Aren't We Friends?

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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#2 of The Dragon Delivery Team

My laptop is currently out of commission, so the time I have to write is extremely cut back. :/ Part three will be posted next week, but part four may take some time.

Since this story is already three times longer than I'd anticipated, I am adding the fourth highest voted fetish/position into this chapter and the next chapter: pawjob/fingering. ^-^ This chapter will also feature the missionary position.

Thanks for reading!

Aislin woke early the next morning and energetically hopped out of bed. She was eager to put her plan into play, even though it was simply taking him out for breakfast. She stretched her limbs, loosening her tight muscles and grabbed a small, leather bag from beneath her bed. It was made to fit around her neck like a necklace, and it carried her extra money that she could spend freely. She exited her bedroom with it hanging loosely at her chest.

Saber was already on the couch, curled up comfortably while he watched the TV. "Good morning," he said and scooted over, offering a spot next to him.

She shook her head and gestured for him to tag along. "We're going out to get some breakfast this time."

Saber grinned, turned off the television, and hopped down from the couch. "You seem spry this morning."

"I'm hungry for something more than just a slab of meat," she said. "And I know the perfect place."

The sun was just beginning to rise over the eastern horizon over the city. The air was cool and thin, chilling Aislin's scales while she flew. She led them to the other side of town anxiously, hoping that their time together would go well. She imagined it as a date, like something a human couple would do.

When they reached the opposite end of the city, they angled down to a lonely restaurant called Breakfast Under the Sun. It was a restaurant that accommodated both dragons and humans, but exclusively cooked human food.

They walked inside together and were immediately greeted by a server. "Hi! Would you like a table for two or would you like to eat outside?" she asked.

"Outside, please," Aislin answered.

"Okay, right this way!" The server led them through the restaurant. Inside, the aroma of cooked food wafted into Aislin's nostrils. She loved the scent of it, breakfast foods particularly. The restaurant seemed to be busy around this time. There were a lot of humans inside, chatting and eating, but when they exited the building out of the back, dragons were everywhere, lounging and relaxing while enjoying their food without tables.

It was a large patio built with cobblestone and concrete, and boxed in by a short wall. Beautiful flowers surrounded the grassy area outside of it, and bushes were expertly sculpted, acting as a second wall around the square.

The attendant told them a waiter would be with them shortly and to find a spot they'd like after handing them two menus. Aislin smiled at Saber and told him to pick where they would sit. He found a nice, secluded spot that wasn't completely surrounded by other dragons in the corner of the open patio. They sat down next to each other near the wall with menus laid in front of them.

"I didn't realize that so many of us ate at human places," he commented while looking through the menu.

There were more dragons than Aislin expected, but she knew that a lot of her kind gathered here early in the mornings almost every day. Most of them were mates, eating together under a romantic light: the sunrise. That's why she picked it, so she could spend some one-on-one time with Saber.

"This is about the only restaurant that will serve our kind for breakfast, and it also has the nicest view." Aislin pointed to the mountains far in the east, peaking in front of the rising sun. Between them and the mountains, it was nothing but bucolic land stretching over rolling hills, untouched by the city.

"Wow," Saber said with awe. "This is beautiful, Aislin." He stared off into the distance with wonderment, making Aislin feel delighted. His crimson eyes were wide and curious while he held his head and snout nobly. She really liked how his scales were violet on top of his snout, and how his chin was a dark-blue fading into violet again at his neck. His scales glimmered like an amethyst gem. She found herself blushing and awkwardly fiddled with her paws, glancing away from him.

"You're very handsome," she complimented shyly. "I never got the chance to say it back."

His attention returned to her with a warm smile. "Thank you." He looked at her thoughtfully, his eyes speaking for him. They were kind and sincere, melting Aislin's heart away like the heat of the sun. She smiled, baring her teeth happily. Their eyes met for a moment, vibrant green and fiery red.

Then, they were interrupted by a waiter greeting them. "Hello there," he said. "Have you decided what you would like to order?"

Aislin almost shot the waiter a very dirty look, but she refrained and regained her composure. She noticed that she was breathing heavier than normal, feeling a bit of lust that spurred within her. To her disappointment, it quickly faded away as she told the waiter what she would like.

Saber took his turn next, stating exactly what he wanted. Aislin was surprised, as he had only looked at the menu for only a moment. She had eaten here before, but she still had trouble deciding what she wanted.

The man jotted their orders down on a pad. "Alright. Would you like anything other than water to drink?" He pointed at a fountain of water over to their left, just outside the patio. A few dragons were playing in it and drinking from it. "If not, there is our freshwater fountain. Nothing but cool, clean water flows from it, and it's yours to drink at your leisure."

Aislin looked at Saber, and he shook his head. "The water will be fine, thank you," she replied. The waiter nodded and left.

"I'll pay you back for this when I get the chance," Saber said.

She smiled kindly at him. "Don't worry about it. It was my idea, so it's my treat."

He nodded and replied, "Thank you," deciding not to argue the matter further.

While they waited for their food, Aislin and Saber both happily chatted about their likes and dislikes, and then a little about their lives.

Aislin told him a bit about her past. She was born and raised in this city, but both her parents had abandoned her at a young age. Her mother raised her alone for some time after her father had left. Then, the day came when her mother decided to leave her too. Aislin was never told the reasons, but she accepted it and moved on, finding a place to work soon after.

Saber listened intently to her, nodding and commenting between pauses. He didn't remember his mother, but he and his father were close. He sympathized with Aislin and wished things would have been better for her.

