Chapter 10: The Possibility of Being a Bastard

Story by TheFurryAngel on SoFurry

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#10 of The Gilded Suburb

Preface: This is Not Safe For Work and Not Safe For Minors. Yall know by now (generic warning) computer rapists (the author shakes his finger at peeking minors) corruption of the youth (what would your mother think?) teenage masturbation. The whole shebang. Kids please go play WoW and maintain your virginity or play with politically correct Barbies. (For the record no woman has a waist to tit ratio like Barbie, if she did she would be unable to lift her chest up and her spine would fracture) Or sell drugs/sexual favors. (Drugs are for losers) Whatever the hell it is people under 18 do these days I don't fucking care. Fans please move ahead for the presentation this was a fun chapter to write :D

Chapter 10: The Possibility of Being a Bastard


The air outside was warm and summery and the bees buzzed in a mock drunken stupor. Tobias leaned against the wall as his head spun. His parents never spoke about their earliest years, aside from a few humorous tales of elementary school hijinks. He didn't know anyone from the Colorado University of Fur where Diego taught. He didn't know any of his mother's friends. A sudden sense of fear struck him. He had been living with 2 people for almost 18 years and he knew jack shit about them.

Eagerly Tobias tore through the rest of the box. There was a high school graduation diploma. Old reports and term papers. Photos of Diego on a motorcycle. Bell bottom jeans and a leather jacket in a plastic cleaning sheet. Tobias lifted the jacket up to inspect it. It looked oddly familiar. The material must have been old but the wrapping protected it and it had the strong assertive smell of expensive leather. With his dad no returning for several hours Tobias, in a fit of whimsy, tried on the coat.

It fit him like a glove. He walked to the bath room and stared at himself. With his vibrant eyes and distinct snout he looked. He looked just like an 18 year old copy of his dad. In a flash Tobias was back at the box. He snatched the photo album and flipped through it. The last photo, Seth's photo. In it his father was wearing a jacket. A leather jacket. The SAME leather jacket. Whipping it off Tobias scanned the lining and on the tag at the top was fine gold script. (Happy 5th anniversary Diego, Love Seth) Whoever this Seth was, he had given Diego this jacket. On the inside left corner of the coat was a red seal of two lions fighting on a shield, surrounded by holly and oak. Beneath it in rich ruby thread was embroidered "Terragon's". Tobias's heart skipped another beat. Terragon's made some of the most expensive clothes in the world. Even 30 years ago this jacket must have cost at least $300.

A serial number was printed under the tag on the collar and Tobias fired up his dad's computer. When it came on he opened Firefox and browsed to the Terragon website. He looked up customer purchases and viewed the dates. He ground his teeth, when was this jacket bought? Rather than pin point a year Tobias chose to select a purchase order number. He typed in the serial code with trembling hands. 2 minutes of waiting later a window popped up.

On September 24, 1986 Seth Felmar purchased this coat to be delivered to Diego Caneth. Order receipt. $450. Tobias couldn't move. Someone who couldn't have been much older than his dad bought his father a four hundred dollar leather jacket. He looked up customer contacts but Diego had cancelled his account and Seth's was discontinued due to inactivity.

Tobias scratched his head as he pondered this. Who the fuck buys a 20 yr old kid a jacket from one of the finest leather goods designer's ever. Tobias pulled a notebook out of the drawers under the computer desk and started writing. (Seth Felmar. Serial Code: 10002386635. 1986. Diego Caneth.) Tobias closed out the windows and shut down the computer. He had research to do. A quick look through the other boxes revealed them to be full of clothes. But has he lifted a pair of skinny jeans a wallet fell out of the pocket.

Again it was from Terragon's. The ID was for a Colorado driving license. For Seth Felmar. It had expired 30 years ago. There were a few scraps of paper, movie tickets stubs, candy wrappers, and a faded torn photograph. It was from a carnival but the background was too bleached to read the signs. What could be seen was Diego and Seth. Locked in a kiss.

Tobias picked up his cell and dialed quickly. 1 ring later Matt answered.


