Those Forgotten III: Calling All Angels [edited]

Story by The Copilot on SoFurry

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#3 of Those Forgotten

_ ~~~~~~ _

_ Those Forgotten - Calling All Angels _

_ ~~~~~~~ _

_notes: Okay, this one is quite the shocker so read though and tell me how evil I am. Also, I added a song in this one too so click [here](%5C) to go listen to it on youtube.

Credit is given where credit is due.

Calling all Angels by Train

I recommend that you listen as loud as possible, it's a beautiful song. Also, please excuse the brief change in writing style, I was 5 pages in before I realized it and I couldn't change it at that point.

Um, don't read if you don't like M/M relationships as this is what this is all about and I'm warning you, I'm not liable after that. If you get caught or hate it and decide to go play 'Hide and go kill yourself,' oh well!

Edit:I re-wrote the series out of first person format as I felt I was being hypocritical. I hate first person stories so I couldn't leave this in first person. When I origionally created this series, Shaun was to esentually be me, but as I kept writing he took on his own life and I am no longer Shaun.

Copyright of The Copilot

Edited by Warrior Scribe

... enjoy


(Chapter three)

~~~~~~ _

Jerking awake, Shaun looked around and felt the space next to him, it was empty and cold. Had it all been a dream? He slumped back to the bed, depression slowly over taking him as usual. Just another ordinary morning filled with depressing thoughts of love he could only know in dreams. Rolling over onto his back, he lifted his right arm and draped it across his eyes, hiding the tears that started to form, but from who, he didn't know.

It was all hopeless! Trying finding another man to love in a town like this was just not going to happen, and even his dreams mocked him. A night of heroic rescue, waking up and comforting a dog that was equally part man, fighting for it and its love... the sex... all of it was a mockery of all he could never find.

The phone rang down stairs, it was probably the pharmacy calling to see where he was. It didn't matter though, all the prescriptions were filled, as the staff had become accustomed too, because he always stayed late into the night filling out every single order in the cue. He had nothing better to do, no one to go home to, not even a dog... that was a part of the dream too. He could care less if he showed up late, the place was his anyway, he owned it, and he could decide when he wanted to go to work. Today though, he felt too depressed, he wanted to sink back into the pillows and dream more of the sweet bliss that he had last night, but dreams wouldn't come. Instead, slow sobs filled him instead of the blackness that usually denoted the start of the love only his mind could find.

'Why? Why me?' he though to himself, 'I'm a good person, why do I deserve to be so alone?'

His body contorted as the sobbing came in greater force, his depression finally getting the upper hand in this uphill battle. Almost mockingly, he heard his own mind answer back, 'because you're gay, you silly little queer! Not even god loves you, you heard what all those people said.'

So absorbed was he, in his own little world of self loathing and pity, that didn't take notice of the door slowly squeaking open on it's hinges, a constant reminder that they needed oiling. His mind put it off to the Central Climate Systems having reached its set goal of cooling the house and the door winning the battle against the now dwindling pressure that had tried to force it closed, as that was always the case when you were alone in your home. No one else was ever there to open doors, and they stayed put as if to remind him of how alone he was in this vast house he had earned for himself. But this door moved far longer than it should have, and he thought he could feel the air move as something navigated around the bed.

Shaun felt something move the sheets next to him, and something set in the bed, he froze. All thoughts stopped, someone had broken into his house and rather than rob him, came to investigate the sobbing. He quickly moved his arm from his eyes, head whipping around to face what sat in the bed. What he saw was a tray full of breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon, all in portions so vast as to fill two different people... there were even two glasses of orange juice. He was bewildered, trays of food didn't just make themselves and hover on a tray, up the stairs, and onto the bead next to you.

He was still staring at the tray in astonishment when he felt a presence behind him. The figure laid in the bed behind him, wrapping arms around Shaun's chest and pulling him close in a loving embrace. Fur tickled his back and a warm male voice whispered into his ear.

"Why are you crying?"

'That voice, where have I heard that voice?' Shaun thought to himself, it was all so familiar, like the dream. A tongue licked his ear lovingly before he felt a long muzzle nuzzle his neck gently, whiskers tickling him. Turning his head quickly, Shaun looked over his shoulder and his jaw went slack. 'He's real! He's actually real! It wasn't a dream!' he screamed in his head.