She could tell he was genuine about it just by the gloomy expression he wore. He was the only one she had ever told about her past, and she was glad she did. It made her nervous just to think about it, but he calmed her down with his sincerity, helping her keep a level head.

The food arrived almost fifteen minutes later. Saber had ordered the meatiest pile of food the restaurant had. His plate was covered with eggs, ham, bacon, and sausage, all cooked to perfection. Aislin had eggs and bacon with two pancakes smothered with syrup. She couldn't resist the sweet, sugary things that humans were particularly good at creating.

Saber happily dug into his plate, burying the tip of his snout into the food while he ate. Aislin chuckled at him and carefully took small bites out of her pancakes, picking at it with her paws. Though she loved the syrupy flavor of it, she hated the stickiness.

"I almost forgot how delicious human food tasted," he said after swallowing a large mouthful of food.

"It tastes even better if you'd slow down and eat it!" she teased.

Saber shrugged his wings and continued to eat at the same rate. Aislin rolled her eyes. Not the best table manners, but then again we aren't eating at a table!

Saber finished eating much faster than Aislin. He released a sigh of satisfaction and lay on his flank with his belly facing her. Aislin offered a bite of her pancakes to him, but he refused, saying he was too full. She grinned and soon finished eating, but not without taking several quick glances at Saber's sprawled body.

Aislin was surprised that he didn't try to cover himself. He was usually mindful of his body, but he must not have cared as much as she thought. Then again, his positioning was perfect so that only Aislin could see his genitals. That could have been his goal all along, but he played it so innocently that she couldn't tell.

Her curious eyes traced his violet scales from his wide, bulky torso to his crotch. His stones loosely dangled against his thigh. She noticed his sheath above them, and wondered what his exposed length would look like. The dark purple scales on his package looked nonexistent and smooth as a human's skin.

Aislin finished her food and licked her paw clean, and then heard other dragons beginning to growl and shout playfully, cheering at something. Wondering what the uproar was, she turned to find two dragons, a male and a female, mating wildly in the center of the square. She blushed awkwardly but couldn't turn her head away.

The blue-scaled male rutted the yellow-scaled female while biting her neck to hold her down. Her lusty growls and her enraptured look of pleasure made Aislin's scales tingle. Their bodies rocked back and forth, the male gaining more and more speed as they continued.

Saber finally crawled to his paws and looked around Aislin to see what was happening. "Oh... Oh my. They're allowed to do that?" he asked with wide eyes.

Aislin turned and saw his eyes glued to the mating pair. "No, they're not," she answered. This had happened one other time she was here, but it wasn't rare for her to see dragons mating in public. It's not allowed, as it generally disgusts humans, but that doesn't stop them from rutting wherever they please.

A few employees came out of the building and started yelling at the two to leave, but they were a little too late. The blue male flared his wings out, shooing off the humans as he roared loudly, hitting his climax. He rammed into the female a few last times while she growled and snarled pleasurably. He pressed deeply into the yellow female, knotting her as his seed began filling her.

The dragons watching cheered again while the helpless workers tried to stop it. They eventually managed to separate them, sending the mates flying off.

Aislin's lustful imagination toyed with her, wanting to be that female with Saber on top of her. She imagined what he would feel like and wondered if he would take her quickly or slowly. She couldn't decide which she would like more.

Aislin noticed that her cheeks were warm with arousal. She quickly turned away, embarrassed, and found Saber turned away from her, facing the corner of the low wall.

"That was something," she commented. "Are you ready to leave? I'll go pay the bill."

He shifted awkwardly and glanced at her. "Yeah... uhm, just give me a few."

Curious, Aislin tried to look over his shoulder, but Saber covered his crotch from view and shied away. He glared at her for a moment while a big grin spread her lips.

"You got hard, didn't you?" she teased. She didn't have much room to talk, but her arousal wasn't quite as noticeable.

"Yes," he admitted. "I... I've never seen mating before."

Aislin perked up. "So you've never mated?"

He shook his head.

She wanted to exclaim her cheerfulness out loud, but she managed to withhold. Now she had the opportunity to be his first, to be the one to take his virginity. It would be a very special moment for Saber, and she wanted to be a part of it.

"I'll leave you to deal with that, and I will be right back," she said and left to pay for their meal. Aislin noticed that Saber wasn't the only male who had been aroused. A few others had full-fledged erections, not bothering to cover themselves like he did. Their light red rods of flesh protruded from their sheaths like weapons ready to penetrate. Each one was unique and appealing to her lusts.

"Hey, pretty thing," a bronze-scaled male called to Aislin as she walked past.

Aislin stopped and turned toward him. "What do you want?"

"I saw you starin' at my cock." He stood up and swaggered over to her, making sure his erect length was still in her view. He had been sitting with a few friends against the building who were now encouraging him to continue. "Want to mate?"

"No. Get lost!" she hissed and turned away.

But he suddenly jumped in front of her, growling in an attempt to assert his dominance. "C'mon! It'll be quick and we can both have a little fun. I'll have you screaming with pleasure. We could do it back at my den if you'd prefer that."

"I said no," she growled angrily. When affected by lust, dragons were the worst beings to encounter. They didn't care about anything else other than satisfying their thirst and having their way, especially arrogant, aggressive males.

She tried to walk around him, but he continued to block her path. She was nearly about to strike him, but one of his friends snuck up on her from behind. He quickly tried to mount her, grabbing at her shoulders while pushing her down into submission.

He was much heavier than her and nearly had her pinned. Aislin growled viciously and lurched away. She escaped him, but the bronze male suddenly tried to mount her as she now faced away from him. He was stronger and subdued her quickly, biting down on her neck to make her submissive. She cried out with pain as his teeth sank into her hide.

