bonding with my old man part 1

Story by dragonspanker on SoFurry

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Eighteen year old Dylan eagerly waited for his father to pick him up from his mother's house, so he could spend time with his dad who he had not seen in Eighteen years and was excited about the camping trip that his dad planned for the two of them.When Dylan saw his dad pull up to the house he told his mother and she came out to see Dylan off, and after watching him get in the car she waved goodbye and went back inside the house and gave a sigh of relief knowing that her husband and son were finally going to know each other.Dylan's mother was human and when she was Eighteen she met a wonderful man who she thought was human, and after several months of dating he showed his true form to her expecting her to run away or freak out like most people did when he transformed but she was different. And they both felt this bond between each other and after explaining the rules on dragons mating with humans which she found really amazing, so after mating with her he explained that this would not be easy because while dragons did sometimes mate with humans their laws stated that dragon fathers could not see their offspring until the child was of Eighteen cycles or in human terms years.After their last night together Dylan's father asked the name of his lovely human and she chuckled softly and told him, that her name was Claire and then she asked for his name and he told her that his name was Drazz and after he told her that he could not see his child for Eighteen years they shared one last kiss. Before he left his mate for Eighteen cycles and as Claire watched him go she began crying softly and she knew that one day her child would meet his father, and with a strong feeling in her heart she left and prepared to be a mother and seeing as her child was half dragon it would not take long Claire had know long the pregnancy would be but she had a feeling that her child was something special.Eighteen years later Dylan and his father were on their way to Blackstone park to go camping, and once they got to the camp site it was four in the afternoon and after parking the car Drazz got out and went to the trunk and he opened it then began taking stuff out and after an hour he had the tent up and went to check on Dylan. and found to his surprise that he was not in the car and after slamming the door shut he went off to find him not knowing that Dylan had gone for a hike, Dylan made his way down a trail that led directly to the spot where his dad had set up the tent and thought he was alone so he began trying out some of his dragon powers and got so caught up in it that he failed to see that his flame shots had caused a forest fire. Dylan began to panic when he saw the fire and he tried putting the fire out with his magic but the damage was done, and he looked at the scorched trees and remembered what his father told him on the drive up that he was never to use his powers without his dad's supervision and that's

exactly what he did and Dylan started to think about what his dad would to him."I'm in big trouble I did what dad told me never to do and that is never use my powers without his supervision he's going to kill me" said Dylan in a panicked voice, and he heard breathing coming from behind him and his pulse quickened and he slowly turned around and standing right in front of him was his father who looked absolutely livid. And he felt about five inches tall at seeing his father before him the elder Dragon had his arms folded as he glared at his son and Dylan just stood there like he was frozen as he waited for his dad to speak. Drazz unfolded his arms and and pulled Dylan to his chest and hugged him, and they stayed like that for several minutes before letting go and Dylan watched as his father made his way over to a stump a few feet away and sat down on it and he wondered what his dad was going to do, And before long his dad called him over and Dylan made his way over to where his dad was sitting and when he reached his father he called out to him and the elder Dragon looked at him and began speaking. "Dylan what were you thinking you could of burned the whole forest down" Drazz said angrily at him and waited for his son's reply,  and Dylan looked at his dad and told him that he put the fire out and that he was really sorry and that he'd never do it again but his dad felt that a much needed lesson was in order and told Dylan to pull down his pants and he stared at his father like he was crazy, and Dylan could not believe that this was happening that his dad was planning to spank him at his age and he pleaded with him not to punish him like this so after Dylan got his pants and underwear down he moved to his fathers left side and bent over his knees and Drazz held him with on arm and raised up the other and delivered the first swat upon his son's backside.Dylan grunted when the first spank landed, and he cried out as more spanks landed one after the other and in a few minutes he was already begging his dad to stop and the elder Dragon growled at his son and began to spank much harder. One thing was Dylan was learning was that Dragons made strict fathers and that they spanked very hard and there was nothing he could do except take his punishment each time his father's powerful hand struck his bottom he howled, Dylan was feeling utterly humiliated getting punished like this by his father who he had just met and he felt all of the elder Dragons anger and his love at the same time each one of Drazz's spanks graced his bottom which looked like a two Tomatoes pressed together.After a good forty five minutes later Dylan felt like his ass would melt, And Drazz finished up the spanking with four tremendous wallops to his son's rump and then stopped and let Dylan sob for a bit and catch his breath before helping him off his lap and putting lovingly patted his son's scorched butt. And Dylan moaned as his father's hand rubbed

against his bottom in a attempt to sooth the sting and saw that his son had a erection and the elder Dragon moved his hand away from his son's rear and and stood up.'Well son it looks you enjoyed that spanking a little to much Drazz said to him with a slight laugh," and as Dylan walked over to the tent he and his dad shared he replied to his father "not funny Dad" and unzipped the front of the tent and went in being in no mood to deal with his dad at that moment and if he looked outside he would of seen the massive bulge in his father's trousers.