Training Day Part One

Story by tiger-stripes on SoFurry

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#5 of Smexy Fur Boys-Wlcome to the family

  Tory had been an unwilling quest in the lion's beautiful, but dark home for over a week now and everyday felt longer then the last. He felt like he lost himself, and felt more alone then he ever did. His only comfort was that he was excused from the daily rapes his fellow captives suffered, their pained cries, and beds hitting the wall haunted his dreams. He sometimes wondered if his deceased parents could see his plight, but thinking of them watching as he was humiliated and turned into a sex toy for males to use and toss aside like garbage depressed him even more.

Today was the day Tory dreaded, for today was his first day in training. He tossed and turned most of the night thinking about what was in store for him, he wasn't particularly looking forward to this morning. He awoke early, stretching and yawned as he glanced at the alarm clock finding wake up calls weren't for another half hour. Through the gossamer curtains he could see the slowly rising sun; the sky was alive with the colors of a fresh, new morn. He still and 45 minutes before Diesel came down form his private wing of the house to wake him.

He sighed and decided to sleep a bit more before his training begins; he didn't have the motivation to wake up yet. He slowly rolled over on his side facing the door, hope to catch at least a half's worth of extra sleep. But he wasn't alone in his soft, huge, king sized bed he was nose to nose with a stranger. He instantly sprang up fully awake, and terrified. He held his breath thinking one of Diesel's men snuck into his room and fell a sleep; he was relieved when he found a boy a year older then him glad in the identical collar and purple jock he had on.

He look at the stranger, it was a dog-a chocolate lab to be precise. The lab was named Hunter and was 19 years old. He was as tall as Tory, and had a well developed, lean, muscular frame similar to Tory's only a bit broader. He had a handsome, puppyish face that seemed very warm, and gentle. He was breathing softly and made small, barely auditable snoring sounds, and sometimes making a silly, rather goofy grin.

Tory hesitated before reaching out his hand to gently shake the dog awake, but he didn't even stir. Tory felt awkward, he never had anyone mysteriously crawl into his bed before. He tried again adding a bit more force, still the lab didn't stir. Tory looked at the clock, only 15 more minutes before Diesel knocks on his door and waltzes in his room. He didn't want to be caught like this, and didn't want to get punished for breaking a rule. "Um...excuse me...please wake up!" he said as he tried again to wake the sleeping pooch, "we'll both get punished if we're caught!" His heart suddenly beat faster when he heard the sound of the door knob turning; he thought it might be Diesel or Axe.

Tory's pulse quickened as the door creaked open, time seemed to slow down. He bit his bottom lip hoping it wasn't the "master". "Hey man, sorry if I woke you. I was just wondering if you seen a dopey looking lab...ah ha, so this where he ended up." said half wolf a few years older then Tory. Tory sighed with relief. The wolf breed was also glad in the purple jock, and diamond collar, but Tory noticed both the lab and wolf mix had D-shaped, solid gold tags attacked to their collars. Tory wondered why he didn't have one, and didn't particularly want to know the answer.

The half wolf/husky was Lance, age 24, was the first fur boy and Diesel's personal sex slave since the wolf dog was 16. He had scruffy, black fur with a mixture of red/brown/tan tones subtlety mixed to lighten the dark fur. He was 5'11 and had a body like an Abercrombie model. He was good looking with piercing, steel hard, silvery eyes and a somewhat moody expression, yet somehow it seemed to make him sexier. He reminded Tory of the bad boys from TV that his female friends liked, wild, untamed, rebellious.

Lance looked over the new "brother", and was blinded by how "beautiful" the tiger was. He was perfect with slender shoulders, cute face like a girl, hot body, and sexy. His eyes were magnetic, warm, expressive, and soothing like two huge pool of ocean water that almost seemed magical. Lance could see why Diesel hastily made him part of his harem, the tiger was incredible hot and seems so pure and innocent like fallen snow glistening in the sun. Plus his small town naivety was charming.