Dread filled her as she felt him lift her tail and expose her slit. Aislin struggled against him with all of her might, but she was weaker than him. She tried to lower her hind, but he was strong enough to hold her up. Tears threatened to fall as his filthy paws groped her body while he held her where he wanted her to be. She snarled, baring her teeth savagely. As soon as she broke free, she was going to kill him.

Aislin heard a lot of commotion and shouting behind her, and she was suddenly freed as his teeth and claws tore away from her. Pain shot through her like a bolt of lightning. She nearly went tumbling with him, but a dragon caught her and pulled her away. Everything happened so fast that she couldn't keep track of it all.

The black-scaled dragon that caught her also protected her from the bronze's friends, standing in front of Aislin. Then, attacking the bronze, she saw Saber. A wild expression replaced his calm nature, giving him a vicious, feral look. He looked angry, absolutely livid. His claws found the bronze and tasted his blood.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" he roared. "She's mine!" Aislin's breath caught in her chest as her heart reeled. Saber was protecting her like a mate.

"Saber!" Aislin shouted. He stopped just before he was about to pounce and glanced at her. His crimson eyes were lit aflame, burning with bloodlust and rage. When he saw that she was alright, he immediately calmed and his expression softened. He looked at the bronze male with disgust, growled at his friends, and carefully backed away, quickly returning to Aislin.

Thankfully, the fight was over as fast as it had started. Saber nuzzled Aislin, rubbing his cheek to hers and hugged her with his wings. Tears filled her eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay," he said, comforting her with loving caresses. She melted within his grasp. He sat on his hind while he held her gently. Saber's forelegs wrapped around her with his wings, holding Aislin in a warm embrace.

She softly cried into his shoulder, losing all strength of her will. Aislin hated showing emotion, and the more she thought about it the more she felt like crying. She didn't even know why she was crying. It just felt... right. She was glad that he shrouded her from sight. It felt like it was just them together.

"D- Did your erection go down?" she asked and sniffled, trying to regain her composure. She didn't want Saber to see her like this.

He smiled and squeezed her tightly. "Yes, it did."

Aislin wasn't sure how long she was wrapped in his warm embrace, but she enjoyed every single second of it, forgetting the world around her.

The black-scaled male that had helped and protected Aislin approached them after their moment together had concluded. "Are you alright?" he asked with concern.

Saber released her, and Aislin reluctantly let go. She noticed blood running down her light-gray scales from where the dragon had clawed and bit her, and it hurt quite a lot, but it was nothing major. She nodded. "Just a few scratches... Thank you."

He smiled gently and glanced at Saber. "You're most welcome, dear. I'm just glad I was on your mate's side and not the other."

Aislin smiled at that, and Saber blushed. Saber had done what any friend would have done, but what he said really made her happy. I am his.

The bronze dragon and his friends were quick to leave, and Aislin and Saber departed soon after. When she went to pay the bill, the cashier voided the cost of the meal and said she was terribly sorry for what happened and glad Aislin was okay. The waiter servicing them had informed the restaurant what occurred, so their meals were free of charge. Aislin left a decent tip for the waiter and thanked the cashier.

Saber and Aislin returned to her home shortly after. Saber followed Aislin into the bathroom so they could clean her wounds. Inside the bathroom were the bare basics: a shower, toilet, sink, and a couple cabinets.

Stored in the cabinet was a bottle of rubbing alcohol, some cloths, and wraps, though Aislin didn't want to wear those despite what Saber said. She didn't want to have any bandages--they would only cause unwanted attention.

So, Saber used a cloth dipped in alcohol to clean her injuries. Aislin lay on her belly, hissing and complaining while he stood over her, dutifully tending to each cut. If it wasn't so damn painful, she would have really enjoyed this. He was giving her his undivided, caring attention while tending to her needs. It made her feel like the only dragoness in the world.

But the stinging and burning of the alcohol continually brought her out of her fantasy.

"Hold still!" he commanded.

Aislin huffed and bared her teeth. "It's not that easy with you jamming that into me!"

"I'm barely touching the surface," he retorted. He moved to her dark-scaled right shoulder where claws had gouged her hide. "I'm almost done."

Aislin patiently lay still, waiting for him to finish. She distracted her mind by thinking about what had happened and that rage-filled look Saber had. He had looked terrifying and intimidating, the exact opposite of his normal handsome and reserved self. He defended and protected her without any concern for his own safety.

"Thank you for earlier, Saber."

"Don't mention it," he replied casually, just finishing up cleaning her wounds. He began cleaning the dry blood that streamed down her light-gray scales. Aislin enjoyed his touch, wishing that it found its way farther than her torso.

She looked at him earnestly. "No, really," she insisted. "I am really glad you did that."

A gentle smile curled his lips. "No friend should ever sit by while their friend is being forced to mate," he stated. "I did what anyone would have done; I wasn't the only one to help you back there. Besides the black dragon, there were a few others who helped me through to the one that attacked you."

She smiled at him uneasily. "But you took him on all by yourself..."

"I did what I needed to do." He stepped over to the sink, stood up on two legs, and washed his forepaws. They were caked with dry blood, but none of it was his own.

"He was almost twice your size, you know." Saber was about the same size as Aislin but a bit larger, and that bronze dragon had been nearly twice her size.

"I didn't really pay much attention..."

"You could have been hurt too, Saber," she said worriedly. "I'm glad nothing happened to you."

"It's over with, and I am fine." He climbed down from the sink and faced her. "Even if he was one of those giant, wild dragons, I wouldn't have let him do that to you," he said reassuringly and nudged her snout, making her blush. "C'mon. Let's go relax and forget about it."

