Breaking In the New Pet

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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The mild and confusing torture only continues for Auspex, the dark elf, in this next installment for FA: Nexii_vanadis!

Just when Auspex thinks that he's getting the hang of being trapped in ropes all day and constantly teased with live sex shows and the occasional brush upon his cock, Miara decides to take things to the next level, placing him in a slightly different bondage; one that will allow him to receive pleasure, but still deny him from reaching any sort of a proper orgasm.

After long weeks of teasing and chastity, can Auspex handle a more extreme form of torture and sexual depravity without losing his mind?

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Living life on one's knees was no way to live...unless you happened to be the submissive pet of a couple of very friendly felines.

The reality, of course, was that this was more of a silver lining to a much more inconvenient reality: Auspex was quite literally on his knees in the living room, and unable to bring his arms around to the front of his body.

He was becoming used to the rigors of everyday life as a pet, for what that was worth to him. The only times his arms were untied from his back were at night, when he was kept collared and attached to a post, and when he had to beg to go outside and relieve himself, as if he were nothing more than a common feral beast. Even when he was given the graces to leave the house, it was only to step into the small side yard, and there was very little privacy to be had...Auspex was still rather disgusted at the fact, and wondered just how long it would be before Miara and Rossal finally started letting him use the restroom inside.

Meals were provided, and though he ate normal food, Auspex was expected to eat on the floor, from a bowl, the way that a proper pet should; Miara and Rossal sat at the table and watched him, making sure that he enjoyed their particular diet. Being felines, it wasn't surprising that they had some sort of fish or beef for almost every meal, and luckily for the dark elf, they were quite the talented cooks, every bit as skillful with a spoon as they were with a spear.

The delicious flavor of the food often lead Auspex to quite literally beg for extra, and he was quick to find that Miara had no qualms about taking that same wooden spoon and rapping him across the backside with it. The snow leopardess seemed to take a certain pleasure, not just in the feeling of the spoon striking Auspex, but judging by the flicker of her ears when she did it, it was the sound that was truly bringing her a twisted form of sexual satisfaction.

WHAP! Though now only in his mind, Auspex couldn't escape the sound of a firm piece of wood, formed into a cooking tool, being used to quite literally abuse him when he acted out of line. He was learning not to beg, and slowly learning the best way to get along in the feline household...and he'd be remiss if he didn't admit that life with Miara and Rossal wasn't all bad.

There were plenty of nights when colder air fell on the plains of Vanadia, and Auspex was worried that he might end up freezing to death after the fireplace was put out, only to feel Miara coming out to the living room to join him, draping an extra blanket over his shoulders for warmth. He was allowed to take part in Rossal's morning training exercises, at least, in a limited capacity, so he wouldn't end up losing the slim musculature of his smaller frame. Rare as it was, he was even occasionally allowed into the kitchen to help with the cooking, and though some might find it a chore, Auspex was happy for the surprising amount of community he felt, just from helping to prepare his own meals.

He was truly on the fence about whether or not he could accept this as a life he wanted to live for the rest of his days, and the one thing that had him on the fence more than any other factor was sitting between his legs...still trapped in a cage of silver, and having gone over three weeks now without any sort of a release.

Though he did his best not to think about it...there was no way to ignore the way that his cock was almost constantly throbbing inside of the cage, begging to be let out, wishing that it could expel the growing, swelling wealth of seed that was trapped in his sack.

If she doesn't let me out of here soon, I think I'm gonna lose it... Auspex thought with a quick, frustrated groan. Miara was clearly the more aggressive of the pair, and though her husband, Rossal, was larger and stronger, she was the one who truly held the leash in their relationship. Both males bowed to her every command, rare as it was that she actually ordered Rossal to do anything, and Auspex, learning his place and his proper obedience, was quick to respond to any order she gave, this far into his training.

Today, he'd been ordered to sit still by the fireplace, tied up to his post, arms bound behind his back...and wait.

Just wait.

