Birthday Special!

Story by Ky the wolf on SoFurry

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I didn't feel like re-explaining each character again, because well I didn't think of that until after I had it completed it. All of these characters come from my new story ‘Boundless'.

This is a gift, to myself for my birthday... selfish you say? Well you can shuddup >:3

(note: you can find the information on all of the characters on my DA eh..) ky-the-wolf

"Where's Kolynn?" Ex asked Shadow who had been rummaging around the living room for some time now waking him from his light slumber. "And what in the world can you be looking for this early in the morning?"

"I need to find Kolynn's notebook." Shadow replied with urgency in his voice. "He's still sleeping in his bedroom."

"Why, what's his notebook have to do with anything?" Ex asked as Bear and Ryu began to wake up slowly dragging themselves up off of the pallet in the living room.

"God, what time is it you guys?" Ryu questioned as he began stretching his large wings outward before letting out a loud yawn.

"Aint yall know it aint nice to wake a man when he's sleepin?" Bear fumbled with a slight hangover as he stood up and sat on the coffee table.

"It's 4:30 in the morning." Shadow answered as he rummaged through the computer desk. "Has anyone seen Kolynn's notebook?"

"What do you need the thing for?" Ex asked again getting slightly annoyed at seeing Shadow so anxious.

"Today... is Kolynn's birthday, and I don't know what he wants." Shadow answered letting out an annoyed sigh, still not finding the thing which he was looking for. "He's always writing something in there."

"His birthday?!" Ryu asked with excitement. "Why didn't you say so? Last night he placed his notebook under the couch before he went to bed so he wouldn't loose it."

"Alright then, so what's his notebook have to do with anythin?" Bear asked as he stood up at the end of the couch and easily lifted it's end high into the air revealing the small black notebook lying on the ground.

"I don't know, I'm hoping he'll have some sort of information on something he might want or like to have." Shadow said quickly grabbing the notebook and scanning it page by page with hurry. "There's nothing in here but some drawings and story ideas."

"That's because your looking for a diary moron." Ex stated before throwing himself on the couch causing it to fall out of Bear's grip and onto the floor loudly.

"Shh, he aint not woken yet so don't yall be so loud." Bear whispered quietly causing Ex to cower back apologetically.

"Ok, so what are the stories about?" Ryu asked as he began looking over Shadow's shoulder and into the notebook.

"Their mostly romance and action." Shadow answered before closing the book and sliding it back under the couch.

"What ‘bout the drawins?" Bear asked before setting himself beside Ex as Ryu shortly followed beside Bear.

"It's all random." Shadow said as he became more and more anxious. "We have to do something for him!"

"Heh, I got an idea. You guys stay here I need Bear for a moment." Ryu stated as he drug Bear into the bathroom for privacy. "Ok, since we're not exactly native to this world, and certainly don't look it, you're gonna have to do this for us ok?"

"For the kid, anything. What ya got in mind?" Bear asked as Ryu began to tell him his plan.

"Why didn't you say anything before now?" Ex asked a little distraught at the fact of not having anything for Kolynn.

"I didn't know of it till last night." Shadow replied sounding a little saddened by the fact.

"What do you mean?" Ex asked slightly confused at how he got the information from Kolynn, who had passed out early without mentioning anything about today being his birthday.

"When he went to bed last night, I don't think he realized it, but almost all of his thoughts were sent to me. Thoughts about today, about not wanting to burden everyone with it." Shadow said, feeling slight pain in his chest as he thought about it.

"I swear he's so stupid sometimes." Ex stated letting out a long sigh.

"He's not stupid he's ju-" Shadow was cut off as Bear and Ryu finally entered back into the living room.

"Alright, Shadow we aint got all day so you go 'n get Kolynn's wallet." Bear commanded causing Shadow to look at him questionably not seeing reason to retrieve Kolynn‘s wallet. "Would ya just trust me aint like I‘m goin to do somethin against the kid."

"Right, fine." Shadow said defeated as he left the room to head towards Kolynn's.

Opening the door slowly as to not wake him, he quickly made his way to the side of his bed before noticing there was no pile of clothes near him so he decided to raise the covers slowly, only to see he had in fact fallen asleep with his clothes on. This was going to be harder then it looked. He studied over Kolynn's lower half steadily, looking for the slight bulge in his pockets, finding it to be no where in the front he figured it was most likely in his back pockets. He slowly wrapped one of his hands around Kolynn's side and went to pull him on his stomach.

