The Seed

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seed

By William W. Kelso

For untold eons the seed had drifted through the cosmos, blown at random by unseem cosmic winds and eddies. It was not large or impressive, being about the size of a small car and looked like nothing more than another speck of space debris. It had been launched by its parent even as the planet it came from was dying. It was a last desperate effort by its kind to survive. Being a plant its kind had not been truly intelligent by some standards, but had been aware enough of the impending death of their world and like all living things they did have an intense instinct and will to survive, to continue the species at any cost. So they had launched thousands of seeds into the unknown darkness of space hoping that somewhere one would find a new world and their species would survive.

The seed was not aware it even existed, and would not be until it found the right conditions to sprout and grow. It had no way of knowing it was the last of its kind, that all the other seeds had perished one by one in the unforgiving harshness of space or had fallen to planets unsuitable for their survival. And so it drifted, alone and as unaware as any other rock.

Eventually it drifted into a new solar system and was caught in the gravity of a small green and blue world. As it entered the atmosphere the thick shell that had covered and protected it so well for so long cracked and fell away, and instantly long gossamer like wings unfolded and snapped into place. The fall became a gentle gliding spiral as the seed rode air currents and updrafts, and slowly it drifted closer and closer to the surface of the planet. It passed through a rain cloud at one point and the warm rain soaked into the seed and for the first time in its existence it became aware and started to grow. Finally the seed fell through a screen of trees and came to rest in a swamp near a bayou in a state called Louisiana, but it did not know that. All it knew was it had finally found a home. Shedding its wings it quickly extruded some roots and dug itself into the ground until it had completely disappeared.

For several days nothing happened, then slowly a large bud pushed free of the rich earth and vines spread out for its base. For a week the bud continued to grow until it was about three feet off the ground on the end of a thick stalk, and the vines at its base had grown out to be several feet long each. The bud was about the size of a basketball and the stalk was about three inches in diameter. On the tenth day the bud bloomed into a large flower with thick red colored petals and turned itself to face the life giving sun. For almost a month the plant steadily grew larger, and it also grew underground as well, roots and other specialized organs pushing deep into the rich soil. Soon the sun and soil alone would not be able to provide sufficient sustenance, so it entered into a new stage of development.

The plants flower, which never wilted, began to give a sweet syrupy odor which soon attracted a small animal of some type. As it ventured closer to the plant to investigate the scent of food it brushed against one of the plants vines and several instantly wrapped around the squealing animal rendering it helpless. The plant lowered its flower and a different type of vines emerged from its center, the external vines transferred the now frantically struggling animal to the feeding vines which also wrapped around it tightly, then the external vines released the animal and it was drawn into the plants mouth, down its throat, and into to its stomach which was below the ground. It did not take the plant long to digest the small meal, it's first of many to come.

For over a year the plant continued to feed and grow, becoming steadily larger. As its hunger became greater it began to vary the scent lures in order to attract a larger variety of the local animal life. It was quite good at what it did, and its stomach was usually full, often with two or more animals inside its stomach at the same time. New prey was constantly being added to the rich nutrient soup of the still dissolving older prey. The plant was now catching quite large animals and reptiles, and after a few managed to break loose, sometimes damaging the plant, it began to experiment with better ways of immobilizing and rendering its meals more complacent and easy to ingest. While not truly intelligent it could, and did, learn.

It found that some of the larger warm blooded prey had openings on the opposite ends of their bodies, and that if the feeding vines were inserted in those openings and provided proper stimulation the prey would become much more compliant, and that also by swelling the tips of the vines it was impossible for the prey animal to work free. Evidently the prey animals found the stimulation to be very pleasurable and would often hardly struggle at all as they were swallowed and slid down the plants throat to the stomach. The plant also found that if it pumped digestive fluid directly into the animals through the feeding vines they would dissolve much faster as they would be digested both from the inside out and the outside in. This made it possible for the plant to feed more often and increase its growth. Even now it was in the process of swallowing a particularly large animal, the sheer size making it hard to accomplish and the plant had been working on it for almost a day now. But now only the animals head remained visible though it continued to struggle feebly.

The goat was confused about what was happening to it. It had thought it smelled fresh berries, but when it investigated this strange plant had grabbed it with powerful vines and help it helplessly while it bleated shrilly in fear, then other vines had painfully penetrated its sex and anus, then its mouth. At first it had hurt, especially after the vines had grown larger inside of its guts and mouth, but then the vines had started to slide in and out of its rump and give a pleasant tingling. The goat had begun to give muffled bleats of pleasure around the vine in its mouth, it had never felt such sexual pleasure before and its struggles lessened and finally ceased as it gave in to the ecstacy. Its fellow herd members stood and watched for awhile as their fellow slowly disappeared into the center of the plants flower then wandered off to look for less dangerous food.

The goat, pulled hind first into the plant now had only its head protruding from the center of the flower, but with a final rippling convulsion the goats head tilted back and it saw the sky for the last time as it slid entirely into the plants throat. The large squirming bulge slid slowly down the stalk until it passed out of sight underground and eventually reached the stomach. The feeding vines remained inside and still pleasuring the goat as it slid through a sphincter like opening and into the large elastic stomach of the plant, they would continue to do so until the prey was dead. The stomach contracted around the goat forcing it into a fetal position. As soon as it was helplessly immobile the feeding vines began to pump digestive fluids into all three of the animal's orifices until it was full to the bursting point like an overfilled balloon, and at the same time pumped more fluids into the stomach quickly filling it almost to the top. The goat squealed and bleated and tried to struggle as the powerful fluids began to digest it, its fur sloughing off, then skin, then muscle until bones began to show. Triggered by the larger size and more advanced life form that the goat represented another instinct in the plant activated and it pushed very fine specialized tendrils into the stomach and they entered the goats orifices and softening tissues and attached to various organs and the preys nervous system in order to "dissect" or analyze the goat in order to learn more about, and understand it better. This would provide the plant with valuable information. The goat lived quite some time in horrible agony and sexual ecstasy until finally its stomach burst to release its now liquefied internal organs into the rich nutritious soup it was becoming. As the goat died the vines and tendrils withdrew and the stomach clenched and spasmed to help churn the soup more and break down the remaining edible portions, then the hair and larger bones were passed into an underground dumping ground. The plant gurgled happily as the nutritious soup that had been its last prey soaked into its system and fed it. This prey had been quite large and it would feed the plant for quite some time, so the plant began to use the abundant nutrition for another growth spurt. Plus the plant now had time to analyze its new understanding of the prey and find a way to put that information to the best use.

