My Gryphon, My Savior

Story by GryphonWings on SoFurry

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A girl finds out that mythical creatures aren't always based in fiction, and aren't always unfriendly...

It was a stormy winter night and Jessica lay silently in her bed, contemplating all that had happened that day. She had had a very busy day and needed the rest; otherwise she would be too tired to return to work the next day.

She turned in bed and looked at the clock. It read 11 p.m. Pulling the sheets up closer she closed her eyes, starting to fall into a light sleep. Suddenly, a light tapping noise hit her ears. Jessica opened her eyes and brought herself up on the bed.

"Must be imagining things," she muttered to herself. She eased herself back down. She considered that she was just worked up, but she was sure she'd heard something. A minute later there was a large crashing noise outside and a scraping on her window. She sat bolt upright, waiting for a moment before slipping into a gown, drearily leaving her room and heading downstairs.

As she opened the door a large gust of freezing cold wind assailed her, it was a flash blizzard. She couldn't believe it, they were so rare. Jessica slipped on the step and fell over, landing on her knees. With a little gasp of pain she stood up and brushed the snow from her gown. She turned to go back inside but found she had lost her bearings, it was almost impossible for her to see her own hand. Jessica fumbled around blindly, watching her step, but couldn't find anything solid. An eerie feeling fell upon her and she began to panic, looking around desperately for a landmark, something that might be familiar to her. When she couldn't she stopped looking and concentrated on the cold that had numbed her fingertips and was beginning to make her thoughts cloudy. Dropping to the ground she began to lose consciousness, the icy temperatures sucking her dry of energy. Jessica looked up, seeing through her blurry vision what looked like a cloud come down towards her, just as he mind gave out and she slipped into darkness.

The first feeling she had was that she couldn't move. A few minutes later she accepted that that feeling meant she wasn't dead. Given a few more minutes, her brain finally recognised the fact that she was definitely not anywhere near her house. In fact, as her eyes focused, she found that she was lying on the floor of a cave, wind howling in through the entrance and making her dangerously cold. A while later, when Jessica was sharp again, she really began to panic. Confusion about her location shot through her, the snow was unforgiving and she couldn't see out of the cave mouth. Looking for shelter she sought out the back of the cave, where it was a lot less windy. Still, she was cold and huddled in the corner, waiting for a rescuer.

Hours later she stirred again, looking for the source of a large noise coming from the outside of the cave. She walked forward slowly and stopped. The noise was getting louder. Suddenly, a dark shape obscured the mouth of the cave. She fell back, screaming as a massive shape moved towards her. Slowly, it stepped a beam of light coming from the outside. She gasped. Standing in front of her was a massive beast she'd only ever seen in pictures and fairy tales.

A gryphon!

She was lost for words as she looked up at it. It was pure white, except for thick streaks of gold that ran down through its feathers. It was a beautiful shape, with piercing eyes and deep tones around its face. And it was big, at least twice her size and powerfully muscular. She tried to scream but couldn't. From what she had read they like to take their prey up to the tops of mountains and eat it up there. She had no idea what they ate. Human's maybe. The gryphon took a step towards her, but Jessica fell back, huddling into a corner. She didn't want to die like this, out in the cold with a dressing gown, devoured slowly by a giant beast. To her surprise the half-lion, half-eagle gryphon stepped back and curled up on the cave floor, in front of the entrance.

"He's guarding his prey," she thought bleakly, though she noted that the cold died off a little when he was blocking the entrance partially. She stayed in the corner for most of the night, watching it carefully. But her fear came to nothing as even she fell to the power of sleep.

The next day she got up and found that the gryphon was gone. She checked the cave carefully but he definitely was nowhere to be found. She thanked the gods and went to leave, but notices the blizzard had, if nothing else, intensified. She collapsed to the ground, hoping that the giant bird wouldn't come back. Part of her wondered why it didn't kill her.

"Maybe they're not what the stories say they are," she thought. Still, she was scared, and wondered what the people back home were thinking of her disappearance. She noted the fact that she may not even be in reality anymore, owing to the fact that she had been in a cave with something that wasn't supposed to exist. Jessica shook her head and sat down, the cold dying off for the morning but she knew that during the night coming she may not be so lucky.

"I wish I had a heater," she groaned.

