Behind closed doors

Story by BloodyRoses on SoFurry

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My life was like any other teenage girls life, school, family, and annoying useless men.

Getting back to my family though, my mother is a human with a major furry fettish.

My father is different then Aio's.

Aio's father was an otter my mother's first husband.

When he found out about my mother being pregnant with her first child, he split.

My father was a neko, he was around for the first 3 years of my life.

But then one day that changed, he packed his bags & left my mother alone with me(3) & Aio(8).

My father I hated & most things never worked the way they were supposed to in this rechid house.

Mom & Aio argueing as usual & me with headphones glued to my ears while playing wii all day.

Mom was never home anymore though, either she was working overtime or out with her new boyfriend.

His name is Jon, he is literally, he's a pig.

I will never understand what attracted my mother to him, must of been the fuzzy fettish, but I guess it doesn't really matter as long as she's happy.

I laid in bed, relaxing from a long boring day.

Parents went to work so it was me & Aio(my older brother) alone in a big house with nothing to do.

As I lay there, Aio walked slyly through my bedroom door.

I looked at him in confusion & asked "What is it brother?". "

Nothing sis" he said reassuringly.

It was odd to see him home especially on a friday night.

He was usually out with his drop dead sexy friend, that i had fantisized about so many times before.

If only i knew who he was.

He sat on the edge of my bed & looked at me in a seductful manner.

I was always slightly attracted to my own brother, but today this feeling was heightened since we were home alone.

There was no way to get caught by anyone so we could explore eachother like we have before but hopefully this time more.

I sat up and rubbed his back, wrapped my arms around him then I slowly slid my hand down his chizzled abs & rubbed his slightly hard dick through his cargo pants.

He smiled and said, "Sis, what would you like to do?".

Smiling, I whispered in his ear, "I want to explore eachother like we used to do...but this time we can't get caught".

He pushed me back onto the bed & climbed ontop of me.

He growled & nipped at me.

His nipping turned into him being cute & flirty with me.

"My cute little kitten sissy want me?", he said in a sweet seductive voice.

"Yes brother. I want your 16 hard inches deep inside my tight wet kitten pussy" I replied in a cute voice.

" did you know how b..b...big I am?", he stamered.

"I have spyed on you in the shower a few times when you were playing with yourself a bit." I whispered in the cute voice once more.

"O...have you? Did you like what you saw?", he said in his cocky but seductful voice.

I nodded & blushed slightly.

Thinking about his sexy body & rock hard dick all wet from the shower made me twitch & get covered in my own juices.

I almost couldn't help myself from sliding my hand down my pants and rubbing my wet clit but he beat me to it.

His warm fuzzy paw pressed up aginst my inner thigh exploring me slowly.

His paw sliding up over my wet pussy and rubbing my clit.

I moaned softly & bit my bottom lip as he slid one of his fingers deep inside my wet warm pussy, exploring every inch of me. I knew that he hadn't had a girlfriend in over a month because of his tendensy to hurt girls during sex by his size alone. I've heard girls scream from his room in pure pain.

At that exact moment, I wanted to feel everything all those girls have ever felt as long as it was from him.

I begged for his hard cock as he fingered me quickly.

"PLEASE brother...please! I want you! I want you now!", I moaned out in pleasure.

"my oh my someone's being very perverted today", but then he whispered, "And that's how I like it!"

I smiled & purred in his ear.

He trembled & his tail swished back & forth playfully.

I had seen the neko girl he was with before purr in his ear & it drove him wild.

So to torture him I purred again but this time he slid his pants down & mine.

He got ontop of me and slowly rubbed his penis against my slit, I moaned softly.

"Are you ready sis?" he asked with a smile.

I nodded & he slid his cock 12 out of 16in into me.

He thrust in & out of me slowly at first then faster & faster pushing another 2in into me.

"This may hurt alittle sis. Think you can handle it?" he said caringly.

"Yes brother. I want all of you in me", I moaned to him.

He pulled back then thrust the last 2in into me, he was in the back of my womb with evry thrust he made.

Screaming in a mixture of pleasure and pain as he thrust all 16in into me.

He then pulled out completely, put me on my hands & knees, and slowly inch by inch slid back into my wet cunt.

He slid back out the same way then quickly forced himself all the way into the back of my womb again, making me bleed on my sheets. "Im gonna cum on your face since I can't cum inside you. I can't risk getting you pregnant & having mom question us", he forewarned me.

He was did hurt, but it would've been the best way to die, being split in half by him.

I screamed out in pain & pleasure, "YES!!! O BROTHER!!! YES!!! Im gonna cum!!!!".

I began to tremble as I started to cum.

He moved faster as I came all over his hard throbbing dick.

He moaned, his dick heated up inside me, and he pulled out as he grew to the peak of his orgasim.

He moaned loudly & came all over my face.

" little sis looks so sexy with my cum on her face", he said with a slight giggle in his voice.

I smiled & licked off the cum that slid onto my upper lip. He took care of me, cleaning me off head to toe then we pulled our pants back on.

We laid on the bed, sweaty & tired. I closed my eyes as did he, I cuddled up to him, and looked up at him lovingly while nuzzling him. He smiled & nuzzled me right back til we fell asleep for only 15minutes. Aio sat up, slid his pants half way down & started to stroke his rock hard cock. I sat up & watched him as he aroused me. Faster & faster he stroked himself. "sis, slide your pants down & come here", he said while patting his lap. I did as he said, I lowered myself onto his dick & wrapped my legs around his waist. I rocked back and forth as his cock moved deep inside my cunt making me wetter than I already was. After a minute of me doing him, he grabbed ahold of me & pushed me back while still inside me. He smiled down at me as I smiled up at him, pushing himself deep inside my womb making me scream in pleasure. He thrust deep inside me harder & faster, holding onto my hips & growling in pleasure. As his thrusts grew faster & harder my breathing became short until i was gasping as I began to cum. He felt me tighten around him as my juices flowed all around his hard cock, this brought him to the edge. He pulled out & came all over my belly. He pulled his pants back on, licked my cheek & left the room. I got dressed & laid in my sweat drenched bed; naked.