"Matt? It's Tobias.

"Hey man, What's up?"

"Be at the library asap. I need you to help me to find some shit."

"And you had to wake me up for this?"

"Stop bitching, and can you're mom pull marriage license records?"

"Umm I guess. You trying to force someone to divorce?"

"No I need to check a current divorce."

"I'm not sure it's legal-

"Fuck legality Matt I need those records!"

"Don't get pissy with me. I see you at the library. They know me at Town Hall I can probably get you in, no promises."

"Hells yeah, thanks man." After Matt hung up the German Shepherd massaged his forehead. Being a good friend he would help the wolf, after telling him he was completely bat shit crazy of course.

Tobias locked the door and cleared the steps down three at a time.


The first thing Mort thought when he awoke happened to be: where was he (Where the hell happened?) then he realized whose bed it was the tiger was lying in and who it was sleeping on him. As the groggy cat shuffled his body weight Justin snorted and woke up.

"Morning kitty." The Lab pulled Mort's bound snout into a hard kiss, forcing his doggie tongue around the feline's mouth.

"Morning." Mort managed to croak. His ass hurt and felt loose as hell. And his fur was stuck out at weird angles as the cum had dried. Justin ran a finger down Mort's chest.

"You were pretty good last night kitty." Mort felt his himself stiffen slightly as the dog's paw went down. Justin ran his tongue across Mort's chest, savoring the taste of tiger musk and seed. "We better clean you up." Justin unlocked the hand cuffs and unhooked the chains while Mort unclipped the muzzle and collar. Before the tiger could sit up Justin pushed him back down with a knee. "You can't leave without saying goodbye, Mort."

Justin wrapped his strong arms around Mort's waist and kissed him. One paw ventured down to the feline tail hole and prodded gently. Mort groaned and felt his tiger hood harden. Justin rubbed the furry sheath as blood collected and engorged the tiger's cock. Mort pawed at Justin's waist as the hot canine meat stiffened and rose. It was gonna hurt like hell but now Mort was almost addicted to the feel of Justin.

Justin's hips still ached from last night's fuck fest so he settled for a good blow job. He lowered the tiger's head onto his member while he stroked Mort with a free paw. Mort obediently licked and lapped at the dog penis as was rubbed across his face before being forced into his jaws.

Justin started jerking Mort harder and rubbing the furry orange balls. Justin carefully squeezed the bulging orbs and Mort moaned around the knot that was swelling on Justin's cock. The tiger relaxed his throat as best he could and fought to suppress his gag reflex as inch after inch of meat slid down his maw. Drool and pre coated the doggie organ with a shiny layer and Mort bobbed his head up and down.

Justin stopped stroking Mort to raise his paw up to the feline's chest. He licked a digit before caressing a nipple. The sensitive skin bunched and cringed at his touch. "Mmmmm, kitty likes his doggie doesn't he." Justin used his other paw to tickle Mort's ears. (Fuck it, Mort I need your ass)

Justin pulled out Mort's mouth and flipped the cat over. He spread the dark orange cheeks and ran his tongue across the tail hole. It was still suitably loose from last night and as the canine invading tongue probed, remains sticky dog cum greeted his tongue. Justin lashed his tongue against Mort's ass entry and the tiger purred and growled as the dog ate his own cum out of his lover's bowels. (Damn it Justin the dildo almost fucking tore me) With the ring wet and slick Justin pushed his meat against it. With one aggressive thrust he hilted himself and with a squishy pop his knot entered.

Mort yelped as burning twinges emanated from his ass. Justin held the feline's arms down as he pumped and bit down on the scruff of the tiger's neck. Mort whimpered softly into the sheets.

The smell of lust and animal musk clouded the room and Mort couldn't control the painful tears the slipped out as Justin fucked his sore rump. Panting heavily into the submissive cat's ears Justin barked as he came. A soggy warmth spread through Mort's stomach and he felt like he was about to be sick. Justin grunted and tugged but his knot held.

"This might hurt."

