The Past is Another Country: Chapter Five

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#5 of The Past is Another Country

A Furry novella I've been working on and planning to upload chapter by chapter.

Marcus had moved abroad hoping to get away from a dark past. A conspiracy theory had resulted in his father being imprisoned and had torn his life apart. Marcus sought to bury all the memories and start afresh. However, an unexpected message forces him on a perilous journey to work through a list of suspects and hunt down the true perpetrator who framed his father.

_The wolf cub awoke with a start. There were furs talking loudly downstairs followed by a funny noise. He sat up and eased himself out of bed, glancing around his bedroom. The moonlight spilled in through a gap in the curtains. The cub's large stuffed teddy bear sat in the corner, its glass eyes glinted back at him. A patchwork rug lay on the floor, but in the darkness, its usually bright pattern was dulled. During the daytime, the room would look cheerful and inviting, but to a wolf cub awoken in the middle of the night, the gloomy atmosphere was scary at first. However, his eyes soon adjusted to the dark and he tottered towards the door. It was shut, but standing on his hind-paws, he could reach the handle and pull it down. Gingerly, the cub made his way out to the landing. The gate that normally guarded the top of the stairs was open. The cub knew he shouldn't go down the stairs without Mummy or Daddy's help, but he could hear the noises again. Slowly, he made his way down the steps, arriving at the bottom safely. He noticed that the kitchen light was on. He crept along the hallway and saw to his relief that Daddy was standing in the doorway. He had an object in his paw which he put down on the kitchen counter. An adult Wolf would have recognised the object as a silenced pistol "Go on, go back to bed. It's all right. We're just playing a grown-up game" Daddy said, trying to smile. The cub peered around the doorway to see the grey hind-paws of another canine lying on the kitchen floor... _

Marcus awoke with a gasp. He sat up panting and noticed that his chest fur was matted with sweat. He glanced over and saw Riley fast asleep beside him. The clock on the bedside table showed that it was eight in the morning. Marcus climbed out of bed and shivered in the cool air. He glanced out of the window and pressed his muzzle to the cold glass. The morning sun had broken through the grey clouds and the rain had stopped. The pavement below was covered in puddles that sparkled weakly in the light and a faint swish could be heard as cars drove along the damp road "Marc?" he heard Riley whisper Marcus turned to see Riley yawning and sitting up in bed "You ok pal?" he asked Marcus was unsure of what to say as he climbed back into bed "Bad dream?" the Dingo asked Marcus hesitated and nodded. Riley put his arm around Marcus' shoulders and his brown eyes softened as he gazed at the Wolf with sympathy "You went through a lot yesterday..." "No, it wasn't about that" Marcus replied "a lot of stuff I'd tried to hide away in my mind has come back since we arrived in London" he took a deep breath "I think my Dad killed someone in our house when I was a pup. I witnessed the aftermath" Marcus explained "I suppose it was something to do with his illegal work" "Oh Marc" Riley sighed, his arm tightened around Marcus. They sat in silence for a minute "Remember, I'm always here beside you" Riley eventually whispered as he leaned over and nuzzled Marcus. Marcus smiled and took hold of Riley's paw as they lay back down "Thanks" he replied. Riley looked down, sighed and turned back to face Marcus. The expression in his eyes was now passionate and longing. "If you want to..." Marcus whispered Riley took a deep breath and leant over with his eyes closed. Their muzzles met, but there was a sudden knock on the door "Are you chaps awake?" Harry asked "Uh, yeah we are" Marcus replied, "Come and see this on the TV" Harry said "I think it's another name from your list". Marcus and Riley cast a regretful glance at each other before getting out of bed and pulling their clothes on.

