As The Moon Rises

Story by wounded wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Phases Of The Moon

This story is a m/f furry it first came to mind a while ago but I've only just gotten the tools to write it out. The setting is an ancient feudal society run by regional Lords or Ladies. Our "champion" is a young wolf named Kanis Lupus ;) his father is Lord of Castle Loboden and surrounding lands. It's Kanis' birthday today so we'll pick up from there

   Kanis woke late in the night and stared out at the moonlit sky. "The stars are strange tonight," he said aloud. He looked about his room; the cold stone walls were adorned with swords and shields. A tapestry here or there depicted his land in various states of peace or war. He was restless and wondered why until he felt his throbbing erection poking the sheets of his bed. He sighed and began to stroke his long shaft with his smooth pad shivering from the sensation. His fur glistened silvery blue over a thickly muscled body. He licked his muzzle full of sharp teeth and closed his gray eyes in pleasure.

There was a soft knock at his door and he groaned. Kanis sat up and raised his knees hiding his penis under the sheets "enter" he barked. The door hinge creaked loudly before it inched inward. Standing in the doorway was an old friend of his named Erma. Erma was a white wolf she had long white hair that ran from her scalp to the middle of her back. Her breasts were about the size of cantaloupes with a small slender frame she was sleek and sexy covered in a small night robe. "Hi...Kanis I'm sorry to disturb you," she was timid and nervous but Kanis couldn't't understand why until his nose caught the air. His ears pricked up then back and she realized that he had caught the pheromones that were emanating from her vagina

"Hmmm...." He groaned when his member throbbed again then he smiled and inhaled through his nose. Her sickly sweet scent flooded his receptors causing his cock to get thicker. She blushed and walked in shutting and locking the door behind her

"Think of it this way, it's your birthday" she said as she smoothly turned towards the wolf. He smiled and stood up revealing his eight-inch-long member

   "In that case" he walked up to her and held her chin caressing her thoughtfully. She looked down and gasped as he ran his hand from her shoulder to her firm buttocks pulling the robe away with it. "Lets have some fun" he replied before giving her a lust filled kiss. She responded in kind opening her muzzle to accept his tongue. He felt every inch of her mouth the sharp teeth and ridges of her hard pallet. They broke with a gasp and nuzzled each other.

   She pushed him back towards the bed and he smiled. He would give her that bit of domination. With a growl he fell back onto his bed grabbing her thighs firmly with his clawed hands. She gasped in response, which turned into a lust filled growl as she felt his member slide across her swollen opening. "Yes my love give it to me..." she breathed. He laughed in response

   "If that is what you wish" she groaned as he rubbed his cock over her vagina again. "Then you shall have it" he lifted her up and set her slowly down on his burning rod. She squealed in ecstasy as his head pushed slowly into her vagina. He growled trying to hold himself from plunging into her.

   "Please...please Kanis!" that did it. With a bark of domination he forced his foot long pole down to the knot into her steaming cunt. Erma screamed aloud both in pain and pleasure as Kanis began to pump his member steadily into her. Kanis grunted at every up thrust and she groaned at every withdrawal, Her pussy squeezing down desperately milking him for his life giving seed. Kanis could no longer bear it; he roared and flipped Erma onto her back. She gave a yell of fright and looked up at his ferocious sex crazed face as he began to pound into her.

She yelled once more this time in the same frenzied way her mate had. Kanis began to really sweat his ears hugged his skull, his teeth bared, his thighs bulging with each powerful thrust. Erma could no longer stand his assault, she roared as a mind numbing orgasm ripped through her body. Kanis struggled to hold onto her as she squirmed under him he gave her five more powerful thrusts before forcing in his baseball sized knot and roaring in ecstasy spilling his thick seed with in her.

With A whoosh the air left his lungs and he collapsed onto his mate.

Then he woke up

Kanis sat up in his bed breathing hard "goddamn I hate wet dreams" he said as he lifted the sheets to reveal his limp member covered in seamen. He sighed and looked out his window to see the sun creeping through the canopy. Kanis stood and rolled up his sheets into a ball and threw them down a gaping hole in the wooden wall. He walked to the basin in front of his mirror and splashed cool water on his face before cleaning his genitals.

He walked out of his room and down the spiral stairs. A tree made a nice house if you were an avian. however Kanis was a wolf he preferred the stone Castle of Loboden. When he reached the ground floor he saw his master Arc sitting in a chair drinking coffee. "Good morning young apprentice had a restless night did we?" he smiled turning his head 180 degrees (Such a thing is possible for an owl)

"Yes indeed master" Kanis replied sitting down and pouring himself a cup.

"To cut to the chase we need our supplies today so your going into town to get them" Kanis's ears perked up

"A wonderful birthday present!" the owl hooted and ruffled his brown feathers "lessons first eh? Not even a break on my birthday"

"Your mother wanted you to be as proficient with magic as I am. This requires dedication, something you lack," he said pointing a feathery and taloned finger at him. Kanis chuckled and took a sip of his coffee, and then made a disgusted face the coffee had turned ice cold. "Heat the contents of your cup," the owl said taking a sip of his own hot coffee.

Kanis sighed and stared at his cup. He thought hard on it breathing in through his snout and out through his mouth. He began to feel energy course through him he channeled it to his hands and held them over the cup. Now he concentrated on what he wanted to happen "heat" he thought. His hands seamed to radiate heat down into his cup after a few moments he let go and felt the energy retract into the void of his body.

Kanis touched the handle of his mug and cried out in pain before stuffing his finger in his muzzle. Arc laughed, "you must be more specific" he chuckled. One two-hour lecture later Arc spoke as a friend once more "Kanis do you have any plans on what to do while you're in town?" the wolf laughed and replied

"I'm going to get drunk and get laid" a few minutes after that Kanis headed out of his masters house and began down the forest path to the city. He wore a simple pair of leather pants with a matching Hauberk on his feet he wore nothing. He preferred it that way because he loved to run boots only slowed him down. Since the city of Pelegraph was sometimes rough he strapped a short sword to his waist.

When he was about five miles out of town he heard some strange noises coming from the woods on his right. Kanis stopped and turned toward the forest his ears picking up faint cries of help. Curious Kanis ventured forward a hand on the hilt of his sword.