It would seem a rather simple, and perhaps even merciful order to receive from a pair that introduced Auspex to their lifestyle in such a brutal way, immediately caging him and then stuffing another man's flesh into his asshole, but for Auspex, waiting was by far the worst punishment. His mind, once extremely disciplined in the form of a dangerous dark elf, one that wielded black magic in battle with ease, was starting to become sloppy and lazy, leaving his thoughts to wander and drift to things that he knew he wouldn't enjoy.

Not surprisingly, he always ended up coming back to the tight, gripping walls of silver that refused to budge from the shaft of his cock.

Miara disappeared shortly after giving Auspex his instructions, and he hadn't seen Rossal all day. He'd only been able to gaze around the living room, which, while cozy and quite easy on the eyes to start with, was very quick to turn boring and leave someone wanting a life outside and away from the cool, brown brick and mortar of the walls.

Auspex knew every inch of them by now. He knew which boards of the hardwood floors would creak when his paws stepped upon them, he knew which windowpane was letting a small breeze in without even having to look at it. He could tell just where to place his knees on the floor to find a slight dip in the panels, giving him more of a cushion and giving him an easier time of staying bound.

He knew the living room inside and out, and he was pretty sure that he had Miara pegged by now, as well; nothing more than a sadistic snow leopardess who was content to torture him when he stepped out of line, in exchange for a little help around the house, and the occasional snuggle when her husband couldn't be around to supply it. He was certain that he was seeing right through her facade, and as she finally came back into the living room that afternoon, his eyes were filled with disdain at the sight.

Miara was sure that she'd broken Auspex before, but the reality was that she'd only finished the job halfway...lucky for her, what she had planned for that afternoon would seal the deal, no doubt about it.

"I see that you've been rather faithful to me today, Auspex...not that your task was anything truly difficult," she said to him as she entered the room. It was all too common for Miara and Rossal to walk around the house without any extra clothing, and for someone like Auspex, who could appreciate both sides of the sexual spectrum, he'd lost count of the number of times that precum was leaking out of the minuscule hole on the tip of his chastity cage after they left the room. "I think it's about time that we made your task a little more difficult."

"Would you like me to kneel in a different direction, Mistress?" Auspex asked, never forgetting to address his captors with their honorifics, but still being sure to sneak in some sass and attitude when the conversation allowed it.

Miara, of course, picked right up on the sound. Her rounded ears flickered, and then tilted forward just slightly as she started to grin, revealing only the very tips of her sharpest fangs to Auspex for the moment. "No, I don't want you to move an inch, my faithful pet...I want you to stay right where you are, and see just how much of this torture you can really take."

The words were enough to send an unpleasant, blood-cooling chill down the spine of the dark elf. Even though it cascaded down to the middle of his back, the long, pouring tresses of his bright, white hair didn't do anything to ease the freezing sensation as it moved down his spine and into the pit of his stomach.

These were rare words, and ones that never spelled anything but trouble for Auspex when Miara spoke them.

"I...o-okay, Mistress..." Auspex replied weakly. He could feel the long, narrow tips of his own elven ears starting to turn down toward the ground as Miara continued to approach, naked as the day she was born, and wearing nothing more than a growing, evil grin that was enough to make Auspex shudder all by itself. "W-what...what exactly are you..."

Words failed Auspex as Miara stopped just out of the reach of the drow. She spread her legs just past shoulder width and ran a paw down over her stomach, allowing the soft, full tufts of her fur to become entangled in her pawtips as she guided the digits further down her body, over the crest of her pubic mound, and right to the thin, tight slit of her womanhood. She was more than happy to spread her folds open just a little bit to Auspex, knowing how powerful such a sight could be when a feisty male had been depraved of sexual pleasures for such a long time.

"I'm seeing just how needy you really are, Auspex..." she quietly explained. Skillful, soft pawtips kept her sex spread just enough so that Auspex could view the entrance to her inner walls and her proud, tiny clit standing erect at the peak of her more delicate flesh. The hollow, pathetic look in the eyes of the dark elf was all Miara needed to see, and with a giggle, she rested her other paw under one of her soft, supple breasts and pushed the flesh up toward her own muzzle, happily leaning down to press her lips to the perky nipple that snuck out through the soft, snowy billows of fur upon her bosom. "J-just how long can you sit there...and I suck on my own breasts?"