"I see you met, Hunter. Sorry about this, he sleep walks sometimes and ends up in someone else room. Don't worry he's harmless." said Lance trying to reassure his new "little brother".

"I's not that I don't mind, it's just a little strange to wake up with a half naked boy in my room. I feel relieved knowing that he won't attack me like..."Tory said unable to finish his sentence, he felt Goosebumps remembering how horrifying that first was.

"So why don't I wake this dopey bed hopper up, and we can head down to breakfast okay?" Lance said noticing how tense Tory looked; he understood how he must feel. He too felt like that, still does even though he won't admit it. Lance stuck a finger in his mouth and walked up to the sleeping mutt, he chuckled playfully as he prepared to wake the lab. He carefully back the lab's floppy ear and stuck his wet finger in the dog's ear, "wake up, sunshine."

Hunter felt the soaking wet finger enter his ear and jolted awake springing up right spying the smirk on the older fur boy's face. "Lance, you jerk, that's gross! What's the idea of coming in my room and doing something so juvenile?!" said Hunter annoyed and a bit angry. His honey colored eyes focused intensely on Lance's steely silvery grey ones.

"Love ya too, sweetheart...but I'd take a look at whose in bed with you." replied Lance nodding toward Tory's direction. Hunter turned his head to spot a white tiger knelt on the bed looking at him with deep baby blues, he suddenly felt stupid and embarrassed that he didn't notice until now.

"I slept walked again...? I'm sorry...I didn't really mean to bother you. I thought I was in my room." Hunter said trying to sound cool and collected, "I'm Hunter by the way." Hunter reached out his hand offering it to Tory.

"I'm Tory; it's nice to meet you." Tory replied shaking the lab's hand, Hunter thought the tiger's smile was really cute. Little did the 3 half naked furs know that some was watching them; a tall dark figure stood in the open door with a smirk across his face.

"My, my aren't I lucky to witness such a thing first thing in the morning." said Diesel as he leaned against the door frame in a pair of black silk pajama pants, "Three of my best boys in one room waiting for attention from their master."

"Don't flatter yourself, ya mangy pole cat!" replied Lance with a snarl, the air became heavy. It was no secret that Lance was a rebel and disobedient; in fact, Lance had seen the basement playroom more then cared to admit. He wasn't so easily tamed, nor was he easy to handle when Diesel wasn't around to keep on a leash (literally); in fact, he was usually with Diesel at all times when the lion wasn't in the house. He was the only one without a buyer, as he's "objected" one too many times to being treated like a "boy toy". More often then not, Lance was in trouble for knocking a few goons' teeth out (including Axe), refusing to follow Diesel's orders, and escaping from Diesel's third floor wing every chance he got such as this morning.

"Hunter, please escort Tory to the dinning room for breakfast. You better hurry, the chief made those buttermilk pancakes you like with the strawberries in them. I know that they're your favorite." said Diesel warmly. Hunter's ears perked up at the mention of fluffy, warm, delicious pancakes, he felt his stomach grumbling waiting for them. Hunter liked to eat and could eat anything he wanted without gaining a single pound; it was mystery to science to where he packs it all away.

"Yes master. C'mon Tory, you'll like em. Let's go before the guys eat them all." said Hunter grabbing Tory's hand and helped his off the bed. He pulled Tory along with him happily thinking about the delicious pancakes he loved, Tory didn't know what to think. Hunter was so pleasant and excited with a cute grin on his mug, Tory just let himself be lead by his chocolate lab "brother". Diesel stepped aside smiling as his two newer boy toys left the room and ventured down the stair to the table.

Lance stood there eyeing Diesel as he entered the room closing the door behind him. Diesel's tall, powerful, perfectly sculpted muscular body covered in light tawny fur seemed to darken and glow evilly as the crisp morning sunlight shown on him highlighting his impressive form. "I'm amazed that you were able to remove that ankle restraint I placed on you. Here I thought I found a way to keep my little wolfie locked in his cage, you're too damn clever for your own good. But this about that,'s about something else, something you seem to forget. In private I don't mind that your disobedience; in fact, I find it quite charming. But you are to address me with respect outside my private wing, I'll have to punish you for showing your master disrespect." said Diesel darkly and dominantly as he moved closer to Lance who was unfazed.