Saber walked past her and out of the bathroom, giving Aislin a good view of his rear. She grinned and followed him into the living area and they watched the TV together on the couch, curled up on separate ends.

Aislin always thought Saber was a timid dragon, not one to be very courageous. But after what happened, she thought that he was fearless. There wasn't a shadow of doubt in her mind that he would be her mate.

Now she just needed to find out when.

The third day of Saber's training rolled on by. Aislin was too busy thinking about Saber to focus on the job, which helped a lot to pass the time, but she almost made a few mistakes. Luckily, Saber had caught them for her, and everything went over smoothly.

Saber improved faster than both William and Aislin had expected, though he couldn't dress himself for the life of him. But Aislin enjoyed helping him into his suit. It gave her a reason to touch and be close to him. Saber was much more comfortable around Aislin now than what he used to be, so she could press him even further.

It was a busy day for them, leaving almost no down time between deliveries. If they could split up, they probably would have halved that time, but Saber still needed some time to get comfortable before going off on his own. Though, Aislin didn't want to separate from him at all.

After they were finished, they routinely undressed and returned to Aislin's home with sore wings.

To Aislin's disappointment, Saber dismissed himself once again from her company and retired for the night. She crawled up onto the couch, staring blankly at the TV as it played her now favorite channel, the cartoon one that Saber had showed her. She was deep in thought, her eyes letting the show roll by.

After what had happened this morning, she felt that she and Saber were much closer now, but he still didn't make any forward movements with her no matter how many times she hinted that she wanted it. She dared to say that she loved him, hoping that it wouldn't break her heart.

Aislin shook her head. Saber would never hurt me in any way. I can put all of my faith and trust into him, even if we don't become mates. She nodded, deciding to hatch a new plan.

It was nearly an hour later before Aislin decided to finally go through with her new idea. It had a slim chance of working immediately, but it should get him at least thinking. She turned off the TV and hopped off of the couch, heading into Saber's room.

When she opened the door, it sounded like he suddenly whirled around, and she hoped that she didn't scare him. He stared at her with wide, crimson eyes from atop the bed, his back facing her.


She stepped into the room, immediately catching a strong whiff of his scent. Having spent almost three nights in here, it wasn't unexpected for his scent to be all over things, but she thought it was rather strong compared to hers in her own room. She had to stop herself from sniffing the air.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I don't want to disturb you, but... I just... I'm still shaken up about this morning."

Acting is all about timing, she thought amusingly to herself. Though she wasn't far from the truth--it had been somewhat traumatic and painful -she could handle herself just fine. But why did Saber need to know that?

He glanced down really quick, acting a bit nervous. "I... erm... sure, but there's not that much room up here."

"That's okay," she replied, trying not to act like she knew that already. "I don't mind."

Saber smiled uneasily and shifted over for her. Aislin refrained from grinning too much and climbed up onto the soft bed with him. "Do you care if I curl up with you too?" she asked hopefully.

"N- No, not at all." Aislin could tell that she was flustering him again, but every button she pushed made her goal one step closer. Plus, she thought he was rather cute when he was acting all uncomfortable like that.

As Saber lay down on his side, Aislin crawled between his legs until her back was against his underbelly. He hesitated before finally embracing her, laying a wing over her body while his forearm held her firmly against him, his paw flat against her chest. This was the second time Aislin melted within his grasp.

Everything felt so perfect like a dream. His body was warm and comfortable, just like she imagined it. As he nestled his head against hers, she could hear his heavy breathing. She wondered if he could smell her scent like she could his. Her own breathing was extremely calm, her chest rising and falling steadily.

They adjusted and positioned themselves continually until they were lying perfectly side by side. Saber's neck lay over hers while their heads were close together. His chest was pressed between her wings, and his forelegs wrapped around her body in an embrace. A hind leg rested over her haunches as his hind paw touched hers. His other foot pressed firmly against her rear, keeping a space between her body and his crotch.

But what made Aislin the most happy, was when she intertwined her tail with his. He hesitated at first but did not resist as their tails coiled together.

Aislin sighed comfortably, feeling elated. "Thank you, Saber."

He nuzzled her affectionately and replied, "Anytime."

Aislin wanted to squeal with giddiness; she could hardly bear to control it. Her plan was working perfectly, even better than she predicted. She truly felt like she was his.



"What you said earlier," she began. "What did you mean by 'she is mine?'" she asked thoughtfully, thinking back to the morning.

"It sort of slipped out... I just didn't want him to come after you again."

Aislin grinned. There was something he was hiding from her that he didn't want to admit. Maybe he already thinks of me as a mate.

"Thank you for being a really good friend," she said.

"I should be saying the same to you," he replied, flicking his tongue across her cheek. Aislin closed her eyes, feeling ecstatic. She had never been so intimate with anyone else before. The warm feelings in her chest felt all too surreal. She held his paw that grasped her chest, tenderly caressing it.

So many different thoughts wanted to race through Aislin's head, but her mind was calm like a still pond, undisturbed. Lying with Saber seemed to make time itself slow down. She had never felt so happy before in her life.

It wasn't long before Saber fell asleep, still tightly embracing Aislin. He slept peacefully without moving a muscle. Soon, Aislin closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep, joining him in slumber.

When Aislin woke the next morning, she was pleasantly surprised to feel Saber still wrapped around her. He was normally awake much earlier than her, but he seemed to have been content with sleeping in today. Neither of them moved much at all during the night. His embrace was looser and his wing shifted slightly off of her body, but he was still holding her and their tails were still intertwined.

