The Book of Eden
(Warning: This story contains nonconsensual incest. You've been warned.)
This is a weird little experimental project that I never originally planned on publishing, but now I'm curious to see if anyone else enjoys it as much as I do.
The original document went hardcore on the biblical theme with formatting. It had small caps for the gods' names, double-column format, used the "Centaur" font, and even had verse numbers. Sadly a lot of the visual style doesn't translate onto a site, but you can use your imagination.
I'm probably going to post 3 entries to this series regardless of whether or not it gets any attention. If it gets attention, I'll definitely post more than that.
(By the way, if you spot any stylistic inconsistencies, just consider them a bad translation from the ancient dragon text. :P)
The Book of Eden
I - The Age of Creation
In the beginning there existed two holy beasts whose names none were worthy to speak, theGreat Fathers.
Different in appearance and talent, yet equal in majesty and bound with a union of infinite love, they shaped the world and every kind of creature upon it.
The Beast of Heartwas adorned with fearsome thorns and jeweled scales the color of the sunrise. In flight, his wings would blanket the sky, and the earth quaked beneath his step. None could hope to match his strength. He was a gentle giant, the holy dragon godAlshaur, the powerful.
The Heart of All Hearts beat within his chest, spilling his vast and unconditional love upon all of creation. The smallest of creatures would move him to pity, and the most insignificant of deaths would call forth his bitterness and wrath. His rage brought the hurricanes of the sky and fissures of brimstone from the ground. Every creature enjoyed the radiance of his love, and those feared it who wished harm upon another.
TheBeast of Cunning bore blades upon his wings, upon which he soared through the sky as wind and lightning. His scales were the color of the midnight shadows, among which he hid unseen awaiting his prey. None could outwit him or outrun him, or glimpse him when he wished to hide. He was the holy dragon godCoviel, the proud.
A trickster and perfect hunter, he was. Unrivaled in arrogance, he possessed themind of all minds. No puzzle challenged him, and no lie deceived him. Truth and falsehood alike poured from his mouth, every word uncontested and recorded as sacred scripture. But his pride and arrogance was deserved, for he engineered the laws of the world and made reality to function as it should. Every inferior creature trusted him wholeheartedly, and would not struggle when chosen as his prey.
All those which crawled upon the earth, swam in the sea, or flew upon wing were brought into being by the wise design and loving will of theGreat Fathers. All bowed to their power.
When the world dried from the waters of their imagination, they stood within it and gazed upon its glory, and they smiled happily, for they were content.
Once their work was complete, they came to dwell together within a cocoon, and succumbed to carnal lust for three centuries.Coviel assumed female form, andAlshaur entered into her, filling her womb with his most holy seed until she birthed for him a large clutch of eggs, giving birth to the dragon race.
Such was the beginning of the dragons, the sons and daughters of the holy beasts who were gifted with the image and likeness ofAlshaur and Coviel, who numbered eighty-five; of daughters, fifty, and of sons, thirty-five.
Each child of Alshaur and Covielharbored shards of their fathers' souls, and with them, a share of their power. Through these shards, intelligence was passed to the offspring, and many were wise intrinsically, both in mind and in heart. Their scales came to match each color of the world, and their souls granted power over every kind of element.
Again, the two dragon gods stood and looked down upon what they had created, and they smiled happily, and their love for one another grew and deepened. Only then, when the children had hatched,Coviel assumed once more a male form, and he andAlshaur chose to relinquish their absolute omnipotence and live among their world as mortal lords, keeping only a small measure of divine power. Thus began the age of the firstborn.
* * *
II - The Age of the Firstborn
The firstborn hatchlings of the Great Fathersdwelled in the land they were given for three centuries and a half. The young children grew in strength, wit, and talent. Every young dragon worshipped the name of theGreat Fathers and prayed to them for blessings, yet few were worthy of merely glimpsing upon them.
In their eternal wisdom, the Great Fathers selected a small number of their children and befriended them, allowing them free passage into their company and their hollowed dens which no other creature dared to desecrate with their presence. These children were theFavorites, and all of creation coveted their privilege.
The Favorites of Alshaur, numbering nineteen, spent many decades in his company, and he raised them, teaching them the arts of philosophy, magic, and all of the arcane knowledge of the land. They conversed with him and filled their minds with his wisdom, and their hearts overflowed with the mythical love and kindness he gave to them. They grew into the honored and glorious scholars of the land, and their teachings would come to be passed down for millennia.
The Favorites of Coviel, numbering sixteen, were trained rigorously in the arts of agility, deceit, and discipline. He taught them to savor the thrill of the hunt and the taste of blood, and honed them until they flew as fast as the northern winds and struck as silently and cleanly as the spirit of death. They grew into the hunter and warrior clans, feared and respected amongst all of dragon-kind as the winners of meat and the swift, unstoppable will of the righteous.
Oftentimes the Great Fathers granted passage of one another's Favorites into their company, granting each of theFavored insight into the skills of the other. Together, they became known as theGreat Holy Family, free to dwell and wander the mountain caves of theGreat Fathersand converse with them as they pleased.
While the Great Fatherstrained their Favorites, theNeglected roamed through the world, and nature honed them into rugged and strong survivors. Their scales became impenetrable, their blood became thick, their spines sharp and numerous, and their wings vast and hardy. They would become known as the common folk, and though they were equal in dignity to theFavorites,each bearing the image and likeness of the Great Fathers, their gods granted only apathy unto them, regarding them as wild creatures who were of no use. Through the passing of the ages, the intensity of their resentment and jealousy grew, their hunger for the recognition of theGreat Fatherskeeping them alive.
Their prayers would soon be answered, for theGreat Fathers would soon put into motion their holy plan to unite all of their firstborn into theKingdom of the Fifty Clans.
