Chapter 11: Brotherly Love

Story by TheFurryAngel on SoFurry

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#11 of The Gilded Suburb

Preface: Blah NSFW blah Not for minors, all that good stuff. Again, this is a work of fiction, all characters are copyrighted to me, they're my creations please respect that. Does anybody read this? Black is white, up is down, right is wrong, Thomas Jefferson was the Antichrist, and I'm a total cock whore. Responses? /sigh, keep reading let's get this series going!

Chapter 11: Brotherly Love

Tobias walked in and shut the door. Blake was reading a copy of the Wall Street Journal and glaring like a mean old fucker at the young wolf. Ignoring the older male Tobias headed up to his room and lay staring up at the ceiling.

Images danced before him (He brought me to the museum early so I could get a private tour of the Renaissance paintings, He loved me even after he found out, He's always there when I need him) and emotions ran through the wolf's mind at a million a minute. His dad had lied to him. Lied to him for 18 years. Tobias turned over onto his side, what the hell was happening? Seth disappears and now the frightened lupine was a bastard.

He stood up shaking, a hot shower, that would clear his nerves. Raymond stopped him before he got into the bathroom.

"Hey bro, I talked to dad the other day..."

"Hmm? Yeah? What's wrong?"

"Nothing per se. It's just... We talked... I, uh, I know about you."

"About me?"

"You, um, liking dudes." Tobias felt his feet freeze.

"Oh, what do you think then?"

"Huh? Uh, uh, noth-nothin'. Later bro." The husky padded out of the bathroom feeling his face grow hot, his taught muscles gliding underneath his tight black shirt, his tail swished softly as his gorgeous ass moved.

"Uh Ray?"

"Uh yeah?"

"Um thanks..." Tobias felt his feet move forward against their will. He lifted his muzzle and kissed the husky, the wolf tongue sliding in and rubbing the husky's maw. Tobias broke the kiss suddenly blushing like crazy.

A deathly silence fell around them, and the wolf tried to turn but Ray caught him and kissed him again. The two males groped and slobbered over each other hungrily. Tobias starting panting as he could feel his heartbeat go whack-o and Ray starting grinding his crotch against his brother's.

Ray lowered his brother to the floor and kissed him again. Tobias pulled Ray's shirt off and cast the black fabric aside. He ran a paw over the husky's chest, squeezing the firm curves of the pectorals and the smooth, lithe abs. T licked the muscles around Ray's ribs and worked his way up, leaving the fur wet and slick as he sucked and drooled.

The husky moaned through clenched teeth and then let out a small yip as Tobias found a nipple. The wolf used low winding licks to caress the skin and draw it to a hard swelling before moving to the other side, suckling the nipple. Ray whined as Tobias serviced the husky's sensitive chest area and the older brother ran his paw across T's thighs.

Ray lifted off his brother's shirt and tried to conceal his surprise. Tobias had never been big on gym workouts and was naturally thin but now there was a look of defined muscle especially on the wolf's biceps. Ray pulled Tobias into a soft kiss then applied pressure. The dog's pink tongue danced through Tobias's mouth, savoring the wolf's taste.

Ray's vision darkened into a bloody red. His pulse pounded in his head as primal mating instincts pushed, pushed him to breed this willing mate. He growled lowly as he pulled at T's jeans and before the wolf could respond Ray tore them. The canine's massive arms flexed and ripped the jeans in half; he pulled them and ripped the denim to strips. Tobias sighed in pleasure and hot shivers ran through Raymond's bones. He gripped his own pants but Tobias beat him to it.

The horny wolf unbuttoned them with one flick and yanked the zipper down. Ray was already hard as stone and his boxers were wet and tented. Tobias sucked the wide member through the soft, soaked cotton. Greedily licking the pre and sucking the juice out of the cloth. Raymond let out a purring growl and ran his paw down Tobias's abs and into the wolf's boxers. T's cock had swollen out of its sheath and the older male jacked it with slow sweet pulls.