"Kiss mine, alley cat! Like I'd respect some creep who tricks unsuspecting people and force them to serve you and your twisted friend's perverted needs!" Lance replied with a growl; he knew Diesel's head games better then anyone and wasn't going to let himself get trapped in it. "It'll be a cold day in hell before that happens, ya mangy dirt bag!"

Diesel, without warning, back handed his "pet" wolf dog with brutal strength causing him to lose to stagger backward toward the bed. In a flash Diesel pushed Lance on the bed and got on top of him. Lance fought back with everything he had and managed to clock the lion once, before ultimately being pinned down. Lance was forced on to his stomach his face pressed against the mattress and one of his arms pulled behind his back by a strong grip. He felt a knee press into his back causing him to yelp, he gritted his teeth in anger. Diesel proudly chuckled at his first slave boy's attempt to defeat him, it aroused him.

"Fuckin' bastard...!" said Lance through gritted teeth trying not to cry out when he felt the lion's knee press into his spine just enough to cause pain but not enough to cause damage.

"I'm not going to punish you, my sexy little mutt...that's what you want isn't, so you can challenge me? No, it does no good to punish you as you still refuse to follow my orders and we play like this..." Diesel said as he leaned down to whisper in the still fighting halfer's ear, "I know you care for the others, my darling pet. And I know you would do anything to protect them from being unnecessarily disciplined...especially if you were the cause of it."

"W...what are you...getting at?" said Lance trying to throw the lion off him; he winced when he felt sharp teeth nibble on his ear.

"Every time you act up in a way I disapprove of, one of your "brothers" will be punished in your place...while you watch unable to help them. It would hurt me to resort to such barbaric tactics, but you leave me with no other choice. I think I'll start with my new kitten...his beautiful, sweet face crying out in pain, those majestic blue pearls filled with tears as he's struck with a whip. Heart breaking isn't it?" Diesel cooed heavily into his first fur boy's ear in a sinister tone.

Lance growled angrily, he knew Diesel was a tyrant but this was new low even for him. Lance saw each of his seven "brothers" come from a normal, everyday, happy life to being a sex slave catering to a sinister lion and his friends. Being forced to perform for millions of pawing men unaware that the rough sex they were pleasuring themselves to was real. Being rented out to other twisted minds and molested against their wish, he's experienced that and more. After lance was recaptured by Diesel he vowed to protect his "kin" anyway he could, even if it meant taking their punishment for them. He didn't care, because over time he became close with them and became the family he never had. "So, will you continue to fight and act out...or yield to me and follow my orders like a good little pet?" said Diesel biting the pinned down wolf breed's ear.

"F...fine...I'll listen." replied Lance defeated and not liking it. But as much he'd rather clock Diesel and make his life as difficult as possible, the truth was he couldn't bare the thought of seeing anyone hurt because of something he did. He knew Diesel was a man of his word and would do it just to see Lance squirm. He felt as if he was chosen the greater of two evils, he hated it.

"What was that? I didn't hear you say the magic word." stated Diesel with a growl placing pressure on Lance's spine.

"I...I'll listen...Master!" Lance felt sick, the word ‘master' left a foul taste in his mouth. It took a lot for him to muster up the words, let alone mean it even slightly.

"Good choice..." said Diesel getting off the wolf dog and standing at side of the bed with a bulge forming under neither the black, silky fabric. "Seeing as how we didn't play this morning...I want my new obedient pet to show how sorry he is for disrespecting his kind master." Lance growled spying the cocky, evil grin plastered across the lion's mug like a twisted Cheshire cat. "Please me, my pet. Show me that you can follow my commands and I'll forget about you rudeness earlier...if not I'll give the order to bring one of your dear friends to the playroom for punishment. Which will it be?"