Aislin noticed something new rubbing against her rear. It was warm and slick, sliding against her scales anytime he shifted slightly. She blushed, quickly realizing what it was.

The hind leg that he placed to keep his crotch away from her body had slid beneath her, so his erect cock now pressed firmly against her back.

Aislin was delighted.

She craned her neck around to look at him. He looked so peaceful with a slight grin curling at his cheeks. His snout was nestled against the base of her neck. A violet wing lay over her body like a blanket. She didn't want to wake him up, but he soon began stirring on his own.

Saber inhaled deeply, prostrating his limbs while stretching the toes on his paws, and exhaled while adjusting his position. He shifted a bit, and then suddenly scrambled away from her. She turned to see him covering himself, his back pressed against the headboard. He turned his hind end away from her, looking horrified.

"Aislin, I- I'm so sorry! I didn't know and I didn't mean to!" he rambled embarrassingly.

She smirked at him. "I was wondering if you'd ever remove that thing from my rear."

"It just happened... I couldn't control it. I didn't know..." He refused to meet her eyes. He looked away, ashamed and embarrassed.

Saber looked genuinely upset about it, and it made Aislin only want to comfort him. It almost hurt her to see him so humiliated with himself. She really wanted to give him a blowjob to help with that erection, but she thought that would be too forward. She could paw him off or something, just some friendly stimulation... but she wasn't sure how he would handle that.

But this was also the best chance ever given to her. She had to take it.

"I can help you with that," she offered casually.

Saber looked up at her, shocked by her response. He looked as if she just turned his world upside down. "W- What do you mean?"

"We're friends, aren't we?" she asked rhetorically. "It's nothing more than a little pawjob."

"Aislin... I- I'm not sure about that."

She stood up on the bed and stepped over to him. She brushed her paw over his cheek, looking at him with lust-filled eyes. Her seductive touch slowly traced down his neck and down his body. "Just lie down and relax," she soothed.

"I- If you really want to..." Saber gulped, unsure on how to continue. He just let Aislin have her way until he was sitting upright against the headboard with his legs splayed apart. Between his legs was his erect, pinkish cock, twitching above his loose orbs that rested on his tail.

Her eyes grew wide. His fleshy cock was larger than the other males she had mated, and his orbs looked as smooth as a human's skin. A knot formed at the base of his ridged shaft, making Aislin feel butterflies in her stomach. She would have to take him at some point, and she wasn't sure how painful it would be at first, but it would be so worth it.

Aislin took in the sight with a racing heart. She had been waiting so long just to see his exposed flesh, and now it was right in front of her, waiting to be touched and caressed. It took all of her self-control to keep from pouncing on him in a lustful fit. He looked at her with curious eyes, waiting to see if she would actually go through with it.

She reached out a black-scaled paw once she situated herself in front of him over his tail and gently caressed him. Saber's body twitched. She teased him for a moment before adding her other paw, beginning to knead into his balls as well as his shaft.

Saber elicited a quiet moan as his toes curled on his blue-scaled hind paws. "That feels good," he encouraged, looking adoringly into her dark-green eyes.

Aislin grinned and confidently massaged and rubbed his cock. She had never given a male this kind of attention before. She had orally pleased before, but never with her paw. Knowing that Saber was enjoying it reassured her. It made her happy to be pleasing another and not just herself, especially someone she cared about.

Her toes spread apart as she rubbed his member between them and against her soft paw pad. Her paw accumulated his slick lubrications, making it easier for her to slide up and down his shaft. She could feel his warmth radiating against her paw.

Saber grunted and occasionally bucked his hips, driving his member into her paw. His eyes were closed as she worked him up and down. As far as she knew, this was his first sexual contact with someone else, and she was glad to be his first.

Aislin smiled softly at him. He is too cute. Saber looked absolutely enraptured with his mouth hanging wide open. He panted and swiveled his hips uncontrollably. He would often wince and grunt pleasurably while she stroked him off.

Aislin dexterously used her toes to curl around his shaft so she could grip him. She pumped him up and down, a motion she saw other males doing to masturbate. Saber released a long, rumbling moan and while his body swayed back and forth. She could feel ridges on the base of his shaft gliding against her soft paw pads, and she wondered what his cock would feel like inside of her. She imagined that it would feel amazing.

As she jerked him off, she stared lustfully between his legs. She had to resist the urge to taste him. His scent was powerful in her nostrils, making her head dizzy with arousal. Her crotch was warm, and her sex was itching with desire. She wished she could ask him to please her too, but she had to draw the line somewhere. This was just a friendly pawjob after all!

With her other paw, Aislin massaged and felt his stones. His balls were soft and squishy, though she was careful not to press too hard on them. Her paw groped and fondled him, drawing out his pleasure. Saber spread his legs wider, giving her more access to his crotch. She grinned and played with his loose orbs, separating one twin from the other. They would bounce in her paw as she jerked him off.

"Ohhh... Aislin, I think I'm g- going to cum," he warned.

Aislin was disappointed--that was all too quick. She moved her paw up his shaft until she was using her thumb-toe to vigorously rub his tapered tip, making Saber groan with pleasure. She focused solely on his sensitive tip with one paw and his orbs in the other until his cock began pulsing within her grasp.

A thick rope of his seed suddenly spewed out of his tip and onto Aislin's paw as he moaned loudly. It was quickly replaced by rapid spurts of his warm, gooey liquid that trickled down her forepaw and dribbled onto his belly. She could feel the strength of each throb coursing through his cock while she gripped him as his seed spilled into the open. Some of his ejaculations were stronger than the others, sending his liquid splattering against his chest.

