Exotic Pets and Companions, Inc., PUNISHMENT

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Friends and fellow Furries, this is a pretty graphic story of a horrible punishment inflicted on a man who tried to expose the evil actions of the company. He is used as an example and warning to keep other employees who have a conscience "loyal" to the company. If it offends in any way I am truly sorry but I DID warn you. NO kiddies! My stuff is copyrighted now, so NO takee!

Exotic Pets and Companions, Inc.


By William W. Kelso

The technician grimaced as he looked through the one way observation as the THING in the room. He checked the monitors hooked up to the poor wretched thing as and usual all the readouts were normal. No one, he thought, no matter what they'd done should have to suffer like that. But he knew if he tried to do anything about it he would most likely end up just like it. He shuddered and broke out in a cold sweat just at the thought. He knew the poor things story, all the company employees did. It was kept alive and like it was as a warning to any who might dare to betray the "trust" the company put in its employees. Trust, he thought, it wasn't trust it was terror! Had he known about this abomination, and many other things, before he'd taken what sounded like the perfect job he would have refused it no matter how good the pay. He took another look through the window at the sobbing slobbering thing and feared for his soul. It would be so simple to show mercy and just flick the termination switch, but he knew he would take the things place and he was too great a coward for that, even death would be preferable to such a horrible existence. __________________________________________________________________________

I slobbered and moaned at the agonizing agony of sexual ecstasy I had to endure for twenty four hours a day without respite. What I had done had been out of compassion and anger at the horrible injustice of it, but had I known what my punishment would be for "betraying" the company I would have never done it. I thought I was safe, but I had no idea of how far the corruption had spread and how powerful the company had become. I had gone to a senator that I thought I could trust, but within an hour of leaving his office I had been grabbed off of the street in broad daylight. When I had woken up I was in a company facility being prepared for a vat where I thought I would be transformed from a man into a beast to be used as a sex toy by rich buyers. At least I thought that was my fate but the company had something special in mind for me as a warning to their other employees. I had begged the techs and scientist not to do this to me, but they had been too scared to disobey their orders.

The horror had started when I was lowered into the vat. The company had ordered that I was not to be given the usual sedatives to keep me unconscious during my transformation so I was still awake and aware as the nutrient bath in the vat closed over my face as I was lowered in. I was in no danger of death as the computer and machines would keep me alive. So I had floated in the vat as I felt myself start to change. The pain had been incredible and I'm sure the monitors must have gone off the charts at my agony, but the no relief was ever given. So I felt my body as it contorted and writhed helplessly as my humanity was taken away from me and I became an animal. For most hybrids the change is only partial and they become bipedal hybrid anthro animals to be trained and broken and sold at auction. But I was changed all the way into a four legged animal, but the horror was just beginning. The other changelings have their minds reconditioned to accept bondage and servitude without question. Their minds become more animal then human as their higher brain functions are destroyed. For me it was the opposite, my body became an animal's but my mind remained human. But as I screamed silently and kept changing I realized something else was happening as well. I would scream until I passed out or fell asleep from exhaustion, only to wake to the ongoing agony. Finally the pain began to fade and I finally had some respite and at last I feel into a deep sleep.

I woke as the tray raised me from the nutrient bath and the lid of the vat opened with a soft hydraulic hiss. I looked up in a daze at the first attendant who looked at me and he turned away and vomited. I tried to raise my head but was too weak so I tried to say something instead. That was when I realized I had no tongue, or teeth. My mouth was a wet gaping maw lined with slick sensitive tissue and all I could do was slobber and moan. I looked up at the attendants with pleading eyes as they gently picked me up and put me on a gurney. "Please, I thought, please. What's wrong with me, why do I feel so strange? Please help me, please, it hurts." Even the scientist who was checking me over and making notes on his clipboard closed his eyes every now and then as if he couldn't stand to look at me. "Please, oh please, I thought. PLEASE, what's WRONG with me!" At this point I still thought I was just a regular changeling and thought I might could live with that, but from the expressions on their faces something was horribly wrong with me.

I was taken to an examining room and left lying on a table strapped down to keep me from falling off or struggling. A vet came in and examined me and even he grimaced when he looked at me. It felt so very strange as he touched and examined my body. I felt strange, but not unpleasant, sensations I had never felt before from places I had never felt before. I lifted my head and managed to look down the side of my body and saw I was covered in white fleece and had four legs ending in black hooves. OMG I realized, I'm a sheep, but a real sheep not a bipedal partially human hybrid. I tried to look longer to see what was wrong me as I didn't think even a sheep should feel this strange, but the vet gently pushed my head down and I was too tired to resist. ___________________________________________________________________________

The vet looked at the medicine cabinet and knew all he had to do was give the poor thing a shot to end its existence, but he knew what would happen to him if he did. He was not a cruel man, but he had a wife and children. He looked back at the thing on the table with the pleading human eyes and thought, "God to have to live like that". Walking to the door of the room he called for some attendants to take the beast to a holding stall, but first he had to feed it. Taking a large syringe full of a nutrient solution he walked back to the exam table and holding the things head as tightly as he could he inserted the syringe in its "mouth" and squirted the nutrients down its throat. It gagged but swallowed without spilling a drop. As he walked away it made a horrible pleading slobbering noise and he closed his eyes as tears rolled down his face.

As he left two attendants passed him with a gurney. One had already seen the thing, but the other gasped and said, "Oh my God, what is this thing?" He had seen plenty of "normal" changelings, but never anything like this. The normal changelings were actually pretty sexy to look at, but this, this THING was revolting. How could they want to create anything like it? But he knew his job so he helped the other attendant slide it on to the gurney and they took it to one of the holding stalls and gently lowered it to the floor. He was even more horrified that instead of the dull eyes of an animal it had sharp lucid blue human eyes looking at him from its misshapen head. "Oh dear Lord, he thought, it knows!" He couldn't leave fast enough to get away from those staring pleading eyes.


I watched as the vet came back to me and he had a large plastic syringe without a needle in his hand. I struggled as he took my head in a firm grip and forced the syringe down my throat, but it slid in easily and I gave a muffled squeal of pleasure at the sensation. He worked the plunger and pumped some sort of fluid down my throat. Then he withdrew the syringe and turned me over to a couple of attendants. And again one cringed at the sight me and I could tell he was horrified and revolted. They took me to a stall and gently lowered me to the floor and then left me there.

I rested for awhile trying to get some rest but found I was surprisingly aware and wide awake. My whole body ached and felt so strange, but instead of being tired or even groggy I was acutely aware of everything like my senses were extra sensitive or something. I guess this is what a sheep feels like I thought. But somehow I knew something was very wrong with me. I was so very thirsty and could smell water nearby. Raising my head I could see a bucket handing from a hook on the wall and that was where the water was. It took me several tries but I managed to lurch to my feet, or hooves, all four of them. As I stood there shakily I was suddenly aware of what almost felt like another leg, but I had no control of over it and it was between my hind legs. I hung my head and looked and would have screamed if I had been able. It wasn't another leg, it was my PENIS! It must be over twenty inches long and it was dragging on the ground! Oh my God! And hanging down were two large black shiny testicles the size of grapefruits and now that I had seen them I was suddenly aware of their weight. "Guuurrrrgggg!" I managed to slobber. The horror did not end there, hanging down on both sides of my impossibly large genitals were two large pink swollen udders And I also had a pair of large fully human female breasts with large jutting nipples! OH MY GOD, I realized in terror, I'm a Hermaphrodite! I could feel what could only be a vagina as well, and it explained the strange feelings I had been experiencing when the vet had examined me. I felt tears rolling down my muzzle, Why? I thought, Why? No one will want a thing like this for a sex toy, a thing like ME!