Day meshed into night and again Jessica found herself at negative temperatures, sharing a cave with a mythical gryphon. He had returned with some fruit and berries in his beak. When Jessica refused to come close the gryphon deposited the goods close to her on the cave floor, where she eyed them for some time before hunger got the better of her. Maybe it's fattening me up, she thought. When she was done she shivered involuntarily, still watching the gryphon, which in turn never let its gaze falter on her for a second. By this stage she had doubts in her mind, and was on the verge of accepting that he may just be protecting her from the cold and meant no harm. When Jessica shivered a second time the gryphon mysteriously unfolded one of its wings. Jessica wondered what it was doing when it didn't move from there, but she looked at the space between his body with some interest. He may be able to share some body heat, she thought.

She debated for a while with herself before necessity won out. She gathered her courage and slowly paced over to the gryphon, which looked at her with uncanny intelligence.

Feeling foolish, she said out loud, "Can... can I, uh, please get warm." The gryphon looked at her and spread his wing ever so lightly further out. Jessica approached nervously and slowly eased her way under his wing. She gasped as he instantly provided radiant heat to her ice-cold body. The gryphon moved his body slightly and Jessica tensed up, but he was just making more space for her. She lay awake for a while, and then slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Jessica woke up to find the gryphon looking directly into her eyes. She jumped, but remembered that he wasn't going to hurt her. Later on he left the cave, off to hunt for food for her and himself. She deduced that he was a herbivore, due to the amount of berries that he brought back. This comforted her a lot. He returned to find Jessica shivering again and she welcomed his body over hers as they ate together in silence, the gryphon still keeping a close eye on her.

The days continued, the relentless blizzard no giving up. Each day the gryphon would fly off and each night it would return to her cold, welcoming body. She began to thoroughly enjoy these times with her new friend, her thoughts only occasionally straying to her outside life. In here, in the cave with her warm gryphon pressing down next to her she felt at home, like she hadn't for a long time. She had been single all her life, but this was a personal choice. She had never found human men quite satisfactory. The gryphon, though, it really felt as if it cared for her, and she truly appreciated the companionship after a week in the cave.

One night he returned and they ate dinner, as usual, and then they went to sleep. He lifted his wing welcomingly and she crawled under happily, quite content. But he was not. Unbeknownst to her it was the time of month when a gryphon female would be in heat and he was highly aroused, as was natural. But he had no female companionship. He was sad and Jessica noticed, his body not quite closing around her as it usually did.

"Is something wrong?" she asked him kindly. The gryphon shook its head, but still looked troubled. She patted his fur and he flinched at the touch. A few questions later she managed to get the gist of what was going on.

"Well," she asked, "aren't there any other gryphons in the area?" The gryphon shook his impressive head. She sighed and sat down next to him, feeling troubled for her new friend. Jessica wanted to help but she had no idea how to cleave the cave, let alone how to find a mate for her friend.

They returned to sleep later and the gryphon accommodated her under his wing as usual but his disturbed breathing and soft twitches during the night made her feel that he was in some sort of pain. She could do nothing but watch over the next few days as he grew worse, sometimes pacing the den randomly and then curling up tightly. Still, the blizzard tore on past the cave, and she grew worried for him. The gryphon was so sad-looking by this stage and Jessica was lost in what to do.

That night they slept again, Jessica locating her usual place under the wing. She waited for a while, until the gryphon fell asleep, before putting her mind to use. She considered all sorts of ways to leave the cave to search for another gryphon but she knew deep down she may never leave in time. Slowly she slid further under his warm body to get some sleep. As she began to close her eyes she felt something bump against her leg. She dismissed it at first but it happened again. She looked down; she couldn't see much in the darkness. Thinking that his leg was bumping her she moved her hand down to push it out of the way. She found it and pushed it out of the way softly.

Jessica was surprised when it came back and bumped her leg again. She got impatient and took the leg again, ready to push it out of the way. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. Where were the feathers? She ran her finger along what she held in her hand until it got to the base of his body, and suddenly she realized what she had really grabbed. Gasping, she let go quickly and checked to see if he had woken up. He was still fast asleep, not awoken by her intrusion on his private area.