"What are you doing?" Kolynn asked slightly annoyed at being woken.

"I... its nothing." Shadow stuttered in a rush trying to think of an excuse.

"Well it has to be something?" Kolynn asked, losing the annoyance in his voice as he rolled over onto his stomach.

"Bear needed your wallet." Shadow said as he had remembered something Kolynn had always told him, ‘sometimes the truth is the best way to lie.'

"Alright, go ahead and grab it." Kolynn said yawning, slowly dosing back into his slumber. "After you get done cover me back up and close the door."

"I u-understand." Shadow complied as he nervously slid his index finger and thumb into Kolynn's back pocket grabbing the wallet and pulling it out before pulling the covers back over Kolynn. He then turned and walked to the door feeling his ears pull outwards showing his embarrassment. He wasn't used to Kolynn being so relaxed with him, or letting him get near his rear like that.

"W-wait." Kolynn's voice called out drowsily causing Shadow to stop and turn towards him. "Can you... never mind, it's nothing."

"What is it?" Shadow asked as he slowly turned around.

"It was nothing, it's just a bit cold." He said, his voice slightly muffled by his pillow. "Could you turn down the A.C.?"

"I understand." Was all he answered before walking out of the room and tossing the wallet in Bear's direction. "here's the wallet."

"alright, so Bear you know what to do right?" Ryu asked as Bear made his way to the front door, now fully dressed.

"I got it, I aint stupid." Bear replied walking out of the door and shutting it behind himself.

"ok, Ex can you keep a lookout on the town and make sure nothing happens within 5miles of this place?" Ryu asked before getting really serious. "at... all... costs."

"No big, how long?" Ex questioned before making his way to the bathroom.

"All day." Ryu stated as Ex stopped and turned around to face him as he let out a hushed whimper. "can you do that?"

"Yea, but, I mean c'mon don't I get to celebrate too?"

"Just do it." Ryu commanded.

"Fine whatever. See you guys later." Was all Ex said before shutting the bathroom door and making his way out of the open window to patrol the town, before whispering aloud. "Happy birthday."

"Shadow y-" Ryu was quickly cut off.

"Just shut up and do what needs to be done. I'm busy with something, so come and get me when you absolutely need me." Shadow stated as he found the thermostat on the wall and turned it even colder causing the air to blow harder through the vents before making his way back to Kolynn's room. "Kolynn?" He asked into the room to see if his friend was still awake.

"mm?" Kolynn groaned.

"Is it still cold?" Shadow asked knowing it would be.

"Mmhmm, colder. Did you turn it off?"

"No, but I can warm you up." Shadow whispered as he slowly edged his way to Kolynn's side before pulling the covers back and gently setting himself in the bed. "Is that ok?"

"I guess..." Kolynn reluctantly said, smiling slightly at the cheesy comment while turning to his side as Shadow pulled Kolynn close to his body, snuggling him in his fur.

"Alright, guess it's up to me to get everything else set up." Ryu said to himself as he grabbed hold of the small rectangular coffee table and picked it up with ease before looking around for a simpler, out of the way place to set it, the first thing to catch his eye was the closet door in the hallway he decided to see if it would fit in there. Placing the table onto his right shoulder as he made his way through the hall before opening the closet door to see an almost empty large closet space. "Perfect." He said as he wedged it in the door before gently setting it down and walking back to the living room.

It looked to have enough room now, with only the TV and the couch sitting in the room. Now all he had to do was set up the food, that was going to be the hard part. Kolynn had shown him how to cook after he had shown interest in it, but he still wasn't to sure on a lot of things, but decided he would do his best for his friend's sake.

Ryu started by looking in each of the cabinets, searching for a box of cake mix, he quickly found 2 old boxes of vanilla cake mix that they had planned to cook a while back, but had never gotten the chance, and had soon forgotten about them.

"Ok perfect, I got the cake mix... Now what?" Ryu questioned aloud as he set one of the boxes down and began looking over the other for the instructions, after a few seconds of searching he spotted them and began to read to himself while opening the fridge to grab any needed ingredients. "alright, I need to get 1 cup of sugar, half a cup of butter, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of vanilla, 1 and a half cups of flour, 1 and 3 fourths of a teaspoon of baking powder, half a cup of milk and... mix?" he questioned again as he set each of the ingredients onto the counter beside the other box before grabbing a large bowl and what he guessed to be a teaspoon, and going over the instructions again.

