his penisâ€"then jamming the other eight inches into her vagina. Though she didn't make much noise he knew that Nova felt every single inch of him. Her pussy tightened about his cock, trying to keep him in place despite how her juices made it like trying to stop after starting on a slip'n slide. She lowered her head, her breasts mashing against the desk top. She stretched out her arms and moaned with a shaking voice: "Oouuuhâ€"Shoooshie~" She whined. To Nova Shion could be no one else but her Shooshi. That pet name began when she wanted to call him 'sushi', for very obscure reasons considering that Nova did not like sushi nor would she ever bother looking at it beyond just the fishy stuff that it was wrapped in seaweed; cuisine from a Japanese culture. And yet after calling him that twice, she realized that she like the sound of Shoo and Shi. He had a nickname of Shishiâ€"but that of course was not savvy enough for Nova. Only because someone else had come up with and apparently had called him that first; so he was affectionately dubbed with pride, ‘Shooshi'. Sometimes Shooshie, Shooshy, Shooshiekins, Shooshikins, Shooshexyâ€"never ever ask her why on that oneâ€"Shoosh and any other derived sub-nickname she could think of that branched off of ‘Shooshi'.


Nova's face contorted into one like that expressing pain. The G-spot Shion ground himself against swelled inside of her, like a small grapefruit. The more his cock roughly polished it with her juices the more her legs ground against his hips. She was fidgeting, like a nervous wreckâ€"her fur glistening with sweat and her eyes watery; teeth biting down on her tongue. "Harderâ€"Oh, Shooshiâ€"haaaa~â€"Ouh, gawd. I said harder, fucker!" She rushed her paws over her maw, wincing as he--with all the might of his hips--put it to her like he wanted to. Her body was sent forward with each trust; her legs and the desk being the only two things that kept her from moving six inches away from him every time his hips smacked into her ass. His skunk balls pounded into her clitoris and between whines she admitted: "Sh-Shoooooshi~ I'm gunnaâ€"gunna c-cum."


Shortly after admitting to it she did. A hot sensation rushed down from her vulva, that as he still struck her sweet spot she was inclined to spread her legs. Moistureâ€"a hot flood of wetness that started as a dribble from her urethra. Shion's tail flicked between her legs, rubbing her beneath her stomach as Nova pushed back and angled her butt up. Those last few thrusts were golden; her sex ejaculated onto his tail. Unlike hermaphrodites, this ejaculation was not a potent emission of sperm. Nothing about it was white, likewise it was not thick, nor did it have that clumpy feeling considering that she had no sperm to shoot. Her body shuttered in his hard, gripping hands. Nova's clear fluids matted down the fur of Shion's tail. He kept pounding it into her hard while she came. As he did he noticed a thirty second pause after she had squirted all over his tail the first time. Then the hot sensation overwhelmed her again and with the same shudders she ejaculated a second time. And as he pumped her to his satisfaction, becoming close to his own orgasm from the pure ecstasy she was experiencing with her own, Nova would climax again and again and again. The feminine Alien wouldn't stop until she was out of the clear, scentless fluid; when his thighs and tail were soaked and her stomach was made slicker than a tiled floor with oil and lotion spread all over it.


Alas Shion forced his hips up against hers. A low groan escaped himâ€"six more following that first one. Those where his moans; not so pronounced as snarls or growlsâ€"Nova knew when he was doing one of those two things. But as he leaned forward giving her one last push with his member she was reeling; his paws locked about her waist and his groans right in her ear. She let out her own cry, her pitch rising as well as the decibel levelâ€"meaning that she got really loud and really squeaky, to the point where she was not moaning, she was squealing. A thick, ropey burst of cum greeted her... Well Nova's anatomy didn't have a functional uterus. She laid eggs unlike most marsupials or mammals for that matter. All of that cum and the sperm within it were going to sire her eggs. At an appointed time when ever she could slip away to lay them inside of a suitable host, those eggs were going to hatch. Then they would devour their host and become default-skunk-bodied aliens. The males would sire the eggs of the females and the females would go about laying themâ€"by means of ovipositonâ€"into hosts. That's why of all the furs that they had so far recruitedâ€"out of Majje, Neela, Saskia, Silverissa and Martinâ€"there was Oryx.


Speaking of Neelaâ€"she was the first one to lean against the desk. Her breasts seemed to just tumble out of her nurse's uniform but then again, that's generally what bra's do: make breasts seem... Breastier. She gave Shion a wink. Before Shion and Nova had gotten committed to each other Neela was one of his sexual partnersâ€"just on of the other neglected pets he had stolen away from Tenk moments before Nova revived the exclusivity contract. Shion didn't have to agree. Still that doesn't change the fact that he did. Neela's six tails wiggled when Shion gave her a few pets on the head. She purred, because any fur can purr and winked at Nova. "Did you have fun?"


"Of course!" Nova wiggled, thumping her powerful Kangaroo tails against the floor behind the desk. "Why do you ask?" Her ears splayed. Nova was in a submissive state of mind when Shion put his dick in her. After giving him headâ€"which he turned into a hardcore face-bang, she learned that sometimes being the submissive one was far more enjoyable than being the danger-dom. Hence her reaction.


"All of the Dumpster could hear you two. You know, the intercom was on."


"... Oh." Nova lifted her fore-body up. Immediately a little red light went dark: a button that had 'iCom' written on it in that trivial Apple iPod style. The Alien's black cheeks blushed black-light violet. She pressed her muzzle against the desk, hiding her face behind her paws. "Do we need a Janitor...? I'm afraid to look." Nova's voice had this effect on a lot of males. Who ever she talked to thought she sounded at least sexyâ€"if not so hot that they were going to whip out their shafts and try to ram it up one of her three holes; down her throat, up her ass or in her pussy. But to be moaning and have the whole Dumpster hear it? She may as well have been announcing 'clean up on every isle' in Wal*Mart.