It did hurt. Mort almost threw up as Justin tore himself out. Spikes of bitter pain shot up Mort's legs and he felt dizzy. Justin licked the tiger's ear and growled lowly into it.

"Uh thanks for the party Justin. I uh gotta go." The Lab reluctantly let the tiger get up and dress.

"See you at the gym kitty." Justin winked and Mort managed a weak smile. The limping feline dressed and left. Justin lay back and stared through his eye lids. Tobias could just go and fuck right off, Mort belonged to only one dog.


Matt was waiting outside the library when Tobias ran up the steps. The two entered and headed straight for the StonePier history room. On the right side wall were shelved upon shelves of yearbooks. (If Dad is 43 now and he was 18 when he knew Seth, then I need the... 1984 high school yearbook!) Scanning the dates, 1965, 1972, 1981,

"Here Matt. 1984." Still confused the Shepherd pulled the book down and the two furs sat at a table and looked through the fragile pages. 25 years of age had sapped the moisture from the binding and they took great pains to avoid tearing the sheets. Freshman were first but neither recognized any of the names. In the sophomores section Matt found his aunt but Tobias still failed to find Seth. Juniors was little help either. None of the portraits seemed to stand out. Seniors. (Jackpot!)

"Diego Caneth."

"Isn't that your dad?"

"Yeah it is. Oh shit look at him. He dyed his fur!" Tobias smiled and laughed to himself. His dad never talked about high school. With the lopsided grin and obvious fur coloration change Tobias understood why. (Wait, what?) Something wasn't right. Diego was an English Major. Underneath each picture was the college the Seniors were attending and their major. Diego was listed as Medicine.

"Dude what the fuck?"

"Hmm? What you find T?" Tobias stared at the words. It couldn't be.

"My Dad majored in English. He's won awards and everything. But here is says he wants to study medicine." Matt shrugged.

"A lot of people change their majors man. Maybe he couldn't handle the course work."

"Doubt it, he's never even mentioned changing majors." Matt shuffled uncomfortably in his seat.

"Maybe he's embarrassed man. Cut him some slack." Tobias opened his notebook and copied the info. This was worth looking into.

"All right let's keep looking."

"For what. Seriously, stop being so bat shit crazy wolf and tell me what we're looking for." Tobias winced.

"Honestly? I don't know." Exasperated at this response Matt stood up.

"I'm gonna go look through other books for more stuff from 1984. You look through the year book and let me know if you find anything." As the Shepherd walked off Tobias shifted to the F's (Glad this is in alphabetical order) and found it. Felmar, Seth. A Senior who was going to the Colorado University of Fur (Just like Dad!) and planned to study... Art and Sculpture? Tobias wrote this down.

He causally perused through the yearbook. Students were going to regional football, blah, some geeks won a chess award, more blah, and... (The Fuck?) an article. Seth Felmar, The Da Vinci of Colorado. Seth had been an artist, specifically a sculptor.

Tobias copied down some of the article. If Seth was so good with 3D art then he would have a career. Maybe, maybe Tobias could get an interview. The wolf put the yearbook back. The remainder of the pages was full of irrelevant information.

"You done T?"

"Not yet, I need some of the University stuff. Papers I think." The Shepherd sighed but helped the wolf dig out a stack of old college newspapers. Tobias read through them scanning for dates. (1877, too early, 1994, too late, 1984, perfect.) Matt looked through the short document while Tobias got on one of the library computers.

He pulled up Google and searched for ‘Seth Felmar'. None of the results fit his bill so he added "+sculpture". Still no viable results. Tobias leaned back disappointed, this dragon had a past but it was pretty well hidden. The wolf tried another tactic. He opened Wikipedia.