In the living room, Ayden was sitting on the sofa in his pyjamas with a blanket draped around him while Harry was watching a rolling news channel on the television "Parisian MP Olivier Blanc has today announced that he will be actively campaigning to maintain political ties to the French oversees colony of Saint Honore. Blanc, who was elected to office for the Républicain __Fur Union party, has called on the government to affirm their commitment of defending those who live on the island. French President Remi Dufour has stated that he is willing to hold talks with pro-independence nationalists and neighbouring countries in order to reach a peaceful solution. Today, Blanc has released a statement criticising the President's decision" _ The footage cut to a tall and wiry looking Beauceron standing outside the French Parliament. He was dressed in a pinstripe suit and gazed right at the camera with a serious expression. He began to speak as subtitles translated _"I believe in democracy and respect the will of the public. The furs of Saint Honore have routinely expressed their desire to maintain ties with us and our President must honour that. He is pandering to a minority of vocal extremists who have used intimidation and threats to get their message across, as well as neighbouring forces in the region who wish to take Saint Honore for their own personal gain. Through legitimising their tactics, he is betraying those who have opposed violence and look to us for protection". Once Blanc had finished his speech, the item ended and the news switched to the next story concerning a famous Lion actor's divorce from his pop star wife. Harry switched the television off. "Blanc was on your mother's list, right?" Marcus hurried back to the bedroom and retrieved it from his suitcase "Yeah, that name is on here, and I remember you saying he was a politician in Paris. So it must be him" "Interesting, it's another link in the chain, if you pardon the pun" Harry replied.

On impulse, Marcus grabbed his laptop and began to search the web. He discovered that Saint Honore was a French colony in Asia and an ongoing debate was taking place as to whether the island should be fully independent or not. Marcus searched "Olivier Blanc-Saint Honore", but found most of the results were similar to the television news item. He then tried "Hector Fawcett-Saint Honore" and "Benjamin Khaled- Saint Honore" but nothing came up. Finally, he searched "EcoCore- Saint Honore" and found a short blog post on the EcoCore website;

_EcoCore regretfully announces the cancellation of our reforestation project in Saint Honore due to the turbulent situation in the region. We negotiating with all sides to ensure that the project can be greenlit as soon as possible. _

Harry was also on his tablet "I couldn't sleep last night and did a bit of searching. I'm wondering if Fawcett isn't quite the Yorkshire canine he makes himself out to be" "What do you mean?" Marcus asked "I stumbled across a death registry in Canada. A black Whippet by the name of Gordon Hendricks disappeared in Yukon thirty years ago. He was legally declared dead recently. This was a clipping scanned from a local paper" Harry said, handing the tablet over to Marcus. Marcus studied the article's picture. It was grainy, but the canine certainly resembled Fawcett "Could it be him?" "It's possible. According to another search I did, there was a Hector Fawcett who died shortly after birth in Leeds. There used to be a loophole in the system in which a fur could create a passport in the name of a dead cub who had been born in the same year as them. It's been tightened up since, but back then, Fawcett could have gotten away with it. Fugitives and criminals often exploited that flaw" Harry explained "If Fawcett was a fugitive, I wonder why he'd strive to become the public face of a multinational business?" Marcus wondered. Marcus felt his stomach rumble and he realised he had not eaten since yesterday afternoon. Harry explained there was a bakery around the corner that served good coffee and pastries. Ayden asked if he could browse through a pile of dusty CDs he had found in a side cabinet. Although bemused by the question, Harry said that he could. Marcus and Harry left the apartment and began making their way in the direction of the main road. On the other side of the square, Chang was sitting behind the wheel of a black Mercedes CLS. The Tiger watched as the two canines made their way out of the front door and walk off. He could easily drive past and put a bullet in the German Shepherd's head, but he needed to catch Harry alone. He also preferred to make it appear that his targets had died in accidents. It generally led to less questions being asked. The Tiger smiled sadistically to himself, at least he had the correct address. As soon as Harry was home alone, he would pay the German Shepherd a visit.

