Riding the Pipeline

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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#4 of Not Easy Being a Stripper

Relaxation. Just calm, blissful, wonderful relaxation. That was all that was on DJ's mind for once as he laid out his blanket on the hot sand. He moved his sunglasses down the bridge of his beak, looking over the waves with a smile. Oh, sure, he'd come to the public beach for once but that didn't change how peaceful it was.

He stabbed his umbrella into the sand, laid out his blanket and set his cooler down next to the blanket. He sighed lightly as he lay down on his blanket, making sure that nothing showed under his swim trunks as he closed his eyes and let the heat of the sun and the rushing of the waves lull him into a peaceful state. He reached into his cooler and pulled out a cola, slowly nursing it as the sun slowly moved across the sky, the sound of many other beach goers just barely registering to his peace-filled mind.

This vacation had come at Calvin's suggestion, of course, mostly to get the nocturnal bird out into the sun again. And DJ had to admit he'd been losing a lot of his bright colors by being out of the sunlight, his black and purple feathers had faded into a stony grey and a faded purple.

He gave a gentle sigh and moved the umbrella a little bit as the sun moved again, letting the rays beat down on his body. He was rather thankful for the thicket of feathers along his form that kept him from getting sunburnt, leaving him free to sunbathe to his content.

A shadow descended on him, making him stir out of his relaxation for a brief second to look at the cause of it. A shadowed face with a dorsal fin jutting out at the top left no clues to the sunshades identity, making DJ tilt his head a little bit. Finally, the phoenix spoke up, just loud enough to not be heard by anyone else around.

"Excuse me, can you please move? I just wanna sunbathe today and you're kinda blocking the sun." The body belonging to the unidentifiable person moved, revealing more features. A light grey body with a bright white stomach could only mean one thing, in addition to the quite literally sharp smile. A great white shark.

The voice that came from the creature was quite shocking. Instead of a heavy bass it was was almost a light alto, floating from the shark. "Sorry, thought you were asleep. Hard to tell with those dark shades you're wearing, dude. Can I at least buy ya a coney dog in apology?"

DJ mentally rolled his eyes as he recognized the accent that only a surfer or a stoner could pull off but decided to take the offer, having forgotten to pack a lunch for himself once he thought about it. He nodded and slowly stood up, shaking the sand out of his feathers despite not remembering being in the sand at all.

"Sure, sure. Can I get a name from you too? Mine's DJ, by the way." The phoenix extended his hand, to have it grasped by the shark. It was once again the opposite that DJ would have thought, dry and scaly instead of slick and rubbery.

"Oh, oh yeah. Sure thing, dude. The name's Barrel, but everyone calls me B.R. Ya know. Short for barrel roll or something'. Anyway, dog stand's a little walk that way." The shark pointed far down the beach, where DJ could just barely make out a wooden building on the horizon. Before DJ could react, Barrel was walking down the sandy beach, leaving DJ to play catch up.

As they walked, DJ caught himself looking over the shark even more, now that he could see. Not much muscle tone to the shark, but there was a sense of strength there, probably born of liquid lean muscle underneath his skin. The shark was definitely not shy about his washboard stomach and firm legs, leaving nothing hidden behind a speedo that covered up the essentials. DJ looked a bit closer and found himself staring at the fact that, despite the clear masculinity, the shark made almost no bulge whatsoever inside his speedo.

He'd been about to jog a little bit ahead, when he walked almost headlong into the very building that they'd been attempting to go to, falling back on the sand with a sharp cry. He reached up to his head and gave a forced hiss as he felt the knot that was already forming.

"You okay dude?" The shark kneeled next to him and gently helped the phoenix up, DJ staggering slowly to his feet. Barrel looked into the hot dog stand and made a motion with his hand, instantly getting an ice pack from the owner which was promptly applied to the knot. "Can ya hold that there while I get our food, bro? That had to sting, you ran into the trim, man."

DJ nodded, thankful for his feathers covering a blush that was burning his cheeks, gently holding the ice to his head with a little sigh. He watched as the people in the stand worked fast on making two coney island dogs, complete with chili, cheese, and a little bit of mustard on Barrel's. DJ noticed that his vision was a little bleary in his right eye, but it wasn't that bad for now.

The phoenix gingerly accepted the offered coney dog and took a grateful bite out of it, feeling his head throb just a bit with each chew. After they'd both taken a small bite out, they started walking back to DJ's campsite with no audio or visual cues from the other. As they walked, they ate and as they ate, they talked.

"So you're sure you're okay, dude? You fell right down on your butt after that one and that knot was pretty bad..." Barrel genuinely had a look of concern, his sea green eyes flickering a bit with worry, even though the two had met not more than twenty minutes ago.

