Ember's passion

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#3 of Spyro and Cynder

So yeah, time to feed the yiffers I suppose... and just for your info I publish this raw and unrefiend... so expect a few grammatical errors or so... it was either this or waiting a week more and i cant stand the sight of your big blue balls xD. As always, enjoy.

"Ugh...." Spyro moaned as he lay exhausted in his bed, recalling the last week and recapping the events that had happened since. Ever since that first sexual encounter he had with Cynder he had been revealing and studying new parts of her, as if layers were beginning to peel away. She was far less stiff and far more relax around him, which he rather like, but at the same time she was rather dominant and just a tad bit oppressive, bursting in his room every night and basically dragging him to hers for a "good milking" as she would call it. Seeing as he wasnt lactating (not that was possible) the purple dragon instantly knew what she meant and, while he liked such a turn of events, he felt it draining his energy. He was a busy dragon after all. Spyro silently wondered what would other dragons think if they learned of his little secret. He, the strongest dragon around, the destined one from who the ancients had prophesized, lay at the feet and at the mercy of the "evil" dragoness he had beaten all those years ago. A smile crept into his purple lips as his body ached. He was really happy for Cynder and he was even happier for his penis, despite the fact that he had no release all this time. Regretting that he didnt have more time to actively peruse sex with his mate he decided he should ask her to tone it down a bit. The dragon purred as he remembered how she teased him, how she denied and humiliated him every single night. The worst of all were the blowjobs. Funny... he thought, how one of the best things could easily become the worst if used in another way.

"Oh dont be such a sissy you really are!" Cynder would say to him as he lay tied to the bed, her dark hands working around his balls as she attached that same elastic band around his hatchling makers or as mistress would call them "her jewels" since they fit her crown and thus made him her subject. That woman REALLY had a way with words, a talent which only now became apparent. She would then proceed to give him what he could claim to be the best blow jobs in existence, or at least thats how Spyro perceived them. It was a great shame that he couldnt cum or receive an orgasm. His poor penis would turn more sensitive with each gentle kiss and with each passionate lick Cynder would give him. To him, this torture would seem to last for hours and afterwards Cynder would leave him like that, making sure that he goes limp before taking the band off for she was somewhat paranoid that if she took off the band instantly then his sperm would simply dribble out of his swollen balls, something she wanted to avoid at all costs. Debating whether or not to heed his exhausted body and stay to sleep, or to go out and eat the purple dragon got up as his stomach won. He smiled as he went towards the door for this was Sunday and while most days he was training and studying, Sunday was his day off and he would treat himself. For a millisecond where he reached for the door Spyro felt his instincts warn him of danger as he pulled the door open, only to reveal a perplexed Cynder on the other side. Gathering himself quickly, the purple dragon spoke.

"Oh! Hi Cynder! What a lovely unexpected surprise visit you made." He teased her, for it was only fair to get some pay back at her. Huffing and raising her nose, Cynder embraced her new roll completely.

"Oh I wouldnt call it unexpected Slave, for I was quite sure that my little Spyro-sissy was ready to please ME at any time." she was clearly over acting her role, literary. Still Spyro found himself unable to resist blushing.

"But I AM ready to serve my mistress at any given time, my beloved Cynder, my beloved mate." He tried to sweet mouth her, for she reveled in his worship of her just as much as he enjoyed actually worshiping her. Moving his mouth towards her under chin he made an attempt to lick her, making sure that he was bellow her, as suits his position. Suddenly he yelped as he felt something brush against his caged penis.

"The privilege of calling me by my name has to be earned slave! Subby draggy's dont get to be equal to their mistresses! That something that only real dragons can achieve" she teased him, her tail actively looking for any exposed place where she could stroke his penis as she enjoyed the view of his twisted face. "In fact, I exposed my neck to you, how could I know that you would not longue at me, hmm? Oh thats right, I forgot that you lack the balls to do so!" her teasing was merciless as she wrapped the tip of her agile tail around his balls. Then, just as suddenly she pulled back, much to Spyro's relief. Purring the black dragoness spoke. "I know I have been rather... hard on you this week, so today I thought we could do something special ." Her words were like honeyed velvet.

"But Cynder!" Spyro protested, for as much as he wanted to hump her leg at that moment he realized that there was more in life than just sex and there was the fact that he was exhausted and just wanted to eat and sleep this whole day long. "Im tired and hungry and-" he scurried to explain as she interrupted him.

"And you will have plenty to eat, your favorite food no less, ME!" She emphasized as she slid her tail back around his penis and balls before turning around and leading him to her room. With his head hung low Spyro meekly obeyed and followed her to her room. He feared what she meant by "special" and rightly so. She gave him little time to consider as she carelessly threw him a blindfold, this one being better made than then one they usually used. Snapping her clawed fingers she pointed to the hole she made under the table sheaths which she held in one hand. Spyro always found it curious why Cynder kept tables and chair which were suited way better for mole's and humans than for dragons. Rolling his eyes and surrendering to her will, the purple dragon knelt and started putting the blindfold on, knowing full well that he was unlikely to get a detailed answer. Still, he asked as he crawled under the table.

"May I at least ask what we are doing?" he asked as he struggled to locate himself, his visual sense blocked by the thin fabric of the black blindfold.