It's "dissection" and digestion of the large animal had provided it with much new and pertinent information. It soon realized that the goat, and other animals it had caught since, gave off pheromones associated with reproduction. By reproducing and using those pheromones to attract pretty it was much more successful, and the prey would already be sexually aroused and tended to struggle less and be more cooperative. It also determined the animal life of this planet had two sexes, one had three orifices and the other had two with a protruding mating organ, though some of the second type carried that organ inside but it would extend when stimulated. The plant modified the tips of its feeding vines to better emulate the basic size and shape of the two sexual organs, the tips could now perform the function of either of the animals different sexual organs and also thicken or lengthen as depending on the species of the animal as this could made a big difference in the amount of incapacitating sexual pleasure provided.

The analyzing tendrils also provided additional useful information, both to the benefit of the plant and in a way also to the benefit of the prey animals. They had attached to the sexual organs of the various animals of different sexes the plant had digested and had "recorded" the physical feelings the animals experienced. The plant had found it greatly "enjoyed" these feelings itself, so it modified the feeding vines and tendrils to provide it with similar pleasure while it pleasured its prey, it learned to enjoy male and female orgasms, and it would also attach probe tendrils to the prey's sexual nerve centers in order to enjoy the prey's own sexual stimulation. In this manner it could experience its own, and the animals sexual stimulation and orgasms. It added a whole new element to the pleasure of feeding, the sheer amount of pleasure provided by such simple sexual acts was truly invigorating. The vines became fully functional penises and vaginas and until the prey reached the stomach the vines would inject lubricating and aphrodisiac fluids into the prey to help increase the sexual pleasure and render them helpless to resist. It would also insert a small tube into the male's organs in order to provide them with additional fluid so they would not run dry during the unending stimulations to provide them and the plant with as much pleasure as possible. If the males organ ran dry the pleasure would quickly turn to pain, and the plant did not want that. Once the prey reached the stomach the feeding vines would pump the digestive fluids into the animal before switching back to the pleasure stimulation fluids.

It also had attached tendrils to other nerve endings in the animals and had retracted them violently when it felt the horrible agony the animals experienced as they dissolved while being slowly digested. The plant was not truly intelligent, nor was it evil or sadistic, but it was aware enough to recognize pain and it realized such amounts of that stimulation were not desirable even in its prey. It fed on its prey, but did not see a reason to torment it as the prey now also provided it with much pleasure as well I addition to nutrition. It knew that by lessening the prey's agony during digestion that pleasure would increase, so the plant modified its digestive juices to include an enzyme that would act as a numbing agent to reduce the pain level significantly. The prey would of course still suffer, but it would be much more bearable and the sexual pleasure would increase dramatically. The down side was the prey would live much longer and be much more thoroughly dissolved before it succumbed to the digestive fluids.

Then another major breakthrough came for the plant when it captured two new prey animals of a species it had not previously encountered or devoured. The information it learned from the "dissection" of one would change everything and the plant would finally enter its reproductive stage.


This is where I come in. My name was Todd Brian, and I was a biology student at the University of Florida. I was in my senior year and along with several other seniors I'd volunteered to work for the EPA during summer vacation. We'd been assigned to the everglades district. It counted as credit and was excellent hands-on field experience.

I, and a fellow student named Brenda, were poling our small flat bottom boat through a channel as we took water and other samples. Our job today was to gather water and other samples from some of the more isolated and harder to reach areas of the swamp and bayous. We were good friends, but that was about it. Brenda was a little too dumpy for my taste, and she'd never shown any interest in boys. She was one of those way too serious academic types. But she was fun company and I didn't mind being stuck with her for most of the day, anybody but that jerk Rodriguez. But I'd had been having second thoughts though as I looked at Brenda's sweat stained shirt and the thin bra she was wearing and there wasn't a whole lot left to the imagination. I could clearly see her nipples outlined and realized her body was a lot nicer then I'd thought. I decided after we got back to the facility to ask her out for dinner, after all it couldn't hurt even if she told me to get stuffed.

Brenda saw the weird plant first as we rounded a large growth of reeds. It was on the bank of one of the rare islands and looked like some sort of giant flower. It was beautiful but she knew she'd never seen anything like it before and just had to take a closer look.

"Todd, look at that thing!" Brenda yelled and pointed. I stopped poling and looked where she was pointing and instantly saw what she was talking about. What the hell is that? I thought. It looked like a great big orchid or something. I didn't like the look of it at all, it just didn't "feel" right.

"Pull over to the bank!" Brenda said in an excited voice. "I've never seen anything like that before. My major is Botany; it might be a new species! PULL over Todd!"

I looked at the huge flower and could smell some sort of sweetish scent coming from it and felt a sudden stirring in my pants. Uh-oh, I thought as I looked at Brenda's ass as she bent over the bow of the boat, bad timing dude! "Um, Brenda, let's just take a few photos and finish what we're doing. That weird plant kind of creeps me out." She turned on me and hissed,

"NO way, if this is something new I want the credit for it! If we just take photos that jerk Dr. Tompkins will claim all the credit! Now PULL over to the bank or I'll jump out and swim!"

"And get eaten by gators or piranha or something", I said under my breath as I pushed the boat over towards the bank.

"I heard that Captain Bligh!" said Brenda, "And there aren't any piranha in the everglades moron."

What a shame, I thought as the punt grounded and Brenda leaped out and walked towards the plant.

The bank rose fairly quickly and was dry, but was covered with a thick mulch of leaves and other plant debris, which was why we never saw the vines until it was much too late.