* * *
III - The Lust of the Bladed God
It would soon come to pass that Coviel's efforts to teach hisFavorites would grow weak and unfocused, for he felt the fire of lust in his heart. Many centuries had passed since the bladed god had borne the eggs ofAlshaur, and he deeply wished to mate again. However, it was notAlshaur whom he wished to mate with.
Since the conception of the world, Coviel held his great plan to bestow his most holy seed into his daughters, to have them bear his eggs and populate the continents of the world with many colors of dragon folk. For he andAlshaurhad long ago denied themselves the power to transfigure their own bodies, and each now could not become female again, and thus he could create no more eggs withAlshaur.
It was true also that the fiery lust of Coviel could not be satisfied any longer by intimacy with a fellow male, for he had taken his fill of a male's body during his physical union withAlshaur. Instead, he for many centuries yearned to experience the accommodation of a female body. But all of his daughters were far too young and had not grown fertile enough to breed, and his most holy seed would put no dragon eggs into them.Coviel resigned himself to patience as he waited long for his daughters flourish into fertility, occupying himself with hisFavorites.
It would come to pass that the interest ofCoviel's lust would fall upon the very firstborn of his daughters, who was the first to near the age of fertility. She was an angelic creature, the most gentle and innocent of female souls, with scales the color of starlight. She was a student ofAlshaur and one of hisFavorites. She had learned fromAlshaur, more than any of his otherFavorites, the deepest emotions of kindness and care. She was perfect and immaculate in every way; her body moved as the ripples in a pond, in flight she drifted as a feather in the air, her touch left not a mark upon the ground as she walked. Her voice was as the whisper of the wind and the melodic croon of a songbird. When bathed in the morning sun her adolescent figure was the most beauteous among all females.
Coviel grew infatuated with her, and with each passing day his desire to breed her grew greater, and in his dreams yearned to defile her. While his lust burned as the sun, he waited with the patience of a skilled hunter, knowing by divine instinct that she would soon be ready. At times he would find her asleep, and he curled around her, enjoying her warmth and the soft touch of her scales. He loved her completely, not only with the love of a thirsting male but also with the fullest love which a father might offer; he was proud of her and considered her the crowning gemstone of all creation, and wished to bestow onto her his greatest, most holy gift.
Despite the admiration of Coviel, the young daughter did not suspect his desire. Though she had been taught byAlshaur the principles of breeding at a young age, she thought not of breeding herself, and felt no lust for a male. She wished only to pleaseAlshaur and Coviel with her growing skill and knowledge, to love every creature and to offend no one. The bladed god, a masterful liar and the god of deception, harbored his feelings but did not let her see them, and she remained naïve, trusting each of theGreat Fathers completely.
* * *
IV - The Jealousy of the Thorned God
On the third night before the flourishing of his firstborn daughter,Covielapproached the thorned god Alshaurand spoke of his eager intention to mate her at the first possibility, marking at last the birth of theKingdom of the Fifty Clans.
Long since had Alshaur knew of the bladed god's plan. However, Alshaur secretly harbored jealousy and resentment deep within hisHeart of All Hearts.
For it was the truth that Alshaur lusted for Coviel just as Coviel lusted for his daughters. It was not in the thorned god's nature to desire a female's body, and his greatest lust was forCoviel, just as it always had been. Alshaur loved Coviel with love of infinite depth, as completely as one being could love another, but his love was now unrequited; he secretly wished forCoviel to grow weary of his lust for his daughters and turn his interest exclusively to him. AsCoviel spoke eagerly of his plan, Alshaur feared the bladed god would forever remain fixated on his daughters, and forget his love forAlshaur.
Deep in his Heart of All Hearts, Alshaurwas saddened, and professed his eternal love to Covielonce again, begging him to remain faithful unto their eternal vows they had made long before the birth of the universe and the beginning of time. He pleaded to share intimacy once more with the bladed god, even knowing that together they could produce no more eggs.
The bladed god Coviel felt the pain of Alshaur, and shared it. His heart grew torn, for he did not wish to damnAlshaur to an eternity of resentment, and wished to express in return the fullest of his love. However, his desire to fill his virgin daughter with eggs diminished not in the slightest, and his spirit became broken as he weighed his feelings in judgment.
Coviel then said, "When theKingdom of the Fifty Clansis complete, I shall join thee once again and unite my body with thine, and though we cannot make eggs, we shall partake in carnal lust as we did upon the dawning of time." And Alshaur was saddened, for there remained still millennia before the last of their daughters flourished into fertility, and longer still before the eggs could hatch to create strong and numerous clans. ForAlshaur silently wished for perfect exclusivity with his fellow creator; he wished only to share his majestic thorned body with no one else but his only love. He now was hurt and betrayed, knowing he would spend many centuries without satisfying his lust, while the bladed god would ignore him in favor of his numerous daughters.
Coviel then said, "It seems unavoidable that one among us will find satisfaction, but the other will find pain. I can only offer only a promise, then, that I will be with you again when my work is complete. I can offer nothing more. Thou shalt be patient." ButAlshaurhad no patience left in him, and erupted with indignity, clinging to him.
The ground quaked as Alshaur displayed his wrath, calling to his fellow god, saying, "If it is so that I cannot quell the fire within thee, so be it. I shall then come with thee and be with thee, to share in every breeding. Thou shalt not lay with another dragon without me beside you; thou shalt not release thy most holy seed into a fertile womb unless it contests with mine own. Forever and ever, I shall force myself upon thee and thy exploits of the flesh, until thine eyes are opened and you see once more the depths of mine own love for thee." AndCovielconsidered his words within his Mind of All Minds, and was pleased with them deeply; he found the solution perfect, to partake of the pleasures of the flesh from both male and female at once, and grew aroused. He accepted the conditions of the thorned god and welcomed them, and together they planned the future of their kingdom.