"Shaun?" said the figure, his ears pinned back in worry as he looked at Shaun, searching his eyes for the reason behind this strange behavior.

"You're real," Shaun mumbled. "You're actually real. It wasn't a dream! You're real!"

"Of course I'm real, are you feeling okay?"

Shaun spun in those arms and flung himself at the Akita behind him. The dog yelped in surprise as they fell to the floor. "NO! I'm not! Don't you ever make me wake up without you ever again!" said Shaun, hugging his head to his lovers chest and crying.

Oren looked down in shock, but relaxed slowly and started to stroke Shaun's head. It was humbling to see the man that held him so firmly the night before had weaknesses too.

"I'm sorry Shaun, I didn't mean too... I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast. After all you've done for me, I wanted to do something to show how thankful I am, how much I love you," Oren said, his own tears joining Shaun's.

"You do that by just letting me wake up with you! I love you!"


Together, they cried for about half an hour, both kissing and embracing. Finally, when they had no more tears to offer, they sat up and took the tray down stairs to warm the cold food. They found themselves standing in the kitchen, giggling, as they fed each other fork fulls of eggs and pancakes. Stopping momentarily to pick up the bacon, hook arms, and feed the bacon into each others mouth one bite at a time.

Standing in the kitchen, having finished all of the food and the cleaning of all of the dishes, Shaun grabbed Oren and lead him out into the living room for what he intended to be a session of cuddles. Laying down on the oversized couch and pulling Oren to him, Shaun sat there with his forehead against Oren's as they smiled at each other. To the average onlooker it would have seemed strange, minus of course that one of them was a werewolf and, of course, the public's view of homosexuality, but to them, it was so much more.

To them it was like one of those silly games seen only in movies where the couple proclaims over and over again, "No, I love you more," and so on, and so on. They, however, did it not by spoken words but with a stare and a smile, something only true love could do. From there of course, it moved on to kissing, then back to cuddling before the one with fur broke the silence between them.

"Shaun?" asked Oren.

"Yes?" Shaun replied back, eyes slitted.

"Thank you for last night, for keeping me here... I... I couldn't have made it without you."

"Thank you for staying," said Shaun dreamily.

"Can I ask you a question?" asked Oren.

"Of course," said Shaun, snapping out of his dreamy state.

"Where did you learn that song? It was beautiful," stated Oren.

"Come, I'll show you," Shaun said as he rose from the couch. Oren followed suit and Shaun took his hand, squeezed it softly while smiling as he led him to a part of the house they had yet to visit. As they turned the corner, Shaun opened a door and immediately Oren was overwhelmed with the light streaming across the polished thing occupying the center of the room. The Grand Piano was but one of the many musical instruments that filled the room with more polished gleams. There were guitars, cellos, violins, and a giant speaker system that took up half of one of the walls. Drum skins lined the walls with posters and pictures, even some guitars hung from on high, all of which were signed and in immaculate condition.

"Wow!" proclaimed Oren in a long drawn out sigh.

"This is my music room," Shaun said as he waved his arm about to encompass the whole room. "I practice in my free time, but most of it was bought at charity auctions and cancer research fundraisers, I never had anyone to spend my money on before. Come over here," Shaun said, pulling Oren by the hand he had yet to relinquish. He brought Oren to the piano and sat him down on the bench next to him. Oren just gaped in amazement, the piano was so nice that he didn't dare touch it.

"Here, let me to show you how to play," Shaun said as he took Orens hands and laid them gently on the keys.

"I'll teach you how to read music later, but for now, let's start with something simple," he continued.

Oren was quick to pick up on the sequence but when it moved to the next segment of music, he faltered continually until he just took his hands out of Shaun's and let Shaun proclaim that the session was enough for one day, he would teach him more later. Before Shaun could get up though, Oren stopped him.

"Shaun, can... can you play something... I wanna hear you sing again," Oren said, timidly smiling.

Shaun just smiled and sat down again. "I... uh... well, hmm," he said, trying to think of a song to play. When it popped into his mind, he cleared his throat and placed his fingers on the keys with a practiced ease.

Slowly he straightened himself before the lyrics belted from him, his eyes closed , the cords slamming from the Grand Piano and filling the soundproof room with loud passionate music.

_I need a sign, to let me know you're here

All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere

I need to know, that things are gonna look up

'Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup_

Looking over at Oren and taking in his surprise, Shaun continued to belt out the lyrics.

_When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head

When you feel the world shake, from the words that are said_

Drawing out the last word, Shaun began on the chorus.

_and I'm, calling all angels

I'm calling all you angels

and I'm, calling all angels

I'm calling all you angels_

Shaun opened his eyes and signaled Oren to start in with him, but he wouldn't.

_I won't give up, if you don't give up

I won't give up, if you don't give up

I won't give up, if you don't give up

I won't give up, if you don't give up

I need a sign, to let me know you're here

'Cause my TV set just keeps it all from being clear

I want a reason for the way things have to be

I need a hand to help build up some kind of hope inside of me_

Shaun was all but screaming to the sky as the piano let out long crashing notes, the floodgates of emotion long repressed and finally being put to an end let out like a wail.

_and I'm, calling all angels

I'm, calling all you angels

and I'm, calling all angels

I'm, calling all you angels_

By now Shaun's smile had grown to encompass the passion in his eyes as he absorbed the awed face Oren was making. The song momentarily shifted pace now.

_When children have to play inside so they don't disappear

And private eyes solve marriage lies cause we don't talk for years

And football teams are kissing Queens

and losing sight of having dreams

In a world that what we want is only what we want until it's ours

and I'm, calling all angels

and I'm, calling all you angels

and I'm, calling all angels

and I'm, calling all you angels

calling all you angels,

calling all you angels._

Shaun finished by drawing out the last few lines of a song he used to scream to the heavens on nights where his loneliness had pulled him to new lows, holding down the peddle to let the notes ring loud and long. This was his call, what he used to cry in rage, sadness, just, such a range of emotions that used to tangle his mind, but now it was sung in love. This song, his song, held a whole different meaning to him, the answered prayer.

He was panting from the exertion of singing, all that extra oxygen rushing to his brain making him light headed and giddy. When he looked over to Oren, he smiled gently and closed the cover over the keys.

"Wow," Oren whispered.

Still smiling Shaun explained, "On nights before I met you, I used to come down here and sing that song. I guess I was trying to sing away my loneliness. It's my favorite song, my own call. I didn't write it of course, but, it's still beautiful, like you," Shaun said, stroking Oren's cheek fur.

"Music was the only love I had before you came along," Shaun said, moving in to kiss Oren.

When they finished kissing, tears filled Oren's eyes.

"I'm so sorry Shaun," Oren said softly, he had his head tucked to Shaun's chest and was hugging him tightly.

"No, don't be. It doesn't mean the same thing to me, I'm not sad anymore," Shaun said. "It means something wholly different now."

Oren backed up to look Shaun in the eye. He could tell that Shaun was crying now too, but he was smiling and Oren tilted his head in confusion.

"It's the answered prayer, Oren," said Shaun, nuzzling his nose to his dogs and closing his eyes into the embrace. "It's you."


Shaun and Oren had slowly separated from the embrace and walked back to the kitchen. Stopping, Shaun took notice of the answering machine and pressed the play button. Of course, it was the Pharmacy. He would have to call them and go in later to day and that reminded him, he was supposed to call Christine.

Grabbing the phone, he was getting ready to dial when Oren came up behind him and started to grind his sheath against his rear. Dropping the phone, Shaun grabbed the counter in front of him and gasped.

"Shaun, I want to play," said Oren needfully behind him.

Turning around, Oren pushed his groin to Shaun's and kissed him as he grappled with Shaun's belt. Looking down in the kiss, Shaun was able to see that Oren had already dropped his drawers and the tip of his pink canine member was peaking from his oversized sheath.

Breaking the kiss and gasping for breath, Shaun tried to talk.

"Wow, where did that come from? I can't believe you're already horny, we just got up!"

"I am a canine, remember? I could go all day," Oren said seductively as he let Shaun's pants fall revealing his rock hard member.

"Looks like someone here doesn't mind," Oren said as he took Shaun's member in his hand and started to stroke it, making his mates knees shake. Oren grinned at Shaun's gasp and removed his hand so he could bring his huge member to rest against Shaun's.

"Oren, we shouldn't... I have to take care of a few things today," Shaun said halfheartedly.

"Awe, please? I'll make it quick! I promise," Oren whined out and started stroking both of their members in one of his hands.

"*gasp* Okay, but just because I love you," said Shaun as he lent in to give Oren a kiss on his muzzle.