As Brenda approached the large flower she stepped on a vine hidden under the layer of plant debris, and it instantly reacted and wrapped around her ankle. Startled she tripped and fell down. "What the hell, ouch!" she grunted. She thought she'd tripped and fallen over a root or something, so she was surprised when she sat up and saw the vine had wrapped itself around her ankle several times. "What the HELL!" she said again and tried to pry the vine or whatever it was off of her ankle, but it was like rubber covered steel. Then as she watched the mulch on one side suddenly stirred and another vine snaked out and wrapped itself around her waist. "Toooddd!" she yelled. She was getting really worried now as more vines emerged to wrap themselves around her struggling body. "TOOOOOODDDD!"

I was still trying to secure the boat when I heard Brenda yell at me. "WHAT!" I yelled back at her. Arrrr, I thought, I can't take much more of this abuse! Who died and made her commander in cheif anyway.

When she yelled again she sounded really scared, so concerned I ran over to where she was sitting on the ground. There are a lot of dangers in the glades, not the least is the numerous poisonous snakes. We'd had one volunteer get bit and almost die, so I was worried maybe she'd run into a water moccasin or something. At first I thought she'd just tripped, but then I saw it looked like she was fighting with something and at first I thought I had been right and it was snake, and I HATE snakes! If you want to see a big strong man have a sissy fit just try and hand me a nasty, slimy, snake! UHH! At first I just stood there and looked down incredulously at the snakes, or whatever they were, as more of them wrapped themselves around Brenda. She looked up at me in terror and screamed,

"Don't just stand there dumbass, DO something!" She shrieked. I reached down and tried to pull off one of the vines, but it was like a steel cable. "Get the machete!" she yelled.

My first big mistake had been to run over to her, my next had been to try and help her as the vine things now realized there were two of us, and before I could turn around and run back to the boat a vine looped itself around my leg and pulled me over and several more or the now wildly flailing vines quickly had me as helpless as Brenda.

"You are fucking useless, you know that!" squawked Brenda when she saw I had also been caught.

Thanks a lot, I thought. "Hey! I said, I got caught trying to help you!"

"Yeah, and we see the results of THAT don't we, George of the Jungle!" She snapped back.

"AT LEAST I TRIED AND DIDN'T RUN OFF AND LEAVE YOU!" I yelled back. This is stupid, we're being grabbed by some weird plant and we're arguing!

I was well and securely trussed up now, as was Brenda. We both had vines pinning our arms to our sides and around our legs as well. Now that the thing had us it seemed to calm down and nothing happened for awhile.

"Brenda" I said. She looked at me with fear still I her eyes, "I'm sorry" I said in a scared voice.

Her attitude softened a little, "Yeah, you did try to help. I'm sorry I got mad, I'm just scared."

"You and me both, I replied, what the hell IS this thing anyway? You're a botanist."

"I have NO idea." She replied. "It's definitely a flower of some kind, but I've never heard of one this big and it's not any genus I know. These vines or roots must be part of it, but I've never heard of anything like this."

About this time I noticed the "flower" had rotated and turned to face us, and that the vines were attached to its base where the stem disappeared into the soil. "Um, Brenda, I think it's looking at us!"

Brenda looked and gave a squeal as several more vines, but different from the ones holding us, emerged from the center of the flower. With a scrunching sound the vines holding us began to drag us across the ground and closer to the plant. "TODD!" she moaned.

"I noticed!" I moaned back. The vines dragged us across the ground until we were much closer to the flower. Then the vines emerging from the flowers center began to inspect and slither over Brenda.

"Get OFFFF of me!" she screamed as they began to very intimately probe her body. Then the vines holding her legs loosened and began to pull them apart! "Todd, help me for God's sake!" Then her cries became muffled as one of the vine things forced itself in to her mouth! "Mmmmmfffff!" She moaned. The other two were pushing at her crotch, but seemed confused by her clothes.

I struggled as hard as I could, but the vines around me just tightened until they began to cut off my air. As soon as I stopped they loosened and I could breathe again. "I'm sorry, Brenda, I can't get loose!"

She looked at me with terrified eyes as the vine thing in her mouth forced its way deeper into her and I could actually see the bulge as it went down her throat. "MMF MMTTFFKKRR URGGGURGLE! She squealed around the thing. The two vines that had been poking at her crotch had stopped for a few minutes almost as if they were considering what to do. Then some of the other vines began to explore Brenda's body, and finding the edges of her pants and shirt they slid under them. I could see the outline of the vines as they pushed under her clothes and eventually emerged from the other side, and then with strong pulls they began to strip the clothes off of her in pieces. "MMMUUFFFF!! EIAAAAAAA!" she screamed "NUUUUUUUU!" But soon the vines had her completely stripped down to her tennis shoes and they also removed those too. Then the vines pulled her legs open again and I had a perfect view of what happened next.

The tips of the vines split open and had little flaps like petals, and then other interior vines emerged and they, God help me, looked like penises! They were dark pink colored and had fluid dripping off of them and with a loud "schlock!" one pushed against and then penetrated Brenda's vagina, followed shortly by the other as it did the same to her asshole. I couldn't help but watch in horror as they pistoned in and out of her as they stretched her wider and slid deeper and deeper until the "petals" reached her and closed with an airtight sound around her mound and anus.

"EEEEEAAAAAARRRGGGGG!!" she screamed and arched herself as she felt the vines horribly violate her. "OMG NUUUUUUU! PLS TUD HEPFF EEEE!" she moaned at the pain in her crotch, she felt like she was being split in half. "PLS IS FUKIIINNNGG EEEE!" But soon the pain faded to be replaced by something else, pleasure. She stopped struggling and arched herself, "Ohhhhhh, uuuuhhhh, she gasped around the vine in her mouth. Then she spasmed as a brutal orgasm rocked her body. "UMMMMFFF O GUD!" She stopped struggling and let the ecstasy build as the plant kept fucking her, she'd never felt anything like this. With a gurgling grunt she arched herself to give the vines better access and they slid further into her while her whole body spasmed from the sensation. "Ohhhhh, ummm!" she sobbed.

I cried as I struggled, only to be choked into submission again. "I'm sorry Brenda! I'm sorry!" I sobbed. But I don't think she heard me anymore as her eyes had rolled back up in her head and she was making grunting slobbering noises and was even arching herself and I could see her nipples were no longer flat, but fully engorged and hard. Oh my God, I thought, she's enjoying it!