Lance knelt on the bed glaring at the lion with ice cold fury, his fists tightened and every muscle in his body shook. He sighed out of frustration; he was trapped between a rock and a hard place. He felt like he had chosen the greater of two evils. He reluctantly crawled closer to Diesel reaching out to untie the draw string of the silky pajama bottoms. "That's a good pet, take my cock out and apologize." cooed Diesel huskily, yet, sinisterly. His deep, throaty voice was almost like a slap in the face for Lance.

Lance untied the string and pulled the pants down slightly exposing the lion's red, thick 9 inches peeking out of the sheath. Lance bent down as low as he could and slowly licked the furry cock cover, one hand messaged Diesel's heavy nuts. Lance licked along the sheath, his huge, raspy wolf tongue slid up to the partly exposed meaty lion cock. He licked the exposed flesh expertly, and placed small kisses at the tip. Diesel groaned huskily enjoying the halfer's expert attention, in minutes he was fully erect, his thick 9 inch lion member stood proudly like a red monument.

Lance lapped at the pole before opening his mouth and deep throated his "master's" cock in one gulp. Diesel moaned a deep feeling Lance's wet, tight throat gently squeezing his meat stick, Lance pulled back dragging his lips across the meaty shaft until just the tip was left in his mouth. He licked and sucked on the tip causing the lion to moan a deep throaty moan, before descending all the way back down deep throating it expertly. "Mmm...that feels great my pet...keep going." said Diesel placing his large, monstrous paw on the sucking wolf dog's head helping guide him.

Lance bobbed his head back and forth as he buried the ramrod deep in his throat, twisting and corkscrewing his mouth around the spit slick dick. Lance wanted to make the lion cum as fast as possible, every minute of this was agonizing to him. He feverishly sucked, nibbled, and licked making Diesel moan. Diesel groaned loudly as the wolf's head bobbed up and down his member, it was fantastic but he was fully in the mood for a good fuck and Lance was the best at pleasing him given the right motivation. "That's it, my boy...mmm yeah...get that hard dick nice and wet, because I want you to ride it. I want to see you riding me like a good slave boy." said gruffly and dominantly.

Lance moaned angrily around his master's dick, he hated having to suck the barby, leaking, lion dick but hated even more the thought of degrading himself further by willingly and without complaint giving his ass to the lion. He felt disgusted with himself, but Diesel's treat was no threat and he knew it. Lance swallowed his pride, which wasn't easy for him to do. He felt dirty.

Lance stopped sucking the lion's meat pole and hesitantly straddled Diesel's waist, rising slightly to rub the angry red feline dick against his tail hole. He knew Diesel wouldn't let him end it quickly as he enjoyed seeing Lance further degrade himself. "You're a hungry bitch aren't you, my pet? Look at you acting like a street whore looking for his next fix...but I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you beg me for the privilege of my dick up your naughty wolfie ass." said Diesel with a lewd, cocky, and victorious grin plastered across his face. Lance growled to himself, he wanted to hit the lion and knock the grin right off his face. But as tempting as it was, Diesel left him with no other recourse.

"Please master...I want it really bad...I want to be your bitch, fuck me hard master...please." Lance reluctantly begged feeling degraded and miserable. He moaned as his teased the lion's member messaging it with his crack; Diesel chuckled softly enjoying Lance humiliating himself. Diesel smile grew creepier like a Grinch who stole a little girl's lollipop; Lance brought the tip to his hole and forced it inside his canal.

He slowly started to descend down the lion's meat pole inched after inch entered his tight dry honey hole. It hurt a little, but Lance was used to being fucked raw by Diesel and countless others over the years. He had half of the lion's meat pole crammed up his tight dry hole; his eyes met Diesel dark orbs with contempt and bitterness.