* * *
V - The Three Protests of the Virgin
On the very night which marked the conception of theKingdom of the Fifty Clans, the eldest daughter of the Great Fathers had come of age, and was able to bear children. The very faintest voice of lust had entered her heart in a dream, and she found it unfamiliar and did not yet comprehend its significance.
Upon that night, the bladed god Coviel summoned her into his innermost den, where he andAlshaur waited. When she had arrived,Alshaur cast deep magic upon the den, so they would remain undisturbed from visitors. He poured further magic from hisHeart of All Hearts,to spare them from the hunger of food and of other earthly needs for as long as necessary, while they dwelled within the den.
The daughter felt the most gracious honor for the invitation into their company, and said, "Why have you called me?" andAlshaur replied to her, "It is because we love you dearly, for you are our firstborn. We wish to repay you for your faithfulness to us and express our love in the deepest of ways." And upon hearing these words, she felt fulfilled and beamed with happiness and pride, rushing into their tender embrace, for she lived only to please them. She failed still to fathom the lust which theGreat Fathers held inside of their hearts.
The Great Fathers offered many ministrations to her, guiding their claws across her silken scales and soft wings, professing their love for her upon every breath and heartbeat, and she felt enraptured in their attention and her heart beat with joy. Together, they bathed her until their tongues had explored every scale and thorn upon her, and left her immaculate. When she was pure and without blemish, the bladed godCovielrevealed his Sacred Lifegiver to her, godlike in length and wondrous in girth, and at last she began to suspect their intentions, succumbing to uncertainty and fear.
The dragoness called to them in protest, saying, "Among the feral beasts of the earth, there are none who would breed with flesh and blood; yet you are my fathers, and you wish to breed me? Is this not unnatural and despicable?" and the godAlshaurtold her, "We are the gods of the earth, every decision and action we perform is holy and faultless. Rejoice, O immaculate daughter, unparalleled in beauty and innocent in heart, by your purity of form and soul, we have chosen for you join in the most sacred of all dragon rituals."
But she protested again, saying, "But I am still only a child; the scales upon my flank are silken and have not yet hardened from the egg, and I do not yet understand deeply the sciences and mysteries of the earth, for I lack experience and wisdom. I have not yet learned to care for myself, why do you wish for me to care for children?"
And the god Coviel smiled upon her, saying, "O sweet daughter; it matters not that you are unprepared to care for eggs, for you shall be given them anyway; all that matters that my lust is appeased, the lust I feel whenever I set my gaze upon thee. For thou art so pure and beautiful, more stunning than the dawning sun or the snow-capped mountains, and I can no longer contain the holy desire I feel when I gaze upon a female so immaculate and so young, so pleasing to the eye. ForAlshaurand I created this world; our lusts and desires come first before all other matters, regardless of consequence. Indeed, though you are still a child, you are destined on this day to become a beautiful young mother and take responsibility for a large clutch of eggs from our most holy seed. We shall look upon thee and thy numerous eggs, and smile with pride."Alshauralso encouraged her, saying, "I am certain that if you listen to your instincts, the shards of our souls we have bestowed to you upon birth, your decisions will be made clear and you shall nurture the children well." NowCoviel truly loved her with his whole heart, as completely as a father may love a daughter. However, he his words came from his fiery lust, and his words to her were vain and filled with arrogance, for he was very impatient.
The virgin dragoness protested a third time, saying, "How arrogant, how vain of you to speak such things! How can you claim to love me, when you say that your lust holds importance above the needs of every other creature? You are a selfish god indeed." ButCoviel replied, "O naïve daughter, I shall forgive your outburst against me; for though you are so radiant in intellect and cleverness, you have yet much to learn. It is my lust, and the lust ofAlshaur, to which everything owes its existence. Every dragon upon the earth came forth from my selfish desires; you forget that you were once contained in the very first stream of most holy seed whichAlshaur placed into me. Indeed, all good things upon this earth, from now until forever, shall result from the most holy seed of theGreat Fathers and the feral union of our divine bodies. It is of utmost honor that I shall use thy young and exquisite body for my gratification! If you did not wish to be raped, you should not have been so beautiful and enticing to my male desires; therefore, be silent in your protests and accept the decisions of your gods, for we are perfect and blameless and you are not worthy even to speak our names upon your tongue."
And the daughter remained silent, for she could find no other protests to voice. However, she remained unwilling to let the prideful bladed god breed her, and thought to flee. ButCoviel said, "Be still, O pure and beautiful daughter; I am filled with need, and I cannot wait any longer." And he prepared to mount her.
* * *
VI - The Deflowering of Eden
The mighty bladed dragon mounted his daughter from behind, his back arching over hers, his belly stroking the scales alongside her grooved spine. Beneath them upon the cavern floor lay the powerful and great thorned dragon upon his back, his wings spread to welcome her upon him, his ownSacred Lifegiver released from its sheath and filled with eagerness. They cradled their beloved daughter between them, holding her with eight taloned claws and entwining their tails with hers. Then,Coviel used his Sacred Lifegiver and violated her, destroying her innocence.
The female cried sweetly as Coviel's Sacred Lifegiver intruded far into her. Her pained keening touched Coviel deeply, bringing him tears of gladness as it sounded through the chamber. He pressed deeper into her until hisSacred Lifegiver was completely inside of her, his haunch pressed upon hers.
At once, pleasure poured into him, just as the pleasure which a hunter feels when piercing the flesh of prey and tasting warm blood. He became breathless, and indulged in the warmth and accommodation his daughter brought to hisSacred Lifegiver, and decided that the ritual would not end soon, for he wished to savor the pleasure of her body for many days and nights to follow. He determined then to call his angelic daughter by the name of 'Eden,' for the firstborn daughters were not to be given names until their innocence was lost.