I could only watch helplessly and in growing horror as the penis vines wrapped around her legs and forced them together, then began to drag her toward the now gaping center of the plant which I realized was a mouth. The other vines had let her go, but she made no more efforts to struggle, instead she leaned down and pulled at the vines fucking her, and I think she was trying to pull them in deeper instead of pull them out! I watched as fluids leaked from around her vagina and anus and dripped onto the ground, the vines pulsing every so often as they pumped more into her and with each pump she gave another guttural moan.

"Brenda, for God's sake fight it! It's going to eat you! Brenda!" I yelled.

But she was totally oblivious. She moaned and pulled at the lovely vines giving her so much pleasure. She had been a virgin, but wasn't anymore. She had never imagined sex could be like this, could feel so good, and shuddered as another orgasm made her squeal around the vine pleasuring her mouth and throat. She hardly felt it when powerful wet muscular lips closed around her feet and started pulling her, with the help of the feeding vines, into the plants now gaping maw. "Ummmm, ohhhhh!" she moaned in ecstasy. Even the powerful muscles rippling against her nude body as the plant slowly swallowed her felt erotic, she kept her hands on the vine in her pussy and tried to help it fuck her, she wanted more of it in her so badly, and the mouth muscles of the plant slid over her arms pinning them to her sides, but she didn't care. Her hips slid into the plants maw next, and it paused to allow this wide part of her to stretch its throat before resuming. The plant slurped and gurgled happily as it swallowed its prey. She had been swallowed up the her waist now, and with a lurch the plant started swallowing her again; its warm wet insides caressing her body with powerful muscular spasms as it drew her in. Slurp, slurp, guuurgle! Even if she had been aware there was no way she could have escaped now. Slowly she slid in further and further until her shoulders slid into the plant's mouth and its lips closed around her neck as it paused to stretch its throat to accept her wide shoulders. She moaned as the warm, wet, slick insides of the plants throat rubbed against her body and orgasmed again, the sensation of hot fluid spurting deep inside her vagina, ass, and mouth was incredible. "Ummmm, Ohhhhhh!" she gasped.

She came to her senses briefly as she looked at the man struggling and crying in the grip of the vines holding him. She looked at the petals surrounding her head and felt the powerful lips around her throat, the vines pumping and thrusting into her and moaned again at the incredible pleasure, but some last vestige of the will to survive broke through the pleasure and she screamed through the vine in her mouth "TUD PLLSSSS HEEEPP EEEE, OH GUD, PLLLLSSSS!" Then with a final powerful spasm the plant swallowed her head and she gave one last scream as the lips slid over her face. She struggled frantically as she began the trip down the plants stalk to its stomach which she could hear was gurgling loudly, eager to welcome her. NOOOO, Please God!" she screamed in her mind, this can't be happening to meee!

I watched in helpless horror as the vines pulled Brenda deeper and deeper into the plants mouth. She seemed almost totally oblivious to what was happening to her. Anytime I struggled the vines holding me just go tight again, so all I could do was watch as my friend was eaten alive, the plant slurping and gurgling. It swallowed her up the her waist, then paused for a few minute, then fairly quickly pulled her further in until her breasts slid out of sight, her hard nipples rubbing against the things lips and causing her to moan. I could see those horrible vines fucking her the whole time, pumping into her in horrible spasms as she moaned and squealed in ecstasy. By this time I was aroused myself, my penis rock hard and rampant. At first I thought in some horrible way I had been aroused by my friend's horrible slow death, but then I realized it was from the scent of the plant itself, it had changed and God help I was responding like some animal in rut, and I could do nothing about it. With a loud slurp Brenda's shoulders slid into the things maw and its lips closed around her neck. It paused again and while it did Brenda finally seemed to come to her senses. She looked at me, her eyes bulging with horror and pleasure, her pleading eyes terrified. She gave a final loud muffled scream and then the plant let out a loud grunting gurgle and her head disappeared and its lips smacked shut and the petals slowly closed.

I watched, sobbing in terror, as a large wriggling bulge slowly slid down the plants stalk and disappeared into the ground.


The plant was quite happy as it had snared not one, but two large animals. It had been some time since its last feeding and its stomach was almost empty. It gurgled in anticipation of the coming feast. Quickly it immobilized both animals and then turning to face them it extruded its feeding vines and began to explore the nearest one. It was female which the plant could tell from its "taste", but for some reason it was unable to penetrate the reproductive organs except for the single orifice on one end. Frustrated the plant stopped and "thought". It had vague ancestral memories concerning animals with outer protective layers of skin and also knew those layers were rarely edible, so it used its regular vines to remove the layers from the female animal it proved easy to do. Then it was able to access the females other two orifices and quickly entered and filled the animal, enjoying the extremely pleasurable feelings and the animal stopped struggling as the pleasure overwhelmed it. It drew the now cooperative and docile animal slowly into its mouth, slobbering and slurping at the delicious taste of its prey. The animal rubbed and pulled at the feeding vines which increased the pleasure the plant was feeling, and it paused to enjoy it, the other prey animals had never done that before. It slowed down so it could enjoy the prey's actions for a longer period, and also slowed down to allow its throat to expand and stretch as the prey was quite large and strangely proportioned, but very soft and seemed to have no body fur which was nice. It took it much longer to swallow this prey than normal, but eventually the preys head slipped into its throat and it began to push the prey towards its gurgling stomach. The prey finally started to struggle again but of course it was way too late and the struggles only made it easier for the plant to finish swallowing its meal as its powerful muscles pushed the prey further down its throat.. _____________________________________________________________________

Brenda struggled as she slid down the plants throat, but it was useless. The sides of the throat were warm and slick and covered in thick mucus that lubricated her body and made her slide easier, and God it felt so erotic as the powerful muscles caressed her body as they forced her deeper and deeper. The vines had sped up as well and soon stopped her struggles and could only moan as orgasm after orgasm shot through her. It was wet, warm, and humid and oh so slick and she moaned as her final trip continued. She felt her feet push against a tight opening, and the opening loosened and opened up and she felt herself began to slide into what could only be the plants stomach. She gave a muffled scream and tried to struggle, but that only made it easier for the plant. She felt her hips slide in, then her waist, breasts, shoulders, and finally her head. She was pushed and pulled into a large elastic sac like organ, it felt like the inside of a large plastic bag. The sphincter shut tightly after her and she was trapped. She felt the stomach squirm against her nude body and heard it gurgle and gave a moan of terror. The vines came with her, never slowing down in their ongoing rape and she bucked and moaned as another marvelous orgasm shot through her and the vines pumped again. To her surprise she found she could see, there was a kind of dim fluorescence being emitted by the lining of the stomach. It was very dim but her eyes soon adjusted. Except for the vines in her mouth, pussy, and ass she was free and began to struggle, kicking and pushing at the sides of the stomach, trying to force her way back out of the stomach through the sphincter. As she struggled she felt the sac began to shrink and she became more frantic, but it slowly forced her to assume a fetal like position until she could hardly even squirm.