Oren started rapidly stroking both of their shafts, wet noises echoing though the house as his length drooled hot pre all over Shaun's. Using the slippery stuff as lube, Oren started to stroke up their combined lengths faster and faster. Shaun started to thrust into Oren's palm, the combination of soft pads, delicate fur, and pre all helping to pull him rapidly to orgasm.

Now all but slamming his hand along their lengths, Oren reached down his other hand and started to lubricate his fingers in the excess pre and reached back behind Shaun. Shaun was getting close, he could tell as he was starting to tense instead of holding back like usual. Oren waited until the last moment, when Shaun was on edge and very near tipping over, and then quickly slid the lubricated digits into Shaun's entrance.

Oren smiled as Shaun's face took on an expression of surprised pleasure and then bliss as he shot jet after jet of his seed against Oren's member. Wiggling his fingers, Oren managed to keep Shaun going for a whole minute longer than he would have normally made it, mind blinded by pleasure.

Shaun slumped against Oren as his orgasm let up and Oren licked his loves forehead lovingly, giving him a minute to catch his breath. Getting impatient though, as was nature, he whined and dipped his cum lubed member into the cleft of Shaun's rear and set the tip of it against Shaun's puckered entrance.

Pushing Shaun up onto the counter to give himself better access, Oren gave a good push and slid most of his member roughly into Shaun, silencing the protests he was about to give as it turned into a long drawn out moan. Pulling back and moaning himself, he pushed back into Shaun with a grunt making him moan louder. Oren was starting to thrust wildly, seeking out his own orgasm at the expense of Shaun's rear, not that Shaun minded it one bit. In fact, he was loving it, moans growing louder and louder.

With each thrust, Oren started sinking in more and more of his member into Shaun's rear, his mind awash with blinding pleasure. This was a different sex than all their other sessions, just primal love without any teasing or foreplay. This was ecstasy.

Looking down at Shaun and closing his eyes, Oren let his head sink down as he concentrated on his own pleasure for the moment. He felt Shaun shift and couldn't even open his eyes before his mate pulled him close, wrapped his legs around Oren's waist, and proceeded to latch himself to Oren's throat like a leach searching for blood. Oren slammed into Shaun's tunnel, nearly forcing that large knot of his into Shaun as he lifted his head in a howl, orgasm ripped from him as Shaun attacked his special spot.

Oren saw lights as his member pulsed inside Shaun, releasing his seed in power gets of the warm stuff. It felt like he was stuck in his peak forever but in all actuality, it was only seconds. It was then that he became aware of something, Shaun's entrance was spasming hard around his member in rhythmic contractions. Opening his eyes and looking down to his lover, he could see that Shaun had creamed himself for the second time without even using his hands.

Both of them stayed there for a few minutes, panting quietly and kissing as their orgasms faded from them slowly. When Oren had caught his breath enough to stand up fully, he started to slowly pull his member from Shaun, letting it slide out with a squelch. Oren pulled back and leaned down to lap at the entrance and clean it of all the extra seed pouring out of Shaun's twitching and gaping entrance.

When he found his job sufficiently done, he stood back up and pushed Shaun into a kiss, letting the taste of his seed slide into his mouth as the battled with their tongues. Breaking the kiss for air, Shaun said,

"I thought you said it was going to be a quick-y?"

"It was, if I had my choice, we'd be at it from now until sundown and even then, you'd be too exhausted to walk out of your room," Oren said smiling.

"You are truly insatiable, you know that?" Shaun said, tapping Oren's nose playfully.

"Only with you. I love you," Oren said, his tail wagging so hard his bottom, and his still slightly erect member, was moving with the force of it.

"Awe, I love you too!" Shaun said, pulling Oren into a hug. "Okay, let me down from here, I need to call Christine and then we can take a shower together before we go to work."

"We? You mean--?" Oren started.

"Yes, we're going out together, assuming you can change back into a dog," Shaun said.

"I think I can, I should be able to control it now that the moon has set," Oren said, tail wagging so fast that it was just a blur.

Smiling, Shaun picked up the phone, and picking up the piece of paper she left, dialed Christine's house. The phone range for about a minute before a gruff and decidedly male voice answered.

"Umm, you must be Mr. Foxworth, I'm calling for Christine, she told me to call her about Oren in the morning to update on his condition," Shaun said timidly.

"Huh? No, there is no Mr. Foxworth, Christina Foxworth isn't married. I'm detective John Lupo, with the Santa Fe P.D. Tell me son, what's you're name?"

"Shaun Anderson, I run the local pharmacy," Shaun said nervously.

"Ah, I know you," said the detective.