"Today I want you to make me feel like a lady, slave. Luckily for you I will grant you one of your desires, a rather big one I say, judging from the amount of impotent throbbing I can sense in your penis!" She exclaimed as he hid under the table, before pulling the sheaths down. Cocking an eyebrow Cynder told her slave to tuck his tail in, which was sticking out. Resisting a evil giggle at the thought of such a big dragon hiding under such a small bed she continued speaking. "You are not to do anything until you feel me sit down, then you are to locate my beautiful feet, without taking the blindfold of! And then you are to worship them, using your oh so eager mouth on them, sucking them, licking them and worshiping them as you know best, for I know you like that!" she cheerfully said. "in fact I would go so far as to say you are talented for this! You should worship many other feet, along with mine!... But all in due time..." and with that Cynder seemed to vanish as Spyro heard her footsteps and her claws rub against the floor as she apparently left. Resisting a rather large sigh Spyro made a big mental note that he really needed to speak to Cynder about this. It wasnt like he wasnt enjoying himself, it was quite opposite really, but he still thought that she was... over excited about this whole affair to say the least. He wasnt in a too big of a rush about anything sexual with her. Sure his penis and his balls hurt and ached in unimaginable proportions due to the chastity that he wore over the weak and combined with the torture Cynder put him through he was honestly surprised he was still this sane. Still some things were just over board and Cynder knew it. Suddenly whispers and noise brought Spyro back to reality. He dared not think of with whom Cynder was talking but just then the noises stopped. Hearing the screeching of the chair in front of him, followed by noises of a person sitting in it, Spyro swallowed hard. He couldnt shake off the feeling of being deceived, better yet he was sure of it. Still having come this far, he supposed that he should go along with it. Lowering his head, he used his nose to sniff the air. "Thats odd..." he thought "this is definitely not Cynder" he concluded as he blushed furiously. A feeling of dread embedded itself into his belly as he forced himself to meekly obey the commands of his mistress. Lowering his head further he placed a kiss on what he sensed was the right foot. This person was definitely a dragon and if he was to judge by scent alone, a female one. Conflicting thoughts within Spyro emerged as he tried to relax and give in to worshiping the feet before him, proceeding to kiss them passionately.

"...he is very good isnt he...?" he heard a faint whisper as he kissed and savored the feet before him. If only he didnt have this infernal blindfold! He would at least be able to see the feet before him as he proceeded to lick their top, provoking a muffled giggle, a very feminine one at that.

"Damn it Cynder... what were you thinking..." Spyro thought as the feet shifter and rested on his face. He felt the sharp claws on his nose as he passionately sniffed the scaly soles. This aroused him greatly and caused him great pain, as his penis was desperately trying to get erect in his chastity. The purple dragon felt he was leaking pre cum as he struggled to inhale more air than his lungs could support. At the same time he flung his tongue out, exploring the soft textures of the soles directly in front of his mouth. This in turn provoked another giggle and more whispering, only this time Spyro was distracted by his lust and his throbbing, yet forcefully still flaccid penis. The texture and landscape of these feet was delicate and combined with the fact that they were so soft unlike Cynders, Spyro concluded that they must belong to someone who wasnt a warrior or someone who had a gentler profession. What was clear however, was that whoever this person was, she was thoroughly enjoying this as evident by her giggles and laughs as he ran his tongue between her toes, taking the smaller ones in his mouth. Then, guided by her, he felt her feet retreating from him as he felt the toes of both feet push inside his mouth. Eagerly he took them in as his mouth engulfed as much of the feet as he could, struggling to run his tongue all over them. This time a rather loud laugh was heard as the toes wiggled in his mouth. Then he felt a hand on his head, sticking from sideways and as logic dictated, it couldnt possibly have belonged to the same person who's feet he was worshiping. In a manner of seconds the hand pulled off his blind fold and Spyro's eyes hurt as they adjusted to the thankfully dim light. To his shock, but not his surprise he saw that the legs sticking out of his mouth were pink. The poor purple dragon had no time to react as he heard clear words for the first time since coming under the table.

"Come here Spyro" Said Cynder as he recognized her voice. Unfortunately for him she inserted her tail under the table and reached around his locked penis. Resisting a yelp, Spyro felt the person pulling its feet out of his mouth and he nearly bumped his head against the hard wooden table he could feel his horns screeching against it as he proceeded to clumsily get out from underneath the table. Struggling first to his knees and then to his feet Spyro finally saw the person who he was servicing. To his shock it was Ember. He met the dragoness years ago in the dragon temple, but it wasnt until the death of Malefor that he and Cynder started actively speaking and meeting with her. As Spyro recalled she had a lovely shop just besides the City gate, selling silk, linen, perfume and flowers. She was a typical lady dragoness and many had courted her. Thankfully for him, Spyro had experienced many near death situations and combat along it, still he couldnt quite absorb the shock of what he could already have guessed before receiving confirmation.

"You know, he is a REALLY good feet licker!" Ember said, only the very faintest hint of a blush apparent on her face, as if she had done this before. "Its quite obvious that he does indeed have a HUGE foot fetish and that he enjoys worshiping these!" She cheerfuly said as she crossed her legs, exposing her wet feet to both of them as Cynder stood besides her slave.

"Oh you should see how he licks pussy! He is such an adorable little dragon isnt he?" Cynder said, running her clawed hand against Spyro's head.

"I hope you liked it!" Spyro finally spoke, blushing as he did so, pretending that this was what he expected and that he was prepared for all of this.

"Liked it?!" Ember's eyes widened at him "I LOVED IT!" She exclaimed. "You two are seriously the most perfect couple I know of. You have no idea how many people were jealous of you, its about time you two made the relationship public" Ember spoke with a passion that Spyro assumed only females could posses and he hadnt had the heart to tell her the true history of events. "To be honest, I myself am jealous of you. Your mate here has you, to use in a variety of ways that I could only dream of! Im just so grateful for you two to allow me to experience this" Ember gasped as she poured her heart out. She was usually much more graceful than this, but this was all getting to her head, or at least thats what Spyro assumed "Spyro, you have no idea how many times I wished you were mine, such a big, strong dragon you are... all those nights I dreamt of and masturbated to you" Ember continued to confess to things that Spyro assumed were normal, but he did notice that the pink dragoness was blushing more and more with each passing sentence. He felt that he had to intervene and calm her down, pretend and go along with Cynder's malicious plan that all of this was "planed" and that he was informed of all this.