"Can't believe my luck." Bear said chuckling a bit as he felt the cool breeze from the vehicles air conditioning cooling his slightly heated body.

"Well I couldn't just leave you out there." The new strange man replied as they road off inside the car. "So where are you headed?"

"I think it's called the ‘mall‘?" Bear said questionably. "The big building with all the lots of people and shops?"

"Yea, alright." The man complied as the continued down the road before they both saw a tall dark orange figure blur past the car before disappearing a few feet in front of them. "Whoa what was that?"

"Aint no tellin." Bear replied completely stumped at what it could've been. He thought for a second that it might have been Ex, but he wasn't nearly that tall and couldn't move anywhere near that fast. He was really hoping this wouldn't lead to trouble, not on the kid‘s big day. "So how far is the mall?"

"It's about 2 miles left. So why the hurry?"

"Aint not in much of a hurry actually, jus' needin some stuff for a friends birthday is all." Bear answered.

"Ah, sounds like fun. So any ideas what your getting your friend?" He asked seeming a bit nosey to Bear.

"Well if I told ya it aint not gonna be much of a surprise." Bear stated chuckling a bit. "I aint got but one idea of what I'm supposed to get, and even still I aint not to sure what it is exactly."

"Alright then." Was all the man said before silence became them both as they quietly drove their way down the not so busy highways. After just a few minutes the stranger drove in front of a large building and stopped. "Here's the mall, it was nice meeting you..." he paused not knowing of his passenger's name.

"Names Bear. Thanks for everythin, ya's been a big help." Bear said as he opened the door and began to walk off.

"alright, tell whoever, I said happy birthday." The stranger called out as he drove off.

"All I need is a little somethin and I'll be out of here." Bear said to himself entering the building before being struck with awe at how massive and open it was. This was going to be difficult.

"Shadow?" Kolynn asked groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as they adjusted to being woken.

"Hmm, what is it?" Shadow whispered quietly as he woke up, still holding fast to me.

"Where is everyone, and why is it so quiet?" He asked still trying to fully wake himself.

This made Shadow panic slightly as he tried to think of the best way to lie now. Not having anything come to him quick enough, he did something that he new to get Kolynn distracted.

"Go back to bed." Shadow whispered as he turned Kolynn around and placed his lips against Kolynn's kissing him gently, moving his soft padded hands under Kolynn's shirt and onto his stomach, rubbing gently against his stomach up to his chest, causing Kolynn's body to cringe slightly before having Shadow pull back from the kiss and remove Kolynn's shirt. [Please.] Shadow's voice called out inside Kolynn's head.

[O-okay.] Kolynn answered, his mind still to flustered from the soft touch of Shadow's lips against his. Hearing this Shadow moved his muzzle close to Kolynn's mouth before kissing him again, this time he tried taking it a little further, wanting, yearning to be closer with him, he slightly tilted his head as he gently caressed his tongue over Kolynn's lips, Kolynn couldn't think of what he was doing, all he knew was that he didn't want it to stop, so he slowly opened his mouth allowing Shadow's tongue entrance. It felt so warm and soft inside Kolynn's mouth, he couldn't resist suckling on the slender piece of flesh inside his mouth while he gently moved his tongue over it. Shadow, reacting to the affection he was being show, gently caressed over every crevice inside his mouth before stroking his tongue over Kolynn‘s, wrestling the two in a fashion.

Kolynn couldn't explain what it was about Shadow that made him feel this way, but he loved how he always made his heart race and his body feel warm all over when he kissed him. It had always made his mind go blank, and everything else seemed to always disappear like nothing else mattered.

[Kolynn.] Shadow's voice echoed inside Kolynn's head as he pulled away from the kiss.

[just be quiet and go to bed.] Kolynn interrupted as he turned himself around, pushing back against Shadow, feeling the soft fur on Shadow's firm muscles press against his back before slowly fading back into sleep.

"I understand." Shadow softly whispered against the nape of Kolynn's neck as he did his best to go back to sleep.

Only a few hours had passed before a hushed noise made it's way into the room.

"Shadow!" Ryu whispered into the room trying his best not to wake Kolynn. "C'mon!"