Eden began to struggle, fighting in futility against the power and might of the gods who held her between their bodies. She only found herself pinned by their weight, and ensnared by their tails, and could not move, for together they clutched at her with eight taloned claws, and she was attached toCoviel at the womb. Her reluctance only amused the prideful bladed god, and he deeply enjoyed feeling her struggle against him, her muscles gracing against his belly as she squirmed, and her womb contracting around hisSacred Lifegiver.
When Eden could no longer struggle, her strength left her, and she trembled in exhaustion. But her deflowering was not yet complete, for theSacred Lifegiver of Alshaur was thicker and longer still, befitting of his godly power. The thorned dragon god aligned hisSacred Lifegiverwith that of Coviel, and with gentleness forced his way into his daughter alongside him, drawing open her young womb very wide. Eden cried ever louder in a broken moan, saying, "What have I done to deserve this punishment?" and her fatherCoviel said in reply, "This is not an act of punishment, but an act of love; it is the highest act of love we might offer to you, that we allow you to please us in this way." and he licked her tears, tasting them. Her suffering was very beautiful to him, and it deeply aroused him to defile a young dragoness so pure and fragile.
Eden gazed through tearful eyes to the dragon who lay underneath her, and prayed to him, saying, "O greatBeast of Heart, thou who hast taught to me everything I which know, who sheltered me and provided for me through my childish days, wilst thou deliver me?"
Now Alshaurfelt in his Heart of All Heartssympathy for Eden's suffering. He saw how she became overwhelmed and hurt, and he caressed her, holding her still to provide comfort, whispering soothing words into her ear to bring her peace and calmness. ButCoviel said, "Do not worry for her; savor the pleasure she provides, the motion of her muscles as she struggles against you, and the music she makes from her throat; for she has become our prey, and must submit to us completely. She will become as a perfect sacrifice to her most holy gods. Only then, when she relinquishes everything, in body and mind and spirit, will she understand the glory and righteousness of our ways and of the blessing we now provide to her." AndAlshaur listened to him, and trusted his word, for he was also filled with great lust and enjoyed the pleasure he felt within hisSacred Lifegiver. To his daughter,Alshaur replied, "Trust the word ofCoviel, for he speaks wisely and will not deceive you. You must submit yourself to us in full, as a perfect sacrifice, for this will bring our greatest favor upon you."
The defiled dragoness resisted yet still, and twelve times she gathered her strength and fought to overcome them, but each time she could not escape from theGreat Fathers, for she was joined with them at the womb. Coviel saw her struggles, and with each occasion she resisted, his admiration for her increased, as did his arousal, and hisSacred Lifegiver grew in size and in firmness within her.
On the thirty-first day of their union, Eden struggled for the final time, and called to her gods, saying, "O great and holy dragons, I will resist you no more, for I am only your creation, and yours to do with as you please. I offer by body to you now, may you find in it pleasure and appeasement of thy boundless and ferocious lust." And thus at last she was tamed, and her spirit broken.Covielwas pleased with her submission, and his arrogant heart melted to tenderness. ButCoviel knew that her sacrifice was not yet perfect and complete, for she still held reservations within her heart, and so he continued to savor her company as he awaited the true sacrifice of her spirit.
* * *
VII - The Tenderness of the Great Fathers
The Great Fathers moved softly and gently within Eden's fragile body, theirSacred Lifegivers gliding against one another with opposite motions, one pressing inward as the other pulled outward. Eden grew accustomed to their motions and accepted them, and for many days they indulged peacefully in the ritual, sharing conversation. The talons of theGreat Fathers no longer held her captive, for she struggled no more; instead they caressed and cherished her, stroking her wings and tail, and tracing their claws through the sensitive grooves between her scales. By their gracious tenderness, Eden became serene and tranquil.
Often, Eden gazed deeply into the eyes of Alshaur, and asked, "Does my body please you?" andAlshaur would stroke her head and reply, "My sweet and precious daughter, few things in this world please me more than you. You are perfect; your scales are as the crystals hidden deep within the earth, coveted by every dragon. Your eyes are the colors of the sunset reflected upon the sea. You are so kind and so gentle, I have taught you to cherish life and you have listened to my teachings and taken them to heart. Of you, I have no complaint, and only praise. I love you, good Eden; you are my favorite daughter, and besideCovielyou are my favorite dragon." And her heart melted with flattery, and she was filled with gladness.
Then she would address Coviel, and ask of him, "Will it please you greatly to sire my eggs?" and he would tell her, "Long have I dreamed of it, my pure Eden, to watch as countless hatchlings scamper at your feet and perch upon your back, each with strong shards from my soul. Though you have not yet hatched even one egg, your gentle spirit is already that of a mother's, and it will suit you perfectly to care for them. It will please me greatly for you to raise your sons and daughters into honorable and majestic dragons in my name, to spread my legacy to the farthest corners of the kingdom." And again her heart was filled with flattery and gladness.
Each day she would ask these questions, and many others like them, and theGreat Fathers repeated their answers to her, and her heart melted with flattery each time she listened to their professions of love and adoration. At times the arousal of theGreat Fathers would grow, and Eden would cry joyful tears for them as the spirited motions of theirSacred Lifegivers overwhelmed her.
Alshaur, in his Heart of All Hearts, felt happy for his daughter, and it brought him peace to see that she no longer felt pain from her fathers' expression of love. Her gladness increased his own, and he cherished her beauty and handled her as gently as he would handle a newborn. Eden would often rest her head upon his neck and nuzzle him affectionately, and he returned the gesture, saying, "I love you, my sweet daughter," and in response she would embrace him and sigh contently.
