Coyote Time

Story by Coyote Surprise on SoFurry

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#3 of Sins of a Solar Coyote

There are some things coyotes do best.

There are some things coyotes do best.

Woke up this morning with a hard-on and a story idea, so I had to bang this out. Thanks to Only Human for beta-reading this. Loosely inspired by art from yellowcoyote. Please leave comments!

"Coyote Time," by Max


Thaily yawned and stretched, soaking in the warmth of the noonday sun on a park bench. Surrounded by a full hectare of living vegetation -- shrubs, grass, and stately conifers several times her height -- the young officer could forget she was on a starship hurtling through the void, en-route to a distant conflict. At least, until she glanced upward: the overhead lighting came close, but didn't_quite_ replicate the feeling of being planetside. Still, Thaily couldn't think of a better way to spend her lunch break than relaxing in the_Reilu's_ shipboard forest. Finishing her languid stretch, feeling quite boneless, the wolfess bent to resume reading her novel...

She had just found her place on the page when a strange noise made her look up. Cocking her head, she listened for a moment. Someone was off-trail, breaking little twigs as they went -- and this was strictly forbidden. The rules and regulations posted near the entryway said as much. Hell, it sounds like these assholes are running through the undergrowth, she thought acidly. Probably some rowdy enlisted hooligans.

Intent on putting an end to it, the wolf put on her officer face and stood up, slipping her tablet into a pocket. Straightening her uniform, Thaily set off toward the disturbance, ducking under branches and pushing her way through the bushes. As she approached, she expected she'd hear the voices of the errant servicemen, but the noise remained curiously indistinct.

Thaily froze in mid-step when the sound of movement picked up again, suddenly loud and close. A large dog of some sort, perhaps 40 kilos -- yet thin-legged and elegant -- noisily shot out of the treeline and darted toward a small clearing. Curiously, the dog appeared to be wearing a collar with "Spaceman, 1st Class" markings... Thaily's head snapped back to the faux-rest -- she could hear another animal crashing through the undergrowth, even louder than before. A half-second later a much larger canine -- more than twice the size of the first -- broke into the clearing in hot pursuit. Neither animal gave any indication they'd seen her, but Thaily furrowed her brow: she immediately recognized the second feral.

"Teks," she muttered.

The wolfess had recently come to_know_ him, so to speak, through...a mutual friend. She didn't find it surprising that the feral space coyote would casually violate the rules of the ship's recreation area -- not after he had demonstrated such eagerness to casually violate_her_. Thaily scowled at the thought and continued her evesdropping.

From her hidden vantage point, she saw Teks catch up with and collide into the smaller canine, sending both ferals down in a heap, snapping and growling at each other. The roughhousing made Thaily a bit anxious but she knew enough about ferals to say it looked friendly. She assumed the other canine was also a space coyote, based on the similar coat pattern: darker than a typical coyote, dappled with blotches of white and specks of black. The wolfess began to relax slightly as the ferals continued their tussle. Didn't know we had more than one of 'em onboard..., she thought dryly.

A yelp caught her attention. The smaller of the two ferals had been flipped on its back -- Thaily could see now that it was female, as she suspected -- and the wolfess blushed as the relatively tiny coyote bitch snarled playfully, pinned beneath Teks while he nipped at her throat. Thaily knew what_that_ felt like... Dipping into reverie, when her focus returned, she was surprised to see the noise and commotion had all but stopped. Her eyes widened as she watched the ferals become_very_ friendly.

The she-coyote was sprawled on her back, legs trembling as Teks nosed at her belly. Laying down behind her, he steadied the smaller coyote with his forelegs. She trembled as the huge coyote tongued her swollen little spade, squirming in his grasp as Teks licked and nibbled her entrance. Taking the feral's entire mound between his teeth, he lightly clamped her folds together with an faint_squish_, and tugged. She yelped, hips bucking involuntarily; a trickle of her musky wetness escaped her opening each time Teks repeated the motion, eagerly lapped up by his tongue before it had a chance to soak the short fur of her crotch.

Thaily fidgeted in silence, forced to adjust her stance several times while Teks chewed hungrily on his feral bitch. When he finally shoved his tongue inside the coyote -- the squelch was audible even from where she stood -- Thaily felt a rivulet of her own juices escape her soaked panties. She watched the little coyote convulse and thrash at the sudden intrusion, arching her back and quivering in his grip. Teks abruptly stood up, a question forming in Thaily's mind -- answered when the smaller coyote unsteadily rolled to her feet and whined needfully, presenting her hind quarters and flagging her tail -- the feral coyote girl hadn't cum yet. Biting her lip, the wolfess wondered how a coyote even smaller than herself was going to take Teks.

Several times the coyote bitch turned around to nuzzle at the large feral, wordlessly encouraging him to take her, but Teks would not be rushed, dipping his muzzle to casually tongue her puffy, drooling spade -- which only made her more anxious, practically dancing on her paws as she quivered in excitement.