Twitching his ears slightly as to home in on the small sounds as he began awakening. slowly pulling his arm out from under Kolynn's side before gently sliding out of the bed and walking out of the room with curiosity on his mind.

"What?" he asked as Ryu led him into the living room where bear was standing, his shirt covered in sweat while he drank a bottle of water and laid a small sized plastic bag on the couch.

"We got everything all set, almost." Ryu stated as he grabbed the bag before looking into it. "all we need is to get you dressed and ready."

"What do you mean? What are we going to be wearing?" Shadow asked a bit confused at what he was talking about.

"Here this is for you." Ryu commanded as he tossed something Shadow's way as he looked down to see what it was that he had caught before having both of his ears instantly pointed outwards showing his embarrassment.

After a few minutes of arguing and forcing the needed apparel on, they all got ready to wake Kolynn. Ryu had grabbed the Cake, that had been lined with strawberry, and placed it on one of the large silver cookie sheets making it look slightly more fancy, while Bear walked right beside him, with Shadow trailing a few feet behind still feeling really embarrassed at the thought of being seen this way.

"I don't see why I have to wear this." Shadow complained as the got close to Kolynn's door and stopped.

"Because, his stories are about romance and action, so I decided it would be best to give him some romantic action." Ryu said as he held the cake in front of him while Bear and him did their best to block off any view Kolynn might have of Shadow until the time was right. "Alright, ready?" He asked as he slowly turned the door knob and opened the door before Bear and him yelled in unison while Shadow stayed quiet, feeling to embarrassed to say anything.


"Huh?" Kolynn questioned as he rose up from his bed slowly rubbing his eyes to see that Bear and Ryu were standing in his doorway holding a pink cake. "H-how'd you guys know it was my birthday?"

"Ah, a little birdie told us." Bear chuckled as he and Ryu looked at each other and smiled.

"Want to see that little birdie?" Ryu questioned as the both looked at me with large, rather contagious smiles on there faces.

"What bird, and how did you get a cake?" Kolynn asked as he slowly stood up tensing his whole body as to try and wake up better before relaxing again.

"Well... after hearing it was your birthday, we all pitched in to make it extra special. Ex took on the duty to protect the whole city so you could have a day of peace!" Ryu said getting a bit of excitement in his voice. " And I baked the cake! hope ya like it!"

"I done went out and got ya's the gift!" Bear said before they both looked at each other again as if they had actually taken time to plan this out.

"And Shadow is delivering the gift." they both said in almost perfect unison as the both took a few steps backwards allowing me to see Shadow, standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a tight apple red thong. his muscles seemed to stand out even more now as he stood there, his ears pointing outwards, showing his embarrassment as the tight clothing pressed hard against his groin, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. It only took a few seconds before Kolynn felt his heart speed up as his face went red, feeling his groin stir with excitement.

"Happy birthday." Shadow's voice seemed to glide through the air, caressing my skin, calling me to come to him, but he didn't have to move anywhere, Shadow was already on his way, stepping closer to Kolynn.

As Shadow came within a few inches of Kolynn, he reached his padded hands out and caressed over Kolynn's bare shoulders, down his arms to his hands before wrapping his fingers around his hands, holding them tightly as he leaned down and softly kissed Kolynn on the lips.

"Heh, the romance begins. Think we should go before the action takes place?" Ryu whispered to Bear who was already taking a few steps back into the hallway.

"I aint not disagreein with ya there." Bear whispered back as he shut the door before they both walked their way to the living room.

[Kolynn.] Shadow's voice rang throughout Kolynn's head as he slowly pulled back from the kiss and gently brushing his lips against Kolynn‘s cheek.

_"W-why?" Kolynn questioned as he fell back flat against the bed, Shadow took no time before pulling himself over Kolynn so he could face him once again.

"You are the only one I truly care for, I would give the world and more to make you happy." He replied as he gently bent down kissing the front of Kolynn's neck, holding his lips there for a few seconds before moving slightly further down, onto his bare chest. Shadow slowly drug his tongue across one side of Kolynn's chest till he got to the nipple, licking and kissing it as one of his hands softly caressed down Kolynn's side, reaching his waist he slowly pulled his hand further inwards and found the button to his pants.

Kolynn was in no position to try and fight Shadow off, he was still in awe at what his friends had done for him, and how amazing Shadow had looked, he couldn't resist having Shadow with him. He wanted to be closer then ever to Shadow.