"Oh dont feel bad, for I too... thought of you in that way" Spyro lied. While yes he did have fantasies of Ember, which were much less frequent than those of Cynder. He wanted to tell her that like her, he masturbated to the thoughts of her yet he could not lie completely for Cynder, who knew the humiliating truth, was standing right beside him. He barely gathered the courage to spare a glance at her, only to see her snickering with malice. However, he was sure she wouldnt do anything too evil.

"Thats a relief!!!" Ember said but her words fell on Spyro's deaf ears as he focused on Cynder. "You are really lucky you know that? Spyro here seems to addore you, to worship you even!" Ember boomed. "He behaves towards you like you are a goddess!" at that point Spyro realized that yes, for the last 3 years he had been acting towards Cynder as if she was his mate, even if the whole situation was rather awkward back then. "How do you do it!" Ember continued " How do you keep him so... wrapped around your little finger." Ember asked, this time her face got a rather bright shade of red. "Wait!? Did they plan this" Spyro couldnt help but wonder. Snickering Cynder answered.

" How do I manage to keep him behaving so good to Me?" Cynder askd "Quite simple really. Spyro here is a really nice person" She said, taking his head in her hands, locking her eyes in his own as she felt no resistance from him. "I know he would do ANYTHING for me and I dont abuse that" Her words caused Spyro to mentally exhale with relaxation, as if a stone fell from his hearth. "However, me and him... we like to play..." She continued, blushing for the first time during this entire scene. "To keep him obedient and loyal and oh so always full of seed, I have... persuaded him to wear this thing I put on him" She said as she exposed him to Ember, stretching his nether regions until the chastity belt became clearly visible, as did his swollen balls. Ember blushed furiously, to the proportions Spyro thought unimaginable. "Oh I assure you, he cant get hard or have an orgasm without these" Cynder said, holding the key with her tail "Imagine Ember, controlling a man's penis, literary, deciding when he is allowed to get erect and when he is allowed to cum, keeping him under lock and key while no one suspects a thing. Making him your slave for life and making him obey your every word, your every desire, your every whim." Cynder said as she rested against Spyro, playing with his chest as she spoke the words, as if they were any other normal ones. The scene was unique as Embers and Spyro's face turned so red one would mistake them for red dragons. Just then the black dragoness snuggled even close to her mate, purring as she did so. It was the first time Spyro saw her do that actually. "Luckily for him I love him soo much that I just simply cant bring myself to deny him..." she said, giving him a slight peck on his lips, kissing him ever so lightly as he was too dumb folded to react. 'thats a lie..' though Spyro giggling in his mind as Cynder added "too much" well... at least she was honest. In all his confusion Spyro failed to notice Ember's face contort.

"W-" Ember tried to speak but only unarticulated sounds escaped her lips as she continued to take on ever deeper shades of red, not only across her face, but her body as well. Despite feeling thoroughly humiliated and enjoying it Spyro mentally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Ember, hopefully, wouldnt go blabbing about this. He had survived much in his, by dragon standards, short life but he still could not repress the wonderful array of negative emotions of shame, humiliation and self pity that gripped him and he could only imagine how Ember might have felt since she was sheltered from all things not common for most of her life. Still the purple dragon palely considered the danger of Ember falling unconscious from all the experience. Just then the dragoness seemed to speak, her words forming in rapid succession as she struggled to form sane, reasonable sentences. "Are you kidding- is this real- I mean it does sound evil but- ancestors why am I enjoying this this much- you are shaming him- i mean if that is what he wants-" the pink dragoness struggled as her conflicting thoughts became vocalized before Cynder cut her off, continuing her ploy.

"Ohh but that does not mean that I also dont have orgasms. I do have them, quite often." She spoke ever so elegantly, running her hand over her lover's exposed balls, causing him to moan and Ember to giggle childishly as Cynder ignored her words completely. Ember was usually a lady, an apex of dragoness traditional moral value, of course growing up with dragon flies meant that Spyro was still growing accustom to some things but if your traditional dragoness was horny any kinky he didnt mind that at all, he preferred it in fact. Just then Cynder spoke again. "You felt how good he is with his tongue, you can not imagine how happy he was when I told him you could worship your feet." Despite the lie, Cynder had a point and Ember fell further into a child like state, contracting one of her legs off the ground as she clenched her fist and kept her elbows at her side, giggling and blushing as she did so. "You know that this has to remain a secret. We wouldnt want the entire world to know just how much of a big sissy its "big strong hero" is right?" Cynder was intolerable. Each time Spyro thought he could handle her taunts he found that he thought wrong, yet he could not bare himself to do anything else but stand there, blush furiously and endure. Ember of course responded positively to every remark Cynder had. "Imagine if they found out!" Cynder faked shocked "imagine if they knew that he was a slave to my every whim!" She said. Luckily she seemed to have stopped her taunting there, as she gave the time for the two to recover. As Embers giggling and her and Spyro's blushing subsided she spoke again. "But we have a bigger secret." The black dragoness spoke flatly. "oh now... what will she say now?" Spyro wonder as his mistress continued her thought, speaking the words to Ember who seemed to have absorbed them, listening with upmost attention as if she was a child who was watching a candy in front of her. "We are both virgins!" Cynder exclaimed, somewhat coldly. Again Ember laughed.

"WhahaT!? No way?" her childish voice sparked in disbelief. Despite all this the pink dragoness'es face showed no signs of stopping its surprised stare. After recieving a playful nod from Cynder Ember seemed to have finally taken in the magnitude of the situation. "OH.. MY..." The dragoness tried to speak normally but her words turned to screeching. "YOU HAVE THE MOST PERFECT RELATIONSHIP EVERY CYNDER!!! HOW I ENVY YOU SO!" Spyro thought for a second that he could hear the dragonesses heart beating, despite that he was too far away to be normally able to hear it. Cynder smiled as if she had a foresight of this.