Thin and slick, Miara's tongue coiled and swirled around the sensitive nipple, leaving a clear trail of saliva, just plentiful enough that Auspex would surely see it. Miara knew exactly what she was doing, and it took mere moments for Auspex to groan in discomfort as his body reacted the only way it knew how to such a display: blood immediately began to rush down to his crotch as Miara continued her show, knowing that the chastity cage was already filled to capacity, and yet, the dark elf's body still tried to force more vitality into his caged flesh, leaving him helpless to do anything more than grunt and whimper in pain.

"Son of a bitch... Nnngh! You know how needy I am, Mistress!" Auspex grunted, gritting his own teeth together as he did everything in his power to resist the show. He would have shut his eyes, but he knew that a punishment for the same would be every bit as swift and twice as painful as the discomfort between his thighs, so he refused to deny himself the view, and didn't give Miara that opportunity, unless she was truly feeling that devious.

Auspex knew better than to ever underestimate her.

"Oh? Is that so, my foul-mouthed little pet?" Miara asked, giving him a rather curious look from the ice blue depths of her eyes. She looked more adorable than threatening, as she continued to suckle hungrily at her own breast, but the way that her long, luxurious and fluffy tail swished back and forth left her with the appearance of someone who was rather inexperienced...and it was enough to trick Auspex and his tortured mind, leaving him to wonder if this was really the worst that she could muster that day.

Perhaps it was...but Rossal was only just making his appearance, and if Miara was the boss, Rossal was the enforcer.

"Then perhaps we should get you a little closer to what you really need..."

Miara finally let her breast fall from her muzzle with a final, wet suckle, licking her own lips thereafter and appreciating the natural flavor that her flesh contained. Rossal, not bothering with clothes himself, stepped right up behind his wife and rested his paws on her shoulders, all while narrowing his powerful, domineering eyes at the dark elf.

"Is our pet being a handful today, Miara?" he asked, leaning down to press a small kiss upon the side of her cheek.

She giggled with glee at the affectionate gesture, but then immediately nodded. "I'm afraid he has a bit of an attitude this afternoon...just look at the way my pussy is's already leaking all the way into the fur on my thighs, and he's just sitting there, stone faced...he wouldn't even compliment me!"

Though Rossal was grinning when he kissed his lovely lady, the expression turned to stone, and his the intensity in his eyes was doubled as he lowered his paws from her shoulders and stomped his way over to Auspex. "To have such a spectacular show is a treat that no man is worthy of," he started to explain, "But to leave her standing here without so much as a compliment...that's inexcusable, Auspex...and to leave her unsatisfied? You're lucky to still be alive."

"B-but Master, I...I can't even reach her!"

"Excuses, excuses..." Rossal muttered, shaking his head all the while. "Is that all you ever have for me when I come to find my wife unhappy with you...?"

There was a sadistic game being played between Miara and Rossal, and Auspex was simply caught in the crossfire. He was a victim to it, and on days like this, he nearly regretted being spared after their battle...and he was sure to by the time all was said and done.

"Master, could I..."

There was a quiet, faint rattling that cut Auspex off, the sound of his cock throbbing uncontrollably against the silver of the constricting cage. The dark elf left his jaw to hang open as Rossal gazed down at the source of the sound, and for a moment, Auspex was truly worried that his life was forfeit.

" couldn't break from your bonds to worship Miara because your body was diverting all of your blood flow somewhere else..." Rossal mentioned, as he watched the cage continue to bounce around with every rapid beat of the drow's heart. "But this is a tribute to her, I suppose, even if it is in the most depraved way possible. It isn't worthy of a reward, I'm This will only garner more punishment."

Auspex couldn't, and didn't want to imagine what further bondage they might place him into. Even though he could see the change in demeanor of Rossal, one that was slowly warming up to something similar to affectionate, he knew that the felines had no problem being rough with his body and ignoring the natural limits that his anus had in place. Unable to escape, however, and certain that something worse than death was coming, Auspex took a series of deep, rapid breaths in his panic, and prepared for the absolute worst.