With another muffled gurgling scream I began to ram my head against the side of the stall, again and again until I was staggering from the pain. No, I thought, I won't live like this! Again and again I threw my perverted abomination of a body against the wall until blood was running from my nose and ears. I might have managed to end my existence if an attendant had not chosen that time to pass my stall. He heard the blows and looking in the window saw what I was doing to myself. He came in and grabbed me around my back and held me as he called for help. I fought him and kept trying to smash my head against the wall in a final desperate effort to find freedom in death. Leaning over he grasped me as hard as he could and I felt him grasp my human breasts and I felt an explosion of sudden pleasure as they were incredibly sensitive. And in response I also felt a sudden wetness on my rump and a yearning for something and before I knew what I was doing I began to thrust back at him because I wanted him to MOUNT me! "Ohh God noooo!" I screamed in my mind. What have they DONE to me!" With a gurgling moan I collapsed making horrible slobbering noises of lust and need. Oh God, Oh God, I wanted him inside of me SO bad! Horrified at my lust and bodies new feelings the human part of me raved and tears poured down my muzzle. And I was getting an erection as well, my impossibly long penis thickening and lengthening until the massive head jutted out from between my front legs. Unable to stop myself I gave a gurgle and lowering my head I took the head and several inches of my own penis in my mouth and began to desperately suck on it. And found out why I had no teeth or a tongue, it was because my mouth was now a fully functional vagina. As I pleasured myself the tears kept pouring down my muzzle as my human mind tried to go insane. The attendant backed away from me in revulsion with his hands to his mouth as he spewed through them. I looked up at him with pleading eyes, "Kill me, please, please, Kill me! Don't leave me like this! Please" I thought even as I grunted and gurgled as the building pleasures of both male and female orgasms began to rise in my heaving loins and thrusting mouth. When I climaxed I actually passed out for awhile, waking to find sperm and semen dripping from my "mouth" and my penis slowly going flaccid again. Desperately I wiped my muzzle against the straw trying to wipe off the evidence of my horrible self afflicted degradation but all I did was get it all over my sticky muzzle and "lips". As my raging lust faded I was again aware of how thirsty I was so I managed to stagger over to the water bucket being careful not to step on my dragging penis and sticking my muzzle in the bucket I eagerly sucked the cool water up through my "mouth", it was like using a big straw as it had powerful suction as I had already learned.

A short time later the vet arrived and while an attendant held me he gave me an examination, shining a light in my eyes to see if I had a concussion. As the attendant held me and the vet examined me I felt my lust start to return and to my horror realized I wanted them to touch me and use me for their pleasure. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the horribly pleasurable feelings, but they just kept increasing. ___________________________________________________________________________

"I'm telling you doc, it was trying to beat its brains out against the wall! Then after I stopped it, it started to, um, give itself a blow job." The attendant finished in an embarrassed voice.

The vet said "Well I don't see any damage, but there is dried blood on its nose and ears so I believe you. It's already healed itself, amazing. Just to be on the safe side put a restraining halter on it. If anything happens to their new "pet" the company will be most displeased." Both the vet and the attendant shivered at that possibility. _____________________________________________________________________________

By this time my lust had overwhelmed all other senses and thoughts of anything but the relief I so desperately needed. Both my mouth and normal vaginas were swollen and dripping and my penis was rock hard again. All from the feel of the two men's hands on my body. Even my anus felt strangely sensitive and with horrid certainty I knew it was also a fully function vagina as well, I could feel it swelling and fluids dripping from it as well. I was also aware of warm milk dripping from both my udders and my human breasts. I tried to scream again but only made slobbering gurgling noises, and unable to help myself I lowered my head between my legs again for the second time in less than an hour and started to suck my penis again with my mouth vagina. As I did the two men backed away in revulsion. I looked at them and pleaded with my eyes, "For the love of God stop me! Please, please kill me!" But they both just backed up and left me there to finish my self pleasuring in disgrace. I sucked myself as fast and hard as I could, my head bobbing back and forth as I tried to reach the release I needed. Finally I spurted deep within my throat and pulled my "mouth" off of my still pulsing cock, a great burst of sperm gushing into my face from the still spewing head of my penis and more dripping from my mouth. "Nooooo, I wailed in my mind, Noooo!"

A short time later the attendant returned and even though I could tell he was loathe to even touch me he slid a halter over my muzzle and head and using two ropes he tied me so I wouldn't be able to throw myself against the walls of the stall anymore. His touch almost drove me insane and I tried to offer myself to him as I wanted him SO badly, he smelled so male! But he either wasn't aware of my needs or didn't care as he left after securing the ropes. I stood there quivering as my sexual juices flowed from the head of my penis and all three of my vaginas and warm milk dripped on the floor. With a gurgle I lowered my head and began to suck myself again. This is impossible I screamed in my mind, it's only been a few minutes there is NO way I can be ready again! But there was no soreness or pain and any relief my previous self flagellation had brought was long gone. "Uh ur gurgle, Uh urll!" I moaned as I sucked and sucked. I spent the whole night like that in the now dark stall, unable to lie down or move around because of the ropes. I lost count of how many times I pleasured myself in desperation to try and ease my raging lust. I would fall asleep only to waken a short time later to find my obscene body demanding my attentions again, a demand I couldn't refuse. It was human and animal lust combined, both female and male. No mind should have survived that without going insane, but I remained perfectly lucid and aware of what I was doing even though there was no way I could stop it. I could not even try and kill myself again.


The three men watched the screen as the thing in the stall pleasured itself. Two were revolted and disgusted by the poor things desperate attempts to relieve itself. The other man smiled in satisfaction. He turned to the other two and said, "You're sure all the changes we specified were made?" The other two men in obvious deference to the well dressed man replied, "Yes Sir, we did everything that was required. He, it, the thing is ready anytime you desire to start." "Thing, I like that name." Replied the third man. "Do you have the room prepared for the "thing"?" "Yes Sir, anytime you want to we can get started." Was the reply from the vet and attendant. "Excellent, said the third man. But first I want some quality time alone with the "thing", when I'm through have the "thing" hooked up and then before you activate the equipment let me know." "Yes Sir!" they replied instantly.


Desperately I tried to satisfy my unbelievable lust and need for release, tears running down my muzzle. I had been doing this for hours, orgasm after orgasm rocking my body as both my penis and "mouth" came at the same time. I would let my penis slide from my vagina mouth, but a very short time later I would start to pleasure myself again as the relief was fleeting and almost non-existent. I had been doing for hours and I wasn't even tired and there was no soreness or post-sex tenderness. "Oh God I thought, how long can this go on? Please help me". I was so engrossed in my perversion I didn't even hear the door to the stall open until I was suddenly aware a man was standing in front of me and grinning as he watched me pleasure myself. I couldn't stop what I was doing either, so despite my horrible embarrassment I kept sucking myself as I looked up at him. He seemed to be enjoying watching my self inflicted degradation. "Urrgg, gurggllle" I slobbered.


The man smiled down at the repulsive thing laboring in front of him. He watched as it sucked its own penis with its vagina mouth, grunting and slobbering. It was so involved it didn't even notice him right away. When it finally looked up at him with its blue human eyes he grinned at it and said.

"Hello Bob, hope you're enjoying your new sexual capabilities." The thing didn't say anything, but its eyes went wider. "That's right, I know who you are, or were, I guess I should say. My God I must say you are a repulsive thing, do you have any idea what you look like?" The thing finished pleasuring itself, squeezing its eyes shut in ecstasy as two orgasms rocked it. It let its penis slide out of its "mouth" and looked up at him, sexual fluids flowing from its mouth and penis. ‘Urrggh, gurgle." It slobbered, the lips of its "mouth" smacking horribly.

The man almost felt a moment of pity, but as that wasn't really in his nature the moment passed. "My name is Brewster. I guess you could say I'm a insurance man as I insure the companies interests are protected. You can thank me for your current, um, predicament. I arranged the whole thing just for you. On the orders of your betters of course."