"Can... can you tell me why you are at Christine's house? We're good friends," That was a lie but it was worth the risk.

"Well, I'll have to ask that you come in so I can interview you but, I understand your concern. The neighbors called late last night, they heard screaming, gun shots, and saw a man in a long trench coat fleeing the scene," the Detective said.

"A Hunter," Shaun gasped.

The detective was quiet for a moment before he replied.

"How do you know of the hunters?" the Detective asked suspiciously. "Are you a marked one?"

"No, I adopted one. How do you know of the marked ones?" Shaun said, shocked.

"I am one," said the Detective.

'They're everywhere in this little town, aren't they?' Shaun thought to himself.

Right then, there came a pounding at the door and both he and Oren whirled around in shock.

"Who is it?" he called to the door, unsure if he wanted to hear the answer.

"It's Christine! I need you're help."

Pulling up his pants, he ran to the door and whipped it open. Christine just fell thought the threshold and collapsed onto the floor. She looked like she'd gone through hell and back, her face was bruised, her nose was bleeding and one of her eyes was totally red with blood. There was a deep gash in her leg that was still, while not gushing, oozing a good amount of blood.

The detective was shouting over the phone now and Shaun put it back to his head as he looked at Christine in shock.

"Detective, I've found her. She just passed out in my entryway, she's beat to hell and bleeding. I'm going to take her to the hospital, she needs immediate medical attention and I live not too far away from there."

"But!" The Detective tried to protest.

"No buts! I'll meet you there in five," he shouted at the phone before tossing it across the room.

"Oren! In the fridge, there's a plastic bag about his long and clear, it's an I.V. bag, grab it. There's also a big red bag under the sink, bring that to me too."

Oren bolted from where he had been standing and rushed away before rushing back seconds later. Opening the red bag, Shaun pulled out a neck collar and placed it gingerly around Christine's neck. Turning back, he rummaged around and pulled out a section of medical tubing, wrapping it around Christine's upper arm and then cleaning her arm with an alcohol pad. Taking the bag, he attached a feed line, bled it and slid in gently into Christine's arm. Pulling off the medical tubing he had her arm wrapped with, he squeezing the bag a little, Christine groaned in pain.

"That'a girl! Welcome back," Shaun said, looking down.

Taking out the flashlight, he opened each of her eyes and checked each pupil for its reaction. Immediately, he knew that she had a mild concussion and let her eyes close, reaching for some gauze and a little bag of clotting agent. Tearing open the packet, he poured the powder on the wound and shoved the gauze against the deep gash in Christine's leg. She yelled in pain but Shaun ignored her, wrapping the wound tightly to stem the flow of blood. She was struggling at this point, the clotting agent really burned in an open wound, but Oren held her down.

"Okay, we need to get her in the car and to the hospital. You're stronger than me, pick her up but be gentle. The car is around back, make sure this doesn't catch anything," Shaun said, showing Oren the I.V. and its tubing. Oren nodded at Shaun instructions. "Good, I need to get my wallet and clothes."

Oren nodded again and gently picked up the near unconscious women before walking thought the house and out the back door to the car port. Opening the door, he laid her gently across the back seat and wrapped all 3 belts around her to keep her in position before climbing the passenger seat himself.

Shaun came running out the door, the car staring as he pointed the remote at it. Wrenching open the door and throwing on his belt, he spun the nob on the center console to 'R' and turned his head over his shoulder to check on Christine. Noting that she was belted in securely, he looked up and out the back window, rushing down his driveway with a boot-full of throttle.

Once on the street, he punched his hazard lights and told Oren to hold on. The car sped up to around 50 miles an hour as he whipped his Jaguar around other cars in his neighborhood, flicking the paddles behind the steering wheel and making abrupt passes on his neighbors, earning dirty looks.

Shaun looked up just in time to see the light at the road that would let him on the highway turn red and he smashed the breaks, his car sliding to a halt. Looking around, he saw no cars coming in either direction, just a grey police cruiser up ahead on his right preparing to make a turn onto the same road and waiting for the light.

Looking back at Christine, Shaun could see she wasn't doing well. Whipping back around to look at the light, then checking for traffic, Shaun looked over to Oren and mumbled, "Awe man, looks like I'm going to get a ticket."