He thought he was prepared for anything, but ended up being dead wrong when Miara slowly knelt down to the ground in front of him, came to lay upon her back, and scooted across the floor...taking his caged cock in a delicate, gentle grip.

"It's been three long, hard weeks, hasn't it, Auspex?" she asked, giving a squeeze that might have been soft to the average cock, but for one that was trapped so tightly and trying so hard to become erect, it was actually slightly painful. "Having to watch us walking around in the natural beauty that we were blessed with, seeing our most private parts all day long, and even catching us making love against the dining table a couple times...and all you could do was sit and watch, wishing that you could join in, or at least touch yourself..."

Miara was a devilish tease, and she was quick to notice the small stream of precum that was drooling out of the tiny hole in the cage. Auspex blinked as he felt the light, peach-fuzz fur of her other paw caressing over his sack and examining his large, swollen orbs, able to literally feel just how backed up they'd become from the literal weeks of sexual depravity.

"My goodness! It feels like you're about to burst!" she declared. Her voice was riddled with faux concern, something made evident as she grinned wide and squeezed down hard on his sack, enough that Auspex thought his eyes might bulge right out of his skull. "Would be such a shame if you were to get brought right to the edge of a release, to get all of this thick, heavy cum out of your body...only to be stopped at the last second."

Auspex had been curious just what the couple was going to do to him this time, and how they might take his torture further, given the wide range of punishments he'd been subjected to over the last three weeks.

None had been as cruel as the words Miara uttered to him, right then.

" please no!"

"I'm sorry, but from the beginning, you haven't been making the rules," she reminded him, "And you aren't going to be starting now. You're going to sit there on your knees and enjoy this...just...not too much."

The dark elf groaned as the painfully tight squeeze on his sack ended, but it was replaced by a sensation that while formerly pleasant, was now just another form of torture. Long, prehensile and covered in a coat of thick, soft, downy fur, Miara gently brushed the plush fluff of the end of her tail against the chastity cage, letting the white underside of her fur slip back and forth over the bright silver of the well kept cage, just to give Auspex a preview of what he was to undergo. Only the thinnest of furs actually made it through the tiny gaps in the cage to brush against the captured flesh of his cock, but those minuscule touches were like a series of full, lengthy pawjobs after such a long time without any proper, full contact to his member.

Rossal watched with a playful grin as Auspex trembled from the sly touch, immediately trying to wiggle his arms out of the complex series of ropes that kept him from moving away from his spot by the fireplace. His thighs shook and his muscles jumped out of control as Miara swished her tail back and forth without a thought, able to think of only one way to add to the torture, and it was a risky move, even for a dominatrix like herself.

"I can see that look in your eyes, Miara," Rossal commented, as he came closer to the couple and stood before Auspex. Rossal's member was just about face height with Auspex, and the dark elf was trained to the point that going to offer a blowjob was simply a product of his obedience; it ended up throwing him off heavily when Rossal placed a paw against his face and kept him restrained. "You want to let him out of the cage so we can tease every inch of his cock..."

Miara licked her lips at the thought of the thick, onyx flesh hanging out over her muzzle, left to touch and explore at her whims when the cage would be undone. "It's just for a while! We'll put him right back in...and we'll make absolutely sure that he doesn't cum..."

Auspex continued to learn just how vanilla his desires had actually been before, as he couldn't think of another device that would keep him from receiving pleasure or climaxing. He also didn't care to think of it, as Rossal tossed Miara the tiny key to unlock the cage, and suddenly, there was no level of torture that could reach Auspex. There was no bad news that could possible bring down his elation.

"Go on and unlock him, then...I'll get the bind."