"Bob, you really screwed up big time when you betrayed the company that had given you a fantastic job, security, and everything you needed. Did you really think you could just blow the whole operation with no consequences? The company makes over 100 million a month just from the Pet sales, not to mention the side benefits from that enterprise. That much money buys a lot of friends and influence. Did you really think a two-bit admin clerk like you could do anything? And you would have put thousands of people out of work and destroyed the biggest medical research and pharmaceuticals business in the country! All over a few losers who finally find a useful role in life. Well, now you know what it's like to be one of those losers, but you're a very special case, one of a kind. You will be put on display as a warning to any others foolish enough to try and betray the company that made them part of its family.

What's that? Sorry I couldn't understand you?" The man laughed. Then he stepped forward and kicked the thing in the stomach. "You sorry piece of shit, you're lucky you're still allowed to serve a purpose, it's more then you deserve." And he kicked it again and again as the thing struggled and moaned. "Oh, and Bob, don't worry about your lovely family. They're all in vats of their own right now. Your wife will become a Ram and your lovely twins will become a paired stallion/mare Pony team. Their specialty will be mating with one another and natural equines. I'm sure you'll be proud of them! Hell, I may even bid on your kiddies, I could really get off watching them fuck each other!" He kicked the thing again, but this time in the face. He kept kicking until it was obviously unconscious. Then with a final laugh he turned and left the stall and the thing in it collapsed on the floor with its head kept up in the air by the halter and ropes. ___________________________________________________________________________

The two men watching what was going on in the stall were appalled at what the man said and did to the poor thing as he tormented it. When he began to kick the helpless beast the attendant started to leave and said, "This stops right now, he has no cause to do that."

The vet grabbed his arm and said, "Leave it! That man is the most vindictive SOB I've ever heard of, he handles all the dirty work for the company and loves it. He'll kill you without even blinking or worse yet send you to the vats. Just leave it, there's nothing we can do for that poor thing." The attendant sat down and held his face in his hands and the vet thought he was crying. ___________________________________________________________________________

I looked up as the strange man started talking to me. With a muffled squeal I was finally able to come and let my penis slide from my "mouth". He knew my name! I gave an eager gurgle and felt some hope. If he knew who I was he must know what had happened! Maybe he's here to help? "Guuurglle?" I slobbered. Then as he kept talking I began to feel sick at heart as I know knew who he was. I looked at him with pleading eyes, maybe he'd been sent to kill me! He looked at me with hard soulless green eyes that looked like they belonged on a snake. When he said I'd be put on display as a warning I began to struggle against the two heavy ropes attached to the halter. Then he started kicking me in my belly and as his blows hit my breasts, udders, and testicle I bucked and tried to scream but could only made soft slobbering moans at the agony. Finally he stopped and I looked up at him again, hate in my eyes. He laughed and leaning down he told me what was being done to my family and I shut my eyes and screamed in my mind. Then he started kicking me in the face and shattered my nose and I was totally helpless to do anything but endure it until I passed out. When I came to he was gone and I was alone again in my misery. Blood was dripping from my face but I could already feel the bones healing. With a slobbering moan I took my penis in my mouth again and began desperately sucking and thrusting. The aching need in the two vaginas I couldn't reach were becoming unbearable and I could feel their fluids dripping down my rump, and both my udders and breasts were swollen and sore from their need to be milked. I could feel my mind slipping towards insanity, ___________________________________________________________________________

The vet turned away from the screen to talk to the attendant. "It's over, the sick bastard is through for now. Get it cleaned up and ready and better feed it too as it's lost a lot of um, fluids. Just put this syringe down its throat and pump the nutrients into its stomach. It won't be able to resist." The attendant took the large syringe and some sanitary wipes and paper towels and left the room.

The attendant entered the stall and looked down at the hideous thing as it sucked its own penis, grunting and slobbering. It saw him, but didn't, or couldn't stop what it was doing to itself. Its blue eyes looked up at him in despair. He waited until it had been finished and it shuddered as it orgasmed. He turned his head away for a minute as it lifted its face to him, its vagina mouth drooling thick white fluid as it slobbered. Taking a handi-wipe he began to clean the blood and caked fluids off of its muzzle and the pitiful gratitude in its eyes was heartbreaking. "Oh God he thought, what must it be like to be like this?' He did his best to clean up the poor thing and finally there was a good sized pile of bloody and other fluids stained wipes and towels. Next he took the syringe and the thing took it eagerly in its mouth and began to suck at it, its eyes closed as it slobbered in apparent delight. He quickly pumped the food into its stomach and had a hard time withdrawing the syringe as the thing kept sucking on it desperately and was obviously disappointed when he removed it. It looked at him with in its eyes and then reaching down took its penis in its "mouth" and began sucking it again. "Oh God he thought, it can't even control itself." Then he had to leave so he could prepare the specially prepared room for the poor damned thing.


When I heard someone enter the stall again I almost panicked as I thought that bastard had come back to torment me some more. I had been unable to, despite the pain, keep from pleasuring myself again. I still had tears running down my muzzle from hearing what the twisted bastards had done to my family. At least they wouldn't be like me I thought. I looked up as the young man squatted down and looked at me. With a muffled gurgle I came, the multiple male and female animal orgasms rocking my body. God help me how I enjoyed the feel of hot sperm pumping into my throat. He was repulsed when I lifted my face to him with cum still dribbling from my "mouth', but he began to gently clean the blood and other fluids off my face. I looked at him with gratitude in my eyes. "Thank you", I thought. It was the first gentle caring touch I had felt since I had woken to the horror of my new "life". I wanted him too, I could feel the flow of fluids from my two rear vaginas increasing as I smelled his maleness. I closed my eyes in horror, Oh God, what have they DONE to me? I had NO control at all over my responses to even the simplest touch. When he finished I opened my eyes and begged him with them to please mount me and give me what I needed, "Oh please! You don't know what it's like! Please!" Instead he took a large syringe and started to insert it in my mouth and eagerly I began to suck and stroke it as it felt so good! He worked the plunger and when it was empty he removed it and I was disappointed as I hadn't come yet. Desperate I lowered my head and started sucking, unable to prevent myself even in front of him."Oh God, I thought, I can't stop!" I looked up at him pleading with my eyes, "Please, kill me, Please end this, oh please!" But he gathered up the trash and turned and left me to my shame and horror. ____________________________________________________________________________

"Is the room prepared?" Asked the Vet.

"Yes", replied the attendant. I cleaned the poor thing up and it's ready to be moved anytime. This isn't right, you know, it's obscene. I never would never have gotten involved if I'd know what was going on."

The Vet replied, "No argument there, but there's not a damn thing we can do about. Did you make sure everything was at least clean and sanitary? Did you add extra padding to the restraints? At least we can make the poor thing as comfortable as possible under the circumstances."

"Of course I did Doc. If we do this we're just as guilty as them. We ought to just find some way to kill the thing though, that's the only merciful course of action. Can you imagine what it must be like to be a human mind trapped in the body of a, a thing like that?"

The Vet replied, "If we do anything like that we'll take his place and our families will end up in vats. Do you want that? I don't like it anymore then you do but what can we do?"

The attendant replied, "We're damned for this you know."

"More than likely, the Vet said, but I doubt it will be as bad as what that poor thing will have to endure. Now you'd better get it ready, that bastard company man will be back soon and we don't want to upset the prick."

The attendant reluctantly entered the stall again. The abomination was still busily pleasured itself, giving muffled moans and slobbering its lust. It was totally unaware of him presence until it had finished and finally noticed him standing there. He took the bucket of water off the wall and let it take a long drink. It moaned while it drank and again those human eyes looked at him with pitiful gratitude at the simple act of kindness. He almost turned and left, but knowing the possible consequences he unhooked the ropes from its halter and snapping a lead rope on he led it from the stall. The poor thing could hardly walk and its huge penis dragged on the floor leaving a glistening trail like a slug. It had to walk carefully due to huge testicles between its udders. It followed him without question and disturbingly it kept rubbing against him and looking up at him hopefully and he knew what it wanted, what it needed. "God have mercy on me and this poor creature", he thought.