Oren looked at him questioningly before Shaun looked back up at the road and put his foot to the floor. His car accelerated though the red light, smoke pouring off of the Jaguars tires as the motor roared and the supercharger whined. His car took off like a wall of water that very suddenly found the floodgates open, quickly reaching extra legal speeds not far out of the intersection as he clicked though the gears and tried to get more speed out of it. As he entered the highway, the speedometer just kept climbing.

Oren looked like he was going to be sick as he watched the cars fly by like they were standing still, Shaun rushing past like the car's namesake in a chase. At this point though, he wasn't chasing but being chased as the old police cruiser tried to catch them.


Quickly ending the phone call, the Detective called to Chief.

"Someone founder her, he's taking her to the hospital now."

"Okay," said the Chief. "You know what to do."

Nodding, the Detective trotted out to his car and started the short drive to the hospital. He had questions and he was going to get the answers. The hunters had been a growing problem in the community as of lately and it seemed it was the same one kept showing up over and over again, the same strange person in a long trench coat brandishing a revolver loaded with silver bullets.

The Detective smiled at that last part, the superstitious bastard that was hunting down marked ones believed that it took a silver bullet to kill one, but that was far from the truth. They just healed faster than others, it took more bullets, but any old bullet would do.

Sitting a the traffic light, he was waiting for it to turn green when he heard the god-awful screech of tires as a car tried to bring itself to a quick stop. Looking to his left, he saw a big new Jaguar sitting at the line in the road, waiting for the light too. Curiously, it had its hazard lights flashing.

'That's odd,' said the detective as he mused to himself what the car was up to. He was turning back to the road, the light was green and he readied himself to make his turn when he heard the wail of a supercharger and the screech of tires. He looked over just in time to see a streak of silver with blinking lights hurtle past the push bars on his car. Looking in the window, he saw a large dog sitting up front. The dog turned his way and they made eye contact. The detective's eyes went wide in shock, 'A marked one! It's them!' Pushing his car hard, he flicked all the available switches at his disposal and set about making the largest racket he could as he followed the roaring car.

His car was old though, it's trusty American engine quickly gasping to try and keep up with the speedy sedan. The only reason he could keep up was because there were other cars that kept getting in the way of the car he was pursuing, he'd fix that.


Shaun could here a series of snapping noises followed by Oren's whines. Looking over, Oren was still belted in but he was changing into a dog as they roared towards the hospital. When Shaun saw and opening in the lane to his right he took it, slowing slightly as they neared the exit to the hospital. Suddenly, the cruiser that was following them was next to him, siren's stopping momentarily as a voice rang over the intercom.

Reading himself for the usual, "Pull over!" and preparing to ignore it, he was shocked when a familiar voice hit his ears.

"Follow me in and I'll give you an escort all the way there," said the voice of Detective Lupo.

Shaun nodded to the detective as the man sped by, cars swerving out of his way where as they had stayed defiantly in Shaun's path. Still traveling at way over the legal limit, the two cars exited the highway, ran a red light, and rushed the Emergency Room entrance parking close to the doors. Shaun jumped out of the car, and with the detectives help, had Christine in a rolling hospital bed that the nurses were bringing out within moments.

"Single female victim, assault evident. Her name is Christina Foxworth, her wallet should be in her pocket assuming she didn't lose it in the scuffle. Possible concussion, her pupil reaction was a little slow and there's partial GSW to the leg. I've started an I.V. drip and collared her and there's a turnicate over the gunshot wound to slow the bleeding but she needs help."

The Nurses stared at him questioningly for a second before he shifted uncomfortably.

"You did all this from your home?" asked both the Detective and the head Nurse as Christine was rushed down the hall.

"I was a med student along time ago, training like that never goes away."

The nurse nodded and the detective turned to Shaun.

"I should be writing you a ticket for that you know."

Shaun looked up, eyes wide in shock.

"But, I was very impressed with that, you're a good driver and that car is QUITE fast. I don't think an ambulance could have done better. Go park and come find me when you're done."

Shaun nodded and walked back to the car, the detective going to his own car and reaching for the radio.


When Shaun walked back to the entrance, Oren was at his side. He got a few odd looks and a nurse even turned to yell at him.

"You can't bring a dog in here!"

Then Shaun heard Detective Lupo speak up from the waiting room,

"It's okay, they're with me."

"Well, at least muzzle that thing," one nurse said in disgust.