The drow should have been listening to Rossal a lot more closely as the tiger disappeared once again into the kitchen, and Miara caught the key. She pressed it into the equally tiny lock on the bottom of the chastity cage, and as the two silver clasps came undone, Auspex let out the greatest sigh of relief of his entire life. His lungs sucked in a deep wealth of air as his member sprung out, the blood flow finally having a chance to be complete as his cock flew out to full length, and immediately started to fill with blood. He could feel an unfamiliar tingle in the sensitive skin on his shaft as vitality filled his genitals, and just for a moment, he felt like he was back on top of the world, even if he was still trapped in bondage.

Then, Miara caught another device, and right as Auspex reached cloud nine, she kicked him out of Heaven and back down to Vanadia.

"You're gonna feel a little pressure, Aus..." she explained, as a small, metal coil was suddenly in her paws. She was working the wires of the thick coil around the very base of his shaft, and she made sure that he was at his fullest length before she tied the two ends of the coil together, placing a pressure on Auspex and his member like nothing he'd ever felt before. Every vein that once rested peacefully under the surface of his shaft was bulging up to the surface, and almost immediately, there was a disconnect, and an uncomfortable pressure in the very base of his member anytime that more blood rushed to it. "See, this device helps to block up the seminal more basic terms, even if you do end up reaching a climax, this little baby won't let the semen out of your'll just keep backing up, building more pressure and denying you any sort of a real climax."

Were he able to move, Auspex might have tried to choke the life out of both his master and his mistress, but still, the ropes around his arms wouldn't budge. He was just as trapped as ever, and though he'd started to build a rather affectionate relationship with the pair of felines as their pet, this was a massive strike against them.

"Learn to trust my wife a little bit more," Rossal suggested, as he came back in from the kitchen, rather proud of his accurate long toss. "You might think of this as a punishment...and perhaps it is, but...if you just relax and embrace it, you'll find it a whole lot more enjoyable..."

Naturally, Auspex was hesitant to believe such a thing, but as Rossal came to kneel next to his wife, the tiger gave him almost immediate reason to have faith. Each of the trio was blessed with rather long hair, and Miara was quick to put hers to a creative use as she gathered up strands of it in a paw and coiled them around Auspex's newly exposed cock, gently stroking back and forth over the length with a technique that allowed the dark elf to feel just how soft her headfur really was. It was as if she were massaging his member with a smooth, silk cloth, and the way the fibers of her hair was so much more flexible allowed her to reach every sensitive spot he might ever have. Rossal, meanwhile, allowed his own tail, not quite as fluffy, but still coated with fur to brush between the large, swollen testes that Auspex still harbored, allowing the smooth fur upon the tip of his tail to tickle and swirl around each full, heavy orb, a sensation that could have brought Auspex to a climax by itself, before.

With the coil around the base of his member, however...he could feel almost every sensation of pleasure, but none of it was building toward anything. Most of the time, he would at least be able to feel the proper gatherings of an orgasm in the pit of his stomach, but thanks to the binder...

... Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Auspex could feel his body attempting to allow the most pleasure possible. He could feel the constant rush of warmth coming down upon his crotch and filling his body all the way up to the pits of his abdomen, but it simply couldn't reach any further. The bind was literally all it took to keep his body from achieving a proper climax, and it was taunting him, just a tiny, worthless piece of metal...keeping him from finally being able to relieve himself.

"Feel the way he's squirming? I think the poor boy would be blowing his load already! Y'know...if we'd let him," Miara teased, having no qualms about making the experience every bit as embarrassing as it was painful. "Had a feeling this boy was a minute man..."

Rossal snickered to himself just a little bit as the length of his tail continued to pass between the sickeningly full orbs of Auspex's sack, but the tip kept going and continued onward, sliding along the far backside of his inner thighs, until it reached the underside of his smooth, taut rump. The tip of the tail probed around, brushing the thin, soft bristles of its fur against Auspex and his smooth skin, bringing even more ticklish sensations to the surface for the drow, who was shaking so violently that Miara feared he might damage the floor.