Shadow had quickly gotten the pants undone and pulled himself away from Kolynn's chest to get the pants off. Pulling them gently to his ankles, showing Kolynn in only his tight briefs, that had become even more tight from the excitement. Wrapping his fingers inside the waist band, he slowly pulled them down before having Kolynn stop him.

"W-wait..." Kolynn paused as he began sitting up and covering his hard erection, feeling slightly warm in his face. This instantly caused Shadow to look up with a deep look of affection in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'll take it slower I promise." Was all Shadow said pulling himself back over Kolynn's body so he was face to face with him before leaning down and kissing him gently on the lips. This time his hands slid down Kolynn's arms and found his hands as he slowly pulled them out to the side, leaving only the tight constricting briefs to cover Kolynn's hardened cock.

Shadow deepened the kiss, slightly forcing his tongue inside Kolynn's mouth this time, not being able to wait for him to accept, finding it harder and harder to restrain himself from having, taking his love.

Kolynn felt something wet rubbing against some of his bare stomach, and had even felt it pushing against his boxers, slightly damping them. Doing his best to think, he finally realized it was Shadow, Shadow had became hard from the excitement causing his large cock to slip out of the small piece of clothing. Feeling the warm throbs of the thick hard meat against his stomach, he couldn't control himself as he let out a soft moan into the others mouth before slowly moving his hands away from Shadow‘s and putting them on his lower back, pulling him down harder against him, causing him to feel the thick member push against his body harder, instantly making Shadow groan aloud as he pulled his hips back and began slowly grinding himself against Kolynn.

Kolynn was to lost in the moment to know exactly what he was doing, slowly moving his hands further down Shadow's back before feeling the thin string that laid under his tail and around his waist as he slid one of his fingers from both hands in between it and circled them around Shadow's waist stopping as he felt he was getting close to Shadow's stiff member before breaking the kiss and looking between them as he slowly pulled down on the string, taking Shadow's small piece of covering down with it, he was only able to pull it far enough to reveal all of Shadow's fully hardened member and his plump furry sac. As he looked closer he could see it had already been leaking a good amount of pre onto Kolynn's stomach, and didn't seem to want to stop as Shadow's cock glistened with the slick drips of pre rolling down it. Kolynn, seeing this, slowly reached his hands back up, using one to gently massage the furry sac that dangled in front of him, and the other to grip tightly onto Shadow's hard member at the base before slowly pulling his hand upwards using the nice amount of pre to slick up his grip.

Feeling the soft hand fondle his plump orbs while having his meat stroked caused Shadow to groaned louder into the room. It was then that he remembered it was his love's birthday. He wanted to please him, and yet he was the only one being please.

[Hang on.] Shadow's voice commanded inside Kolynn's head as Shadow moved back away from him, slowly pulling down his thong the rest of the way off before standing straight up showing himself in all his glory as he slowly edged himself back to the bedside.

Kolynn watched nervously as Shadow knelt down on his knees before nuzzling against the bulge in his briefs causing Kolynn to gasp a little at the feeling. Shadow nuzzled his nose deeper into Kolynn's crotch, smelling the strong musk of arousal from Kolynn as he inhaled deeply loving every second of it. He softly nipped at the boxers making sure to miss anything important before pulling them back with his teeth alone. Getting the boxers down to Kolynn's knees he let go with his teeth and pulled them the rest of the way down and off by hand, allowing him to focus his muzzle on pleasing Kolynn.

Shadow slowly placed his cold wet nose at the base of Kolynn's sac, lifting it up gently as he slid his tongue out over the underside of his balls causing Kolynn to moan out softly, hearing this made Shadow even more excited as he took one of his hands to the base of Kolynn's stiff cock and slowly stroked it while sliding his tongue back out over his sac before taking the two orbs inside his maw, caressing them gently with his warm wet tongue, suckling on them gently, causing Kolynn to moan loudly.

After a short while of stroking, Shadow removed his hand from Kolynn's stiff cock as he let go of the orbs in his mouth and tilted his head to the side before wrapping his tongue around the others' cock as he suckled on the base of his cock as he slowly slid him muzzle upwards stopping every little inch to suckle on it again, before reaching the head Shadow removed his maw and looked up at his love.