Saber's body writhed as his tail squirmed back and forth. She continued to stroke him as he came, feeling his pulsating length up and down. His orgasm lasted a long time compared to when Aislin masturbated. As his white, sticky seed coated her paw, she had to resist lapping it up. She wanted so badly to taste his flavor as the scent of his spunk tickled her nostrils, but she fought the urge.

Aislin reluctantly removed her paw once his orgasm had finished. She held it up, curiously eyeing the strings of his semen dripping off of it.

"T-Thank you, Aislin," he said delightedly. "That felt... so good. I've never felt anything quite like that."

"Haven't you ever masturbated?" she asked, wiping her paw on the bed.

He smiled awkwardly. "Well... yes," he admitted. "But I've never had a... an explosion like that before."

Aislin grinned and hopped off of the bed. "It was my pleasure. Let's go get cleaned up," she said as she padded towards the bathroom. He followed her after apologizing for the mess, though she didn't mind his mess one bit.

She led him to the shower, gesturing for him to step inside. It was a fairly large shower built for a dragon, and it was built like a glass enclosure. It was a flat, rectangular space with a single shower head on the wall in the center. She stepped inside as well, shutting the glass sliding door behind her and leaving little to no room left inside.

Saber looked at her nervously. "You're coming in here with me?"

Aislin squeezed past and stepped ahead of him, turning the shower on with a few adjustments of a couple dials. "I need to clean myself too," she replied. Water spouted out of the shower head. It was cold at first, but it quickly warmed up to a pleasant temperature.

"With me... right now?"

"Of course!" She quickly thought of an excuse and said, "I don't want to waste water, and it's your fault for making my paws dirty."

"Oh," was his terse reply. He didn't seem upset about it, but he looked rather uncomfortable.

"You shouldn't be so worried about us bathing together. After all, I just finished stroking you off--there's not much to hide anymore," she teased.

He smiled uneasily at her and replied, "I've just never been so intimate with someone else before. The pawjob was nice, but this... it seems like something mates would do."

She playfully bumped against him. "We're closer friends than most, right? Just don't think about it too much."

He looked at her thoughtfully and nodded.

Where Aislin used to live, there was a public shower that was out in the open without any bit of seclusion. The dragons there didn't care much for privacy, so they used it freely and whenever, even if there were other dragons there. There were only two different spouts that poured out lukewarm water, so they took turns or showered together.

It wasn't too tight of a fit inside Aislin's shower--they could just barely stand side by side--but their bodies were constantly touching somewhere, much to Aislin's joy. Saber hesitantly wetted himself, letting the water spray over his violet scales.

Aislin couldn't help but to stare at him. His violet scales glistened from his head to the blue tip of his tail Water dripped off of his body, splattering down at this paws. He never even glanced at her, so she had the full opportunity to watch him bathe.

Saber's forepaws traced over his body, spreading water to his underside where his scales were coated with his semen. He stretched, bending his torso down so he could reach his crotch and clean there too.

Aislin felt her cheeks flush with warm arousal. She turned away and began cleaning herself. She grabbed a bottle of soap that was specifically designed for dragons to increase scale shine. Then, she realized that she never offered any to Saber, and he looked to be nearly done. She quickly held it out to Saber who accepted it and thanked her.

There was one thing she realized about applying the soap, and it was that dragons couldn't quite reach some places on their bodies without help, mostly around their hind ends. She noticed Saber lathering it over the places he could reach easily until he struggled around his haunches. Another perfect opportunity to offer her friendly help with no sexual intent whatsoever!

"Need some help?" she asked casually.

Saber glanced at her, and she noticed his eyes dart over her body before he anxiously looked away. "Please."

He stepped ahead of her as Aislin planted her forepaws on his rear, beginning to rub and knead it. She grinned happily, feeling his taught muscles flex and twitch while scrutinizing his hind end. Her paws traced down his legs until his blue-scaled hind paws. She eagerly had him lift his legs so she could rub the pads of his feet.

"A- Aislin... I think you've gotten it all," he said timidly as she lifted his tail and rubbed the base of it.

"Almost," she replied. The temptation was too much: she took a quick gander at his testicles before her touch glided down to the end of his tail until it was 'cleaned.' "Anywhere else?" she asked hopefully.

"No... I think you got it all," he repeated uneasily.

She smiled and grabbed the soap bottle again, beginning to lather it over herself. "Can you help me as well?" she asked expectantly.

Saber blushed and looked at her. Aislin's light-gray scales were soaked with water, glistening while water dripped from her, and they black scales along her back were glossy. She looked sleek and lithe while she cleaned herself. She knew that Saber was captivated by her body, and that made her genuinely happy.

"Y- Yes... sure thing..." He stepped behind her as she handed him the bottle. Aislin had to fight back instincts to keep from raising her tail. She wanted him to mount her and thrust his cock deep into her. As he began kneading into her hind end, she felt his paws feeling the roundness of her hips. She stifled a moan and clenched her teeth. I will not ruin this moment!

She knew if she did anything to make Saber feel any more awkward, he would stop where he was. As it was, she was perfectly content with him exploring her body, and she didn't want it any other way. A paw grasped her inner thigh as he traced his touch down her leg, sending a pleasureful shiver through her. It felt like a deliberate movement too, almost as if he wanted to grope her there.

As his touch sensually traced down her leg, Aislin happily lifted her hind paw for him as he kneaded into her pads, massaging and cleaning her foot just like she had. It felt really pleasant and relaxing, and she wished he took a bit more time with it. He did the same to the other leg and stopped.