"Looks like we're doing the poor little elf a favor yet again," Rossal chimed in, watching the way that tiny trails of drool were starting to pour down a side of Auspex's jaw as he truly lost control of his muscles. The sensations radiating from his crotch were quite literally paralyzing, holding him still not with a pure pleasure, but with one that was dipped in venom. "Putting our little pet through this kind of training, maybe he'll actually last a minute or two if we ever let him climax again..."

It was only a matter of time before Auspex would be roped into another threesome with the downright sinful felines, but that didn't mean that he would be allowed to finish that time, either. It was far more likely that he'd be back in his cage by then, and unable to reach his peak thanks to the silver walls that now sat harmlessly on the floor. Such a small device having such a big impact on his life was just another mental jab for Auspex, who couldn't stand the fact that he was being treated such a way. The pleasure that bubbled up in his sack, trying so hard to force a torrent of cum out of his member, simply couldn't be properly realized. It was nothing more than a painful reminder of his situation at that point. His cock was throbbing hard from the way the bind restricted his blood flow, and the veins looked full to bursting under the wraps of Miara and her long, luxurious hair.

She wasn't content to only tease his member, of course.

Her tail was a perfectly good tool for the job, and the very tip of it was covered in such a soft, cloudy layer of fluff that it would leave a tickle on almost any surface it touched. Auspex was naturally naked, the way a pet should be, and that left his nipples, a rarely touched erogenous zone, wide open for the teasing.

"Does it feel good, Auspex? Do you like it when your master and mistress tease your body to the breaking point?" she asked, snickering before the drow ever had a chance to answer. She knew what his response would have been, if Auspex weren't already reduced to a panting, whimpering puddle of dark elf. The torture only continued, multiplied by the sudden arrival of Miara's tail against one of the delicate, tiny nipples upon his chest, a sensation that he couldn't prevent, and couldn't prepare for.

"N-nyah! Stop...p-please stop!" Auspex tried to beg, but his voice was broken apart by the myriad of different sensations coming at him from every possible angle. There was no break to be had for the tortured dark elf, who winced his eyes shut tight and gasped within his bondage, feeling something akin to a climax building in his loins. It was a moment that should have been heavenly after the lengthy time he'd gone without release, but with the binder keeping his cock effectively separated from the rest of his sexual organs, the circuit couldn't be completed, and while his brain sent the signal to his already overfilled orbs to produce more seed, the rush that wanted to escape had nowhere to go.

The backup was a pain unlike any other that Auspex had ever know...a dull, ringing pain that sat within his body, somewhere that he couldn't reach, and he couldn't fix, even though he knew what the source of his discomfort was. The only people who could relieve him, the only people who could save him were the very ones making the situation that much worse...and he could nothing more than beg for their mercy.

"Something the matter?" Miara asked, her voice the very epitome of betrayal; it sounded so soothing and comforting to the sensitive ears of the drow, but he was smart enough to know that there was only more devious intent and torture waiting behind that sweet, sensual voice. "Is our poor, tied up pet a little sensitive...?"

Her final words heralded the touch of her soft, fluffy tail smoothing across his chest and going to lightly flutter against the other nipple, not wanting any sensual part of Auspex to be left out of her touch. Rossal was doing his part as well, as the very tip of his tail smoothed back and forth between the supple curve of the drow's backside, hot-dogging the gap between each cheek of his rump and igniting the nerve endings in his flesh all the while. "I think he's getting ready to lose it, Miara...just look at the way he's shuddering! He looks as though he might even have to cry about it!"

The last reserves of precum that were in Auspex before the binder was put on the base of his cock were flowing freely in a slow, constant stream, steaming the gap of Miara's cleavage and leaving the fur upon her chest a sticky, stained mess as she continued to delicately brush against his length. She used a feather soft touch the entire time, refusing to do anything that might accidentally be strong enough to break through the binder; everything had to be light.

"I can't feel that bad for him, Rossal...just look at the mess he's making all over my big, soft breasts..." she muttered, making sure that even in the way that she spoke, her very nature would be sexual. If they were going to break their pet, they had to do it right, and judging by the high-pitched, pathetic whimpers from the dark elf, they weren't too far from their goal.