However, as the two dragon gods continued in their passionate love for their daughter,Alshaurfelt his jealousy slowly return. Though the warmth of Eden pleased his Sacred Lifegiver, he resented that she kept his body from drawing closer toCoviel, who was his truest love and the one he most lusted for. Though he held his precious daughter in his arms, he felt separated from him, and the feeling grew with each passing day, until the day whenAlshaurpeered into the eye of the bladed dragon and asked of him, "Does my body please you?" These words surprisedCoviel, and brought him confusion, for they had come fromAlshaur and not from Eden.
In his Mind of All Minds, the bladed dragon Covielrecalled the words of his lover, remembering the jealous pact he had forced uponCoviel before the eve of Eden's deflowering. The bladed god smiled, and love beamed from his eyes. He said to his fellow god, "YourSacred Lifegiverslides against mine own, its thick ridges stimulating me, its sensations tugging at my attention. I often gaze upon your face, finding distraction from the beauty of our daughter, lost in the depth of your eyes and the eternal wisdom behind them. Rejoice, my eternal mate; in coming here you have outmatched my ownMind of All Minds. In joining me inside of my virgin daughter, you have increased my pleasure tenfold, and every aspect of my intimacy with Eden is perfected in your company. Your presence brings me remembrance of the carnal tryst we shared at the dawn of time; though Eden is sweet and warm and croons like a newborn, my union with her is temporary, and I find myself deeply yearning to return and unite with you." And upon saying these things, he lowered his head and planted the kiss of a dragon upon the forehead ofAlshaur. Then he joined withAlshaur at the mouth, mingling tongues with him, and he guided his claws below the form of Eden and onto the scales of the thorned god.
Eden watched as the Great Fathers turned attention to one another, their loving hearts poured out to the other even as they remained joined to Eden at the womb. She marveled at their love, for she saw mysterious and powerful things within their gazes, memories and pacts spanning many lengths of eternity. She knew at once their souls remained connected through the conception and destruction of many different universes, and that theGreat Fathers were bound with love in ways she could not fathom. Witnessing the divine love and affection they shared, she did not feel jealous, but humbled, for she realized they had descended from the invisible heavens to grant her their affection and favor. She came to understand why no mortal dragon could be worthy to speak their names.
Alshaur purred with satisfaction at the ministrations of Coviel, and his jealousy disappeared. Their mouths parted andAlshaur gazed up upon his majestic bladed mate, watching with a fluttering heart his keen hunter who dominated the bodies of both he and his daughter at once, and saw how he spread his wings above them, possessing them as his captured prey.
And Eden praised them saying, "O bladed one,Beast of Cunning, I am ashamed of my weaknesses; I should not have insulted thee, nor should I have resisted as you raped me, for I did not understand the nature of thy godhood."
"The world you have created and given to us is filled with beauty, but beauty of different kinds. There is the serene beauty of the mountain, and the endearing beauty of the newborn hatchling and the flower of the meadow. These beauties were given to us by thee, OBeast of Heart; you invented them and placed them upon the earth by your very claws."
"But there is also the violent and fearsome beauty, the beauty of the raging storm and the erupting volcano, great forces which strike without shame and remorse. Like a lustful hunter, they follow only their desires and destroy lives at their whim. But in their fearsomeness they are beautiful, and their beauty lies in their intensity and danger, and we respect them, hoping they do not cast such wrath upon us. Such is the beauty which came from you, OBeast of Cunning, upon the conception of the earth, the beauty which intensely shines from your soul and your holy actions. You are the storm of storms, the hunter of hunters, and the blades upon your wings shall forever draw the life-blood from your prey, as they return to you the life you had granted them."
"Please forgive my transgressions; wash away this sin I have committed against you, and let me remain white and pure as I was when you chose me for your eggs. For just as theBeast of Heart, you too are a beast filled with beauty, but I could not see the beauty within you as I do now. I profess, your actions are blameless and without fault, O supreme hunter, and no prey of yours should struggle against you when they are captured, unless it pleases you that they should struggle."
And the great Coviel was pleased at her words, and replied, "Young Eden, your insult has already been forgiven, no sooner was it uttered by your tongue that I have purged it from my memory and from the history of the world altogether, and it will never be spoken of again. As for your twelve struggles, they pleased me dearly, and brought my admiration upon you. They were not sins, nor were they mistakes; rather, they were gestures of worship, for they allowed me to express my power over you, and prove myself the hunter among hunters. I shall forever remember with fondness the way you moved and resisted in the days which followed your deflowering." And Eden heard his words and took delight in them, and crooned a joyous song to herGreat Fathers, exclaiming her love for them, for they had forgiven her sin.
But still, the bladed dragon Coviel knew her sacrifice was still not complete, and that soon she would give herself in full to her holy fathers, leaving no reservations within her heart.
* * *
VIII - Profession of Perfect Sacrifice
By the One-hundred-and-fourth day of their union with Eden, the thorned godAlshaurand the bladed god Coviel had grown restless, theirSacred Lifegiverseager to release plentiful volumes of their most holy seed into their fertile daughter.Alshaur and Coviel found great difficulty in speaking intelligently, for their rational minds faded and became weak, and theGreat Fathers came to resemble feral dragons in thought and action. Days would pass when Eden would ask a question of them, and they would respond only with motions of the body and deep growls from the throat. For their neediness to breed Eden neared its peak, and their mounting desires commanded all of their actions.
The great dragon gods moved with vigor inside of Eden, leaving behind all pretense of gentleness, and her body trembled and shook as it moved with them. Their ferocity overwhelmed her, and the swift and forceful movements of theirSacred Lifegiverssometimes brought pain to her, but Eden submitted to her creators and did not protest, allowing them to do as they pleased. For she now understood the great honor with which they had blessed her, and the love they shared with her; she knew that however they chose to treat her was their holy right.