I had forgotten how many times I've pleasured myself since I woke up to my new horrible existence. It didn't matter. I had just finished again when I noticed that the nice young man had returned. He brought me the water bucket and I eagerly sucked the cool water into my "mouth". It was so good I moaned softly as I as I slaked my raging thirst. The man removed the two horrible ropes that had kept me from moving much and hooked a lead rope to my halter. I followed him obediently as I had no other option. It was hard for me to walk with my penis dragging on the ground and I had to keep my hind legs as wide as possible due to my huge testicles. They rubbed against my swollen udders and the feeling was incredible. As we walked I rubbed against the man and the thing I was wanted him so badly, wanted him to mount and service me even as the human part of me cringed in disgust. But I already knew my human mind was just along for the ride as I had NO control over my own lust.


The attendant led the thing into a bright well lit room. It was very clean and there was an antiseptic smell in the air. There was a strange looking frame in the center of the room with a large complicated looking bank of machines and monitors against one wall. The frame had several motorized attachments and numerous straps and braces. As the thing saw the frame it began to pull against the rope and make terrified gurgling squealing slobbering sounds. The attendant tried to drag it to the frame, but it was stronger then it looked. As he struggled with it his hand grabbed its rump and he felt the large wet fleshly lips of its vaginas rubbing against his palm and several of his fingers slipped inside one of the vaginas. The thing suddenly stopped struggling and pushed against him, its head thrown back as it making pitiful slobbering grunting sounds. In horror he yanked his hand away from its vagina and rubbed it against his pants. The thing had turned to present its backside to him and was looking at him over its shoulder with tears running down its muzzle. "Oh God, he thought, it wants me to fuck it."

"I'm sorry, he told it, I just can't." It lowered its head and this time it didn't struggle as he took it to the frame. He positioned it in the center, then strapped heavy padded cuffs to all four of its legs just above the hooves and made sure the cuffs were tight, but not enough to cut off the circulation. Next he took a sling and positioned it under the creatures belly between its human breasts and udders to help support its weight. He stepped back and the thing was staring at him with terror in its eyes. "I'm sorry he said, but there's nothing I can do."

Quickly, before he broke down, he adjusted three of the motorized attachments so they were in the proper position for their functions. One had two protruding rods and the other had only one. He wheeled two more machines that had been resting against the wall over to the frame and hooked them up to the power supply and computer monitors. Having completed his duties he left as quickly as he could as he could no longer stand to listen to the slobbering moans of terror from the thing in the frame. "God forgive me" he begged in his mind.

He stopped briefly in the hallway to make a call on an intercom. "Doc, it's ready anytime you are." He hesitated, then added "Doc, it's terrified, please don't let that bastard hurt it again."

The Vet answered the com, "OK, I'm on my way, I'll complete the final hook ups myself. You just get out of there."


I followed the nice man into a new room and stopped as I saw the thing in the center of the room. I recognized what it was instantly. With a gurgling squeal of terror I tried to pull the rope out of his hand but he held on. He grabbed me and I tried to buck, then he grabbed my rump with one of his hands. As I felt his fingers slide inside one of my vaginas I stopped struggling and arched my neck and gave a loud slobber of lust and pressed against him. He quickly removed his hand and I positioned myself and offered my rump him. "Pleeasse, I thought, don't tease me like this! Pleeaaaseee! Oh god pleeassse I need you!" When it became evident he didn't desire me as I did him I hung my head, my whole body shuddering from its horrible need.

As he started to lead me again I no longer resisted. I knew it was inevitable and the thing I had become began to hopefully think that maybe the machines would give me what I so desperately needed even as the human part of me quailed in terror. The man gently positioned me in the frame and attached heavy padded cuffs to my legs. He as careful not to make them too tight, but I also knew they were more than tight enough to restrain me. Next he put a sling under my belly and adjusted it so it would support my body. He took two of the motorized attachments and positioned one in front of me, and one behind. The last thing he did was wheel two machines I recognized, with horror, over to the frame and set them up and turned them on to warm up. By this time my whole body was trembling and I was moaning in terror. Then he left me there by myself and that was the most horrible thing of all, to be alone like this, but at least he had been kind and gentle in his own way. __________________________________________________________________________

The Vet entered the room and the thing was standing trembling in the frame making horrible slobbering moans of sheer terror. He almost bolted and ran out the door, but knowing the probable consequences he braced himself and started to perform his duties. He thought to himself, Like the attendant had said, he was most likely damned to hell for his part in this obscenity.

He wheeled a tray of large equine shaped dildos and other attachments over to the waiting thing in the frame. It looked at him with huge eyes, fluids dripping from its mouth vagina. Walking around behind it he attached first one, then two of the larger dildos to the motorized rods. He moved them closer to the swollen vaginas on the things rump and made sure they were properly positioned. He tried to ignore the horror of what he was doing by concentrating on his task and doing the best job possible. He made sure to get the angles right so there would be as little plain as possible. He heard a sucking sound and realized the thing was pleasuring itself again, it appeared to be unable to stop itself and he wondered if it was truly enjoying itself or if it did it because it had no other choice. While it was busy and detracted he quickly opened a storage case on the side of one of the machines and hooked the milking sockets to the things nipples on both its udders and human breasts. He made sure they were securely attached and would not come loose. Next he reached between its hind legs and attached some wires for stimulation and monitoring to its huge swollen testicles. Next he attached stimulation wires to each of the large clitoris's on the things rump. As he did that it bucked and heaved and the flow of its sexual juices increased noticeably. He took another large dildo around to the front and attached it to the machine facing the things face. It looked at him the whole time with horrified eyes even as it kept sucking its own penis, then stared at the huge dildo with its eyes bulging. As he finished the thing suddenly shuddered and let out a gurgle of ecstasy as it came, fluids squirting from its "mouth" around the shaft of its penis. It let itself go and he attached two ropes to the harness to keep its head movement limited so it could only stare straight forward. It was also now unable to lower its head. Next he attached a stimulation wire to the clitoris on the things mouth vagina and it closed its eyes and gave a soft moan of pleasure as he did. He last act was to slide a large clear sleeve over the things huge penis and reaching the base made sure it formed an airtight seal and clamped down to keep the penis erect until the machines were activated. After that it could be loosened to keep from cutting off the circulation for too long. As he did it the thing tried to thrust into it and slobbered in lust. He doubled checked the dildos to make sure they were connected correctly and the tubes inside of them would administer the correct amounts of lubricants to keep from binding. They would also pump nutrients into the thing as that was the only way it could feed. The thing had another opening just below its lower vagina that was strictly for the removal of waste, both solid and liquid, and he attached an evacuation tube to that opening. His last act was to take some jelly and liberally lubricate all of the dildos until they were slick and glistening. The whole time the thing watched him, its eyes wide with fear and pleading with him. He honestly didn't know it if wanted him to let it go or to turn on the machines. Having finished he kept his eyes straight ahead as he left the room and tried to forget the horrible things he had just done to the helpless terrified abomination with human eyes.


I watched as the other man, the Vet, entered the room a short time after the nice man had left. He was pushing a cart and as he came closer I could see what was lying on the top. Dildos, huge dildos. Part of me had known this was coming but the actual act of seeing them was different. In horror I felt myself start to become aroused again while at the same time I was terrified. I tried to watch as he moved behind me but he passed out of my line of sight. With a moan I lowered my head before I even realized what I was doing and started to suck on my penis again. "Oh God please not again!" All of a sudden I felt the man fondle my udders and breasts and I felt sudden pressure against all of my nipples one by one, it felt good and I moaned and slobbered around my penis. Next I felt him attaching something to my testicles. Then he suddenly attached something to each of my rumps clitoris's and I almost orgasmed back there they were so incredibly sensitive. With a muffled gasp I came again and let my penis slide from my mouth. The man took two straps and immobilized my head so I could only stare straight forward. I suddenly realized I could no longer reach myself! My only source of release was denied me! I felt tears running down my face as now I would surely go insane from being denied the thing I needed more than anything yet loathed. I knew insanity would be very welcome. Next he clipped a wire to the clitoris on my "mouth" and I shut my eyes and moaned at the feeling. He moved around to my side and I could still see him because I had almost 360 degree peripheral vision. I felt him slide something slick and warm over the head of my penis and down its length and I tried to thrust into it and slobbered in arousal. I felt a sudden pressure at the base of my penis and was suddenly even harder. "Ohhhhh God, I thought, Oh please kill me!" He attached another tube or something lower down on my rump but I couldn't tell what it was for. His last act was to walk around and lubricate all the dildos. He applied a thick slick coat of lubricant, made one last inspection of the various attachments to both myself and the machines, then left the room and I was alone.