Jessica gathered her wits and lay in shock on the ground. She had just grabbed a gryphon's penis! Or at least, that's what she thought it was. That's not possible, she thought, It had been absolutely huge. She lay there for a while, contemplating what to do when a dirty thought ran through her mind. She imagined the proud gryphon, standing over her with brilliant flecks of gold sparkling in his feathers as he prepared to mate with her. She quickly dismissed the image and shook her head, but found she couldn't quite lose it completely.

The next day came and went and again Jessica found herself under the gryphon. He was still awake and her thoughts from the other day came flooding back. It took her a few moments to realize she was seriously aroused. She was confused why, he was a gryphon and she was a human. Maybe it was why she had never found human companionship worthwhile. Absent-mindedly, and quite by ignorance she reached out for his gryphonhood again. She wrapped her fingers around it and squeezed reflexively. The gryphon groaned, she had forgotten it was awake. It growled and Jessica quickly jumped out from under his wing and ran to the corner, afraid she had gone too far. The gryphon hadn't growled out of displeasure, and slowly made his way to an upright position.

The gryphon knew that having a female in the cave would be difficult, but he didn't realize that a human could have this kind of effect on him. The gryphon wanted to mate; to relieve it's suffering with the ultimate act of pleasure. Jessica stood back as it approached her, coming into the soft light from the tunnel. It was then she was struck dumb. Standing in front of her was the most beautiful sight she could ever imagine. Snow white feathers ran on a body shot with streaks of gold. Beneath that lay a hugely muscular body, flexible limbs bending under his lovely movements. But now, what she saw for the first time was the sexual dark underbelly leading into a thick, long gryphon cock. It was red at the head, transitioning to black at the base. The tip curved slightly and veins pulsed along its length. But also, she noticed the massive bulge at the base, a huge knot to tie with his mate.

And now, she hoped, that mate would be her. She had completely given in to all thoughts of decency. The gryphon saw that Jessica was enjoying herself. He wanted to mount her, to do to her what he could do to no-one else. Jessica approached him silently and looked directly into his eyes.

"Do you love me?" she whispered to him. The gryphon looked deep within himself. He knew that he wanted to be with her, and spend the rest of his life with her, but there was another feeling there. A feeling that no female had ever given him before. He stared directly back and nodded at her. Jessica smiled and patted his body softly.

She turned back to the gryphon and said, "Then will you do me the greatest honor of gifting me with your body?" The gryphon nodded and presented himself to her. She lent in close and inspected the gryphon's jaw-dropping cock. It was amazing, a mix of textures, veins and bumps rounded off with a knot to keep it all in. Unfortunately, she noted to herself, it would never fit all in. She doubted that cock would even make it half way, if that. Still, she was going to try.

Standing in front of the gryphon, her new lover, she dropped to all fours on a raised ledge to get the necessary height. She lent forward, looking back at him desperately.

"I need you," she said. The gryphon moved closer, powerful muscles contracting as he positioned himself behind her. She was bracing herself when she felt something hot hit her pussy. When she looked she saw the long tongue of the gryphon sliding into her a little, lubricating her for the experience ahead. She was extremely grateful, it was going to be difficult.

The gryphon finished and positioned himself over her. Jessica felt oddly protected, even though he could easily crush her. She waited for a second before feeling the slap of the gryphon's huge cock on her pelvis. She shuddered in anticipation as the cock slid down her belly and stopped at her awaiting entrance. She closed her eyes and lent forward, at the same time the gryphon pushed the head of his malehood into her. She cried out in surprise, he was absolutely massive. She grasped the rock hard as he stopped, the gryphon assuming he had injured her. He looked down at her and she stared at him.

"Sorry, I'm not hurt, it's just your so big..." she trailed off as he slid a little out of her. When she was ready again he pushed in further, getting a couple of inches of his thick shaft inside of her. She was moaning out loud as the gryphon continued to push in, inch after inch until she couldn't take it anymore. Squeezing his member with her slick walls she looked back, astonished that he had got so much inside. It had to be at least 5 inches, and there was still about 5 to go.

She waited almost a minute before inviting him to begin. He was cautious at first, but with further encouragement he began to slide heavily in and out. Jessica could barely take him, he had a monstrous cock and it didn't help that it was so textured, the pleasure almost making her faint. She groaned and gasped as the gryphon began to let its mating drive take over. Jessica notice the gryphon needed more, and she was willing to do anything for him.