Harry and Marcus arrived back ten minutes later, their arms laden with coffee cups and paper bags. Riley had set the table and the three of them sat down to eat. They were suddenly interrupted as music suddenly began blasting from the stereo in the corner "I applied by email for a job at Heavenly and they responded almost immediately. I got an audition today, so I'm practicing now that I have a captive audience" Ayden explained, gyrating around seductively. The sound of "Animal Nitrate" filled the room "Do furs normally dance to this kind of music?" Riley asked, taking a sip of coffee "Nah, this was the gayest song Harry had in his collection" Ayden continued "it gets me in the mood" "He's not bad" Harry noted, munching on a croissant "Please don't say you're gonna..." Riley began. Ayden's shirt landed next to him "Great" he muttered, rolling his eyes and turning away. Ayden continued dancing until he stood naked in front of the three of them "He's got guts, I'll say that" Harry mused Ayden grinned and wagged his tail "Thanks! I don't actually have to strip for the job, I just felt like it" he teased "right, I'm gonna take a shower, then I'll join you". Ayden retrieved his clothes off the floor and made for the bathroom "I don't feel comfortable with him doing this" Marcus said "especially after yesterday" "I'm going there with him" Riley announced "I applied for a job too and got an interview" "As a dancer?" Marcus asked, trying not to laugh "Nah, serving drinks at the bar. They're desperate for staff of all species as they've just reopened following renovations. After all, most of my Aussie mates ended up as bartenders when they travelled to the UK" he chuckled. A minute later Ayden reappeared wearing a change of clothes "Ok you two" Harry said "as Marc said, I'm not keen on either of you going in there. I think it's unlikely that Khaled will make an appearance, but should the situation turn ugly, don't try any heroics. Just get out of there" Ayden and Riley nodded "Both of our interviews are at eleven" Ayden explained "Right, we'd best get ready" Harry replied. Riley went to get changed while Marcus took a shower. Once he felt clean, he wrapped himself in a towel and checked his reflection in the mirror. The bruise was still visible on the side of his face, but it was not as swollen as it had been yesterday. Since arriving back in the UK from Australia, his appearance had become gaunter. The gloss of his white fur had dulled and his normally bright blue eyes were puffy and tired looking. He sighed and dressed himself before making his way outside with the others. They climbed into the Jaguar and drove towards Soho as Ayden gave Harry the club's address. On the way, they stopped off an at electronics store for Marcus to get a new phone. After yesterday, they had decided that having a means of contacting each other was vital.

Heavenly was located in an unassuming looking red brick building just off Old Compton Street, in the heart of London's gay district. Harry scouted out a pub directly opposite the club and parked further down the street "Marc and I will wait outside the pub" Harry said. Marcus noticed that Riley's was shaking slightly. He reached over and took hold of the Dingo's paw, giving it a quick but reassuring squeeze "We'll be ok" Ayden assured them as they climbed out the car. Harry watched as Ayden and Riley made their way into through the club's entrance before gesturing to Marcus to follow him. They made their way to the pub and got a table outside "I just hope they're all right" Marcus sighed Harry wanted to say something reassuring, but inside he felt just as apprehensive. Riley and Ayden were met at the entrance by a tall and thin grey Hare in a polo shirt "I'm Paul" he said in a nasally voice, he was also smacking chewing gum loudly in his mouth "Ayden, your interview is with Kevin in the bar area. Riley, yours is with me to the main office". The three of them made their way through the club. Paul explained it had just been revamped. In contrast to the bland exterior, the interior decor of Heavenly was loud and garish. The walls and floor were painted black while multi-coloured neon strip lights and Seventies style disco balls hung from the ceiling. Four dancing podiums stood at the far left, two on either side of the DJ's booth. There were gaudy purple faux-leather chairs and sofas arranged around the bar area. Ayden noticed a large Brown Bear lounging on a purple sofa and made his way over. The Bear introduced himself in a gruff voice as "Kevin", the general manager. He was dressed in a tight black t-shirt that emphasised a rotund chest. There was also a young black and white Marble Fox whom Kevin introduced as Charlie. Charlie explained that he was auditioning at the same time as Ayden. "This is really exciting, I've always wanted to dance" Charlie whispered to Ayden, grinning and wagging his tail "Ayden James Yates" Kevin said, flicking through Ayden's resume and checking his driver's licence to ensure he was above the legal age for the job. "This looks good, you've got previous experience and I see you worked for our Berlin club. Ok Ayden, whenever you're ready" he instructed. Kevin turned on a CD player and Ayden mimicked the routine he had performed that morning, but kept his clothes on. Kevin sat back and watched with interest, his dark eyes looked Ayden up and down and there was a hungry expression in them. "That was pretty good, really good in fact. I'd be happy to offer you a job" he eventually said, a smile creeping across his face "Excellent" Ayden replied, trying to sound enthusiastic but feeling uncomfortable inside. "Starting tonight" Kevin finished "are both of you up for that?" Marcus hesitated "Yeah, I'd love to" Charlie piped up "Great! Now if you two can fill in these forms, you're all sorted" Kevin said, standing up and handing them two sheets of paper. Ayden could feel Kevin's eyes boring into him as he filled the paper out. Kevin smiled to himself as he looked down at Ayden and Charlie. They looked so cute and innocent. Kevin used his position as manager to sleep with many of the dancers. He would sometimes pass them on to the boss if he came looking for furs to have sex with.