Disappointed, she looked behind her and said, "You missed my tail." She couldn't help but to lift it for him, and she saw his eyes bulge as he briefly glanced beneath it. He immediately jerked his head away, blushing while he only cleaned the mid-section of her tail to the tip. He didn't dare go near the base, and she didn't dare press him further. She already took it just a bit too far.

"Thank you, Saber," she said kindly and finished rinsing herself off.

"You're welcome..." he replied half-mindedly. Aislin turned the water off and they stepped out of the shower. She grabbed a couple towels and handed one to Saber. He grabbed it from her and began drying himself off. He looked ashamed of something and his eyes were avoiding her, making Aislin feel concerned.

Then, she saw the stiff erection between his legs as the towel moved away. She felt her cheeks flush again. Her hormones were toying with her atrociously, and she couldn't control herself as her sex itched to be pleased. She tried to cast her desire aside and focused more on Saber. She hated to see him ashamed of himself.

"Saber, are you alright?"

He still refused to look at her. "I- I'm fine," he lied. "I've just never..."

"Saber... you don't have to hide anything from me. It's perfectly natural to get an erection. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself because of it."

Aislin didn't mind his flesh being exposed one bit. Not only did she get to see it and enjoy looking at it, it also reminded her that she was desirable: that he thought she was attractive.

"It's not just that... it's..." He turned his head and his sincere, crimson eyes met hers. "You're beautiful, Aislin," he stated honestly. "I can't be around you without fighting the urge to mate with you. I let my lust get the better of me, and I touched you where I shouldn't have." He glanced away and awkwardly fiddled with his paws.

"You're too beautiful for me, and you make my heart yearn to be yours. You've given me nothing but kindness, and I've squandered it. I knew you've wanted to mate with me... but I don't deserve you, Aislin--I am weak. I've been too frightened to begin a relationship with you because I'm scared... I'm scared I will hurt you. I don't want to ever hurt you."

Aislin blushed, taken aback. At a loss for words, she couldn't think of anything to say. He poured out his heart to her, and all she could muster was, "Saber..."

"I'm sorry... I just... I couldn't hold it in any longer. I've done nothing but use you... I'll take my leave before I hurt you." He began walking away with his head and tail drooping low. He looked defeated and depressed, and that gave her a painful feeling in her chest.

Aislin stood stunned as he walked out of the bathroom. She thought for a brief moment over his words and realized, You haven't used me once, you polite idiot!

Then, she suddenly whirled around and chased after him, catching him in the middle of the living room. She pounced on him as he yelped and pinned him on his back. She had one of his wings held down by her forepaw while she rose intimidatingly over him, flaring her wings slightly.

She growled angrily at Saber. "If you leave me now, you'll hurt me more than you ever could," she hissed. "You're a blithering idiot when it comes to relationships, and you think too much about others." Saber looked at her with shock. "I... love you, Saber," she admitted, beginning to calm down. She loosened her grip, but she still stood aggressively over him.

"You've brought me nothing but joy these last few days. I've never felt so happy before," Tears filled her eyes, threatening to fall any moment. "You gave me purpose again... and I want to be your mate. Please, don't leave me." Aislin's body fell to his as she lay on top of him, and she began to cry. "If you love me too, don't leave me, Saber..."

"I won't leave you." Saber embraced her with his unpinned wing, comforting her lovingly. He was silent for a moment, looking at her thoughtfully. "Do you really want this? To be my mate?" he asked anxiously.

"I want this Saber," she answered definitely, burying her snout into his neck. "Even when I had only first met you, I knew I wanted this." She wanted so badly to hide her tears from him. She didn't want him to see her weakness. But she swallowed her pride and looked up at him and into his adoring, crimson eyes. "It would mean the world to me."

"Aislin... I don't know what to say." He stared into her glistening, dark-green eyes, searching for an answer. "I've never been someone else's mate... you're the closest friend I've ever had."

"How about we don't say anything?" she said, smiling softly. She nuzzled him affectionately and gently licked his cheek. "Let's just mate," she whispered.

His eyes grew wide as he perked up. "M-Mate? Right now?"

Aislin nodded, wiped her tears, and confidently stepped off of him, swaggering towards her bedroom just some steps away. This time she raised her tail without a care, briefly showing off her female sex to Saber.

He scrambled to his paws and padded quickly to her with no more questions. They hopped up onto the bed together, and Aislin lay on her back. She immediately spread her legs for him, presenting herself without guilt or hesitation. This was what she had been waiting for.

Saber sat at the end of her bed, staring directly at her exposed slit between her light-gray thighs. Aislin curled her tail between his forelegs and rubbed his hardening member hanging limply from his sheath. The tip brushed over his soft length, making him flinch and groan as it grew and hardened. She coiled her tail around his cock and rubbed his balls with the end of it.

For a moment he was completely captivated, continuing to stare at her crotch while she aroused him, but Aislin beckoned for him to join her, so he crawled between her legs until their snouts touched lovingly. She held him tenderly, wrapping her forearms around his torso while holding his flanks with her thighs as her hind paws rested on his rear.

Aislin rubbed the tip of her snout to his and licked him as they cuddled affectionately. He returned with gentle caresses and nibbles. Arousal was beginning to cloud Aislin's mind as her instincts drove her forward. His warm body pressed to hers, and she could feel his hard, slick member sliding against her slit. He graciously waited for her to give the go ahead. She was enthralled with the intimacy being shared between them, but she couldn't wait to be satisfied. Lust spurred her forward.