Tobias felt a howl coming but Ray silenced him with a deep kiss, sucking the wolf's mouth. Ray pulled down Tobias's boxers, allowing the wolf's length the slap lightly against his belly. The red tint shaded over the husky's vision further. His limbs tensed as he forced Tobias down, Ray couldn't stop himself as a fierce mating fury took him. He curled his spine and sucked himself, the shaft twitching and pulsing out a good drip of pre.

Lubed up with saliva Ray aimed and, despite his blurred vision, hit the wolf's tight anal ring on the first try. Tobias whined as he opened to allow his brother in. He blinked back tears as he lost his virginity and the massive husky cock swelled and invaded the younger male's ass.

Ray got a hold of T's rump and dug his claws in, he growled deeply as he pounded the smaller fur. Tobias squeezed his eyes closed and whimpered in rhythm with Ray's thrusts, the swollen organ stretching the wolf's tail hole and probing the depths of T's guts.

Ray leaned forward and licked Tobias's neck. He murred slowly into his brother's ear and reached around the T's aching member. The husky grasped it firmly and ran his paw up its length. T squeaked at the new sensation and Raymond chuckled.

T's balls rose against his body and the orgasmic rush started pulsing in his head.

"R-ray... I-I- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Tobias came with a swallowed bark and hot wolf spooge splattered over the carpet in white steaming rivers. As the husky jerked the wolf's cock more cum flowed with each stroke. Panting heavily Raymond bite down on Tobias's neck to silence his howl as he came into his brother.

A feeling of searing worms spread through T's waist as the seed of the husky filled his bowels and the slick fluid oozed out his worked tail hole. Tobias lay there feeling sticky and warm. The blood was still rushing in his brain.



"TOBIAS!" His brother's shout scared the wolf back to reality. The two males were standing there in the bathroom. Fully clothed and 5 feet apart.

"What? What do you want?"

"Umm, nothing Ray. Nothing." The husky shook his head.

"Stay out the clouds man, I know you got an active imagination but people are just going to think you're permanently stoned."

"Right." Tobias shut the door and undressed. An uneasy feeling hit him in his stomach as he realized he was fucking hard and Ray had probably seen. Shivering in embarrassment he turned on the water. The shower calmed him and he left feeling clean and refreshed.


The next few weeks went by almost unnoticed. Diego was going around the country on another lecture tour. He was in Baltimore now, then New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Orlando, Boston, and finishing with Las Vegas. He wouldn't be back till late summer. Tobias anxiously awaited his return but he worked out with Mort and, under the tiger's guidance, noticed his shoulders broadening and his arms thickening. The tiger laughed good naturedly.

"It's called muscle dude. By the end of this summer I'm gonna have you lookin like a fuckin body builder." Tobias turned red but didn't object, anything to spend more time with Mort.

T didn't ask his mom about the marriage license absence. It wasn't that he didn't trust her but rather that she probably didn't know about Seth and Tobias didn't want to create any more problems.

Matt failed to uncover anything new; Seth simply lived in StonePier, went to the high school, and then disappeared after going to college. Tobias grew uneasy, there had to be some record of Seth, people don't just drop off the face of the Earth.

Justin enjoyed the services of Mort as well as Evan. The well endowed Lab sat on the couch, Evan was asleep, his face covered in fresh spooge, and Justin felt a warm sense of comfort. He had his domain. Tobias snuck into his thoughts and Justin covered a growl.

That fucker had moved onto Justin's territory, Mort belonged to the Lab and there was no way in hell Justin was going to let Mort go without a fight. The tired canine leaned back and rubbed Evan's head. The sleeping form burbled in response to some dream.


Tobias sat in his dad's apartment waiting. Mort had promised to come by, Tobias hadn't told him about Seth and everything else, not yet. He was almost shaking in anticipation as he heard someone knock. The beautiful feline face smiled down at him.

"Hey man, you called?"