Whether it was clarity, or just his body literally reaching a point where any touch was painful, Auspex managed to speak again, as tears actually did start to well up in his eyes, but they refused to fall. Every inch of his body trembled at even the lightest touch, and slick, clear liquid continued to spill from the very tip of his member like a calm, lazy river as his mind came to realize what his body accepted multiple minutes ago.

There was no way out of this, and his begging might do absolutely nothing to dissuade the felines, but...they could have killed him anytime they wanted. They could have tortured him to a level far worse than the one they chose. They could have treated the dark elf like he was nothing more than the dirt, stuck between their paws...but they didn't.

They were simply trying to drag him down into the same world of depravity that they lived in, and that meant he had to undergo certain initiations, much like this one.

"I...I give in..."

Miara didn't stop her touch, allowing the web of her hair to continue smoothing back and forth over the bound, trapped cock, knowing that there was still a little mess to work out of it. "What was that, my poor pet...?"

"G-give...I give in..." Auspex repeated himself, shuddering as he spoke. He didn't know how he was still conscious to reply, but he did the best that he could, slowly lowering his head and casting the endless locks of his bright, white hair over his shoulders as he did. "T-to you..."

Rossal sneered at the pathetic attempt by the elf. He leaned in a little bit closer to Auspex, brushing his cheek against the slim stomach of the dark elf and finding yet another way to attack his sensitive flesh. "You did that the day we captured you, Auspex...I'm afraid that isn't good enough to get us to stop."

"No, I m-mean it!" he tried to argue, panting rapidly as he did from the new and ticklish sensation that radiated from just under his ribs. "I...I won't r-resist you...ever...again..."

Finally, as long as it took, there was a pause in the action, and Miara allowed the long, flowing tresses of her hair to fall down to the floor, leaving the onyx flesh of the dark elf's cock hanging out above her muzzle, fully exposed and still throbbing desperately with the need for a release.

"He's ready, Rossal..."

The tiger didn't seem quite as convinced, but he looked down at his wife, knowing that she ran the show, and that she would know better than anyone else what the voice of a true submissive sounded like. "You're sure? We've only been going at him for about an hour..."

Miara nodded as she leaned up and pressed a surprisingly affectionate kiss to the very base of the drow's cock, right where the binder was. "And that was all it took...we're getting better at this, my love," she explained, as she picked up the two pieces of the chastity cage. "Your time will come, Auspex, and so will your release...but you haven't earned it. Not, you've only earned a small break, and that break is officially over."

Auspex slowly opened his eyes again, his chest still heaving as he looked down at Miara with a raised eyebrow. It didn't feel like any break he'd ever been through before, but if the end result was that the binder was taken off of his cock, he didn't care what he had to go through to get it. The chastity cage was bad...

The binder was much, much worse.

"We'll wait for you to calm down, and then it's back in the cage, my darling little pet," Miara told him, as she snuck out from between his thighs and went up to a knee, before standing upright and holding the pieces of the cage in front of his face. "Because this is your future...and now, you've truly accepted it."

Before, Auspex would have replied with a quip, or tried to come up with a sneaky way to force a little attitude into his response.

"Y-yes, Mistress...I have..." was his only reply, and though he was still breathless from the overwhelming sensations, his voice was authentic, even bordering on affectionate...and the sharpest ears in all of the land, the two on top of Miara's head, could recognize the authenticity.

Rossal was beyond impressed, and seeing that Miara was giving Auspex the small break, he knelt up so that he was closer to the height of the drow, and slowly wrapped his arms around his body, brushing that thick, luscious coat of fur against the bare flesh of the captured dark elf, letting him feel the warm and smooth sensation of each little bristle moving over his sensitive skin. Auspex had come to appreciate that touch, even if it was a little too much for him, at the moment.

"Good boy," she whispered, before she went down to her knees and embraced him as well, pinning his body between the larger forms of the two felines. He couldn't possible escape from his current position...and though it shocked him to realize the same, he didn't want to.

"Now, my pet," Miara addressed him, brushing the very tip of her muzzle against one of his sensitive ears, "The real fun can begin."