TLK- Mistake- Simba x Kiara

Story by nicker11600 on SoFurry

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#2 of Short X stories

It's a nice cloudy day in the land of the pridelands, where Simba lays in pride rock trying to take a little cat nap while Nala and several lionesses are gone to hunt, as teen about to be adult Kiara lays on a flat rock under shade of trees near pride rock looking at the land around her getting bored before laying her head down to nap herself. At pride rock Simba receives a wonderful dream of him and Nala alone in the jungle where she and him met during Scar's reign, chasing each other, playing fighting, just having fun until sudden Simba goes to pin Nala, which Nala lets him as she locks her muzzle with his while her rear paws rub his sheathed dick and balls making his dick erect out and come to a full erection.

With his dick at full erect Nala spreads her rear legs giving Simba a good idea of what she wants to do, as their tongues dances with each others before separating from kissing. Nala gives Simba seductive eyes while Simba smells her husky, strong but lovely scent of her heat

Nala:" you know what you smell, now use that big meat stick of yours to find it" she seductively says and smiles as Simba does as told and lines his lion dick with her cunt. Simba was about to put his throbbing erect dick in her until waking up from the dream to find himself with his dick fully erect from the dream.

Simba:" I had to wake up on the good part" he groans before standing up and walking towards the exit of the cave of pride rock where a nice gust of wind blows his mane around as he walks up the slanted rock to look around.

Simba:" I wonder if any of the lionesses are still here to take care of this for me" he says to himself while looking around the land to look for any of his lionesses, which he finds none until finding one laid under a tree in the shade.

Simba:" ah, there's one" he says looking at the lioness as he walks down the slanted rock and down the steps off of pride rock.

Simba:" how should I approach just go and asks or just... hmm" he says to himself wondering how to approach to his lioness about taking care of his erection.

Simba:" ah, I am king either way she'll love to service her king." He says getting closer to the lioness as he smells a strong scent making him more aroused.

Simba:" smells like she's in heat *sniffs* wonderful." He says getting closer and closer until reaching the lioness that now lays asleep in front of him as he smells the luscious husky scent of the lionesses. Simba licks his lips and puts his nose under the lioness's tail where the heated scent is most powerful, along with the view of the lioness's needy cunt.

Simba:" what a precious gem you have" he softly says as the lioness's eyes pop open from hearing and feeling Simba, as he then starts to lick the lioness's cunt making her moan.

Lioness:" ah... um... d-" she was about to say but Simba interrupts her "shush now, I'll take care of this heat for you along with you helping me with my need erection" he says not looking at her, as he licks a few more times.

Lioness:" b-but I'm your-"

Simba:" shush, relax my beautiful lioness, your pleasures will soon be felt" he says beginning to mount her with his cock in line with her vagina.

Lioness:" I'm your-"the lioness tries to explain something

but Simba interrupts again "shush again, I know how badly your heat maybe, but it'll go away as soon we're done" he tells her as he moves his hips forward allowing his dick to enter her cunt making her moan but she also turns her body around.

Lioness:"DAD!" the lioness screams which the lioness happens to be Kiara as she swipes at Simba hitting him in the face allowing Kiara to get out from under Simba and runs towards a flat land area with a lot of soft grass.

When Kiara swiped him Simba with shock come to a realization of who it was he was about to mate with and looks at where Kiara went.

Simba:" Kiara, what have I done" he says before running after her, after a good few minutes of running and searching he finally finds Kiara half passed out on her side panting out of breath.

Simba:" Kiara... I'm so sorry Kiara" he says to her who doesn't respond but still pants, Simba walks up next to her and nuzzles her

Simba:" I'm sorry, I thought you were one of the lionesses, then your heat's scent got me more aroused and, you have every right to hate and be made at me, but I want you to know that I'm sorry and I love you" he says giving her cheek a lick and was about to walk back to pride rock.

Kiara sits up, Kiara:" dad" she says to him making him stop in his tracks and look back at her as she walks up to him and nuzzles him.

Kiara:" I forgive you daddy" she says nuzzling him "you just scared me that's all" she continues saying,

Simba:" I didn't know how to approach you because I thought you were one of the lionesses and figured either way you'll like it" he explains

Kiara:" if I wasn't your daughter" she says back with a slight chuckle.

Simba:" we ought to head home before your mother gets home" he says walking towards pride rock,

Kiara:" you mean you're not going to finish?" she says with a seductive smile and eyes as Simba with surprise looks back at her as she turns her body around and crouches showing her father her needy lioness good.

Kiara:" besides you did say you have an erection that needs to be taken care of" she says looking back at him with a seductive smile. Simba smiles back and approaches her

Simba:" you sure you want me to still do this?" he asking making sure,

Kiara:" I'm showing my pussy to you aren't I?" she chuckles as Simba mounts her again.

Simba:" ready?" he asks

Kiara:"yes, take me daddy, put prove that I'm your cub" she says then moans when Simba thrusts forward entering Kiara with his lion dick and he begins to thrust in and out of her.

Kiara:" oh... You're so big daddy... ahhh... Good heavens I needed this" she moans while feeling her father's lion cock's barbs scrape the inner vagina walls when he pulls out along adding the pleasure of when he thrusts in.

Simba:"you... you are so tight" he says feeling her cunt contrast every so often, practically hugging his dick while he thrusts in and out. While Simba thrusts in and out, Kiara can feel Simba's balls slapping against her body as he humps and thrusts while at the same time feels his dick throbbing inside her.

Kiara:" ooh... I love you daddy" she moans

Simba:" I love you too sweetheart" he says back before licking the back of her neck. Kiara moves her head back to where she can give a lick to her father's snout as he licks her nose before she looks back forward. Simba's thrusts begin to get faster,

Simba:" I'm... almost... I'm about to let go"

Kiara:" I'm... hhhha... I'm about to also, you can choose whether to pull out or not" she tells him.Simba thrusts faster and faster in and out of his daughter until Simba reaches his orgasm, Simba goes to pull his dick out but Kiara's vagina contrasts hugging Simba's dick tight where he can't move it.

Simba:" I can't pull..." he says to her daughter who then feels her vagina getting filled by her father's cub making juices. Simba:" oh no, no, no, no" he says in a panic tone knowing what is happening,

Simba:" how am I going to explain this to your mother? What would she think if I told her I got you pregnant?" he says to her daughter who just lays quiet.

?:" I think, you just need to relax" a voice says behind them making Simba's heart skip a beat in fear as he looks over his shoulder to see Nala as he then tries to pull his dick out but Kiara's cunt which is still contrasted around his cock. Nala walks around to the side of them to see Simba connected to Kiara,

Nala:" I see you two had fun together" she chuckles, Simba with a surprise expression looks at her mate

Simba: "you mean, you're not mad about this?" he asks as Nala licks his cheek

Nala:" why would I be? It's only nature, besides you are the only male lion in the pride lands so it was only a matter of time before you smelt her heat" she smiles then gives her daughter a lick on top of her head. Kiara's cunt finally let's goes of Simba's dick as he pulls his cock out of her.

Simba:" I love you, both of you" he says nuzzling first Kiara as Nala leans to join making it a little group nuzzle with Kiara nuzzling back. They separate from nuzzling letting Kiara get up,

Kiara:" what did you guys hunt?" she asks as the three of them walk towards pride rock where the lionesses wait for them,

Nala:" a couple of good sized zebras" she tells them

Simba:" sounds lovely" he then says nuzzling Nala.

End of short story