The front entrance to the club suddenly opened and swung shut. Kevin looked up to see the boss himself striding inside "Uh, Ayden and Charlie, meet Mr. Khaled, the owner of Heavenly" Keven announced. Ayden turned and tried to force a smile, but he could feel his paws shaking. A white Arabian Leopard with lecherous looking green eyes was standing behind them. He was dressed in a grey three-piece suit, with a blue cravat instead of a tie and a matching silk scarf hanging around his neck. Although he seemed to have no trouble walking, he carried a cane with a silver handle under one arm. Ayden felt there was something oddly comical yet unnerving about his demeanour. Like the interior of his club, Khaled's apperance was colourful and over the top. The Leopard's eyes scanned over Ayden like searchlights and they showed the same lustful expression that Kevin had fixed him. "Afternoon Mr. Blake. I thought I'd come to see the renovations in here and meet the latest recruits you said you'd be interviewing!" he announced in a booming voice "This is Ayden and Charlie, they'll be performing tonight" "Splendid, I'll be making another visit later so I'll be able to see them in action. It's always nice to have fresh faces in the club" Khaled said, putting an arm around Ayden and Charlie. Ayden's nostrils were filled with the scent of Khaled's overpowering cologne and stale cigar smoke. The Leopard's paw dug uncomfortably into his shoulder "I always like to treat my best performers to something special" he whispered into Ayden's ear. Ayden shivered but tried to smile back "We're all set, you two come back for half eight to get ready" Kevin explained. Ayden and Charlie made their way out of the club a moment later. Charlie cheerfully bid Ayden goodbye, saying that he was looking forward to dancing later. Ayden could see Harry, Riley and Marcus sitting in the Jaguar across the street "They want me to start tonight" Ayden explained as he climbed in "Same" Riley replied "And you'll never guess what, Khaled showed up and he's going to be there tonight!" Ayden continued "What!" Marcus exclaimed "did he say anything?" "Nothing about The Link or Marc's Dad" Ayden said "but he's damn weird. I didn't like him or that Bear manager at all" he added, pulling a face. Marcus felt his stomach grow queasy "Promise me that if Khaled asks you to do something with him, you'll just walk away" "Relax Marc, like Harry said, if it goes tits up I'm out of there" "Maybe I should come inside the club tonight" Harry suggested "we can keep an eye on each other" "Yeah, I like that idea" Riley said "although, no offense Ayden, but watching you grind into other furs is gonna be awkward" "I'll wait in the pub opposite" Marcus added "it's possible Fawcett has told Khaled about me".

Ayden and Riley made their way back to the club at eight while Harry and Marcus sat at the same table outside the pub. As the sun began to set and the street lights flickered on, revellers of all species poured out into the street. The thump thump thump of techno music drifted out of the various bars and clubs. Marcus nursed a pint of beer while Harry had opted for soda "I need my wits about me" he said, forcing a nervous chuckle. Harry had also changed into a sports jacket with the Beretta concealed underneath. Inside the club, Ayden was standing amongst a troupe of four foxes who were to dance that night. A Silver Fox who led the group demonstrated the routine before telling them to mimic it. Charlie was quivering with excitement and kept sneaking grins at Ayden. Ayden had also noticed that the fox had sunk several drinks before the warm up "This is gonna be fun" he whispered to Ayden as his tail wagged "Hmmm" Ayden replied, remembering that the last time he had danced, the night had mostly consisted of middle-aged furs trying to grope him. Riley was behind the bar, setting glasses out while Paul oversaw. Along with the other bar staff, he had taken a shot of vodka to try and get himself in the mood. The male furs behind the bar were all shirtless, but Riley had opted to keep his on despite their encouragement for him to remove it and Paul's sigh of disapproval "C'mon Dingo, you're supposed make this place look sexy" the Hare sighed his nasally tone "how is that possible when you're wearing something like that?" He added, jabbing a paw at Riley's Pink Floyd shirt. _ _ Riley was about to protest but the doors opened and the first revellers wondered in. Outside, Harry watched as a Stag bouncer opened up the front door. "There's my cue. Call me if you see anything suspicious outside". Marcus got another pint and continued to sit and watch, hoping that everyone would be safe. With his attention fixed on the club, he failed to notice a black Mercedes draw up nearby with a Malayan Tiger behind the wheel.