"That won't be necessary, he's an exceptionally good dog." he said turning his gaze to Oren. "Aren't you boy?"

Orens' ears flicked as he looked at the detective, his face the canine equivalent of embarrassment. The Detective turned to Shaun and held out a hand for him to shake.

"I believe proper introductions are in order. I'm Detective Lupo, we spoke on the phone earlier. Who is this adorable guy following you around?"

"Nice to meet you, this is my mate, Oren."

"Awe, that's nice. Are you his friend?" asked the Detective as he turned to gaze at Oren.

"No... uhh..." Shaun said, trying to find the right words. "He's my mate...mate."

The Detective looked up at Shaun, stunned before letting out a surprised 'Oh' play across his face.

"Well, uh..." said the Detective, shifting a little uncomfortable and placing his clipboard in his lap. "That's nice. Tell me how this all started, start from the beginning," he said with an embarrassed smile starting to pull at his lips.


It was about two hours time before Christine was awake and they were allowed to go see her. Walking down the hall, there were two police officers on either side of the door and they were staring intimidating at anyone who walked by. They checked the Detectives badge before allowing them to walk in. Christine was a mess, she had an arm in a sling and she was poking the food in front of her as if it might get up and walk off of her plate, it probably wasn't far off either. She smiled weakly at the detective before pushing her plate away. Then she took a sip of her drink and looked up, ready to talk.

"Hi..." she said. "Umm... well, this is awkward."

Shaun just smiled and nudged Oren to go sit down near the chair he was going to sit in. Turning, he pointed to the door and the detective shut it so they could talk in private.

"Miss Foxworth, I'm Detective Lupo, it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise Detective. I don't think I've seen this many our kind together in a long time."

"Yes, me either. I know this may not seem appropriate but, I need to ask you some questions. Start from the beginning."

She nodded and started with going over to Shaun's house in the morning to meet Oren, having the intention of visiting with another 'were'. Shaun interrupted her to tell the Detective that he had rescued Oren from an alleyway two nights ago from a hunter and Christine, being a vet, checked him over. Lupo nodded and Christine then told the Detective all about what happened in Oren's past with the Hunters and that she had instructed Shaun to call her in the morning with news on Oren. Looking over at him, Christine opened her mouth to ask him something but Shaun put up his hand to stop her.

"Yes, Oren did go through the initial stages of the change," looking down at Oren and smiling, he continued. "We fought it together. His eyes went black for some reason and he couldn't go any farther back than when you saw him yesterday morning."

The Detective looked set to say something when there was a knock on the door and the doctor walked in, Shaun's blood went cold. The Doctor smiled and exchanged niceties with the detective before turning to him

"Well Shaun, I didn't expect to see you here so early. You're chemotherapy treatments aren't until next week."

Shaun brought up a finger to his lips to silence the man, but it was too late. The whole room was now looking at Shaun in shock now.

"You... you have to take chemotherapy?" sputtered Christine.

"Yes," he answered, glaring at the doctor. Oren started to whine, drawing Shaun's attention and when he looked down, it was to see the dog making a terrified face. Well, as much as he could in his current form.

"...but... but that means..." said Christine, sputtering still.

Shaun stared at Oren but finished her sentence, directing it at both of them. "Yes, I have cancer."

"Oh, Shaun! I'm so sorry, I... I didn't know," said Christine.

Turning to her he replied with a small tear forming in the corner of his eye. Shaun had forgotten about it the moment he found Oren and his world came crashing down, it just wasn't fair! Now that he had someone to love, he was going to be taken from them.

"It's okay, now that I have Oren, I plan to spend as long as I can with him," Shaun said sniffling and petting Oren's head as he whined.

"I love you," Shaun said, kissing the top of Oren's head before letting him lick at his chin.

"Awe," said the Doctor, before shifting weight from one side to the other with a questioning look. "Wait... why are you talking to the dog?"

Shaun couldn't help but smile at the good doctor before telling him, "I think you'll find that this dog exhibits quite above average intelligence. He even speaks, don't ya Oren?"

Oren barked out a little 'no' and shook his head from side to side. The doctor laughed at that before he started to ramble on about Christine's health.

"I've never seen anything like it, she's healing remarkably fast and I can't figure out why!"

All three of them laughed as he left the room, he didn't have a clue, but the laughter died when people started yelling and screaming. Rushing the blinds, the detective and Shaun managed to look out of the room just in time to see a rather tall man in a long coat and bowler hat stroll down the hall, there were two sharp cracks as he shot the two guards at the door and one more as he aimed at the glass Shaun and Lupo were staring through.