I stared at the huge dildo just inches from my face. It was equine sized and shaped and I thought there is no way I can get that in my "mouth". As I watched a drop of lubricant formed and dripped off the tip. With a slobber I tried to reach forward enough to take it in my mouth and when it was too far away I gave a moan of frustration. God help me but I wanted it! And so I waited, helpless to do anything BUT wait. Was this the punishment, I thought, to leave me so near the things I needed to slake my horrible inhuman lust, but then to deny me any attempt to satisfy that lust? I whimpered and cried as tears slid down my muzzle and soon puddles were forming on the floor as my fluids dripped from my rump and muzzle.


The Vet picked up an intercom phone and dialed the main office. When it was answered he said, "Tell him everything is ready anytime he wants." Hanging up the phone he leaned over his desk and tried to keep from crying. After thinking for a few minutes he picked up the phone and called the young attendant, whose name was Jimmy, the one who had assisted him in this horror. "Jimmy? Yeah, it's Doc. Would you please come to my office. I need to talk to you. OK? Great, see you soon." Doc put the phone down and smiled for the first time in days. It just might work, he thought. ___________________________________________________________________________

Brewster walked down the hall toward the room containing the "thing", he liked that name. He had specifically specified that he would be the one to activate the machines on the rape rack. He was a sadist and greatly enjoyed his work. He was perfect for his job as he had no conscience about his actions or sentencing fellow humans to a life of servitude as animals. He entered the room and walked around, and stood in front of the thing. It looked up at him with large terrified eyes.

"Hey Bob!" He said. "Howya doing, all ready for some fun and games? I think you'll probably like this you sick freak." He walked over to the bank of humming computers and monitors. "OK Bob, which one first? How about one in the ass to start with?" He flipped a switch and the huge dildo positioned behind the things anal vagina gave a click and started to piston in and out. The dildo was over thirteen inches long and easily penetrated to the hilt with each thrust and at the same time the wire attached to the clitoris began to send stimulation pulses. The thing gave a loud gurgling slobber and thrashed against its restraints.

"Nice huh, Bob! Now let's see, hmmm, I know!" Walking over to the milking machine he switched it on and instantly white fluid began to drain into the collection tank. Brewster watched as the thing breasts and udders quivered at the powerful suction being applied to them. The thing suddenly let out a strange moaning squeal and he realized it had just orgasmed from the anal dildos rapid attentions. But the dildo didn't slow down or stop. With a smile he reached over and increased the strokes and the dildo speeded up to twice its original speed. The thing mewled and thrashed mindlessly.

"OK Bob! I can see you really like that, but like they say two is better than one!" He skipped over to the bank of computers and threw another switch and the second rear dildo plunged into the things other vagina and began to fuck it with rapid powerful thrusts, and it was even longer then the anal dildo and had ridges and knobs down its length. The clitoris stimulator activated as well. He watched in glee as the thing bucked through another, now multiple, orgasm. It squealed and gave a surprisingly human sounding scream, froth and fluids spraying from its "mouth" and nose.

"How's that Bob? Now for a big surprise!" Reaching over he flicked a switch and the interior lining of the penis sheath began to gently stroke the entire length of the things huge erection, while at the same time the wire attached to its testicles began to send pleasurable pulses into those huge organs. Almost instantly the thing orgasmed and as Brewster watched a huge amount of sperm was sucked through the tub to splash into the collection jar. The things huge penis was bobbing up and down as the sheath kept stroking it and the wires sent constant steady pulses of pleasure. As he watched as the huge penis spurted again blasting even more fluid into the collection jar. The testicles were twitching and noticeably throbbing now. With a twisted grin he increased the rate at which the sleeve was stroking the things penis. Again it writhed and gave a slobbering scream as yet more orgasms racked its body and more sperm pumped into the collection jar. Slowly he walked around to the front of the rape frame. The things eyes were screwed shut and tears were running from them, then it tried to throw its head back and gave another gurgling scream as yet more orgasms rocked its body. He flicked a switch and the final dildo slid slowly forward to its maximum extension. As it did he guided in into the things vagina mouth and as it penetrated the thing opened its eyes and they were full of mindless agony. Unable to resist the dildo slid in easily to the hilt and stopped. Brewster looked at the thing as it looked at him, and smiled.

"Don't worry Bob old buddy, I'll turn it on in a few minutes." The thing suddenly clinched its eyes shut and screamed around the dildo in a muffled slobbering sound and Brewster could see more sperm being pumped into the jar. The milking machine was humming away too, and already the first jar was half full of fresh milk. The thing squealed again and Brewster noticed fluid spurt from both of its rear vaginas. "Wow Bob, two girly orgasms at the same time, what was that like? Hmmm? What, no comment? Guess it IS kind of hard to talk with your mouth full!" He sniggered, he was really enjoying himself!

"Now Bob, before I turn on your last toy I want to tell you a few things. You see, once these are turned on they will never be turned off." He giggled when he saw the look in the things eyes even as it orgasmed again. "You see, the dildos are pumping nutrients into you so you'll never need to eat again, and your wastes are being removed through a tube. So no need to take you away from these lovely toys at all!" ‘Urrrrggllle!" the thing slobbered around the dildo in its mouth as its penis throbbed and pumped again.

The thing looked at him in utter terror, pleading with its eyes. Again Brewster almost, but not quite, felt a moment of pity. But when it squeezed its eyes together and slobbered as still another massive orgasm rocked it Brewster just smiled another evil smile.

"And now, Bob old buddy, the grand finale!" With a big grin he flicked the last switch and the mouth dildo began to slide rapidly in and out of the things mouth vagina and it's eyes rolled up in its head and it screamed around the huge dildo as it slid in and out. He could see its clitoris spasming from the pulses being sent to it by the stimulator wire. "Oh Bob, a few last things you might want to know. Your seed will be sold to one of the biggest breeders of sheep in the country. You see your loins are producing sperm identical to that of a prime breeding Ram. It will be used to inseminate thousands of ewes and the company will make a big fortune off of its sales. Another thing too, some of your own seed will be pumped into you and once every thirty days you'll give birth to two fine lambs, one female and one male every time. Of course you'll never see them as they'll be taken away to a farm. Then you'll be impregnated by yourself again right away. You'll be a mommy and a daddy at the same time. When you give birth that's the only time the dildo will be removed for a few minutes. Don't worry though you've been designed so your births will be real easy, they'll just pop out easy as pie!"

"Oh, and Bob, one last thing. You'll spend 24 hours a day hooked up to these machines until you die, which will be a really long time! Now enjoy! See ya!"

Brewster watched a little longer as the dildos hummed and did their job and as the collection jars slowly filled. The things eyes were rolled up in its head so only the whites were showing as it bucked and heaved. Hmm, he thought, maybe it would go insane after all. Oh well, that was none of his concern now as his job was finished. Whistling happily he left the thing to its never ending torment of sexual ecstasy and agony.


I heard someone enter the room but even though I couldn't see who it was right away I could tell from his scent it was that bastard Brewster. I gave a soft moan of terror as I knew what was coming.