All of a sudden the vines began to pump and pulse again, but this time she felt them pouring some sort of hot fluid into her, and moaned as she felt her stomach, intestines, and womb start to fill to overflowing with the fluid. She grew and grew until she felt like she was going to explode and still the vines pumped into her until it was leaking around the seals the vines had made. Then the vines returned to the now familiar feeling of fucking her and she moaned as another orgasm made her shudder in ecstasy. At the same time the stomach sphincter opened a little and thick hot syrupy fluid began to pour into the stomach sac and flow over her body and Brenda felt it slowly rising to completely fill the stomach except for a small area at the top and she was able to keep her mouth and nose above the fluid. At first the warm fluid actually felt nice against her naked body, and with a moan she reached down and tried to pull the pulsing vines between her legs deeper into herself. "Ugggghh!" she gasped as still another massive orgasm rocked her. But then the fluid began to tingle and burn, both on the outside and inside and she realized what was happening. OMG I'm being digested, but I'm still alive! Nooooooo! She clawed at the sides of the sac, kicking and screaming at the growing pain which caused the sac to slosh and ripple helping to speed up the process. After a fairly short time the burning became more of a numb tingling feeling and she calmed down a little, even as the vines kept fucking and pleasuring her, that sensation was NOT numbed. She felt fine tendrils enter the sac and spread out over, and into, her body and the pleasure increased. "Ohhhhhhhh!!" she moaned. Nooooooo!

She felt her skin start to slough off her body as it was dissolved, felt the fluids inside of her turning her organs into mush as she screamed around the vine still in her mouth until her vocal cords and tongue dissolved, and still the pleasure went on helping to deaden the agony and make it bearable. Never once did she lose consciousness, she remained aware of what was happening the whole terrible time as she felt her body slowly dissolving and at the same time writhing from the unending sexual ecstasy the plant inflicted on her. She gave one final feeble effort to get free and as her hand broke the surface of the thick soup that she was now it was mostly bone, the flesh and most of the muscles long gone. She felt her stomach burst and gave a long sigh as her head sank into the thick churning soup for the last time but she couldn't see anymore as her eye sockets were empty. As soon as the prey was dead the vines and tendrils slid back through the stomach sphincter and the sac began to slosh and churn as the plant kneaded it to help finish the digestion process as it had to make room for the next meal. ___________________________________________________________________

The plant slurped and gurgled as the prey slid down its throat. It was big meal but the plant was able to handle it. Its stalk and stomach were elastic and it could accept almost anything into its maw. The prey wiggled and squirmed delightfully as it slowly slid down the plants throat, those struggles helping the plant to swallow faster. Soon the prey reached the stomach sac and slid easily into it. The prey began to struggle again as it pushed and kicked at the sides of the sac and this was exactly what the plant wanted as stimulated by her struggles the stomach sac began to shrink and become tighter. It formed around the struggling prey and forced it into an upright fetal position, its legs and arms folded and tucked. The when the prey was finally immobilized the plant began to pump the digestive fluids through the vines into the preys body and into the sac through the stomach sphincter. As soon as the prey was full to bursting the vines resumed the pleasure stimulations, increasing them to keep the prey as quiet as possible while it was digested. Of course even the increased pleasure could not deaden all of the pain and the prey struggled desperately for awhile until most of its muscle mass was gone, then the plant felt the warm pop and taste of fresh nutrients as the prey burst and released its liquefied insides and shortly later it died. The plant reluctantly withdrew the vines and tendrils as this prey had provided more pleasure than any other previously, even in its death throes it had a final massive orgasm that had made the plant giddy from the pleasure. The plant hoped the other animal would provide as much pleasure and nourishment.

As the plant finished absorbing the fresh nutrients it pushed the remains of its prey from the stomach and farther down the root system to the dump where it joined the remains of numerous other prey, but there wasn't much left since the prey had had no fur. Only a glistening polished skull and a few larger bones remained. As the plant fed it also realized it was time to enter a new stage in its life cycle. The extra large and extra rich meal had stimulated its growth. It was time for the now mature plant to reproduce, and for that it needed help. The other animal still in its grip would be perfect. The plant, in its own way, was quite delighted by the development. At last one of its kind had managed to find a new home that was perfect. The climate and growth conditions were good, and there was plenty of food. It began to undergo both external and internal changes which wouldn't take long.


After Brenda disappeared into the horrible things mouth I just lay there and sobbed for hours knowing I'd never see my friend again. She'd been such a nice person, she didn't deserve this! Neither did me for that matter as I had no doubt that once the plant was finished with her I would be next. The damn thing gurgled and slurped for hours after she was swallowed, and even burped! OMG what was happening to her! At the horrible thought I started crying again. "Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry!" I said quietly as tears streamed down my face. I lay there all night and most of the next day in the tight grip of the vines. The tide came in and the punt drifted away when it changed again. The plant slowly rotated and kept its petals turned towards the sun, then at night the "flower" closed into a large bulb. Then it opened the next morning and faced the sun again. All that time the horrible sloshing and gurgles noises continued until they reached a peak, then slowly died away entirely. Somehow I knew my friend was finally gone.