Diesel moaned as Lance impaled himself on his organ, the warm, gripping, velvet tunnel felt incredible on his dick. Lance finally reached bottom burying the thick feline pole fully in his rectum, Lance slowly ascending up the steel hard flag pole and lodged back deep inside his ass again. He ground his ass against the lion's groin, knowing that his lion captor was feeling good and would probably come soon. He worked his ass expertly on the pole lodged inside his body controlling the speed.

Diesel sat back watching his first pet fucking himself on his pole, he loved how Lance tighten his hole squeezing his feline sex organ like a good sex slave should. He moaned at the erotic contracting, but knew Lance was using the techniques he learned as a teen to make their "play time" shorter. He wasn't going to have that; he was a man who enjoyed control after all. As Lance rose up, Diesel quickly flipped over so Lance was on his back; the lion grabbed the senior fur boy's legs and pressed his knees to his chest leaving the expert wolf hole vulnerable. "Now it's time to give yourself to me and take my dick like the expert bitch you are." said Diesel as he shoved his half of his full length deep into Lance's hole, Lance yelped as he felt the spear burrow itself into his innards.

Diesel pulled out so just the tip of impressive sausage remained in the wolf's back side; he slammed forward hard burying his might meat spear deep into the halfer's back passage. He continued the same maneuver 10 more times, making Lance wince as he felt his hole stretched painfully by the lion's member.

Lance grasped the bed sheets tightly as Diesel powerfucked him totally dominating his poor straining ass hole, the cum the lion dumped inside his canal last night made the plowing a little easier but not entirely. Diesel never was this forceful before, Diesel preferred to make love instead of brutally tear his harem boy's hole apart. He groaned in pain as the lion thrust furiously into his screaming hole, he hoped Diesel would cum soon.

Diesel grunted like a wild animal as he raped his pet's ass pussy, he huffed with every hard, savage slam into the wet, velvet walls. He felt the hot ooze boiling in his nuts ready to explode inside the fuckboy, he was seriously power driving his thick feline fuck stick home. He roared as he slammed one last time bottoming out, his cock flexed and thickened as his hot, thick baby juice flooded the wolf's dog honey pot. Lance felt the slime fill his battered guts, he felt disgusted. He could felt relieved the assault was over, but wanted to wash the sweat and ooze away.

Diesel slowly withdrew feeling content, as his flag pole exited a glob of cum leaked out of his pet's hole, he really filled him up. Lance felt the glob run down his crack and grimaced, he felt sick to his stomach. Diesel got off the bed pulling up his bottoms and retying the drawstring, he sighed refreshingly and looked at his first harem boy who looked uncomfortable as he tried to get up. "Now that we've finished our morning exercise, we better head down stairs and get some breakfast. You have a solo show today and will need your strength." said Diesel in a calm voice as if nothing happened, it pissed lance off they way Diesel acted like raping him was

"What? Can't I clean up a little first, master?" Lance said holding back his anger, even though all he wanted to do was punch the cockily grinning lion. He didn't want anyone to know about this, especially the cute tiger housemate.

"No, my word is law and therefore you must obey...or are you refusing my request?" smiled Diesel as he stared directly into Lance's eyes, Lance snarled defiantly. Lance turned away from the gaze sighing hopelessly knowing Diesel never said anything he didn't mean. He had to protect his family, no matter how much he had to endure.

"I'm sorry...master. I won't refuse you again, please forgive me" said Lance as he felt his stomach turn, it was hard to let go of his pride.

"You're forgiven, my pet. Now go." commanded Diesel. Lance got off the bed and slowly walked out of the room leaving Diesel alone. The lion admired his handy work as he watched Lance exit cum dripping from his ass hole like tree sap, he was rather proud of himself. He left the room and ventured down strains to eat some breakfast for today was a busy day for him. Tonight he was hosting a party with his close personal business contacts, buyers who pay handsomely to "play" with the fucktoy of their liking, and to launch his latest business plan, there was also his kitten's training to attend to. In just a few weeks time was his web sites anniversary launch party and he planned something special to show his horny and supportive site members.