"Its true!" Cynder said with a innocent nod. "He gives me oral all the time, while I just give him pussy -to eat and feet- to worship" Cynder explained over dramatically before once again grasping Spyro's locked penis. "while this little guy gets neglected and all the loving attention I give to him is wasted as he gets no orgasms." The black dragoness used her best impression of a childish speech to cuddle her slave's locked member, causing Ember to open her mouth wide. "Thats why we called you here." Just as suddenly Cynder snapped. "wait does she mean-" Spyro's eyes widened.

"DOES THAT MEAN!?" Ember gasped before giggling some more, it was obvious how desperate she wanted to keep her ever decent posture and it was more evident how badly she was failing at it.

"Oh no no no no... and yes" Cynder said, leaving Spyro alone and taking a step towards the pink dragoness "You see. His virginity belongs to me and my virginity belongs to him. I mean I am not THAT cruel to snip those two lovely jewels of his and castrate him..." Turning around to look at Spyro Cynder immediately continued "even if they rightly belong to me and even though its tempting." Her words send chills down Spyro's spine but like always he had little time to savor the delighted feeling that overcame him and the worry that accompanied it.

"Oh my!" Ember spoke, more shocked than ever. It was then that Spyro saw just how wet and leaking she was.

"You find that arousing? I know I do, but it seems you find it ever more so" the black dragoness advanced further towards Ember and reached down to her legs, gathering some of her leaking sex juices, much to the pink dragoness's surprise as she yelped and gasped at Cynder's touch. Savoring the feminine precum from her hand Cynder continued. "you are really tasty and considering just how much you seem to be turned on by the idea, maybe I can give you one of the slave's balls when I get them off of him." Cynder told her and despite herself Ember found herself nodding ever so slightly. This made Spyro feel like he had a entire apple stuck in his throat as he passively watched all of this unfold in front of him. "But I brought you here... because I want to reward my slave." Cynder finally continued, much to Spyro's delight. "You see, I have been teasing him for a week and constantly edging and denying him. His balls must be full" She said and the purple dragon barely restrained himself from shouting "you bet they are!"

"Oh my!" Ember again screeched in excitement.

"Yes." Cynder confirmed. "And I want us to torment him for another month." the black dragoness flaunted. "ANOTHER MONTH! IS SHE CRAZY! I WONT SURVIVE THAT!" Spyro wanted to protest but as always Cynder spoke before him. "After that we will claim each other's virginity, me and him. After he fills my vagina with his seed, relieving his swollen balls, he will take my anal virginity as well." With a sigh Spyro instantly determined that that was a torture worth enduring, but he felt or better yet he knew that Cynder was far from over explaining her devious plan. "You, should you accept, will capture this moment in a magic crystal I have, so we can always review the entire thing AND..." the dragoness leaned in, almost whispering "After that he will fuck you too, taking both of your virginities as well!" she said rather joyfully and Spyro felt his heart skip a beat.

"YES!" Ember boomed, despite herself. For the most part Spyro was side lined, as if he was a spectator and not an actor is this overloaded boat of drama, that is to say he did in fact enjoy all this but he found it too surreal. He wondered would Ember feel ashamed when she returned to her old self the next morning. Just then the situation got even more bizarre as Cynder kissed Ember, whos mouth was still open. This hurt Spyro just as much as Cynder humiliating him in front of Ember did but it brought him as much joy as well.

"Now enough with the act. Shell we begin the real thing" the black dragoness finally stopped the play or better yet, finished its first act with many more to come. Feeling as if he went out of his body and as if he floated above the room, Spyro mentally prepared himself for the second act. True to her word Cynder wasted no time in arranging and playing out her ideas, wrapping her tail around Spyro's penis and leading him towards the bed. Cautiously Spyro wondered what kind of "upgrades" did Cynder add to her bed as she had mentioned them briefly before. In any case he doubted it would be anything pleasant for him.

"W-what are you doing?" Ember asked as she gathered her senses. The poor girl was still shook to her core but was at least getting into her new found role.

"Oh I am just getting a wider view of my lover." Cynder spoke nonchalantly. That cant be good... Spyro thought as Cynder led him to the bed and clumsily oriented him so his back would be to the wall. Hearing clicking sounds behind him. Trying not to think of it, Spyro distracted himself with the thought of how casual and easy this seemed once a person relaxed and embraced his part and his role in this act. Just then he nearly jumped as cold metal engulfed his ankles. Shivering he looked down only to see that a pair of manacles were around his ankles, with chains leading backwards. Again the purple dragon yelped and blushed as Cynder strapped another pair around his wrists from behind. Looking at Ember as he shivered from the cold touch of metal, he found the poor girl shaking with excitement once more. Poor thing, he thought, she didnt even realize that she was dripping sex juices from her went. Spyro tried to discern was she looking at his locked up penis or the broader scene in front of her. Just as suddenly Spyro yelped as he heard Cynder pull something and he found that he was being pushed back.

"Oh my!" Ember screeched. The purple dragon was now stretched wide open. His feet lay at the top of the wooden cover that lay behind the pillows, giving him poor stability considering how big he was. He would have fallen over had the metal rings around his legs not held him there and had his hands not been tied up in the upper corners of the bed as well, stretching his body but giving him stability as well. In short the pose was GREATLY uncomfortable and just as Spyro was about to voice his objections Cynder cut him off.

"Now now slave, as I told you, you will watch and enjoy" the black dragoness purred as she slid on a ball gag onto her purple lover. Spryo didnt even see from where the gag came from, but he offered little resistance to it as Cynder tied it behind his head with surprising speed and efficiency. Deciding to let his wings and tail remain free the black dragoness backed off , as if she was an artist enjoying her creation.