All that time I also had erection after erection as a result of the plants scent, I would get hard until the horror made me limp again, then the humiliating process would start again. I had small hopes a search party might find me and kill the horrible thing, chop it into pieces, but knowing they would have no idea where to look and it was a weekend they might not even realize anything was wrong until someone noticed we were missing Monday morning, and it was only Sunday now. And the mosquitoes almost sucked me dry during the night, swarms of them feasting on my helpless body, and by morning my exposed skin was a mass of festering bites and I could feel myself burning up and I was oh so horribly thirsty. But the damn vines didn't loosen their grip for a second and I was helpless and felt hopeless. I would resign myself to my fate, think about it, then freak out again. ____________________________________________________________________

The plant, its new growth spurt and changes completed, the rest of the prey absorbed, was ready for its next step. It slowly turned to face the remaining animal and extended the feeding vines. But they would be used for a different purpose this time.


I turned my tear stained and insect bite swollen face and watched in growing horror as the plant turned to face me and the vines emerged from its mouth. "Noo!" I screamed as loud as I could, "Please, somebody help! Oh God Nooooo!" I desperately tried to struggle again, but the vines just tightened painfully until I stopped. "Please, please I begged the plant, please don't do this!" (Like it could understand me, but I wasn't rational at this point). The vines dragged me closer to the plant and I cringed and screamed when the feeding vines started touching me. Oh God please I don't want to die like this, eaten by a fucking plant! And what if Brenda's still in its stomach when I got there? That thought alone almost made me pass out in sheer terror, the thought of being in a stomach next to a partially digested body knowing I'd soon be the same! "NOOOOOOOOO, OH GOD NOOOO!!!" I screamed as the vines starting stripping me.

I screamed until one of the vines forced itself into my mouth and down my throat, I tried to keep my teeth shut and then bite but it was too strong. Soon my lips were stretched over the shaft of the thing as it forced itself deep into me and the only sounds I could make muffled squeals, tears running down my face. I was rock hard again, my erection rampant and aching as the damn plants scent had changed again and I'd been that way since early morning. I couldn't resist the lovely scent and had no choice but to respond to it, and I desperately wanted a female as my body responded like any other male animal in rut. Now I could only watch helplessly as another of the feeding vines tips split open and it slowly swallowed my penis, then the "petals" closed over the base and formed an airtight seal. "UGH! Ummmmmfffffff!" I moaned. For a minute nothing happened, then the slick wet inside lining of the vine began to slide back and forth and stroke every inch of my penis. "Uggggghhhhh!!" I gasped, as God help it felt sooo good! With a grunt I tried to push into the vine as it pleasured me. It did NOT feel good at first when the last feeding vine forced itself into my rectum, and I screamed around the mouth vine again. The vine slid in deeper and deeper and I felt it expand inside of my guts, and oh God it hurt. But soon it began to feel good, and then even better, as the vines raped me. Soon I was helplessly moaning in pleasure as orgasms began to wrack my body, as helpless as Brenda had been I realized as the vines lifted me into the air and drew me towards the plants waiting maw. OH GODDDD PLEAASE HEELP ME!" I screamed in my mind even as I drooled and slobbered in pleasure around the vine in my mouth as a massive orgasm exploded and I felt the other two vines pump warm fluid into me as I pumped my own seed into the vine that had swallowed my penis.

But no one heard, and no one answered my prayers. The plant drew me up onto the soft fleshy petals of its flower until my ass was pressed tightly to its mouth, but then it stopped, and the petals began to close over me. This was different, I realized. The petals finally closed tightly and I was fully enclosed. The petals were translucent and let in some light. I remained like that for the longest time, wondering when it would finish and swallow me, but it didn't. The agonizing sexual ecstasy went on and on, the plant giving off muffled screams from the prey trapped inside. I now knew it was pumping my testicles full of fluid every so often so I could continue to have orgasm after orgasm, never giving me a seconds rest. When I ran dry it would insert a small tube into my penis and refill my testicles with warm fluid until they felt like they would pop, and that in itself was incredibly pleasurable, then the tube would withdraw and I would pump the fluid back into the vine as I ejaculated, then it would refill my loins again, never ending, the never stopping orgasms making me writhe in ecstasy. It was incredible and God help me I never wanted it to stop. I felt something like smaller vines or tendrils began to invade my body as well, and the pleasure increased until I was totally mindlessly helplessly in the grip of the unending excruciating sexual pleasure, my eyes rolled back up in my head as I gurgled around the vine in my mouth and unknowingly I held the vine attached to my penis and thrust into it as it gently stroked me to release after release as I thrust into its warm slick grip. If the plant swallowed me now I would never even be aware of it. It didn't, but I would come to wish it had.

I have no idea how long I was inside the plant. I was vaguely aware when night fell as the warmth and light from outside faded, then later it became bright again. I was in no condition to really care. I realized at some point something changed and I started to feel bloated and constipated, but the unending pleasure in my loins kept me somnolent and unaware of much else but that pleasure. I no longer cared if the plant ate me or not as long as it kept pleasuring me. With a muffled moan I thrust into the vine as another massive orgasm exploded through my body.

Finally with a sucking sound the petals began to open again and in dawning hope I realized I hadn't been eaten after all. Maybe it was too full (Oh God poor Brenda). But for whatever reason it lowered me to the ground and the vines withdrew from my body and I screamed as the vines slid from me. I sobbed and tried to hold onto the vine that had been coupling with me as it slid from my penis but it withdrew back into the plant with the others. The sudden cessation of sexual pleasure caused me to pass out. When I woke up it was dark and I realized the vines were gently rubbing and caressing my body and with another scream I managed to scuttle away from the horrid things before they could grab me again. I got away I thought, I got away! With a moan I curled up in a ball and fell asleep, the warm night air felt good after the wet humidity inside the plant.


The plant quickly removed outer skins from the new animal and inserted the feeding vines and began to render the animal helpless through sexual pleasure. It swallowed the males extended organ and began to stimulate him and he responded almost instantly. It then drew the now cooperative animal onto its petals and firmly against its mouth, then slowly closed the petals to protect the animal while the plant performed its next act. The animal remained mostly silent and struggled very little, at one point it began to help the vine pleasuring its male organ and the pleasure increased for both plant and animal. The plant extruded the probe tendrils and they quickly grew and attached themselves to numerous nerve centers and other organs and the change began. The plants whole body quivered from the incredible pleasure as it experienced not only its own pleasure but the animals as well. Plus the new changes as the plant reproduced were pleasurable as well and the numerous sources of pleasure combined too the plant to new levels of ecstasy it had never before reached. Even its vines were twitching and curling and uncurling in response.

