The Milfy Meerkat

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#30 of Shaman Squirrel Chronicles

This takes place in SY 1635, which is 14 years after "Fengle, the Shaman Squirrel" and 8 years before "Persephone's Gift."

"Hey, Aldrilo," said Seradd, a 14-year old shaman squirrel, to his friend, a 15-year old meerkat. "Want a ride on Noraxia?" Noraxia was a Cygnan Mammalian dragon that was a riding companion of the Shaman Squirrel clan for centuries. She recently turned 500 years old.

"Sure," said Aldrilo. "She's one awesome dragon. Can I tell her where to go?"

"Is there anywhere in particular you want her to go?" asked Seradd.

"How about those caves I've always wanted to see," said Aldrilo. "Never got a chance to see what's in them."

"Sounds good," said Seradd. The two of them hopped onto Noraxia. Seradd's father Fengle was outside. "Is it okay if we take her out for a ride, dad?" he asked.

"Sure, just don't go too far," said Fengle. Noraxia took off with the squirrel and meerkat.

They must have traveled dozens of miles, until they reached the cave. "Here we are!"

"Okay, Noraxia, you can land now," said Seradd. The huge mammalian dragoness landed next to the mouth of the cave. Seradd and Aldrilo dismounted, and went inside.

"I don't know about this," said Seradd. "Seems kind of spooky to me."

"Oh, come on," said Aldrilo.

Something blue was glowing deeper in the cave. "Look at that!" said Seradd, pointing to the glow.

Aldrilo approached the glowing blue object. "I think I know what this is," said Aldrilo. It's a mineral called ambientite."

"Ambientite?" said Seradd.

"Yes, it's all over Kigorith," said Aldrilo. "But it's rare everywhere else."

"Have you been to Kigorith?" asked Seradd.

"A couple times," said Aldrilo. "My father lives there. He's part of the Wide Rangers."

"What do they do?" asked Seradd.

"They just patrol the continent, making sure it's peaceful," said Aldrilo. "There's also this fortress there made almost entirely of ambientite. Bluestone Priory, I think it's called."

"Oh, I see," said Seradd. "I might just visit there some time."

"Yes, it's a great place full of friendly creatures," said Aldrilo. "Let's collect a few of these rocks. My mom will love them."

"I'm sure she would," said Seradd. "Are you still in a relationship with her?"

"Yes," said Aldrilo. "Even though incest is looked down upon in many cultures."

"That's true," said Seradd. "But I am totally accepting of your relation with her. Especially due to the fact that my dad has sex with Noraxia. I'm okay with that too. In fact, I'm also attracted to her species and want one as a mate some day."

"That's cool," said Aldrilo, putting some of the glowing rocks into a sack. "Let's go to my place."

"Sounds good," said Seradd. The squirrel and meerkat hopped on the mammalian dragon. Noraxia took off, and Seradd directed her to Aldrilo's place. They landed in a clearing in the forest, where there was a cozy cabin.

"She's really good at finding places," said Aldrilo about Noraxia.

"Yep, she's very smart," said Seradd.

As they approached the front door of the cabin, a huge, overweight 46-year old female meerkat stepped out. "Oh, Aldrilo, I see you brought your friend," she said. "Is he the one with the magic healing abilities?"

"Yes, mom, he's a shaman squirrel," said Aldrilo.

"I'm only still in training," said Seradd. "I haven't quite got the hang of my clan's shaman orb yet."

"You're a really cute one," said Aldrilo's mom, Lila.

"Thank you," said Seradd, blushing.

"Come sit down, I have some scones in the oven," said Lila.

"You'll love them," said Aldrilo. "They're the best scones on Silvania."

Aldrilo pulled out his sack full of stones. "Hey, mom, look at these," said Aldrilo.

"Ooh," she said. "Ambientite. I haven't seen that mineral since the last time we were in Kigorith. Where did you find it?"

"In a cave a few miles from here," said Aldrilo. "We flew on Seradd's dragon."

"Is it that majestic creature sitting outside?" Lila asked.

"That's her," said Seradd. "She raised me, you know."

Lila turned to her son. "Aldrilo, can you make me a necklace of these stones? That would be so romantic of you, son."

"Sure, mom," said Aldrilo.

"Before you do, would you like to do our thing?" asked Lila.

"Yes, that would be great!" said Aldrilo. "Seradd, do you want to watch me and my mom have sex?"

"It's okay if he watches," said Lila.

"I guess," said Seradd.

"That's great," said Lila. "But let's eat these scones first. They should be ready now." Lila carefully pulled the tray out of the oven containing delicious smelling scones.

"These are the best," said Aldrilo. "Trust me."

Seradd took a bite, then ate the rest of one very quickly. "That was delicious!" said Seradd. "What's in them?"

"Blueberries, strawberries, and a secret ingredient of mine," said Lila.

Aldrilo and Lila also consumed a scone each. The three of them headed towards the bedroom.

Lila slipped off her night gown and let it fall to the ground. Her huge bulk betrayed Seradd's notion that all meerkats are sleek and slender.