"Yeah, come in." Mort padded in, his body reserved and graceful despite the obvious power it exuded. "I was digging though some of my dad's old stuff."

"Anything cool?"

"Sort of." Tobias braced himself. "I, uh, I think my parents, um, aren't really, you know, married. Or divorced"

"What? Wait, how? What the fuck are talking about?" Tobias look up at the confused cat.

"I was looking through some of my dad's college memories, apparently he used to be in a relationship with, a, uh, a guy."

"Oh! I, see."

"His name is Seth Felmar, that mean anything?"

"Not to me Tobias, you look this guy up?"

"Yeah, there's nothing after high school. I tried some of the almanacs but the one from the 80s had a page torn out."

"What the fuck?"

"I know, sorry to bother you Mort, I just thought you could-

"Of course I'll help man." The tiger's warm smile gave Tobias that intoxicating weak leg feeling. "When does your dad get back?"

"No idea, sometime today I think."

"Really?" The tiger looked over at the calendar on the wall. "Fuck it, already August, where did the summer go?" Tobias just smiled at him.

"No idea on that either. First thing is we need to sort out the stuff in these boxes. I would have done it already but I spent my time hunting through the internet. I think maybe Seth changed his name. Something about a legal dispute, I'm hoping we'll find something that can help."

The wolf didn't look hopeful but Mort helped him anyway. They pulled out the boxes and organized the items. Clothing had a stack, divided according to physical properties, photographs were sorted to their own place, arranged by date if possible otherwise it went in an "unknown" area, and everything else went into misallenious.

After almost 4 hours they were finished. Mort watched the wolf pull things into neater piles. Some invisible beast leaped in his chest. His hand tingled from the sparks when they had mistakenly touched when reaching into a box. The tiger turned away (No damnit, Justin, think about Justin) and spied the leather jacket.

"Hey T."


"This your dad's?"

"Uh yeah."

"Try it on man." Tobias was reluctant but he picked up the jacket anyway. The smooth sweet leather fit like a glove. It contoured to his body shape perfectly and the tiger could only stare.

"Damn dude, you look good in that." Immediately the tiger bit his tongue, reddening at his comment.

"T-thanks>" Tobias mumbled a chuckle.

They heard the door open and Diego walked in. He smiled and greeted them "Hey bo-

Then he noticed the jacket. Diego's eyes seemed to melt and change, they were normally bright blue plates of trust and intelligence but now they twisted into orbs and shock and anger.

"Take it off." His voice shook.


"I said take it off Tobias."


"I SAID TAKE OFF THE FUCKING JACKET!" Diego's bellow shook the room. His eyes blazed and he took a step forward. "Get out, Get out, GET THE FUCK OUT!" Tobias dropped the jacket and Mort grabbed the wolf and hauled him out of the apartment. The slam of the door echoed through the hallway.

Tobias quivered in the tiger's arms. He tried to stop them, tears of fright and confusion spilled out. Mort pulled him close.

"It's ok man, don't worry." Tobias couldn't move. Mort led him downstairs to the feline's car. Mort drove T back to his house.

Mort led his again up the steps. The tiger's parents were out again, busy jobs demanded much of them and Mort had long ago learned to be self supportive. Mort sat down on a couch and Tobias fell on top of him. The tiger held the wolf closely. Slow tears still came.

"It'll be fine man, no worries." Tobias fell asleep in the warm kitty arms.


Diego leaned against the wall. Guilt ate at his stomach. They had found it. Found the jacket, found the photos, maybe even found... No. No. he had hidden everything, this skeleton was staying in the closet. Too much had been bitterly lost. The poison of ages past was not going to ruin a fresh start.

The husky stared out the window, the cool glass reflecting his face. Diego could swear for a moment he could see Seth's face. "Babe I'm sorry, I'm doing the best I can."


So the plot thickens. T is illegitimate, Justin is an asshole, Mort is confused, and where the hell did Seth go? :D I think I'm enjoying this story as much as yall are! 12 will be out as soon as I can