He taunted me and activated the anal vagina dildo first and I arched and bucked as it's huge length slid in to me and out again. It was fit perfectly, nice and tight and slide in and out with smooth powerful strokes. Almost instantly I orgasmed but the dildo never slowed down or stopped. He taunted me some more and then activated the milking machines and I sobbed as I felt the sudden sucking pressure on my sensitive nipples, both at the pain and pleasure of being milked. The he sped up the dildo in my anal vagina and I instantly orgasmed again. "URGLE AAAHURRGLEE!" I screamed.

He watched me for awhile but I didn't notice as I was too involved in the sexual agony and ecstasy pulsing through my body. I didn't pay any more attention to him, I couldn't, until he activated the second dildo. As it plunged into my other vagina I almost passed out from the unbelievable feeling. I could feel both dildos rubbing against one another through the thin walls of flesh separating my two vaginas and it was indescribable. The sex crazed beast slobbered and squealed in delight as the human part of me withdrew deeper into my mind in denial at what was happening.

When he activated the penis milking machine I began to buck and struggle mindlessly at the agonized agony as I came and came and came.

When he finally came around to the front of the rape rack I didn't even notice as I was too far gone to be anywhere near coherent. I was only aware of the torturing pleasures being inflicted on my body. For a few seconds I became lucid again as he activated the last dildo and it slid into my mouth. He looked down at me with his cold green eyes and smiled. He didn't turn the dilto on right away but left it like that as he taunted me some more. I understood what he was saying now and as I shuddered through more multiple orgasms I screamed in my mind and slobbered. The he activated the mouth dildo and my mind was again submerged in a new wave of mindless ecstasy. I never even noticed when he left the room. All I could do was buck and scream without even knowing I was doing it. I couldn't even beg for death anymore as the brutal assault on my body went on and on. Slowly but surely I went insane, my mind unable to accept what was happening to it even though my body readily and eagerly welcomed the horrible abuse. No human mind could endure this for any length of time, so my mind shut down and withdrew deep inside of me while at the same time the beast relished the unending sexual assault.


Shortly after Brewster had left the Vet entered the room to check on the poor thing suffering there. He was incised to see the bastard had turned on all three dildos and the pumps to their maximum settings. The thing had its eyes rolled up so only the white showed and was hanging limply in the sling screaming and slobbering mindlessly. The Vet looked at the brain wave printouts and was horrified to see the pleasure and pain reading were both maxed out. If they stayed that way he knew the things brain would literally short out after time and it would be effectively brain dead. No mind could endure that forever. But as the machines slowed down the brain waves slowly dropped, they were still much higher than normal but at least within survivable limits. The thing was standing on its own again but still slobbering as the orgasms wracked its body less frequently. He could see its pupils now but they still stared without seeing. He checked the settings on all the machines again and made sure the dildos were pumping nutrients and lubricants, then emptied the collection bottles as the milk bottle was overflowing and the sperm bottle was almost full. He turned the lighting down to a softer setting, and taking one last look at the pitiful thing writhing in torment he closed the door and left it alone. ___________________________________________________________________________


Brewster watched as the Vet pampered the thing and he got a little mad when he had turned down the settings on the machines. He'd have to leave word for the settings to be steadily increased over a period of time back to maximum. But overall he was pleased the way things had turned out and knew his bosses would be too. He'd have the thing filmed and send the film to them. He was also going to ask them if as part of his payment they would give him the things children once they came out of the vats. He knew he'd really get off watching the fuck each other and horses. Oh yeah! He looked up as the Vet entered the office.

He could tell the vet was pissed to find him waiting in his office and sitting in the Vets chair but that was just tough. He was still in a good mood though. "Hey Doc he said, he turned out nice didn't he? I really think he's in enjoying it! Did you hear those sounds he was making?"

The Vet looked at him coldly and replied, "What are you doing here Mr. Brewster? I thought you'd be reporting to your masters by now."

"Oh, I did Doc, said Brewster, and they're quite happy. In fact there may be a little bonus in your next paycheck. And by the way you need to set the cameras in the room to record so the film can be shown to employees to remind them were their loyalties lie. Nothing like a good porno film, huh Doc!" he added with a laugh. "Now I've got to go, have things to do, people to catch, vats to fill, see ya!" ___________________________________________________________________________

The Vet watched as the sadistic prick left the office with a wave. He used a clean cloth to wipe off his chair before he sat down. Picking up the phone he pressed one of the intercom buttons. "Jimmy, yeah, he's on his way. You all set up? Great! I'm on my way."


Brewster signed out of the visitors log and was almost skipping happily as he walked to his car. He was going to get some expensive hooker, or maybe a Toy, tonight and pay extra so he could beat the crap out of her while he fucked her. He was so engrossed he never saw the figure until he felt the dart hit his butt. With a yell he turned around and saw a man standing in the shadows. He tried to draw his gun but the sedative took effect almost instantly and he dropped like a sack of dirty clothes.

Jimmy looked down at the unconscious man at his feet. He took a quick look around to make sure no one had noticed anything unusual, but late as it was there were only a few other cars still in the lot from the night shift personnel. He rolled Brewster into some nearby bushes and crouched next to him. He didn't have to wait long until he saw the headlights of an approaching van. As Doc pulled up he ran to the back doors and opened them, then he helped Doc load Brewster into the back of the van. As Doc pulled away he got into Brewster's car and being careful not to leave any fingerprints he drove it to a large shopping Mall parking lot several miles away and left it there. When Doc pulled up a short time later he jumped in the back and the van sped into the night.

Jimmy crouched down next to Brewster and quickly stripped him then moved him onto a gurney and strapped him down. Next he extended the gurney to the full raised position. He gave Brewster a shot to keep him out cold and then climbed into the passenger seat next to the Doc.

"Doc, he said, do you really think we'll get away with this? I'm all for trying but we're sure taking a big chance."

The Vet just smiled and said, "I'm pretty sure we will. The solution was so obvious and simple. I'm sure they'll look for him, but since they can't bring in the authorities on this they probably won't be too curious. Guys like this prick disappear all the time and there are plenty more to replace him. I've got all the proper paperwork and you know once some poor person disappears into the processing facility there are never any questions as to who they were or were they came from and the staff there sure never asks any questions. They know better. Even if we don't maybe we'll get a break when we die."


The night delivery clerk looked up as two men in Company coveralls wheeled a gurney with a sleeping form on it through the double doors. He put down his book with a sigh, but he was used to later deliveries. "Whatcha got?" He asked.

The older man replied, "Just a last minute delivery. Thought we were off for the day when we got a call from Central Hospital that they had one for us. Some homeless guy or something. Sign here and he's all yours."

The clerk checked the forms and everything was in order, so he signed the proper ones to accept "One male" for processing. "Thanks!" said the delivery men and they turned and left.

The clerk picked up the phone, punched a button, and said "Yeah, prepping? Got one for you up front. I know it's late, you just want me leave him here? I know, but I'm stuck here too so quit whining and come and get him before he wakes up already." Idiot, he thought.

The nurse carefully shaved the still figure in front of her, making sure to get every hair, especially his pubic hair. He's a little older then we normally get, but he's sure in good condition. She reached down and lifted up the man's balls so she could shave under them, and he's nicely hung too! What a waste. Finishing she called the techs to come in pick him up. "So long sugar", she said as she gave his balls one last farewell fondle.

The tech started to prep the Vat and looked at the transformation order. He took a second look then called the doctor on duty. "You sure about this Doc?" he asked. "This is only the second one like this we've gotten an order for and it sure is fucked up if you ask me."

The doctor looked at the paperwork and grimaced in dislike. "Afraid so, looks like it's all in order. They must have one sick twisted client to want two things like this! Oh well, guess we have no choice. Get him ready and I'll sign the final authorization. Put him Vat 29, ID Special Order #37."

As the figure lowered into the vat with all the various tubes, probes, and monitors attached to it the tech said "Better you then me buddy, sorry about this." And the vat sealed with a hydraulic hiss and the computer and machines began to hum and click as the transformation started.