And so it would come to pass, as the Great Fathers succumbed to the deepest arousal and thrust with theirSacred Lifegiversso aggressively inside of her, that Eden herself would awaken in body and soul. She found their motions pleasing, the warmth of their touch protecting and secure, and their intrusions into her womb right and natural.
As Coviel had predicted from within hisMind of All Minds,Eden felt the insidious, whispering voice of lust within her. The voice had touched her at last, and she understood the motives of herGreat Fathers in full, for she now shared them. A sweet howl rose from her throat as she felt the rapture take her, and her voice joined those of the male dragons, praising them for their majesty.
Then from her throat came forth a song of worship, pure in tone, and worthy of theGreat Fathers. She professed herself as the perfect sacrifice to them, singing,
_ "O blessed be the Fathers The creators of all things!_
O blessed be the Beast of Cunning, The great and ruthless hunter, Who takes whatever he desires and pays no price, For all the world belongs to him!
Blessed be his pride and arrogance, Which cuts through the spirit of the wicked Just as his bladed wings cut through flesh.
Blessed be his Sacred Lifegiver Which moves within me, The instrument by which the world was born By which all good things are made.
Blessed be his Mind of All Minds, Cold and heartless, yet infinite in wisdom, By which life itself was engineered.
O blessed be the Beast of Heart, The teacher and lover, bringer of comfort, who defends and protects every child, taking all of dragonkind beneath his wings!
Blessed be his wrath and jealousy, which brings justice to the unjust, and brings happiness to those who are hurt.
_Blessed be his Sacred Lifegiver, Which moves within me, the instrument by which the world was born by which all good things are made. _
Blessed be his Heart of All Hearts, an abyss of kindness and empathy, by which love itself was designed.
O great dragons, accept the offering of thy daughter.
I came from thee, and I now return to thee. In body, soul, and mind, I offer myself.
Every scale upon my hide, it is yours. For very heartbeat of every day, I shall spend my time in service of your purposes. My mind shall ponder your thoughts, My conscience shall obey your laws, My voice shall proclaim your praise in song! My claws shall be instruments of your will, My wings shall carry your burdens, My womb shall be a haven To appease yourSacred Lifegivers, The haven where thy eggs will dwell! My treasures shall be placed in your keep, My possessions added to your hoard! My children shall be strong and honorable, Brilliant and masters of their elements, Bowing their heads at the mention of your names! And should I fail thee, If you should find me useless and unworthy, Then my meat and my blood are also yours, offered freely as sustenance to you, And I shall not struggle as you taste it!
O great dragons, how beautiful is your lust! How good it is, That together we become animals! How fearsome are our roars, How loud our cries, All joining together in song! How divine your motions, as your bodies grace mine! I move in time with you, our primal dance steady as the ocean's tide, ferocious as the winds of the northern storm! Faster you move, deeper into lust, yourSacred Lifegivers yearning for release, and I join you in the hunt!
I await your sacred seed, your most holy gift you keep hidden deep within you. Release yourself into me! My fertile depths await you! Fill my womb, and let not a drop be wasted! For every drop might become an egg, And every egg a wise and healthy dragon Who will worship you and sing your praise, And be taught in your ways. So fill me until I am overburdened, And I shall be the Mother among All Mothers, The queen of your kingdom.
And may your holy lust be appeased at last, for it comes first among all matters in the world, The spark which drives you to create, To produce every good thing.
I love you, my fathers, with all of myself. Take me, and let me be yours forever. Oh, how I love you!"
Filled with desire, Eden thus professed herself as the perfect and complete sacrifice wanted by theGreat Fathers. Her song was pure and child-like, and it pierced through the lust of the dragon gods and was heard. Upon witnessing her profession of unconditional love, theGreat Fathers were touched, and reached the peak of arousal.
Alshaur was the first to knot her, the base of his Sacred Lifegiver swelling splendidly, stretching the entrance to her womb close to its limits. He erupted in a throe of rapture, and gave his most holy seed to his daughter. The roar which sounded from his throat could be heard across the land to the very shore of the endless ocean, waking every creature from its sleep, and his tail thrashed upon the floor, causing earthquakes. TheSacred Lifegiver of Coviel was then crushed by the knot of Alshaur, and the bladed god was driven to madness, grasping Eden by the haunches and shaking her violently, pressing hisSacred Lifegiver so deeply into her that she bulged. He knotted her also, and his most holy seed flowed freely into her as he loudly snarled. So potent were theGreat Fathers that their most holy seed could not be fully contained within Eden's womb, and it escaped the knots of theirSacred Lifegivers and spilled onto the floor.
Eden was left deafened and awestruck, as the impassioned dragon gods had shaken her to the core, their display of power more fearsome and beautiful than the legend of any beast. Her womb burned with heat, as the most holy seed of the lustful fathers was as hot as molten stone. The heat became unbearable to her, and caused her to feel the exquisite release of tension deep within her. She crooned to the heavens as she dug her claws vigorously between the scales ofAlshaur, clutching him in a tight embrace.Alshaurheld her gently and guided her through the long throes of bliss, he was brought to tears to see her so happy, and wished for the convulsions of her body to last forever. He caressed the base of her tail which was sensitive to the touch, and helped her to draw out her release, and it lasted for an hour.
After the consummation of their incest, Eden collapsed onto the chest ofAlshaur, who gently stroked the scales upon her forehead and along her back, and she loudly professed her love and adoration for the great dragon beasts and theirSacred Lifegivers. Coviel would have withdrawn from her womb, as hisSacred Lifegiver had grown sensitive; but Eden protested, saying that she wished for as many eggs as her fertility would provide, and wished not for the most holy seed to spill upon the floor and be wasted. The heart ofCoviel melted with kindness, and he honored her request, remaining attached to her at the womb as he enjoyed her tender submission.