"Its adorable!" Ember cheerfully said. The pink dragoness trembled still, her shaking body betraying her excitement as her heart pumped ever so rapidly. For another second the pink dragoness darted her eyes across the handsome, bound male in front of her. Just as her trembling, shaky lips started parting to say something, another quite shocking thing happened that Spyro did not expect at all. Darting forward with great speed the black dragoness swooned towards her pink friend in what must have been milliseconds. In that instant, which would forever be frozen in Spyro's memory Cynder kissed Ember, making sure that every inch of it was visible to her bound lover. A loud "mmmmmmmmm" was heard as the lips of the two dragonesses locked on to each other and for the first time since this whole thing started Ember's eyes narrowed and shrunk to such a degree that Spyro thought they could disappear. The pink, lady dragoness offered absolutely no resistance at all, but she did not relax into the kiss as her body was still overcome with shock and disbelief. the entire scene was surreal as Cynder's eyes and eyelids passionately locked on to the surprised girl. "mmmmmaa" finally after a whole eternity seemed to have passed Cynder broke the kiss. The following void made Spyro aware the his own heart was beating quite rapidly. He felt a shiver in his nether regions as a small drop of pre escaped from his chastity belt and on to the pillow bellow it.

"your adorable!" Cynder finally spoke, her face more sharp, angular and seductive than Spyro thought was possible. Ember finally broke out of her shocked state, even for a bit.

"W-wa...D...D-did you just?" Words struggled to escape the lips of the pink dragoness as she tried to comprehend the world around her, as if she was a hatchling who just now managed to get out of its egg shell.

"What?! kiss you?!" Cynder said firmly. "Why yes I did! Dont tell me that was your first kiss!" Spyro didnt know was she referring to a first kiss ever or the first female on female kiss. Either way he didnt care, because that was obviously a rhetorical question since it was quite obvious that the pink dragoness didnt kiss anyone like that before. As Embers eyes returned to normal and her lips started to move Cynder spoke again. "Well if it is then that kiss doesnt count, let this one be the first!" She said and Spyro just then realize how she held the pink dragoness during all of this. Just then she took the pink dragonesses head in her arms and placed another kiss on her lips. Again this Shocked Ember, but this time she was quick to react and lose herself in the kiss. Spyro recalled the first time Cynder kissed him like that. It was the morning after their first sex, a week ago. He hesitated to call it sex, but he sure DID woke up sore the morning after and it was then did he receive his proper first kiss from Cynder. It was a unique experience to Spyro and he knew or could at least guess what Ember was going through just now.

"I never thought..." Ember finally spoke, this time firm in her voice as shock left her. "that my first time... would be with a female" the pink dragoness blushed once more, but this time there was no surprise or uncertainty in her voice. "let alone you..." she said, looking at Cynder, who purred playfully at her. "But I dont mind at all" Ember said before the two engaged in even more kissing. These kissed were more beastly and lustful than the first two ones, but were intense none the less. Spyro could feel his caged cock throbbing wildly as it continued to dribble out bits of pre. Cynder held Embers hands as she spoke.

"Lets get to bed. After all we want our_male here to enjoy the experience to the fullest... even if he cant." her voice was deep and passionate and her look could strike a man dead just by how lovely and seductive it was... Ember giggled and walked cheerfully with her_friend towards the bed. Spyro resisted a moan as the position he was in provoked cramps from his entire body. He really needed to talk to Cynder about this. As his organism cooled down, overcoming the shook and lowering the adrenaline level, the purple dragon started feeling as if everything had become faster. Embers screeches suddenly became deep moans of pleasure as Cynder kissed and licked her all over. Spyro didnt know what was worse, his position, the fact that tilting his head downwards to view the action hurt his head or that seeing the action hurt his throbbing, locked penis.

"Oh Cynder!" Ember spoke in a voice that sounded like her heart became void of blood. It was then that Spyro painfully lowered his head only to see his mate lower her head towards the female parts of her pink friend. The girl was already wet beyond description and the purple dragon silently wondered had the young dragoness already cum from all the excitement. Helplessly, Spyro could only listen to Embers moans of pleasure as the pink dragoness clumsily flailed and thrashed about. Suddenly Ember screamed, her voice filled with joy as she stretched her legs out violently. She either must have orgasmed or Cynder must have hit her sweet spot, Spyro concluded. Honestly if the situation was different he would probably smile and laugh at just how over excited and Clumsy Ember was. Still, he was in no position to talk or complain as he endured his torment. Ember started gradually relaxing and the whole affair started making proper pace as the pink dragoness got a firmer grip on reality. The clumsy flailing and thrashing soon got replaced by rhythmical moves and clumsy screeches became replaced by timed moans as she rhythmically contracted her muscles. Spyro could only guess how many minutes passed of Embers bliss before it all stopped as abruptly as it started. "Aww, why stop?" Ember asked as Cynder lifted her face to look at her seductively. The pink dragoness had her old voice back and there was a calmness about her that persuaded Spyro that she was completely on boards this little play of theirs.