She sat on the side of the bed with the blankets on her bare bottom. She looked down at her thick thighs thinking of the young squirrels' thighs which were about a third the size of hers. The large meerkat stood up again, her thighs and bottom rippled and her pendulum breasts swung. Looking down revealed two large sagging breasts and a large belly large enough to block sight to her feet. She strutted around the bedroom and started to caress herself. She rubbed over her chubby arms which flapped around as she rubbed. Lila thought to herself how ugly and fat she looked.

'No male other than my son would want to sleep with this,' Lila thought. And the thought of the males she had slept with in her youth, she wondered what they were doing now. She knew her ex husband was in Kigorith, but some of the males might be dead. She thought when she remembered some that were twenty years her senior when she messed around in her twenties. She had always gone for older male meerkats, as she felt that was the way it was supposed to be. She never imagined a younger male could be as handsome as her son or her friend Seradd. She thought of their naked bodies and their delicate penises. Lila hadn't liked the thought of a non-meerkat penis but Seradd's beautiful squirrel prepuce was beginning to sway her preference.

Both Aldrilo and Seradd had shifted their position slightly but their penises were still erect. Seradd's looked fully engorged and a drop of precum was released from him. Then Lila looked at Seradd again from the foot of the bed, legs stretched out and penis as hard as a rock. Lila sat on the edge of the bed staring at his member. She told herself she wasn't lusting after him but was just inquisitive. The young squirrel's penis twitched regularly like clockwork as the blood pulsated through it. Lila guessed he was about five inches.

She rummaged around quietly in her draw for a second before bringing out a measuring tape. She unravelled only what she thought she might need of about 13 cm. She delicately placed the tape along his shaft and measured all of his 11 cm penis.

Having intrusively measured up the poor young squirrel Lila immediately felt as though she should abscond and let him rest a while. She felt mildly ashamed with herself for allowing intrigue to override her normal decency, yet still her gaze was focused on the squirrel's penis. She watched closely as a teardrop of precum pushed out from underneath his prepuce and ran down his little shaft. He let out a small whimpering moan, making Lila recoil back a little as the precum flowed down to the base of his penis. Waiting until he was still again, Lila leant back forward; paws hovering over his body, desperate to touch him again. Slowly she dipped a finger into the pool of precum that had gathered at the base of his penis. Holding it back up to her face, Lila licked the glistening fluid off her finger. The older meerkat felt a little flutter in her stomach as she relished the salty taste of the young squirrel's precum.

Feeling a little flustered, Lila sat herself down on the bed next to Seradd. Although she felt a little guilty, oddly she also felt a feeling of accomplishment, as though proud of having reacquainted herself with flesh of a male other than her son after so long.

"Miss?" he asked quietly. Lila's heart leaped with excitement and began moving closer to him.

"Stop calling me miss, it makes me sound so old," she said. "Call me Lila."

"Sorry mis... I mean Lila," said Seradd. Aldrilo was still standing there watching patiently.

"Thanks for the scone, but I really should leave now," said Seradd.

"Nonsense you're not going anywhere," Lila said.

"Okay, I'll stay for a while," said Seradd, reluctantly. Lila hugged him closer, intentionally pressing her breasts into his side as she kissed him on the cheek.

"You're a very handsome young squirrel, Seradd," Lila smiled at him.

"Err...thank you Lila. You're a very attractive meerkat," Seradd replied.

"Nonsense, I'm an old hag" she protested. "Maybe it's these that have you confused." She laughed as she gave her massive boobs a squeeze. She noticed him blush a little, perhaps an indicator that she hadn't lost all of her sex appeal.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Lila suddenly asked.

"No, I don't," Seradd said shyly.

"Well who do you think of when you masturbate?" asked Lila.

"Cygnagons," he admitted bravely. "I'm attracted to Cygnagons like my foster mom Noraxia. She raised me and I feel connected to her kind."

"It's perfectly okay to be attracted to Cygnagons," said Lila. "They're obviously larger than you, so you must like larger ladies. I'm much larger than you as well."

Seradd breathed a sigh of relief. Then Lila watched delighted as his penis began to bob up and down as he became aroused again.

"I'm sorry," Seradd said going even redder than before and tried to push his penis down.

"Don't be, it's perfectly natural," Lila said. She delicately removed his paws.

His penis stood almost perfectly bolt upright at ninety degrees from his body, it was also nearly perfectly straight. It was small in length but also very skinny, but his testicles were proportionately large. They both looked at his genitalia together, one in embarrassment the other in fascination. It truly was the most beautiful thing Lila had ever seen, as she has never seen a squirrel's penis. She moved in for a closer look. It was weird, his penis looked delicate and effortless but at the same time it looked strained and taught with lightning bolt like veins full of blood.

"You have a beautiful penis, Seradd," Lila said.

"It's too small; everyone I know has a bigger one," He replied.

"No no its fine, it looks about average to me." She lied unconvincingly, unable to wipe a sympathetic smile from her face as she recollected some of the more than ample sized cocks she had sampled in her past.