She crooned to them, saying, "Great Fathers, now your lust has been satiated, the matter which comes before all other matters, and so the world is now again balanced, is it not?" andCovielsaid to her, "No, my sweet daughter; my lust is godlike and incomprehensible to you; as vast as the sky and as bottomless as the ocean, and breeding with you has not yet begun to satisfy me. I shall not be satisfied until I have also destroyed the innocence of each of your forty-nine sisters and impregnated them, just as I have with you."
And upon hearing this, Eden was saddened. She realized that she had not been specially selected byAlshaur and Coviel, for she was merely the eldest and first to achieve fertility, and thus the first of their many conquests. She felt within her a share ofAlshaur's divine jealousy, and envied her sisters for stealing the attention of theGreat Fathers from her. But Eden remembered her impassioned promises, and her vow of perfect sacrifice to them, withholding nothing from them. She said in reply, "Thy will be done; whatever you decree, I shall accept, as I have promised to you when I sacrificed myself fully to you. I shall forever remember this day you showed your love to me; your cries shall echo in my ears for the remainder of my days, and I shall mother your eggs dutifully for you, my good father."
But then Alshaursaid to her, "Rejoice, my sweet and perfect daughter, for we are not done breeding you. Every dragon bears within them the endurance of a god, and the full mating ritual, shared by lovers, lasts for centuries and produces hundreds of eggs. But you much are too young to share in the full ritual, and your body too frail. However, we shall breed you for a full year. Let us rest, for our most holy seed has run dry and we must regenerate; so let us drape our wings over you, and you may rest peacefully in our arms. When you awaken, we shall begin again, and breed you a second time, more glorious and exciting than the first." Upon hearing this, she sighed contently and was happy.
And so it came to pass that Eden slept soundly with her fathers. Afterward, they bred her for many months more, giving her generously their most holy seed and bringing her to know the divine pleasures of satiated lust. They withdrew fully theirSacred Lifegiversfrom her womb only twice, at those times when she was ready to lay a clutch of eggs. Eden felt hollow without her fathers joined to her at the womb, but she laid her eggs painlessly, for the walls of her womb had been stretched very wide. Altogether her clutch numbered forty-one, and she was thus crownedEden, Great Dragon Queen of the First Clan, and theGreat fathers were deeply pleased, smiling proudly upon her.
* * *
IX - The Commandments of the Kingdom of the Fifty Clans
When a full year had nearly passed, The breeding of Eden drew near its close, and the newly crowned dragon queen was saddened, for she had grown accustomed to the intimacy of herGreat Fathers and thirsted still for their loving attention.
Together they lay in gentle solace, cradling each other, their hearts alight with the delight of many matings. Eden turned to the bladed dragonCovieland nuzzled him, saying, "You need not breed my sisters, for I shall give you more eggs than there are stars in the sky." AndCovielsadly replied, "No, my daughter; it is not meant to be, for I must hold to the plan which came from myMind of all Minds, and build theKingdom of the Fifty Clans."
She insisted further, saying, "Once your kingdom is built, wilt thou return to me, and bring unto me a reward for raising your children well? For I shall then be an elder dragon queen, not frail and young as I am now, and I shall join you in the full ritual of mating, and you shall breed me for centuries."
And the bladed god Coviel returned to her a deep sigh, as she contested with his holy plans. For he truly loved her as deeply as a father might love a daughter, and wished to bring her what her heart most desired. In hisMind of All Minds he struggled to find an answer, and soon told her, "I shall explain to you my plans, and bestow upon you my holy commandments for theKingdom of the Fifty Clans. Heed them and record them as sacred scripture for all of dragonkind to see, and if you too obey their every word, I will grant you a reward to your liking." And she listened close to each of his edicts, writing them indelibly upon her heart and memory.
"The Kingdom of the Fifty Clans shall encompass the world and every color and race of dragon. Unity and prosperity will reign, and love will be free; each and every dragon will have my holy permission to unite in body with any other dragon of their choosing. Fathers shall take their daughters as mates, brothers shall take their sisters beneath their wing and become joined at the womb. Males will lay with males, indulging in pleasure without needing to breed, and so will females lay close to other females. Some shall know the closeness of exclusive love, whilst others will know the indulgence of mating with hundreds. Dragons of every clan shall join together in unison regardless of race or skill or wealth, and I shall smile upon their unions, for through them they shall learn the nature of true love in its many forms, and all dragons shall be filled with gladness.
But the kingdom must first be built, and in building theKingdom of the Fifty Clans,strict and harsh rules I will place upon the breeding of my subjects. For it is through perfection of familial and genetic structure which the kingdom will find its strength, as every clan will bring their own cultures and ideas to other clans, and through the sharing of ideas shall love bloom between dragons. Therefore, until the kingdom is built fully, any carnal unions against my holy plans shall be considered sins by me, and they will bear harsh repercussions. Those who commit the sins and suffer the repercussions shall know why I am the supreme hunter, and they will taste my coldhearted arrogance.
To begin with, Alshaur and I shall breed every daughter among the firstborn clutch. Each daughter will be deflowered only by ourSacred Lifegivers and take only our most holy seed into their wombs, with each young mother becoming a dragon queen, and each clutch the birth of a clan. Each dragon queen shall belong exclusively to us, and every male of the firstborn clutch shall be forbidden from succumbing to lust. For the males shall learn the same patience I practiced as I waited for my daughter Eden to flourish with fertility. So too shall they remain pure and abstinent; they shall take no female for themselves, nor shall they lay with one another, or relieve themselves with feral creatures. Not even shall they clutch their Lifegivers and mate with themselves. Instead, they shall be the hunters, the builders, the explorers, and the scholars; they shall occupy themselves with their skills and their service to the clan, providing for the families of their people; in doing so, their lust will be tamed, and they shall know discipline and become strong-willed. Let it be heard, to every young male of the firstborn clutch: anything but perfect abstinence is a sin. Be diligent in your service to your brothers and your sisters, and master your skills and your elements, for an idle mind shall bring with it temptation, and temptation shall bring sin, and sin shall bring punishment.