"now now" Cynder said, licking her lips, savoring Ember's juices off of them. Oh how Spyro envied her, the feeling of jealousy was of such intensity that he himself could hardly comprehend it. He couldnt even watch her properly devour Ember's pussy and he wanted to. He wanted to be the one eating the dragoness out. Still, looking into those deep eyes of hers made Spyro's soul, his very essence shiver with delight, as if he was a young child facing cold winds. "I do think you are hungry as well." The black dragoness spoke and Spyro felt his heart leap with in him, as if it wanted him to physically merge with Cynder. Still trying to decipher the emotions with in him, Spyro barely registered as the two dragonesses switched placed, Ember giggling, but maturely and lady like as she moved. Finally getting comfortable in their places, now it was Cynder's turn to look on from above as Ember kissed her. First her lips, then her chest and then Ember progressed downward, letting her draconic tongue slide over her lovers body as Spyro caught glimpse of her tail penetrating her own vagina. Ember was surprisingly skilled with her tail which gave away the fact that she masturbated often. Still Spyro couldnt be bothered as he struggled to watch his mate enjoy herself. Cynder's moans were much more paced, balanced and professional than Embers as the pink dragoness clumsily and greedily devoured her pussy. Spyro made a mental note to tease Ember later on about just how much she enjoyed eating pussy, but then again, who WOULDNT enjoy eating Cynder's pussy? Just than the purpled dragon felt what was both the single best and the single worst feeling of his life. He couldnt quite describe it but there was something wrong with his penis and not just the fact that it was locked up and throbbing in its pathetic flaccid state.

"nfghh-mfmm?" He moaned as he looked downwards, only to see, to his horror, Cynder's extended arm wrapped around his metal cage. His eyes widened as he saw Cynder looking at him, her expression priceless as she stroked his locked penis. Spyro's throbbing member felt every single touch despite the impossibility of it, as a metal barrier lay between it and the heaven that was Cynder's hand and no amount of pressure could penetrate the prison of his manhood. Still, the warmth and the sensation reached Spyro and he experienced it, much to his sorrow as it added yet another evil teasing layer to his torment.

"Aww... is the little dwwaggy's little penis hurting?" Cynder mimicked a patronizing voice, causing Ember to giggle as she watched the whole scene, not for once parting from Cynder's pussy as she ate it almost frantically, but her eyes were locked firmly on Spyro's caged shaft. "Next time we will get you a plastic cage, just for plays such as these! Oh it is soo fun to tease you slave." Cynder spoke. All of this made Spyro's head ach. He felt as if the whole room was spinning around and around and practically all of his joints burned from being in such an uncomfortable position. He really couldnt take much more of this. He bit into the ball gag as he tried to suppress a roar of displeasure. Just then Cynder must have realized this as Spyro heard a metalic clang and suddenly he felt as if he was flying without using his wings. Instead of realizing what was going on, Spyro could only feel that he came crashing down into the bed with his knees, only his arms kept him from clumsily falling on the two girls. As his migraine subsided Spyro waved his head around and after a while he finally found that Cynder let the chains a bit lose. His limbs were still locked, but now he had the mobility he desperately wanted and since he was finally out of that wretched and painful position he could feel himself trying to let out a huge breath of relief. For a while the purple dragon was ignorant of Cynder stroking his locked cock as he still absorbed the sweet relief that he received. Soon enough the teasing caught up with him as the pleasure subsided and the ever so elegant strokes Cynder was giving him dug deeper into his mind.

"Awww he is so cute." Ember spoke, finally stopping her clumsily licking of Cynder's vagina as she observed the torture Spyro was receiving. The poor girl practically gasped for air at this point. Despite himself Spyro started trying to focus on his breathing. The head ache was gone and while the teasing was pleasurable it had gone beyond the point Spyro could stand it. As if sensing this Cynder dug her long, elegant claws into his exposed, full blue balls ever so lightly. To her surprise they were stiff as she scratched them. The feeling was beyond description for Spyro and he roared into his ball gag, his muzzle dripping spit onto the ball and over his lips. The roar was loud but it only provoked a evil grin from Cynder as she continued to scratched the dragons most sensitive parts. Ember on the other hand couldnt stop giggling childishly at the sight of such a big, strong dragon getting laid so low. Time passed, feeling as if its an eternity for Spyro, but in reality he could bet there were but mere moments. Finally Cynder withdrew her hand, her other hand still holding and gently pulling Spyro's balls, making them all the stiffer. Playfully she placed a slap on her lovers hatchling makers before finally realizing him. This last action drew a tear from Spyro as Cynder finally got up from underneath him.

"Alright!" The black dragoness spoke as she knelt beside her pink friend, taking a handful of her ass. Ember didnt protest at the sensation as only giggles escaped her mouth. Both of them watched their "captive" for a while as all three of them took deep breaths, calming themselves from the experience. Out of nowhere Cynder's voice boomed. "Do you want me to teach you how to give blowjobs?" She casually asked Ember, who nearly shouted at the question as her entire body shriveled with delight.

"YES!" the pink dragoness jumped, causing Cynder to smile and Spyro to open his eyes wide as he knew what torture is to come. He briefly considered asking Cynder to get some air in, since the heavy scent of their sex made him dizzy. The purple dragon didnt expect that sex would be such a strain on the mind and body, but then again Cynder wasnt a easy person to deal with. Giving him a "dont you dare move or struggle" look Cynder knelt down, leaning forward to grab his locked penis, crudely unlocking it and tossing the pieces of the chastity belt to the table. Once more Spyro exhaled, his breath colliding with the ball gag as his penis finally got some sort of relief. As the main metal piece slid of with a silent "pop" Spyro yelped as his sensitive tip brushed against the metal, his penis now fully and painfully erect and throbbing. His arousal was such that Cynder could feel the heat that the recently locked penis emitted, blood constantly flowing through it as a single white line of liquid now slid freely from its tip and onto his balls, making it hard to discern is it cum or pre cum. Taking a lick and planting a kiss on Spryo's penis Cynder moaned.

"Tasty!" she said as she spun around, searching for something and Spyro knew that it must be some sex related device. To his horror she brought up a pair of black rubber bands, barely distinguishable in her black hands. He instantly remembered their use the first time they were on him and he couldnt resist swallowing hard as he braced himself. For her part Ember leaned in, her face betraying her curiosity as Cynder navigated and fixed the bands. One wrapped tightly around Spyro's balls, while the other lay on the base of his penis. While none of them was making him uncomfortable Spyro knew it was only a matter of minutes before their tightness becomes apparent.