DJ nodded slowly, inviting another pained throb from his head. "Yeah, yeah. Hurts a little bit, but nothing's damaged. Least, I don't think so." He chuckles softly as they arrive at the site, DJ sitting down on his blanket while Barrel sat on the hot sand.

For a while, both ate in silence, the phoenix stealing more glances than normal at the shark's body. Thanks to the broadness of his tail, the shark had had little choice in body wear, no speedos having the proper sized exit for a tail. His tail hung over the elastic, leaving just a brief glimpse of the shark's butt in open view. DJ stifled a giggle as he finished off the rest of his hot dog and started fishing around in his cooler.

"You want anything to drink? I got cola and dew, if you want one." DJ smiled a bit as the shark held out a hand with a toothy grin.

"Dew me, dude." The drink in question was handed over and promptly opened by the shark, followed by a few quick chugs and the crush of the bottle as it was emptied. The shark lay back against the sand with a little burp, looking up at the phoenix with a grin. "So, ya ever been surfing or you just like to swim?"

DJ shook his head. "I like swimming for sure, but I love to sunbathe a good bit more. Helps me keep my feathers their bright colors, though I've been slacking off lately as you can see." DJ giggled softly as he looked back out over the waves, a little sigh passing through his chest. He looked just in time to see a devilish smile passing along the shark's face.

"Wanna try?" The shark stood slowly, looking down at the bird and offering a hand. DJ couldn't help but take the offer, more than eager to now that he thought about it. He grabbed the shark's hand without a second's hesitation...


"Ahhh! We're gonna crash into the chute! Pull us back, Barrel!" DJ tapped furiously on the shark's shoulder as his other arm wrapped in a deathgrip around the Barrel's abdomen, the bird desperate for some kind of security. The shark just laughed at his cries of fright and brought them closer and dipped his hand into the water, the wave slowly crashing behind them.

Somehow one of the most frightening was becoming the most fun as the bird started to let go of the steady shark, following Barrel's motions with his own paw and taking some kind of excitement out of the water just being there around them. And then Barrel did the unthinkable and popped up to the top of the wave, sending them careening over the other side with a huge splash.

They both sat on the board for a bit as the wave raced away from them, eventually breaking up about twenty feet from shore, DJ shaking what water he could out of his feathers. He looked at Barrel with almost a death glare, before cracking a little grin. "That was entirely evil of you, you know." And he gave the shark a playful swat.

The shark nudged back with a chuckle of his own. "Nah, Deej. I'm too confident on a board to do that to you! Besides, be a shame to getcha wet." The shark grinned a bit and patted the phoenix's shoulder. Without a second thought, DJ lay back with his head on Barrel's lap, looking up at him, making the shark fidget a little.

Barrel's face instantly turned into a grin and looked out to shore, a good fifty yards or so away, then on the other side of them. "Hey, we're all alone until another wave comes and there seems to be no sign of one coming..."

DJ grinned wider than ever, if that was possible. A grin like... well, rather like the cat that ate the canary. "So I see... now what did the shark have in mind? Nothing about going all predatory on a bird like me, surely?" DJ was regretting the words as they left his mouth, he'd just met this shark and yet... here he was, probing the depths of the shark's mind if it was a quicky that Barrel had in mind...

But his fears were quickly assuaged in the most unexpected way possible, when the shark's paw gripped firmly at his groin and stroking the sheath hidden behind the swim trunks. DJ gasped out softly as he pressed back against the gentle motions, looking up at the shark and finding one of the most predatory grins he'd ever seen on someone. Maybe it was the teeth, maybe it was the power the shark held over the situation... or hell, it could have been the paw rubbing quite firmly at his groin that started to bring the phoenix's arousal to full force.

Beak and lips slowly met in a kiss as the shark flipped DJ around and pinned him against the surf board, grinding their crotches together forcibly with a groan. Their tongues were in a constant battle to slip in the other's mouth, but they both managed to keep their heads enough to get naked and slip their trunks onto the front of the board so they didn't float away. From there it was all downhill as newly exposed bodies were explored.

DJ was the first to take an interest in the shark's body, noting readily that his assumptions of the shark missing the bulge of a male was not without reason. The shark had a slit instead of a sheath, but it was quickly being overtaken by the girthy shaft that quickly slid out of it as they made out slowly and grinded against each other. The shaft was the generic red color but the shape... oooh, the shape was something of an interest. The phoenix slowly took control and explored that meat with his paw as well as his eyes, the feathered palm brushing along the ridges along the base and ending at the almost barb-shaped tip.

"O.. oooh. DJ. That feels good..." Was all the shark moaned out softly as the phoenix lightly pinched under the barb shaped tip, a toothy grin spreading along the shark's face. "Bu... but as good as that is... be better if it was slickened up for later... yeah?" The shark left no other clues and slowly sat back, his legs spread wide with his thick rod throbbing needily in the air.