Snorting, he tugged her tail further to the side with his teeth, then mounted the smaller coyote by simply walking over her -- his chest roughly dragged through the fur of her back as he did -- but the diminutive feral bore none of his weight until Teks relaxed his forelegs, earning a solid grunt from his bitch as he placed some of his 100 kilo bulk onto her. Lowering his haunches, Teks felt around for her opening with less than an inch of his substantial length peeking from his sheath. Once he felt her slick, sloppy-wet heat on his tip, he hunched forward as she stepped backward, his flesh rapidly swelling from the contact. As it started to go in, the coyote bitch shivered, the movement just enough to dislodge him. The big male growled in frustration and repositioned his hips to catch her opening again. His blunt tip, much thicker than just a moment ago, nearly dwarfed her heat-swollen spade but he strained forward against the little coyote just as hard as she pushed back against him.

This time, it went in.

The coyote girl yelped and almost stumbled as the thick tip lunged past her taut opening -- blunt rather than pointed, it forced her entrance to endure a harsh, sudden stretch -- but a moment later she was again shoving with all four paws back into Teks while he leaned into her. She groaned, rich and throaty and wanton as she felt Tek's thickening maleness emerge from his sheath and bury into hers. Above her, Teks growled in pleasure as she yielded to him, his hot breath washing over her ears, tickling her fur. Copious spurts of precum spilled from his blunt tip, soothing her strained folds as she stretched abruptly with every fresh pulse of growth. As more and more of his canine tool surged into the coyote femme, she shuddered and wobbled, threatening to spill the massive feral on her back until he relented and resumed some of his weight. She grimaced as his tip nudged the furthest extent of her channel, but widened her stance and snorted defiantly, eyes flashing as the two space coyotes_leaned_ into each other. His tip was lodged firmly against her cervix, the pressure becoming more insistent with every throb of his heartbeat. Jets of hot, slippery precum sluiced through her innermost barrier, pooling inside her womb. Breathing hard, she stood stock-still -- she knew how to be a good bitch without being told -- as the big feral shifted his grip, taking his weight off her but gripping her firmly with his forelegs.

Teks tugged her toward him with all his might, nearly crushing the breath from the little coyote bitch, while his rear paws dug heavily into the soil -- growling a guttural snarl of satisfaction as he pushed_through_her resistance, walking several more inches of his brutally thick cock into the smaller feral.

The little coyote femme flinched but did not pull away as the thick wedge of his tip pried open her inner ring, swiftly dilating to admit more of his shaft. She let out a choking gasp as she felt him thump against the back wall of her womb, her inner passage lubricated by the slippery heat he had deposited there earlier. When he tugged free of her achingly tight cervix, she was just lucid enough to lunge backward to meet his next thrust. Teks insistently shoved through her barrier again and again, lingering after each thrust to strain hungrily against the furthest recesses of her womb, gradually stretching the little coyote to fit his needs.

Soon he was spearing her with long strokes that used nearly all of his monstrous length, his thick shaft squelching loudly through her sopping tunnel as he continued to ream her out. As he worked deeper, her keening yelps of pleasure whipped Teks into a frenzy until he was snarling continuously, railing the small coyote with a ferocity that sent a chill through Thaily. From her vantage point the wolfess watched each thrust of the coyote's cuntbreaker produce a faint bulge in the smaller feral that showed just how far Teks was reaching inside his bitch. While Thaily looked on in awe and disbelief, the coyote girl suddenly barked in surprise and stumbled backwards. With some difficulty, Teks tugged his swelling knot from her, but that only seemed to motivate her to shove even harder against her mate's next thrust, again and again. Thaily's jaw opened in a wordless oath: the tiny coyote bitch was insatiable. The little feral wanted everything Teks could give her: she wanted his knot.

Muttering an oath to herself, Thaily abandoned her effort not to masturbate, frantically digging a paw through her uniform. Unable to tear her eyes from the mating couple, she pushed aside her sodden panties and plunged two fingers into her drooling slot.

The small coyote femme felt his knot catch on her opening as Teks impaled her, dragging her ravaged spade inward for a moment before her sloppy, sticky opening distended enough to let him inside. She barked again and almost fell as the feral male tried, and abruptly failed, to withdraw -- their difference in height yanked her hind legs off the ground. Both coyotes panted raggedly as if they had just run down a deer. She yipped as she felt his knot growing rapidly inside her.

Teks hunkered down over the small feral, laying his head on hers as if trying to maximize the contact between them, still gently humping her while his knot expanded, filling her pelvic arch until her bones creaked and her cute little spade bulged outward, distending further with every pulse of his heartbeat. The feral bitch crooned and trembled as he tied with her, even as her tunnel struggled to contain his fearsome bulk.

Watching intently while she fingered herself, Thaily saw the exact moment the feral femme felt the first hard jet of cum strike the very back of her womb -- the coyote bitch smiled a loose, feral grin as if she'd been given the keys to the chicken coop -- and the wolfess nearly fell to her knees as she came with the pair, both coyotes wailing and yipping and howling their orgasm as if they wanted the entire ship to hear them. Which, she reflected, they probably_did_.

Stealing a final look at the coyotes -- Teks was nuzzling his "friend," licking her ears tenderly even as he continued to seed her -- Thaily slunk away, leaving the ecstatic pair to their own devices. She'd have to have a serious chat with Teks and Marin about this, later. In the meantime, Thaily was certain the little coyote bitch would be walking funny for at least a week afterward, to say nothing of the pups she'd eventually bear.

...Thaily kinda wished it had been her.