"What is that?" Ember asked, cocking her eyebrows, curiosity present in her now cool, casual voice. Cynder didnt wait before responding.

"Oh its just something that will prevent him from cumming and spilling all that wonderful seed." the black dragoness said, before turning her gaze on Ember. "Go on, lets see what you can do." She nodded towards Spyro's penis. Ember giggled before extending her neck towards Spyro's member, wasting not time as she eagerly explored Spyro's shaft up close, looking at it from all directions and sniffing it carefully. The purple dragon gnarred and moaned in anticipation. "It wont bite, but you can if you want" Cydner playfully teased. Finally after some reluctance Ember kissed the very tip, licking her lips afterwards and savoring the taste. Finding it to her liking and leaving Spyro little room to even moan properly she quickly let her tongue explore the textures of the purple dragon's draconic penis. With each shift of her tongue across his exposed member Spyro moaned louder before Ember could finally no longer restrain herself, engulfing the dick with her mouth she began to suck on it as if it was a lollipop. "whoa, slow down!" Cynder intervened as Ember instinctively grabbed Spyro's ass with her hands, giving her more stability as she used her inexperienced mouth on him. Unlike Cynder, Ember really was an armature and Spyro could feel it as she eagerly and over excitedly tossed his cock about her mouth. The girl was a rather quick learner and despite the fact that Spyro gave off no signs, she managed to hit the right spots and she seemed to have noticed it.

"Mhhhmmhhh" The pink dragoness moaned as used her lips to suck Spyro's penis, making a small vacuum as she seemed to phase out. Looking downwards the purple dragon saw why. Ember had slithered her hand downwards and was touching herself, all the while giving Spyro a blowjob.

"Thats it! Relax. Use your tongue and dont gag" Cynder spoke, placing her hands around Embers lower jaw and neck, giving her extra stability and making pace for her. Taking the black dragoness'es advice Ember did exactly as she was told and the quality of her blowjob improved. The next few minutes were pure bliss to Spyro. He didnt even pay attention to Cynder's advice, but it surely worked as with each passing moment the pleasure he felt from his manhood reached a whole new level. At one point Cynder reached down and grabbed his jewels, as if she was trying to squeeze the seed out of them. Spyro didnt even yelp at it, as he was focused soly on enjoying the experience, Cynder's squeezing of his balls serving only to heighten it. His entire sex organ was wet with spit, pre cum and testosterone secreted from the stimulation. This time literary losing account of time Spyro thoroughly and fully subjected himself to all of this, not that he was offering any resistance to begin with. Suddenly he felt Cynders lips pressed against his own and he opened his eyes to see her staring at him seductively. The surreal atmosphere snapped Spyro back to reality as Cynder whispered something into his ear before playfully pushing Ember off of him with her foot.

"mm-hmmm-hmmm" Ember giggled "this is fun" she clumsily burst, trying to regain her composure. Spyro, now free of the relentless teasing started shaking his head as he heard his sore joins crack at being located in the same position for a prolonged amount of time.

"I know!" Cynder said as she jumped on the pink dragoness, kissing her. What followed was a bunch of incoherent noise as the two women practically wrestled with each other. Spyro felt his senses numbing down, the entire experience exhausting him. Who knew sex was more exhausting than battling for your own life. The purple dragon wanted to open up his senses to try and savor all of the pleasures this moment held, but he found them dulled by the sensation and over stimulation he received. He wondered just how much sex dulled and staled his sensory organs that he always needed more and more to reach the previous high he felt, like a drug. It was no wonder why Cynder enjoyed it this much and so did he, but he could simply not keep up with her, he easily lost track of time, his focused waned easily and the pleasure was so overwhelming that afterwards he could barely remember half of the stuff that had transpired. Just then he felt something sharp brush against his overly sensitive member. Yelping he looked downward, only to see a black foot grabbing his penis firmly.

"wfff rffff fff fffiff?" He asked gently, looking towards Cynder and the mess of a bed underneath her. Without warning she started rubbing her foot against his penis, the silence only being interrupted by the occasional giggle from Ember or a moan from Spyro as the black dragoness proceeded to rub all of her lover's tender member. Looking and smiling at the sight of her lover's despair, Cynder brought her other foot and proceeded to rapidly brush her feet against Spyro's penis.

"aww the little foot slut is enjoying this?" She asked, finally settling and slowing her rubbing to a normal pace, her feet on each side of Spyro's shaft as she made a steady pace. Turning to Ember, Cynder spoke "you see? he loves feet sooo much that he could spend an eternity under them." the black dragoness proceeded to kiss the giggling Ember.

"well why dont we give what he wants?" Ember said as the two girls hugged each other and started kissing each other passionately. Spyro truly despaired at such a sight as Cynder's feet autonomously worked on his shaft. To make it worse Ember used her own feet on him as well, using one to place his penis between her toes and make the same pace as Cynder while her other foot focused soly on the tip of his member. The torture was unbearable and Spyro started to cry as he could not stand the experience, small bolts of electricity flowing through his body. The girls feet worked in perfect unison, their synchronization not broken for a second as they kissed each other and as their hands explored each other's bodies. They did that for ancestors know how many minutes, but it certainly seemed like an eternity to the poor purple dragon. He couldnt even beg and plead and he desperately wanted to as there was absolutely no respite for this torment. Seconds felt like hours as time slowly crept by. Spyro couldnt tell when exactly but at some point the girls finally seemed to tired of this pose and their pace stopped, their feet still engulfing his throbbing member. Uttering every praise to the ancestors he knew Spyro waited patiently for the next torment as he tried to gather his thoughts.