"Take me hard, make me yours, fuck me," she told him, swearing for the first time in her life. The gryphon obliged, pulling out until the his cock dangled in the air. She looked back at him, confused, then realized he was getting better positioning so he could take her fully. She gritted her teeth, this was going to hurt for the first time.

It happened in flashes. His hefty cock swung up into her vagina, his muscular body crouching forward. And then he thrust. Jessica screamed as his thick, pulsing cock buried itself far into her body, going almost eight inches before he pulled out and began mating her powerfully. He was in control now, pounding her repeatedly as though she was another gryphon. Jessica could feel his long, deep thrusts into her, his cock hitting her in all the right places inside. She was crying in pleasure now, he will completely surrendered to her mate. His body loomed massively upon her, heat radiating through him and into her. The gryphon was so happy, he had never felt like this in his entire life. His body longed for this with every part of his being.

The mating went on for many minutes, Jessica beneath the huge form of her lover. His pace had increased, Jessica could hear liquid sloshing where he plunged into her sex, his pre covering her insides. She was close to orgasm, and wondered just how much stamina gryphon's had. She was in pure ecstasy, the powerful rod that was penetrating her now was the only grip on reality she had. She gasped he ploughed into her even harder. She didn't realize how far they had actually gone.

After a little while, she began to notice a sensation around the cock pounding her. He looked back and just managed to see the thick, bulbous knot had fully expanded and was hitting her outside, itching to come in. She was stunned, how had she gotten so much of his cock, it had to be at least nine inches. She tried to close her legs, but she didn't see any was that the knot could even come close to entering her, so she stopped. It got closer and closer, though, until finally, the gryphon tried to push in.

She screamed as her hole stretched extremely wide. she tried to stop it but the gryphon was so strong, it kept her open. She took the time to look between her legs, seeing the invading ball widen her past her limits. She clenched her fists and watched as the knot slowly, bit by bit, proceeded into her. Suddenly, with a soft plop it fell inside her abused vagina.

Jessica screamed out in pleasure and pain, she had never felt this full in her wildest dreams. The gryphon looked at her worriedly, now that his mind had come back to him, too see whether she was hurt. He was surprise to see a smile on her face when she turned weakly to look at him.

"Please, cum in me, give me your seed, finish me please," she groaned quietly. The gryphon pressed into he and made a few very short thrusts, his movement limited to the fact that they were both now tied together.

He continued for a minute before pushing in hard, making her lean back onto his cock as he blasted her insides with his thick, creamy gryphon cum. She orgasmed as well, clenching around his knot tightly as she bucked in pure pleasure. His orgasm lasted for minutes, shot after shot hitting her womb and going deep inside her body. When she physically couldn't take anymore it leaked around his tight knot and down her belly. She gasped at the warm juices flowing down her body, and into it. The gryphon continued to push seed into her; she couldn't believe they held this much, but then again, a while ago she didn't believe they existed. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his cock slowed to a stop and she dropped to the ground. He went down with her, landing right next to her.

She tried to stand up but couldn't move her body off of his raging knot, which was still locked inside of her.

Looking at him she said meekly, "how long does this thing stay inside of me?" The gryphon smiled at her and raised 2 digits.

"Two... hours?" she asked. The gryphon nodded, and she reached down to feel the place where their bodies joined. She touched his knot and slid some of his creamy cum off of it, putting it on her tongue.

"You're tasty, you know that," she laughed and the gryphon looked at her with twinkling eyes.

They lay there for ages, still basking in the afterglow and happy that they were still tied together. She didn't want him to pull out, ever. She rubbed her lower stomach and was surprised to feel his cock, pushed up deep into her body, still fully erect. She smiled and rubbed her belly some more, the gryphon shuffling a little in happiness.

He had finally gotten what he wanted, a lover and a mate and so had she. Jessica almost cried when the knot shrunk enough to slide out of her. Jessica stared in bewilderment as more than a litre of gryphon cum flowed out of her. No wonder she had felt so full. Jessica was close to getting up when suddenly, she noticed that the gryphon was still fully hard. She had read books about animals, like lions, who had the ability to have sex many times before they gave out.

Staring at the soaked meat she asked, "do you want to go again?"

As the gryphon slowly mounted her again, she knew this was going to be a night that would, blissfully, never end.