After almost a day the vines changed their assault, except for the one on the male's penis which kept stroking him, with the males help, to incredibly pleasurable orgasms one after another. It was a very efficient way of keeping prey remarkably cooperative in their own fate. The mouth and anal vines began to bulge as seeds made their way down their length and into the chosen host, and except for slight moans of discomfort as he began to bulge he didn't even notice. For hours the seeds and nutrients pumped into the host, its stomach and intestines filling to the bursting point. The nutrients would keep the seeds alive and healthy until they were extruded, and the nutrients also contained new genetic material and instructions which the host would assimilate as he performed his duties. The male animal was now a part of the plant even though it would be some time before he realized, or accepted, the fact. Almost through now the plant opened its petals, pumped a few more seeds into the host and some final genetic material, then gently lowered the host with its precious cargo to the ground, and when the host evidently lost consciousness the plant gently caressed and strokes it's body to keep it warm and the circulation flowing. It could not be allowed to become somnolent yet. Eventually the animal awakened and quickly moved out of reach of the vines and collapsed again. Now all the plant could do was wait for its next meal or another suitable host to venture close enough to be snared.


I woke with a gasp and sat up. God I felt stuffed, no t hungry at all. But I was very thirsty. I stood up and felt my belly slosh, and looked down at it. OMG, I was huge and looked like I was pregnant! (And in a way I was). My stomach and waist were huge, and I could see lumps inside of me, dozens of them. Oh God, I thought, oh God. What had that THING done to me! I felt my stomach and I could feel the lumps and they squirmed! I whimpered, and then the thirst hit me again. The punt was long gone with my canteen and the only water available was swamp water, and unable to help myself I knelt down and drank as much of the dirty brackish water as I could hold and God knows what parasites and diseases I sucked up too. But I need not have worried. My thirst slackened I weighed my options. I was nude and at least forty miles or farther from the nearest civilization, and I was on a small island in the middle of the everglades with a ravenous plant that had filled me with something horrible, and was surrounded by water, alligators, and quicksand. I had no clothes, no weapons, no anything. Lovely.

The small scraps of my own and Brenda's clothes were useless; the damn plant had even torn our belts into several short pieces. And the punt was long gone, I walked all the way around the island and it was nowhere to be seen. For all practical purposes I could have been stuck in the Jurassic period from the terrain. At one point as I was wandering around the island I had a sudden urge to take a dump, so I squatted and strained and heard a wet plop and thought I was done. When I stood up I looked down just in time to see something that looked like a green egg sprout some roots and dig into the ground. I blinked. What the fuck, did THAT come out of ME? Oh gross! I tried to stomp the thing, but it had already disappeared. But I knew it was true, that it had come out of me, had been laid (?) by me, as I could feel the things inside of me, feel them moving and squirming. With a sob I sat down on a log and cried. What did it DO to me?

I eventually reached the site of the plant again, and screaming at it I assaulted it and kicked and pummeled it with sticks and my feet and fists, but all it did was shut its flower and ignore me. The vine tried to gently caress me again and with a final screaming curse I ran away from it. Then I felt another urge to crap and moaning I squatted down and another one of those things popped out of me and dug into ground. I had to get help! Get these things out of me! I had horrible fear they might start to grow or sprout or something inside of me and eat me alive. I didn't want to do it, but knowing there were some other islands to the south of this one I waded into the waist deep warm water and began to wade, it was all I could do. If I waited for help it might never come.


The plant had been disappointed when the host returned after a fairly short period, and when the host feebly attacked it all it did was close its flower and wait until it was through. The host then gave birth to a seed, but it was much too close to the plant as it needed a certain amount of room. It would have to kill that rival when it sprouted. It was relieved when it sensed the host finally moving away and leaving the island which was the parent plants territory. Now when it laid its seeds they would have a good chance of flourishing.


I waded slowly through the water logged terrain, hoping like hell I didn't stumble into a quicksand bog or meet a gator. The water varied from ankle deep to over my head. Every so often I had to stop and squeeze out another one of those horrid things, but now I was vomiting then out of my mouth too and they were accompanied by thick slimy mucus that made me sick just looking at, and I wanted to be sick too, but couldn't. And I was thirsty all the time, stopping to plunge my face into the swamp water and drink and drink. I had no way of knowing it but my body was basically hollow now, nothing more than a receptacle for the seeds the plant had deposited inside of me. The seeds had, and were still, absorbing my internal organs and body fat for nourishment, but I didn't feel a thing as my belly squirmed and sloshed from the life inside of it. And I was undergoing more internal changes in preparation for the next stage of my evolution as a host for the plants young.

I must have covered several miles by now, not bad considering I was nude and having to wade or swim most of the time. Fortunately the leeches and other hazards seemed to find me, well, unappetizing. That was because by now my blood more closely resembled sap then animal blood though I still had no idea of what was happening to me. I had been "laying" the damn egg things, or whatever the hell they were, for quite a long time now and was finally slimming down, but could still feel more inside of me so still had to stop at regular intervals to "relief" myself, either from my ass or mouth or sometimes both. I reached several small islands and after "seeding" then moved on to the next. The warm sun felt good and thank goodness I hadn't burned as I usually did, but now that it was getting dark and cooler I started to feel strangely sluggish and lethargic so decided to spend the night at the next island I reached, if I reached one. Finally I did, and feeling so weak and tired I collapsed at the base of a tree and fell asleep in seconds. As I slumbered not a skeeter paid me the slightest attention because I no longer gave a detectable heat signature, my body temperature was the same as the other plants.