"I think the slave has had enough." Cynder said as she steadied her breathing. Not waiting for either of them to respond the black dragoness started creeping on Ember's body, much to the delight of the pink dragoness. As she crept to the lower end of the pink dragoness Spyro swallowed hard, wondering what new idea did the dragoness have in her mind. Without pause Cynder started eating away at Ember's pussy, causing Spyro to open his eye as widely as possible as he heard Embers moans of pleasure. As if taking a cue Ember buried her face in Cynder's own wet twat, but not before passionately wrapping her tail around Spyro's nut sack. Mentally exhaling Spyro found this position to be innumerable times more comfortable as the two girls focused on each other. At this point neither of the three could sense just how full their air was with their sex, but they could see just how messy and wet the bed had become. Not that any of them cared as they each lost themselves in the act. Spyro's muscles had numbed down to such a degree that he didnt feel no pain at all, only the withdrawal of the pleasure he felt inflicted on his bound penis. He looked at his mistress, his black dragoness, his mate, his Cynder. Oh ancestors how he loved her, he would do anything for her and he knew that she felt the same way about him. Well hopefully she wont cut his dick off in a burst of passion or get carried away and do anything too embarrassing but right now he didnt care. All that mattered was that he was here, next to her, having some form of sex with her as he felt their bond strengthened. And that was when suddenly all the fatigue came over him and reluctantly Spyro's eyes closed the last view he had was of Cynder inserting her tongue in Ember's wet vent.

"MFFFFF!" Spyro screamed as he felt a cold sensation grip his crotch. His eye flew wide open as his mind tried to recollect the pieces of memory from his previously sleeping state.

"Oh calm down, its just a bit of ice slave." Cynder said, her voice full of annoyance as Ember knelt behind her, admiring the black dragoness'es ass and laughing at the scene before her. Looking downwards he saw that Cynder had nonchalantly put a bag full of ice on his still erect penis. The sensation was unbearable, in the full meaning of that word. His penis was still over sensitive from its previous stimulation and the effect the cold ice had was greatly boosted. Shivering Spyro felt his erect penis shrink down. Still Cynder held the ice bag pressed against it and she even pushed it against his balls. Spyro moaned and shivered as chills went down his spine. Ember giggled during all of this as Cynder held the ice in its place for a good half a minute before removing it. "There! Isnt it beautiful when it is all small and pathetic as it should be slave?" Cynder teased tossing his now flaccid penis between her fingers. Carefully she removed the rubber bands from his penis and his balls and it was only then that Spyro truly realized just how uncomfortable they were. As soon as blood started flowing properly to his sex organs his balls started hurting on a unprecedented scale. He moaned and whimpered as Cynder wiped tears away from his face "aww come on slave, its not like you are ever going to them anyway" She said empathically, hugging him. Reaching out she once more pressed ice against his balls, this time it was a rather pleasing feeling as Spyro finally managed to gather his thoughts. "Just be happy that I didnt peg you, I did have that in mind, just so you know" She whispered into his ear before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"You two have a perfect relationship" Ember suddenly boomed from behind, her face wearing a huge smile that betrayed her bliss.

"Of course!" Cynder said as she took the pieces of the chastity belt from the table and began assembling it on Spyro's penis once more. He found it odd but Spyro was glad that he was back in his chastity. This way at least his dick was secure from the torture that Cynder constantly inflicted on it. As he heard the final "click" signalizing his locking he breathed a sigh of relief as Cynder turned around to look at Ember. Smiling she took the key and the golden chain that bound it and put it around Ember's neck who looked at her sheepishly. "Take this reserve key I have and play with our little subby whenever you like. Feel free to do anything you want to him, just dont make him cum" the black dragoness said provoking a large blush and a loud shrike from the pink dragoness. Turning around to once more face Spyro Cynder proceeded to systematically unlock and undo the bonds that held him. As the metal rings clicked and unlocked Spyro came crashing down into the mess of the bed underneath him. As the black dragoness, lastly, took off the gag he gasped for air violently, feeling just how numb he was. Giving him a minute to relax Cynder took it up on herself to set aside all the bondage gear that was used.

"Ohhh Spyro" Ember said, kissing Spyro's still open mouth "how I love you so!" she said, looking at her Spyro could see true happiness in her eyes.

"Now now, we may share his penis, but dont hog all of his heart" Cynder said as she climbed back onto the bed and pushed Spyro on his back. "And now we rest..." She said, laying down on his chest. "I love you my big strong purple mate" she told him and kissed his chin. If she was even a bit tired as he was Spyro wondered how was she standing. Soon enough Ember laid besides Cynder and the two dragonesses rested on his chest. The purple dragon couldnt help but wonder what had he gotten himself into as he hugged the two dragonesses and kissed their foreheads, as if they were his daughters and not his "owners". Moaning slightly the three drifted off to sleep.

"HA! And so the evil dragoness brings even more people into her ploy!" Sparx said, once more looking through the key hole. The wooden door was stained with his white, dragon fly spunk as he masturbated feverishly to the scene inside. Quietly he hatched a plan of his own. Perhaps he should ask Spyro to measure penises against each other and once he "found" out that his brother was in chastity he could possibly bribe the pair into some sexy time. It would serve Cynder right for trying to kill him. Still deep down the yellow dragonfly could stop himself from being surprised at just how much of a submissive little bitch Spyro was. This was all too surreal. Maybe he was under some spell that Cynder casted on him? Then again Sparx had little knowledge of the dragon society so perhaps this was a normal thing dragon couples would do. Still the idea was beyond him, if a woman tried to dominate him he would bugger off before she would even finish the sentence. Not to say that he wasnt enjoying himself, for he didnt remember when did he masturbate this feverishly before. Leaving the door Sparx whistled to himself as he wondered what "favor" would he want from the dragoness. Sure he was small by her standard but that didnt stop him from thinking of a large number of ways to have fun with her.