The Vet looked down at the thing writhing in the rack. It's whole body was shuddering in response to the brutal assault on it, and it's unwanted responses to the assault. It was making an unending horrible mewling slobbering scream and massive orgasms racked it every five minutes or less, often multiple ones. It's eyes were turned up in its head again. He looked at the monitor readouts and flinched when he saw according to the brain wave monitors it was screaming in its mind as well. Both the pain and pleasure readings were off the charts. He gently cleaned its muzzle as best he could with a warm rag and mild soap to remove as much of the caked build up of dried fluids as he could, and cleaned the dried tears from around its eyes. It briefly rolled its eyes down to look at him with a pitiful pleading stare then its eyes rolled back up as another series of orgasms rocked it again. It was almost ready to give birth again, its stomach massive and swollen. The computer would inform him when it was time though. "Don't worry", the Vet said softly, "we'll get you out of here soon." And he gently stroked the tormented things head trying to give what little comfort he could but he knew it didn't even know he was there. When it suddenly arched and the sounds of its suffering got louder he could stand it no more and left.


Sometimes my mind would start to wake up, only to go plunging back into its depths to escape the unending agonizing ecstasy after a few minutes which was all it could stand. I would stare at the same wall and the huge dildo sliding in and out of my mouth. I could feel my swollen belly and knew I would soon give birth again, I could feel the lambs inside kicking and moving. I could feel someone wiping my face and eyes with a warm wet cloth and I looked to see the same man who was the only one who was ever there when I woke up sometimes. He said something but I could no longer understand him. Then as another series of massive orgasms exploded inside of me my mind went screaming back into its depths, but not before I felt a gentle hand stroking my head. I felt gratitude and wished I could thank him, but by then I was insane again and no longer aware.


The tech looked up as a Vat chimed it had finished a transformation project and gone into maintenance mode. He checked and saw it was Vat 29, the special order. He shuddered, who would want to order something like THAT? And another tech had told him it was the second one! There are some very sick people out there he thought. He called the doctor on duty and when he arrived they went to crack the Vat.

The tech double checked all the monitors and readouts while the doctors watched and checked off the list. Satisfied, and with the OK from the doctor he started the final sequence. The Vat lid popped open with a soft hiss and the tray holding the occupant began to rise up through the nutrient bath. He cringed as the thick fluid parted to reveal what lay on the tray. He felt sick to his stomach, but the was a very well paid professional so he started to disconnect the remaining probes and other attachments the Vat program had not already removed. He hated to even touch the THING.

It started to stir and wake up so the doctor administered a quick sedative shot as the special instructions had indicated it was to remain unconscious until it was collected for delivery to its owner. Having finished the doctor signed off on the finished "product" and the tech called for a couple of attendants to take it be cleaned up and prepared for pickup. As the attendants wheeled it away the tech and doctor both were glad they would never see the thing again.


The Vet picked up the phone as it rang and it was the message he had been waiting for. He acknowledged the call, then pressed another button on the phone and said "Jimmy? Yeah, it's me. We have a special delivery at the loading dock. You need to go pick it up and sign for it. It's the one we've been waiting for. I'll get set up. The Vet pulled up the surveillance system and made a few adjustments to the cameras in Room 9. Then he got up to get ready for when Jimmy and their special guest arrived.

He entered the room where the abomination was still helplessly writhing and bucking under the sexual assault of the machines. One after another he turned off the dildos, penis pump, and milking machines. The thing gave a gurgling scream as the dildo slid out of its mouth for the first time in months. The other two dildos withdrew with reluctant sucking sounds and the thing sagged in its sling as huge amounts of fluids, both sexual and nutrients, flowed from all of its vaginas. Next the Vet removed the milking sockets from its breasts and udders. He slid the sleeve off of its penis and saw with disgust the huge organ was still pumping as white spurts flew several feet as the sleeve slid free. Next he removed the various probes and stimulation attachments. The thing was unconscious and unresponsive and he knew it was probably because of the sudden cessation of the horrible agony it had been enduring non-stop for months. As he was finishing the door opened and Jimmy wheeled in a gurney with a sheet cover figure on it, but the Vet could see hooves handing over the edge.

"Quick Jimmy, help me get our new arrival off the gurney so we can get Bob on it and get him out of here." Jimmy just nodded and together they lifted the sheet covered figure off the gurney and laid it on the floor. Next they undid the belly sling and leg restraints on the thing, (no-not thing, its name was Bob) and lifted it up and put it on the gurney and threw the sheet over it. Jimmy immediately wheeled the gurney out the door and left it in one of the holding stalls.

While Jimmy was gone the Vet started to clean up the mess. He put fresh collection bottles in the milking machines, got a new sleeve for the penis pump, cleaned it off and lubricated the dildos, put new rubber suction sockets on the milking machines, and mopped up the puddles of fluids that had collected on the floor. Jimmy helped him finish up when he returned a short time later.

With a grunt they heaved the new arrival onto the rack and attached the belly sling to keep it from falling over. Next they attached the leg restraints. Jimmy looked at the thing and said "My God it looks just like the other one!" The Vet replied, "It is identical, they ran the Vat change process on exactly the same program, no way to tell them apart and it sure can't tell anyone. Now help me get him hooked up, we've got to hurry. I've got the surveillance tapes on a loop, but there's no telling when someone might show up."

Working quickly the attached the milking sockets to the things udders and breasts and then attached the various stimulation wires to its testicles and clitorises. They adjusted and positioned the dildos for the best angle and deepest penetrations. The Vet made sure the dildos were well lubricated though the things own sexual juices would probably be more the enough. He looked at the two oversize vaginas on its rump, both of which were swollen and dripping fluids. It was still unconscious and he lifted up its head to look at its drooling vagina mouth snapped the two heavy ropes to keep its head upright and centered for the mouth dildo. As he snapped the last rope on the thing gave a drooling gurgle and woke up. It looked confused as it stared up at him with cold green eyes. He watched as its gaze was drawn to the waiting dildo. It tried to shake its head, then looked back at him with dawning horror in its eyes. "Urrggllee, Nuurrrrgghh!" it squealed as it tried to struggle "Nuuuurrrggglle!"

"Jimmy!" said the Vet, "Turn on the first two!" Jimmy smiled and flicked two switches. Instantly the two dildos plunged into the twin vaginas on the things rump. It's eyes bulged as it tried to rear, and it arched its back and screamed "Urrrgggllllee, urrrgglllleee!!!" fluid spurting from its "mouth". "Next one Jimmy!" The thing squealed as the breast and udder pumps started with smooth hums and soon white fresh milk was steadily flowing into the collection bottle as the sensitive organs heaved and twitched at the powerful suction. ‘Now the cock pump Jimmy!" said the Vet. Jimmy flicked another switch and the smooth sleeve began sliding back and forth the entire length of the things huge rampant erection. The whole time the stimulation attachments were sending their pleasure pulses to the organs they were attached to. They thing in the rape rack suddenly threw its head back as far as it could as multiple female and a male orgasms rocked its body and it screamed with it eyes wide open and staring as the agonizing ecstasy tore through it overly sensitive nerve endings. "UURRRRGGGGGLEE!!" Then as the unendurable sensation passed it hung its head and sobbed. When it looked up at the Vet again its eyes were no longer cold, but terrified, and pleaded and begged with tears running down its muzzle.

The Vet almost felt sorry for the thing that had been Mr. Brewster, almost but not quite. He looked it in its pleading eyes and said."How many hundreds of men and women have you sentenced to a life as pleasure animals, their very humanity stripped from them? How many have you killed for your masters? You sentenced a good and honest man to a life of horror as a sexual monster to be tormented and tortured to death by the very sex he needed and craved, and sent his family to be transformed into animals too. I think it's only fitting and proper that you take his place in the rape rack until you die from sexual ecstasy many years from now. And for your masters they stopped looking for you months ago, and even if they did find you what could they do? You know the transformation is irreversible.