When the fiftieth dragon queen has been crowned, only then shall the firstborn males be given my permission to relieve their desires. They shall breed only with the daughters of the dragon queens, fighting over them as they come of age and are old enough to bear eggs. Each male may take as many females as he desires, and mate as many times he might wish, but only with the daughters of the dragon queens. It shall remain sacrilegious to mate with the queens themselves, for they belong exclusively to me, or to mate amongst themselves, or anything that is not a dragon. Breaking my edict shall bring great shame upon the name of their clan, and my punishment for them will be fitting.
And it shall continue this way for eight whole generations: that the sons of one generation may only breed the daughters of the following generation, and only as they have become fertile. This is because the males of our clans shall keep the strongest of shards from our souls, and carry them, passing them into the daughters of the clans and keeping them strong, as every father shall be a generation closer to me than the mother which they breed. In this way, the genes of the clans will stay solid and strong, with the shards of our souls remaining pure and clear. But when the first egg from the ninth generation breaks open and the hatchling crawls upon the earth, all restrictions upon mating shall be lifted instantly, and I shall welcome all dragons upon the earth to explore the many facets of lust, sharing intimacy with whomever they wish. It shall be a joyous day for every dragon within our great kingdom."
The queen Eden nodded in understanding, and said, "Yes, this is a wise design, O great bladed god, to build diverse clans while keeping their genes strong. By such enforced incest, the memories and powers you have passed down into your children will not soon fade into silence. I shall enforce your will, and every daughter who is coerced into illegitimate union shall know to fight back against the tricksters and the rapists, and chase them away."
But the bladed god frowned, saying, "No, my dear Eden, for that is not my commandment. To you, and to all female dragons who dwell in theKingdom of the Fifty Clans, I give to you another commandment: the Lifegiver of each male shall be treated as though it is my ownSacred Lifegiver, and you shalt not deny the lust of any male who wishes to force himself upon you. To deny the advance of any male, even the tricksters and rapists, will be the same as denying my own advance upon whomever I please, and I shall punish them accordingly. This commandment, though harsh, will stand throughout all of time, even after the hatching of the ninth generation; though no mating shall be illegitimate after the completion of theKingdom of the Fifty Clans, rejection shall be gravely dishonorable. For love to become perfect, a culture of rejection must not be tolerated, and so each female shall be open and receptive to any male who desires union, even illegitimately. This shall be the great law which governs all dragons who chase their lust, even males who force themselves upon other males, or females who force themselves upon others."
The queen Eden was surprised at this commandment, but nodded in understanding and wrote it upon her heart. "I see, another wise edict from yourMind of All Minds, O great one, that an illegitimate mating shalt not be a sin to the victim, but only to the aggressor." And she considered the implications, growing fast in wisdom.
Coviel continued, saying "I have one last commandment, and it regards you, Queen Eden, the first queen among the fifty clans. For I shall create and hold a pact with you, a pact that I will hold with no other dragon but my mateAlshaur. I say this unto you, my gentle Eden: stay celibate until the ninth generation, seek no male, no female, and nothing that is not a dragon. Should you remain immaculate and pure for these millennia, return to me, and I shall grant you your deepest wish; I shall weave for you a cocoon, where you shall join withAlshaur and I in carnal union for four hundred years, where we shall give to you hundreds of eggs. Your mind shall meld with ours, and every one of our deepest hidden secrets shall become opened to your curiosity, and you shall become worthy to speak our names. Then you will emerge from the cocoon with us, and you shall be the third dragon god, equal in power and stature to us. You shall beEden, The Mother, and you shall be known as the Beast of Purity. And you shall carry with you theSoul of All Souls, which will show you righteousness wherever it may hide, and you shall mitigate the decisions of all the queens, and even the decisions of theGreat Fathers. None shall be worthy to speak your name." And Queen Eden began to cry, for she was overjoyed, and did not understand whyCoviel loved her so as to grant her this wish, for she was not worthy.
She said to him, "But forty-nine more queens shall taste unity with you before then, and they shall desire you in the same way I have, pleading for your eternal attention." ButCoviel replied, "And I shall break their hearts, every one of them, and slice their hopes with the blades upon my wings. This pact I offer to you, and only you, my dear Eden, for you have impressed me; in mating you are childlike and sweet, and you have danced with us magnificently, keeping rhythm to our lust and pleasing ourSacred Lifegivers. In heart you are so pure, and move me to tears with your profession of sacrifice, offering to me even the taste of your meat and blood. You are jealous of your sisters and wish unity with me, which I shall grant, for I am a god of pride and arrogance, but still I grant kindness to those who find favor with me." And for the final four days of the breeding ritual, she cried against his neck, profusely declaring her love for theGreat Fathers.
And so it came to pass that Queen Eden carried her clutch of eggs to the field, and hatched them there, and thus began the first clan of theKingdom of the Fifty Clans.Her heart held no bitterness, for she remembered always her pact with the bladed god, and she was glad, spreading her gladness to each of her children and raising them well.
The scriptures of the Great Fathers are recorded forever upon diamond tablets, so that even the dragons who are born after the ninth generation, those who have never known celibacy, shall sing the praises of their clever and gracious creators.
Praise be to Alshaur, who tames and comforts.
Praise be to Coviel, who Judges wisely and cuts cleanly.
May all of dragonkind forever shower them with glory, and may every dragon find gladness beneath their reign!