"I want you." Shadow stated bluntly before lashing his tongue out quickly over the tip of the throbbing, slick meat in front of him causing Kolynn to gasp into a moan. "I want you." he repeated smiling as he did the same motion again, lashing his tongue out across the tip of Kolynn's cock, but this time he kissed the tip gently after he had, getting the same moaning reaction from Kolynn.

"Sh-Shadow." Kolynn panted heavily feeling the need to be released as Shadow interrupted.

"I want all of you." Shadow teased before taking the tip of Kolynn's cock in his warm muzzle as Kolynn let out another moan. Seeing the reaction this made, Shadow began to slowly bob his head down over just a few inches of Kolynn's cock as Kolynn began to pant even harder, moaning from the sheer pleasure he was receiving.

"Shad-ow..." Kolynn panted, but Shadow already knew, Kolynn was getting close to his climax.

Knowing this Shadow picked up his speed, now taking in all of Kolynn's cock as he took one of his hands to his own cock stroking it quickly. Kolynn's moans began to pick up intensity quickly signaling he was only seconds away from his orgasm now. "Shadow I-I'm..." Was all Kolynn could manage before his body tensed as his cock began to shoot jet after jet of warm cum into Shadow's mouth, which hadn't stopped bobbing. Instead Shadow kept moving his head up and down the cock, feeling the silk warmth shoot against his throat as he swallowed it greedily, loving the way he tasted in his mouth as he continued to paw his own cock off even faster now, awaiting for his orgasm. "Wait..." Kolynn panted feeling the drain from his orgasm as he sat up and slid his hand over the back of Shadow's head and neck, sliding it under his neck and up to his chin before pulling him upwards off of his cock so he could see him. Shadow had a slight dab of cum running down the back corner of his muzzle from where it had managed to overflow. Kolynn hesitated for a split second before leaning forward and licking the cum off and kissing the spot where it had been, causing Shadow to pull back a little putting his face directly in front of Kolynn's as he kissed him, pressing hard against his lips causing him to fall back against the bed as Shadow followed down after Kolynn hovering over him as he continued to stroke his still throbbing member while he continued kissed Kolynn passionately before feeling something grasp hold of his cock stopping his own hand. Kolynn had reached down and wrapped his hand around Shadow's cock as best as he could and was now quickly stroking it causing Shadow to moan into Kolynn's mouth.

After what seemed like forever, Shadow broke away from the kiss and buried his muzzle into Kolynn's shoulder, groaning and grunting loudly as he began pumping himself into Kolynn's hand quickly. He was very close to his orgasm, and it was showing as he continued to grunt and groan.

Kolynn's voice echoed inside Shadow's head as Shadow let out a loud growl while his body tensed tightly before shooting stream after stream of thick hot cum onto his and Kolynn's chest and stomach, and had even managed to get some of it onto Kolynn's face.

Shadow felt the drain of energy hit his body as he collapsed onto his lover, matting his fur with more of the cum off of his lovers body before pulling his head up to look down at Kolynn as he stared back up at him.

"I'm sorry." Shadow smiled as he looked at the pearl white strip of cum on Kolynn's cheek, taking two of his fingers and dragging them across his cheek wiping it onto his fingers, as he began to take his fingers to his muzzle to dispose of the fluid, Kolynn grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled his hand close to his face before placing the two fingers in his mouth, suckling on them gently while licking the cum off of them. "Mmm, I love you." he smiled as he kissed Kolynn's cheek.

"I know." Kolynn replied letting go of the fingers before having Shadow push his arms underneath Kolynn and pulling him, turning them both over so as to have him on top of Shadow. Kolynn, feeling tired once again, gently laid his head onto Shadow's chest before whispering as he began fading into his slumber once again. "I love you Shadow."_

"Sounds like things have settled down." Ryu stated as he snuggled closely to Bear as they both laid on the pallet.

"Aint not nothin more sweet than havin the one you love with ya." Bear said as a sudden realization came to his mind. "So why'd ya move the little table? I aint not seen no reason for ya to get rid of it when they had their ‘time' in the room?"

"Because I had a feeling a lucky couple of guys could use the space." Ryu said smiling widely.

"But the kid and Shadow-" Bear was interrupted before having Ryu place his lips against Bears'.

Off somewhere in town.

"Dammit, I bet there all having a blast, and I'm stuck out here protecting the stupid town." Ex seethed to himself as he stood motionlessly atop a pile of ash before disappearing into the distance with a flash of speed.