The thing squealed again as more orgasms rocked its body. The Vet reached down and flipped the final switch and the mouth dildo slid into the things gaping mouth vagina with a smooth stroke and began to piston in and out with strong steady thrusts. "Now, said the Vet, let's leave this thing to its just reward." And he and Jimmy turned the lights down and left the room. The Vet went to his office and reset the surveillance cameras to record normally again. He watched the writhing squirming thing in great satisfaction for awhile then left to help Jimmy with their other task."


The things green eyes bulged in terror again, then clenched shut as another series of orgasms wracked its body. It could feel fluid spurt from all of its vaginas and could feel its penis pumping huge amounts of sperm into the collection tube. It rolled its eyes and looked around desperately. No, this can't be happening it thought in terror! I'm too important and powerful for this! Then it tried to buck and screamed around the huge pumping dildo in its "mouth" as the orgasms started again and it felt its penis start to pump again. Oh God, not again, not so soon! It thought. It slobbered and gurgled as it felt itself approaching orgasm again just a few minutes later, staring dumbly at the glistening shaft sliding in an out of its mouth. As the next series of three female and one male multiple orgams rocked its body the pleasure and pain readouts went off the charts and it felt its mind start to go insane and retreat deep within its mind. But it knew that would be no respite as it would awaken again and again to the never ending agonizing ecstasy wracking its body every few minutes.

It's eyes flew open again as another series of massive orgasms wracked it's body, the penis pump sucking its seed from its pumping throbbing penis, it's massive testicle clenching and pulsating as they forced the huge wad of sperm into its penis, the milking machines sucking at its sore breast and udders as the collection bottles slowly filled. "UUURRRRRGLLLLEE!" it screamed and screamed, but no one heard.


The Vet and Jimmy stood next to the gurney and looked down at the thing on it with mixed feelings. They had saved it from undeserved degradation and horror but now what to do? The transformation was irreversible, no matter what happened it would remain like it was for the rest of its life. The Vet sighed and pickup his bag and removed a large syringe with a pink fluid in it. Jimmy looked appalled and said "No Doc! We can't save him just to murder him!" The Vet replied, "Don't worry Jimmy, I'll only put him to sleep if he wants me to. I just want it to be an option for him." Jimmy started to gently clean the things muzzle with a wet towel, and this time he didn't pull away in revulsion.


The sudden cessation of the unending torment I had grown to hate and love at the same time suddenly stopped. The sudden lack of sexual stimulation and agony caused me to scream and pass out even as my mind struggled to wake up. I have no idea how long I was out, but when I woke up I was lying on my side and my body was free of its restraints and other attachments. I was aware someone was cleaning my muzzle with a warm cloth again and opening my eyes I blinked a few times. It felt so strange to be pain and pleasure free after so long. Looking up I found the Vet and nice man looking down at me. I blinked again and unable to help myself began to try and take my penis in my mouth, but the Vet gently stopped me and I was too weak to resist. Thank you, I thought.


"Look Doc, he's awake!" said Jimmy.

The Vet looked down as the thing looked up at both of them, blinking its eyes and obviously confused. When it tried to take its still rampant penis in its mouth he gently stopped it.

"Bob, he said, can you understand me?" It looked up at him and nodded its misshapen head. "Good. We've removed you from the rack and arranged for someone more deserving to take your place. You're free from that horror."

The thing closed its eyes, and gave a low moaning gurgle, tears streaming from them. With a catch in his voice the Vet continued.

"Bob, we arranged for your wife and children to have good homes with owners who won't abuse them. I'm sorry, it was the best we could do since we couldn't prevent their transformations."

The thing kept its eyes shut but gave a soft gurgling sob. Again it tried to start sucking its own penis, but the Vet stopped it again. It let out a frustrated gurgle of lust as he pushed its head back down.

"Bob? Bob! Listen to me, you'll be like this the rest of your life, do you understand?" The thing looked at him again and nodded its head.

"Bob, we have a few options. I know a farmer who is willing to take you in and care for you the best he can. If you want this I can leave like you are or I can surgically emasculate you and remove your male organs and you would effectively be female only. At least it would be more bearable that way." The Vet choked as he offered the last option.

"Bob, I can give a shot that will put you to sleep, you'll just close your eyes and not wake up again. It's quick and painless." He looked down at the understanding in the things eyes. "Bob, what do you want me do?"


I lay there as the Vet talked to me. I heard and understood what he was saying but kept getting more and more distracted by the flood of lust that was rising through my body. I kept trying to take my penis in my mouth vagina and fuck myself, but he kept stopping me. At first I was glad, but then the beast I was began to get mad it was being denied what it needed and wanted.

When he told me my family would be cared for I felt overwhelming relief even though they would still be animals. The second time he stopped me from pleasuring myself I let out a squeal of lust and anger. I could feel the sex crazed beast that was part of me starting to take over.

He raised his voice until I paid attention to him again and gave me several options as to what my fate was to be. I knew I had to make my decision quickly as the beast was starting to take control and was much more powerful then what was left of my human mind. I thought of what it would mean to be like this the rest of my life, and knew the beast would eventually take total permanent control. Ironically the machines had kept that from happening so far as they had been able to keep the beast satisfied, but without those very machines inflicting sexual agony it would become sexually starved and take over for good as it tried to satisfy its needs in any way possible. Even castrated it would be impossible for my human mind to survive for long, and the beast could never be satisfied even as just a female. No Ram could ever keep it serviced enough.

So when the Vet asked which option I would prefer I picked the only one that would allow me to remain human, to die with dignity. Then unable to help myself I reached down with my head and started fucking myself as the beast took over again and was soon grunting and gurgling in pleasure and hoping one, or both, of the two males would mount me and satisfy my rising lust.


"Doc", Jimmy said with tears running down his face, "We just can't, not after saving him. We have to try and help."

The Vet said, "Jimmy, it's what he wants. He knows he'll always be like this no matter what we do. A sex crazed monster, a hideous freak. In time his beastial sex starved mind will completely absorb and destroy the human mind. Look at him!" said the Vet pointing at the slobbering grunting thing on the gurney as it pleasured itself. "He doesn't even know we're here anymore. This is his only way to die while he's still at least partially human. Do want to condemn him to a long healthy life as an insane monster, or set him free with dignity?"

Jimmy looked as the thing suddenly gave a deep grunt and orgasmed, sexual fluids spurting from its muzzle. It paused, then started to fuck itself again giving desperate gurgles of lust. With a sob Jimmy just nodded his head.

The Vet told Jimmy to help hold the thing down as he may struggle some. Then the vet shaved a spot high up on one of its front legs and stuck in the IV needle and secured it with tape. The thing didn't even notice as it eagerly pleasured itself squealing and slobbering. The Vet closed his eyes. "God forgive me." He said softly as he started pushing the plunger and the pink fluid began to enter the things vein.

He suddenly felt something rubbing against his hand, and opening his eyes he saw the thing was looking at him with bright and clear eyes and was rubbing its head against his hand. He reached down and gently stroked its muzzle as he kept steadily pumping in the fluid. The thing suddenly shuddered and laid its head back down and the light faded from its eyes. The Vet closed the now blank and unseeing eyes, then slumped down to the floor and leaned against the gurney and cried and cried, Jimmy's sobs mixing with his own.



The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid Wars, Last Stand of the 7th Caprinae Cavalry.

This story is a tribute to all the brave soldiers who have died for what they fought for against impossible odds with no hope of victory. My stories are copyrighted to please no Takee! The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid Wars Last Stand of the 7th...

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Specimen 224

My stuff is Copyrighted now too so no plagiarism please. If you want to use it just ask, I don't mind sharing at all as long as I get credit for my stuff. I'm not selfish or egocentric. The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War Specimen No. 224 By...

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Robert the Pony

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War Robert the Pony By William W. Kelso My name is Robert and I was a premed student at Baylor University when the Karn invaded. Like most other people who survived...

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