"Can I touch it?" Lila finally dared to ask. Seradd couldn't manage a response, only able to take a nervous gulp of the throat. Lila didn't need a reply anyway, already beginning to pull his foreskin down between her thumb and forefinger. Seradd let out a small whimper as the chubby, older female meerkat pulled back the tight skin as far as it would go, revealing a glossy red helmet glistening with precum. Grasping his cock with her entire paw, she covered all but the head. His pencil thin penis was as hard as a rock, she could feel it throbbing with blood. She lowered her head and rolled her tongue in-between foreskin and helmet. Another whine emitted from the young squirrel's mouth as he flinched and his abs tightened. Lila continued to lick the head of his penis, moist with a layer of precum.

Meanwhile, Aldrilo was touching himself while watching his mother play with his friend.

Lila then slid her mouth over his entire penis, slim enough to keep her lips slightly pursed as though fellating a fat pencil. As she sucked him up and down, Seradd trembled beneath her. Lila stopped to look up at his sheepish expression, she felt sure he must be a virgin and was set to blow any second. Not wanting him to cum yet she moved her attention to his abdomen, kissing her way up to his nipples. They stood erect and pink underneath his furry lean chest. Hastily Lila threw off her top, in the heat of the moment, carefree of her fat aged body. Her massive breasts flopped down, Lila grabbed one with both her paws, leaning forward she offered it up to Seradds face. Obediently he took her large nipple into his mouth, sucking at the loose skin.

Lila noticed what her son was doing. "You can masturbate if you want, Aldy."

"Okay, mom," said Aldrilo.

Lila then straddled Seradd, moving her shorts out of the way she exposed her pussy, which despite an earlier clean up was still covered in a thick thatch of hair. She gave him another couple of seconds for his imminent orgasm to die down, kissing his quivering lips whilst she played with her pussy. Unable to wait any longer, Lila reached back and slid herself over his penis. With his small member fully bedded in so easily, Lila began to bounce her huge hips as gently as she could. In her life she had been used to males doing all the work in bed, often being quite rough. She enjoyed it rough, however it was nice to just once be in control. Bouncing at her own pace, Lila tried to keep her weight mainly off his slender body to avoid crushing him.

Barely a minute in, Lila could see Seradd was set to bust his load. She sat on him, but kept her weight off. Seradd let out a little gasp as his jets started flying, cum shooting all the way up inside the huge, older meerkat.

"Wow, that was amazing!" she said. "I felt that! Big load for a little guy," Lila said as she flopped down next to him.

"Oh my..." Seradd sighed relieved.

"Did you like that?" Lila asked.

"Yeh, I...I've never had sex before."

"I can tell." Lila giggled.

"'Sorry, I came really fast," said the squirrel.

"Don't you worry about that, I can teach you for next time," the large meerkat said, giving him a cheeky nudge.

Seradd's eyes widened. "There's going to be a next time?" he said in surprise as Lila leaned over to grab a tissue, cleaning the cum around her labia.

"Don't you like my body?" asked Lila, laughing.

"Yeh I like your body," Seradd laughed back. "I..I like your... Boobs. They remind me of Cygnagon teats since they're so big." he said, unable to take his eyes off them. Lila laughed as she watched him stare at her wobbling flesh.

Aldrilo joined in on the laughter while he was still watching.

"Go on you can touch them, don't go all shy on me again," she said, snapping Seradd out of his trance. She knew he wasn't so bold, so she grabbed his paw and placed it on her breast. Seradd, starting to get a little more confident traced his paws down to her nipple, feeling the rubbery skin in between his fingers.

"Give it a squeeze," Lila suggested. Seradd complied, cautiously pinching between his fingers. "There you go," Lila moaned with pleasure as she watch the wrinkled area of flesh squeezed between his smooth paws. He then started to play with them and fondle her whole breast, Lila smiled at how sweet he looked, his fingers struggling with their size and weight.

"What about this then, do you like my bum?" she asked, inviting Seradd to give it a grab. He reached over giving her mighty cheeks a squeeze.

"Yeh, I kinda do I guess," he smirked, allowing Lila to turn back to face him. Suddenly he beamed into a huge smile as it dawned on him that he'd lost his virginity. For a second he pondered being able to brag about it to his friends but quickly realized having sex a female three times his age might make them jealous, except of course Aldrilo. Seradd found it quite odd that originally he thought he was going to be the watcher while Aldrilo has sex with his mother, but he didn't realize this until afterward that it was the other way around.

"Oh, Aldrilo," said Lila. "I almost forgot about you. Would you like some of your mama?"

"I wanted to wait until after you had our baby," said Aldrilo.

"So, you're pregnant?" asked Seradd.

"Yes," said Lila. "Isn't that great? I'll be the grandma of my baby."

"Well, that was great, Lila," said Seradd. "I hope we can do it again next time. I have to go now. Noraxia is waiting for me." Seradd went outside to the front of the cottage and hopped on Noraxia. As he flew back home on her, he wondered if the secret ingredient in the scone caused him to have the desires he had for Lila. Perhaps she gives it to her son all the time, and that is why they have the relationship they have. Or, he thought, it could just be a coincidence.

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