I woke when I felt the warmth of the sun, and it felt sooo good. I waited for awhile just enjoying the feeling until I felt strong enough to head out again. Staggering to my feet I promptly "laid" another egg thing, then waded into the water in the direction of another island or hummock I could see in the distance, but first stopped and took a huge drink of water which made me feel much better. It was a repeat of yesterday for the most part; I waded and had to stop at regular intervals and "lay", squeezing them out of my butt or vomiting the horrible things from my mouth. I was definitely slimming down now and didn't feel so bloated. But I was getting hungry now, but for what I didn't really know. I finally reached the next island; I hadn't had to "lay" for awhile which was fine by me, but I felt strangely weak and anemic. One thing happened that could have been tragic, but it worried me more than anything. It was inevitable I would run into some of the local wildlife, and reaching to move some debris out of the way as I waded along I disturbed a water moccasin that was pissed off as a result and it bit me on the arm. As the snake slithered away with a "serves you right" look on its face I looked at the bite, and there was no blood, only a slightly greenish thick fluid oozing from the punctures. There was no pain or swelling, it was like the bite hadn't even happened. I knew I should have been in agony by now and was glad I wasn't, but I was scared now more the ever. What did it DO to me, my mind gibbered. I sat down in the warm water for awhile and just looked at nothing, and then driven by that new hunger I started wading again. I was looking for something, but didn't know what.

Finally I reached the island, but it was really more of a waterlogged glob of mud and thick matted plant matter then a true island. With a moan I sat down at the base of a small tree that had managed to grow there and fell asleep in the warm sun. As I slept the new changes in me speeded up. As I was now empty of seeds it was time for me to start the next stage of my new existence. When I woke up I felt really strange, and looking down I saw why. I screamed when I saw what had happened, what was still happening, to my lower body. I had what looked like brown scales growing on my torso, small evenly spaced hard scales, and my feet and toes had split open and ROOTS were sprouting from beneath the skin and my legs also had splits starting in the skin with something underneath moving, pushing the now dead skin aside. And to my even greater horror there was no sign of my penis or testicles and I could no longer feel them! I stared in horror not believing what I was seeing. As I watched some of the roots began to dig into the earth. I gave another scream, and pulling the roots free I managed to stand up even though my body felt strangely stiff but my legs were strangely rubber like, not bending like they should. I staggered off through the bushes still screaming in terror and ran right into a quicksand bog. I was several steps into the bog before I realize it, and it sucked me down to the waist with a horrible slucking sound before I could do anything.

The thick mud sucked at me eagerly, but all of a sudden I realized that even though I was still struggling I was no longer sinking. I tried to pull free, but I could FEEL the roots, MY roots, eagerly digging down into the warn mud. Helpless, all I could do was stand there as I took root, literally. I now knew what I had been driven to look for, what my hunger had been, it was to find a suitable place to take root and grow. The brown scales, now I realized they were bark, began to spread up my torso onto my shoulders and head, and I felt a large tap root push free of my now inhuman body and push deep into the quicksand. I could tell that from the waist down my body was now a mass of roots and other strange feeling organs. OMG, I whimpered in horror and stared around, hoping someone might see me and save me from the horror of what was happening to me.

OMG I was turning into a plant, I WAS a plant. I watched and cried as the skin on my arms split open and I lifted what looked like palm fronds to the warm sun, my "arms" growing stiff and immoveable as the fronds unfurled. My "bark" looked like something a fern would have too; and I realized I looked like one of those weird prehistoric fern plant things you always see in dinosaur movies. I sobbed as roots, no vines or tentacles began to grown out from what was now the base of my trunk, and I could control those somewhat, making them curl and grasp at things. Just like that weird plants I realized, but now I was a weird plant! That THING had done this to me!

The worst came when my head started to tilt back and I couldn't stop it, "No, NO! I moaned, please no! OH GOD PLEASE, Somebody help meee!" I found myself staring straight up at the sky. My new limbs had branched out many times by now, new fronds unfurling and spreading to catch the warm life giving sunshine. I could feel my roots sucking nutrients from the lovely warm mud and the photosynthesis from my new ways of feeding as I converted the suns warmth into energy. I tried to scream, to call for help one final time, but my mouth was changing and I could only gurgle as my eyes closed and the bark grew over them as they were absorbed. My mouth stayed a mouth, but no longer had teeth, just powerful lips and muscles. I kept changing a little longer, my body shrugging off the last of its humanity until only the new plant remained, firmly rooted in the quicksand it had chosen for its home. A small rodent passed too close and the vines grabbed it and tucked the squealing rat into the plants maw which eagerly swallowed its first meal.

But the true horror is I am still aware, my human mind and memories intact. Maybe my mind had changed its original form but my memories are still there. I know who I am (or was), what's happened to me, what I am now, I know everything. But I can't move or speak or do anything except exist. Even my vines or tentacles act more by triggered reactions then any real conscious effort. They merely grab any living thing that comes near and stuff the prey into my "mouth" which swallows the prey and forces it into my throat and so to my stomach sac where, God help me, I can feel the prey struggle for hours or days until I've digested them. I cannot stop the feedings, they are automatic. And heaven help me I enjoy feeding, the feel of animal as it slides down my throat and struggles in my stomach is delicious. I'm not really blind either; I have new senses and am perfectly aware of my surroundings. I'm also slowly, but steadily, growing and I dread what will happen when I am large enough to swallow a human for I know I could not keep myself from doing it.

At night I "fall asleep" as my fronds curl tightly from the chill night air and lack of sunlight. Then in the morning as I feel the wonderful warmth I become aware again and my fronds unfurl to face the light of the new day. I am also now growing pods of some kind along the tips of my fronds, and at times they burst and release spores of some into the wind. I know they will take root wherever they might land, but what the result will be I have no idea. It's been years now and recently I caught and ingested a large animal of some kind, lured to me by the sexual pheromones I now extrude to lure my pretty closer. I know what I'm doing, but am trapped in the body of a plant, part of it, aware of it, but with no control even though I AM the plant. And the human part of me cries and screams and sometimes if you listen carefully you can hear a high pitched keening sound coming from the plant, but don't get TOO close.


The plant was very pleased; the new host had managed to get quite far before its new genetic instructions had taken full effect and it had started its new life. It had deposited many eggs in the water and they had spread far and wide, and the other locations it had chosen were excellent. The host had finally found a suitable place to take root and the plant could sense that it was healthy and rapidly growing, releasing spores into the wind on a regular basis. Unlike the plant the host would evolve no farther, it had, and was still performing, its sole function with great efficiency.

END *********************************************************************************************************

Biohazard, A Gator's Tale

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Exotic Pets and Companions, Inc., PUNISHMENT

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid Wars, Last Stand of the 7th Caprinae Cavalry.

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