They threw themselves to the floor as glass rained down on their backs. Shaun scrambled towards the wall and slumped against it as he watched the Detective draw his gun and squat by the door. The door suddenly flew in, slamming into the Detective and throwing him against the wall, gun clattering noisily to the floor. In the blink of an eye, the hunter leveled his gun on Christine as she sat there, too terrified to move, and fired.

The crack that issued from the gun was deafening and Shaun watched in slow motion as Christine tried to roll out of the hospital bed before the slug slammed into her shoulder, blood spraying out of the wound and flecking all over the room. Something gray on the floor drew his attention, it was the Detectives pistol. Looking back up in abject terror and watching the gunman pull the hammer back, he fired at Christine again. This time though, only foam flew into the air as the bullet missed it's target. Christine was on the floor now, backing against the wall slowly and screaming as blood poured out of her shoulder. She was trapped.

Darting forward and picking up the Detectives pistol, Shaun slid the safety off and leveled it on the Hunter as he slumped back towards the wall. To his horror, the Hunter already had his gun pointed at him by then too. The Hunter pulled the trigger and Shaun watched the gun fire but didn't feel anything. Pulling on the trigger as fast as possible, he filled the hunter with every bullet from the damn thing. He didn't even notice that he had run out of bullets until the Detectives hand laid across the gun. Looking up at him, Shaun noticed that someone was screaming and after looking around, he noticed it was him. Shaun silenced himself before trying to throw the gun like it was infected. The detective took the gun and slid it silently into his shoulder holster.

Shaun was panting as he looked around the room, surveying the damage. He was crying and laid an arm across both his stomach and eyes as he fell back and sobbed. When he finally had enough nerve to look, he could see Christine screaming in agony, still holding her shoulder, but she would live. Oren was cowering under the seat that Shaun had been sitting in and across the room was the corpse of the man who had tried to kill them all. The Hunter was long gone, blood poring out of 6 different holes, one being on his bald forehead.

The shadow of the detective drew across Shaun and he offered a hand to get up with. Lupo was saying something but the only thing Shaun could hear was a high pitch ringing. Looking past him for a moment, Shaun could see the guards getting up and stripping open their uniforms to finger over where their armor had saved them. If only Christine had been so lucky.

Shaun shot his hand out and clasped the Detective's offered support, giving himself a nice tug to get up. Shaun abruptly fell back as his hand slipped out of the Detectives. Shaun looked up, expecting this was some kind of joke, but Lupo was staring at his palm and then Shaun in horror. Shaun looked at his own palm curiously, it was completely coated in blood, his arm too. Looking further down, Shaun could see blood gushing from a spot just below his ribs, a wide band where it had pooled against his arm a minute ago.


I gave Shaun a good pull to get him up onto his feet but when he grasped my hand, it was with the squelch of something slick and warm. He slipped from my grip and fell against the wall, looking at me as if I had played a practical joke on him. Looking at my hand, it was bright red with fresh blood. The man had shot him. Horrified, I looked down to see him studying a hole just below his ribs as it oozed blood in vast quantities. I turned to the door and stuck my head out the door, he needed help and quick!


Shaun let out a soft 'oh' of recognition, almost terror, as he watched all the blood rush out of him.

'So, the hunter didn't miss after all, figures.'

Shaun fell to his side, sliding onto his back just a little bit and gasping in the shock of being shot. Suddenly, Oren filled his vision, standing over Shaun's face and looking down worriedly. Shaun could tell that he was crying as tears were falling from his tear ducts and he was shaking as he licked Shaun's forehead. Shaun reached up and brushed the fur on the side of Oren's head, accidentally smearing blood on him as he cupped it gently. Pulling Oren just a bit closer, Shaun spoke to him.

"Please don't cry. Just remember, I love you," Shaun whispered, kissing Oren gently on his nose before all faded to black.


Revenge of the cliff hanger!!!! Mwahahahaha!!! Take that SilverWolf!

Okay, I have to apologize, not all my stories will have music in it, I just love music so, I'll try to make this the last time I weave music in the story. I must also say, I'm a car fan, so car chases are obligatory. Add to that the fact that I watch too many shows along the lines of E.R. so, medical stuff is a little burned in my brain!

Again, click