Searching for Felmar proved successful. Felmar Incorporated was founded in 1904 but was dissolved and cut up into competitor companies in 1997. The company was founded by a group of Bronze Dragon bankers who were interested in the natural resources of America. They spread out from their central office in Denver, Colorado and became one of the wealthiest companies of the early 20th century. After a generation or two and leadership problems the families of the original founders were stripped of their legal authority over the conglomerate and a board of directors was installed. Regardless the Felmar clan left the company extremely wealthy. After a family tragedy (What kind? What happened?) in the 80s (Oh shit) the surviving Felmar descendants entered a losing legal battle for control over money. The corporation sunk countless funds into defense lawyers but it still ended as a draw. Now broke the company was sold off to the competition and the Felmars faded into obscurity.

Tobias stared at the screen. Was Seth one of these Felmars? (What happened 20 years ago that crushed an entire company?)

Matt dropped a stack of books on the desk and Tobias fell out the back of his seat in fright.

"Nice awareness T, anyway these are just a few of the almanacs about events in Colorado for, oh, the past million years." Tobias nodded, there were 8 books but he only needed one. Matt picked up the top book, Colorado history from 1940-50. Tobias snatched 1980-90. He flipped through to the index. (StonePier, page 489)

The article was short but apparently the Felmars rose hell when they went to court to debate the contents of a will.

There was a hole in the page. There was a fucking hole in the page! Tobias inspected the torn edges, someone had carefully ripped out most of the article. (What the fuck is going on here?)

"Ok Matt, we need to go to town hall, I need to look at those marriage records."

"K man, no guarantees but I'll try." Matt drove the two over to the looming red brick building. Tall pointed towers gave it a medieval look and as a child Tobias had wondered if anyone ever sat in the towers and peered out across town.

Inside Matt was stopped by a secretary.

"Matt isn't it? You're mom doesn't work today, can I help you. And who is your guest?"

"Uh, my mom told me to come in and grab some folders from her desk. She needs them for a midyear report."

"Well, it's not regulation... All right. Just please don't adjust anyone else's material." The rabbit looked at the clock "I'm going to lunch, say hi to your mom for me Matt, won't you?"

"Sure, thanks." The secretary picked up her purse and left. The empty offices seemed to echo ominously. Matt and Tobias walked up to a desk near the window wall. The Shepherd picked up an empty manila folder and put some sheets of printer paper in it. "In case anyone asks us, T" Matt also opened one of the cabinets and took out a key ring. Tobias gave a confused look. ‘Records are legal property, The door to the record room is kept locked. And we'll need this." Matt pulled a small flashlight out of his pocket. "We can't turn the light on the record room or someone might see us in there."

The pair crept past other desks. No one was here, now safe they ran to the record door and opened it. Once inside Matt locked the door again and turned on the flashlight. Tobias walked behind the dog and looked at the various metal cabinets. Some were records of taxes, property sizes, employee information-

"Here Tobias." Matt opened the file cabinet and stared down at the folders. Tobias held the light over as the dog flipped though digging and muttering.


"What? Something wrong Matt?"

"It's not here."

"What?" Tobias felt his heart jump into his throat.

"it's not here. There is no record of anyone with the last name Caneth marrying in the past 40 years."

"But. b-b-but, but-

"Fuck this. Come on let's go to my mom's comp. You know when your parents were married?"


"Great then there should be record of it in the database."

The office remained quiet as they left the record room, Matt locked the door behind them and pocketed the light.

At his mom's desk, Matt turned her computer one and logged in, "she told me her info just in case of emergencies", pulling up the database program. He typed in "Caneth".

The computer processed and promptly responded, No results match your entered search.

"Oh shit. T"

"What, were is it?"

"I don't know but if they legally got married in StonePier-

"Which they did, they told me."

"Then there should be record of it."


"Dude, I hate to even consider this. But... your parents may not be actually married. I, I think you should talk to your dad about this. It's kind of serious." Tobias felt a numb feeling spread through his mind. (Dad never married Mom, because of Seth?)

"OK, th-thanks, Matt."

"No prob man."

"And if, uh, you didn't mention this..."

"Hell no man, this is personal stuff."

They left town hall. Tobias was silent as Matt drove the shocked lupine back to his mother's house.


This chapter was tedious as hell to write. Glad how it turned out, everything is unfolding according to schedule. *Evil laugh and hand wringing*