"Mate with me, Saber," she cooed softly and watched him eagerly position himself. Now that they had no inhibitions left, Saber was more than willing to mate. He seemed to be much more confident. She spread her legs wide, staring between them as he backed up and pressed his tapered tip to her entrance.

Aislin moaned and winced as he penetrated her body. Her soft walls stretched tightly around his cock as the first few inches slipped into her. Her cheeks heated warmly. Saber groaned pleasurably and lustfully licked the base of her neck. He nuzzled and reassured her, slowly pushing deeper. He took his time so her sex could make room for his large girth, much to her relief. Her toes curled as his knot pushed firmly against her entrance; pressure welled inside her sex.

Saber paused there for a moment and looked admiringly into Aislin's dark-green eyes. His soft, caring expression made her heart want to leap out of her chest after him. She held the back of his head and guided his snout to hers, bringing him in for a kiss.

She didn't quite know how to do it, and neither did he, so they clumsily mouthed at each other, licking and lapping at each other's tongues and mouths. Though it probably looked ridiculous, it was the thought that counted.

After they finished their first attempt at kissing, Saber began withdrawing his cock. She groaned, feeling his thick member sliding out of her expanded vent. He was about half-way before he quickly thrust back into her, making Aislin wince and grunt. Her grip tightened around his violet scales. He repeated the motion again and again until he had a quick but gentle pattern in his thrusts. Her secretions made it easier and easier for him until his movements were fluidly smooth.

Aislin cooed and moaned encouragingly beneath him while gently massaging his shoulders. Every drive of his hips sent pleasure reeling through her, and all she had to do was lie back and take it. She held onto his back firmly while kneading into his taught muscles. She intertwined her tail with his and watched him with ecstasy.

A determined expression scrunched Saber's features as he panted and humped her. His grunts and moans were just as numerous as hers. Aislin could faintly hear his hips slapping against her. She looked between their legs, watching his length disappear and reappear. He was delving deeper than when he had started, pushing through her folds until his knot stopped him. Her slit bulged when he filled her, expanding for his thick cock.

Soon, Saber's thrusts gained more speed until he was jouncing Aislin's body against the bed. The bed creaked with each push as Aislin cried out her lusts. She gripped his flanks tightly with her hind legs to keep her hind from bouncing too much. She could feel his ridges rubbing against the base of her entrance before they were lost in her tight folds, and they made her toes curl with delight.

Aislin's body rocked back and forth with Saber, moving to a quick, steady rhythm. Their connected sex squelched as their hips met with wet slaps. Her slick and slimy secretions made it easy for him to hastily slide in and out, so that he could press into her deeper and faster.

Saber looked like he was nearly ready to climax. His face was wrinkled with pleasure as his breaths were ragged and filled with husky groans. His head was lowered and his eyes were closed. Aislin smiled and nuzzled him lovingly, moaning encouragingly into his ear.

Aislin wasn't sure how much longer she would last. His constant humping was sending pleasure burning throughout her loins. She was close, and she could feel her sex churning, her walls beginning to undulate around his penetrating length. She wanted to hold out for Saber, and she was surprised he lasted this long. Although time felt like it was moving quickly, only a few minutes had passed.

But then Saber suddenly began pounding roughly against her, growling and snarling in a fit of pleasure. His length pulsed heavily as thick strings of his seed spewed into her vent. Aislin moaned with him, feeling his warmth trickling through her sex. Her vent clasped tightly around his cock, squeezing him firmly. He smashed his hips against hers, and his knot pushed firmly against her entrance, but it never penetrated her--she was too tight.

Aislin growled lustfully as her orgasm rushed through her body. She clenched her toes and held onto Saber closely, feeling pleasure burst throughout her loins. Her walls pulsated around his throbbing member, drawing more seed from his length as his climax came to an end. He collapsed on her as her orgasm massaged and milked his length. She moaned and threw her head back, relishing in the pleasureful feelings coursing through her. Her legs wrapped around him, holding him snugly against her. It wasn't long before her pleasure faded and was replaced by fatigue and satisfaction.

Aislin panted heavily and so did Saber. He nestled his snout beneath her head, affectionately nuzzling her. She smiled softly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"That felt amazing, Saber," she said happily. She could feel his length softening inside of her twitching depths while they remained connected at the hips.

"I'm so glad I could share that moment with you." He raised his head and looked adoringly into her eyes. "I'm sorry for being so foolish before."

"I forgive you." Aislin grinned and brought him in for another kiss. She closed her eyes as their lips pressed together and their tongues touched. Saber cocked his head and parted his maw. Aislin's mouth opened and their maws locked while their tongues explored. They were much more successful this time.

Aislin felt her chest warm with love as she sensually caressed his body while they exchanged saliva. She knew why the humans did it so much now. Kissing Saber made her heart soar with elation. When they finally broke apart, Aislin felt a calm sensation course through her body like a warm, pleasant wave.

"Wow," Saber said with a bright smile. He must have felt it too.

Aislin grinned with him, nudging her snout against his. She closed her eyes and relaxed while massaging and caressing Saber's body. He returned with sensual strokes along her flanks.

They cuddled together for some time, sharing their love with tender affection. When they finally separated, they rested on the couch together with Aislin in Saber's arms while they watched TV.

Aislin had never felt so happy before in her life. Lying there with Saber was calming and thrilling at the same time. She didn't even pay attention to the cartoons. She finally had someone she could share love with. Before they had mated, Saber was too afraid to touch her, but now he had no reason to be. They were free to be as intimate as they wanted.

Time sped by quickly, and they were soon on their way to work. They reluctantly flew out into the cold afternoon skies, leaving the warm comfort of their bodies.