But the hint wasn't lost on DJ. He did this kind of thing for a living! He quickly clambered up onto all fours, a little shakey at first from the motions of the sea around them, but he soon got his footing. And just as soon as he did, his beak was wrapped around the shaft and quickly taking it to the root, tongue flicking out all around it. He felt the shark grab a fistful of his head feathers and moan out to the open sky and the sun high overhead, gyrating his hips slowly against the wonderful mouth clamped around his length. Barrel's body stiffened quite suddenly and moaned as he let out a squirt of pre into DJ's beak, which was quickly slathered along that same member again with the phoenix's tongue.

"Mm... think you're ready, sharky." DJ giggled softly and pulled away from the member, giving the tip a little kiss. The shark gave a healthy laugh and lay back on his side of the board, beckoning with a finger.

"Then come join me, birdy. I got a nice spear to go fishing with..." Barrel grinned wide, his accent dropping away as he exposed himself. The invitation was quickly accepted as DJ climbed on, shaking a little as the board tipped perilously close to falling backwards, but it righted itself easily enough when he pushed his hips back against Barrel's. That initial penetration was... almost bliss in just a single second, that barbed tip pressing firmly against his insides as it slid slowly into the phoenix's body. Both of them cried out softly in arousal as DJ finally hit the base, putting both of his paws carefully on the shark's chest.

A simple nod between the both of them was all the assurance they needed to know they were both ready, DJ slowly lifting himself up with his legs and arms, then letting gravity take its course and send him back down along the shaft. If the penetration had been bliss, this was quickly becoming heaven! The tip of that shaft was long enough to stab perfectly against his prostate and that same barb dragged along his insides so perfectly... it was no small wonder that the phoenix didn't just orgasm then and there. DJ leaned down and quickly swept the shark into another kiss, his tongue quickly winning the clash of passion as he forced his tongue past the shark's lips. He dragged all over the inside of the shark's mouth, darting easily away from the sharpness of the fangs and just savoring the closeness between the two of them.

He stopped his motions against the shark's member for just a second before he started to gyrate his hips, not pulling the shaft out but dragging it around his insides and making the both of them moan. But just as soon as he took this little detour, he was back on the main course as he squeezed tightly around the girth and slid back up it before crashing down with gravity again.

The ocean spray and wind was salty in their nostrils, but both had the feeling that the air around them would smell much different in just a few, to them, short moments even as the sun high overhead beat down on them. The heat on the phoenix's back was invigorating while the sea around him was calming, both forces working to bring the maximum passion out of the two lovers as they made love on the surfboard with nothing but nature around them. And the fact that if another surfer came by or a boater happened to pass them... it was something that made the moment all the more exhilarating! Both of them were starting to reach that finale to end all finales, showing clearly in their faces as they worked together to make it as wonderful as possible for both of them.

But it was soon over, DJ being the first one to fall victim to his body's desires as the thick rushes of seed spilled out of his ebony cock and splattered along the shark's front, the ropes barely showing up on Barrel's chest. The shark was soon to follow as he hit his own, that shaft seeming to swell with the force of the orgasm built up inside before the whole dam burst. Thin streams of the shark's seed splattered into DJ's body, seeming to fill him up to the brim as the bird collapsed on the shark's chest, heaving out a sigh of bliss as he just lay there with the shark still deep inside of him.

"Oooh... you were wonderful, DJ... not bad for a first time on a surf board, huh?" Barrel smiled faintly and gently groped the phoenix's rear. DJ couldn't stifle the ‘mmm' of pleasure as he pressed back against the groping paw.

"Nah... it was definitely a wonderful experience... one that I wouldn't mind repeating. Got plans for next weekend?" Both of them shared a laugh, and then a kiss, both enjoying the other's company as they waited for nature to let them go back to the land again.


The day had ended long ago, the golden tinges of the sky turning to a deep red as the sun slowly sank past the clouds. DJ grinned to himself as he grabbed his umbrella from the sand and slung the folding apparatus over his shoulder. He followed that by slinging the cooler's strap over his other, finally grabbing the blanket. He giggled as he felt a paw grope his rear, leaning against the owner of that paw as the shark walked beside him.

"I think I'll have to look you up again.." Barrel smiled a bit. "You said you worked at the Rainbow Shell?" DJ nodded emphatically.

"Sure do, just mention you know me at the door of course... or you could ask for me by name. I'm sure Calvin wouldn't mind me taking a night off..."

Both shared a laugh and walked off the beach, eventually going their separate ways, but they both knew that they'd see each other again... maybe even within the week..