Harry took a seat at the bar with another glass of soda in his paw. Riley walked over "Evening" Harry said "how are you liking your new job?" he asked surreptitiously "The manager is a prick, but other than that everything seems fine" Riley explained "I haven't heard anything suspicious from the staff". Before he could say any more, a Malayan tiger dressed in a black suit took a seat nearby "C'mon, Dingo customers are waiting, chop chop!" Paul ordered. Riley growled and returned to work. Behind them, music had started up as a troupe of foxes took to the podiums. Like the bar staff, they were also shirtless. Harry recognised Ayden standing next to a Marble Fox. Some of the more tipsy furs in the club began clapping, whistling and howling. The foxes began to dance and gyrate to the beat. Meanwhile, Chang was watching Harry closely. He had a sachet of white powder clasped in his paw. The powder had no trace and dissolved instantly in liquid. If ingested, it took up to a minute to take effect and caused the victims to black out. Their brain function would be impeded, causing their nervous system to shut down and their heart to stop. It would appear that the victim had died of natural causes. As Harry turned to watch Ayden's entrance, Chang leant over and quick as a flash, dumped the power in his drink. He sat back and waited calmly for the German Shepherd to unwittingly take it.

Ayden danced around on the podium as the furs below watched eagerly. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Kevin and Khaled watching from near the bar. Khaled was dressed in another three piece suit with a red tie and was clutching his cane. He nudged Kevin and whispered something to the Bear. Kevin responded with a sly grin. A minute later, Kevin walked over and beckoned for Ayden and Charlie to get down "Mr. Khaled wants a word" he explained Kevin led them over to the smiling Leopard "You two are certainly talented" his voice boomed above the music "but I've got an offer for you. How would you like to do a private dance for me and Mr. Blake?" Ayden hesitated, remembering Marcus' advice "Here in the club?" Charlie asked, his speech was slurred "No, back at my place. I'll make sure you're paid handsomely and you get a ride home" "I don't think..." Ayden began "Sure" Charlie slurred "Good boy Charlie. Ayden if you're not interested I'll let you get back to work" Khaled said Ayden felt torn, he knew he should not go with Khaled, but he didn't want to abandon Charlie if the Fox was not thinking rationally "No it's fine, I'll come" Ayden said, forcing a smile Khaled fixed Ayden a sickly sweet smile and ruffled the fur between his ears "That's more like it Foxy. Follow me, the car is outside". Ayden's heart pounded unpleasantly in his chest as he walked with the group through the club. At the bar, Harry turned to watch as Khaled strode past with Ayden following. Ayden fixed him a helpless glance. Harry's arm knocked into his drink, spilling the content over the bar. Riley made to clear the mess up, but his eyes followed Harry's and he gasped in shock. "Let's get after them" Harry instructed. Riley tried to follow Harry but Paul blocked his way "Where do you think you're going?" he demanded "This an emergency, I gotta go" "Absolutely not! Your shift hasn't finished yet" Riley growled, grabbed Paul by the shoulders and pushed him against the bar "I'm an Australian outback canine who has just had a drink, you'd be wise not to piss me off" he growled "Uh, ok" Paul stammered in shock. Riley let go of him and followed Harry out of the door. Chang watched as the pair left, his eyes narrowed in anger.

Back outside the pub, Marcus watched as a silver Rolls Royce Phantom drew up outside the club. A short Bulldog in a chauffer's uniform got out and opened the back door. Marcus' eyes widened in alarm as he saw Khaled striding along with a Bear followed by Ayden and another Fox. The four of them piled into the Rolls Royce before it pulled off. A second later, Harry and Riley sprinted out of the door. Marcus darted across the street, dodging around a taxi which blared its horn angrily, and raced over to Harry "I saw Ayden with Khaled" he panted "I know" Harry said through gritted teeth. The three jumped into Harry's Jaguar and set off, keeping the Rolls Royce in their sights. Behind them, the powerful headlamps of the black Mercedes clicked on and it began to follow. Chang watched Harry's Jaguar through narrowed eyes. If poising had failed, a more direct method could be the best way to kill the German Shepherd.