Luna Chapter 7 - Hungry Like the Wolf

Story by Hundredfold on SoFurry

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#7 of Luna

Luna Chapter 7 - Hungry Like the Wolf. Now that Ethan has taken her virginity, she's not shy about needing sex any more. She has presented to Ethan, and she expects him to mount her and take what she's giving him. A howl and a whine, I'm on the hunt, I'm after you. But who is the hunter, and who is the hunted?

New chapter every 2-3 days. If you like the story, please give it a star rating so more people will read it.

Ethan reached forward and put both hands on her ass, and spread her butt cheeks apart a little bit. He stared at her perfect pussy lips, then slid his tongue into her pussy. He held her butt cheeks apart as he tongue fucked her, making sure to hit her G spot as often as he could.

Luna had found a pillow to bite, and she was biting it. She had never done anything doggy style, not even when masturbating, so this was a whole new experience for her. Ethan's tongue in her cunt was incredible on its own, but Ethan's big strong hands gripping her ass brought it to a whole new level. She felt primal, she felt like a horny she-wolf making a claim on the biggest male in the pack.

She heard herself starting to growl. Softly at first, then a little bit louder. She bit into the pillow and growled a little bit louder until she felt Ethan pull his tongue out of her pussy.

She turned her head to look at him and bared her teeth. "Fuck me," she said with a little bit of growl in her voice. "Fuck me HARD."

Ethan was on the same wavelength she was, and he didn't say a word as he squared up behind her. He forcefully placed his hands on her ass and spread her butt cheeks apart, and positioned his rock hard dick at her vaginal opening, which was glistening with her natural lubrication.

It was the perfect height for his dick, and the perfect angle for maximum penetration. He made sure he was in the right place, and he pushed. Hard.

"HNNNNNNNGH", Luna yelled into her pillow as she felt Ethan's head and shaft enter her pussy all at once. He didn't give her any time to adjust as he started fucking her hard and fast.

"NNNGH NNNGH NNGH," she yelled in time with every thrust as she bit into her pillow. She felt his hands on her ass, pushing and pulling as his dick thrust powerfully in and out of her. She asked for it, she was getting it, and she loved every second of it. She was realizing now that this is what she needed - she needed to be FUCKED. She started moving her ass in time with his thrusts to get him in as deep as she could, and she could already feel an orgasm building up between her legs.

"Nngh nngh NNNNNAAAAAHHHHH", she cried as she came hard on Ethan's dick as he continued to fuck her.

She pushed back onto his dick as hard as she could as she came, and screamed in ecstasy into her pillow.

Ethan could feel her pussy contracting and squeezing his dick as he fucked her, and it only turned him on more that she was cumming so often. It made him want to try to get her to cum as often as he could, to give her the best experience possible.

He looked down to watch his big dick disappear into Luna's perfect pussy over and over again, and the sensations he was feeling, her tightness and the friction were so intense he had to try to think about other things just to keep himself from cumming too soon. And that view... that perfect ass and that tail, as he shoved his dick into her pussy just below her butt cheeks- it was almost more than he could stand. This was a fantasy come to life for him, and he was trembling a little bit and having real trouble controlling himself.

He challenged himself to make her cum again before he did, so he looked away from her ass and tried to concentrate on the wall and the color of the couch that was next to them as he continued to fuck her. He thought about how some guys had trouble getting a boner, or had trouble keeping it up, and how his situation was exactly the opposite. Luna was so intensely attractive to him, he thought that it might be possible for her to get him to cum just by bending over in front of him.

He tightened his grip on her butt and began to focus on getting his dick all the way in with every stroke. It meant slowing his pace down a little bit, but judging by the muffled moaning noises she began to make, it seemed like it was having the desired effect. He kept a steady pace, pushing all the way in with every stroke, and he could feel his balls slapping against Luna's labia and clitoris.

"Aah! Nnngh! Nnnf," Luna cried in time with Ethan's thrusts. It felt so god damn good she didn't know what to do with herself. Her submissive position with her butt in the air plus the way Ethan had grabbed her ass and mounted her was so carnally satisfying she didn't think she even wanted to try any other positions. She just wanted Ethan to mount her ass and fuck her for the rest of her time there.

The way Ethan was pushing his big dick all the way in with every stroke was definitely doing it for her, and she felt her loins heating up. She spread her legs a little more and shoved her butt backwards as she felt the orgasm reach critical. "NNNNGGGHH," she cried into her pillow as she came, squeezing Ethan's dick as hard as she could.

Not two seconds later, she felt his dick stiffen inside her, and she heard him yell out loud for the first time as he let loose with another load of hot cum, shooting it deep inside of her. She felt Ethan's hands gripping her ass much tighter, and he was trembling as cum continued to spurt out of his dick and deep inside her pussy. Like before, it was a big load and it felt like it just kept coming.

"Oh fuck, Ethan... yes," she said as she turned her head to look at Ethan with her tongue hanging out of her mouth.

"Nnngh," Ethan grunted as his dick continued to pulse and shoot cum into her. He looked down to see his engorged cock all the way up to his balls in Luna's pussy, and he could see little trickles of his cum starting to leak out around his shaft. His paws were still trembling as he held onto Luna's ass, and he finally stopped ejaculating into her. He stood there on his knees, panting heavily, and he could hear Luna panting too.

Neither of them wanted to separate, it felt too good for both of them. Ethan's view of Luna's attractive ass, her beautiful tail curled over her back, her gloriously tight pussy, and his dick inside of it was exquisite, he could stare at that all day. Luna, having experienced what it was like to have a big, cute boy mount her and fuck her, felt more like a woman than she had ever felt before. There was no end to the pleasure that Ethan was giving her, and she was desperate for it to continue.

As the adrenaline wore off, Ethan realized his knees were starting to hurt, so he begrudgingly began to pull his thick member out of Luna's pussy.

"Oh..." Luna whined with disappointment.

"Sorry, beautiful," Ethan said softly. "I have to give my knees a rest for a few minutes. Believe me, I don't want to pull out."

Ethan watched as the head of his dick emerged from Luna's pussy, and he fell over next to Luna on the bed. Luna fell over on her side so she was facing Ethan, passionately grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. She slid her tongue into his mouth and rubbed her body against his, holding his face and kissing him.

"You're amazing, baby," Ethan whispered into her mouth. "I've never been so turned on in my life."

"Good," she whispered back, "because you turn me on just as much."

Luna got up on her knees and pushed Ethan over so he was lying on his back. She took a moment to savor the view of his semi-hard dick lying on his belly, then she swung her leg over and straddled him. She kissed his mouth again, then moved her butt down his body until she could feel his dick touching her pussy.

"Mmm... but Luna-"

"I know, baby," Luna cooed at him. "You don't have to do anything. I just need it inside me."

She lifted her tail and reached behind her, gently taking Ethan's big dick in her paw. She held it up at an angle, and moved her butt backwards until she could feel his dick start to enter her pussy, then she pushed backwards as hard as she could.

"Nnnnngh," she gasped as it went all the way in. She pushed backwards to get it as deep inside her as she could, then she collapsed on Ethan's chest.

"Oooohhh god, Ethan..." she whimpered as she kissed him. "Can we stay like this for a while?"

Ethan wrapped his arms around Luna's body and returned her kiss. "As long as you want, beautiful."